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Wishing On A Star: What We Want To Happen

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After watching Cinderella today, I'm going to guess that it's will be fall's new story that the show can twist around. We haven't seen Ashley since season one and her baby daddy issues.

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With all these magical threats, wouldn't there be a faction of residents wanting to remove magic? Or someone evil wanting to remove magic to level the playing field? I'd like to see a magic vs. anti-magic plot on the show, and this time I don't want Peter Pan fabricating it.

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I actually don't think it was the introduction of magic that was a huge problem.  I think it was the problem that shows up over and over again:  failure to follow through on set-up.


They made a pretty big deal about "Different realm.  If magic works, it will work differently."  If they had actually followed through with that idea, the introduction of magic to Storybrook wouldn't have been quite the problem it's turned out to be.


Regina and Rumple would have been powered down quite a bit, since they wouldn't have necessarily known how to get their spells to work, or what the outcome would be if they cast  a spell.


New villains would be thrown by the "weird" magic in Storybrooke, making their villainy a learning curve and forcing more creativity.

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I actually don't think it was the introduction of magic that was a huge problem.  I think it was the problem that shows up over and over again:  failure to follow through on set-up.

They made a pretty big deal about "Different realm.  If magic works, it will work differently."  If they had actually followed through with that idea, the introduction of magic to Storybrook wouldn't have been quite the problem it's turned out to be.


Replying in All-Seasons.

Edited by Camera One
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Thinking about the current town line spell, in which outsiders can pass right through the town without realizing it's there if they don't have the magic scroll, it occurred to me that this gives them the perfect setup for an Atlantis story, since making a town seemingly disappear to the outside world would look a lot like an island kingdom sinking beneath the sea. Atlantis might still be there, but there now seems to be nothing at those coordinates, and you can sail right through it without noticing anything's there.


And this would allow them to do a "magical land" adventure without portal jumping if maybe Atlantis was brought to our world, maybe through another Dark Curse or maybe it got accidentally scooped up in the last curse, and it's been sitting a few miles off-shore from Storybrooke. The Jolly Roger might be off on an errand, with the scroll that allows them to get back to Storybrooke, and the scroll also allows them to see Atlantis. Of course, they'd have to stop and see what's up, and then they'd have to help set things right.

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Based on the preview for next week's 2-hour finale, oh how I wish the show had done that concept for 4B instead of dancing around the Queens of Darkness, The Author, Zelena and Robin, and Lily for nine boring and infuriating episodes. (Okay, eight episodes. I didn't mind "Poor Unfortunate Soul.")

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^ I'm torn about Jafar. I absolutely love him (he's a villain who's evil "just 'cause," but I look and see how they ruined Will and I don't want A&E to touch him. I'm already dreading Ana's probable character assassination when they finally bring her into Once in season 373727.

Aladdin and Jasmine would be cool. Still hoping or Hunchback and the Horned King, whom I dearly want to be the original Dark One and/or the creator of the dagger.

If Shady Blue doesn't turn out to be evil, can she please have an evil twin sister or something? Also, I'd love for Poseidon and Ursula to come back, heck, I'd love a water?pirate? Themed arc. They could bring in Ariel, Eric, Ursula, Poseidon, Blackbeard, possibly Davy Jones if they go that route. It'd be fun.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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he's a villain who's evil "just 'cause,


Really? I distinctly remember a hard childhood and an evil father. Which is not a dig at him, really. Hard circumstances making somebody a villain is a classic trope.

Edited by FurryFury
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Really? I distinctly remember a hard childhood and an evil father. Which is not a dig at him, really. Hard circumstances making somebody a villain is a classic trope.

He had a hard childhood, but I see it as it aided his story when it came to understanding him , but he did not fall prey to the "woe is me effect" like Regina or Rumple have. He was power hungry, and I think that really stood out when he offed his dad. I found him to be like Pan, who relished in mind games, etc. just because it was fun. He didn't really have a reason for it.

Does that make any sense? Or at least, that's my interpretation of Jafar. That's one of the reasons I liked him. He was set up in a way that made me think, "oh, he's just trying to break the laws of magic so he can make his father love him," but then Jafar's like, "lol. Nope. I want power," as evidenced by him offing his father like nothing.

Ugh, I wish I could explain things with more eloquent speech, but I wasn't gifted with that talent :'( i feel like i could write books on each of the Wonderland characters. ;_;

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Jafar's backstory gave him a logical reason for being evil. It wasn't setup to gain sympathy or pity. He made wrong choices later in life when he could have been happy. If the writers truly wanted us to side with him on this bad childhood, then they wouldn't have had him cause his dad to love him then quickly kill him out of revenge.

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Does that make any sense? Or at least, that's my interpretation of Jafar. That's one of the reasons I liked him. He was set up in a way that made me think, "oh, he's just trying to break the laws of magic so he can make his father love him," but then Jafar's like, "lol. Nope. I want power," as evidenced by him offing his father like nothing.

Yeah, he wanted his father to love him for both peace of mind from finally hearing his father say "I love you", and because it would be that much more hurtful to his father to then be killed by him. His reaction after his father died is this very low-key "Huh. Well. Now where was I?" as he goes back about his evil business. It is SO effing creepy. They really pulled no punches in emphasizing that Jafar is a total psychopath, and his tragic backstory was just the explanation behind why he is, not an excuse or even a real motivator the way you were led to believe it was.

Edited by Mathius
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I did not enjoy Jafar's character, and I didn't think it was well written at all.  The desperation to have his father tell him he was loved was unconvincing, and the actor was cheesy beyond belief, and not in a fun-to-watch way.  I loved him as Sayid on "Lost" but there was none of that quality to this role.  I really hope he never comes over onto the parent show.  It was irritating how his powers were basically unlimited, except when it wasn't.  Jafar was an awesome creepy and sarcastic villain in the animated movie, but he was the weakest link on "Once Upon a Time in Wonderland" for me.

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We'll agree to disagree then (come to think of it, didn't you say you didn't enjoy Cora either? What, is there just something you have against Wonderland villains? :P)

Edited by Mathius
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Now that Ioan Gruffudd is free, I think we need to see the very proper captain who's the embodiment of Good Form who's the first commanding officer and role model for a very young (like 14 or so) Midshipman Jones in a flashback that could almost work as a Horatio Hornblower sequel (with Horatio all grown up).

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Some wishes:

I declare a moratorium on the "Snow Falls" era. No time travel back there, no alternate universe visits that draw upon events that parallel that story. Just no.


The key word for next season can be "darkness," but let's put "hero," "villain" and "happy ending" aside.


It's the relationships, stupid. We care more about that than about big plot twists. I'd rather have a good conversation than a shocking surprise that's badly set up and not that surprising. The only way to make me care about events is to make me care about the people experiencing those events.


Find ways to make heroes interesting without making them dark. "Dark" is not the same thing as "interesting."

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It's the relationships, stupid. We care more about that than about big plot twists. I'd rather have a good conversation than a shocking surprise that's badly set up and not that surprising. The only way to make me care about events is to make me care about the people experiencing those events.


THIS. I can already see the writers talking amongst themselves during their Season 5 brainstorm session and saying, "Should we show the direct aftermath of the dagger scene and give each main character a good portion of the premiere episode to reflect upon how Emma's disappearance and new role as the Dark One might affect them? ...No, that's boring. Let's skip to the action where a random knight from Camelot comes bursting into town and we can show the citizens running around screaming instead."


So I already have a couple of wishes for the premiere episode:


  • No time jumps right away. I want to see the immediate reactions of Hook, Snow, Charming, Regina, and Robin after Emma disappeared and the dagger fell on the road. What do they do? Who's the first one to walk towards the dagger? Does one of them use it to command Emma to come back?
  • I have no idea what their plan is for Emma, but it looks like the black smoke thing made her disappear somewhere else. So if Emma's gone, I at least want her gone in a cool place like Camelot.
  • I don't condone this behavior, but if Emma is gone for a while, I really need Hook to get plastered. Like, alcohol poisoning drunk. I need a scene where he's so completely distraught that he starts destroying things in his cabin on the Jolly Roger and tears up the place and downs an entire bottle of rum...or two. And then I need a scene of David dragging his hungover ass back to their loft and telling him to get his shit together because they'll never find/help Emma if he keeps that behavior up. (But only for the premiere. Hook's allowed to slip up and be angry and drunk, but I'm going to need him to be in hero mode for the rest of the season, please and thanks.)


And general wishes for the rest of Season 5:


  • More Captain Charming scenes.
  • Actually, just more Hook/Emma's parents scenes. They barely interacted at all in Season 4. Did Hook even say a single line to Snow all season?
  • Some actual development for Will. And maybe an explanation for why he even dated Belle to begin with. It'd be hilarious if Belle goes to break up with him, and he's just like, "Yeah, cool. Whatever. I need to find my real girlfriend now."
  • Some Belle/Hook "I-dated-the-Dark-One" emotional venting sessions.
  • Flashbacks to the 6 weeks we were cheated out of during the break between 4A and 4B.
  • No pointless villain du jour flashbacks that take up the entire episode.
  • Henry bonding with people not named Regina.
  • I want Emma to use her stint as the Dark One to learn some fun new magic tricks, like disappearing and reappearing herself (she hasn't done that one yet, has she?) and basically becoming the best magician ever. And then once she gets rid of the Dark One curse (we all know she can't be the Dark One forever), she can keep some of her fun new magic skills she learned.
  • Magical defense weapons. Seriously. The non-magical people on this show need to become more level with the magical people. Otherwise, the good guys don't stand a chance.
  • Lily, Maleficent, and Zelena don't become recurring characters. I just do not care about their stories at all. I know they're going to shove the search for Lily's dad somewhere in there because of the anvil they dropped in the finale, but please just let that take up part of only one episode. I don't want a multiple-episode search for her father no one cares about when we don't even know who Hook's parents are.
  • Speaking of Hook's parents...can we find out who they are?
  • Along with a Hook flashback to his young young days.
  • And only because they seem like good friends in real life—some Hook/Hood bonding.
Edited by Curio
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I don't know about Hook getting plastered. He's a very goal-oriented, man on a mission kind of guy. If anything, he'll be the one charging ahead, determined to find Emma and find Merlin NOW and none of this messing around fretting about it business, why are you people still standing there, I'm getting the Jolly Roger ready to sail and I'll use the conch shell to summon Ariel to have her send a piece of the ship to Ursula so she can open a portal and summon us there so we can get to Camelot and find Merlin, and why are you people still standing there, Emma's out there and you heard her, she's counting on us!


What might happen is they hit a brick wall after the first flurry of activity, and then he crawls inside a rum bottle for a while, but it seems to me like as long as Hook has any hope of accomplishing anything, he's not going to waste time on drinking. It's more likely that they'll have to slip something into his coffee to get him to get some sleep before he keels over.

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Okay, maybe not plastered for the premiere, but if the search for Emma lasts several episodes, I need Hook to completely lose it one time just to get it out of his system. We've seen him get physically angry and throw that mystery board up into the air in the library, and that was only because he was frustrated about finding a way to de-hat the fairies. You'd think if they ever run into a dead end with finding Emma that his reaction to that would be a hundred times worse.


Basically, I have a scene in my head where Hook is on the Jolly Roger and he wakes up from a nightmare where he keeps replaying that dagger scene of losing Emma (a callback to how he kept thinking about the time Liam died) and he tries to hold it together, but eventually he snaps and destroys the place. Alcohol may or may not be involved. I just really want to see Colin own a scene like that.

Edited by Curio
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THIS. I can already see the writers talking amongst themselves during their Season 5 brainstorm session and saying, "Should we show the direct aftermath of the dagger scene and give each main character a good portion of the premiere episode to reflect upon how Emma's disappearance and new role as the Dark One might affect them? ...No, that's boring. Let's skip to the action where a random knight from Camelot comes bursting into town and we can show the citizens running around screaming instead."


So I already have a couple of wishes for the premiere episode:


  • No time jumps right away. I want to see the immediate reactions of Hook, Snow, Charming, Regina, and Robin after Emma disappeared and the dagger fell on the road. What do they do? Who's the first one to walk towards the dagger? Does one of them use it to command Emma to come back?
  • I have no idea what their plan is for Emma, but it looks like the black smoke thing made her disappear somewhere else. So if Emma's gone, I at least want her gone in a cool place like Camelot.
  • I don't condone this behavior, but if Emma is gone for a while, I really need Hook to get plastered. Like, alcohol poisoning drunk. I need a scene where he's so completely distraught that he starts destroying things in his cabin on the Jolly Roger and tears up the place and downs an entire bottle of rum...or two. And then I need a scene of David dragging his hungover ass back to their loft and telling him to get his shit together because they'll never find/help Emma if he keeps that behavior up. (But only for the premiere. Hook's allowed to slip up and be angry and drunk, but I'm going to need him to be in hero mode for the rest of the season, please and thanks.)


And general wishes for the rest of Season 5:


  • More Captain Charming scenes.
  • Actually, just more Hook/Emma's parents scenes. They barely interacted at all in Season 4. Did Hook even say a single line to Snow all season?
  • Some actual development for Will. And maybe an explanation for why he even dated Belle to begin with. It'd be hilarious if Belle goes to break up with him, and he's just like, "Yeah, cool. Whatever. I need to find my real girlfriend now."
  • Some Belle/Hook "I-dated-the-Dark-One" emotional venting sessions.
  • Flashbacks to the 6 weeks we were cheated out of during the break between 4A and 4B.
  • No pointless villain du jour flashbacks that take up the entire episode.
  • Henry bonding with people not named Regina.
  • I want Emma to use her stint as the Dark One to learn some fun new magic tricks, like disappearing and reappearing herself (she hasn't done that one yet, has she?) and basically becoming the best magician ever. And then once she gets rid of the Dark One curse (we all know she can't be the Dark One forever), she can keep some of her fun new magic skills she learned.
  • Magical defense weapons. Seriously. The non-magical people on this show need to become more level with the magical people. Otherwise, the good guys don't stand a chance.
  • Lily, Maleficent, and Zelena don't become recurring characters. I just do not care about their stories at all. I know they're going to shove the search for Lily's dad somewhere in there because of the anvil they dropped in the finale, but please just let that take up part of only one episode. I don't want a multiple-episode search for her father no one cares about when we don't even know who Hook's parents are.
  • Speaking of Hook's parents...can we find out who they are?
  • Along with a Hook flashback to his young young days.
  • And only because they seem like good friends in real life—some Hook/Hood bonding.



Are you me? I agree with almost everything here. I don't want a time-jump. With Emma (temporarily?) gone and Rumple in his magic coma, I'm chomping at the bit to see the main characters all interact with one another, and for Hook to have a legitimate mission again rather than being Rumple's plaything. I want every permutation of Snowing/Henry/Hook/Regina/Belle, and hell, even Robin interacting -- this'd be a great opportunity for them to rehab Robin a bit by having him help with the search for Emma/Merlin and having scenes completely unrelated to his love life. Same with Snowing, after their character assassination this season. 


But mostly, I want as many opportunities as possible for JMo and Colin to act their asses off. 

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I'd like a time jump but not until the season has started.  They can do one of those episodes that takes place over several weeks or months, with chyrons informing us of the specific duration.  The premiere definitely needs to pick up where it left off, so that the Charmings and Hook can show us the fallout of Emma's sacrifice.  Only after we see their devastation and mobilization to save her will I accept a time jump.  And this show definitely needs one so that Henry's age can start catching up to Gilmore's.  Along those lines, I still want the episodes to actually show the passage of time.  I'd be ok if every episode took place over several weeks, with several more passing in between, as it would start solving the timeline issues and make Dark Emma actually seem serious.  If they follow their usual pattern, then Emma will stop being the Dark One about a week later (in show, I expect it to be resolved by the 5A finale for us), which really lessens how serious this is. 


I also want Regina and Snow to have a conversation.  I want Regina to finally apologize to Snow for the 50 years of ruining her life and trying to kill her, since she (presumably) finally understands how it felt thanks to the AU that Isaac wrote.  She now knows the fear and uncertainty that Snow experienced every single day and (hopefully) understands that she didn't deserve it.  If she's truly redeemed, she'll apologize and mean it.  And I'd like Snow to accept it with the gravitas it deserves rather than brushing it off as no big deal, acting like it wasn't necessary, or insisting that she's just as bad if not worse.


I also want Belle to refuse to take back Rumpel, no matter what he does from this point on.  Blank slate or not, he mistreated and abused her over and over and doesn't deserve to be rewarded.  I'd like her to maybe help Will find Ana and finally give his contract a purpose. 

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And then in trashing the place he can find some artifact he'd forgotten or that Blackbeard acquired, that can help them find Emma.

You mean that bag of beans Blackbeard has stashed aboard the Jolly? You just know he didn't give Hook his last one.

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We'll agree to disagree then (come to think of it, didn't you say you didn't enjoy Cora either? What, is there just something you have against Wonderland villains? :P)

I didn't like Jafar (as stated, he was way too powerful, until he wasn't) or Cora either, but I see Cora as a "mothership" character who was shoehorned into Wonderland as opposed to the other way around.

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I really hope the writers have a specific plan with making Zelena pregnant, beyond just making life miserable for Regina. If she is just locked away all next season like Marian was "frozen," that would be really frustrating. 


I also hope we go to some different worlds in the present day. I hope they have to leave Storybrooke to find Merlin and/or Emma. 


I'd like to see more of the relationship between Hook and Henry, and I think the Dark One Emma storyline would definitely be the best time to explore it.


I hope Emma isn't the big bad. Not because I object to it, per se, but because I think it would be more interesting to see her try to fight the big bad as she usually would but fighting her dark impulses and dark magic too. (If she ends up being totally moustache-twirlingly evil, though, I won't be that upset, because that could be fun)


I would like to see Emma and Lily become friends. Everyone in this town has such particular views about good and evil and heroes and saviours, but I think Lily would have a more nuanced approach. 

Edited by retrograde
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No more flashbacks in S5, please! No more! Everybody look forward. Forward to Camelot! Camelot is cool! Flash-sideways would be fine! But please no more flashbacks!


Also, now that Emma Swan is The Dark One, that is, a villain...does that mean she actually gets to be the main character again, at last? Hurrah to that.

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I'm fine with Flashbacks, as long as they aren't the same flashbacks we've seen a million times over (like Snow vs. Regina). They should definitely do away with those flashbacks. Would have the Frozen FBs been considered flash-sideways, or both? They started in the past, but by the end of it they were pretty much in real-time. I've never seen Lost, so I don't know much about flash-sideways.

So my wish is no more Snow vs Regina flashbacks. Other flashbacks concerning other characters who've barely had any are still acceptable though.

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I wouldn't say no to 4A-style flashbacks with different characters in another realm. Or flash-forwards to something. Our leads' past in the Enchanted Forest have been played out, as far as I'm concerned.

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I wouldn't say no to 4A-style flashbacks with different characters in another realm. Or flash-forwards to something. Our leads' past in the Enchanted Forest have been played out, as far as I'm concerned.


The only reason I wouldn't want 4A or 3B style flashbacks with other characters in other lands is that I've reached the point of semi-desperation for a fish out of water experience.  That type of flashback tends to force the rest of the show into Storybrooke which I desperately want them to leave for a while at least as the A story. 


They really miss a lot of opportunities with keeping the other worlds to flashbacks.  I so wanted the main part of the show to go to Oz.  I was kind of 'eh' on the Frozen flashbacks but that is because so many of them were to include Anna in the show and I liked her much less than Elsa and Snow Queen.  They tried with Neverland but didn't really do as much as they could to explore that world.  Mostly they were standing around the jungle a lot.   Every time a new character goes to New York I'm all giddy.  And then its over and I'm like did you never see this movie...


They seem to save this exploration of a foreign environment for the finales which is why I tend to really like the finales.  But darn it, I want that stuff all the time.

Edited by ParadoxLost
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I would like them to go to a more technology based world, like a Star Wars, or futuristic world. Or something Steampunk-ish, or the Black and White world. I think the magic vs. technology thing they introduced in the "home office" debacle could be interesting, if they did it right. Going to a land that runs on technology, or a different kind of land that has a different tone of feel to it, would be a lot of fun.


I wonder if they could go to the land that has a different "tone" than our lands? Like, a kids show world, or a dark comedy or dramady, or a gritty urban drama, or magical realism, or an anime world. Some world that straight up works differently than the EF, or Storybrooke. 

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They really miss a lot of opportunities with keeping the other worlds to flashbacks. I so wanted the main part of the show to go to Oz. I was kind of 'eh' on the Frozen flashbacks but that is because so many of them were to include Anna in the show and I liked her much less than Elsa and Snow Queen. They tried with Neverland but didn't really do as much as they could to explore that world. Mostly they were standing around the jungle a lot. Every time a new character goes to New York I'm all giddy. And then its over and I'm like did you never see this movie...


They seem to save this exploration of a foreign environment for the finales which is why I tend to really like the finales. But darn it, I want that stuff all the time.

I love "Enchanted" and Amy Adams!

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I would like them to go to a more technology based world, like a Star Wars, or futuristic world. Or something Steampunk-ish, or the Black and White world. I think the magic vs. technology thing they introduced in the "home office" debacle could be interesting, if they did it right. Going to a land that runs on technology, or a different kind of land that has a different tone of feel to it, would be a lot of fun.


If "Tomorrowland" is a hit, they might very well do something like that.  A&E has said they won't be doing Star Wars because it's not a good fit.  

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I wish the characters from either Once or Galavant would appear as background extras, at the very least. A full blown musical crossover extravaganza would be ten times better, but I'd settle if I saw Hook drinking in the back of a tavern, or Regina/Rumple squashing a heart in the background of a Galavant musical number. Or something, anything really.

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I looked up whether a musical episode had ever been considered and this was Robert Carlyle's funny (and sad) response...


"I’m afraid I would have to be bound and gagged and thrown onto the stage from a great height. Even then I might escape. I would escape.”


I guess I'm going to have to live with fanvids.  Although every fanvid is of Hook or Captain Swan.  The land pirate one amuses me.  Well most of them do.


I hope someone gets a bright idea to give Colin O'Donoghue a guest spot on Galavant given his music background.

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I want a musical episode SO badly! The musical Buffy episode was one of my favorites. I found this, back from Nov. of 2013:

Horowitz also teased "never say never" when asked if there would ever be a musical episode of Once Upon a Time. Kitsis suggested that the option is still there to do one in the future, though Horowitz noted that there are no immediate plans.

Since Galavant is on ABC, it seems like a no-brainer to use their song writers.

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Even if they don't do a full-scale musical episode with people bursting into song at random, there are ways they could incorporate music into the show. There are lullabies for baby Snowflake, drunken singalongs during a guys night out, a date at a karaoke bar, a tavern singalong in a flashback. They used music with Ursula's story, so they could do that sort of thing again and involve one of the regular characters who's played by an actor with musical chops. On a quest they could find themselves in a village having a music festival. These people are from a world that doesn't have recorded music (the quasi-medieval Muzak in Robin's tavern aside), so they'd be used to the idea of making their own entertainment.

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The unabashed shipper in me would love to see Hook sing a song about Emma. It would make sense...she's pretty much all he thinks about. Or maybe have Charming, Hood and Hook all do something. I would pay to see that.

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I want to find out that Merlin and Pre-Blue Fairy were romantically involved a very very long time ago, when the Enchanted Forest was young and the powers of good and evil were still in flux.  Then they had an ideology-driven lover's spat over how best to deal with darkness in the world, especially the creation of the Dark One.  Blue decided to become the leader of the Fairies and swear off love forever.  This way, in Season 5, we would get an origin story for both the Dark One AND for the Fairies.  

Edited by Camera One
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Blue's involvement with the creation of the Dark Ond could explain her reason for attempting to banish him to the LWM. Or it could be that she was against the idea. Either way, Shady needs some backstory. If she's not evil, at least give her a dubious background. Perfect characters who do nothing useful are boring.

While we're at it, I want in-depth explanations of both the Dark One and the Dark Curse.

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I want to find out that Merlin and Pre-Blue Fairy were romantically involved a very very long time ago, when the Enchanted Forest was young and the powers of good and evil were still in flux.  Then they had an ideology-driven lover's spat over how best to deal with darkness in the world, especially the creation of the Dark One.  Blue decided to become the leader of the Fairies and swear off love forever.  This way, in Season 5, we would get an origin story for both the Dark One AND for the Fairies.  

It could also give a reason for her adamant belief that Fairies should not be romantically involved with anyone--which is interesting, considering in Once Wonderland, they could be, and based on Nova, as well as comments by Tink, they're inclined to be.

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