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Season 6: Info, Casting and Spoilers

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“Blood of My Blood”: An old foe comes back into the picture. Gilly (Hannah Murray) meets Sam’s (John Bradley) family. Arya (Maisie Williams) faces a difficult choice. Jaime (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) faces off against the High Sparrow (Jonathan Pryce). 

No mention of any Meereen or Dany plots, even though the episode title suggests there's some Dany action. Those set pics of Dany with Daario leading her khalasar also showed Jack Bender (6x05, 6x06).

Gilly vs. Sam's family is going to be great. Can't wait to meet Randyll Tarly!

I'm guessing the difficult choice will be refusing to kill the target the FM have selected for her, which is what prompts the FM to order her execution by the Waif (leading to the chase sequence seen filmed in Girona). I saw a rumour that she'll be asked to kill an actress ("Cersei," played by Essie Davis? "Sansa," played by Eline Powell?) and will refuse.


“The Broken Man”: The High Sparrow eyes another target. Jaime confronts a hero. Arya makes a plan. The North is reminded. 

"Another target": Loras? The HS releases Margaery in 6x06 after her conversion (or "conversion"), but he still has Loras.

"Hero": Blackfish, I'm guessing. I'm really, really hoping we get some version of the AFFC scene where the Blackfish reads Jaime for filth.

"The North is reminded": Bear Island?

I don't see how if there's a kill order put out on Arya by the FM that they'll just let her go if she manages to kill the Waif and call it even, but who knows? Realistically, the FM would never let Arya abandon the order alive, but I'm sure in the show and the books they'll contrive some way of getting her out of the FM consequence-free.

8 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

"Another target": Loras? The HS releases Margaery in 6x06 after her conversion (or "conversion"), but he still has Loras.

I'd expect Marg's big conversion would spring Loras too. Though in any event, I don't think the High Sparrow would be setting on Loras at this point; he's already thoroughly beaten Loras, who was his original target anyway.


Season 7 spoilers should start coming out soon. The first big set of casting notices was posted on WOTW on May 26th, 2015, and according to DMT the call has already gone out for Season 7 crew.

Season 6, for all the "Ooooooh, we're off-book now!" comments from the media and fans, has a lot of cleanup of AFFC/ADWD material (Riverlands, Ironborn, Arya's stint as a blind girl, etc.), and there's a fair amount of canon ADWD/TWOW storylines getting shuffled to other characters (Stannis's to Jon and Sansa, Barristan's to Tyrion, etc.). It's kind of terrifying to think that the first TRULY off-book season is being written right now and will be filmed in a matter of months. We really aren't in Kansas anymore.



If the spoilers are true, the end of the season is going to be fucking insane:

Enormous battle at Winterfell with multiple deaths: Rickon, Smalljon, Karstark, Wun Wun, and Ramsay.

Sept of Baelor and in all likelihood a good chunk of King's Landing getting nuked with wildfire by Cersei with multiple deaths: Loras, Margaery, the High Sparrow, Mace, and possibly Tommen. 

Tommen dying, either in the Sept fire or at some other point, leaving no clear successor to the throne.

Dothraki charging on Meereen.

D&D have said they feel the need to keep raising the stakes every season to keep the audience invested. They were not kidding.


Edited by Eyes High
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Well, that, and they have to wrap up this story soon.

I think last season they spun their wheels a bit since GRRM was promising, begging to finish before the show went off on it's own, so they cut him some slack just in case.  Now?  That's over, full speed ahead.

Spoiler thread is here @AuntieMame and the one I was referring to is


That the Children of the Forest created the White Walkers and hid something in Kings Landing that they want back.  More above.


Edited by Umbelina
5 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

I think last season they spun their wheels a bit since GRRM was promising, begging to finish before the show went off on it's own, so they cut him some slack just in case.

I don't see how they could be said to have spun their wheels a bit in Season 5.  Last season covered many AFFC/ADWD plotlines right up to the end-point (or diverged so greatly that the book storyline isn't really a relevant point of comparison anymore).

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Thanks umbelina and Eyes High for directing me here. I'm up to speed, but not certain how I feel yet about the revelations. GoT promised and had potential to be more sophisticated than what is being told here. I wish GRRM would finish his books, though I know that pressure isn't going to help the man. I honestly thought that ASOIAF had masterpiece potential in its genre and so want to see that actualized. I'm happy we're going to get some sort of ending from hbo but have my doubts about their ability to deliver the same caliber work of Martin at his best. I remember reading the Red Wedding for the first time and being riveted. I haven't been riveted book or show in a while. Here's hoping.

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On May 19, 2016 at 0:24 PM, SeanC said:

A few more new photos:  Mostly just more from scenes we already knew about, but we see Bran in Winterfell, and Jorah showing Dany his greyscale-infected arm.

Interesting. It also appears that we will see Bran and Bloodraven at the TOJ. That landscape looks familiar. It appears that Bran will be having several visions in 505 if all those pics are from the episode. 

34 minutes ago, AuntieMame said:

Thanks umbelina and Eyes High for directing me here. I'm up to speed, but not certain how I feel yet about the revelations. GoT promised and had potential to be more sophisticated than what is being told here. I wish GRRM would finish his books, though I know that pressure isn't going to help the man. I honestly thought that ASOIAF had masterpiece potential in its genre and so want to see that actualized. I'm happy we're going to get some sort of ending from hbo but have my doubts about their ability to deliver the same caliber work of Martin at his best. I remember reading the Red Wedding for the first time and being riveted. I haven't been riveted book or show in a while. Here's hoping.

I think the most we can hope for in the show is a satisfying ending. The journey to that ending for the past two seasons and heading on in to the home stretch has been and is going to continue to be rough, though, in my opinion. Given the pace D&D have set for themselves, the number of storylines that have been changed dramatically or have been cut altogether, the estimate they have for 13 remaining episodes after Season 6 total (while GRRM hems and haws about needing more than seven books), and the kill count so far in Season 6 (and it doesn't take a spoiler source to predict that the kill count is going to be pretty crazy from here on in), we're probably going to get a Cliff's Notes version of the last part of ASOIAF. 

Going back and watching the earlier seasons, I really wish they could have filmed the early seasons with their Season 6 budget. Season 1 looks like one of those Xena-type fantasy series that aired in the 1990s. Season 6 looks like a moving painting: the lighting, the colour saturation... Throw enough money at the show, and Jon's resurrection winds up a Caravaggio homage.

Edited by Eyes High
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As linked over on WOTW, there's a local paper feature about Robert Aramayo, the actor who played the young adult Ned Stark.  It says he'll have a brief appearance in 606 and a larger role in 610.  So they're going to drag this out a while yet, then.  This actually fits with the casting call for the "Young Stunner", who was said to have multiple scene with a twist at the end, though I'm unclear what sort of initial scene they would have.


Yeah, but I'm totally cool with a cliff notes version, actually I'm thrilled with one.

GRRM is lousy at self editing, and either doesn't have, bullies, or ignores the editor(s) he or the publisher does have.  The adulation he's been getting for years has completely gone to his head, and the money makes it an option about writing or not writing.   He's so delusional that he wanted HBO to just halt production for a while, ignoring the real world (something he doesn't seem to understand) needs of HBO, and the fact they can't wait for when and if he ever actually finishes, let alone have Cersei in a walker, and Bran sporting grey hair and a pot belly, while Arya finally completes her training as a middle aged woman.

I'm confident that the ending will be close enough to his intentions when he signed with HBO, because reportedly they only signed after he disclosed the ending (smart move.)  Now would he have changed his mind on that ending, or WILL he out of petulance or because some knew shiny thing captures his attention and he decides to introduce Aliens or Elves from Uthros, or some Fairies from the City of the Winged Men?  Sure.  That's entirely possible, let's just hope he isn't suddenly fascinated by Robots.  Meanwhile, we will get, definitely without as many Red Shirts, red-herrings, or bells and whistles, the ending he intended.

It won't hurt his book sales.  People will still want to read his official story, perhaps even more, because they DO have an ending out there.  That is, if he ever concludes this on his own, which I seriously doubt.


If he wanted to be cooperative, I'm sure he could get a few of things he considers important on the screen, but I think he's unwilling to help them at this point, but who knows?  I could be wrong, and he is.  It just doesn't sound like him to do that.  He seems more interested in getting them to do Dunk and Egg, so it's possibly he'll help them with the ending more than I think, and it's equally possible the HBO guys say "Yeah, no, we've already scheduled everything, we'll complete this the way we originally decided.  No Fairies, no space men, and we're killing off the pirates as soon as we can too.

Edited by Umbelina
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Oh, I think HBO spoiling the ending absolutely WILL hurt his book sales. I mean, the ending will be out there and for some people that's all they care about. I'm imagining myself, rolling my eyes as I skim through all the crap that D&D cut because it was essentially meaningless. And think of the marketing opportunities lost. They would have had big book release/season premieres together, etc. The big midnight release parties like they did for Harry Potter. But I don't think that's going to happen now. By the time GRRM gets around to finishing book six, like two years from now, HBO will be on its next epic fantasy series or whatever, and it might be a big deal, just not AS big a deal as it would have been in conjunction with the show. 

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I'll probably still read them, and frankly be less irritated by his meanderings because I already know where it's going.  There are purists who are refusing to watch the show or even read recaps about it out there though.

You are right though, I won't be paying full price.  I'll pick them up for $4 on www.betterworldbooks a year or two later.

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45 minutes ago, SeanC said:

As linked over on WOTW, there's a local paper feature about Robert Aramayo, the actor who played the young adult Ned Stark.  It says he'll have a brief appearance in 606 and a larger role in 610

We're going to have to wait until 6x10 for R+L=J confirmation? Fuck.

I know it seems petty, because it's only a matter of a few more weeks, but I've waited 15 years for this.

41 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

Yeah, but I'm totally cool with a cliff notes version, actually I'm thrilled with one.

GRRM is lousy at self editing, and either doesn't have, bullies, or ignores the editor(s) he or the publisher does have.  (...)

I'm confident that the ending will be close enough to his intentions when he signed with HBO, because reportedly they only signed after he disclosed the ending (smart move.)  Now would he have changed his mind on that ending, or WILL he out of petulance

My understanding is that if a writer is successful enough, the editor loses whatever clout they have and the writer is given pretty much carte blanche. (This explains a lot about J.K. Rowling as well.)

I get the idea that GRRM is increasingly disenchanted with the show, given his lack of involvement in recent seasons, his passive-aggressive TWOW sample chapter releases (Alayne chapter around Season 5, Dorne chapter around Season 6), and his shady comments on his LJ like praising Outlander for "doing the books proud" or something to that effect.


28 minutes ago, Umbelina said:


I'll probably still read them, and frankly be less irritated by his meanderings because I already know where it's going.  There are purists who are refusing to watch the show or even read recaps about it out there though.

You are right though, I won't be paying full price.  I'll pick them up for $4 on www.betterworldbooks a year or two later.

I don't know whether I'll enjoy the books more because I'll know where it's all going, or less because all the pointless crap will stand out that much more starkly.

I think at this point I'm so starving for closure that I'll take anything D&D's got, but I don't know that that's such a great thing, necessarily. When you're starving, a quarter pounder will taste like the best thing you've ever eaten, but it doesn't mean that a quarter pounder is good food. With that said, I like the adaptation just fine for all its issues and I look forward to the endgame.

I'm hopeful that just like a quarter pounder takes the edge off your hunger when you're starving, having the ending of the books spoiled might take the edge off my hunger for the next few books, so I can just sit back, relax in the knowledge that I know where all of this was supposed to go, and enjoy the books if (and hopefully when) they're published.

Edited by Eyes High
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Well, anticipation isn't my thing in reading, it doesn't make me enjoy it more.  I'll skip to the end of SOME  books that seem to be meandering too much, or adding so many red herrings that it's not a fair fight trying to figure out where things are going, then go back and read it to savor it along the way, and pay attention to the decent clues, but just enjoy the diddling around for what it is.  I never skipped ahead on JK Rowling's books because I never felt she was dicking around, everything she was saying had a reason or was actually interesting.  Then again, I was never annoyed with her because she knew exactly where she was going and what she was going to say, if not the exact way she would say it, there was a trust there.

As for other writers?  It's pretty rare to skip to the end for me with good writers. 

Rather than enjoying the GRRM books though?  I mostly find myself irritated by both the format (the stupid POV chapters that don't pick up again for hundreds of pages, the no chapter index, etc.) and pretty much every single time he introduces some new character, and their family history, and conflict that may or may not ever tie in with the overall story.  World building doesn't interest me without a story that holds together, and not just "sometime in the next decades maybe" but WHILE I'm reading it.  Don't even get me started on the last two books! 

So, I have no problem skipping to the end with HBO. 

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On some British sites, the speculation is that the Sparrow told Tommen that the Tyrells had a hand in poisoning Joffrey...which makes Cersie's willingness to work with Glenna to take out the Sparrow interesting..is she assuming that the Tyrell forces and the Sparrow's will fight each other, while the hostages Margaery and Loras are killed? If so, a win for the surviving Lannisters...

On 20 May 2016 at 6:13 AM, MarySNJ said:

Interesting. It also appears that we will see Bran and Bloodraven at the TOJ. That landscape looks familiar. It appears that Bran will be having several visions in 505 if all those pics are from the episode. 

Re: A few new photos. You really have to give props to the costume department. Those are some magnificent threads.

Edited by spottedreptile
13 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Ooh if that's legit that would be awesome. Arya should get to cross one big name off her list.

You know what? Screw GRRM. If he is so upset about the TV series spoiling the books, he should have finished the books YEARS ago instead of wasting time writing all those stupid side stories.

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Just now, Oscirus said:

That sounds more like speculation. If she uses the Waif face that would indicate that she went back to the temple after a contract was taken out on her and treated the face so that she could use it.  That sounds doubtful.

I'm no sure the faces have to be treated or got exclusively from the wall of faces (at least not on the show).  Last season when Arya was desperately unmasking Jaqen, one of the faces he had was Arya's, and she's not dead yet, neither is her face in the wall of faces.

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1 hour ago, WearyTraveler said:

I'm no sure the faces have to be treated or got exclusively from the wall of faces (at least not on the show).  Last season when Arya was desperately unmasking Jaqen, one of the faces he had was Arya's, and she's not dead yet, neither is her face in the wall of faces.

It looks like Jaqen cuts off a face in front of Arya. Maisie Williams has said something along the lines of Arya using things she learns earlier in the season later in the season; if Jaqen indeed shows Arya how to cut off a face (as opposed to just doing it in front of her), chances are that she's going to use that skill down the road at some point, either on the Waif or on somebody else.

6x05 was posted--by accident, I assume--on HBO Nordic early. Discussion of spoilers here at r/freefolk.

Edited by Eyes High

A week and a bit ago, a poster named truede posted on the GOT reddit a bunch of purported spoilers. The post was deleted as well as truede's responses to questions in the threads, although posters from r/freefolk saved the information. Trued provided information about 6x04 before it aired (on Osha and Dany) and provided information about 6x05 which has been confirmed by the report of a poster on r/freefolk who just saw 6x05. I'm going to post the entirety of what Trued said, copied r/freefolk. 6x04 and 6x05 material confirmed by the aired episode or the summary of the poster who saw 6x05 is bolded, and the non-confirmed spoilers for episodes beyond 6x05 are in italics:



Hey, first post. In case some of you think this is BS, go through my history and you will see I posted some accurate True Detective spoilers a while back. Stop reading if you don't wanna learn what happens. Keep in mind I haven't read the books so I'm not too sure of the siginificance of some of this stuff or if it is already known. Don't wanna give away to much right away but here are some spoilers for this season: * Sansa will go to Castle Black and meet up with Jon. They will reminisce and Sansa will apologize for treating him badly. Sansa will also have a quick meetup with Baelish. Jon and Sansa will eventually team up to try and get their brother back. They have the Wildlings on their side and then travel around and try to recruit more people. * The Whitewalkers were created by the Children of the Forest. * You will soon learn how Hodor came to be. The Whitewalkers attack Bran and company and Hodor will be forced to 'hold the door' as they make their escape. * Uncle Benjen will come to rescue Bran and Meera. He will accompany them to The Wall before departing. Bran will have one more 'flashback' in the finale and we will see what's in the Tower. * Who else is still alive? The Hound. He is saved by some followers of some sort. They all get killed by some former Brotherhood Without Banners members while he is away. The Hound meets up with the other Brotherhood Without Banners and gets revenge. * Davos will find the little toy or whatever he gave to Shireen. He will confront Melisandre and she will admit to having her burned. * Euron gets chosen to be the new king because of his plan to marry Dany and enter into an alliance with her to take King's Landing. Yara and Theon steal their ships instead and plan to enter into an alliance with Dany instead. * Jaime is forced to go to Riverrun and retake the castle from The Blackfish for the Freys. Brienne also goes to Riverrun to try and get the Tullys to join up and retake Winterfell. Brienne fails but escapes. Edmure is forced by Jaime to enter Riverrun and give it up since he is the rightful owner. The Blackfish apparently dies in battle but we never actually see it happen. * Samwell's father doesn't approve of Gilly. Samwell decides he doesn't care and leaves. But not before stealing his father's Valyrian sword. * Arya will be asked to kill some actress. She refuses and The Waif is given permission to kill Arya. * Dorne will not be shown again until the finale.

Questions asked, and his responses:

*So you're saying Arya's going to die? *No. Only one Stark dies this season (not including flashbacks). *Rickon? *Yes

*do we get cleganebowl? how about bastard/snow bowl? what happens in the tower of joy? *No. Trial by combat is denied so The Mountain doesn't do much this season. He does get to have his way with Septa Unella though. Yes. We see Lyanna Stark. *what is the relevance of Lyanna Stark in the tower though? We already knew she was there. Confirmation of R+L = J? Or do we not learn anything? *Lyanna whispers something to Ned before she dies. We then see a baby, and the very next scene we see Jon. *interesting. last questions for me i think- any details you can provide on how the children of the forest created the white walkers? *I don't remember exactly as the scene was brief. Bran has a vision of a bunch of the CotF gathering and doing something. He wakes and then confronts Leaf about creating the Whitewalkers. She says they did it to protect something. Bran then has a vision of the Whitewalkers but the Night's King actually senses him and that's how the Whitewalkers learn of Bran's location and attack. That's all you see from them this season.

*What happens during the bastard bowl? Does Jon retake Winterfell? Do we meet Howland Reed to confirm what happens in TOJ? Also do we hear what Lyanna says to Ned? *Jon almost kills Ramsay. Yes. No. No. *Almost? *Jon chooses to imprison Ramsay rather than kill him. *Oh forfucksake Jon, I imagine the whole Nothern conspiracy thing doesn't happen then, if Rickon gets killed and the Umbers are loyal to the Boltons? Also I hate to be a bother but are you kind of just scratching the surface with spoilers or are these spoilers more or less the big events that happen this season? *Had to google Northern Conspiracy. Not sure if it's a conspiracy, but Jon does become King of the North. This is after the teen girl who is head of some house (with like 60 soldiers) speaks up about how she trusts the Starks and was one of the only ones to follow them into battle. Then the other houses speak up and apologize about not following them and they don't care that he is a bastard. *Ah sorry for not explaining basically the conspiracy is the idea that the Umbers gave the Bolton Rickon to get their trust and then side with Jon in the war, depleting Ramsay's forces. BTW I'm pretty sure the girl your talking about is the head of House Mormont. BTW does Sansa legitimize Jon as a stark? *Ok then there's no conspiracy. Might've be House Mormont. The recruiting scene is pretty funny as Jon, Sansa, and Davos make these great speeches on why she should join them only to find out she has less than 100 men. Don't think Sansa legitimizes Jon but she is agreement that he should be King. *Ah fuck, yer House Mormont is piss poor, Bear Island has no resources so that makes a lot of sense. So if their is no conspiracy does Ramsay just kill Rickon or does he survive and then get killed in ironic way (I believe you said he died by arrows so I assume he might get killed accidently in the battle) *Ramsay and Jon meet across the battlefield. Ramsay releases Rickon and tells him to run toward his brother. As Rickon runs, Ramsay starts shooting arrows up in the air one at a time that keep missing him. Jon starts galloping toward Rickon but just as he reaches him, one of Ramsay's arrow hits him and he dies in Jon's arms. Sansa is the smart one. She tells Jon before the battle that Rickon is already dead.

*That's hilarious and sad at the same time. Osha is already dead by this point? and apparently one the flayed men placed on the battlefield by Ramsay is someone of importance, dunno if their is any truth to that? *Yes. Osha should be dead in the next episode? Or maybe the one after. She and Ramsay are talking. She tries to seduce him and grab a knife that is lying nearby. Ramsay reveals that Theon told him EVERYTHING and then kills her.

*That's fucking depressing, any torture occurs against Rickon or Osha in the mean time up until their respective deaths and does the SmallJon die (SmallJon is the guy who gives Rickon to Ramsay)? *Osha dies in her very next scene. Don't think we actually see Rickon get tortured. He has very little screen time. And not sure about SmallJon.

*Does Tyrion interact with the dragons, do they come to trust him? Are there any other major deaths this season? I hope Tommen is one. *No, only Dany. Dragons don't really interact with Tyrion. And yes lots of major characters die. Mostly in the finale. Don't wanna spoil all of them but Tommen does die. Osha dies pretty soon but she's not a major character. Also we can assume the 3ER dies when the Whitewalkers attack. But really all that matters is that Wun Wun lives.

*How does Tommen die? *He jumps out the window.

*Can you prove all of your spoilers by providing something that happens in episode 4? *Read the first bullet point about Jon and Sansa. Can go into more detail. Sansa ends up meeting Baelish at the town outside Winterfell. Brienne goes with her. Baelish apologizes for allowing her to marry Ramsay. Sansa accuses Baelish of knowing about Ramsay and basically says she doesn't want anything to do with him any more

*I actually believed you a little but how can Sansa and LF meet in the next episode when LF is in the Vale judging by ep4 preview and Sansa is going to Castle Black? *Hmm maybe I'm remembering incorrectly and that meeting happens in episode 5? Pretty sure it's in the next episode. Either way, what does definitely happen in the next episode is Jorah and Daario see Dany and are about to save her. She tells them she doesn't need to be saved and instead has them help lock her in a tent with the other Khals.




Robert Aramayo being in 6x10 also suggests that truede's spoilers are true.

Edited by Eyes High
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15 minutes ago, Oscirus said:

If those spoilers are true then

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This seasons going to piss people off. Ramsey still alive, R+l=j still not confirmed. But I guess people will salivate over the appearance of zombie cat


Truede didn't say anything about Stoneheart, and according to Truede there's a smash cut from a baby to Jon Snow. Bran might still be in the dark, but the audience will not be. That the last TOJ scene is being saved for 6x10 speaks strongly to a reveal. Bran going back to the Wall also makes it seem as if he'll be in a position to alert Jon to his parentage sooner rather than later.

DMT and Truede disagree on whether or not Ramsay and Wun Wun die. DMT--whose spoilers for BOTB are solid--says yes, Truede says no. We'll see.

Truede said "lots of major characters" die in the finale but refuses to go into details, and doesn't talk about the 6x10 King's Landing massacre we know is coming. We know about Margaery, Loras, Mace, and the High Sparrow dying. Who else is there? Walder Frey? Littlefinger?

None of the spoiler sources have said anything about the Essos plotline in the finale. The only thing we know is that the Dothraki charge on Meereen. I wonder if there will be any major deaths in that storyline.

The poster who saw 6x05 is providing more detail in the thread:


Not only do Bloodraven and Hodor perish in the WW attack, but also Summer!

Littlefinger is already trying to drive a wedge between Sansa and Jon by urging Sansa to get people who will be loyal to her and not to Jon. It might be working, because Sansa doesn't tell Jon about her meeting with Littlefinger and lies as to where she got information that he provided to her.

Theon and Yara steal a good chunk of Euron's fleet and flee.

We get the origin of the FM and the WW.

Edited by Eyes High
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4 minutes ago, Eyes High said:
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Truede didn't say anything about Stoneheart, and according to Truede there's a smash cut from a baby to Jon Snow. Bran might still be in the dark, but the audience will not be. That the last TOJ scene is being saved for 6x10 speaks strongly to a reveal. Bran going back to the Wall also makes it seem as if he'll be in a position to alert Jon to his parentage sooner rather than later.

DMT and Truede disagree on whether or not Ramsay and Wun Wun die. DMT--whose spoilers for BOTB are solid--says yes, Truede says no. We'll see.

Truede said "lots of major characters" die in the finale but refuses to go into details, and doesn't talk about the 6x10 King's Landing massacre we know is coming. We know about Margaery, Loras, Mace, and the High Sparrow dying. Who else is there? Walder Frey? Littlefinger?

None of the spoiler sources have said anything about the Essos plotline in the finale. The only thing we know is that the Dothraki charge on Meereen. I wonder if there will be any major deaths in that storyline.


Sansa's three statements in two truths and a lie were : Ramsey dies, Arya crosses three names off her list and Stonehart returns. Since  Ramsay doesn't die, her other two statements have to be true.

22 minutes ago, Eyes High said:
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The poster who saw 6x05 is providing more detail in the thread:

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Not only do Bloodraven and Hodor perish in the WW attack, but also Summer!

Littlefinger is already trying to drive a wedge between Sansa and Jon by urging Sansa to get people who will be loyal to her and not to Jon. It might be working, because Sansa doesn't tell Jon about her meeting with Littlefinger and lies as to where she got information that he provided to her.

Theon and Yara steal a good chunk of Euron's fleet and flee.

We get the origin of the FM and the WW.


Littlefinger needs to die. If Sansa is going to listen to his advice about shutting out Jon that's going to be a huge step back. 

About the truede/reddit spoilers:

JFC, Summer dies?! On the heels of Shaggydog's death, that is just effing brutal and gut wrenching and TOO MUCH. I hope that part is not true, but we'll find out tomorrow. Sorry about Hodor, too. Benjen saving Bran and Meera is nice but him disappearing after leading them to the Wall sucks. I'm confused if the Benjen stuff goes down tomorrow or whether that happens in later episodes?

I love that Jon will become the King in the North, but with Rickon dying and Hodor dying and Shaggydog & Summer dying, it will definitely be bittersweet. I want Wun Wun to live so I want truede to be right, even if it means Ramsay lives too. As long as he languishes in a cell and is tortured, I'll be okay with him living. With some characters, I think death is too easy of a way out. Ramsay and Cersei fit that bill for me.

As for the CotF and the creation of the WW: DAMN! That is some fucked up shit. I wonder where Craster's sons fit into this.

This season is crazy, in a good way.

2 minutes ago, bunnyblue said:

About the truede/reddit spoilers:


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JFC, Summer dies?! On the heels of Shaggydog's death, that is just effing brutal and gut wrenching and TOO MUCH. I hope that part is not true, but we'll find out tomorrow. Sorry about Hodor, too. Benjen saving Bran and Meera is nice but him disappearing after leading them to the Wall sucks. I'm confused if the Benjen stuff goes down tomorrow or whether that happens in later episodes?

I love that Jon will become the King in the North, but with Rickon dying and Hodor dying and Shaggydog & Summer dying, it will definitely be bittersweet. I want Wun Wun to live so I want truede to be right, even if it means Ramsay lives too. As long as he languishes in a cell and is tortured, I'll be okay with him living. With some characters, I think death is too easy of a way out. Ramsay and Cersei fit that bill for me.

As for the CotF and the creation of the WW: DAMN! That is some fucked up shit. I wonder where Craster's sons fit into this.

This season is crazy, in a good way.

They say it's not in this ep.

16 minutes ago, bunnyblue said:

About the truede/reddit spoilers:


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JFC, Summer dies?! On the heels of Shaggydog's death, that is just effing brutal and gut wrenching and TOO MUCH. I hope that part is not true, but we'll find out tomorrow. Sorry about Hodor, too. Benjen saving Bran and Meera is nice but him disappearing after leading them to the Wall sucks. I'm confused if the Benjen stuff goes down tomorrow or whether that happens in later episodes?

I love that Jon will become the King in the North, but with Rickon dying and Hodor dying and Shaggydog & Summer dying, it will definitely be bittersweet. I want Wun Wun to live so I want truede to be right, even if it means Ramsay lives too. As long as he languishes in a cell and is tortured, I'll be okay with him living. With some characters, I think death is too easy of a way out. Ramsay and Cersei fit that bill for me.

As for the CotF and the creation of the WW: DAMN! That is some fucked up shit. I wonder where Craster's sons fit into this.

This season is crazy, in a good way.


I think Ghost is safe--although there's no mention of Ghost in the BOTB spoilers from any source, so who knows?--and Nymeria looks like she'll be coming back in a big way, if the rumours about wolf packs getting involved in the Riverrun battle are correct, but the number of wolfless Starks is rapidly going up. Maybe they're killing them off to save on CGI, heh. Sansa has outlived her wolf by quite some time, but for someone like Bran who used Summer to warg, it will be a crushing los.

Benjen is coming to help Bran and Meera later, I think. It seems all but confirmed that Benjen is the one in the trailers bailing out Bran and Meera by swinging the fire thingy.

Agree about the season being crazy. It sounds like 6x09 and 6x10 will be bonkers, and they'll be preceded by a big battle sequence at Riverrun. Crazy!

More tidbits about 6x05 from the summary that jumped out at me:


No dragonhorn. Dany is sending Jorah to find a cure (not sure if she's just giving him a dignified out or if she genuinely means it). Bran's the one who scrambled Hodor's brains. Arya's target is the actress who plays Cersei (Essie Davis), and Arya believes Sansa's actress (Eline Powell) is the one who paid off the FM for the hit. The Blackfish has retaken Riverrun (which puts Jaime and Brienne on a collision course, since Sansa sends Brienne to get the Tully army, and Cersei sends Jaime to get Riverrun back).

I don't think it's a spoiler to say that Season 6 is shaping up to be fucking insane. I have that giddy, heady feeling you get on a roller coaster right at the start of the first big drop.

Edited by Eyes High

About 6x05:

It seems the actor playing the man the CotF turn into a WW is the same guy playing the Night's King from Bran's vision. My mind is blown, LOL. I'm assuming vision-NK is the same NK that stared down Jon at Hardhome. Dude's been around for thousands of years, no wonder he's pissed. 

I'm extremely disappointed that Sansa will start keeping secrets from Jon already. I can't believe she is still allowing herself to be manipulated by Littlefinger. I hope she has a conversation with Brienne that explains why she doesn't want Jon to know about LF and his intel. I knew the Stark reunion was going too well. Sigh. 

Arya's theater troupe storyline sounds good. I'm just glad she'll be interacting with other people besides the Waif and Jaqen. 

Bran, I fear, will be dealing with a lot of guilt from here on out. If Hodor, the CotF, and Summer all die, how is Meera supposed to pull his sled and defend them all by herself? She better survive all this. She has gone above and beyond her duties.

Ghost and Nymeria better survive, reunite, mate, and have a dozen little pups because that's the only way I can endure all these direwolf deaths.

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3 minutes ago, bunnyblue said:

About 6x05:


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It seems the actor playing the man the CotF turn into a WW is the same guy playing the Night's King from Bran's vision. My mind is blown, LOL. I'm assuming vision-NK is the same NK that stared down Jon at Hardhome. Dude's been around for thousands of years, no wonder he's pissed. 

I'm extremely disappointed that Sansa will start keeping secrets from Jon already. I can't believe she is still allowing herself to be manipulated by Littlefinger. I hope she has a conversation with Brienne that explains why she doesn't want Jon to know about LF and his intel. I knew the Stark reunion was going too well. Sigh. 

Arya's theater troupe storyline sounds good. I'm just glad she'll be interacting with other people besides the Waif and Jaqen. 

Bran, I fear, will be dealing with a lot of guilt from here on out. If Hodor, the CotF, and Summer all die, how is Meera supposed to pull his sled and defend them all by herself? She better survive all this. She has gone above and beyond her duties.

Ghost and Nymeria better survive, reunite, mate, and have a dozen little pups because that's the only way I can endure all these direwolf deaths.


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There is absolutely no reason not to kill Ramsay. If he lives, that's just begging for an escape that costs more lives. He kills Rickon and the Starks won't kill him? Indefensible idiocy. There really will be nothing to celebrate about Bastardbowl if Jon/Sansa fail to save Rickon but keep Ramsay alive for a season 7 plot. Endless Stark death, stupidity and failure isn't bittersweet, it's only bitter. I thought Ramsay would at least die this season and the showrunners' hyping of their favorite badass rapist would be over, but if he lives, that'll really drive home the point that the Starks are useless when even Rickon's murder and Sansa's weeks of rape can't bring them to make a smart choice and execute a psychotic Bolton bastard.

And Sansa is listening to Littlefinger - well, she's going back to being a moron after only one decent episode.

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Lots of storylines seem to be facing a big cull in Season 6, from the looks of it based on known information and spoilers:

Dorne: Trystane, Doran, Areo

Wall: Alliser, Olly, Harwyck, Marsh

Beyond the Wall: Hodor, Bloodraven, Summer, all the COTF

Winterfell: Roose, Walda, Osha, Rickon, Smalljon, Karstark, possibly Ramsay and Wun Wun

King's Landing: Loras, Margaery, Mace, Tommen, High Sparrow, Pycelle

Braavos: Waif

Riverlands/Meereen/Horn Hill/Vale: ???

The spoiler sources have not provided information about what goes on in Meereen at the end of the season, other than Javi alluded to the dothraki charging on Meereen. All we know is that Dany, Tyrion, Grey Worm, and Missandei meet with Razdal or whatever his name is in scenes filmed at Mesa Roldan that are supposed to take place in 6x09. Seems like that storyline is ripe for some deaths, or at least a shakeup.


Definitely looking forward to the episode now. I do love it when information is revealed that has not been revealed in the book. See HBO all these spoilers isn't stopping me from watching the show, it actually just builds my anticipation. Is it really just the Iron Islands plot that is left of the book story now? I gave up reading the books about 3/4 of the way through the first one, so I'm not that clued into what is book and what is not.

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1 hour ago, ElizaD said:
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There is absolutely no reason not to kill Ramsay. If he lives, that's just begging for an escape that costs more lives. He kills Rickon and the Starks won't kill him? Indefensible idiocy. There really will be nothing to celebrate about Bastardbowl if Jon/Sansa fail to save Rickon but keep Ramsay alive for a season 7 plot. Endless Stark death, stupidity and failure isn't bittersweet, it's only bitter. I thought Ramsay would at least die this season and the showrunners' hyping of their favorite badass rapist would be over, but if he lives, that'll really drive home the point that the Starks are useless when even Rickon's murder and Sansa's weeks of rape can't bring them to make a smart choice and execute a psychotic Bolton bastard.

And Sansa is listening to Littlefinger - well, she's going back to being a moron after only one decent episode.


Other than not telling Jon she met with him, that's not really what happens. She also makes Jon a new cloak like Ned and then she and Jon and their entourage all ride out from Castle Black.


4 minutes ago, Bill1978 said:

Is it really just the Iron Islands plot that is left of the book story now? I gave up reading the books about 3/4 of the way through the first one, so I'm not that clued into what is book and what is not.

Basically, yes.

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7 minutes ago, Lady S. said:
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Other than not telling Jon she met with him, that's not really what happens. She also makes Jon a new cloak like Ned and then she and Jon and their entourage all ride out from Castle Black.




Brienne calls Sansa out for lying to Jon, though. When Sansa insists to Brienne that she trusts Jon, Brienne asks her why she lied about where she got the Riverrun information, and Sansa has no answer. That seems to imply that Sansa doesn't trust Jon (at least on some level), and that the writers in their usual less than subtle fashion want the audience to make note of that fact.

Even though Sansa tried to kick Littlefinger out of her life this episode, he clearly still has a hold on her. His "half-brother" comment, reminding her that Jon is not her "full" brother, got to her. Maybe once Ramsay is out of the way, it will be Jon vs. Sansa, with Littlefinger merrily egging Sansa on?


Edited by Eyes High
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7 minutes ago, Eyes High said:
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Brienne calls Sansa out for lying to Jon, though. When Sansa insists to Brienne that she trusts Jon, Brienne asks her why she lied about where she got the Riverrun information, and Sansa has no answer. That seems to imply that Sansa doesn't trust Jon (at least on some level), and that the writers in their usual less than subtle fashion want the audience to make note of that fact.

Even though Sansa tried to kick Littlefinger out of her life this episode, he clearly still has a hold on her. His "half-brother" comment, reminding her that Jon is not her "full" brother, got to her.



The scene cuts away before Sansa answers, that doesn't mean she didn't answer, and the whole point was Bri wouldn't leave her with people she didn't trust. There could be other possible reasons for her lying to Jon.

Edited by Lady S.
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14 minutes ago, Lady S. said:

The scene cuts away before Sansa answers, that doesn't mean she didn't answer, and the whole point was Bri wouldn't leave her with people she didn't trust. There could be other possible reasons for her lying to Jon.


Brienne trusts Jon and said as much, but Sansa doesn't despite her protestations to the contrary and Brienne called her out on it. That was my reading of the scene. As I said, the writers are not subtle. If they wanted us not to attach any significance to Sansa's lie, they would not have had Brienne specifically mention it. If they wanted us to attribute other motives for Sansa's lie than distrusting Jon, that would have been clear. The scene seemed pretty unambiguous to me: Littlefinger has already begun worming his way back in...which fits with what we know of 6x09, where Littlefinger and Sansa show up with Vale troops, meaning Sansa does eventually go to him for help.

Sansa casually lying to Jon--her line about Ramsay getting a raven was very practiced--is Not Good. The simplest explanation is that Littlefinger has planted a seed of doubt in her mind about Jon, so she's shutting him out about Littlefinger and keeping Littlefinger in her back pocket if Littlefinger turns out to be right about Jon.

Edited by Eyes High

I love waking up to all these spoilers!



I can't believe they keep this fuck alive. Die, scum.  Maybe Arya kills him next season.



I guess she's using all the skills learned from Littlefinger to lie to Jon.  Curious to see how this plays out.

While the season has been throughly spoiled, I don't see any Dany or Tyrion spoilers.  Hmmm, what's up with that. 

1 minute ago, CofCinci said:

While the season has been throughly spoiled, I don't see any Dany or Tyrion spoilers.  Hmmm, what's up with that. 


6x10's a bit of a dark spot for Meereen spoilers. All we know is that the dothraki charge on Meereen in 6x10 and that there's a big meeting in 6x09--scenes filmed at Mesa Roldan--involving Dany, Tyrion, Missandei, Grey Worm, Unsullied, Razdal or whatever his name is, and at least one dragon (the dragon puppet was spotted). A few spoiler sources have said a lot of major characters die in 6x10 but only one source--DMT--has been explicit and named Loras, Margaery, Mace and the High Sparrow. I'm guessing the ones not named are even more spoilery, if truede refused to give details despite spoiling other aspects of teh season. There could very well be more deaths in the Meereen storyline. None of the principal characters in the Meereen storyline have died yet (I don't count Moro as one of the principal characters).

7 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Just curious...  What are you pissed about?  


Summer dying.  I can't take it with these Direwolves' deaths.  FUCK!

When Sansa and Jon were leaving Castle Black, I was all "where's Ghost? Why isn't Ghost leaving with Jon?" Then Summer died, and I'm starting to think it's better if we never see the direwolves anymore. 

I wonder if it's more expensive to CGI the wolves than it is to CGI the dragons?  Maybe because they use dogs and real wolves, IIRC, and then enhance them in post.  Real animals are always more work than puppets.  If so, maybe D&D are just killing the wolves to save some money and production time.  Scenes with real animals are notoriously tricky to film, as even the best trained animals will go their own way from time to time.

I'm hoping that Martin keeps them alive in the books.

Anywhoo, I'm pissed!

Edited by WearyTraveler
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