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26 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

I was struck by the bit at the end where she said that in order for her to "accept" what all happened, she had to focus on the happy times in her marriage. I mean, I definitely get how it would be tough for her to reconcile the fact that her husband, who never hurt her, could be capable of hurting (and killing) others, and I can understand her wanting to find some kind of way to cope with and come to terms with that. 

But then you think about those families who were affected by what her husband did, who lost loved ones, and I just don't know, as a result, how she can manage to even get into that fantasy mindset as she does. 

Seriously, the only thing I can think of that would make sense is if she's ultra religious. If she is then it's "till death do us part" no matter what he did, and the only way she can accept that is by focusing on what she kept saying, "he was a good man TO ME."

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Luv-The secretary's husband also committed suicide in the preacher's office when he found out about his wife's betrayal, and the daughter of the secretary testified about finding out about the affair, and what happened with her father.       The daughter testified knowing that her mother would probably never give up AJ, and she was right.      

I've never understood how someone like the secretary has an affair with that preacher, and sticks with him after he's convicted of killing two wives.        There are a lot of articles about the murder trial,   Here's a link to the People magazine article:


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Can someone tell me if they know the name of the show where the following was portrayed?  The victim was a wife/mother. The killer was close to her, either boyfriend or husband. She had invited this man into her life (and her kids) AFTER he got out of prison. He told her that he had changed and the woman and kids believed him.  He had served a long sentence for setting fire to a house with a woman and children inside in an attempt to KILL THEM.  (Murder for hire.)  Needless to say, he hadn't changed and it didn't end well.  

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On 4/8/2019 at 8:21 PM, Jordan61 said:

Speaking of Madeleine McCann, I was surprised that the ads hyped the special as an "ID murder mystery." Is she presumed dead? 

I haven't watched any of the specials about her, but my presumption has always been that she's dead.  Of course there are miracle cases like Jaycee Dugard that leave some hope that she may be alive.  But Madeleine's parents always seemed sketchy to me so I don't have a lot of hope.

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Hi everyone, I hope this is the right forum.  I need help finding a show.  I'm pretty sure it aired in 2018 but maybe in 2017.  It was one of the shows that features video footage of the crime and the police interrogations.

The crime involved 4-5 young men who break into a home thinking they are robbing a drug dealer.  They end up shooting and killing the guy in the house (I don't think they shoot his girlfriend).  They find no drugs or money and simply flee.

They are given lengthy sentences despite it being a first offense for most of them.  The guy that told them the victim was a drug dealer was simply jealous that his ex-girlfriend had found someone new.

Its been driving me crazy because the details are hazy but I want to watch it again.  Its so compelling how these aimless young guys are swept into their first crime and then convicted of murder.  Thank you

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25 minutes ago, 1889 said:

Hi everyone, I hope this is the right forum.  I need help finding a show.  I'm pretty sure it aired in 2018 but maybe in 2017.  It was one of the shows that features video footage of the crime and the police interrogations.

The crime involved 4-5 young men who break into a home thinking they are robbing a drug dealer.  They end up shooting and killing the guy in the house (I don't think they shoot his girlfriend).  They find no drugs or money and simply flee.

They are given lengthy sentences despite it being a first offense for most of them.  The guy that told them the victim was a drug dealer was simply jealous that his ex-girlfriend had found someone new.

Its been driving me crazy because the details are hazy but I want to watch it again.  Its so compelling how these aimless young guys are swept into their first crime and then convicted of murder.  Thank you

It's probably not the right one - not all of the details fit, but there was an episode that I've seen a few times (Grave Mysteries was the show) where there were 4 teens involved in killing another teen.  He had been dating a girl, who broke up with him for a "bad boy" who was involved in drugs and other issues. 

The ex-girlfriend, likely egged on by the new bad boy boyfriend, starts to flaunt her relationship and make rude comments about the ex.  Being a stupid teen, he fights back, and one night he says something about burning the ex-girlfriend's house down - stupid teen crap you know he didn't really mean.  So ex-girlfriend's brother tells bad boy boyfriend that this kid is threatening to kill them.

One night, they lure ex-boyfriend to the house of a girl who hangs out with them, who is out of high school and lives on her own.  Ex-girlfriend lies and says she wants to get back with him.  He is at the house of a friend, who tells him the girl is bad news and to stay away, and he says OK, but goes anyway.  When he gets to the house, three of the teens confront him, and back him in to a corner.  Then bad boy boyfriend comes out and shoots him.  They then attempt to burn his body in the backyard, before disposing of him elsewhere.

It eventually comes out from the deceased kid's best friend that ex called him that night and asked him to come over.  They talk to ex and her adult friend, and she says they saw him that night, but they heard gunshots, and the kid took off running.  Best friend confronts the kids that killed him, and gets a bad feeling, and pushes the cops to look deeper.

The cops haul the ex, her brother, and the adult friend in to the station, and ex's mother is with them.  She leaves, and the kids - completely oblivious that they're being recorded - start talking all about what went down, blaming the deceased kid all the way.  The cops are watching, natch, and go in and confront them.  The kids try to give lame excuses - the deceased kid threatened to kill them, etc, and the cops are all like "Didn't you think we were listening?". Bad boy, who pulled the trigger, took off, but they eventually found him, and they were all put on trial.  None of them had really been in trouble before, except for Bad Boy, and they all received extremely heavy sentences.

There was no drug dealer angle, though, except for the bad boy boyfriend had been involved in drugs.  The episode showed a lot of the interrogation room footage.  If the show you're looking for showed actual CCTV footage that somehow fit in to the case, try the show "See No Evil".

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38 minutes ago, 1889 said:

Hi everyone, I hope this is the right forum.  I need help finding a show.  I'm pretty sure it aired in 2018 but maybe in 2017.  It was one of the shows that features video footage of the crime and the police interrogations.

The crime involved 4-5 young men who break into a home thinking they are robbing a drug dealer.  They end up shooting and killing the guy in the house (I don't think they shoot his girlfriend).  They find no drugs or money and simply flee.

They are given lengthy sentences despite it being a first offense for most of them.  The guy that told them the victim was a drug dealer was simply jealous that his ex-girlfriend had found someone new.

Its been driving me crazy because the details are hazy but I want to watch it again.  Its so compelling how these aimless young guys are swept into their first crime and then convicted of murder.  Thank you

I'm trying to think back......there are so many.  By chance, they didn't put the girlfriend in a trunk and lock her up did they? I think I recall something similar on an episode of Shattered.

I saw part of Broken Trust this morning.  Man, that was an odd show. I'm not sure if the production of the show was odd or the facts of the case were messed up, but, so much of it made no sense. (Like police going to a suspected crime scene of blood in driveway, but, police don't search the house for victim; Upset sibling lets brother walk away with an improper check that could be used as evidence against him; Family believes one brother embezzled from family business, but, no one has forensic accounting done; Upset family over brother leasing his personal car through family business as business expense, but, not bothering to cancel the lease or hire attorney, but, solving it with murder!) Such crazy stuff.  It was about some siblings who disagree and believe one brother stole from the family business.  Dad commits suicide over the stress and one brother murders the other, with sister helping cover it up.  Very sad, but, very odd too. 

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7 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I saw part of Broken Trust this morning.  Man, that was an odd show. I'm not sure if the production of the show was odd or the facts of the case were messed up, but, so much of it made no sense. (Like police going to a suspected crime scene of blood in driveway, but, police don't search the house for victim; Upset sibling lets brother walk away with an improper check that could be used as evidence against him; Family believes one brother embezzled from family business, but, no one has forensic accounting done; Upset family over brother leasing his personal car through family business as business expense, but, not bothering to cancel the lease or hire attorney, but, solving it with murder!) Such crazy stuff.  It was about some siblings who disagree and believe one brother stole from the family business.  Dad commits suicide over the stress and one brother murders the other, with sister helping cover it up.  Very sad, but, very odd too. 

I think I saw that one.  And if that's the series I'm thinking of, all of the cases are a bit odd.

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31 minutes ago, funky-rat said:

I think I saw that one.  And if that's the series I'm thinking of, all of the cases are a bit odd.

Yeah, it's like the director read the case or script, went out to the field to film it and forgot to implement what happened into the actor's actions and words. Such a disconnect.  They must not realize that true crime viewers are very detail oriented and catch many detail glitches. 

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I watched two shows with detective incompetence, and just realized that they were both from Homicide City, which is set in Philadelphia.  Doesn't speak well of their police force!  Here's what they did:

In Season 2, Episode 1 (Family Tragedy), a woman was killed.  Their lead suspect had an alibi, that involved him and a buddy driving into Philly, going into a club that had a mosh pit, the pit got a bit extreme, and the suspect's face got scratched up.  So the detective goes to the buddy to check out the alibi, and says, "Your friend says that you went to the club, and he got his face scratched up in the mosh pit.  Is that true?"  WTAF?  Thank goodness the buddy was a stand-up guy, and said that the club was pretty dead that night and there wasn't even a mosh pit.  But most buddies, especially of people that would commit murder and are probably not so reputable themselves, don't want to narc out their friends, and would have said basically, "Yep, that's what happened."  What stunning incompetence!

In Season 2, Episode 2 (Pine Hill Massacre), a husband and wife (and one young daughter) are murdered in their home in the middle of the night.  The detectives cannot find anything at all about this family that would merit that, and there was no robbery, so it really was just an execution.  Then they find that a man who lives two doors down, was supposed to testify in an upcoming trial. and they have found a connection to a hit man regarding this man who was supposed to testify.  Well you don't have to be Agatha Christie to think maybe the hit occurred on the wrong house!  And lo and behold, that's exactly what happened, but it didn't occur to them to pursue that angle until a jailhouse informant told them about it.

And just a pet peeve, that I hear all the time on these shows...people pronounce "corroborate" more like a combination with "cooperate", so it comes out as "co-ob-er-ate".  Aaarrggghhhh!

Thank you....rant over for the day (or at least for the afternoon)!

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3 minutes ago, LuvMyShows said:

I watched two shows with detective incompetence, and just realized that they were both from Homicide City, which is set in Philadelphia.  Doesn't speak well of their police force!  

Big city police forces in general tend to have lots of issues.  The bigger they are, the easier things are to cover up, sadly.

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16 minutes ago, Jordan61 said:

So this happened in my neck of the woods. Seems like they think the son did it but would a non-verbal autistic person have the presence of mind to dismember and burn his victim? I honestly don't know.

Not sure either.  They did say he was prone to violence and had attacked in the past.  Sad. 

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Yeesh, just watched this week's Homicide City, about the guy who killed a woman and her 18-month-old in a children's clothing store in broad daylight. You'd like to convince yourself by watching ID channel that you learn how to avoid random chance (Don't jog! Don't go home with random men! Don't work graveyard shift alone! Don't walk to your car at night by yourself!), but how could you ever, ever anticipate that one in middle-of-nowhere suburbia? In a strip mall ffs! Chilling.

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23 hours ago, 1889 said:

Hi everyone, I hope this is the right forum.  I need help finding a show.  I'm pretty sure it aired in 2018 but maybe in 2017.  It was one of the shows that features video footage of the crime and the police interrogations.


Thanks for your help everyone.  I found it.  It was Evil Talks, episode called The Killer Collective.

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On 3/26/2019 at 2:23 PM, LuvMyShows said:

I don't remember which murder show I was watching recently, but the victim's relative wanted to talk to the convicted killer, who was in jail...I guess he wanted answers as to why the guy did it, or something (maybe it had been a plea bargain, so no trial to unearth the deets).  So they showed the actual interview in the jail, and the killer was contrite, and gave some heartfelt-sounding explanation about how things got out of hand or whatever, and the relative was very appreciative and shook his hand, and everything was very kumbaya.  Then it came out later that all of what the killer had said was crap, and the relative actually said it had been a "textbook" convict interview of fake contrition and diminished culpability.

Wasn't this the son who had testified as a child his father killed his mother (or saw something that, putting the pieces together, was clear the father had murdered the mother)?  IIRC, years later he went to visit his father in jail, wanted his father to admit to murdering his mother, Dad gave some sort of "It was an accident" excuse, son pretended to believe, but afterwards said Dad was still lying?  

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I always thought the saying was "Nothing good happens after 2:30 (am)".  Being up at midnight seems reasonable for the weekend to me.  

The McCann case has always stumped me.  I don't know if I believe the parents did something to Madeline (I do believe she's dead) themselves. , But I do lean toward them having such a good time, they weren't paying as close attention to the comings/goings as they claimed they were.  

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5 hours ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

Yeesh, just watched this week's Homicide City, about the guy who killed a woman and her 18-month-old in a children's clothing store in broad daylight. You'd like to convince yourself by watching ID channel that you learn how to avoid random chance (Don't jog! Don't go home with random men! Don't work graveyard shift alone! Don't walk to your car at night by yourself!), but how could you ever, ever anticipate that one in middle-of-nowhere suburbia? In a strip mall ffs! Chilling.

I'd heard about that story on a "Forensic Files" episode once as well. Utterly horrifying. And then he just tosses the child off by the side of the road somewhere, doesn't even keep her body with that of her mom's. Given how child killers tend to be viewed by the other prisoners, all I can say is I hope that creep's life in prison has been and will continue to be utterly miserable

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45 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

I'd heard about that story on a "Forensic Files" episode once as well. Utterly horrifying. And then he just tosses the child off by the side of the road somewhere, doesn't even keep her body with that of her mom's. Given how child killers tend to be viewed by the other prisoners, all I can say is I hope that creep's life in prison has been and will continue to be utterly miserable

I remember that episode. It freaked me out for days afterwards. That poor woman and her poor baby. It was something as normal as going to buy new clothes for her baby and both end up murdered. Why the baby? He didn't have to kill the baby. I really hope he's paying for that in prison.  

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2 hours ago, andromeda331 said:

I remember that episode. It freaked me out for days afterwards. That poor woman and her poor baby. It was something as normal as going to buy new clothes for her baby and both end up murdered. Why the baby? He didn't have to kill the baby. I really hope he's paying for that in prison.  

That haunts me too, especially since she would've been way too young to give a statement or identify him. I fast forwarded through that part because even the reenactment of the crying baby actress was too hard for me to stomach, but I think the police believe he was worried her cries would alert someone that something was wrong. Or he was just irritated by her crying. It's not like he had logic or a conscience. Especially because he had just acted out a violent sexual fantasy, his adrenaline must've been pumping. It's either panic or a power trip. They just want control and the ego rush of everyone else being disposable/at their mercy.

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14 hours ago, Annber03 said:

I'd heard about that story on a "Forensic Files" episode once as well. Utterly horrifying. And then he just tosses the child off by the side of the road somewhere, doesn't even keep her body with that of her mom's. Given how child killers tend to be viewed by the other prisoners, all I can say is I hope that creep's life in prison has been and will continue to be utterly miserable

God, this case was so sad and I cried all over again.  I remember when it happened. My grandparents lived near there. I can still remember his mugshot with the scratches.  The town later built a big playground in Lisa & Devon’s names but I’ve never been there. I’ve always wondered about the husband/father and hope he is living a satisfying life.  (Not sure satisfying is the correct word but I can’t think of a better one.) 

I hope the disgusting killer is miserable too. He did try to file crazy appeal saying he should’ve been sentenced as a juvenile and not gotten life even though he was 21 at the time. (Link: https://www.delcotimes.com/news/convicted-strangler-caleb-fairley-seeks-new-trial-in-murder-of/article_370dfad4-d120-5125-a5a3-494f9fb750a3.html)

I don’t think the police were incompetent. (Aside—this was a suburb of Philly so not Philly police.) I think he was arrested either 1 or 2 days after so it was a pretty quick turn around. 

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4 hours ago, Tdoc72 said:

I hope the disgusting killer is miserable too. He did try to file crazy appeal saying he should’ve been sentenced as a juvenile and not gotten life even though he was 21 at the time. (Link: https://www.delcotimes.com/news/convicted-strangler-caleb-fairley-seeks-new-trial-in-murder-of/article_370dfad4-d120-5125-a5a3-494f9fb750a3.html)

*Rolls eyes* Wow. Well, that's certainly...an argument, and to that, I say, tough shit, buddy. He was plenty old enough to know what he was doing was wrong, so he can shut it and deal with it. 

I echo your sentiments about the husband, too. That's really cool that the town found a nice way to honor Lisa and Devon. 

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On 4/8/2019 at 6:29 PM, Jordan61 said:

Yes! Good lord. I got the feeling she was pretty religious and her vows were sacred to her no matter what. She made a point of saying she was married to him until he died. I couldn't find much about him online, but I'm pretty sure they said he was 35 when he was arrested. He looked WAY older than that just in the wedding pictures.

I had to rewind to make sure I heard right that he was 35 and then verify it through articles on line.  That guy looked closer to 50 when he was 35.  Talk about evil being aging!

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On 4/13/2019 at 11:02 AM, MissAlmond said:

I always thought the saying was "Nothing good happens after 2:30 (am)".  Being up at midnight seems reasonable for the weekend to me.  

The McCann case has always stumped me.  I don't know if I believe the parents did something to Madeline (I do believe she's dead) themselves. , But I do lean toward them having such a good time, they weren't paying as close attention to the comings/goings as they claimed they were.  

I did watch the special that featured the McCann case.  I hesitated, because, I thought that I had seen it all, but, I was wrong. This special did feature some things that caused me to once again suspect the parents or their friends. I'm not a huge believer in scent dogs.  I have always been wary of them for reasons that I won't go into here.  HOWEVER, the alerts from two different scent dogs (one cadaver the other blood) in two different locations caused me to really doubt the parents version of events. It's not enough to prosecute. That's for sure, but, in my mind, that's what I have come to believe. 

AND, regardless of what happened, if the parents weren't involved, there was major negligence on their part and they were responsible for any harm that came to their daughter, due to their gross negligence.  When I hear their friends, family members extol what wonderful parents they were, I am disgusted, because if they were, they would not have left their children in such a unsafe situation repeatedly.  It boggles the mind really.  If they would do that, then I wonder what else they would do. 

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17 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

AND, regardless of what happened, if the parents weren't involved, there was major negligence on their part

Yes. This part I'm also absolutely sure about.  I believe they were laughing, talking, drinking, having a good time without the kids, and not paying attention the way they claimed.  

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Did anyone see Unbreakable last night? OMG....that poor boy was only in the 6th grade when drug guy shot and murdered his entire family. He barely survived to testify.  He was put into police protection for years and eventually adopted by the family who kept him safe.  I want to know what happened to the killer. He was convicted, but, I missed about what his sentence was and if he's still in prison.  He was one mean monster and only 19 years old at the time he murdered that family!  

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15 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Did anyone see Unbreakable last night? OMG....that poor boy was only in the 6th grade when drug guy shot and murdered his entire family. He barely survived to testify.  He was put into police protection for years and eventually adopted by the family who kept him safe.  I want to know what happened to the killer. He was convicted, but, I missed about what his sentence was and if he's still in prison.  He was one mean monster and only 19 years old at the time he murdered that family!  

I did not see it yet I set the dvr for it. I will try to watch it tonight and let you know.

Edited by badhaggis
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I was hoping that he got life without parole,. because, for a young man, he could get regular life sentence, serve many years and get out still before he's too old.  He must be a sociopath.  I would still be afraid of him.  That young man was very brave to do that show. 

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LJ was amazing, and a remarkable narrator of the horrors inflicted on himself and his family.  I'm so happy he found a family that took care of him and that he could love and trust.  The pain he carries must be enormous, and he clearly feels guilty that he didn't assure his sister he was still alive after the second attack.  He shouldn't - he was trying to stay alive - but it's understandable. 

The murderer really was a monster.  Hopefully he's in prison for the rest of his life. 

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On 4/13/2019 at 10:53 AM, 1889 said:

Thanks for your help everyone.  I found it.  It was Evil Talks, episode called The Killer Collective.

Glad you found it.  It can be frustrating to find it when you can only remember bits and pieces that can describe 100 other shows that aren't it.

On 4/13/2019 at 4:01 PM, andromeda331 said:

I remember that episode. It freaked me out for days afterwards. That poor woman and her poor baby. It was something as normal as going to buy new clothes for her baby and both end up murdered. Why the baby? He didn't have to kill the baby. I really hope he's paying for that in prison.  

I too saw that one on Forensic Files.  So very sad.  I wonder why the jury was from Dauphin County as noted in the article.  That's Harrisburg area, not Philly area.  And I can't believe I was in the same building as that creep.  Mr. Funky's late Uncle was in Fayette, and we visited him several times.  **SHUDDER**

I caught a show over the weekend that was only a half hour long - short shows aren't something usually seen on ID (I'm 99% sure it was ID I was watching - it was late, and I couldn't sleep) about the "Talhotblond" case.  Half an hour can't even scratch the surface on that box of crazy.

Edited by funky-rat
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6 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Did anyone see Unbreakable last night? OMG....that poor boy was only in the 6th grade when drug guy shot and murdered his entire family. He barely survived to testify.  He was put into police protection for years and eventually adopted by the family who kept him safe.  I want to know what happened to the killer. He was convicted, but, I missed about what his sentence was and if he's still in prison.  He was one mean monster and only 19 years old at the time he murdered that family!  

Just watched that episode. Jesus, that poor kid. When he started breaking down in tears, and talked about how he couldn't even properly discuss what had really happened to him while in witness protection, I just wanted to jump through the screen and hug him. What an insane amount of hell to put a 12 year old through. 

I share in the awe at how brave and strong he was in fighting to get out of that house, though. And I'm so, so glad that Stevens came upon him when he did, and that he got to live with that new family. Those people are true saints and heroes. Stevens reading the cards to him in the hospital was incredibly sweet and touching, too. 

(I can't imagine what that had to be like for his classmates, though. It's one thing to find out your classmate has been taken to the hospital, but if they knew/found out what put him there, and that his entire family was murdered, and then they weren't able to see him again because he had to go into hiding...damn.)

But yeah. Wishing LJ well going forward-he deserves all the good things imaginable. I can appreciate his sympathy for his dad, too-I could make a comment about how sad it is that his dad was so desperate to pay off medical bills that he thought this was a viable option, but politics, so, yeah. I'm glad he has some good memories of his family to hold on to, at least. 

Edited by Annber03
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8 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Did anyone see Unbreakable last night? OMG....that poor boy was only in the 6th grade when drug guy shot and murdered his entire family. He barely survived to testify.  He was put into police protection for years and eventually adopted by the family who kept him safe.  I want to know what happened to the killer. He was convicted, but, I missed about what his sentence was and if he's still in prison.  He was one mean monster and only 19 years old at the time he murdered that family!  

This was absolutely horrifying. I watch a lot of true crime shows, and while most of them are disturbing, this one shook me more than most.  I almost turned it off.  There were times when I had to turn my head and take my headphones off when LJ was describing the events of the night. 

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15 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Did anyone see Unbreakable last night? OMG....that poor boy was only in the 6th grade when drug guy shot and murdered his entire family. He barely survived to testify.  He was put into police protection for years and eventually adopted by the family who kept him safe.  I want to know what happened to the killer. He was convicted, but, I missed about what his sentence was and if he's still in prison.  He was one mean monster and only 19 years old at the time he murdered that family!  

Mark "Marky" Edwards was given the death penalty however it was commuted in 2015. He received 4 life sentences.

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8 hours ago, Annber03 said:

But yeah. Wishing LJ well going forward-he deserves all the good things imaginable. I can appreciate his sympathy for his dad, too-I could make a comment about how sad it is that his dad was so desperate to pay off medical bills that he thought this was a viable option, but politics, so, yeah. I'm glad he has some good memories of his family to hold on to, at least. 

Agreed.  I said as much to my husband after the show.

I've been thinking about LJ all day - not just his determination to survive, but that he grew into a compassionate and gracious young man.  Hopefully he knows that his parents would be proud of him.

21 minutes ago, badhaggis said:

Mark "Marky" Edwards was given the death penalty however it was commuted in 2015. He received 4 life sentences.

Good to know.  Thank you, badhaggis.

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9 hours ago, badhaggis said:

Mark "Marky" Edwards was given the death penalty however it was commuted in 2015. He received 4 life sentences.

Thank you!  Too bad the execution was commuted. I wonder if the 4 life sentences are to run concurrent or consecutive.  That man needs to never be free.  

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1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Thank you!  Too bad the execution was commuted. I wonder if the 4 life sentences are to run concurrent or consecutive.  That man needs to never be free.  

The life sentences are consecutive.

 The reason the death sentence was commuted is because under Pennsylvania law Edwards was ineligible due to an intellectual disability.


Expert witnesses testified over the last few days that Edwards has an IQ of 75 or lower and has adaptive functioning deficits and that both conditions began before he was 18.

A doctor testified that Edwards' mother said she drank alcohol for two months before realizing she was pregnant and that Edwards' small stature, facial anomalies and mental impairment led him to diagnose fetal alcohol syndrome.


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2 hours ago, Brattinella said:

IMO, He still deserves the death penalty, IQ notwithstanding.

Granted, I am against the death penalty but I have always thought that life in prison is worse than the death penalty. Death seems like the easy way out rather than having to spend decades in prison.

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1 hour ago, geekgirl921 said:

Granted, I am against the death penalty but I have always thought that life in prison is worse than the death penalty. Death seems like the easy way out rather than having to spend decades in prison.

Lifers will need medical care.  They can cause issues with other inmates.  They need food.  They need housing.  They can attempt dozens of appeals, or countless lawsuits for the smallest of perceived infractions.  Sometimes they inflict distress on their victims even behind bars.  If they're dead, they don't cost the system any further costs.  Tough call - especially for those guilty beyond any doubt, and who are completely unrepentant.

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I do have issues with death penalty, but, watching ID discovery over the last couple of years, has changed my perspective. While I know there have been some innocent people sent to death row and some who have been executed, who were innocent, I still support it for cases where there is no doubt the person committed the crime AND it was especially horrendous, like slaughtering innocent people in their own homes, murdering children, torture, etc. 

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51 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I do have issues with death penalty, but, watching ID discovery over the last couple of years, has changed my perspective. While I know there have been some innocent people sent to death row and some who have been executed, who were innocent, I still support it for cases where there is no doubt the person committed the crime AND it was especially horrendous, like slaughtering innocent people in their own homes, murdering children, torture, etc. 

It's just too uneven in it's application; too many poor and brown people. Too much chance of an innocent person being put to death; even one is too many. And to me it makes us no better than the murderers. Again, I think life in prison would be much worse and I don't think the cost is that much more than keeping someone on death row. 

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