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S11.E02: Week 1, Part 2

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Oh yeah, Chocolatine.  He did the whole job-leaving-blowout-party-before-flying-out thing.  Plus, he's got a young daughter.  Luckily too young to watch what a tool her father was on National TV.  I can PM you the link to his Facebook post about his party if you like.  It's pretty hilarious.


The sex coach who felt the need to talk about his anal fixation...has a daughter? OK, it's official...."I can't even".


That guy is incredibly lucky the first impression he made on everyone was a good one (well, if you ignored the "amateur sex coach" title below his name)....he came off as a random guy making a funny entrance and being heckled by a jerk.

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This show has become a parody of itself.

I'm sure that the stripper who's studying for the bar is going to really get a lot of respect as an attorney. Assuming he's even a law student. Or a stripper.

Did anyone else get the edit on Chris Soules 2.0, aka Welder Boy from Kuna, ID? "Dating in Kuna is tough 'cause there just aren't a lot of options." Cut to some nervous-looking cows.

To say nothing of the usual suspects - Drunk Guy, Single Dad, Guy Who's Really There To Promote His Musical Career (of course his choice is Britt; she's Girl Who's Really There To Promote Her Acting Career), Guy Who Overcame A Huge Physical Setback, and the usual ass clowns -"Healer", "Amateur Sex Coach". And don't forget Failed Professional Sports Guy (whose mom died when he was 14, but not before she told him "never to settle until I felt that that person was truly the one". Yeah, she did.

Burning Love was more realistic. Both seasons.

Edited by Lone Wolf
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Did anyone else get the edit on Chris Soules 2.0, aka Welder Boy from Kuna, ID? "Dating in Kuna is tough 'cause there just aren't a lot of options." Cut to some nervous-looking cows.


Ohhh yes, can't speak for anyone else but I definitely did. I thought it was really funny.  For some dumb reason I still have a soft spot for the welder boy, though. I think he's one of the few I saw in the intros that made me think he might be a good guy deep down.

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For some dumb reason I still have a soft spot for the welder boy, though. I think he's one of the few I saw in the intros that made me think he might be a good guy deep down.


My father is a hobbyist welder, and my baby brother is currently apprenticing as an industrial welder, so I have a soft spot for the welder guy too. His name is Joshua, I think.

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My overwhelming thought at the beginning of the episode: Yay, it's Kaitlyn! Fakey Fakerson has left the building!

My overwhelming thought at the end of the episode: Oh great, she's totally going to slut-shame herself.


I know I'm an idiot for hoping that anyone who signs up to participate in this franchise is even remotely progressive or feminist, but I actually like Kaitlyn and don't want to watch her spend half of the season beating herself up over sleeping with a guy. C'mon, Kaityn, own your baddassery and sense of fun (even if it ultimately comes from a place of insecurity). Don't be a boring, predictable milksop like Desiree.

Also: I like Nick Viall. He brings drama and looks like he's a good kisser.

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I agree, I'm hoping some of that is at least partly editing. She still seems like a nice person and not someone that I'd enjoy seeing having a rough time during the show.

And I wasn't super impressed with some of the guys ato first, but so far Joe seems ok (much better than his unfortunate picture on the abc site, those photos are always so bad), and Clint is strangely attractive. And Ian and Corey. So, so glad the creepy sex dude and the stripper got the axe early. The "healer" needs to go next and go look up the crazy girl from last season.

I didn't watch Andi's season, though I read about the post show drama. I do not get the Nick appeal at all.

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Yea, I finally got to watch. I'm always in with this show, but if I had been waffling the winner group of wonder boys & the previews sold me. Crying! Fighting! Confusion! Most Dramatic Everything Ever! Shake it, bake it & roll it in fake it. I don't care it's still fun to watch & laugh at.

I couldn't help wondering, as I watched obligatory drunk dude, if he was a producer plant. My thought was they needed an overindulger & offered it to him with a promise he could be semi-naked on national tv & a bachelor family perk to be named later.

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I couldn't help wondering, as I watched obligatory drunk dude, if he was a producer plant. My thought was they needed an overindulger & offered it to him with a promise he could be semi-naked on national tv & a bachelor family perk to be named later.

I wouldn't be surprised to see him show up on Bachelor In Paradise.  

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I'd be surprised if the producers would see his entertainment value as more than his liability risk.  I like laughing at a hilarious drunk as much as the next person, but he seems to be a serious line-crosser.   Mean drunks are no fun.  

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Random thoughts...

Don't know why Kaitlyn was so worried about getting to know the guys who voted for Britt. Seems to me that that right there would be a no-brainer criterion for who doesn't get a rose - you didn't vote for me? In the immortal words of Carl Spackler, "In the immortal words of Jean Paul Sarte, 'Au revoir, go-phere'."

Britt is *such* a bad actress. Lots of crying, but no tears. I'm sure we haven't seen the last of her, even beyond the clearly contrived stalker cliffhanger set up for next week.

Pretty funny seeing the despondent, shocked, Team Britt guys sitting alone, staring into middle distance like PTSD victims.

Kaitlyn already sucking face with two different guys - between that, the upcoming apparent promiscuity, and taking advice from Amy Schumer (I'm sure she's not plugging anything), she's shaping up to be the most. slutty. bachelorette. EVER!!

Otherwise, a whole big steaming pile of meh. Including the Dramatic Highlights From This Season Of The Bachelorette (has there ever been a season of TB(ette) when a contestant wasn't jealous of the other "relationships"?)

Edited by Lone Wolf
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My hope is that if she really IS crying because she slept with one of the men and the others found out about it, that it's because she feels bad for hurting someone's feelings, not because she feels like she shouldn't have sex with whomever she pleases.  If one or more of the other guys genuinely felt betrayed and shocked because she had sex with someone else while she was still supposedly deciding which one would be her "husband" and they thought Kaitlyn truly had feelings for them, then that would suck for anyone in that position. 


I think a grown single woman is allowed to have as much sex with as many partners as she cares to, but that doesn't mean poor timing in doing so isn't going to create conflict.  Making a decision to have sex before the scheduled Fantasy Suite stage of the process means she was opening herself up to exactly what appears to have happened, so there are emotional consequences, not for being a "slut", but for doing something that she had to know would create huge, ugly waves if it got out.  I'll be pissed if this really does turn out to be just another round of slut shaming instead of about what problems having sex with one man while another man thinks you might love him can create.  In my opinion, this situation is not slutty, but it IS bad form.  Not to mention I see nothing appealing about Nick whatsoever, so if that's who she couldn't stop herself from having sex with, then I am wholly perplexed, just like I was when Andi was so hot for him.  I can only guess he has some kind of wicked pheromones that put women under a spell.

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taking advice from Amy Schumer (I'm sure she's not plugging anything)


Ha! I think the world would be a better place if we all took advice from Amy Schumer. 


My hope is that if she really IS crying because she slept with one of the men and the others found out about it, that it's because she feels bad for hurting someone's feelings, not because she feels like she shouldn't have sex with whomever she pleases.  If one or more of the other guys genuinely felt betrayed and shocked because she had sex with someone else while she was still supposedly deciding which one would be her "husband" and they thought Kaitlyn truly had feelings for them, then that would suck for anyone in that position.


I see your point, and I really think it just speaks to the ridiculous premise of this show and how inorganic it is in terms of the "normal" process of meeting and falling in love with someone. Most people I know, when getting involved with someone, will eventually want to have sex, especially if you're looking for a long-term or even lifetime commitment. But this show is really just designed to throw people into these horribly awkward situations (which admittedly they volunteer for) where OF COURSE jealousy and resentment are going to find a very fertile breeding ground (no pun intended). It really is no small wonder that it usually doesn't work out for most contestants. 

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Ha! I think the world would be a better place if we all took advice from Amy Schumer. 


I see your point, and I really think it just speaks to the ridiculous premise of this show and how inorganic it is in terms of the "normal" process of meeting and falling in love with someone. Most people I know, when getting involved with someone, will eventually want to have sex, especially if you're looking for a long-term or even lifetime commitment. But this show is really just designed to throw people into these horribly awkward situations (which admittedly they volunteer for) where OF COURSE jealousy and resentment are going to find a very fertile breeding ground (no pun intended). It really is no small wonder that it usually doesn't work out for most contestants. 

Whenever this show has accidental moments of "normalcy", I get nervous.  If it resembles any fantasy of whatever happens between human anythings that find love, and which I find relatable or familiar, I feel like I'm TRULY in the vortex.  No, no, no, I need this shit to stay weird and upsetting and every type of wrong.  I can't believe without my head exploding.     

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Whenever this show has accidental moments of "normalcy", I get nervous.  If it resembles any fantasy of whatever happens between human anythings that find love, and which I find relatable or familiar, I feel like I'm TRULY in the vortex.  No, no, no, I need this shit to stay weird and upsetting and every type of wrong.  I can't believe without my head exploding.


A friend of mine has talked about the horror of discovering a smile spreading across her face during some of the sweeter moments. She says once she realizes it she practically wants to slap herself. 

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This show really has changed. There used to be fairly strict access rules and the suitors only had contact during assigned dates and during the cocktail parties. Now, it seems all bets are off as far as creating moments with the Lead prior to the Fantasy Suites.  And anything that happens prior to the FS could well be revealed and the F1 will eventually find out.  And since Nick slut-shamed Andi about what happened in the FS and even Kaitlin admitted she saw Chris S. naked in the FS on some show (forget which), even what happens in the FS is no longer secret.  Not a good formula for a good start on a relationship!

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My father is a hobbyist welder, and my baby brother is currently apprenticing as an industrial welder, so I have a soft spot for the welder guy too. His name is Joshua, I think.

Industrial welder is a good job, pays well, and is fairly secure.   He's way above the "amateur sex coach"   "entrepreneur", and other dubious non careers the majority have.    25 most eligible bachelors in America, my ass.   You could probably go to Farmington IA,  pop 500 find at least 5 that are better than these schlubs. 


Though Kentucky elf guy likely does well as an insurance agent, seems very intelligent and respectful, and is hot n a homely guy way. 

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The eye candy this season is just appalling.    Come on, hire a couple of good looking ringers to get us through mid season.

After watching part 1 I actually thought that most of the guys were very good-looking and then come part 2 at the rose ceremony and I was almost thinking that they must have switched them all out and brought in new scary looking dudes (shortly before I became aware of the "amateur sex therapist" and got a bit dissociative and started longing for a new season of Burning love). I guess I just noticed the cute ones and tried to block the others out. It was also confusing seeing both Britt and Kaitlyn talking to the guys. From those that stayed I find he healer guy to be just plain scary, it would be fun to watch him leave and go after Britt... And one of those guys has a serious case of Crazy eyes (putting Ramona from RHoNY to shame) and one´s got vampire teeth. Oh and JJ or whatever he was called is so annoying and weird. Still, there were at least 3 I think are really cute and some 2-3 that seemed okay. I´m used to not seeing the attractiveness of the bachelorette contestants so this all feels normal.

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I'm not sure if one has low self-esteem that they publicly strip to swim bare-assed while being filmed for national tv coverage or tell raunchy jokes about plowing some guy's field and other assorted off-color nuggets. The people with poor opinions of themselves that I know are pretty quiet and it takes a bit to get them out of their shell. Kaitlyn has no shell that I can see.

I thought her crack to Britt, "Is that soap or Kleenex?" was mean-spirited, rude and totally uncalled for. To me, that's the real Kaitlyn. Yeah, she could be lots of fun on a date, but there are women men date and then there are women men want to marry.

I agree with you in that I don't see any of Kaitlyn's jokes as coming from a lack of self esteem.

But as for men who will date some kind of women but then want to marry a different kind of woman -- I think those men are hypocritical.


Edited by jordanpond
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Phew just finished watching both parts and I got to say I'm not impressed. I could bet money on the fact that the producers knew very well who the audience would like as a bachelorette if they had to choose between Kaitlyn and Britt. Britt has accepted many negative comments about her fakeness and her lies both fro the girls who lived with her on The Bachelor and the audience who watched it. Kaitlyn had mostly positive comments. Britt is ridiculously beautiful, I think she has everything we can judge beauty on in the extreme degree. But Britt is there for the wrong reasons and she sees this as a role she has to play. I don't doubt that a bewautiful woman can dream of having a husband and kids as a priority in life in such a young age, but I highly doubt it to be honest, and even if this is her goal she doesn't really need a show to find such a man. I'm not saying Kaitlyn is ugly or something but if you put them in a party there is a 99% chance all men will talk to Britt rather than Kaitlyn only due to her extraordinary good looks, regardless who they pick when they have compared both personalities, in which case I strongly believe Kaitlyn will be the winner by far. Britt pretends to have the personality every man is looking for in order to marry her but I still believe it's all an act, like the incident with her visiting Chris' hometown and saying she will be bored to death living there and she doesn't even want to have kids and then denying everything in front of the camera. I'm glad the bachelors were wise enough to see through Britt's fakeness and send her packing. Am I glad Kaitlyn is the bachelorette? While I do like her sometimes, I still am not glad she is the bachelorette. I would so much prefer Becca to be honest cause she had something unique, she was beautiful inside and out and it would be a nice experience for her and for us. All in all I'm not crazy about Kaitlyn being the bachelorette but I do hope she finds love. I hate the producers for creating this drama out of nothing when they already knew Britt was just acting and the men would see through her fakeness.

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Britt is ridiculously beautiful, I think she has everything we can judge beauty on in the extreme degree.


Maybe the bolded part is why I disagree with you (and many others, I know) on the first point. I always thought she was pretty but looked 'off' to me somehow, honestly. I never saw her as this "ridiculously beautiful" woman even from when the women were first intro'd on The Bachelor. Then again I'm a straight female so not exactly her 'type' and she's not mine, but I recognize beautiful women and I just don't see her as outstandingly stunning. 

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It came to me this episode. Britt looks like a prettier version of Vanessa Lachey. I wonder if they'd have her come back (without having to compete with someone else to be the Bachelorette). She also looks a bit like Andi. Obviously there's a same-y-ness about a lot of the men and women who get cast on the show.


Chris Harrison and Kaitlyn had a weird interaction. Her putting her hands on his shoulders before he really said anything. Did he call her "sweet girl"? What is she, a horse?


Aw, Joshua the welder brought out the rose. Assuming he's not a terrible person I can really see them selling him as the next bachelor.


Who are you, David? I don't remember him at all from episode 1. 


I don't think they're necessarily awful for staying even if the bachelorette they chose didn't stay. They didn't know either of them well enough to write the other one off so if you're willing to commit to this stupid dating experiment, you might as well stick with it. 


Nothing against JJ but I'm not sure why Kaitlyn was into him so quickly. If anything he seemed to connect more with Britt.


Kaitlyn and a bunch of the guys talk a lot without actually being that articulate. This is a show I definitely need to watch while doing something else or it'll make me crazy.


I think Shawn is Kaitlyn's Blaze... the guy she's attracted to without much else behind it. We'll see what he's actually like in the next few weeks.


Yes! I love that she kept Tony the healer. I don't know how long he'll last but I hope he makes the most of his time because I think he can. 


Kaitlyn laughing at during the rose ceremony at nothing was a little irritating. It's not like you were asking them to accept your box, Kaitlyn.

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