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So Tamra spent an inordinate amount of time crying.  She cries about everything without shed any real tears.  I will never understand why the producers think Tamra is relevant any longer.  I cannot stand that kid of hers Ryan.  No he has procreated.


 Simon was correct about his comments about Donn and Vicki.  What phony liars with both have side pieces, especially Donn who was unfaithful throughout the marriage.   Donn has little room to speak about phonies.  Have said that I liked Donn h was good for the guys' morale.  Simon had good reason to worry.


Thankfully Jeana's kids turned out okay-they sure were mouthy little snots. 

More on Season 1: Just watched the episode last night where Jo and Slade break up.  It really does seem looking back on this that Slade was the character that they were following, not Jo.  You see more of Slade in TH's, more of Slade with his family, and interactions with him and his guy friends, than you see of Jo. I also think he was a complete douche.  He and Jo went out for a date night and he immediately began to lay into her.  No wonder she ran for the hills.  He kept saying our relationship is so perfect, but Jo, I want you to significantly change to suit me.  That whole thing had to be a farce, right?  I mean seeing as how Slade stayed on the show another 4 seasons with Gretchen, it all has to be a farce right?  His relationships on the show have got to be a sham.

  • Love 1

I actually thought Jo wasn't so bad looking back. She was kind of ditzy, but was kind of sweet at the same time.

I still think the reason Shannon.became so popular right away was because she wasn't looking to hawk a product,or get famous. She wanted to show the world her life..warts and all. She so would have fit in the show during the early years without question....even Lizzie would have fit in better had she been cast earlier.

  • Love 3

More on Season 1: Just watched the episode last night where Jo and Slade break up. It really does seem looking back on this that Slade was the character that they were following, not Jo. You see more of Slade in TH's, more of Slade with his family, and interactions with him and his guy friends, than you see of Jo. I also think he was a complete douche. He and Jo went out for a date night and he immediately began to lay into her. No wonder she ran for the hills. He kept saying our relationship is so perfect, but Jo, I want you to significantly change to suit me. That whole thing had to be a farce, right? I mean seeing as how Slade stayed on the show another 4 seasons with Gretchen, it all has to be a farce right? His relationships on the show have got to be a sham.

Slade pulled one of my Top 10 Run For The Hills You're Dating A Douchbag Warning Signs: he was constantly telling Joe she needed to grow up and become more responsible FOR HIS KIDS! They're your kids, you shit-head! You take care of them! And if you think Joe is so young and immature then date someone older and more settled! My favorite Joe moment was when she was packing her shit to leave the first time and Slade follows her into the garage bitching about how they would be happy except for Joe's behavior and she calmly without even taking a break from packing says "Then maybe you should find someone with a different behavior." Preach it girl! Leave him in OC to find his next nanny/girlfriend (you just know he started dating his younger son's mom so she would take care of his older son for him. I doubt he ever was much of a dad) while you go live your life in LA. Of course they got back together, but I was so rooting for her in that moment.

  • Love 4

With Bravo showing the early, early seasons these next two weeks, I thought it would be great to have a place to discuss them rather than the media thread. I didn't see one already started so I hope this is okay. If not moderators -- I'm sorry. :)

I thought that's what the "Ghosts of Housewives past" thread was for. :-)



Have we ever talked about Roman, the pitbull breeder who was dating Tammy's older daughter? His kennel's logo was a pretty well-known nazi/skinhead symbol, but I don't recall that being discussed in the context of the show.

I rememeber discussing Roman a lot on TVwoP but the details escape me now. Yeah, his pitbull breeder business seemed totally like a front for some skinheads.

  • Love 2

Watching Lynne's family fall apart again, knowing what we know about how the girls turned out, was really sad. Alexa desperate for real family connection, blatantly acting out to get her parents to notice her -- so sad. And her idiot parents -- Frank offering a big vacation to make up for them losing their home (WTF?? Glad Alexa called BS on that to his face), and Lynne turning on the parental concern waaaaay too late at the wrap party (again with Alexa calling her on it: "Oh, now you're going to be a good mom and solve the problem?").

I also noticed that both Vicki and Gretchen called the wrap party "our final party," which seemed sort of fourth-wall-breaking to me, since they clearly meant it was the final party of the filming season.

  • Love 1

Just watched S2 E1 where Kimberly announces that she is leaving.  I know on the show she chalked it up to skin cancer concerns, but I remember hearing rumors that there was some other reason that had to do with her husband.  Does anyone know what that was?  Also I noticed that the S1 wrap party was at Friend of Housewives Leila Romano's house, not at Vicki's or Jeana's.  Why was Leila not added as a housewife?  I would have liked to see her join the cast.


I totally forgot that Jo and Slade got back together and that Lauri dated him briefly.  Too funny.  Then in the next season they go to counseling and he dumps her at the counselor's office.  Can't wait to rewatch that!  I also forgot about the license plate - JSMILY.  Ha!!

  • Love 1

Season. 7 is when the show officially transitions from individual.narratives with some interaction...to full on contrived interactions and.bickering left and right.

To me, I think Lydia and Lizzie would have benefitted more if they joined in the earlier seasons..since both had businesses, marriages, and family living nearby to interact with.

Shannon is the type that oukd have worked well in either format.

Heather d would have not fit in the earlier seasons at all...Peggy...not so sure.

Alexis might have worked in the earlier seasons...gretchen's only legitimate story was in season 4.. though I did like her scenes with her late fiances children in season 5...and her family in season 6.

  • Love 1

Season. 7 is when the show officially transitions from individual.narratives with some interaction...to full on contrived interactions and.bickering left and right.

To me, I think Lydia and Lizzie would have benefitted more if they joined in the earlier seasons..since both had businesses, marriages, and family living nearby to interact with.

Shannon is the type that oukd have worked well in either format.

Heather d would have not fit in the earlier seasons at all...Peggy...not so sure.

Alexis might have worked in the earlier seasons...gretchen's only legitimate story was in season 4.. though I did like her scenes with her late fiances children in season 5...and her family in season 6.

Do you think Shannon would have? Granted she kind of irritates me, but about 99% of her story was her fight with Heather, other than that it was all air filters and vitamins.

The early seasons worked better IMO because all of the conflicts and storylines were the real struggles of the people's daily life.  When it changed to scenes like Tamra throwing Alexis out of the cocktail party set up in her gym, and Naked Wasted, this was ugly and staged.  The who is fighting with who and choosing Teams is where it went downhill.  If you notice the first couple seasons the women didn't even really interact much among themselves. Also a huge detractor of the show IMO was Slade. Slade and Gretchen and their phony relationship we're making jar spaghetti sauce in a condo while practicing for Pussycat Dolls was soooo incredibly lame. 

  • Love 4

I honestly have no idea which season is which. I also realized I accidentally deleted an episode or two that I know I had been hoping to watch.

I never realized Gretchen knew Slade and Jo way back in the day. Sheesh. Slade is indeed a leach. He just sucks on to whatever he can that is associated with the RHOC.

Not a fan of Kara but I thought she was sweet to Alexa at the wrap party when Raquel had ditched her and she was upset because her parents wouldn't let her have a martini. Which season was that? I'm sad Bravo isn't including the reunions with these mini-marathons. I'd like to try to find the reunion for this season online and watch it.

I was left with my jaw on the floor as Lynne proceed to spend crazy money on clothes just after she had been served eviction papers.

Which episode is it when Tamra threw wine in Jeana's face? The more I think about it, yep, this show began detoriating with the arrival of Tamra. I doubt Andy has regrets but I wonder if other executives from the show have any regrets.

I enjoyed the episodes of Gretchen interacting with Jeff's kids. I like that Gretchen. Seems very sweet. Almost like someone I'd be willing to hang out with. Her dad was hilarious in regards to his comments about Slade. Speaking about all the horses at the resort they were out "I stepped outside and worried about stepping in a pile of Slade" or something along those lines. Made me laugh a lot.

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I DVRd and rewatched the Naked Wasted episode yesterday.  I was horrified when I initially saw it but upon rewatch I am disgusted.  I liked Gretchen then, even with her horse laughter and her "sunthin'"s, and Tamra's behavior was beyond the pale.  Ryan literally made me want to vomit.  Despite Lynne's issues later on - - and her daughters were already so clearly out of control - - I did admire that she tried to get Gretchen to leave with her and Frank and she seemed genuinely concerned about her wellbeing.  (Too bad she wasn't more concerned with her daughters.)


I was on my way home from work two days ago and caught this on the car in front of me.  Of course the first thing I thought of was "You went to BASS LAKE?"


ETA:  Okay, well, I am trying to add my picture but without luck.  If anyone can assist, I would appreciate it.  It's my own personal pic so no url to type in.



  • Love 2

Which episode is it when Tamra threw wine in Jeana's face? The more I think about it, yep, this show began detoriating with the arrival of Tamra. I doubt Andy has regrets but I wonder if other executives from the show have any regrets.


Season 6 finale, which I'm watching right now.  It's also the ep with the infamous "cyst and decease" letter.  Was this the first wine toss in HW history?  If so, Jeana, the ever smug bitch, deserved it.  I don't like Tamara, but Simon was an awful little man.

  • Love 2

The episode with Alexis' photoshoot at the St. Regis is on and I totally forgot how awesome it is for snarking. Her poses had to be a joke, right? Love how Jim comes in and acts like he knows everything about photoshoots. The smoke machine sets off all the alarms at the hotel. As much as I couldn't stand their hypocrisy, you know being Christian yet it's OK to scam people out of their money, etc., they did make for good reality TV snark. They need more of this and less fighting in the current episodes.

  • Love 1


I wish I could  remember some of the great lines I have heard in this rewatch. "Do You Speak Canadian?" is a top one though.


One of my favorite lines was on today. It's the episode where Alexis leaves Peggy's party, upset because Jim didn't come and she didn't want to tell them that Jim didn't want to spend any time with them.


Donn, Vicki, Tamra and Eddie were in the limo and Donn re-enacts Alexis' crying:  "Boo hoo! How can I eat my asparagus without my best friend?"  Vicki didn't even crack a smile.  Old biddy.  I wish they had featured Donn more … he was really funny and I did like him.  

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I think it's clear that this show turned in season three when the emphasis went from women and families to women with one another. That is the misstep, IMO, as the drama came from real world issues- children, husbands, money, etc. Now, it's manufactured arguments between the women and that's dull. And if it's real, then it's idiotic. I think Alexis really had issues with the others as she was a moronic child with no coping skills. The others seem to be putting it on for the cameras and it's boring.


All of these shows need a major reset and that's what this rewatch taught me. Nene is actually right- single women really don't have much to offer to these shows unless they have kids or are in a relationship, like Jo or Kandi. That's what the shows should be about.

Edited by Roxy
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The one thing I.noticed.about season 5 and 6 was that there was more conversations about blogs and articles written in the press.

Case in point.. I'm season 5... Tamra and Gretchen try to call a truce...Tamra apologizes for what she had said.about Gretchen and Jeff...which Gretchen accepts...then Tamra asks Gretchen about a blog that should be taken down about stuff grefchen said about her...all Gretchen would say was that she would think about it...but basically refused....which kept.the two.at.odds. nowadays, there would have been a contrived reason for the two still.not speaking/feuding that wouldn't make sense.

In season 6...one of the reasons Jeana and Tamra were fighting was due to stuff jeana said to the press...and if that wrre .t revealed...we wouldnt have been treated to the cyst and deceased argument at the finale (which was the only full on yelling that went on )

Also...I didn't realize the big cast trips didn't start for OC until season 7. I liked it better pre cast trips.

Lastly, it seems like out of all the housewife franchises...that the OC has maintained the most of the original format...it isn't saying much but it seems to still have individual narratives mixed in...plus the families are still featured in the intros.

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I thought it was mostly because Vicki always shut Donn out on family activities, but the kids seemed to love Donn.

I could see that. It just...well the kids didn't seem to LOVE Donn until the divorce, IMO. Early on they both had THs to the effect of "Donn is our mother's husband. He's ok? I guess?" Could have been Vicki's doing, but I always wondered if Donn wasn't much of a kid person. A decent enough guy maybe, but not great with kids. Which would explain why his relationship with the kids improved when they were adults with their own lives.

  • Love 1


I thought it was mostly because Vicki always shut Donn out on family activities, but the kids seemed to love Donn.

I could see that. It just...well the kids didn't seem to LOVE Donn until the divorce, IMO. Early on they both had THs to the effect of "Donn is our mother's husband. He's ok? I guess?" Could have been Vicki's doing, but I always wondered if Donn wasn't much of a kid person. A decent enough guy maybe, but not great with kids. Which would explain why his relationship with the kids improved when they were adults with their own lives.

I can see both views though it seemed to me that someone as insecure and controlling as Vicki would have tremendous problems with her kids (hers, never hers and her ex) becoming close to anyone other than herself. Whether or not Donn was a kid person, whether or not he wanted to spend time with them and be a parent, I don't think Vicki would ever allow that to happen. She called the shots, made a point of not including Donn in so called 'family' vacations. He must have known she had two young children when he and Vicki first started dating, certainly he knew when they got married. In most relationships that would be a package deal, especially if the biological father was out of the picture.

Whatever he wanted or expected, I doubt he had much input.


I wasn't surprised when Vicki spent several episodes inconsolably crying because not only had she filed for divorce but Donn wouldn't speak to her. Seriously? She files and she's upset that he doesn't want to play nice and have dinner? The marriage may well been over but it still had to be a painful thing and if Donn was blindsided by V's timing he fantasy of Don begging her on bended knee to take it back and live happily ever after...really?

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I think it's clear that this show turned in season three when the emphasis went from women and families to women with one another. That is the misstep, IMO, as the drama came from real world issues- children, husbands, money, etc. Now, it's manufactured arguments between the women and that's dull. And if it's real, then it's idiotic. I think Alexis really had issues with the others as she was a moronic child with no coping skills. The others seem to be putting it on for the cameras and it's boring.

All of these shows need a major reset and that's what this rewatch taught me. Nene is actually right- single women really don't have much to offer to these shows unless they have kids or are in a relationship, like Jo or Kandi. That's what the shows should be about.

Exactly! Alexis was pretentious, obnoxious, etc., just as Tamra & Heather claimed. She was fun to snark on...which is part of the fun watching these shows.

However, once it goes too far, with the likes of Tamra screaming at you, setting you up (at gym party) and calling her things like Jesus Jugs...that's crossing the line big time. I don't want to see housewife brawls. Alexis didn't deserve that kind of over the top hatred for being a twit.

It goes back to my dislike for Andy or Bravo producers who feel like this behavior, perfected by women like Tamra is what the audience wants instead of what we saw in the early seasons. They changed the format from a Rachael Ray style look into a Jerry Springer script.

I didn't care that much for Gretchen, but Tamras Naked Wasted plot was disgusting. I see Evil when I see Tamra. With the other ladies on the OC, I see flawed, but typical human beings.

Edited by IKnowRight
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I have a question. Let me clarify first that I'm not a supporter or fan of Slade but I'm wondering why Tamra and Vicki hate him so much. I get the not paying child support even though they aren't impacted by it, it is still a crappy thing for someone not to pay their child support. But is just seems one he latched on to Gretchen the ladies went from tolerating him to pure on hating him with a passion. Did he do something behind the scenes early on to upset them so much? Again, I'm just curious and in no way trying to find a defense for Slade...I'm just curious. 


Now that Bravo has shown seasons one through six, I've changed my DVR back to only getting new episodes. I just can't handle/stand the more current seasons. 


I find it interesting how in the early seasons that despite not being official housewives they ladies (Lynne, Tammy, Lauri, Jeana, etc) are still referred to as OC Housewife. It is also interesting how at various points they get quite a bit of screen time. 


To summarize from watching these early seasons, oh I wish they could go back to the original format. 

  • Love 1

I have a question. Let me clarify first that I'm not a supporter or fan of Slade but I'm wondering why Tamra and Vicki hate him so much. I get the not paying child support even though they aren't impacted by it, it is still a crappy thing for someone not to pay their child support. But is just seems one he latched on to Gretchen the ladies went from tolerating him to pure on hating him with a passion. Did he do something behind the scenes early on to upset them so much? Again, I'm just curious and in no way trying to find a defense for Slade...I'm just curious.

Now that Bravo has shown seasons one through six, I've changed my DVR back to only getting new episodes. I just can't handle/stand the more current seasons.

I find it interesting how in the early seasons that despite not being official housewives they ladies (Lynne, Tammy, Lauri, Jeana, etc) are still referred to as OC Housewife. It is also interesting how at various points they get quite a bit of screen time.

To summarize from watching these early seasons, oh I wish they could go back to the original format.

I think it was pretty much about Tamara's Gretchen hard-on. And it was Tamara driving that bus. She just didn't like Gretchen and would not let it fucking go. Vicki could be just as bad, but she would sort of try to drop it from time to time. And Slade fed into it, but he didn't start it. Tamara's kinda crazy. Can you imagine what she was like in High School? She must have been a vincitive little bitch about such important High School shit as not sitting at the right lunch table.

  • Love 1

I never understood the intensity of Vicki and Tamra's dislike for Gretchen until season eight. And although it still registered as rather disproportionate, I thought the show ultimately emphasized how pathologically and almost compulsively dishonest Gretchen could be. She was indeed carrying on with Jay - who she subsequently tried to frame as a stalker, photographs and lawsuit exhibits notwithstanding - while portraying herself as a committed loyal helpmate. If I recall correctly, Tamra became involved when Jay telephoned her at home "in the middle of the night," and the animus toward Slade just spun out of her vitriol toward the general artificiality of Gretchen's persona (ie presenting herself and Slade as devoted parents; didn't she wax self-indulgent about how "hard" the situation with his son was on her during her last year, and even tried to vilify Alexis for not realizing that said situation was not all about Gretchen?). I don't think Vicki really ever genuinely cared about Gretchen one way or the other, but Gretchen sure made that irrelevant when she retconned all of Tamra's misdeeds onto Vicki during season 7. The entire dynamic between the three is pretty aptly illustrated by Naked Wasted. Tamra tells Vicks of her plan and Vicki just looks at her like she's crazy.

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I think had Tamra been just lukewarm to Gretchen..Gretchen would have been long gone before season 8.

I had forgotten how much Tamra didn't care for Quinn...even calling her an odd ball during he web exclusive scene in season 8. I still recall the scene in season 3 where Tamra was told all the work she needed...while Quinn was told she looked great and needed little to.no working. Tamra was 39/40 but looked a ton older..while Quinn was 52ish and looked 39/40 lol

  • Love 2

I found Tamara's obsession with Gretchen to be eerie, sad and predicated ENTIRELY upon JEALOUSY. Despite Gretchen's unsavory actions...they had absolutely nothing to do with Tamara. If Jay called Tamara, that is between Jay, Tamara et al, and the police--if Tamara considered it harassment. Early on, Gretchen had done nothing to Tamara. Both Tamara and Vicki were jealous of Gretchen's youth, "looks", and support by a millionaire sugardaddy.

I am still amazed how few still don't see how Tamara set up both Vicki and Simon during the divorce epiphany season. Tamara TOTALLY orchestrated the bitterness betwixt her friend and husband. Tamara is smart, BUT ALSO, she is jealous, craven, manipulative, and ignorant.

Edited by BookElitist
  • Love 3

I found Tamara's obsession with Gretchen to be eerie, sad and predicated ENTIRELY upon JEALOUSY. Despite Gretchen's unsavory actions...they had absolutely nothing to do with Tamara. If Jay called Tamara, that is between Jay, Tamara et al, and the police--if Tamara considered it harassment. Early on, Gretchen had done nothing to Tamara. Both Tamara and Vicki were jealous of Gretchen's youth, "looks", and support by a millionaire sugardaddy.

I am still amazed how few still don't see how Tamara set up both Vicki and Simon during the divorce epiphany season. Tamara TOTALLY orchestrated the bitterness betwixt her friend and husband. Tamara is smart, BUT ALSO, she is jealous, craven, manipulative, and ignorant.

Ding, ding, ding! I said that about the Simon/Tamara/Vicki thing from DAY ONE! I always thought Tamara would go complain to Vicki about Simon and Vicki would say stuff about how she deserved better and so on, and then during her next fight with Simon she would get into some deflection about how all her friends hate him and get Simon going on Vicki and how much she butts in, and then during her next fight with Vicki she would tell her everything mean thing Simon said, and so on. Total bitch move. I would have cut her off after that, but Vicki is dumb.

  • Love 1

I have a question. Let me clarify first that I'm not a supporter or fan of Slade but I'm wondering why Tamra and Vicki hate him so much. I get the not paying child support even though they aren't impacted by it, it is still a crappy thing for someone not to pay their child support. But is just seems one he latched on to Gretchen the ladies went from tolerating him to pure on hating him with a passion. Did he do something behind the scenes early on to upset them so much? Again, I'm just curious and in no way trying to find a defense for Slade...I'm just curious. 


Now that Bravo has shown seasons one through six, I've changed my DVR back to only getting new episodes. I just can't handle/stand the more current seasons. 


I find it interesting how in the early seasons that despite not being official housewives they ladies (Lynne, Tammy, Lauri, Jeana, etc) are still referred to as OC Housewife. It is also interesting how at various points they get quite a bit of screen time. 


To summarize from watching these early seasons, oh I wish they could go back to the original format.

I'm thinking Slade was friends with one of the original producers. Scott Dunlap, maybe? He was a creator of the show from the beginning. Andy left his name out during the Bethany interview questions. I seem to recall a lawsuit in the past, as well. Either way, this isn't andy's baby, he just ran with it. It seems Slade was here first. How's that for weird? Lol

I'm thinking Slade was friends with one of the original producers. Scott Dunlap, maybe? He was a creator of the show from the beginning. Andy left his name out during the Bethany interview questions. I seem to recall a lawsuit in the past, as well. Either way, this isn't andy's baby, he just ran with it. It seems Slade was here first. How's that for weird? Lol

From what I recall Slade knew Scott Dunlap because they were neighbors or something and was invited to a fundraiser at this house where one of the silent auction items was a walk on for THROOC. Slade won it and then convinced SD to cast him and Joe off of that. I think that may be part of why Joe met the other HWs so far in, I think they were already filming when SD decided to add them (similar deal with Bethany in NYC. The original cast was hired to do a show about private schools in NYC then Bravo bought it and retooled the concept to fit a RH show and added B) hence the weird sceen where Joe and Kimberly meet at the country club. I have no idea what the original sceen they filmed was or if it was used, but SD must have liked what he saw. I think Andy brought the project to Bravo after the first season was already filmed and they were shopping for a network to air it.

  • Love 3

Ugh, I never cared for Quinn. She seemed so desperate for a man and all I can  remember of her besides the weird wig date was the pearl boob G string. UGH!


OMG yes!  She was really embarrassing.  I don't think she ever really understood that all her dates were looking for was quick sex which Ms. Bible Study seemed perfectly happy to give them.

  • Love 1

Vicki is beyond dumb in so many ways. Brooks is such a bullshitter and watching him from the beginning makes that so clear. She was vulnerable, fine, but after a while, she hasn't regained her senses. He's an opportunist and a phony. Yuck- I hate agreeing with Tamra.


The first tip off that this guy is full of shit should've been the greeting cards he would give her weekly.  That was laying it on waaaaay too thick.


I love the episode today where she goes to Heather's party with the rented fur that Brooks "bought" her.  "See, he has money -- he bought me a fur so he can't be a grifter!"


Gretchen confuses me.  No question in my mind she was a golddigger.  And then she ends up with...Slade?  She does seem to be in love with him even though of course she is worried about his finances.  And at least in the earlier episodes, she was really pretty.   Can she do better than him?

Heather's house in the first season was like a hotel.  It lacked any charm.  Just one big gargantuan sterile looking hotel.

The first tip off that this guy is full of shit should've been the greeting cards he would give her weekly.  That was laying it on waaaaay too thick.


I love the episode today where she goes to Heather's party with the rented fur that Brooks "bought" her.  "See, he has money -- he bought me a fur so he can't be a grifter!"


Gretchen confuses me.  No question in my mind she was a golddigger.  And then she ends up with...Slade?  She does seem to be in love with him even though of course she is worried about his finances.  And at least in the earlier episodes, she was really pretty.   Can she do better than him?

Heather's house in the first season was like a hotel.  It lacked any charm.  Just one big gargantuan sterile looking hotel.


I know! The cards......OMG. I did love Tamra's side eye, though. And I hate Tamra but she's right on with this stuff.


I think Vicki is like a lot of women in my age range. They are panicked about being alone and any man is better than none. I also think she's so savvy in business but an idiot in personal life issues. If she weren't, she wouldn't have let her marriage hit the rocks the way it did. She even now is lamenting it- blaming the show- so that means she really regrets it. She should have fought harder to make it work. But maybe she did. I don't know these people. LOL.


I think Gretchen and Slade are both seeing the opportunity in the other. I think he's a bit of her Svengali. I saw them on Marriage Bootcamp and it was ridiculous. They both need REAL jobs as this reality thing is ridiculous. I think they need one another to be "relevant".

  • Love 3
I could see that. It just...well the kids didn't seem to LOVE Donn until the divorce, IMO. Early on they both had THs to the effect of "Donn is our mother's husband. He's ok? I guess?" Could have been Vicki's doing, but I always wondered if Donn wasn't much of a kid person. A decent enough guy maybe, but not great with kids. Which would explain why his relationship with the kids improved when they were adults with their own lives.



I think Vicki marginalized him.  I think from day one it was like these are my kids and you're not their real parent, so you don't have a say.  There was a scene early on where Brianna got a dog, the plan was to take it to college but then the college would not allow dogs.  So Vicki was saying well what are you going to do with this dog now, the dog can't stay here.  Don enters and agrees, saying to Brianna what are you going to do with this dog now, the dog can't stay here.  Vicki changes sides and says yes we'll keep the dog, of course it's perfectly fine, Vicki and Brianna looking at Don like the bad guy.  He could not win.


Re: Slade.  The more I watch S1 & S2 the more I can't stand Slade.  Also I realize that Slade's story with Gretchen was a complete reboot of his story with Jo, Except for the part where Jo wanted to run for the hills away from Slade.  But the dynamic of their relationship was the same.  Slade as the mature man, his girlfriend as the young ingenue. The wanting to be a mentor and guide her into a music career, the way both Jo and Gretchen call Slade "Baby" as a pet name.  It's like Jo bailed and they subbed in Gretchen. I think Slade on this show is fake and contrived.  OMG remember Janice?  Prorkchop?  haa ha

Edited by FamilyVan
  • Love 6

I concur with the idea of Don's marginalization. I remember feeling as if Vicki and HER children were hardly acquainted with Don. Brianna stated that she looked upon Don as her mother's husband rather than her stepfather. Also, when Vicki's son was performing poorly at high school and Don attempted to help him get employment, it was rather rebuffed by both Vicki and her son. However, during and after the divorce both "kids" were suddenly missing and "loving " Don.

I did find it somewhat sad at how Vicki used Tamara's WANTING A DIVORCE trick on Don. Viicki so wanted to do exactly as Tamara.

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I did find it somewhat sad at how Vicki used Tamara's WANTING A DIVORCE trick on Don. Viicki so wanted to do exactly as Tamara.

I thought that, while the marriage may well have been broken, Vicki's insistence that it was in the toilet was partly yet another demand on her part for attention. When she filed against Donn she complained, through tears, that if he cared about her he would have begged on bended knee for her to call off her dogs and live happily ever after and couldn't understand why that hadn't happened. She took it as proof that he didn't care, didn't love her. It looked to me like she was playing a somewhat childish high school game of push me/pull me. She pushed him away but then got upset when he didn't push back--despite the fact that he'd teared up and handed her a diamond encrusted (tacky) ring at their renewal ceremony a figurative ten minutes before.


I don't pretend to know what happens inside other people's marriages, especially people I've never met, but from the outside it looked like it was Vicki's way or the highway. She worked endless hours, claimed all credit for the house and lifestyle, alienated him from his stepkids (possibly with his agreement, who knows?), evidently fooled around (as did Donn if we believe gossip) and still wanted the whole happily ever after fantasy--on her terms. I don't pretend that Donn was a saint, may well have been a total asshole behind closed doors but Vicki looked pretty impossible and a bottomless pit of need to me. I doubt if anyone or anything could fill it. She also still seems pretty desperately chasing whatever picture of bliss is in her head, complete with face job and boobs hanging out of her too tight, too short clothing. Desperation, insecurity and deep unhappiness she doesn't know how to change.

Edited by Beden
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