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S03.E22: Before You Go Make Sure You Know

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Preparing to hear about a knicked artery during a liver transplant.  

THIS:)  Also is there anyone anywhere that think there is any chance whatsoever that Deacon didn't survive?  NO!  Right now he is carrying the show.  What a crappy cliffhanger? 

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Artsda, I didn't even think about that. I was thinking about Teddy's connection to Rayna. I zone out on his scenes, so admittedly, I didn't pay that much attention to the details. 


I know this is tv but here are my thoughts on this.  


1.  Teddy should be smart enough to get a lawyer and sign immunity agreements before wiring up.


2.  If Raina has dirty money  in her label then why can't she pay it back?  She had a million to give Beverly.


3.  This stuff takes time no way could they nail Teddy that quickly.


4.  Why couldn't Teddy work a deal that implicates the politician and not Tandy?  


5.  You can't just arrest someone because they refuse to play the game.  Again it takes time.  TEDDY GET A LAWYER DUDE

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I was wondering if PPD is this extreme?  I thought of it like maybe you cry a lot or you just feel down.  I know the extreme cases where someone hurts their baby is rare.  

It varies person to person, especially if there are other conditions to consider, such as psychosis.  

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Yike! Even if he is hot, I wouldn't be dated Mr. Hudson. Jeff is totally creepy and Layla going back to him really disturbed me last night. Though I think it works from a story perspective. It's not something we've really seen on Nashville. 


In interviews I keep seeing them referred to as like "George and Martha" but I can't figure out who that is...did George Washington keep his wife locked up in Mt. Vernon????


Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf.


I googled it before my pop culture/literary studies mind kicked in and ended up on a children's book about two elephants. I was VERY confused.


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I completely agree.


The problem is that they started out that relationship very differently from where they are now. Not to mention Layla's character but she isn't the only one with a character transplant on this show.


They started it as a way to humanize Jeff from the completely one-dimensional record exec villain with an actual connection between the two. Those stories are horrible, look up Ronnie Spektor in wikipedia and your blood will freeze. That actually  happened. They could have gone for that storyline since it's very common in the history of the music business, but they didn't start the story that way and then took a detour and in bringing their two plots together they kind of ended up with 50 Shades of Gray?!


I don't think I know what they are doing but then again, it irks me that they even mentioned Alanis Morissette by name in connection to Layla's character, have her physically resemble her style, have her character trajetory almost copy her story....It's like an almost biopic down to the triggered body disorder forced on Layla.


I thought this too.  I thought they were trying to humanize Jeff, aka the Jade St. John plot.  But Jade turned out to be for the most part nice and Jeff is still the biggest creep in the world.  I mean what was the point??? Googling Ronnie Spektor

Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf.


I googled it before my pop culture/literary studies mind kicked in and ended up on a children's book about two elephants. I was VERY confused.


Contrast and compare






Yike! Even if he is hot, I wouldn't be dated Mr. Hudson. Jeff is totally creepy and Layla going back to him really disturbed me last night. Though I think it works from a story perspective. It's not something we've really seen on Nashville. 


In interviews I keep seeing them referred to as like "George and Martha" but I can't figure out who that is...did George Washington keep his wife locked up in Mt. Vernon????

This the funniest thing I have read all day...did George keep Martha locked up at Mt. Vernon LOL

Edited by dmc
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Also why hasn't Rayna stepped in???  What is she doing?


She actually did step in last night when she found out about it from Bucky. She's the reason Layla stole back in to the internet while Jeff was gone and saw the pics and read the stories. Her calling was the reason Layla went after Jeff with the golf club. But Jeff has a hold on her right now that nobody has been able to overcome as yet. 

Preparing to hear about a knicked artery during a liver transplant.  


Did the doc say he'd nicked an artery or did he warn his team not to nick one? I couldn't really understand him. If so, they were closing up Bev at the time.

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She actually did step in last night when she found out about it from Bucky. She's the reason Layla stole back in to the internet while Jeff was gone and saw the pics and read the stories. Her calling was the reason Layla went after Jeff with the golf club. But Jeff has a hold on her right now that nobody has been able to overcome as yet. 

No, I don't mean that call.  I mean go over there and actually try to talk some sense into Layla.  She did that several times for Scarlett.

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I know this is tv but here are my thoughts on this.  


2.  If Raina has dirty money  in her label then why can't she pay it back?  She had a million to give Beverly.




They completely abandoned any serious storytelling there and dove right into the soap opera. I happen to know people who donated organs to family members. I'm not sure how you go through several psychological panels and constant psychological supervision hiding that from a committee of psychiatrists and psychologists. They are specifically there to make sure nobody is being coerced into donating an organ.

Edited by thaliasghost
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THIS:)  Also is there anyone anywhere that think there is any chance whatsoever that Deacon didn't survive?  NO!  Right now he is carrying the show.  What a crappy cliffhanger? 


Seriously. They'd lose half their audience if they took him out, not to mention losing Chip who is a one-man PR machine for the show.

No, I don't mean that call.  I mean go over there and actually try to talk some sense into Layla.  She did that several times for Scarlett.


Well, admittedly she had some bigger fish to fry last night. She was on her way to the pre-surgical appointment right afterward.

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Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf.


I googled it before my pop culture/literary studies mind kicked in and ended up on a children's book about two elephants. I was VERY confused.


Contrast and compare






Aha! Thank you! I'm ashamed to say that I've never seen or read the play. Good to know.



This the funniest thing I have read all day...did George keep Martha locked up at Mt. Vernon LOL


Stranger things have happened...http://encyclopediavirginia.org/Henry_Patrick_1736-1799. Read the part about Patrick Henry's wife, Sarah and then take the virtual tour. She was mentally ill, but his behavior was still pretty creepy.

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I think they way they've painted the environment to be fairly true to life (while having no issues with it personally, Luke more or less admitted in front of Jeff that he wouldn't have signed Will if he had known in advance that he was gay. Business is business.) so I wouldn't be surprised to see an unemployed Will next season. But this isn't necessarily the end of his story. No one said Nashville is only about the successful country stars. I think there is a lot of dramatic potential in seeing Will deal with having all these doors close on him and struggling with just being Kevin's househusband.


Purely hypothetically, of course, but: only if they insist on keeping him within the narrow confines of the country music industry. To me, the kind of songs he's been singing (or at least the ones I've downloaded) seem like fairly generic stuff, sung by a guy with a cowboy hat on. Ditch the stupid hat, and there's no need for him to be country. With his past commercial success, his looks, his charisma, and his voice, plus the huge publicity his coming out would have generated, even if he were to be ostracized by that particular niche I don't see why he wouldn't be snapped up by a more mainstream pop label. At the very least, every talk show would want to have him on, with the opportunity to plug his upcoming album (co-written with his boyfriend, who would be there as well - "ah, aren't they the cutest couple ever?", housewives across America watching Ellen would be thinking). OK, it probably wouldn't sit well with the focus of the show, but I can't see him realistically being unemployed any time soon. And now that he's out, there are plenty of doors open to him that previously would have been closed, closed as in "who the hell is this Will Lexington person?" Very few big names in country are big names to a general audience. But coming out in the way he did, a real-world Will Lexington would now be known to people who couldn't name any country stars beyond Dolly Parton and Johnny Cash (i.e., people like me, until very recently).


I actually tried to research that after the episode which proved difficult because I'm neither a native speaker of English nor do I have a background in law but it seems that contracts in perpetuity only exist in very rare circumstances and not between individuals. Bruce Springsteen did sign a similar contract in the 1970s and has fought it for years so I assume those kinds of contracts are not really feasible in 2015 anymore. The same way you can sign a pre-nup for all kind of weird things but it's not actually legally binding.

Never look for legal or commercial realism in this or any other TV show. The Wall Street Journal did a whole series of wonderful analyses of episodes of Empire, written by their real IPO reporter, since the central storyline there revolves around an IPO. And there was a lawyer somewhere who analysed every episode of How to get Away with Murder from a legal perspective. None of it ever made any sense. In both cases, one didn't really need to have any specialist legal knowledge to know it didn't make sense, just as one doesn't need it to know that the contract Jeff, a comic book villain if ever there was one, made Layla sign cannot exist. In TV land, people not only sign absurd contracts without even thinking about first getting legal advice, all such contracts can also be broken at a moment's notice, without any repercussions, should the plot so require. The sad truth is that things like contracts, and the law in general, are made for the purpose of making life as predictable and safe as possible. Therefore boring, and therefore unsuitable for dramatic storylines. Much like two people falling in love, and happily and harmoniously living together until they die, doesn't make a storyline.



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Here's something I didn't think I'd ever say. Seriously fast forwarded through all of the Avery & Juliette crap last night. The Juliette we once loved is now a caricature. I still love Avery but Juliette's bitchery and screaming bores the crap out of me. To be honest, I might be done with this. I skipped past everything apart from Rayna & Deacon and Will. 

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(My mind wanders when Rayna and Deacon aren't on, so it totally could have happened!)

This is me. It's like all the other stories and characters are part of a different, badly written show which is, as a result, a snoozefest.

Juliette's story now is so bad that I have stopped caring and I switch off mentally. They want us to be sad for her, I think, but the depiction of PPD is unbelievable so it's not working.

Jeff and Layla doesn't do anything except creep me out.

I do like Will, and Chris Carmack is a good actor. I also get what I read in an interview with one of the producers that they wanted his coming out to unfold in real time. But this would have worked better if they'd given him something else to do other than be gay and in the closet for two whole seasons. It was so one dimensional that it got really repetitive and boring. But I don't think these writers can do multi-layered storytelling.

Can't even think about Scarlett and Gunnar. Back in Season 1 for a few episodes I was interested but not now.

No need to mention Teddy.

This is the Rayna and Deacon show for me.

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Literally just one good thing happens in Nashville's third-season finale.

Read the story

As a Belgian, let me strongly object to the term "smurfily horrible" being used for what happens between Gunnar and Scarlett. There is absolutely no reason to besmurf the reputation of Smurfs this way! They are one of the things Belgium is most proud of (besides chocolates, and the saxophone), and having them associated with this annoying couple is an insult. Smurf you, sir!

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Artsda, I didn't even think about that. I was thinking about Teddy's connection to Rayna. I zone out on his scenes, so admittedly, I didn't pay that much attention to the details. 

What happened in the episode was Teddy wasn't that much on board with the Tandy plan, but he was going along with it. Until Hiway65 got involved and then when the department of justice guy told him that the money Tandy invested in Hiway65 was also dirty THEN Teddy took jail and refused. 


He took the bullet to save Rayna and her record company. A record company she barely runs. Teddy should have just let the record company be seized by the Feds.

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I don't see how Rayna's company could be seized by the Feds. If a dirty dealer invests in Apple, is the govt going to take that company? What percentage does Tandy own? Was it clearly laundered money, or was it just part of Tandy's fortune? I mean, it's not like she handed Rayna marked bills.

Then again, my mind wanders.

Then again, this show isn't known for its logical storytelling.

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The writers don't have any idea how it looks...I think they are going for a sort of Blair and Chuck vibe.  The problem is that the two actors don't have any chemistry together, the HUGE age difference, Layla's prior suicidal tendencies, the fact that Jeff essentially left her to die a season ago, and the fact that she is completely dependent on him.  This is literally an abusive relationship...not love/hate...not two manipulative people with equal power battling it out, but an actual abusive relationship...without the hitting...YET.  Because its always possible that is where things could go.  In addition, I don't see any strong feelings of love coming from either of them-so what are we supposed to believe is keeping them together? 


Actually it would almost be better if they just let Jeff go full on Ike Turner and used that as a way to bring the women of this show together in the desire to get Layla away from him. Every woman on this show has a bad experience with Jeff. The dynamics of each of them trying to help Layla free himself of him could be amazing. My favorite moments are when the women on this show lay down their petty bullshit to help each other. Like Rayna helping Juliette in labor or Juliette giving Rayna her jet to go home for a family emergency. I think Rayna, Jules, and Scarlett working to get Layla free of Jeff could be a fantastic version of that old soap staple: the umbrella story. Especially if you add in Luke, Gunnar, Will, Bucky and No-Toupee Glenn all working to take him down too.

Edited by marceline
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Any chance "I've got bad news" is about Teddy's arrest? Maybe Dr. Boyfriend saw it and wanted to give Rayna a chance to tell the girls. Wouldn't Scarlett be next of kin for both Beverly and Deacon?

Scarlett is probably NoK for Beverly, though I doubt this show would worry about stuff like legalities if it means getting in the way of the drama of the almost kiss between Scar and Gun.  I'm certain Deacon would list Rayna as his NoK.  

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I'll just link my thoughts about this episode from an S/G perspective.




I'll quote you here:


They can never, ever catch a break. 
I am not sure if I have the mental fortitude to follow this into the fourth season.


I know you were writing about Scarlett and Gunnar, but this is exactly how I feel about Juliette. I don't think I can do it. I didn't even SEE the near kiss or the song because I was too busy rolling my eyes at the rest of the episode. But I'm not sure if I even want Scarlett and Gunnar to get together again. 


What happened in the episode was Teddy wasn't that much on board with the Tandy plan, but he was going along with it. Until Hiway65 got involved and then when the department of justice guy told him that the money Tandy invested in Hiway65 was also dirty THEN Teddy took jail and refused. 


He took the bullet to save Rayna and her record company. A record company she barely runs. Teddy should have just let the record company be seized by the Feds.


All this happened? What?? Yeah, that goes to show how much attention I was paying. It was kinda played how Dash told Teddy he didn't want to see him go to jail and all that and then had him arrested immediately after he refused to cooperate. 


So much competition for this year's Horrible Parent designation. Last season's champion, Beverly Claybourne, opted out of the contest this year and decided to become an all-round bitch to her family. Will's dad made a late, half-ass entry but he didn't stand a chance with competitors like Kiley and Layla's MIA parents, who couldn't be bothered to give so much as one single fuck when their daughter was hospitalized. Former Mayor Teddy Conrad also threw his hat in the ring by selling his daughter's soul to Jeff Fordam. Lucky for Maddie, Rayna rescued her from Jeff's misogynistic clutches.  Despite the shockingly brilliant display of complete detachment given by first-time mother Juliette Barnes, she is disqualified on the grounds of the sudden and complete delusion of the show's writers.

Edited by Soup333
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Actually it would almost be better if they just let Jeff go full on Ike Turner and used that as a way to bring the women of this show together in the desire to get Layla away from him. Every woman on this show has a bad experience with Jeff. The dynamics of each of them trying to help Layla free himself of him could be amazing. My favorite moments are when the women on this show lay down their petty bullshit to help each other. Like Rayna helping Juliette in labor or Juliette giving Rayne her jet so she could get home for a family emergency. I think Rayna, Jules, and Scarlet working to get Layla free of Jeff could be a fantastic version of that old soap staple: the umbrella story. Especially if you add in Luke, Gunnar, Will, Bucky and No-Toupee Glenn all working to take down Jeff.


Yes, those are my favorite scenes. Which is why it hurts having Juliette lash out at Rayna who has been there for her through every step of the way and has always been loyal to her, no matter what shit she pulled. I too, would love that storyline!





Only if they didn't fuck up their  story so much because if you watch back the old episodes it becomes pretty clear they originally wrote them (just a couple of episodes ago!) to humanize Jeff and him showing actual feelings for another human being. Case in point, this is what I'm reading from an older recap "What kind of sucks is you feel sorry for Jeff a little bit because he does have feelings for Layla, but he loves money and power more, so he breaks it off with her." This was his whole redemption plot to make him less "comic villain" one-dimensional. Give him one person to care about in a twisted way. Attention writers: this is not it.


But since their whole storyline about her was how she was really young and inexperienced, kinda ruthless but then got screwed over again and again, grew as a person from her experience and somehow came out an amazing songwriter that is where they should be going. Have Layla plot her escape from Jeff with their help, come out stronger, be the one to hurt Jeff this time and be an even better writer for all of it. We need a petition.


If the writers can keep storylines that nobody wants til the bitter end while simultaneously taking away the good ones, they at least can give us this. I'm trading in a Micah/Kiley storyline if I can have this.

Edited by thaliasghost
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I know you were writing about Scarlett and Gunnar, but this is exactly how I feel about Juliette. I don't think I can do it. I didn't even SEE the near kiss or the song because I was too busy rolling my eyes at the rest of the episode. But I'm not sure if I even want Scarlett and Gunnar to get together again. 

The problem here is simply that there is no alternative to them getting back together except for keeping up this will-they-won't-they drama for all eternity. Like it or not, people need to get it through their head that they are each other's only true loves. That's the narrative the show has set and it will absolutely never go away.


The way the writers are cynically and haphazardly massacring their characters in order to keep them artificially estranged borders on the insane.

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I thought this too.  I thought they were trying to humanize Jeff, aka the Jade St. John plot.  But Jade turned out to be for the most part nice and Jeff is still the biggest creep in the world.  I mean what was the point??? Googling Ronnie Spektor


This the funniest thing I have read all day...did George keep Martha locked up at Mt. Vernon LOL



You know what I have been thinking though? Maybe Layla is already planning her escape. I mean, we're not exactly sure if she knows what kind of contract she signed, but she knows it is bad (and apparently in their reality-free universe legally binding) and as others pointed out, he has isolated her so much that she might feel it is best to lay low for now and find a way out behind Jeff's back.


I'm curious how they are going to get out of that with Oliver Hudson teasing that he won't even be on Season 4.


Ok, I think I just read the interview that you referred to and they are playing it as a twisted love story.

Edited by thaliasghost
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I don't see how Rayna's company could be seized by the Feds. If a dirty dealer invests in Apple, is the govt going to take that company? What percentage does Tandy own? Was it clearly laundered money, or was it just part of Tandy's fortune? I mean, it's not like she handed Rayna marked bills.

Exactly. This was touched upon by legal experts when a very similar storyline was used in Empire (where a record label was supposedly initially funded with money from drug dealing). From my recollection: there legally is no such thing as "dirty money", at least not retrospectively. They can go after the person who made that money from crime of course, but unless it can be proven that the people who took the money in exchange for shares in the company took part in those crimes, they're not involved. Just imagine what would happen if you sold a house or a car you own, and years later the feds could turn up on your doorstep to demand money from you, just because it turns out the person who bought it from you got some of the money they paid you through illegal means. Or if you owned, say, a shoe shop, and they could demand back the money for all the shoes you might have sold to people who made their money from crime. Although there are things known as "clawback laws" in some places, but those only apply to the proceeds of fraudulent financial investment schemes, AFAIK, and apply to the people who invested and made more money as a result (IOW, in this scenario, Tandy could perhaps be made to give up any money she made from the investment). I don't think a genuine business like a record label would be affected. But IANAL, so as always I stand prepared to be corrected.

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Will came out! And he's finally happy! 

Gunnar and Scarlett (yeah I still like them together. I know, I know)

LOVED the song that Juliette sang tonight. Hope it's on Itunes because I need it in my life lol.

Deacon and Rayna's hospital vows <3



Avery and Juliette. They're my favorite on the show and of course that means that they're forever doomed. 



Layla and Jeff

Teddy (sorry Eric Close, I love ya and all but...)

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My take on this season finale will be most different from the others.


First, it is normal for a new mother to have PPD and feel detachment from her baby.  Avery can mother the baby.  He should be helping Juliette pursue what she feels she needs.  Everyone is trying to force Juliette to be the little mother.  But Juliette needs her work right now.  Obstructing her from doing it, I think is far more harmful.  I'm glad she fired Glenn.  Because this isn't the first time that he held her back.  As for Rayna, she's not a good record producer.  


As for Layla and Jeff, I think they are hot and compelling.  A refreshing change from the sickeningly overly sweet Gunnar and Scarlett.  G&S are totally boring, except for when they are singing.  

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As a Belgian, let me strongly object to the term "smurfily horrible" being used for what happens between Gunnar and Scarlett. There is absolutely no reason to besmurf the reputation of Smurfs this way! They are one of the things Belgium is most proud of (besides chocolates, and the saxophone), and having them associated with this annoying couple is an insult. Smurf you, sir!

I never liked the Smurfs, but you make a compelling argument that they have been slighted!

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Like it or not, people need to get it through their head that they are each other's only true loves. That's the narrative the show has set and it will absolutely never go away.


People here don't need to "get it through their head" that Scarlett and Gunnar are very likely an endgame pairing. They get it. They just don't like it, and they can complain about it if they wish. I'd appreciate it if people would stick to discussing how they feel about the characters and plotlines on this show, not about how other posters' opinions are right or wrong.

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I never expect this show to be reasonable in anyway but why would Teddy, the mayor of a major city, from what is supposed to be an old money family, NOT be lawyered up while trying to cut a deal with the fed??  I am sorry, that is so so so dumb. He can definitely afford a lawyer even if its not one from Skadden or Sidley. 


Also, does NO ONE on this show have lawyers? Luke just invited a major breach of contract suit by signing Juliette from another label. It's not like she's a free agent.  Sorry!  That stuff just drives me crazy. None of these ingenues signing their first contracts. 


ETA: I loved all the music on the show today. 

Edited by evilmindatwork
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Well they went full soap tonight. Gunnar and Scarlett kissing, Teddy arrested, Juliette's new album, label change, and monster-Mom, Will finally coming out, and ending with the "bad news" that I bet anything is Beverly dies.

OMG, Avery now is like a battered wife, crying in all his scenes, clutching his baby in fear. Is this the same jerk who was mean to Scarlett and ditched his bandmates so he could Make It? Where's his apron and curlers?

ETA totally agree Bev dies. Too bad- it would be real fun if she moved into Rayna's mansion, a constant thorn in the side of everyone except maybe her nieces.

or...He's just being a caring parent.
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Hearing mention of Tandy always makes me reminisce about my first computer. Maybe she'll make a cameo appearance on Halt and Catch Fire.


Ah, the memories. One of the first computers I wrote a program for was a Tandy TRS-80 (they had one at my school). Neither the Z80 inside that thing, nor the second processor I wrote assembly code for, the Motorola 68000, had the mythical Halt and Catch Fire instruction, though. The Z80 does have HALT. And the M68000 has an instruction simply called STOP. (I have to use the present tense, because both those by now ancient architectures from my youth are still around, in real use, apparently). Either of which instructions some TV shows I could mention should really have.

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Purely hypothetically, of course, but: only if they insist on keeping him within the narrow confines of the country music industry.


Yeah, sure, Will could totally go into pop or maybe alt-folk or whatever and be successful. The only issue is that on Nashville, "leaving country music" is pretty much the same as leaving the show, so they won't go there as long as Chris Carmack is a regular.


But you're right. If Will is smart, he'll do the talk show route and drum up some publicity that way (Ellen is syndicated, but maybe they could still work in a cameo?). But from interviews, the producers seem to be hinting that he'll spend at least some time falling down before he gets back up. I agree with those who are saying that Luke might cut him loose, which opens the door for him being picked up by Highway 65 later.


Do we know if Eric Close is contracted as a regular for Season 4? Because I honestly can't think of what Teddy could be doing from jail that will be worth watching. They really need to write something that makes him part of what is happening. Like, I know putting him, Rayna, and Deacon in a love triangle would be awfully soapy (or maybe just awful), but at least there'd be some real stakes there, you know?

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Lame cliffhanger...Deacon isn't dying and none of us care about Beverly.


I don't think we're supposed to care about Beverly, and I also don't think that this is predominately about Deacon.  I think it's predominately about Scarlett.


Caleb walked into the room, not some random surgeon who we've never seen. I think that is quite intentional. Caleb has just asked Scarlett to move in with him. Another intentional move. Scarlett is out of the room with Gunnar. A third intentional move. I see the following playing out:


Beverly is dead. No matter how complicated Scarlett's relationship is with her mother, I believe that Scarlett still loves Beverly. Scarlett told her mother that she would "see her soon" or something to that effect before Beverly went into surgery. I think that Beverly is dead when Caleb walks in the room. Scarlett is not there and will be wracked with guilt that she was with Gunnar as her mother was dying instead of in the waiting room with Rayna. She will feel that she failed in her responsibility as a daughter not to have waited through the entire surgery, particularly since she knows that Rayna and Bev didn't get along.


I think Scarlett will direct her grief and anger (at herself) toward Caleb, the one who delivers the news of her mother's death. She'll blame him for not doing enough to save her mother. The moment Caleb walked in the room, I think his relationship with Scarlett was over.  We just haven't seen it yet, but I bet that's what's coming.

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I don't think we're supposed to care about Beverly, and I also don't think that this is predominately about Deacon.  I think it's predominately about Scarlett.


Caleb walked into the room, not some random surgeon who we've never seen. I think that is quite intentional. Caleb has just asked Scarlett to move in with him. Another intentional move. Scarlett is out of the room with Gunnar. A third intentional move. I see the following playing out:


Beverly is dead. No matter how complicated Scarlett's relationship is with her mother, I believe that Scarlett still loves Beverly. Scarlett told her mother that she would "see her soon" or something to that effect before Beverly went into surgery. I think that Beverly is dead when Caleb walks in the room. Scarlett is not there and will be wracked with guilt that she was with Gunnar as her mother was dying instead of in the waiting room with Rayna. She will feel that she failed in her responsibility as a daughter not to have waited through the entire surgery, particularly since she knows that Rayna and Bev didn't get along.


I think Scarlett will direct her grief and anger (at herself) toward Caleb, the one who delivers the news of her mother's death. She'll blame him for not doing enough to save her mother. The moment Caleb walked in the room, I think his relationship with Scarlett was over.  We just haven't seen it yet, but I bet that's what's coming.

Not a bad theory. Could see all of that going down.


Oh and that's why you don't start an affair with the doctor responsible for the life and death of your uncle...

Edited by Telepath
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Yeah, sure, Will could totally go into pop or maybe alt-folk or whatever and be successful. The only issue is that on Nashville, "leaving country music" is pretty much the same as leaving the show, so they won't go there as long as Chris Carmack is a regular.


But you're right. If Will is smart, he'll do the talk show route and drum up some publicity that way (Ellen is syndicated, but maybe they could still work in a cameo?). But from interviews, the producers seem to be hinting that he'll spend at least some time falling down before he gets back up. I agree with those who are saying that Luke might cut him loose, which opens the door for him being picked up by Highway 65 later.


This could leave room for them to explore the people here in Nashville who fall in between country and adult alternative/contemporary. I'm thinking of a Kacey Musgraves situation. We have a popular local independent station that picks up this type of artist. He keeps his country audience that doesn't care or supports him and picks up non-country fans who support him and/or just like his songs regardless of his genre. I thought that's what they were going to do with Avery in the beginning.

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People here don't need to "get it through their head" that Scarlett and Gunnar are very likely an endgame pairing. They get it. They just don't like it, and they can complain about it if they wish. I'd appreciate it if people would stick to discussing how they feel about the characters and plotlines on this show, not about how other posters' opinions are right or wrong.

I am sorry but I was genuinely not trying to call any of the posters in the thread stupid. What I was trying to say was that no matter how you feel about the couple - hate it or love it - everybody loses with this scenario and everybody should be thankful if they actually get together. The reason being that the alternative to them  being in a couple is quite obviously limited to milking their estrangement for drama and everybody hates that even more, fans and foes alike!


Sure, I get it if people don't like them together and if they don't want them to end up together but that wasn't the point I was trying to make.

Edited by Telepath
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Just watched the finale again. If the writers don't get their crap together over the summer, then I believe season four will be the last.

Just too disjointed, too many bad storylines that do not work.

I hope they figure it out. Miss what used to be a good show.

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First, it is normal for a new mother to have PPD and feel detachment from her baby.  Avery can mother the baby.  He should be helping Juliette pursue what she feels she needs.  Everyone is trying to force Juliette to be the little mother.  But Juliette needs her work right now.  Obstructing her from doing it, I think is far more harmful.  I'm glad she fired Glenn.  Because this isn't the first time that he held her back.  As for Rayna, she's not a good record producer.  



Except, she threw something at Avery trying to hit him while he was holding the baby & without a regard for the consequences. That's not someone who needs support, that's someone who needs a restraining order.

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