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General Pilot & Shows In Development Discussion

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Since that plot description has little to nothing to do with Alcott’s gentle tale of the passage from childhood to womanhood, it can be assumed that, in this version, Jo is a hacker, Meg a one-legged prostitute, Beth bleeds out after a fire fight in a tire yard, and Amy is a skilled knife fighter prone to dismembering her enemies in fits of amnesiac rage. Laurie is kidnapped and forced to serve as a breeding stud for an all-female biker gang in the second episode, prompting Marmee and the girls to climb into the family tank and teach those bitches a lesson in hope, faith, and charity—which, of course, are the names of their AKs.

Holy shit, somebody has access to the really good drugs.

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I wouldn't mind a Prison Break reboot/revival/sequel, HOWEVER, I think it'd have to be with a whole new cast. Michael died, so the only character I'd really want to see again is Sucre. And the last season was so ridiculous and bad, I don't know if I want to see what else they'll do to extend the universe/story.


Let me see if I can decode some of the quotes from the announcement:


Some of the iconic characters from that show will be back.

T-Bag will be back.



“This is the pure vision of the creator of the show,” Walden continued. “It’s going to take a little bit of a detour from where we left off [with the straight-to-DVD coda],

Yeah, we're gonna retcon some things.



“What [Paul] pitched to us was a very logical and believable — in the world of Prison Break — explanation for why our characters are alive and still moving around the world.”

We will explain how Michael is alive -- it will NOT be logical. (We mentioned the retcons, right?)



"This is just one of those shows ... that generates buzz and enthusiasm, especially online," he said. "We think it's going to be a great treat for the audience."


Fans will be excited about seeing these characters back together again.”

Please come back and watch, Wentworth Miller fangirls. It'll be fun, we promise!

Edited by Trini

A Fresh Prince of Bel-Air reboot? How would that even work? A big part of why that series worked was Will Smith. it's like like doing Seinfeld without Seinfeld, The Cosby Show without Cosby, Roseanne with out Roseanne. I guess it could be set in the same "universe" as Fresh Prince, but they'd have to call it something different, right?

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A Fresh Prince of Bel-Air reboot? How would that even work? A big part of why that series worked was Will Smith. 

Will or his wife gets a job out of the country and their son or daughter is sent to live with Uncle Carlton? I'm sure they can find another charming young actor. As long as they're not played by Will's real life kids, I'm in.

Edited by Snow Apple

Update: Not a reboot.

However, sources stress that, at least for the time being, the comedy in question is a new show with new characters and a new setting, only sharing the general fish out of water family show concept with Fresh Prince. There is no writer yet for the project, which is in nascent stages of internal development at Overbrook. It is still at an idea phase, with no fleshed out concept. There is no studio attached.

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An adaptation of Galaxy Quest by Paramount Television has a found a home at Amazon, per EW.com.


Behind the camera, however, the crew is very much the same. The film’s co-writer Robert Gordon will pen the script and executive produce the pilot. The film’s director Dean Parisot will direct and executive produce. And executive producers Mark Johnson and Melissa Bernstein are on board as well. (You might say they never gave up, never surrendered).


I hope Paramount* gives them the freedom to rip the New Trek films:  E.g., Lens flares!  Sarris is white now? Gratuitous undressing scene.  And, then there's Enterprise...




*Edit:  And, double-checking Trek's ownership led me down this rabbit hole: Star Trek corporate history (Memory Alpha). So, CBS Studios owns the rights to Star Trek, but Paramount Pictures produced the latest films.  And, this "new" Paramount Television is now completely separate from CBS, thanks to the (second) CBS/Viacom split.

Edited by Just Here
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Maybe because the stories range from the early 20s to the early 70s in the books, so they decided to place them all in the middle? Tuppence & Tommy got older as the stories were published, so they didn't stay the same age throughout the series, they probably don't want to age them for the TV show.


What I find interesting is that Jessica Raine is playing Tuppence. She left "Call The Midwife" (an excellent series) to see if she could find success in Hollywood. I'm guessing the answer to that is no, since I don't remember seeing her in anything, & now she's back on a the BBC. I'm hoping someone picks this up for US viewing.

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Fox is working on an Urban Cowboy series -- yes, based on the Debra Winger film (official YouTube clips)-- which sounds like Dallas with drug cartels and music! Alfonso Herrera and Nathalie Kelley have been cast as the leads, with Jim Belushi playing Kelley's father, who owns Gilley's bar and EJO himself, Edward James Olmos, as a series regular playing Herrera's uncle. For more details see Deadline and TVLine.

Fox is working on an Urban Cowboy series -- yes, based on the Debra Winger film (official YouTube clips)-- which sounds like Dallas with drug cartels and music! Alfonso Herrera and Nathalie Kelley have been cast as the leads, with Jim Belushi playing Kelley's father, who owns Gilley's bar and EJO himself, Edward James Olmos, as a series regular playing Herrera's uncle. For more details see Deadline and TVLine.

Sounds like somebody has been watching "Nashville"

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Wasn't there something about turning the movie "Big" into a TV show? What happened with that?


The only thing on Deadline.com that I can find is the development announcement from late September 2014 and TheFutonCritic.com (a great resource) only has that initial announcement  in their DevWatch database for Big. And, in June, Kevin Biegel signed a two-year deal with ABC. So, I'm guessing that this project never got beyond the script stage.


Here's the lede from the Deadline story:


Big, the hugely popular 1988 comedy feature starring Tom Hanks, is getting a series remake at Fox. The network has put in development Big, a half-hour biegelroycecomedy from 20th Century Fox Television, whose movie division produced the Penny Marshall film written by Gary Ross and Anne Spielberg. Written and executive produced by Kevin Biegel and Mike Royce, the series would be loosely based on the movie and would explore what it means to be an adult, what it means to be a kid, and how in today’s world those two things are more confused than ever.

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From the Reboot Mania thread:

Westerns haven't been done in awhile. There's a dearth of law enforcement, medical, and supernatural shows out there right now.


What about romantic comedies? I know those don't tend to last long these days; though, I'd love to see more networks try. I think Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is the only new show that is sort of a rom-com.

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With recent discussions here about one-season-wonder Kings, I really curious to see how well Of Kings and Prophets will do. Other than that, nothing else from ABC interests me.



Sounds more like Roma Downey's The Bible and A. D. ,just using  different books, than Kings inspired turn to set the stories in the present.

Tom Welling starring in and producing Section 13:

Written by Bones alumna Carla Kettner, Section 13 centers on a CIA black ops officer-turned-private contractor (Welling) who, after a personal tragedy, joins a covert organization devoted to carrying out the most difficult and dangerous high-stakes assignments. Welling and Kettner executive produce.

Count the clichés!

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The phrase "Written by Bones alumna" is the horrifyingly scary part.  It would have to be an alumna who wrote for the show in like Season 1 or 2 for that to be a recommendation rather than a discommendation.


Kettner spent the last five years on the Fox dramedy Bones, rising to an executive producer. She most recently served as co-executive producer on the CBS summer drama series Zoo.

If it was as campy as Zoo and airs in the summer, it could be fun to not-quite-hate-watch.

If she's been there the past five years, we can't quite say she's the one who ruined the show (because it happened even earlier than that), but it did get even worse (I admit though most of that is based on reputation, since I've limited myself to maybe 3 or 4 Bones episodes per season... when VERY bored).

As fas as Zoo goes? Not a fan, but I understand why people were. A spy show on network TV starring "starting to get too old for this shit" Tom Welling though? It'd be a hell of a trick to make that wacky camp fun. Yeah, I know Smallville approached that at times, but I don't think that hung on Welling.

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Please come back and watch, Wentworth Miller fangirls. It'll be fun, we promise!


It's Wentworth Miller; it's not the fangirls who'll be watching him.


I saw there's going to be a new weight loss show on ABC. "My Diet is Better than Yours" or something like that. Does that mean they're canceling Chris Powell's Obesity on Parade? I hate the way all these shows portray fat people as sideshow freaks.


Remember that Nancy Drew update with the title heroine changed to a NYPD detective in her 30's? She will be non-White, also.


In any case, even updated, I don't think Nancy Drew would be successful; it's a children's/tween property. And CBS is making it sound like every other procedural. What's the 'hook' here?

Edited by Trini
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Comedy Central has committed to a three-episode series called ... Time Traveling Bong.  And yes, that's what it's about.


So someone watched Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure and thought it wasn't a phone booth in the first draft of the script.


This would actually make a decent show on a food network.  Munchies across the Ages.

Edited by ParadoxLost

Remember that Nancy Drew update with the title heroine changed to a NYPD detective in her 30's? She will be non-White, also.

This is what I call "one extension too many' in action.


The fact that she's not white is fairly irrelevant. It totally makes no difference in the modern world, although it's kind of annoying that's being stated before she's even been cast (meaning it's not colorblind casting, because they're pre-designating it).  Which is still not THAT big a deal.


To me it's combining that WITH her magically being decades older AND in a different setting and with a cop job that seems to totally change the vibe of who she was that adds too many bricks. Yes, what would otherwise be no big deal (her color) may be a bigger deal when there are so few other elements to link it to the classic version.


I almost wish they'd gone with some old saw/cliche, like Nancy growing up to become the Sheriff of her hometown. It might have had some cheese aspect if they did, but otherwise it would have grounded the show so much more in the original books, even if they made her older. And changed her skin tone. 

Edited by Kromm
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Oy. I would hope they're at least keeping the character name, her friends Bess and George, her dad, housekeeper, and maybe even Ned? Just for nostalgia, I'd personally want all the episode titles to start with "The."

As others have said, what's the point otherwise?

As an older person who looks very white and who has the given name of Nancy, I've noticed in recent years a fair number of Gen X and Gen Y Latinas named Nancy, so that would be, IMO, a pretty organic casting choice. So maybe that's what "non-White" means? Edited by shapeshifter
At this point NBC should just rename itself "Chicago TV Network" and leave it at that. Linked Chicago shows in every available slot. Wheeeeeeeeee!

Is there even going to be room for any other shows by the time of the fifth or sixth Chicago show?

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At this point NBC should just rename itself "Chicago TV Network" and leave it at that. Linked Chicago shows in every available slot. Wheeeeeeeeee!

Is there even going to be room for any other shows by the time of the fifth or sixth Chicago show?

Didn't Dick Wolf try this before with the Law & Order franchises?

  • Love 1

At this point NBC should just rename itself "Chicago TV Network" and leave it at that. Linked Chicago shows in every available slot. Wheeeeeeeeee!

Is there even going to be room for any other shows by the time of the fifth or sixth Chicago show?


Well, it worked for them when they were the Law and Order Network...why mess with a proven system, right? 


ETA: Didn't see there was another page, but I think I remember a short time when there was four Law and Orders on: The original; SVU; Criminal Intent; and there was also a short-lived series that followed a group of district attorney, but I don't remember the name of it right now. And, they may not have aired on the same night originally, but I remember they would run repeats throughout the week and it seemed like it was all Law and Order all the time. I only remember this because, at the time, I lived in a rural area where NBC was the only TV channel I could pick up. So, sometime around 2002-2005? 

Edited by DittyDotDot

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