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7 minutes ago, snowwhyte said:

I saw the trailer for Britannia and was thinking i'd give it a watch. It's out on Jan 18th in the UK and on Amazon Prime in the US but i don't know when. 

Vikings is the obvious recommendation but i would think most people who watched The Last Kingdom have tried Vikings.

Jan 26th Amazon Prime in the US. All episodes drop at once.

On ‎08‎/‎08‎/‎2017 at 7:21 AM, supposebly said:

Erik and Aethelfeld, sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g. First comes sex, then comes betrayal, and it all will end in death.

For a poem, that lacks a little something... how about "First comes sex, then treachery... then it's death with no one happy"? It's a bit forced, but it sort of rhymes and scans.

Have to admit, I found Alfred's plot in dealing with Aethelflaed's abduction was really disappointing this Season. I find it hard to believe that in the book Alfred's response was simply to pay (and keep paying) a King's ransom was what Bernard Cornwell wrote (not read that book, so I can't say). I'd have preferred it to have Alfred simply to write her off as a dead loss which would make him look like a cold hearted callous bastard... but (IMO) that's better than being an idiot (he's impoverishing his Kingdom to hire the army that will be used to destroy him).

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Again, nothing definite, but this one is promising. I think.  Seems I missed it last fall. It gives us hope for a possible late fall airing of Series 3.

Warning: Some info provided might be spoilery. The link describes a casting call back in Sept 2017 for a specific character (new, described and probably a spoiler). It includes time frames:


The casting call also gave dates of filming. The show is filming between Oct 23, 2017 and mid-May 2018. That means the third season will likely air sometime towards the end of 2018.

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First look pic



Mr Bernard Cornwell, in makeup, for his cameo



S03E01 to be screened exclusively at Comicon London, 27/10/18 - so a good chance of release before the end of this year, almost certainly being given dates in 2 weeks


Edited by Which Tyler
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OK. For the most part I recognized Uhtred (Erik look-a-like now), and it looks by this trailer that they want us to think he is siding with the Danes this time. Which he may be. But the last bit "Let it begin" looked so much like Erik! Have they brought him back from the dead?

Aside from that. I can't wait. Poor Alfred is not doing well health-wise. How long might he have? (I haven't read the books this series is based on, I only read them when the series is done, so I'm not asking for historical spoilers). And Uhtred seems to have a new woman. (what's new?)

I miss this show.

On ‎20‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 3:47 AM, Anothermi said:

Poor Alfred is not doing well health-wise. How long might he have?

Historically, Alfred was always sickly (he probably had asthma) which is more emphasised in the books and is one reason why the Vikings tended to dismiss him - he just had the annoying habit of beating them in battle! As for the Books:


Alfred dies not far into the series (in the appropriately entitled Death of Kings, which I'm guessing is the basis for Season 3): His son (Edward) succeeds him as King of Wessex while Aethelred rules Mercia (husband of Alfred's daughter, Aethleflaed, who later succeeds him to the throne of Mercia). Ultimately, Edward's son Aethelstan would inherit both Kingdoms (Aethelflaed had no children - in the books, this is because Aethelred REALLY resents his wife but needs the marriage to maintain the support of Wessex) - and goes on to conquer the North, becoming the first King of all England.

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13 hours ago, John Potts said:

Historically, Alfred was always sickly (he probably had asthma) which is more emphasised in the books and is one reason why the Vikings tended to dismiss him - he just had the annoying habit of beating them in battle! As for the Books:

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Alfred dies not far into the series (in the appropriately entitled Death of Kings, which I'm guessing is the basis for Season 3): His son (Edward) succeeds him as King of Wessex while Aethelred rules Mercia (husband of Alfred's daughter, Aethleflaed, who later succeeds him to the throne of Mercia). Ultimately, Edward's son Aethelstan would inherit both Kingdoms (Aethelflaed had no children - in the books, this is because Aethelred REALLY resents his wife but needs the marriage to maintain the support of Wessex) - and goes on to conquer the North, becoming the first King of all England.

Haha. Yeah. 

Health-wise, I was mostly remarking on the fact that the makeup in the trailer showed him greyer than usual and the circles under his eyes were more prominent this time round.

I thought the second episode was quite good. I found the conversation between Uhtred and Brida truly moving. I'm looking forward to more of them together.

I'm not ready to call out Skade's actress yet. But I definitely see the concern. I think the character is little too predictable or something. I guess Uhtred has to get new love interests/sex partners every other season or something? I don't see the need for this not surprised at all.

  • Love 3

Had to re-watch Season 2 because I couldn't remember most of it for the life of me. Enjoyed the re-watch, and have so far only seen the first episode of Season 3 - and really not feeling it yet. I get that there is some table setting to do, but the series is starting to feel redundant. A new day, a new big bad Dane, a new horde to fight off, lather rinse repeat. I really want the story to move towards Uhtred reclaiming his home at Bebbanburg. I haven't read the books so I have no idea how far down the line that happens if at all. But I'm not sure the TV show will last that long. A time jump might have been in order. 

Hate hate hate Uhtred's new hair! Yuck. That's actually more of a modern thing - the shaved head with the ratty ponytail on top. 

I would have bet money that was a different actor playing Sihtric this season but it's the same guy according to IMDB. He looks about a foot taller and his face looks completely different. 

And yeah - the actress playing Skade is horrible. 

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I agree that there is some redundancy in the storylines but I do feel like the third season is quite good. I've watched 7 episodes now and by far the 6th was my favorite for the emotional punch it packed. I really appreciated the focus on Uhtred and Brida.

It seems pretty clear that if the series continues Alfred is not going to be there which will bring some much needed new dynamics and relationships. (I mean maybe Alfred will live for further seasons but up to the end of episode 7 they are strongly suggesting he's too sick now to live much longer.) And that will be good for the story even though Alfred is a central character and the actor is excellent.

And 7 episodes in I'm definitely in the Skade is horrible camp but it's not just that the actress is weak. I think it's more that the character is so ridiculous and the drama around her is somewhat undermining the season. 

Edited by Stella
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Finished the third season earlier today. Loved it. Finally managed to keep track of who is who and where allegiances lie which made it that much more entertaining. I read that it looks like there will be at least a Season 4 if not a Season 5. Having Netflix money behind the production made it more interesting visually.

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Yes it ended up being a pretty good season after a somewhat rocky start. I think the problem was starting the whole thing out focused on Skade and Bloodhair, two characters I care nothing about. Luckily the whole season wasn't overly focused on them and both were dispatched! I never cheered so hard as when Uhtred drowned Skade - I was holding my breath in fear that he might change his mind and let her up or that she would survive somehow. 

And the actress just seemed too modern, as someone noted above. They do a really good job of hiring actors who look as though they fit into the ninth century and this one just didn't. 

I was actually quite heartbroken when Sihtric and Uhtred had a falling out and elated when we found out it was all a ruse. It just proved how invested I am in these characters and their relationships. 

Alas, we still have Cnut and Haesten to deal with - I would have preferred they had been dispatched. But at least that punk Aethelwold is finally dead, as is Alfred. I hope Edward learns to stand up for himself and ignore his mother, I hate that bitch. 


ethelred's hound-"you can't just kill underlings like that, this IS the 9th century!" ROTFL.

Best line of the series!

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This is a beautifully done show -- I think it rivals Vikings and, right now, is better.  The performances are strong, the locations and sets are incredible, the filming is neat, and the actor playing Alfred is knocking it out of the park.  I'm glad to see Uhtred's actor has improved -- he was always "good enough" but now I find his performance compelling.  (Not sure about the accent in places but really don't care.)


ETA:  The score is also very good.

Edited by Captanne
  • Love 6

I tend to feel that with everything that Aethelwold has done on the show and how much he is hated by pretty much all parties if he is able to continually avoid being killed it becomes unrealistic. I thought it was stretching it slightly that Alfred didn't have him executed for treason. Leaving him alive while he remains a threat to the kingdom goes against Alfred's mostly pragmatic nature. Although, I guess we have seen that if anything makes him act more emotionally it is his family. I'm thinking particularly of his reaction to Aethelfled's kidnapping last season.

  • Love 4

I also think it's a bad idea to let a "villain" keep running around loose causing problems for too long. After awhile it's just tedious and ridiculous. Aethelwold managed to survive three seasons somehow, and I think that's the limit. They've managed to dispatch the "big bad" within the same season they were introduced in most cases and I think that's best. As it is, the story is becoming a bit redundant because they no sooner kill off one big bad than another one comes along to take his place.

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Finished Series Three last night. In my opinion, this is the best period drama no one is talking about.  I don't know the novels but this series has got everything for everyone (swords, mud, armor, battles, accents, soap opera, intrigue .... blessedly, no dragons or manifestations of the supernatural that aren't a wink and a nod.)

Well done, show.

Edited by Captanne
  • Love 8

I very much enjoyed season three.  I feel I can watch seasons 1 and 3 and skip over season 2, which I found too soapy and also not based on historical events.  Yes, they stretch the timelines a lot in season 3, but at least we know that the real Aethelwold outlived Alfred and died fighting with Danes.  

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I also found Skade took up way too much time and attention -- but the interesting thing for me is that the actor who plays Uhtred was really invested in the curse and, therefore, sold it to me.  Every time I thought, "Oh God, not her again" I remembered that she was driving every thing he did.  Which made his vengeance actually satisfying for me as a viewer.  (I'm not big on vengeance and usually find it repulsive.)  I credit the writing, but really the actor.  I never lost sight of the fact that, while Skade may be a difficult character to give to a modern audience, she mattered to Uhtred.  And Uhtred never let us forget it.


ETA:  He was vastly helped by the fact that his soulmate was in on the obsession with the curse.  Gida (and her performer) carried a lot of the burden of making Skade's threat credible.

Edited by Captanne
On ‎12‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 8:14 PM, snowwhyte said:

I tend to feel that with everything that Aethelwold has done on the show and how much he is hated by pretty much all parties if he is able to continually avoid being killed it becomes unrealistic. I thought it was stretching it slightly that Alfred didn't have him executed for treason. Leaving him alive while he remains a threat to the kingdom goes against Alfred's mostly pragmatic nature. Although, I guess we have seen that if anything makes him act more emotionally it is his family. I'm thinking particularly of his reaction to Aethelfled's kidnapping last season.

Agreed.  Alfred chose the worst possible solution here.  You keep him alive and active and only make him more determined to take the crown by taking his eye.  This is where Alfred really could have needed a Night's Watch.

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