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Grey's Anatomy in the Media: Incident Reporting

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Thanks, Kate213. I didn't realize Kevin's contract was up this year along with the others. I hope they settle everyone's early and its not left lingering for the remainder of the season. JMO, but I think its better when the writers don't need to have open-ended season enders in case someone doesn't sign.

There are a lot of contracts up this year, I hope it doesn't go that way either. There's Ellen, Justin, JPJ, Chandra, Sara, Kevin and possibly Sarah and Jesse as they became series regulars in S7 so S12 would be their 6th year.

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There are a lot of contracts up this year, I hope it doesn't go that way either. There's Ellen, Justin, JPJ, Chandra, Sara, Kevin and possibly Sarah and Jesse as they became series regulars in S7 so S12 would be their 6th year.

I don't really have any doubt at all that Ellen is singing back on, especially since the Oprah interview where Shonda basically said that Ellen wanted to continue and Patrick didn't. I think it's safe to say that all of the originals will be signing back on. Sara Ramirez and Jesse Williams are wildcards for me. I think they could go either way. I think Sarah Drew will continue as well, but of course there have always been surprises.

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Kevin signing back on doesn't surprise me at all, he gets how-many-ever episodes put into his contract to direct, and that obviously interests him more. It's a win/win. He may even have negotiated and asked for more episodes to direct in future seasons.

I'm actually pretty surprised Ellen hasn't gotten a vanity producer credit on the show (a la Julianna Margulies or Lauren Graham in season 7 of Gilmore Girls). You'd think her agents would be all over that as an incentive to get her an even higher pay-bump.

Sara may actually choose not to re-sign this year. Sadly, they haven't given her any good storylines since season 9 and Callie is basically a non-entity on the show at this point. She might finally choose to go back to theatre and relocate to NY, which she's been wanting to do for a long time now. That said, the paycheck is good so she probably will be back. JCap is also signed on through season 14.

Jesse is uninterested and probably wants to continue with his social justice stuff he does but Grey's does give him a good platform.

I predict everyone will be back, even though at this point it'd be nice to see cast shake-ups again. Since Izzie and Alex, Mark and Lexie and MerDer, I've let go of these characters ending up with who they actually belong with and/or the logical progressions of their characters. The tv show is just a free-for-all now so anything that keeps it fresh in the inevitable years to come is alright with me. And cast departures and major changes often have really great arcs leading to them.

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I don't really have any doubt at all that Ellen is singing back on, especially since the Oprah interview where Shonda basically said that Ellen wanted to continue and Patrick didn't. I think it's safe to say that all of the originals will be signing back on. Sara Ramirez and Jesse Williams are wildcards for me. I think they could go either way. I think Sarah Drew will continue as well, but of course there have always been surprises.

Yes, I definitely think they had a conversation with Ellen when Patrick was leaving about her plans and she tentatively agreed to stay. ABC spent a great deal of effort and time rebranding Grey's as "The Meredith Grey show", if there were questions about her leaving it would have been smarter to rebrand it as a ER type show about no single character and emphasise the ensemble.


Also agree about Sara being a wildcard. Sara I could see wanting to do something else creatively, maybe get back to her broadway roots. Jesse I think will stay. He has said that acting isn't his passion, he cares more about his social justice work, which Grey's gives him the time and freedom to pursue. It's a pretty cushy gig for an actor and he has a young family, the ensemble cast allows him to have free time for his other work, good name recognition for his activism, no travelling, no worrying about ratings and cancelation and he'll be getting a healthy increase on his big network pay check. That's a lot to give up and go back to job uncertainty and auditioning.


Justin I think is a wildcard. He seems over it and his kids are older now.

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Hmm, I think Justin will be back for sure. Five kids is a lot, even if they are a bit older. I don't think anyone with a large family would give up that good a paycheck and a steady job. As an original, he probably has one of the highest cast salaries at this point, and I think he knows he has a good thing going because he's hardly in any scenes and doesn't get anything major to do. I don't see him as a Sandra Oh type situation, wanting to leave because he feels creatively unsatisfied. In fact, he might be happy to get to go in, knock out some easy scenes and leave.

This may be an unpopular opinion but as much as I love Richard and JPJ (and I do!), I almost hope he surprises us and doesn't re-sign. That's a character that needs to be retired, IMO. I feel like Richard sticks out like a sore thumb in the current cast and keeps the show from feeling ~young. There's just not much of a reason for him to be there, especially when he isn't the chief. They barely explore his storyline with Maggie, which IIRC was half the reason Maggie was introduced in the first place, and Debbie Allen only guests once in a while, so yeah, I think Richard should retire now.

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Hmm, I think Justin will be back for sure. Five kids is a lot, even if they are a bit older. I don't think anyone with a large family would give up that good a paycheck and a steady job. As an original, he probably has one of the highest cast salaries at this point, and I think he knows he has a good thing going because he's hardly in any scenes and doesn't get anything major to do. I don't see him as a Sandra Oh type situation, wanting to leave because he feels creatively unsatisfied. In fact, he might be happy to get to go in, knock out some easy scenes and leave.

I thought that too but apparently in interviews post S10/pre S11 when he had just resigned he said that he would be ready to leave after that contract for S12 was done. Probably not to pursue other projects, more of a semi retirement with occasional gigs having done well financially from Grey's.

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Kevin McKidd Eyes Grey's Anatomy Contract Extension: 'I Don't See Any Reason to Run Away'


Paging Dr. Owen Hunt… there’s some paperwork awaiting your signature.

Kevin McKidd is in negotiations with Grey’s Anatomy to extend his current contract, which is set to expire at the end of the ABC drama’s current 12th season.



Personally, I wouldn't be upset if this doesn't work out, Owen's one of my least favorite characters.  I hope we hear about the other contract negotiations soon.

I personally wouldn't be too upset if Owen left, but this article pretty much says "I'm re-signing but I can't announce it yet" so I'm guessing Hunt is sticking around


I don't really have any doubt at all that Ellen is singing back on, especially since the Oprah interview where Shonda basically said that Ellen wanted to continue and Patrick didn't. I think it's safe to say that all of the originals will be signing back on. Sara Ramirez and Jesse Williams are wildcards for me. I think they could go either way. I think Sarah Drew will continue as well, but of course there have always been surprises.


Agree with this bascially word for word :)

I'm actually pretty surprised Ellen hasn't gotten a vanity producer credit on the show (a la Julianna Margulies or Lauren Graham in season 7 of Gilmore Girls). You'd think her agents would be all over that as an incentive to get her an even higher pay-bump.

I don't know if she will ask for a producer credit in this round of negotiations but I was wondering if will be billed in the credits with "and Ellen Pompeo". I don't actually know what that end credit means but usually the biggest star comes last. Isiah Washington and Patrick Dempsey both came at the end with a "and...." in the early seasons, and Patrick until S10.
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I don't know if she will ask for a producer credit in this round of negotiations but I was wondering if will be billed in the credits with "and Ellen Pompeo". I don't actually know what that end credit means but usually the biggest star comes last. Isiah Washington and Patrick Dempsey both came at the end with a "and...." in the early seasons, and Patrick until S10.

Typically the traditional lead is always billed first and the "And..." is saved for another prominent actor. I don't think they'd ever move Ellen out of that top billing. I can see them putting "And James Pickens Jr." or something like that.

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Since others have suggested that SaRa could be lured back to NY, I've felt for a couple of months that this is extremely likely. I can think of at least two prominent Broadway roles she could step into when those particular Bway contracts expire this summer. With JCap's pregnancy, I could see a Calzona reunion to write them both out later this season, but allow them to come back for the series finale. I would also not be surprised if JW leaves.

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Since others have suggested that SaRa could be lured back to NY, I've felt for a couple of months that this is extremely likely. I can think of at least two prominent Broadway roles she could step into when those particular Bway contracts expire this summer. With JCap's pregnancy, I could see a Calzona reunion to write them both out later this season, but allow them to come back for the series finale. I would also not be surprised if JW leaves.


JCap is signed through season 14, though.


I almost want SaRa to leave just so we can get one final good Callie/Calzona storyline. I miss that character and that pairing a lot, it feels like ages since we've seen the true Callie and Calzona. I feel like Callie has been on autopilot for a couple of seasons now and they give SaRa one episode a season (Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word, Bend and Break) to play with, and other than that she's become window dressing. She's one of the best actresses on the show and deserves better.

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JCap is signed through season 14, though.

I almost want SaRa to leave just so we can get one final good Callie/Calzona storyline. I miss that character and that pairing a lot, it feels like ages since we've seen the true Callie and Calzona. I feel like Callie has been on autopilot for a couple of seasons now and they give SaRa one episode a season (Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word, Bend and Break) to play with, and other than that she's become window dressing. She's one of the best actresses on the show and deserves better.

This describes the majority of the cast, minus the once per season centric episode. There are 3-4 characters who get true storylines and guaranteed scree time these days while everyone else just rotates in and out with a patient here or a tiny thread of a storyline there. I think that unless your favorite is one of those actors then you may be rooting for them to leave the show.

I definitely think that at least a couple of cast members are leaving. SaRa and JW seem most likely at this point, though I wouldn't be shocked if JC left either. There are a few reasons why he hasn't done any press in over a year, and his contract status may be one of the reasons. One can only hope.

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I still think everyone will re-sign but who knows. We could hope for a smaller cast, but you just know judging from the show's history that they'll introduce new interns or make Penny and the blond intern regulars once someone decides to leave. They like to keep the cast huge and it's one of the major reasons the storytelling has been inconsistent on the show.


For example, it's still baffling to me that we have Jerrika Hinton as a series regular. It just makes no sense to me, and she's going into her fifth (!) season on the show if she re-signs.

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This describes the majority of the cast, minus the once per season centric episode. There are 3-4 characters who get true storylines and guaranteed scree time these days while everyone else just rotates in and out with a patient here or a tiny thread of a storyline there. I think that unless your favorite is one of those actors then you may be rooting for them to leave the show.


Unfortunately there is no way around this with the huge cast they have right now.  There is no one I actively dislike and "hope" will leave, but the show can definitely use some tightening.  I think the overall show would improve tremendously.   Even the storylines that are being shown so far this season are barely scratched on the surface.  

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I agree, but I'm sure that the majority of the cast, especially those who have been around awhile, actually prefer having the time off and that may have a lot to do with why they keep it this way. The ratings are still very high and it's still a money maker, so why fix what they may feel ain't broken. The quality of the show itself suffers, but I am not convinced that this is much of a concern anymore, tbh.

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All the cast members that are parents have said that they like having the opportunity to have big SLs once or twice a season and just be bit players the rest of the time.

I assume they get paid the same amount per episode whether they're in it for one scene or the majority of it. Would be hard to pass that paycheck up.

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I'd say Jessica Capshaw would be leaving if I didn't know she had prolonged her contract. What's happening to her this season doesn't make any sense at all. Yes, I know it applies to the majority of the cast, but at least most of them are stuck in the same old same old, while she hasn't done absolutely anything except serve for the occasional comic relief. 

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Knowing they have her contract locked up is exactly why she's nothing but background comic relief at the moment. I would say her pregnancy plays into it too, but it was the complete opposite with her other two pregnancies, so who knows.

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The scariest thing for me is that my favourite characters / actors are the one's most likely to leave. I really don't want Alex or Callie gone. In fact, I'm all here for an Alex / Callie romance. For me, while I think Richard could have left and turned into a recurring character at the end of S11, I hope that all of the regulars + Callie are around until the end. 

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Knowing they have her contract locked up is exactly why she's nothing but background comic relief at the moment. I would say her pregnancy plays into it too, but it was the complete opposite with her other two pregnancies, so who knows.


That's probably right. Although I assume they had something planned for her, hence that nonsensical stuff about her being broke and looking for a roommate and then shacking up with that hot intern whose name I've already forgotten. Surely it had to lead somewhere or else why would have they just pulled it out of their asses (but, knowing this show...) and then it got aborted for some reason.

That it's been her biggest "storyline" this season tells enough about her current status on the show. 

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All the cast members that are parents have said that they like having the opportunity to have big SLs once or twice a season and just be bit players the rest of the time.

I assume they get paid the same amount per episode whether they're in it for one scene or the majority of it. Would be hard to pass that paycheck up.

The balance between having a big SL and smaller stuff would be enjoyable but with the cast at an all time high and it must be annoying for those who don't get a big story to have to constantly do silly one episode stories with little substance and group scenes where they're set dressing, e.g. OR scenes or ER scenes. They still end up having a significant time commitment but don't have much to show for it or get to make an impact. Easy work is fun only to a point, I think most also want something meaty every now and then. When they do get something good you can tell they get excited with all the social media activity and press.


Look at Justin Chambers last season, Alex was around all the time supporting Meredith so Justin was working frequently but didn't have much to do as an actor. If he has to spend that time working I'm sure he would prefer spending the time doing interesting work.

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The balance between having a big SL and smaller stuff would be enjoyable but with the cast at an all time high and it must be annoying for those who don't get a big story to have to constantly do silly one episode stories with little substance and group scenes where they're set dressing, e.g. OR scenes or ER scenes. They still end up having a significant time commitment but don't have much to show for it or get to make an impact. Easy work is fun only to a point, I think most also want something meaty every now and then. When they do get something good you can tell they get excited with all the social media activity and press.


Look at Justin Chambers last season, Alex was around all the time supporting Meredith so Justin was working frequently but didn't have much to do as an actor. If he has to spend that time working I'm sure he would prefer spending the time doing interesting work.


I agree that it must get a bit grating at times to keep being put in the background. But I also think that most of the cast knows what it's like in Hollywood - it's not easy to just go out and score another great job. With Grey's, at least they're doing work that people are really passionate about. And despite having to stick around for a lot of frivolous scenes (which is the case for any show, really), these actors get a lot more time off than the average regulars simply due to the huge cast size. And by this point, Ellen, Chandra, Jason, James, and Sara are all definitely getting pretty paycheques. Plus it's obvious that everyone really gets along. So I think it's not always just about doing big, meaty scenes, but about the fact that they a) have job security b) enjoy the job & their co-workers c) are part of something that is still widely consumed and enjoyed. I think Justin Chamers is incredibly talented, but there's no assurance that he wouldn't be stuck doing guest appearances or direct-to-DVD horror movies if he decides to walk away. 

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It's also possible that Heigl's professional debacle made everyone wary about taking chances outside the show, which really is an extremely well-paid 9-to-5 job at this point. 


Exactly. Look at Heigl, Knight, Leigh, Dane... of course they're working, but none of them are in anything as notable as Grey's still is. And they're certainly making nowhere near as much as they would be if they had stuck around. For some (like Knight), I'm sure they knew that, but they'd rather have some professional freedom. But as you put it, right now the regulars have an extremely well-paid 9-to-5 with a group they like and on a top 5 network drama. It's a hard thing to walk away from. 

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I agree that it must get a bit grating at times to keep being put in the background. But I also think that most of the cast knows what it's like in Hollywood - it's not easy to just go out and score another great job. With Grey's, at least they're doing work that people are really passionate about. And despite having to stick around for a lot of frivolous scenes (which is the case for any show, really), these actors get a lot more time off than the average regulars simply due to the huge cast size. And by this point, Ellen, Chandra, Jason, James, and Sara are all definitely getting pretty paycheques. Plus it's obvious that everyone really gets along. So I think it's not always just about doing big, meaty scenes, but about the fact that they a) have job security b) enjoy the job & their co-workers c) are part of something that is still widely consumed and enjoyed. I think Justin Chamers is incredibly talented, but there's no assurance that he wouldn't be stuck doing guest appearances or direct-to-DVD horror movies if he decides to walk away. 

For sure I agree with all of that, and in the whole scheme of Hollywood actor life Grey's is an objectively awesome job. In terms of contract decision speculation I just think it's worth also considering what the individual experience of the actors may be like on a day to day basis and the possible drawbacks of the job. T.R. Knight chose to leave a contract worth $14M, according to EW, because he was unhappy with what they were doing with his character creatively and his screen time was dramatically cut down. He could have stayed for that huge pay check and enjoyed the perks of his reduced screen time but chose to leave and return to theatre mostly. He says he doesn't regret it, whether that's completely true I don't know. Obviously having kids would make the financial security more valuable but it shows for better or worse subjective factors like job satisfaction, creative fulfillments, hey even ego can have a big impact on these decisions, logic and reason be damed. 


When I looked up his salary I came across this quote from him in one of the articles that I think sums up the imperfect science involved in these choices- "People like to add up all the dollar signs and how much you're walking away from, and let them. That's cool. I'm the one that's walking in my shoes."

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I think it's clear that Knight was unhappy at his workplace and life's too short to put on a pricetag to that and keep being miserable as long as you have a reasonable alternative of any kind. 

Come to think about it, Heigl was the only one who left because she thought she had bigger things waiting for her, and it didn't go down all too well for her. Dempsey has other passions in his life, Leigh wanted to be with her kids, Oh wanted other challanges but obviously left on very good terms and I'm sure she can return at any point and be welcomed with open arms. I don't know what Dane's reasons were, though, but I don't think he expected something as big as GA to come up right away either. 


So, as long as the show's regulars don't have additional reasons to leave and are feeling comfortable on the set, I think most of them will stay. 

Edited by Joana
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Exactly. Look at Heigl, Knight, Leigh, Dane... of course they're working, but none of them are in anything as notable as Grey's still is.


I can't speak on Heigl, because I don't know what she's up to, but at least Knight (in theatre), Dane and Leigh are all working with material that actually gives them something to do. Their current roles are far more meatier than 90% of the current Grey's cast/characters, so I'm sure they aren't complaining.

And Grey's isn't really that notable, it's just the show that's still kicking and doing well in ratings for it's age. But in terms of quality? Not so much. But to the big wigs, quality doesn't matter. It's all about the numbers and dollar signs.  For actors, it's about the work. It's about the art form. Passing through a scene with one or two lines an episode sure pays them really well, but for those that are in it for more than just the money, it has to be frustrating when you want to work with some material but can't because the writers are giving it to the 5 new actors they decided to bring in at the start of a new season.

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I can't speak on Heigl, because I don't know what she's up to, but at least Knight (in theatre), Dane and Leigh are all working with material that actually gives them something to do. Their current roles are far more meatier than 90% of the current Grey's cast/characters, so I'm sure they aren't complaining.

And Grey's isn't really that notable, it's just the show that's still kicking and doing well in ratings for it's age. But in terms of quality? Not so much. But to the big wigs, quality doesn't matter. It's all about the numbers and dollar signs.  For actors, it's about the work. It's about the art form. Passing through a scene with one or two lines an episode sure pays them really well, but for those that are in it for more than just the money, it has to be frustrating when you want to work with some material but can't because the writers are giving it to the 5 new actors they decided to bring in at the start of a new season.


Full score. I love honesty. Huge applause to you.


Just one question quite honestly who do you think of the actors on Greys are there for more than money? 

I am personally on the verge with Pompeo, but maybe it is her,I believe she already has enough money to secure her kids till adulthood,yet she stays for the loyalty to fans I dare to hope her attitude is honest. Not so much for art but maybe her loyalty to fans of Meredith and her life journey which has influenced many especially female viewers.

What do you think?

Edited by Nobodysfan
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I still think everyone will re-sign but who knows. We could hope for a smaller cast, but you just know judging from the show's history that they'll introduce new interns or make Penny and the blond intern regulars once someone decides to leave. They like to keep the cast huge and it's one of the major reasons the storytelling has been inconsistent on the show.


For example, it's still baffling to me that we have Jerrika Hinton as a series regular. It just makes no sense to me, and she's going into her fifth (!) season on the show if she re-signs.

I totally agree  with you

I cannot believe why Hinton is on the show.

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Come to think about it, Heigl was the only one who left because she thought she had bigger things waiting for her, and it didn't go down all too well for her. Dempsey has other passions in his life

Katherine Heigl, at least in part, left when she did because the adoption of her daughter came through faster than originally thought. I know most on this forum will always trash her but I just can't see her as any  "worse" than Dempsey for leaving. Both actors broke their contract.. Katherine stepped back a bit from acting (as she said she would), adopted a second child then increased her acting projects. Patrick supposedly left to race because its his big passion but he made a movie and is now leaving racing. Patrick sure seems to be looking for bigger things with acting too.

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Wait!  What??? He quit/mutually agreed by all for him to leave/was fired, who the hell knows what, to focus on his family and racing career and is now leaving racing to focus on his family and acting career?!  Huh. This may have to slide back into the "behind the scenes" thread!:)
Thanks for the heads-up maasa, I googled quickly and here's all I could find, and it's from his racing site, do you have other links?.

Edited by pennben
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Maybe he's just not that good a racer. 

Thanks for the laugh!


I just looked around and that's the only place I see it too. If its legit I wonder if there is some acting project that won't allow him outs to race or cover it with insurance. He spoke of a development deal in that EW interview when he left. Perhaps one of those projects is about to be picked up.

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To be fair, it could also be him realizing that he made a horrible mistake taking on his hobby as a full-time job (regardless of why he left Grey's) and that its corresponding demands made it not only less fun/less satisfying for him than when it was a hobby, but also vastly more more work than he otherwise expected and harder for him to stay connected with his family.  In which case, kudos to him for course-correcting so quickly.  I sometimes have to remind myself that the simple answer is often more likely than the nefarious one.

Edited by pennben
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I think we as fans, for some reason, seem to really undervalue this show.


Why is it that these actors can't possibly be fulfilled by this work? I genuinely believe many of these actors love their characters, love the stories they're telling, and love being part of a show that has such a diverse and wide-reaching audience. Grey's does more than just 'well' in the ratings - it's one of the 3 most-watched dramas on network TV for adults 18 - 49, after 12 seasons. That's insane. And the global reach is incredible. It's easy to nitpick and say certain actors don't get enough to do (in many cases I agree, from a fan perspective.) But as an actor, it's not easy to just go out there and pick up a great, meaty role. Grey's still gives them challenges, still tells great stories, and I think despite our own personal thoughts on quality, is an incredibly hard-working team. I think it's crazy to say that all of the actors MUST be there solely for the paychecks. 


Ellen, in particular, has been vocal about the fans of the show. Again, people here love to complain and nit-pick, but it's SO rare to be part of something like Grey's that truly reaches people. It has to be so rewarding for Ellen to hear from women who started Med school because of Grey's, or people who used the show to help deal with grief, loss, tragedy etc. The writing is still notches above a lot of what's on network TV right now, and I totally understand why the cast would be proud to continue working on the show. Certainly the money, cast of friends, and flexible schedule help - but I don't think we can shortchange the fact that Grey's is still a quality series that many actors would kill to be a part of. 

Edited by BaseOps
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I think it's that some fans don't see a TV show as a job the way actors do. We see the end product, not much of what goes into it for them work wise, so there's this sort of glamour to it where some fans think they'd kill for the job and that kind of money.

Maybe social media plays a part as well. It sort of sucks that they put the work in and social media grants this "connection" with them where people tell them they hate the character or the storyline and why aren't so and so together and just a general unappreciation that it's their job, not their life.

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Patrick has been seen in public holding hands and with his estranged wife, and he may have made a choice between racing and his wife. If so, I honour him. I don't blame him for leaving the show. It was my favourite ten years ago, but now I only watch once in a while and without him and Sandra, it's rather a shadow of its former self.


Back to lurking.

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Patrick has been seen in public holding hands and with his estranged wife, and he may have made a choice between racing and his wife. If so, I honour him. I don't blame him for leaving the show. It was my favourite ten years ago, but now I only watch once in a while and without him and Sandra, it's rather a shadow of its former self.


Back to lurking.


Yes, their absence is notable. Neither Scorsone nor McCreary or Henderson will fill that void. At least for me,never.

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Yes, their absence is notable. Neither Scorsone nor McCreary or Henderson will fill that void. At least for me,never.


I think one of the biggest problems is that the writers seem to think that they can fill those voids with other characters, and every time we lose one we gain two. Instead of forcing Amelia on us and pushing the whole 'sisters' angle, they could have just brought on Maggie and focused on really developing her relationships with Richard, Meredith, and anyone else. We have so many under-serviced characters (Alex, Bailey, Arizona, Callie, Richard, Jo, sometimes even Meredith, etc.) that they don't need to keep over-compensating. Now we're stuck with characters who are fine, but add nothing really to the show and have never really be given an interesting arc (Steph, Jo, Ben...) New blood is needed from time-to-time, for sure. But the show would be at its best, in my opinion, if they just really focused on providing great stories for the few originals we have left, as well as the characters who are really integrated with them now (Callie, April, Jackson, Arizona, etc.) and then using the rest as supporting players. The cast needs to be trimmed by next season. With DeLuca becoming a regular, we're now at 16... I keep forgetting they made Ben a regular. Trying to service such a huge cast and constantly adding in multiple new recurring characters (Penny is there until at least 12x14, plus the other new interns) just throws off storytelling and ends up short-changing a lot of fans. 

Edited by BaseOps
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While I certainly miss Cristina and Derek, I think the pacing and overall issue of storytelling is actually due to the changing of writers in season 11.  I feel like season 11 and season 12 (to date) have been so different in terms of types of stories, pacing, overall arcs, balancing characters, etc.  At first it seemed like season 11 was thrown off due to Patrick's departure, but season 12 is just as disjointed in my opinion.  It's not that I am not enjoying it, but the pacing is not great. And I can really see the difference of the medical stories that are told.  I've been thinking how much I miss the doctors each having their individual cases.  Season 12 so far has basically been 1 medical case per episode.  It seems like suddenly there is no time for everything in 42 minutes, but they've been doing it for 10 seasons fine.  While this is the largest regular cast to date, it's not really THAT much larger than previous years.  There were 15 regulars in season 10, 14 in season 7.  While I agree some characters are useless (Stephanie, Ben) I really don't think its the size of the cast that is the issue.  


Joan Rater and Tony Phelan were the head writers through season 10 and season 11 through current Stacy McKee and William Harper have taken over.  


Also wanted to add- i don't mean to say they are doing a poor job but more that they seem to have a different approach.  

Edited by Greysaddict
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Totally agree Greysaddict.


I've never been against new cast members on any long running show. They need new blood and on Grey's its probably the reason why they're still going so strong. I know its an unpopular opinion here, but I believe most of the characters and pairings have fanbases.

Instead of forcing Amelia on us and pushing the whole 'sisters' angle, they could have just brought on Maggie and focused on really developing her relationships with Richard, Meredith, and anyone else.

Or, they could have not brought on Maggie at all given they've already done the popup sister story with Meredith. They clearly aren't interested in doing much with Richard/Maggie so it could have been skipped. They also wouldn't have needed to bring on a love interest for her as a full time cast member. Amelia is Derek's sister so there is a built in family connection and her love interest was already on the show.

Now we're stuck with characters who are fine, but add nothing really to the show and have never really be given an interesting arc (Steph, Jo, Ben.)

Again, I'd glad trade Maggie for Jo. Alex is an original character and Jo was established as his love interest before Maggie was brought on. They could have developed Jo as character instead. Jo could fill the role of being a friend to some doctors, a junior doctor plus Alex's love interest. If the idea is to focus on original characters stories then they should build on what they started with he and Jo seasons ago. Instead they shoved it aside due to backstage issues. I'll also add that the cast size isn't the whole issue with Alex. I'd love nothing more than for him to have more focus and screen time but had they at least used the time he had for him I'd be far less frustrated with it. Alex being Meredith's person is the worst thing to ever happen to his character.


 Some people think Maggie adds to the show but I see a character who is pleasant enough but adds pretty much nothing. She's at lunch and talks about vaginas. Alex, not her, is tasked with being Meredith's primary support system so she's not even serving that function. She doesn't even have patients.


FWIW I don't dislike Maggie and none of the above is to argue. Instead I'm trying to point out that every fan will have different likes and dislikes. I understand that there are plenty of fans that want mostly Meredith and some story tossed to others but there's also fans who do not. For so many seasons the show was written as an ensemble even having a title character who is The Sun.

Edited by windsprints
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I think one of the biggest problems is that the writers seem to think that they can fill those voids with other characters, and every time we lose one we gain two. Instead of forcing Amelia on us and pushing the whole 'sisters' angle, they could have just brought on Maggie and focused on really developing her relationships with Richard, Meredith, and anyone else. We have so many under-serviced characters (Alex, Bailey, Arizona, Callie, Richard, Jo, sometimes even Meredith, etc.) that they don't need to keep over-compensating. Now we're stuck with characters who are fine, but add nothing really to the show and have never really be given an interesting arc (Steph, Jo, Ben...) New blood is needed from time-to-time, for sure. But the show would be at its best, in my opinion, if they just really focused on providing great stories for the few originals we have left, as well as the characters who are really integrated with them now (Callie, April, Jackson, Arizona, etc.) and then using the rest as supporting players. The cast needs to be trimmed by next season. With DeLuca becoming a regular, we're now at 16... I keep forgetting they made Ben a regular. Trying to service such a huge cast and constantly adding in multiple new recurring characters (Penny is there until at least 12x14, plus the other new interns) just throws off storytelling and ends up short-changing a lot of fans. 

Yes, the show needs to realize it's okay for some characters to be supporting. It's admirable they want to flesh out each character and give them stories but it ends up burdening the show as a whole when they have to find something for 16 people to do every episode. Have a clearly established core cast and let the others just be recurring, to be used only when it's relevant to telling the central stories. They don't need to appear in every episode or have their own separate stories. When I think of Stephanie as a main character and compare her to others she is a pretty weak character, I really don't feel like I know her and what motivates her with any depth, but if I think of her within the classification of a supporting character she's solid. I don't have any desire to see a solely Stephanie focused story, as they did this season with the out of the blue schmaltzy backstory, but Stephanie the resident making more occasional appearances to service a patient story with a lead character is great.


While I certainly miss Cristina and Derek, I think the pacing and overall issue of storytelling is actually due to the changing of writers in season 11.  I feel like season 11 and season 12 (to date) have been so different in terms of types of stories, pacing, overall arcs, balancing characters, etc.  At first it seemed like season 11 was thrown off due to Patrick's departure, but season 12 is just as disjointed in my opinion.  It's not that I am not enjoying it, but the pacing is not great. And I can really see the difference of the medical stories that are told.  I've been thinking how much I miss the doctors each having their individual cases.  Season 12 so far has basically been 1 medical case per episode.  It seems like suddenly there is no time for everything in 42 minutes, but they've been doing it for 10 seasons fine.  While this is the largest regular cast to date, it's not really THAT much larger than previous years.  There were 15 regulars in season 10, 14 in season 7.  While I agree some characters are useless (Stephanie, Ben) I really don't think its the size of the cast that is the issue.  


Joan Rater and Tony Phelan were the head writers through season 10 and season 11 through current Stacy McKee and William Harper have taken over.  


Also wanted to add- i don't mean to say they are doing a poor job but more that they seem to have a different approach.  

I completely agree, there was definitely a change in the structure of the show from S11.

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I also feel the show has a lot of issues with its timeline at this point. Owen and Amelia have been together for how long now in GA's universe and yet we have no idea where they stand. Amelia was really upset when Owen wouldn't confide in her which would imply things are serious between them but we simply don't know. We never saw it. 

Just like we're now witnessing Arizona's tentative attempts to enter the dating pool again, all the while we've seen Callie take on no less than four different people, including what seems to be a serious relationship. I know everyone moves along at their own pace, it's fine, but all this time Arizona appeared to be stuck in the post-breakup phase, even as recently as at the dinner where everyone found out that "Perfect Penny killed Derek" and it's just wrong considering how long it's been. 

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The timeline on this show has always been a complete mess, starting with the fact that the 5 original interns were interns for 4+ years, so the characters weren't supposed to have aged in any of that time, and then later on they skip months and even years like it is no big deal.  And even when that works for a few characters, it doesn't ever work for all of them and so things get even more muddled.  Then add the fact that there are kids who are aging too fast or not fast enough and a couple of actors who are supposed to be 8-10 years younger than they really are and it gets even more confusing and unbelievable.


As for as the giant cast, I don't like it either, but opinions about who is "important," who is expendable, and who "deserves" storylines, focus, main cast status, etc., are completely subjective.  It seems to me, from what I have read on The Internet, that many of the fans who still watch and participate in discussion about the show (on Twitter, message boards, etc.) have their favorites and don't necessarily still watch the show as a whole, but more for whatever small focus "their" characters get.  But the vast majority of viewers, the ones who don't obsess over the show or comment on social media, watch out of habit and enjoy some stories more than others, but don't really care one way or another.  I have a few friends who have watched from day 1 and still don't know all of the characters' names, even those that have been there for years and years.  They will think a couple is cute together or that someone is annoying, and they might roll their eyes at the latest disaster or cast member departure, but beyond that they take it for what it is.  And they will probably watch until the show ends, again just because they always have.  And I'm sure ABC is completely fine with that.

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Debbie Allen's comment about the next episode:

Denzel Washington just directed our season opening for the second part of the season and I’m telling you, this episode will blow people’s minds. The world doesn’t know this yet. I hired him as a director. Talked him into it. It airs Feb. 11, "The Sound of Silence." It’s almost like another Grey’s Anatomy altogether.


It was part of her interview regarding diversity at the Oscars - full interview.

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Camilla Luddington for NKD magazine:


Camilla talks about Jo’s happy ending, the proposal, Mer/Alex relationship, Jo/Steph’s fight and being more assertive in the second half of this season. Camilla wants Jo to continue working with Callie Torres (Sara Ramirez) and become an orthopedic surgeon.


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