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S03.E21: We Called Her Jellybean (1)

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An apartment fire linked to a case of rape and attempted murder calls for members of the CPD to team with the Special Victims Unit, which had a similar unresolved case that has eluded them for more than 10 years. This prompts Sgt. Benson to come in from New York to assist with the investigation in which she is all too familiar. Meanwhile, doubts among the squad towards one of their own causes Severide to lay down the law and Dawson puts her life on the line during a call.


As usual, the 1 after the title denotes this is the first in the three-part crossover with CPD and L&O: SVU.

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Why is no one reprimanded on this show? She unclipped and walked towards a man ready to jump that's twice her size, expecting to have control over him (despite her not being able to budge him previously at the fire), rather than spending 5 seconds walking back and untangling herself, and she gets a 'way to go!'?


I immediately didn't like Chilly (?), solely because of the actress, and that is solely because of her character on Friday Night Lights, but I warmed up by the end. Let's just hope she doesn't hook up with anyone any time soon.

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Because it's Gabby! She would just fly the suicidal guy to safety if he pushed them both off the ledge.

Why can't Olivia and Hank just discuss this suspect via skype? Oh wait, she was doing that already. Why not save NYC taxpayers the cost of a last-minute trip to Chicago to do something that could have been handled via email? Keep her out of Chicago!

Edited by MakeMeLaugh
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I like the new girl. She seems competent, friendly, just a bit quirky and with no misplaced ego problem. She also has a million watts smile, and it's so nice to see somebody smile on this show.


I like that Severide is loyal to his friends but I don't like the friend in question so I just found him pig-headed.


Loved Boden reading the riot act to the team. And there was no surprise about the three honchos together, but I liked the scene anyway. And I love Benson/Voight so I was glad to have them interact here.

The crossovers with PD and SVU don't annoy me. The repetitive "Chicago Med" name-dropping, OTOH? Got on my nerves.

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Great.  So we have to put up with a coppapalooza for two weeks? 


Was that an anvil the neighbor was carrying around while he was talking to Severide and Dawson?


That was quite the rapid response from the PD to the bridge scene.  Speaking of which, why wouldn't Boden call for blocking the road.  If the guy jumps anyway, he still has a traffic problem.  Duh. 


Two words, Casey.  Verbal contract. 

Edited by Dowel Jones
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i like the new paramedic, even if i think she won't last since all new paramedics go away. She just wanted to fit in! and the CHill-eez was just what she needed to get Hermann on board. I liked Cruz's wide-eye trying to wave her off Hermann giving her advice. <snicker>


Who knew Daniel Meade could be even hotter - just get him to be an aggressive douche! Clearly there is more to learn about the blonde stripper. DId she want Casey to continue to work so he could "rescue" her? Or did Daniel Meade tell her to reel him him and now she failed?


Was surprised the chief pow wow took place in the firehouse - that puts Voight in Casey's immediate eye sight. Plus why would Benson go straight to the firehouse and not PD?? I know, it was CF's time slot, so it had to take place there, but..... looking forward to Casey/Voight interaction.

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Otis and his spying, talking behind backs, and  this attitude about the new guy from the beginning bugs me big time, I'm sure he will turn out to be right which bugs me more.

he *is a bit 8th grade girl.

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Oh man, this is a bad, bad crossover for me.


I detest Chicago PD with all my heart. However, I follow Chicago Fire and Law & Order: SVU. The usual crossovers were that cases arose on Fire and get resolved on PD, with sometimes L&O:SVU bridged. In those cases, I just let the story went without care about the final result. However this time, NBC pull the trick for me and viewers like me. They swap the schedules of PD and SVU. Therefore, it would be totally weird for me to watch the beginning and the end without the middle on PD.

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I don't care how many of these cross-over "events" they do, I'm not watching Chicago PD. And I've never watched SVU and don't plan to. I'm getting to the point where I will probably no longer watch Chicago Fire after this season because I'm sick of it being used as a launching pad for stories that are resolved on other shows. This used to be a good show, all on its own, and now all it seems to do is service its spin-off. 


Although, the suicide rescue was ridiculous. Dawson's rope was only wedged into a rail, all she had to do was pull it the other way. She should have been suspended for unhooking it. More likely, she should have fallen off the bridge and been killed. The more they try to make her look like a hero the more she actually looks like an idiot.


I did kind of like Chili though. 

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What was with Britt being super picky on food? Was this a character trait of hers we had seen before?


I eventually liked the new paramedic, but for a while it seemed like she was trying a little too hard. It could be just because of that super-wide smile of hers, though. It ends up looking a little forced cheerful to me. I did enjoy Boden laying the smackdown on the firehouse, though. They looked like pissy eight-year olds who had their toys taken away. Get over it already.


I should feel a lot of sympathy for Billy, but somehow he just annoyed me. Chicago PD's interrogations are pretty nasty, but if they drive him to immediate, gibbering suicidal panic, then he had major issues already. If he was a real person, I would feel sorry for him. But as a TV character, he was just too pathetic for me to care about.

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These days I prefer Chicago PD to Chicago Fire. It seems more balanced, but I am growing tired of the crossovers. I do not mind seeing a character or two pop up between the two shows, because it makes sense that they would overlap a bit, but I think they are overdoing the crossovers. Also, I do not have to deal with Super!Awesome!Firefighter!Medic!ScoobyDooInvestigator!Gabby on PD. Really how many times do I have to deal with Gabby being the hero? It gets old.


I am not sure about the new medic yet. I did eventually warm up to the actress on Friday Night Lights, so I will see. 

Edited by Misslindsey
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I loved this episode and I really like Chilli which I honestly didn't think I would. I like her laid back attitude. I'm kind of hoping she sticks around as it's nice to have a third girl.


Dawson's heroic moment wasn't as eyerolling as I thought it was going to be. Mainly because she didn't disobey any orders or show blatant disregard for her team/superiors. You could tell that she was genuinely scared on the ledge but just wanted to help the guy. She's kind of grown on me the last few episodes. Ever since they split her and Matt up and I'm not just watching them fight/her bitch him out constantly. I really hope the writers don't ruin her for me again once they reunite. I do feel like her journey from candidate to full fledged firefighter is a complete paralell of season one Mills though. Didn't he also stop someone from jumping a ledge?


The Rice storyline is shaping up nicely. I wonder if there's going to be a twist where it turns out he's not a ducker.


What's the deal with the blonde stripper? At first I thought she'd just hook up with Matt but now I feel there's more to that storyline.


Any SVU fans? Was the flashback of Liv footage from an actual SVU episode? Was it the same case?

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I would rather see Brett pregnant than Gabby, which is what everyone is predicting for the finale. Seriously, hasn't this show had enough with the damn baby storylines? It's only in it's third season and already we've had Casey and Hallie fighting about babies season one, Herman and his baby, Shay and her never-ending baby storylines with her ex, a sperm donor and then Kelly, Kelly and Renee, Boden and Donna had their whole baby storyline just this season...please, no more.


I hope SuperGabby makes squad, then goes away like everyone else does once they make it.


Why do they promote these stupid crossovers like they are some special "once-in-a-lifetime" event when they do them every few months? I am most definitely not watching the other two shows so whatever.

Edited by Bamboo
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Any SVU fans? Was the flashback of Liv footage from an actual SVU episode? Was it the same case?

Its been on a looong time and a lot of episodes. In any case I can't recall an unresolved case episode and Mariska Hargitay did seem larger to my memory then she was when she wore the shorter hair cut. But ten years ago was about the time Tamara Tunie became a regular as Dr. Warner

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I'm sorry, but if I met someone and their opening story involved "we called her Jellybean" I would assume she had a metal handicap. Sucks that everyone was kinda mean to her though. I do hope someone clues her in about Hermann's string of bad investment decisions before her product gets his kiss of death. 

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Dawson's heroic moment wasn't as eyerolling as I thought it was going to be


Although the story line was written far in advance, pure coincidence had it lining up with the death of a flight nurse who fell out of a helicopter while trying to pull a patient in off the hoist.  In real life, stuff like that really matters.

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Plus, is she incapable of shouting across the lot that they know it wasn't an electrical fire, and that they know he didn't do anything wrong?  She's such a prima donna and I have moved into hate territory with her because she always has to go the most dramatic route possible, no matter how stupid or dangerous that route may be.

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My favourite parts actually occurred on "Chicago Fire" (the new firewoman's charm and her rescuing the innocent guy with the overloaded power strip from self-blaming suicide)


Someone in the SVU thread (who admitted they don't watch the Chicago shows), thought GABY was the best part?  Maybe that's who they are writing her for--people who are only watching one episode and will never know what she's really like!

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Was an ok episode, but there was a lot of stupid stuff. I mean is Casey, who is one guy who does residential renos, has no crew other than other untrained firefighers if they have time, and works a 24 hour shift every 3 days supposed to build a strip club? How is that supposed to work? Not to mention like others have said the whole thing with Gabby on the ledge was really stupid too. And everyone acting like Peter Mills had died and was being replaced made no sense.  

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Someone in the SVU thread (who admitted they don't watch the Chicago shows), thought GABY was the best part?  Maybe that's who they are writing her for--people who are only watching one episode and will never know what she's really like!


God help us all if the show runners see that. We already get stuck with St. Gabby on a regular basis. 


Did Jesse Spencer's Australian sneak into this episode? When he left the club he told the owner to piss off. That's not exactly something you hear Americans using on a regular basis. Australians or Brits, yes. American guys in Chicago? Not so much. I might even buy it if they were in Boston, but not Chicago. 

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Did Jesse Spencer's Australian sneak into this episode? When he left the club he told the owner to piss off. That's not exactly something you hear Americans using on a regular basis. Australians or Brits, yes. American guys in Chicago? Not so much. I might even buy it if they were in Boston, but not Chicago. 

Would the actual word a Chicagoan use be one of George Carlin's seven?

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Did Jesse Spencer's Australian sneak into this episode? When he left the club he told the owner to piss off. That's not exactly something you hear Americans using on a regular basis. Australians or Brits, yes. American guys in Chicago? Not so much. I might even buy it if they were in Boston, but not Chicago.

I imagine he read the line as it was written?

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These days I prefer Chicago PD to Chicago Fire. It seems more balanced,


I'm sure it does since they aren't constantly starting stories on PD that get finished on some other show like they do with CF. 


But for those who watch it, how on earth do they try to pass Voigt off as a viable character? He started out on CF as a dirty cop on the take, he harassed Casey and and his girlfriend to the point of planting a pound of cocaine in their house and calling the DEA on them for search and seizure, and then ultimately, tried to arrange a hit on Casey! I mean, does this guy play Dirty Cop on PD? Or have they totally tried to whitewash his character and sweep all that stuff under the rug? I just can't imagine watching a show with him as a lead after all the shit he pulled on CF. 

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But for those who watch it, how on earth do they try to pass Voigt off as a viable character? He started out on CF as a dirty cop on the take, he harassed Casey and and his girlfriend to the point of planting a pound of cocaine in their house and calling the DEA on them for search and seizure, and then ultimately, tried to arrange a hit on Casey! I mean, does this guy play Dirty Cop on PD? Or have they totally tried to whitewash his character and sweep all that stuff under the rug? I just can't imagine watching a show with him as a lead after all the shit he pulled on CF. 

It reminds sort of like the '"origin" episode of The Shield where they show Vic and Shane started off by framing a guilty man before going full criminal and murdering a cop in the first episode. Even though the promo monkey advertises they break the rules not the law they go further then the first year McGarrett on Hawaii 5-0 by illegal battering suspects. I think they did something similar to the corrupt Sgt Cruz in Third Watch in saying he was dirty but working for a higher internal affairs unit forgave his sins

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I'm sure it does since they aren't constantly starting stories on PD that get finished on some other show like they do with CF. 


But for those who watch it, how on earth do they try to pass Voigt off as a viable character? He started out on CF as a dirty cop on the take, he harassed Casey and and his girlfriend to the point of planting a pound of cocaine in their house and calling the DEA on them for search and seizure, and then ultimately, tried to arrange a hit on Casey! I mean, does this guy play Dirty Cop on PD? Or have they totally tried to whitewash his character and sweep all that stuff under the rug? I just can't imagine watching a show with him as a lead after all the shit he pulled on CF.

Voight is Robin Hood bad cop now--he breaks the rules but only on the bad guys so he can help the little people. Really, on season 1 of Fire he was the finest evil character I'd ever booed and hissed. His turnaround is one of the greatest achievements in comeback history.

I hate when cop show stories put the main characters in jeopardy. I cut this one a little slack because Nadia was spotted by the bad guy in the station, but still--his preferred type of brown hair, 5" 5', isn't exactly hard to find in a big city like Chicago. I always scream at the tv when the victim is "one of our own" or even worse, the corollary stereotype plot, when the perp is someone inside!

I will miss Nadia but I know she is in Dick Wolf's Chicago heaven with Shay, Haley, and that firefighter who killed herself looking down and wondering why they had to die while Peter Mills got to move to Wilmington and open a restaurant. RIP Nadia!

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