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Sherri Shepherd: "Is the Earth flat?"


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This one is good:  Sherri Shepherd ‏@SherriEShepherd  · 5h 
My son just brought in two neighborhood kids I don't know... they are running around my house screaming... is this now my life? #partynomore


So.............who was watching Jeffrey, where was he, when he came across these "neighborhood kids" she doesn't know?

"is this now my life? #partynomore."  Is she on something??

polarvortexyes, I agree about there being so many questions and timeline lies. A lot of it just does not make any sense. For several months, Sherri was tweeting photos of her and Sal watching TV, going on "date nights", etc. Then, at the end of March, she tweeted about going out to CA with Sal for something exciting ("hubby wife duo"). Yet, she apparently returned to NJ/NY without him and mere weeks later, he filed for separation in CA. Too much of this just does not add up . Also, with all her talk of religion, I find it odd that she would end it that abruptly without any marital counseling.


Btw, I turned the TV on a few minutes ago just at the very beginning of Entertainment Tonight and I heard Nancy O'Dell say she was supposed to interview Sherri's ex Jeff about his custody case but he was a no-show for the interview. In the preview, it looks like she interviewed his lawyer instead. I left it on that channel just to see what they say, so I'll post about it later.

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Tweet by tweet Sherri will prove accusations by ex husband wrong, it would seem. The other day she had date night with Jeffrey, they went to see a movie again for the 5th time. Then track, so you know she spends time with him!! Tonight it's on to the hygiene issue and more:


"Gave Jeffrey a hot shower after his 2 hr track practice and a massage.  He says "Mommy you ought to work in a Massage Store" #destinycalling "


Sherri Shepherd ‏@SherriEShepherd  · 1h 
"Work...pick up son from school...rush to track practice...homework...dinner... shower...bedtime story... prayers... my brain-where's it at!!"




I really don't think she reads and thinks about her tweets before she posts them, but maybe that's just me.

Edited by ginger90
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Sherri is in real damage control mode right now about the custody suit.


An all day meet and several times a week for 2 hours is too much for Jeffrey, imo. Definitely a sport, just a shorter one. Especially since he needs help  in other areas. Like homework and hygiene. And being together. How about a movie at home and cuddling with popcorn - what is so difficult about that?


I think Jeff Sr is somewhat under a gag order after their settlement - but this is a whole other issue - custody. And he has a real timeline based on her twitter showing how much she is not home during the time Jeffrey is except occasionally.. And the crap she does when she is - twittering and selfies constantly along with self-promotion. Do it before picking up Jeffrey or after he goes to bed. And her nannies can be acknowledged and given some of the tasks....except perhaps they are unskilled and there is a huge turn around. Can not imagine a nanny getting attention away from Sherri - she has enough trouble dealing with little girls in school or the track.

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Didn't Jeff Sr. cheat on Sherri with one of her friends, when Sherri was pregnant with Jeffrey?


I don't think it was with one of Sherri's friends. She found pics of him and the other woman, after Jeffrey was born and still in the hospital.


The other woman was pregnant  and I think it was at the same time when Sherri was pregnant. So the other child is around the same age as Jeffrey. Sherri refers to him as her "stepson". Not sure why!


Also, don't know if ex-Jeff is still with the woman or not.

What does Jeff Sr. do for a living?

Is he with his wife? 

What about the son he has with his wife? 

If they're together, how does she feel about Jeff Jr. being there full time?

Is it right to uproot the child right now?

I don't know, a guy who's married and gets another woman pregnant at the same time that his wife is pregnant, sounds like a jerk to me and not the type of person I'd want to take care of a goldfish, much less a human being.

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I don't know, a guy who's married and gets another woman pregnant at the same time that his wife is pregnant, sounds like a jerk to me and not the type of person I'd want to take care of a goldfish, much less a human being.


I hear you but I sincerely do not think that Sherri takes good care of Jeffrey. She constantly makes  him the butt of her "jokes" as well as placing him in situations that a child with his developmental problems should not have to endure.

Everything to her is about the next laugh, how will this sound on "Not Hot Topics", how can I change this situation (aka lie) to put this in my routine. If you look/listen to her interviews you can see/hear so many inconsistencies  it is unreal. Sherri constantly states a "comedienne"  can say ANYTHING, well she certainly does that.

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I sure hope Sherri isn't tweeting live while in a courtroom (for a traffic violation)



Sitting in a crowded courtroom for a traffic ticket - two prisoners just came in 2B heard. Guess armed robbery trumps my illegal U-turn


Among the tidbits she has shared


In the Courteoom & fell asleep while the Judge was explaining Court procedures. The police officer told me to wakeup. I think I was snoring

I remember her tweeting and taking pictures during a traffic stop awhile back (wonder if it is the same incident)

I don't think it's in a child's best interest to be with a man who not only cheated on his mother, but got a woman pregnant at the same time your mom was pregnant.  What can he teach that child about how to be a man?  Screw as many women as possible?  Cheating is okay as long as you don't get caught? 


To me the best interest of the child means not being with someone of questionable moral character.  Sherri's no saint but at least she didn't cheat on her husband or date a married man. 

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Unless you are a close associate or relative of Sherri, or a social worker assigned to her case, nobody has any qualification to say whether Sherri is a good mother or not. Certainly not someone whose only exposure to Sherri is from her standup, View work, or tweets.

Well that's true but here's how it looks to me:  Husband 2 files for divorce, and then suddenly Husband #1 pops up demanding custody, at the same time Husband #2 wants custody of his baby.  To me it sounds like two sorry men who are trying to shake a woman down for money, not saying that's true, but that's what it looks like to me.

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These two are the gift that keeps on giving for a trash media site like TMZ:



I don't buy his reasons for wanting the records sealed. In the time since he met her, he's made a grand total of 39K. That includes 9K of unemployment insurance. If he can get the judge to seal the records, then the truth about who paid for this entire surrogacy (Sherri) as well as many other opportunities for the ridicule that he so richly deserves. I sincerely hope that if this infant is not biologically Sherri's that she not sign the final adoption and walk away. Let him have the infant to raise in the home he claims to have set up in California (I'm thinking it's probably his mother's basement).


Sherri, you have your plate more than full and the more you can simplify your life and be content with the career you have on the View, the better it could be for both you and Jeffrey.

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I think Sal saw Sherri's mothering skills in the last (almost) 3 years. And didn't care about Jeffrey a lot. And the her ex throws out his complaints for full custody. Like unskilled nannies - as in unskilled and high turnover, bad hygiene, etc. Not hearing about tudors etc for Jeffrey and his reading and writing skills - his school can only go so far. And Jeffrey's bio Dad sees the results. At least is more stable than Sherri, imo. Two whole days at the track at age 9 when they are passionate about the sport - and Sherri complaining about how miserable she is. Makes me miserable as well. A lot to ask of Jeffrey, seems to me.


Actually I believe Sal was one of Sherri's managers - and he kept up her facebook and promoted her various endeavors such as gospel, standup (for $28 ticket at a small venue) etc - just to get her out of the house and boost her ego.


And I can't stand Sal but seems to me he is not the only one responsible here.

Sal is the one who made the fact that...


  One thing that I felt was kind of weird was that they were so sure of the baby's sex. I don't know enough about embryo implants to say if you can determine the sex you want transferred in the surrogate but both SAl and Sherri were so adamant about a son (TBN Sal) that it sounded like they were placing an order?



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Gosh yes, I have wondered if they have aborted female fetuses because they were not "Sal's son" - a horrible reason to abort, but with this couple I really wonder.

She has an almost pathological need to "have a man" and he just flat out stated he wanted a son - stupid beyond belief and also extremely controlling given Sherri's need "for a man" to make her life 'complete' -which I find repugnant by the way.

Just sayin'

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I have no knowledge exactly how the surrogacy system works but understand the strict controls of the adoption procedure. Did either/or Sherri/Sal have any kind of psychological testing? If so was it done by a monkey?? These two are the most ill prepared to be parents of anyone, anywhere but seemingly, because vast amounts of money exchange hands no restrictions are imposed?????

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The problem with the tweets is that I think the ex will compare and contrast the new-and-improved mom with who she's been in the past. IA with the poster who said that she already provided a timeline showing how often and how long she was absent from the home/her son. Will it be obvious that her tweets took on a new flavor when the custody battle began? I guess whether or not the judge considers that valid information remains to be seen. Speaking just for myself, special needs individuals who are your responsibility need and deserve a lot of quality interaction. Throwing money (nannies) at the situation is not the answer. All kids have prime learning years and not making the effort then can be tragic later. My 60-year-old sister who is developmentally disabled lives with me. We do math everywhere, like counting out loud how many potatoes we're peeling for dinner or how many eggs go in egg salad. We play color/shape games: I see something blue/square, do you see it? We practice reading with shampoo bottles, cereal boxes, the TV guide, etc. Tutoring can be done everywhere, all the time, and it doesn't have to be a chore. I mean, you're talking anyway so talk about things that serve a purpose. I hope Sherri isn't the mom I've gotten the impression that she is. If so, I hope she improves. But if her View persona is real, girlfriend better get her ass in gear, like, right now.

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I wonder if he saw Sherri while he was in New York, hmmmmm

Sal (like us) can watch every step Sherri takes because it's all on social media.

He may have planned to come to NY because Sherri is out of town at Joy Fest -

(She posted photos from her hotel- in one photo you can see hotel signage behind her)

 Wonder if he visited the house to get items?

If so- we will hear about it!


So Sal missed a flight, guess he did need Sherri for something. She never said she missed one, although she disturbed plenty.


She was off working, I guess Jeffrey stayed home:


Sherri Shepherd ‏@SherriEShepherd  · 10m 
Nothing like getting to baggage claim and being greeted by my 9yr old Jeffrey.  He makes jet lag bearable


So, she'll make up for it tomorrow? (I guess she's also letting us know she kept the dogs, lol)


Sherri Shepherd ‏@SherriEShepherd  · 1m 
Pool party & bbq 2morrow @my house...30 kids, 2 big dogs...I'm tired but I can't think of anything better than hearing laughter from a child

Edited by ginger90
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