SwordQueen April 20, 2015 Share April 20, 2015 My use of the words "slow death" and "on the ledge" were general comments for all addicts, Kim is closer to dying than not with her drug/alcohol abuse after 30+ years of addiction. By Kim's own words, her Dr. told her that she would have died had she not gone to rehab 3 years ago so I do think there is a greater urgency this time around. IMO, I am not reaching at all but looking at this from a different, very different, perspective than you. Sober addicts can even die suddenly from long term complications. It's such a tricky thing because of all the damage done to the body. The last drink/fix of an addict could really be their last. 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1056936
zoeysmom April 20, 2015 Share April 20, 2015 Ok semantics. However the conflicts and confrontations for the duration of the season stemmed from Poker Night. Either way the unpleasant escalation of events happened thereafter. Actually what you had said previous is the page out of the Kim Richards playbook. I actually had to go back and figure out when Kim's sobriety became an issue. All anyone did all season was talk about her is Kim's defense to bad behavior. She makes a convincing argument for it because it did take up a lot of time and we see the commercials and the flashbacks over and over. I am use to breaking down perceptions of addicts and having them deal with the reality of the situation and sometimes they aren't nearly as all time consuming as they think they are. This was unique because we had Brandi using Kim's situation as a way to deflect from her own drinking behavior. Come to think of it very little was discussed about Brandi's drinking behavior-it was just shown. When Yolanda brought it up-deflection to Bella and obviously Kim, when Lisar brought it up deflection to Kim. So for all of Brandi's chest beating about others saying she is an alcoholic, she is a mean drunk, she can't handle her liquor and they talk about her all the time and where was the umbrage about others-they really didn't, Brandi just kept getting drunk on camera. Since Rinna's glass break happened near the end of the season the opportunities to relive were less. If it were really that objectionable to Brandi why didn't she attempt to have a discussion with the others about it? Granted there weren't many opportunities and by that time most everyone was not longer speaking to her. Brandi needed to have a one on one with Lisar and state how that glass smash so deeply hurt her. Instead she went shopping with her and used her time to try and get Lisa V. to ditch Kyle as a friend. The other opportunities were lost when Brandi decided to use her time to bang or not bang the 23 year old. Ah. . . priorities. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1057149
parisprincess April 20, 2015 Share April 20, 2015 There's interference, bad decisions, circumstances and other details that contribute to how well or how badly she does in her struggle. But Kim, herself, will tell you that she's not struggling. And that is true; there's nothing to struggle with when you want to continue with your addiction and don't want anyone else interfering with it. Her only struggle is trying to get the others to agree with her fantasy of being sober. LisaR engaged the subject throughout the whole season. No need to have to ignore any of Kim's behavior after Poker night. Behavior that most likely wouldn't have transpired at all if it wasn't constantly brought up time and time again. Well, Kim's behavior after Poker night included getting her drunk on at the Polo Lounge, and there wasn't anyone engaging her about her sobriety at that time. It was post-season and none of the women were engaging with her, including her sister, so what will be her excuse and who will she blame this time? As we know, she NEVER takes responsibility for her situation. In retrospect, it makes her behavior at the reunion even worse because all of her posturing about being sober for three years and accusing the others of trying to undermine her "non-struggle" when, in fact, she hasn't been sober and has been lying about it the whole time. 15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1057186
SwordQueen April 20, 2015 Share April 20, 2015 (edited) But Kim, herself, will tell you that she's not struggling. And that is true; there's nothing to struggle with when you want to continue with your addiction and don't want anyone else interfering with it. Her only struggle is trying to get the others to agree with her fantasy of being sober. Well, Kim's behavior after Poker night included getting her drunk on at the Polo Lounge, and there wasn't anyone engaging her about her sobriety at that time. It was post-season and none of the women were engaging with her, including her sister, so what will be her excuse and who will she blame this time? As we know, she NEVER takes responsibility for her situation. In retrospect, it makes her behavior at the reunion even worse because all of her posturing about being sober for three years and accusing the others of trying to undermine her "non-struggle" when, in fact, she hasn't been sober and has been lying about it the whole time. And really, it is her struggle, not anyone else's, and everyone else has their struggles. Every single person is effected by outside forces and triggers and every single person must learn how to handle how it makes them think, feel and act. Lisa R has her issues to deal with that she hasn't fully yet -- with the loss of her sister and brothers-in-law and with her father. She was triggered by Kim's issues and now that she's recognized that, she can't put that on anyone else or demand that other people altar their behavior or standards for her. Same with Kyle. Kyle must deal with her struggles in having a chaotic childhood and an addict sister and whatever else she's dealing with. Nothing happens in a vacuum however you only have control over yourself, so learning how to be around other people with your issues and them with their issues is another struggle that everyone has. If it's not possible then you remove yourself, if you can, from the situation. It's harder when they are filming of course because they are contractually obligated to all be in the same space and interact. Kim just doesn't want to put in any effort into dealing with herself. She thinks she's fine the way she is. Others disagree. She thinks they have no business discussing her behavior, not supporting it, or asking her to stop. Others disagree. Some are triggered by her behavior and then act out from that which causes Kim to escalate her behavior. What is the solution to these conflicts? This show has, I think maybe for the first time, captured moments of pure reality in the midst of their contrived "drama", because that's some real life shit, right there. Edited April 20, 2015 by SwordQueen 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1057288
SoCal4Us April 20, 2015 Share April 20, 2015 But there is an alternative and that is falling apart, depression, anxiety, avoidance- there are many people who do not have the strength to get through such hardships and I, for one, admire those who do. As a psychologist, I see this everyday. There are people who can summon the strength they need for themselves and for those who depend on them and there are others who run away or succumb without a fight. It happens and it happens a lot. I am happy that you are one of those who is strong and fights and I hope everything is well in your family now. On topic- I actually spoke with someone who works on the show last night and he said that Brandi is gone, that it's the same old stuff over and over with her and they've lost interest. They are on the fence with Kim because they are afraid that she will be completely lost without the show (my guess is the truth is that they are wanting to film the aftermath of the not!relapse and arrest). I've also thought this, and I wouldn't be surprised if Kyle also feels this way about Kim. As "mean" as Kim can be, to me she comes across as so broken. I know the bottom line is Bravo's priority, but maybe someone there really wants to help her. Agree. There are also those, like myself, who go through life cycling through the stages of falling down, getting back up; falling down, staying down and not having the energy to get back up, getting back up; falling down, getting back up, etc, etc. Strength is sometimes cyclical and needs to be regenerated. If I've learned anything about anything; it's that one size does not fit all. This is so true and strength can come from within and from outside forces. Thank you for sharing so many aspects of your life that, I would guess, can't be that easy to talk about. *Hugs* 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1057354
SwordQueen April 20, 2015 Share April 20, 2015 I've also thought this, and I wouldn't be surprised if Kyle also feels this way about Kim. As "mean" as Kim can be, to me she comes across as so broken. I know the bottom line is Bravo's priority, but maybe someone there really wants to help her. This is so true and strength can come from within and from outside forces. Thank you for sharing so many aspects of your life that, I would guess, can't be that easy to talk about. *Hugs* Thank you all for listening to me babble! I forget a lot the time how sad and sometimes shocking it is to hear these things, because it's my life and I'm used to it. It was a gradual process, but several years ago I decided to stop working so hard to hide my reality and keep secrets, and it began with my doctors because I couldn't receive help if I couldn't tell them what was wrong. So, now I'll share almost all of it, to almost anyone, if they care to listen. It's still very difficult to talk about, because who wants to recall and dwell on those things, however it gets easier in a lot of ways, the more you vocalize it, which is what I hope both Kim and Kyle will learn. Their mother's secret-keeping dogma is a very harmful one and one that I think society is beginning to move away from. The more we all talk about the struggles of life, the more we can understand, heal and then hopefully prevent them. Maybe the one good thing this crazy ass show will do is help those that are affected by addiction and dysfunction realize that it's okay to ask for help and support when they need it and to accept help when offered, which sometimes can be even harder than asking, I've found. 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1057430
zoeysmom April 20, 2015 Share April 20, 2015 And really, it is her struggle, not anyone else's, and everyone else has their struggles. Every single person is effected by outside forces and triggers and every single person must learn how to handle how it makes them think, feel and act. Lisa R has her issues to deal with that she hasn't fully yet -- with the loss of her sister and brothers-in-law and with her father. She was triggered by Kim's issues and now that she's recognized that, she can't put that on anyone else or demand that other people altar their behavior or standards for her. Same with Kyle. Kyle must deal with her struggles in having a chaotic childhood and an addict sister and whatever else she's dealing with. Nothing happens in a vacuum however you only have control over yourself, so learning how to be around other people with your issues and them with their issues is another struggle that everyone has. If it's not possible then you remove yourself, if you can, from the situation. It's harder when they are filming of course because they are contractually obligated to all be in the same space and interact. Kim just doesn't want to put in any effort into dealing with herself. She thinks she's fine the way she is. Others disagree. She thinks they have no business discussing her behavior, not supporting it, or asking her to stop. Others disagree. Some are triggered by her behavior and then act out from that which causes Kim to escalate her behavior. What is the solution to these conflicts? This show has, I think maybe for the first time, captured moments of pure reality in the midst of their contrived "drama", because that's some real life shit, right there. I am sorry but Kyle wrote a book and she did not claim to have a chaotic childhood. Even if one has a chaotic childhood the majority of the population comes to terms with it as they mature and/or have their own families. I agree with Higgins not everyone's brain works the same. I just wish the Richards' sisters would be the ones to talk about their parents-not strangers who have no concept or first hand knowledge of how they grew up or if they were impacted by it. From what collectively the three sisters have said is that doors were opened to them to some pretty well known Hollywood people. It is funny Vince Van Patten talks about his history with say Michael Jackson (Kathy Hilton was a long time BFF of Michael's) and no one makes comments about his parents Dick and Pat. The biggest thing she ever says is her mother would rather sweep things under the carpet than address them and Kathy seemed to confirm this. I hate to say it but most people I know don't run around like Brandi talking about their naked pot dealing father and being jealous of a sister who was molested by a school official. I hope with my twins-who are very different people that they don't harbor a lot of ill will towards their parents. Even my mother, who is in her 80s, will call me ask if I saw a picture my son put up on his Facebook account. No, I don't stalk my college age son's Facebook account he usually sends photos of his activities-not all of which are wholesome but he graduates next month and his on to a post graduate degree. She will mention she didn't like the looks of someone or what they were doing in a photo and he should not be making it public. I think my mom is pretty close in age to Big Kathy and has the same mindset. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1057566
LIMOM April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 I am sorry but Kyle wrote a book and she did not claim to have a chaotic childhood. Even if one has a chaotic childhood the majority of the population comes to terms with it as they mature and/or have their own families. I agree with Higgins not everyone's brain works the same. I just wish the Richards' sisters would be the ones to talk about their parents-not strangers who have no concept or first hand knowledge of how they grew up or if they were impacted by it. From what collectively the three sisters have said is that doors were opened to them to some pretty well known Hollywood people. It is funny Vince Van Patten talks about his history with say Michael Jackson (Kathy Hilton was a long time BFF of Michael's) and no one makes comments about his parents Dick and Pat. The biggest thing she ever says is her mother would rather sweep things under the carpet than address them and Kathy seemed to confirm this. I hate to say it but most people I know don't run around like Brandi talking about their naked pot dealing father and being jealous of a sister who was molested by a school official. I hope with my twins-who are very different people that they don't harbor a lot of ill will towards their parents. Even my mother, who is in her 80s, will call me ask if I saw a picture my son put up on his Facebook account. No, I don't stalk my college age son's Facebook account he usually sends photos of his activities-not all of which are wholesome but he graduates next month and his on to a post graduate degree. She will mention she didn't like the looks of someone or what they were doing in a photo and he should not be making it public. I think my mom is pretty close in age to Big Kathy and has the same mindset. It is hard to tell but working as a child cannot be beneficial for his/her emotional development. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1057667
SwordQueen April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 (edited) I am sorry but Kyle wrote a book and she did not claim to have a chaotic childhood. Even if one has a chaotic childhood the majority of the population comes to terms with it as they mature and/or have their own families. I agree with Higgins not everyone's brain works the same. I just wish the Richards' sisters would be the ones to talk about their parents-not strangers who have no concept or first hand knowledge of how they grew up or if they were impacted by it. From what collectively the three sisters have said is that doors were opened to them to some pretty well known Hollywood people. It is funny Vince Van Patten talks about his history with say Michael Jackson (Kathy Hilton was a long time BFF of Michael's) and no one makes comments about his parents Dick and Pat. The biggest thing she ever says is her mother would rather sweep things under the carpet than address them and Kathy seemed to confirm this. I hate to say it but most people I know don't run around like Brandi talking about their naked pot dealing father and being jealous of a sister who was molested by a school official. I hope with my twins-who are very different people that they don't harbor a lot of ill will towards their parents. Even my mother, who is in her 80s, will call me ask if I saw a picture my son put up on his Facebook account. No, I don't stalk my college age son's Facebook account he usually sends photos of his activities-not all of which are wholesome but he graduates next month and his on to a post graduate degree. She will mention she didn't like the looks of someone or what they were doing in a photo and he should not be making it public. I think my mom is pretty close in age to Big Kathy and has the same mindset. I’m confused as to your comments about the famous people the girls knew and what that had to do with what I posted. I never said or implied that everyone’s brain works the same or that everyone develops issues from the same situations, or at all – I’ve said the opposite, actually. By chaotic I mean that they were shuffled around a lot, working and partying, while still trying to do more age-appropriate things like school and having age-related friends. Their mother, from many accounts, was a stage mother who put them to work young and was simultaneously strict and lax in her parenting style. Chaotic doesn’t necessarily mean all bad - from all the pics, they did get to party and have fun with a lot of influential people, sure - but just not mundane or stable. Kim and Kyle seem to have some hang ups regarding their childhood (eg. Still strictly adhering to their mother’s rule on secrets) which, from what has been on the show, causes them distress and conflict, at least within their own family. I don’t know anything about the Van Pattens and their issues have not been recorded for the show, so I have no idea there and my comments regarding Kyle have nothing to do with Michael Jackson's friends or the Van Pattens. If Kim or Kyle wants to discuss their family and childhood openly, no one is stopping them. They do discuss it passively on the show at times and some of the ways that they were raised have been reflected in some of their actions, on the show. I don't think that was the totality of Kathy's mindset. Caring about your child's or grandchild's clothing choices wasn't what I was speaking to, anyway. They cover up and hide and avoid big issues, like illness, substance abuse, inter-personal issues and anything else that I guess Big Kathy thought would tarnish the image she wanted to project. It's not about being an open book to the world and the media with all your and others issues, like Brandi. Again, not my point. Not being able to be honest with your self and those most close to you is what is not healthy. Feeling shame for any hurts that were caused to you, is not healthy. Living a life that isn't true to who you are or lying to others about yourself, isn't healthy. Covering up dysfunction, in whatever form, isn't healthy. Kim and Kyle do not need to tell the world their truths, they just need to be able to tell it to themselves. Edited April 21, 2015 by SwordQueen 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1057702
druzy April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 OMG! THIS wins everything! Seriously, I consider the mic to be dropped after reading this. SPECTACULAR! 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1057745
WireWrap April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 It is hard to tell but working as a child cannot be beneficial for his/her emotional development. Our son was a child model until he lost his front teeth and he worked helping his dad take care of a neighbors property to help pay for his ice hockey fees and equipment. I don't think working hurts kids, I grew up in farm country and all farm kids work the family farm, it teaches them responsibility and work ethics if done properly. I do think kids can be working actors and still turn out to be great people if the parents put the child's needs/wants first. JMO 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1057751
SwordQueen April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 (edited) Our son was a child model until he lost his front teeth and he worked helping his dad take care of a neighbors property to help pay for his ice hockey fees and equipment. I don't think working hurts kids, I grew up in farm country and all farm kids work the family farm, it teaches them responsibility and work ethics if done properly. I do think kids can be working actors and still turn out to be great people if the parents put the child's needs/wants first. JMO Agree. Not all child actors are messed up from their childhoods but not all parents are messed up, either, which is probably the most important factor for creating such an outcome. Thankfully, there are more rules and restrictions placed on child actors today than there were decades ago, as well. I don't think working hurts kids. It's not the actual work, imo, it's the way in which the adults treat those children and handle any issues that do arise. Edited April 21, 2015 by SwordQueen 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1057772
SoCal4Us April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 There are some excellent out patient programs in the greater LA area for Kim to avail herself to for treatment. Everything with this woman seems so Draconian-she is in pain and checks in for 5, 7 or 9 days for pain. I think she was detoxing and I think everyone suspected it and coddled her with another fantastic tale of Kim's imagination and cover up. In addition to-I know how Kim hates that -see Season 3 Lisa's vow renewal-Kim needs to be treated for hypochondria. She was sick for seven weeks during filming yet her BFF Brandi claimed Kim would not go to a doctor-she was going to a doctor all right Dr. Monty's magical mystery potions. I get it the guy is dying and feels is last contribution on this earth is to support the mothers of his children and in turn felt the need to have him under roof. None of this is working for Kim-time to go back to the drawing board. It seems the Hiltons have a huge mansion-give Monty and wing over there and have Kathy tend him. Kim can visit. The disconnect this season was amazing-Kim assuming that the other's women's offering support was for Monty. Bitch couldn't even eek out a sorry to Eileen for her very recent loss of a sister or for the losses in Lisar family due to addiction. Little Kathy seems to be one that takes in the famous addicts-let her work her magic on her own sister-this time in the public eye. I thought Kim did tell Eileen she was sorry for her loss at the lunch including them and Kyle. Our son was a child model until he lost his front teeth and he worked helping his dad take care of a neighbors property to help pay for his ice hockey fees and equipment. I don't think working hurts kids, I grew up in farm country and all farm kids work the family farm, it teaches them responsibility and work ethics if done properly. I do think kids can be working actors and still turn out to be great people if the parents put the child's needs/wants first. JMO That is key. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1057779
SCS April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 I am sorry but Kyle wrote a book and she did not claim to have a chaotic childhood.Which book was this -- her "Keeping it Real" tome, filled with bon mots of her life's inspirational adventures, liberally peppered with "haha" throughout? Yes, not surprising she didn't claim a chaotic childhood in that source. A bracing thought: perhaps Kyle is in deep denial!?! Even if one has a chaotic childhood the majority of the population comes to terms with it as they mature and/or have their own families. I agree-- it's that pesky minority that buggers up the numbers. I just wish the Richards' sisters would be the ones to talk about their parents-not strangers who have no concept or first hand knowledge of how they grew up or if they were impacted by it. .What about semi-strangers and folks who claim to "know the family" ? 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1057781
motorcitymom65 April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 If Brandi had let the matter drop after LisaR and Eileen spoke to Kim, I truly believe it would have been the end of it. They had both said their piece to her in support of her and there was nothing to indicate that they were going to discuss it again. I truly believe the matter would have been dropped at the lunch Brandi had with Lisar if Brandi hadn't revealed what she did. I actually believed Kim to be sober before that, just because her behavior was far different than we've seen in the past when she was using. She was showing up, engaging in ways she hadn't before, she looked great, etc. Brandi's words were the ones that made me doubt all of this. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1057900
LotusFlower April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 On topic- I actually spoke with someone who works on the show last night and he said that Brandi is gone, that it's the same old stuff over and over with her and they've lost interest. They are on the fence with Kim because they are afraid that she will be completely lost without the show (my guess is the truth is that they are wanting to film the aftermath of the not!relapse and arrest). Really?! I don't want to get my hopes up! (Re: Brandi getting the ax). How reliable is the info.? 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1057942
GreatKazu April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 (edited) I don't think working hurts kids. It's not the actual work, imo, it's the way in which the adults treat those children and handle any issues that do arise. I do think kids can be working actors and still turn out to be great people if the parents put the child's needs/wants first. JMO Agree. I feel for what those children must go through with having some sort of "celebrity" status. Kids are bullied in school for various reasons. Imagine being bullied for being on a television show? There is this man I know. He was a child actor. He is well-known for the role he played on a hit tv show. I met him at Al-Anon. We became "friends" on Facebook. He told me he had it hard with the neighborhood kids who taunted him for having an alcoholic father and for being on television. He says he was hounded for his autograph many times when all he just wanted was to be left alone to be a kid. He felt some kids would treat him a certain way because of who he was on television while others would treat him as if he was a stuck up kid. He ended up having his own drinking issues when he hit the teen years. He has been sober for several years now. He has mentioned to me about many child actors he still knows and keeps in touch with. Coincidentally, one of them is Kim Richards. He mentioned this to me long before the show started. I have never asked him anything about her. I wouldn't. As for the Richards' sisters and their parents and family life, I don't think it is important, to me at least, what happened. I think it is only vital for Kim and Kyle to work out those issues with a therapist. This man who was a child actor, told me people will never know what he endured growing up. He said he never really talks to anyone, other than a therapist, about his family because he doesn't want to disrespect them. He keeps his secrets to himself because he feels it is no one's business but his own. He said it would serve no purpose to reveal to anyone what happened behind closed doors. I believe that holds true for Kim, Kyle, and many other people. Edited April 21, 2015 by GreatKazu 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1057961
supermum April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 I am not a fan of any of these women but I do enjoy watching a good train wreck. In that regard , gun to my head I would have to say Kyle is the most "normal" one on this show and the one that most of us actually identify with even with her wealth. 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1057987
MatildaMoody April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 I truly believe the matter would have been dropped at the lunch Brandi had with Lisar if Brandi hadn't revealed what she did. I actually believed Kim to be sober before that, just because her behavior was far different than we've seen in the past when she was using. She was showing up, engaging in ways she hadn't before, she looked great, etc. Brandi's words were the ones that made me doubt all of this. I hadn't considered that. My first memory of Kim from this season was the stupid "let's stalk JR" scene and she seemed lit to me. I now wonder if I should watch it again. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1058009
zoeysmom April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 I’m confused as to your comments about the famous people the girls knew and what that had to do with what I posted. I never said or implied that everyone’s brain works the same or that everyone develops issues from the same situations, or at all – I’ve said the opposite, actually. By chaotic I mean that they were shuffled around a lot, working and partying, while still trying to do more age-appropriate things like school and having age-related friends. Their mother, from many accounts, was a stage mother who put them to work young and was simultaneously strict and lax in her parenting style. Chaotic doesn’t necessarily mean all bad - from all the pics, they did get to party and have fun with a lot of influential people, sure - but just not mundane or stable. Kim and Kyle seem to have some hang ups regarding their childhood (eg. Still strictly adhering to their mother’s rule on secrets) which, from what has been on the show, causes them distress and conflict, at least within their own family. I don’t know anything about the Van Pattens and their issues have not been recorded for the show, so I have no idea there and my comments regarding Kyle have nothing to do with Michael Jackson's friends or the Van Pattens. If Kim or Kyle wants to discuss their family and childhood openly, no one is stopping them. They do discuss it passively on the show at times and some of the ways that they were raised have been reflected in some of their actions, on the show. I don't think that was the totality of Kathy's mindset. Caring about your child's or grandchild's clothing choices wasn't what I was speaking to, anyway. They cover up and hide and avoid big issues, like illness, substance abuse, inter-personal issues and anything else that I guess Big Kathy thought would tarnish the image she wanted to project. It's not about being an open book to the world and the media with all your and others issues, like Brandi. Again, not my point. Not being able to be honest with your self and those most close to you is what is not healthy. Feeling shame for any hurts that were caused to you, is not healthy. Living a life that isn't true to who you are or lying to others about yourself, isn't healthy. Covering up dysfunction, in whatever form, isn't healthy. Kim and Kyle do not need to tell the world their truths, they just need to be able to tell it to themselves. I will say it one more time-until the sisters complain or share specifically and sober that their childhood was chaotic or abusive or they were molested I just think it is inappropriate to make assumptions or this group stipulation that because people assume they lived this sordid life all comments are appropriate. Kyle lived in two homes on in Bel Air and one Beverly Hills growing up they did not shuffle around. My examples or lack of them are as relevant as your sharing your history and your life experiences and deciding how these characters on a TV show grew up and what they have suffered from childhoods they have revealed very little about. My point is if Kathy Hilton talks about Michael Jackson it is part of a that "partying" childhood she was exposed to when Vince talked about them as neighbors for two years in 1969 it was all good. I have heard Vince discuss his childhood and his education and his life with his family and he brought his brothers on the show so let's not pretend he has not mentioned anything or involved his family. Eileen certainly brought the ex wife front and center. Maybe they don't have issues or they don't have people making their upbringing an issue based on third party accounts or people who make assumptions. I was responding specifically to your label of a chaotic childhood and it was not meant to be some sort of benign comment you are making a call on something these sisters have shared very little with the public. Further more you are assuming by your words that these sisters are damaged or unable to work through their childhood issues. My point is simply this if every person who had hiccups or chaotic childhoods behaved like Kim there would not be enough therapists or support groups in this world to accommodate the masses. There is also the distinct possibility that maybe their childhoods weren't abusive-just a thought. Sometimes alcoholics drink because they like the way it makes them feel it isn't only to cover up hurts from the past it just satisfying-not healthy but satisfying in the moment. I am sorry until the day I die or Congress changes the law everyone in the United States has a right to privacy about their illness-so I am not sure what illnesses of the family you are talking about. They have both spoken of having anxiety issues, Kyle has shared Mauricio childhood health issues, Kim has shared Monty's health issues-Kim has not addressed her son's mental health issues which is hers and his to keep confidential. Since you listed illnesses separately from substance abuse I guess there are illnesses you are privy to they have suffered. Kim's alcoholism is public because she chose to take a paycheck to delve into her life and repeatedly appeared on camera under the influence and now she has gotten herself arrested. Again all these assumptions these women have not expressed their feelings to each other-Kyle and Kim have already said on camera they discussed the issues in therapy during Kim's last rehab stint and they were to make a fresh start-something the two or three of them apparently agreed to in a sober, therapeutic environment. So I don't know why they should be expected to ruminate over years or decade old issues. They declared it settled at one point. To keep bringing it up is just not healthy. Kim relapsing is not a reason to start at square one. I guess what I would like to see in opinion posts is simply that if someone is expressing their opinion and based on their life experience or education not stated for the truth of the matter. You have been very generous in sharing a life hard lived with all of us and maybe it is just me but when you make a statement it comes off as factual rather than opinion or assumption. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1058038
motorcitymom65 April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 I hadn't considered that. My first memory of Kim from this season was the stupid "let's stalk JR" scene and she seemed lit to me. I now wonder if I should watch it again. Clearly it appears that I was wrong, but IMO Kim just seemed sober until the poker game. I know this sounds nuts, but she just looked really good this season. In the past her hair has always been a mess. This season her hair looked awesome, even if the style wasn't for me. That color isn't easy to maintain. It was always styled and extremely healthy (not, however at the reunion). This requires making regular appointments with your salon and keeping them. Maybe not a big deal for most people, but that is not Kim's MO when she is using. She was engaged in the conversation when she was out with the gals, again, not something that we have always seen with her. She showed up to everything, and she was for the most part on time. To me, this was extremely different from the Kim of days past. Yes, she seems nutty and loopy in conversation, but as Lisa V said, that is pretty much just how Kim is. The thing that always made me question this after the poker game was the words that Brandi used to talk to Lisar and to her friend Gennifer. Whenever I would think that maybe she was sober, I would think that Brandi would be the one to know otherwise. She is the one who made me doubt Kim the most. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1058059
zoeysmom April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 (edited) Which book was this -- her "Keeping it Real" tome, filled with bon mots of her life's inspirational adventures, liberally peppered with "haha" throughout? Yes, not surprising she didn't claim a chaotic childhood in that source. A bracing thought: perhaps Kyle is in deep denial!?! I agree-- it's that pesky minority that buggers up the numbers. What about semi-strangers and folks who claim to "know the family" ? Again it is what Kyle has shared -or do you know more about her life than she does? Some people just don't have issues with the way they were raised. Now because someone doesn't have issues they are in denial? Strange way of thinking. I guess I must lead a charmed life because I am not around a lot of people who in their 40s and 50s are ruminating about their childhood. I am around even fewer people who speak ill of their deceased parents. Excuse me for imparting some secondhand stories about people who grew up with the family. BTW it wasn't the Jacksons. Edited April 21, 2015 by zoeysmom 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1058071
SCS April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 (edited) Again it is what Kyle has shared -or do you know more about her life than she does?Gracious, I hope I don't know more about her life than she does. I mentioned the book in response to you saying she wrote a book in which no chaotic childhood was discussed. From the reviews on Amazon it appears her book was mostly blather and not a forum for revealing one's dark night of the soul.Some people just don't have issues with the way they were raised. Now because someone doesn't have issues they are in denial? Strange way of thinking.Not strange-- merely one possibility. I think it makes sense. Edited April 21, 2015 by steelcitysister 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1058155
GreatKazu April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 (edited) Some people just don't have issues with the way they were raised. Now because someone doesn't have issues they are in denial? Strange way of thinking. On point. IA. Some people have great memories of their childhood, others don't. Some people faced situations growing up that deeply affected them, others didn't let it affect them at all. There is that gray area in between, of course. There are kids that grow up with some questionable parents, but off to college they go and end up having a great life. Other kids have it made growing up, but they piss it all away. Who knows what happened to Kim, or didn't happen to Kim. Whatever the issue may be, hopefully she will one day face the demon that haunts her and she can live a healthy, clean life. Recalling two scenes with Kim - chasing J.R. and going to Brandi's to watch television. I thought she seemed to be doing great. I can't recall anything prior to Poker Night where I thought Kim may have been high. Then again, I'd have to watch those episodes again. Edited April 21, 2015 by GreatKazu 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1058251
WireWrap April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 Gracious, I hope I don't know more about her life than she does. I mentioned the book in response to you saying she wrote a book in which no chaotic childhood was discussed. From the reviews on Amazon it appears her book was mostly blather and not a forum for revealing one's dark night of the soul. Not strange-- merely one possibility. I think it makes sense. Just a word of caution about the ratings/comments on any HW book sold on Amazon. There are some viewers that if they do not like that particular HW, they will post a negative book review even when they have not read it and visa versa. Most likely, these are the same numnuts that tweet nasty stuff to them as well but no matter what, the comments and star ratings on any HW book needs to be treated with caution, not as proof positive that the book stinks or is the next block buster. LOL 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1058373
SCS April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 Just a word of caution about the ratings/comments on any HW book sold on Amazon. There are some viewers that if they do not like that particular HW, they will post a negative book review even when they have not read it and visa versa. Most likely, these are the same numnuts that tweet nasty stuff to them as well but no matter what, the comments and star ratings on any HW book needs to be treated with caution, not as proof positive that the book stinks or is the next block buster. LOL So very true. In fact, many of the (more numerous) 1-star reviews call out the 5-star reviews as having been penned by Kyle's friends because the book itself is dreadful. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1058418
WireWrap April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 So very true. In fact, many of the (more numerous) 1-star reviews call out the 5-star reviews as having been penned by Kyle's friends because the book itself is dreadful. Every HW that has published a book goes through this, from Bethenny, to Teresa G, to Melissa, Brandi, Carole, Aviva, every single one. LOL The only way to know if 1 of their books I any good is to either read it yourself or someone you trust reads it. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1058470
SCS April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 Every HW that has published a book goes through this, from Bethenny, to Teresa G, to Melissa, Brandi, Carole, Aviva, every single one. LOL The only way to know if 1 of their books I any good is to either read it yourself or someone you trust reads it. Yup. At my B&N, every HW book has gone from shipping carton to the clearance table with 2 exceptions: Bethenny got some space on the end of a rack briefly and Teresa G got prime real estate for quite some time. I asked a clerk and she said TG's book was quite popular (and apparently worth the investment). 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1058500
SwordQueen April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 Every HW that has published a book goes through this, from Bethenny, to Teresa G, to Melissa, Brandi, Carole, Aviva, every single one. LOL The only way to know if 1 of their books I any good is to either read it yourself or someone you trust reads it. Are these the reviews on Amazon? Yeah, you have to watch those, in general. I'd probably cross-reference with another site's reviews to see if there's an consistency with ratings, etc. I wonder if any libraries carry any of the HW's books that way there's no money lost. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1058514
pbutler111 April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 Kim tells all to Dr. Phil! http://www.eonline.com/news/648484/kim-richards-breaks-silence-on-arrest-the-whole-night-is-my-fault?cmpid=sn-111021-facebook-na-eonline 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1058651
WireWrap April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 Yup. At my B&N, every HW book has gone from shipping carton to the clearance table with 2 exceptions: Bethenny got some space on the end of a rack briefly and Teresa G got prime real estate for quite some time. I asked a clerk and she said TG's book was quite popular (and apparently worth the investment). I have TG's first cookbook, it was recommended by a trusted person. Well, it was so basic that is was laughable IMO. Although I am not Italian, I am a pretty decent/good cook/baker and this book was not worth the 99cents I paid for it. LOL. I did buy Kathy W's baking book, her is much more complicated/intricate and IMO, it was worth the money, her recipes are great and well worth the effort. I love to cook and bake, I spoil my family, so I am always on the look out for new recipes and baking/cook books. Kim tells all to Dr. Phil! http://www.eonline.com/news/648484/kim-richards-breaks-silence-on-arrest-the-whole-night-is-my-fault?cmpid=sn-111021-facebook-na-eonline We need to start a thread where we can list all the excuses and lies she will try to use. LOL 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1058714
zoeysmom April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 Kim tells all to Dr. Phil! http://www.eonline.com/news/648484/kim-richards-breaks-silence-on-arrest-the-whole-night-is-my-fault?cmpid=sn-111021-facebook-na-eonline So she was angry, frightened and scared after her arrest-I wonder if they will release a clip of her state of mind before her arrest?. I have TG's first cookbook, it was recommended by a trusted person. Well, it was so basic that is was laughable IMO. Although I am not Italian, I am a pretty decent/good cook/baker and this book was not worth the 99cents I paid for it. LOL. I did buy Kathy W's baking book, her is much more complicated/intricate and IMO, it was worth the money, her recipes are great and well worth the effort. I love to cook and bake, I spoil my family, so I am always on the look out for new recipes and baking/cook books. We need to start a thread where we can list all the excuses and lies she will try to use. LOL I am not understanding this marathon watching session because she had to blog. I would think, if she was sober, she would have remembered what transpired at the Reunion. I do not expect to see a blog from Kim ever again. It would seem kind of odd for her to produce one after eight weeks of nada. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1058723
DeeplyShallow April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 Really?! I don't want to get my hopes up! (Re: Brandi getting the ax). How reliable is the info.? It's a very reliable source. I don't want to out the person on a public forum but they are very involved. there's a part of me that's still a teeny bit skeptical, but that's because I don't want to set myself up for intense disappointment, lol. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1058753
WireWrap April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 So she was angry, frightened and scared after her arrest-I wonder if they will release a clip of her state of mind before her arrest?. I am not understanding this marathon watching session because she had to blog. I would think, if she was sober, she would have remembered what transpired at the Reunion. I do not expect to see a blog from Kim ever again. It would seem kind of odd for her to produce one after eight weeks of nada. Kim did not blog most of the time anyway so PH does not know what he is talking about. I wonder if BG is 1 of his sources! Also, there is no need to "marathon watch" the 3 reunion episodes as they air on different weeks and she/they are expected to blog after each show.. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1058755
film noire April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 (edited) Not strange-- merely one possibility. I think it makes sense. I agree. Because when a grown woman hides behind a blanket, or flees -- like Wendy out the nursery window -- at the speed of light once her sister starts churning rage, or bursts into tears at the first sign of conflict -- yeah, it's a safe bet to assume she didn't spend her childhood in a positive, nurturing space. Edited April 21, 2015 by film noire 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1058771
LotusFlower April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 It's a very reliable source. I don't want to out the person on a public forum but they are very involved. there's a part of me that's still a teeny bit skeptical, but that's because I don't want to set myself up for intense disappointment, lol. Thanks. I would never expect you to out your source - I'll take your word for it that he/she's a reliable source and keep my fingers crossed! 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1058789
DeeplyShallow April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 Thanks. I would never expect you to out your source - I'll take your word for it that he/she's a reliable source and keep my fingers crossed! Oh, I hope I didn't come off defensive in my reply post! But, yes- fingers crossed! I'll be giving my acquaintance a very hard time if the opposite is true. I trust them though. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1058798
WireWrap April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 I agree. Because when a grown woman hides behind a blanket, or flees -- like Wendy out the nursery window -- at the speed of light once her sister starts churning rage, or bursts into tears at the first sign of conflict -- yeah, it's a safe bet to assume she didn't spend her childhood in a positive, nurturing space. If the rumors about Kim being "off the wagon" most, if not all season are true, Kyle's reaction could have been to drunk/high Kim and not because of any childhood problems. JMO 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1058803
film noire April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 (edited) If the rumors about Kim being "off the wagon" most, if not all season are true, Kyle's reaction could have been to drunk/high Kim and not because of any childhood problems. JMO Possibly, but the childlike nature of the reactions (blanket hiding, fleeing, bursting into tears) cements them -- to my eye -- as having been developed in childhood. Adults who develop retreat /withdraw tricks in adulthood have different tactics. Edited April 21, 2015 by film noire 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1058839
LotusFlower April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 Oh, I hope I didn't come off defensive in my reply post! But, yes- fingers crossed! I'll be giving my acquaintance a very hard time if the opposite is true. I trust them though. Oh no, not at all! I just love that we have some inside sources here! (well, sorta!). I'm interested in the Kim saga, too, so we'll see what happens there. And at the risk of prying, I'm still simmering over Brandi saying that she thinks Eileen should be fired, cuz I love Eileen, that beast, so if you've got any scoop on her favor with the producers, I wouldn't mind hearing it! :) 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1058842
missy jo April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 DeeplyShallow, thanks for your posts. Brandi's blog for this episode certainly read like a "farewell and goodbye" to me. Later, Brandi! Glad you're leaving; sorry you stayed so long! ** fingers crossed ** 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1058861
WireWrap April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 Possibly, but the childlike nature of the reactions (blanket hiding, fleeing, bursting into tears) cements them -- to my eye -- as having been developed in childhood. Adults who develop retreat /withdraw tricks in adulthood have different tactics. True, Kyle is 5 years younger than Kim. It is possible that Kim started her drug/alcohol experiments/addictions when she dropped out of school at 16, that would make Kyle 11 when Kim's drunk/high rages would have started. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1058873
LIMOM April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 (edited) Our son was a child model until he lost his front teeth and he worked helping his dad take care of a neighbors property to help pay for his ice hockey fees and equipment. I don't think working hurts kids, I grew up in farm country and all farm kids work the family farm, it teaches them responsibility and work ethics if done properly. I do think kids can be working actors and still turn out to be great people if the parents put the child's needs/wants first. JMOYou are right, working per se does not damage children, it is the way the parents deal with the situation.Working in Hollywood and working on a farm are quite different, IMO. Maybe, it is all the negative attention brought on by all the Disney and nickolodeon former child-actors but it does not seem like a great place to be for a child. Edited April 21, 2015 by LIMOM 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1059033
Sincerely Yours April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 LOL Okay, you seem intent on this, so imma let it go. I'm going from my experiences with this as someone who has tried to both slowly and quickly kill myself many, many times (either through direct suicide attempts or through slow anguish, like the ED) and as someone who's been around people who've struggled with the same. Addictions and disorders are both slow and quick. Someone can struggle and slowly leech their life away, day by day, until they fade away or it suddenly reaches a boiling point. It's really hard to watch someone -- even if you don't "love" them -- dying right before your eyes. And I say this as someone who has not wanted people to intervene and as someone who has had people intervene where it made things worse, not better. I'm still able to say that I understand the whys of their actions. I guess my point is that I don't think Lisa R et al were doing anything out of malice or harm. They tried and it didn't work. I think it would have been worse had they not tried at all. IMO. I guess what's happening is that Kim's situation and what we've seen people do on the show. Cast members with Bravo cameras to influence their behavior (good, bad, well intentioned or not) is being interchanged with outside examples. Yes there are many, many, many situations where what you've described is necessary but my point is that I don't see it applying here. I want to call it for what it was and what I saw. A very dangerous mishandling of a delicate and sensitive situation by people with minimal investment and a lack of properly preparing a direction in dealing with a specific addict, people who during the course of their well intended attempts allowed themselves to erupt emotionally and possibly do more harm than good. My thing is this. If you are coming from a good place but you know there's a very real chance of you not being received well then why the fuck are you then going to get all offended and proceed to then engage in an unhealthy back and forth? If YOU'RE not emotionally stable enough, or well tempered enough to deal with a situation that just may escalation because after all it is a delicate subject (duh) then don't initiate one! What kills me is that these women are claiming to have experience and yet, bulls in china shops, that what I saw with my own eyes and it did nothing to help any situation. I just didn't get it. It didn't make sense. The "in theory" part of it was all well and good but the part I saw on this show was all kinds of ridiculous and my life experience, Amy Winehouses experience, Whitney Houstons experience and every Lifetime Movie out there isn't going to help the details of this last season of the Real Housewives. That cast bungled their "well intended" attempts and left me cold with their supposed "concern" and left me colder when they decided that when she wasn't responsive they had every right to lay into her like the addiction no longer existed. These are people who don't even have a true emotional investment for Pete's sake! Doesn't matter how fall down drunk Kim is come hell or high water. It doesn't change the fact, for me, that these women didn't act on Kim's best interest. Notice I said ACT. I didn't say they didn't have any concern but during this season, my position is that these women didn't ACT with Kim's best interest at heart. There were other factors that drove their behaviors and that's what I try to point out. Not that they were prepping for Kim's doom or taking bets on her tampon string hanging out but that they weren't as cautious as this sort of SITUATION calls for. That's my main gripe. It's not eggshells. It's having enough RESPECT for the dire and tragic circumstances to approach the situation properly no matter WHO the addict is. No real time was taken or proper preparation was made. A few conversations between women? Surface observations being thrown around and judged in a group? No, what I saw was the most ridiculous display of immaturely and the audacity of it actually trying to be fed by Bravo to the public as some true and real attempt at getting an addict help? That's what make my blood boil. Kim's behavior, although not good is predictable. What the hell is the excuse for these women. What? The addict and Bravo made me do it? Blah! LOL Okay, you seem intent on this, so imma let it go. I'm going from my experiences with this as someone who has tried to both slowly and quickly kill myself many, many times (either through direct suicide attempts or through slow anguish, like the ED) and as someone who's been around people who've struggled with the same. Addictions and disorders are both slow and quick. Someone can struggle and slowly leech their life away, day by day, until they fade away or it suddenly reaches a boiling point. It's really hard to watch someone -- even if you don't "love" them -- dying right before your eyes. And I say this as someone who has not wanted people to intervene and as someone who has had people intervene where it made things worse, not better. I'm still able to say that I understand the whys of their actions. I guess my point is that I don't think Lisa R et al were doing anything out of malice or harm. They tried and it didn't work. I think it would have been worse had they not tried at all. IMO. I guess what's happening is that Kim's situation and what we've seen people do on the show. Cast members with Bravo cameras to influence their behavior (good, bad, well intentioned or not) is being interchanged with outside examples. Yes there are many, many, many situations where what you've described is necessary but my point is that I don't see it applying here. I want to call it for what it was and what I saw. A very dangerous mishandling of a delicate and sensitive situation by people with minimal investment and a lack of properly preparing a direction in dealing with a specific addict, people who during the course of their well intended attempts allowed themselves to erupt emotionally and possibly do more harm than good. My thing is this. If you are coming from a good place but you know there's a very real chance of you not being received well then why the fuck are you then going to get all offended and proceed to then engage in an unhealthy back and forth? If YOU'RE not emotionally stable enough, or well tempered enough to deal with a situation that just may escalation because after all it is a delicate subject (duh) then don't initiate one! What kills me is that these women are claiming to have experience and yet, bulls in china shops, that what I saw with my own eyes and it did nothing to help any situation. I just didn't get it. It didn't make sense. The "in theory" part of it was all well and good but the part I saw on this show was all kinds of ridiculous and my life experience, Amy Winehouses experience, Whitney Houstons experience and every Lifetime Movie out there isn't going to help the details of this last season of the Real Housewives. That cast bungled their "well intended" attempts and left me cold with their supposed "concern" and left me colder when they decided that when she wasn't responsive they had every right to lay into her like the addiction no longer existed. These are people who don't even have a true emotional investment for Pete's sake! Doesn't matter how fall down drunk Kim is come hell or high water. It doesn't change the fact, for me, that these women didn't act on Kim's best interest. Notice I said ACT. I didn't say they didn't have any concern but during this season, my position is that these women didn't ACT with Kim's best interest at heart. There were other factors that drove their behaviors and that's what I try to point out. Not that they were prepping for Kim's doom or taking bets on her tampon string hanging out but that they weren't as cautious as this sort of SITUATION calls for. That's my main gripe. It's not eggshells. It's having enough RESPECT for the dire and tragic circumstances to approach the situation properly no matter WHO the addict is. No real time was taken or proper preparation was made. A few conversations between women? Surface observations being thrown around and judged in a group? No, what I saw was the most ridiculous display of immaturely and the audacity of it actually trying to be fed by Bravo to the public as some true and real attempt at getting an addict help? That's what make my blood boil. Kim's behavior, although not good is predictable. What the hell is the excuse for these women. What? The addict and Bravo made me do it? Blah! Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1059289
What Fresh Hell April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 Kim tells all to Dr. Phil! http://www.eonline.com/news/648484/kim-richards-breaks-silence-on-arrest-the-whole-night-is-my-fault?cmpid=sn-111021-facebook-na-eonline Damage control, anything she says will be lip service only. Should be fun to watch Dr. Phil asking her, "What were ewe thinkin?!" 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1059344
Sincerely Yours April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 And really, it is her struggle, not anyone else's, and everyone else has their struggles. Every single person is effected by outside forces and triggers and every single person must learn how to handle how it makes them think, feel and act. Yes every single person has to deal with outside forces and no one ever really has to get through life in a vacuum now do they? I think the disagreement really lies in the fact that I don't truly believe that Kim has the support she needs in order to truly get well. I think she has positive people that would be able to but I also believe that she has really significant contributors to the opposite as well. My sympathy comes from the fact that yes even though people have to struggle with life all day long and for a lifetime. Given, no real shocker there, a persons quality of life can be affected by those around them. If Kim is trying to use her energy trying to beat her addiction then she has that much less available to deal with the negatives life throws our way and even less energy to deal with family that she doesn't trust but love. I do agree with Brandi about the fact that Kyle sabotages Kim's recovery. Yes Kyle affects Kim. Geez Louise. That's her sister for crying out loud. Nobody is saying Kyle is the wizard behind the curtain but for crying out loud her actions do affect Kim. Trust, love, support, lack of, judgment, criticism. That's what's meant when people put Kyle in a position of responsibility in this. It's not rocket science and if someone you love trust and count on continues to do things that counter what they say to you well that's a whole other challenge to overcome emotionally. I think Kyle hurts Kim by claiming one thing but allowing her resentments to do another. I'm not putting everything on Kyle but God almighty I have to at least give Kim that. I also believe that Kyle's been pulling that shit on Kim since they were young and what once was just material for sibling rivalry and "issues" that cause tense family functions has become a very serious detail in the challenges of battling Kim's addiction. Not shifting blaming just acknowledging what I believe are relevant details in all this. Our son was a child model until he lost his front teeth and he worked helping his dad take care of a neighbors property to help pay for his ice hockey fees and equipment. I don't think working hurts kids, I grew up in farm country and all farm kids work the family farm, it teaches them responsibility and work ethics if done properly. I do think kids can be working actors and still turn out to be great people if the parents put the child's needs/wants first. JMO Well in these newer generations of child actors there has been less carnage thank God so you're right but that's only because they had the cautionary tales of the "Child Actors of the 60's, 70's and especially 80's" to finally get a handle on things. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1059348
LIMOM April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 Yes every single person has to deal with outside forces and no one ever really has to get through life in a vacuum now do they? I think the disagreement really lies in the fact that I don't truly believe that Kim has the support she needs in order to truly get well. I think she has positive people that would be able to but I also believe that she has really significant contributors to the opposite as well. My sympathy comes from the fact that yes even though people have to struggle with life all day long and for a lifetime. Given, no real shocker there, a persons quality of life can be affected by those around them. If Kim is trying to use her energy trying to beat her addiction then she has that much less available to deal with the negatives life throws our way and even less energy to deal with family that she doesn't trust but love. I do agree with Brandi about the fact that Kyle sabotages Kim's recovery. Yes Kyle affects Kim. Geez Louise. That's her sister for crying out loud. Nobody is saying Kyle is the wizard behind the curtain but for crying out loud her actions do affect Kim. Trust, love, support, lack of, judgment, criticism. That's what's meant when people put Kyle in a position of responsibility in this. It's not rocket science and if someone you love trust and count on continues to do things that counter what they say to you well that's a whole other challenge to overcome emotionally. I think Kyle hurts Kim by claiming one thing but allowing her resentments to do another. I'm not putting everything on Kyle but God almighty I have to at least give Kim that. I also believe that Kyle's been pulling that shit on Kim since they were young and what once was just material for sibling rivalry and "issues" that cause tense family functions has become a very serious detail in the challenges of battling Kim's addiction. Not shifting blaming just acknowledging what I believe are relevant details in all this. Well in these newer generations of child actors there has been less carnage thank God so you're right but that's only because they had the cautionary tales of the "Child Actors of the 60's, 70's and especially 80's" to finally get a handle on things. Kyle is a kiss ass however she is very much a mean individual, IMO.As far as trusting an addict, how can one trust someone who is high 24/7? I personally think that Kim replaced alcohol with Xanax and the like because she is a very fragile individual. During the Hawai episode, she was free basing, if I recall correctly. I wish she would have the guts to step away from reality TV, it is not good for her. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1059403
Cherrio April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 DeeplyShallow, thanks for your posts. Brandi's blog for this episode certainly read like a "farewell and goodbye" to me. Later, Brandi! Glad you're leaving; sorry you stayed so long! ** fingers crossed ** I don't know what any of the other cast members have to offer if Brandi is fired. Most of their storylines revolve around Brandi. 90% of blogs and forums are people talking about Brandi. The percent is about Kim, her behavior and how she treats the other cast members. Without them, there is so many times it will be entertaining to see Yolanda's frig. If Brandi is fired, it will probably be more due to her and Jeff Lewis's punking of Andy on WWHL. They got him good. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1059423
Stinamaia April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 Kim tells all to Dr. Phil! http://www.eonline.com/news/648484/kim-richards-breaks-silence-on-arrest-the-whole-night-is-my-fault?cmpid=sn-111021-facebook-na-eonline Oh Kimmie. Being on Dr. Phil's show is no substitute for treatment. But it is a good forum for trying to salvage the situation and spin your sobriety (except for this bitty slip) story. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1059437
Sincerely Yours April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 Kyle is a kiss ass however she is very much a mean individual, IMO. As far as trusting an addict, how can one trust someone who is high 24/7? I personally think that Kim replaced alcohol with Xanax and the like because she is a very fragile individual. During the Hawai episode, she was free basing, if I recall correctly. I wish she would have the guts to step away from reality TV, it is not good for her. I meant Kim trusting Kyle. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25064-s05e22-reunion-part-3/page/26/#findComment-1059438
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