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S05.E04: New Kids On The Block

Tara Ariano

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Random thought - I'm among those who thought that what Gary planned or intended to say was "adoption or abortion."  Actually I thought he was going to say "abortion" first and in a rare fit of being kind to Kristina he said adoption first, then started to say abortion and said adoption a second time, possibly when he saw the look on her face. But it also occurred to me last night (couldn't sleep, what can I say?) I wonder if this was one of those re-enacted scenes and either he chose to not say abortion in the re-enactment, or the producers suggested that he not say it? 


Regardless of anyone's personal beliefs on abortion I do think it should be discussed more on this show as well as 16&P because it is a legal legitimate option out there, but they generally seem to shy away from it. I remember one 16&P episode where both teen sisters were pregnant and one chose abortion while the other kept the baby, and then there was Jenelle's medically induced abortion while she was on a dating app looking for the next man to impregnate her, but that's the only two I can think of. If that really was one option Gary brought up with Kristina I think it could be good to show it - how they talked about it, each of their beliefs, how they arrived at whatever decision, etc. I realize this show has gone wayyyy past the point of being the educational "why not to get pregnant as a teen" show that Dr. Drew originally claimed it was, so maybe it's pointless now, but I thought they should show it if that's what happened.

Exactly! Having worked as a reproductive health counselor, I always discussed all three legitimate choices upon getting a positive pregnancy test. I believe it is 100% the woman's decision in the end, but since she chose to tell Gary, I think a frank discussion of ALL options is in order.

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I wish I could think of the exact quote, if there is one, but I remember reading once that if a person "hates" someone they still care. The line between love and hate is surprisingly thin. It's when one or both become indifferent that you know it's pretty much over, and IMO they're nowhere near that point with each other. I think they'd be terrible together but I do think Amber and Gary still care about each other very much. I wonder what she meant by her comment too. I wonder if she's thinking MTV promoted him as Mr. Amazing and that's why he's so cocky now? 

"The opposite of love is not hate; it's indifference," perhaps?


I never much followed the original teen moms (Leah's from a town where I lived for several years and my family still lives there; my sister actually made the twins' first birthday cake), so I started paying attention with the second one to see if the town has changed at all. It hasn't). But I remember Tyler and Cate being wise beyond their years, and I admired their devotion to furthering their educations and moving past the instability of their respective childhoods. To see what they are now--to see, really, what MTV money and fame has done to them, bums me out.

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Uhhhh....I was pretty confused as to why neither Gary nor Amber bothered to check Leah's pants after she said she pooped them. So, just let her sit in it until bedtime???


Seriously, I couldn't believe that! Not only does the poor kid have a really embarrassing scene on international tv, (it always bugs me when everyone says it's "national television" - don't Americans realize their shows are broadcast across the world?) but her parents didn't seem to show any urgency at all to help clean her up. It makes me wonder if Gary's new kid will end up with terrible diaper rash, though in all fairness, Kristina seems like she's a loving, competent mother.


I was also surprised that they didn't at least check, but usually kindergarteners have a change of clothes either in their backpacks or kept in the classroom just for these type of emergencies, so I assume they cleaned her up and had her change at school

Gary asked her in the car if she told the teacher and Leah said she didn't. 


This show is starting to look a lot like the opening of Idiocracy. Gary looks like he's going to explode soon. Why don't they sic Tyler on him so he can lose some weight and at the same time give Cate a little break from the constant nagging. What a controlling douche Tyler is.


Now this would be worth watching.


I'll feel so badly for Catelynn if Brandon and Theresa cut off all contact with Carly, but Tyler is such a complete jackass, I don't blame them in the least. I get his self esteem is completely wrapped up in being her birthfather, and his entire life is based around being a social media/reality celebrity, but someone has got to stick a pin in his ballooning ego. Only he has such obvious and ever increasing anger issues, I'd be pretty concerned if I were the person doing it. But someone has got to do it before all this show is is his giant gaping asshole*.


*just in time for Farrah!

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Now that we have seen the "real" Tyler, I flashback to that season where he wanted to go clubbing and it wasn't Cate's thing but after counseling, she decided to go and I believe, unless I'm remembering it wrong that Tyler then picked out her outfit for her, it just makes me think he was probably always on her about something now it's just lost the "aw, that's sweet" edit.

I really do wonder where any of these Moms would be without MTV. Probably like someone posted before me, they'd be where they are, just with smaller houses and cars and probably not moving around as much. I don't know. MTV has just made them prolong their lives for more time because it gave them a cushion to sit around and debate what they wanted to do. Which is fine, I just wish they'd be more honest about that fact.

I posted once about how the oddest thing about the entire Teen Mom experiment is how little the money and access that Teen Mom has provided has changed their lives. Yeah they had nicer houses and haven't had to spend much time on a public bus. But that's pretty much it. Amber still ended up in jail, Cate still spent all her time trying to "make a family" with Tyler, Maci enrolled in school part time and then end up getting married (yeah I know not technically, but still), Farrah ended up nuts. All 6 seasons and all of the girls are pretty much the same. It's not even the money, but the huge amount of access they had. Not one has really tried to pull a white trash Lauren Conrad and create some sort of brand...except Farrah! And while its an odd brand, I gotta give the girl credit. She's the only one to move from home and try to start some sort of career. It's almost bizarre how little imagination these girls have.

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I'm pretty excited for the Brandanteresa vs. Tyler showdown. Although I have a feeling it's not going to be as thrilling as we hope. I sincerely doubt that they chose to close the adoption, or else Tyler & Catelynn would have been all over social media slamming them. Imagine if they did close it- C&T wouldn't have anything to lose, so they could throw any fit they wanted. Maybe Tyler isn't as concerned about Carly now that he has a new baby to pimp out to his adoring public? I'm not sure at all about the timeline, but didn't they post pics before Novalee's birth where Brandanteresa sent some of Carly's old baby clothes for her "sister" to wear? I actually thought that was a little weird. Nice, I suppose, but an odd gesture considering the boundary issues. So I have a feeling Tyler will make an ass of himself, Catelynn will cry, but nothing will ultimately happen.

I just can't get over the fact that Tyler is such a famewhore that all this drama is over not being able to post pics on social media. Their fans are acting like Brandanteresa aren't sending C&T pics and updates, but that doesn't seem to be the case. They are getting their updates, they are just being asked to not share with the world. Does Tyler really not understand that when they adopted Carly, they had no idea Teen Mom would be an ongoing thing years down the road? It's one thing to have an infant or even toddler seen on the show, but now that Carly is older, she's more aware when strangers approach them as "Hey! You're Catelynn & Tyler's baby from Teen Mom!" I assume that B&T are going to raise Carly with the awareness that she was adopted, but how and when they tell her about her past is something they need to navigate through based on their own knowledge and preferences rather than being forced to have these conversations because a nosey stranger comes up to Carly in the grocery store and asks her about Grandpa Butch.

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Do you think if they were to change that there would still be a show? It seems the basics of this show is about this their bizarre look at life and the results thereof. And there are probably a lot of totally normal activities in their lives but are purposly left out of anything we see. I don't think Amber sits on the sofa all day. And Catelyn is not bizarre at all but Catelyn and Tyler have a bizarre relationship. If they changed, showed growth or anything other than they now it would have to be a whole nother show.

Exactly! Having worked as a reproductive health counselor, I always discussed all three legitimate choices upon getting a positive pregnancy test. I believe it is 100% the woman's decision in the end, but since she chose to tell Gary, I think a frank discussion of ALL options is in order.

It would have been interesting to add a girl that chose abortion (there was one, I remember) to teen mom and see where her life is at this point as well.

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I don't think the B&T "showdown" is going to be all that exciting either. I think they are probably just going to talk and B&T are going to try to set some clear guidelines and remind C&T that they are the parents and the decisions are theirs. B&T seem to be very thoughtful and caring type people, and I don't picture them closing their daughter's adoption on national TV.

I don't think the B&T "showdown" is going to be all that exciting either. I think they are probably just going to talk and B&T are going to try to set some clear guidelines and remind C&T that they are the parents and the decisions are theirs. B&T seem to be very thoughtful and caring type people, and I don't picture them closing their daughter's adoption on national TV.


Yeah, I'm actually a little surprised they are even having this meeting. When they have something kind of touchy to discuss with C&T, they tend to just go through Dawn. B&T do seem like really nice, non confrontational people, and I think Teresa has a special affection for Catelynn, and probably doesn't want to feel like she's punishing Cate for Tyler's bad judgment.


That said, if Tyler doesn't reign it in, I think B&T will eventually have to pull the plug.

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I mean, the B&T showdown probably won't be much of a showdown. I feel like they can only do so much now because since Cate and Tyler have gained fame and popularity and fans, B&T can't cut off contact because who the hell knows what madness from the fans of Catelynn and Tyler will bring on them. Plus I'm sure the agency doesn't want that to happen either, they need to be referenced in a good light, so yeah B&T are back into a corner as long as the shows on the air or Cate and Tyler are on a show, they will never be able to close the adoption. At least not quietly. 


If they choose to continue with an open adoption, I hope it's not because they feel threatened by C&T's rabid fans. I mean, it might be, but I would feel really sorry for them if that is the case. I would imagine Dawn would definitely want to make that a last resort.


Very curious to see tonight if Tyler comes stomping in, ranting about his feelings and how they need to be considered by B&T. I expect though that Tyler talks a much bigger game when he's bitching to Cate and his mom than what he would say to B&T's face.

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Yeah, I'm actually a little surprised they are even having this meeting. When they have something kind of touchy to discuss with C&T, they tend to just go through Dawn. B&T do seem like really nice, non confrontational people, and I think Teresa has a special affection for Catelynn, and probably doesn't want to feel like she's punishing Cate for Tyler's bad judgment.


That said, if Tyler doesn't reign it in, I think B&T will eventually have to pull the plug.

And that's the message that Brandon and Teresa need to speak loud and clear to Tyler and Cate in the presence of Dawn once and for all. They need to scare the shit out them and let them know they're not playing. Finally, I would present C&T with an agreement drawn up by my lawyer and make them sign it. Done. Relinquish contact with Carly if they break the rules. It's not a matter of being nice. B&T have to do what's in the best interest of Carly and that is to protect her.

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Brandon and Teresa don't have to involve a lawyer. They can simply stop sending pics, updates and change their number, etc. and would be within their right as Carly's legal parents to do so.

And get restraining orders! Crazy April and Butch and all the rest of them will never realize that they are not Carly's family.

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