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I remember rushing home from school in 1978 to watch the Red Sox-Yankees playoff (the B.F. Dent game); I went out on the porch roof and was able to see the call of the game via semaphore flag from a hill a few miles away.


I was home from school that day because it was Yom Kippur and we watched the game via smoke signals.  Or maybe it was just a TV with rabbit ears.

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Last year my Bucs caught Madison Bumgarner during his historically great playoff run. This year they caught Arrieta during his historically great run. 


Why can't they just get matched up against a normal ace?

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Why do I get the feeling Arrieta is a first class prick?

Interesting, I got the opposite vibe from his HBP and post-game interview.  I thought it looked like he was walking to first and the pitcher started jawing first (I missed it live and only saw one replay so might have missed it), and I thought it was funny that while everyone else was still sorting out the scuffle he was already at first base calmly talking with the first baseman.  Then after the game when asked about getting hit he immediately said, "I completely understand it.  I hit two of their guys.  Didn't mean to, but they are just protecting their own."  I thought he came across well.  I don't follow the Cubs so don't know much about him other than all the accolades in the media and then last night's performance.  He was great, but his third baseman was the star of that game as far as I'm concerned.

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I feel for Pirates fans, man, that's not a fun way to end your season two years in a row. Arrieta is on a tear, his game was actually slightly better than Bum's CGSO last year (one more K, one less walk, same amount of hits but Jake hit dudes). It's going to be fun to see how far he can go, so long as the team stays in it. Will he be able to keep this up the whole month? Will anyone be able to hit him? 

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So this maroon tweeted smack about my gurl Jess and got his maroon ass suspended. Good.


"I get it now." Yeah, way to be on that learning curve, you maroon.


Mike Bell's an idiot. The only thing he "didn't get" was that you can't get away with misogyny in 20 friggin 15. Now everyone will call you on your jackassery, and you can't hang up on the internet like radio shock jocks used to be able to do with callers they didn't like.


Also if I was managing a baseball team I'd probably rather have Jess Mendoza at the plate facing that 95 mph cutter then Mike Bell.

Edited by Maximum Taco
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Jessica has been filling in for the suspended dickwad Curt Schilling for about six weeks now.  The big deal is she became the first woman to call a post season game.  I think she's fantastic and quite honestly she's living my dream.

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Why do the announcers keep saying that we are in an "official rain delay"? Is there such a thing as an "unofficial" rain delay?


I think they mean an "official" rain delay in the fact that it's a delay triggered by the officials, and not the home team. 



Before the game starts the home team is in charge of determining whether there is a rain delay or not. Afterwards its the officials, namely the head umpire.

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I guess I have never heard the word official applied to rain delay before. Good to know there is a reason behind it.

On another note, Pete Rose really is an idiot, isn't he? So he thought Donaldson shouldn't have left the game because of a silly little thing like a knee to the head. Brain damage possibilities aside, wouldn't you want a clear-headed player in the field or at bat, rather than someone who may be dizzy or foggy?

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I guess I have never heard the word official applied to rain delay before. Good to know there is a reason behind it.

On another note, Pete Rose really is an idiot, isn't he? So he thought Donaldson shouldn't have left the game because of a silly little thing like a knee to the head. Brain damage possibilities aside, wouldn't you want a clear-headed player in the field or at bat, rather than someone who may be dizzy or foggy?


Pete Rose was the pioneer of the head first dive. And that was before batting helmets. 


I don't doubt he probably was and felt concussed multiple times and kept playing.


That's not to say Donaldson should do that too, but to explain Rose's thinking.


On another note: Home field isn't counting for much these playoffs eh? 4 games, 4 road victories.

Edited by Maximum Taco
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On another note: Home field isn't counting for much these playoffs eh? 4 games, 4 road victories.

Seriously! Or, a game where the lead changes. 


I know we all watch the games on TV for the playoffs, but even so, it's a bummer that even Dodger fans who listen to Vin on the radio, won't have Vin. Lets hope his procedure was minor and we'll have him in 2016.


PS- does it really need to be said?  Pete Rose is an asshole.  100% Asshole. Lets just all ignore him.

Edited by King of Birds
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I remember Rose criticizing players for taking a day or two off to be there for the birth of their children. "That's what the rest of the year is for." Well, I'm certainly glad you and your wife were able to plan everything so well.

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I remember Rose criticizing players for taking a day or two off to be there for the birth of their children. "That's what the rest of the year is for." Well, I'm certainly glad you and your wife were able to plan everything so well.


Alright then.


Pete Rose is a dick, and he's not worth my time. Good to know.


In other news looks like Beltre is out today. He must've really tweaked his back on that slide.

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I really hope Josh will be okay but I also hope they will be very cautious. This year, the Giants lost FOUR guys to concussion. Three of them initially cleared concussion tests and played within the next day or two. All four of them had their seasons ended by their concussions. One of them had a concussion last year that he came back from after two weeks only to find that he wasn't healthy and then missed another MONTH. So anyone who thinks guys should just shake off a knee to the brain is an idiot. Also, Brandon McCarthy is smart and has actually been in this situation:


Brandon McCarthy @BMcCarthy32

A gentle reminder, as my brain was dying and in need of immediate medical intervention, I passed a concussion test.

Brandon McCarthy @BMcCarthy32
When you judge someone else based on a head injury that you yourself aren't experiencing, you out yourself as a buffoon.
Edited by rippleintime17
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So, I have a four day weekend (yay!) and had a full day of errands (okay...shopping!) planned for today.  Hate to fight the crowds on the weekend if I have a weekday to go out.


However, there seems to be baseball on my TV...


Good thing I love my couch!!

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I'm so bummed that the MLB Network is not available for streaming on the Verizon app. TBS and FOX1, yep. MLB, nope.

Great great GREAT article about Jessica Mendoza and how piggish some people can be.

Edited by mojoween
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Apparently I am the jinx I thought I was so for the rest of the division series' let me publicly declare go Astros, Rangers, Dodgers, and Cardinals! 

Wait hold on- you think you're a jinx and declare your choices publicly ... so you ACTUALLY want the Royals/ BlueJays/ Mets and Cubbies?


I can get behind you for some of that.

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Great great GREAT article about Jessica Mendoza and how piggish some people can be.


"Girls have cooties!!!"  Is what all the haters sound like. Accompanied by the sad trombone. 

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I'm so bummed that the MLB Network is not available for streaming on the Verizon app. TBS and FOX1, yep. MLB, nope.

Great great GREAT article about Jessica Mendoza and how piggish some people can be.



"Girls have cooties!!!"  Is what all the haters sound like. Accompanied by the sad trombone. 


It is a well known scientific fact that only those that have balls are capable of speaking about balls............

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I thought after 2008 the Joe Carter HR wouldn't bother me as much, but seeing them replay it a few times during the game today made me realize otherwise. That was the first time I think the Phillies really broke my heart as a fan. It was the first time I remember them in the postseason as I was a month old in 80(though my dad does insist I watched the game with him) ,too young to remember 83 and they weren't really good until 93. But seeing that hr again brought right back to when I was 13 and in tears after that game. I'm pulling of Texas because of Cole Hamels but wouldn't be sad if the Blue jays win

Edited by shoregirl
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Joe Carter just makes me think of underage drinking in college, because I was at an off-campus party when he hit that home run.

I really need to go to Target and then pick up dinner but I cannot quit this game now. Come on Jays! It's lucky 13! Let's end this.

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Finally a ball player older than I am!

I love during a bench-clearing conversation watching the pitchers run out of the bullpen after everyone else has basically dispersed. Like, thanks guys, but now you can jog all the way back.

Aim I think because we are fans of two of the most-hated MLB teams the other teams we root for are doomed to fail. DOOMED.

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Stay, watch the game, pick up dinner AT Target, cut down on your errands! Priorities.

Hey, at least you have a Target to go to. The closest one to me is Victor(and I don't drive so it's not like I can just up and go...), so I'm stuck with the evil W**-M***.

Edited by smittykins
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Aim I think because we are fans of two of the most-hated MLB teams the other teams we root for are doomed to fail. DOOMED.


Damn, I think you're right!!  A coworker of mine wore a jersey of that that north side of the Windy City team to work today and he avoided me like the plague.

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let me publicly declare go Astros, Rangers, Dodgers, and Cardinals


Why, thank ya, MAIT.  ;-)


I live midway between STL and Chicago.  Basically two-thirds are Cards fans, one-third are Cubs fans, and nobody gives a shit about the AL.  I don't think it can be overstressed how much this series means.  I think people here care more about this than the eventual (hopefully) World Series.  It's like a battle for eternal bragging rights.  If the Baby Bears win, we Cards fans are going to have to go into permanent hiding.


Oh, and I am SO annoyed that the playoffs aren't playing on channels I can see.  ERGH.


eta: it occurs to me that I misread and you're stating that as a bid against a reverse-jinx?  lol

Edited by photo fox
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I think I'm more nervous about this Cards/Cubs game than any other playoff series for the Cardinals. Being born and raised in Chicago, I'd rather lose to any other team than the Cubs. It was nice seeing Dusty Baker on the pre-game show. First of all, he had no toothpick hanging out of his mouth which was amazing. Then he stated his vote for Manager of the year is Mike Matheny. I guess now that LaRussa is gone the hate has eased.

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Why, thank ya, MAIT. ;-)

I live midway between STL and Chicago. Basically two-thirds are Cards fans, one-third are Cubs fans, and nobody gives a shit about the AL. I don't think it can be overstressed how much this series means. I think people here care more about this than the eventual (hopefully) World Series. It's like a battle for eternal bragging rights. If the Baby Bears win, we Cards fans are going to have to go into permanent hiding.

Oh, and I am SO annoyed that the playoffs aren't playing on channels I can see. ERGH.

eta: it occurs to me that I misread and you're stating that as a bid against a reverse-jinx? lol

It's completely stressing me out. Wainwright is wrong - the rivalry is not friendly! My best friend from Chicago now lives near me in Atlanta. Her father in law (my uncle) is the most fanatical Cards fan I've ever known. He records the games but will only watch if they win because he becomes enraged. He's lived in Atlanta for thirty years and hates the Braves to an unreasonable extreme. Anyway - she sent me a picture in which she was wearing a Cubs jersey and a Cardinals cap, with the caption "a house divided". I've never seen someone wearing both teams - it's unnatural.

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