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FTWD Anticipation and Speculation

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If they did it right, I'd be down for 15 episodes of FtWD (if I like it) running over the summer months up to the start of the first half of the new season of TWD, with TWD doing its normal 1st half-Fall/2nd half-Winter+a-bit-of-Spring split. 


Potentially 23 straight weeks of live episodes of the Walking Dead universe??  Fuck yeah!

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I don't see how this show will be much different from The Walking Dead. Sure, they start off differently, but then as the show moves more and more into the Zombiecalypse, it will be hard to maintain fresh storylines.

Speaking of "fresh," TPTB are already teasing photos of extra-decayed walkers for TWD. The walkers will be fresher on this show—and the survivors will be, too.

Plus, more world building.

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Speaking of "fresh," TPTB are already teasing photos of extra-decayed walkers for TWD. The walkers will be fresher on this show—and the survivors will be, too.

Plus, more world building.


Ahh, an actual eye for detail when it comes to realism (between shows in the same universe, at least).  Thank you, entertainment gods!



.... and on that note, I should really start looking into the promos and 'hype', to get myself really worked up about watching this.  Haven't watched any TWD marathons - or AMC, period, since s5's finale, Conquer - and I need to have look-see to get an idea of what I'll be getting myself into in about 10 days' time.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36

As I commented in the Small Talk thread I'm hoping they don't realize right away that they are all infected.  That could make for some interesting situations.  I'm starting to get pretty excited for the premiere.


The previews and teasers have me so stoked, but my brother wouldn't change his wedding next Sunday - so I'm going to have two wait an extra day to see it.  The nerve!

As far as the wedding goes, how dare he have the wedding on ANY WD Sunday???  

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The previews and teasers have me so stoked, but my brother wouldn't change his wedding next Sunday - so I'm going to have two wait an extra day to see it.  The nerve!


The least they could have done was have a TWD-themed wedding.  How awesome would that be to see two 'walkers' get hitched?  Or maybe 'Daryl/Carol' marriage ceremony??  'Carl' could be the ring bearer and 'Judith' the flower girl.  'Rick' as best man, 'Glenn', 'Abe', 'Eugene' and 'Morgan' as groomsmen.  'Maggie', 'Sasha', 'Michonne', 'Tara' and 'Rosita' as bridesmaids.  And last, but not least, a wedding wouldn't be a wedding without FPP 'Gabriel' there to officiate and give the vows.


If nothing else, the consummation jokes from such an event would be both automatic and classic.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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Because I need to be prepared I'm trying to decide on my Fear the Walking Dead dessert.  I already have in-progress tubs of old-fashioned vanilla ice cream and mudslide ice cream.  I'm going to have to decide on whether I want to bring chocolate cake or chocolate chocolate-chip muffins into my premiere night mix.


I've got to be ready!

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Because I need to be prepared I'm trying to decide on my Fear the Walking Dead dessert.  I already have in-progress tubs of old-fashioned vanilla ice cream and mudslide ice cream.  I'm going to have to decide on whether I want to bring chocolate cake or chocolate chocolate-chip muffins into my premiere night mix.


I've got to be ready!


I don't know what to tell you about next Sunday night, but I'm really jonesing for some ice cream and cake (or muffins) right now..... no idea why, though.

The least they could have done was have a TWD-themed wedding.  How awesome would that be to see two 'walkers' get hitched?  Or maybe 'Daryl/Carol' marriage ceremony??  'Carl' could be the ring bearer and 'Judith' the flower girl.  'Rick' as best man, 'Glenn', 'Abe', 'Eugene' and 'Morgan' as groomsmen.  'Maggie', 'Sasha', 'Michonne', 'Tara' and 'Rosita' as bridesmaids.  And last, but not least, a wedding wouldn't be a wedding without FPP 'Gabriel' there to officiate and give the vows.


If nothing else, the consummation jokes from such an event would be both automatic and classic.

At the very least, they could have a little walker bride and groom on top of the wedding cake. :>

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As I commented in the Small Talk thread I'm hoping they don't realize right away that they are all infected.  That could make for some interesting situations.  I'm starting to get pretty excited for the premiere.


As far as the wedding goes, how dare he have the wedding on ANY WD Sunday???  

I hope so too!  I mean our characters didn't know until the end of the Farm (Rick knowing earlier because of the CDC).  There has to be a point where someone dies from natural causes and wakes up a Walker for them to find out, so there are so many possibilities.  I hope they do it justice.


Because I need to be prepared I'm trying to decide on my Fear the Walking Dead dessert.  I already have in-progress tubs of old-fashioned vanilla ice cream and mudslide ice cream.  I'm going to have to decide on whether I want to bring chocolate cake or chocolate chocolate-chip muffins into my premiere night mix.


I've got to be ready!

I'm glad I'm not the only one already planning her FWD food...lol 

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Because I need to be prepared I'm trying to decide on my Fear the Walking Dead dessert.  I already have in-progress tubs of old-fashioned vanilla ice cream and mudslide ice cream.  I'm going to have to decide on whether I want to bring chocolate cake or chocolate chocolate-chip muffins into my premiere night mix.


I've got to be ready!


I'm glad I'm not the only one already planning her FWD food...lol

Although I am quite seriously the most gawdawful die-hard chocoholic you're likely to find on this planet - for a FTWD premiere, I would respectfully disagree.

With fresh walker corpses popping up all over the place, there's really only one option.

Red velvet cake, with slashes through white icing. :D

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Re: the 'Caryl' wedding idea above - I would be severely disappointed if 'Daryl' didn't walk into the reception carrying a crossbow on his shoulder and a dead possum, muttering "Brought dinner".


Bloody Marys and Bob-B-Que!!!


Man, I bet that would cost an arm and a leg....

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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I'm a fan of the zombie genre and I like TWD, but I am getting skeptical of FEAR. 


As I understand it, the premise of the show is a single mother with 2 kids and a single father with one who are teachers that became SOs and they are working to integrate their families. The 'kids' are late teens/twentysomethings, so no need to fear the old problems with Carl in TWD or that little shit in the Strain, but they ARE kids and the last thing I want to watch every week is a show filled with teen angst. Whiney, needy, utterly incompetent  and unaware douchebags ...

<ack, puke>


From the first three minutes that was posted it seems like one of the kids has a monkey on his back as that sure looked like a shooting gallery to me, so were guaranteed a crap ton of drama as withdrawal pains, stupid decisions and plenty of boo hoos are inevitable as junkie boy starts missing his fixes. I don't think we'll be lucky enough for dumbass to snag that flowing shirt on something and the walkers get him. 


I'm in for the fall of society stuff and of course some zombie gore porn is always gravy, but I have serious apprehensions about this show.


Not to be a wet blanket or anything.

Edited by Bongo Fury
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that little shit in the Strain



The show looks like it's going to take itself seriously - in that case, I have to care about at least some of the characters (for total camp I don't have to care).  So far I'm intrigued enough to be looking forward to it, along with the fall of civiization stuff.  They've got to do a good job about showing confusion, panic, etc so we'll see. 

I don't watch TWD, but I'm on this thread because the actress who will play Dickens' daughter has been crushing it on The 100 and we're kind of sad to lose her, so that's probably a good sign for you.

Here's this:


I wonder if I can watch this show without having watched TWD.

Well, this is a prequel so nothing about WD that you really need to know.  We might know more about the plague than you, but you will learn with the characters here.


I have to ask...how come you haven't watched WD and are going to watch this?

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I feel like in the long run, the spin-off will hurt the popularity of the mother-show, because I don't see how this show will be much different from The Walking Dead. Sure, they start off differently, but then as the show moves more and more into the Zombiecalypse, it will be hard to maintain fresh storylines. 

It will all depend on the characters because that is what makes WD, not the Walkers.  WD is how people survive in an apocalyptic world.  FWD will be too, just set somewhere different with new characters.  For WD fans, it's hard to imagine this show being better, but I think it will still probably be really good.

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What keeps me watching a show week after week are the characters and the actors who portray them - whether they're compelling and interesting to watch, whether I can get drawn into that world and those characters' lives enough to care about what happens to them. I normally don't like zombie movies or horror movies for that matter, but I like TWD because of the characters, so I would probably like the show if the post-apocalyptic world had been caused by a viral disease or a power blackout or some other non-zombie catastrophe that resulted in groups of humans struggling for survival amidst dangers.


If FTWD is a ratings hit, just imagine other spinoffs that AMC could roll out:


  • Rear the Walking Dead - spinoff set 10 years in the future about the difficulties in raising children in a walker-infested world.


  • We're the Walking Dead - spinoff set 20 years in the future that stars Carl Grimes as the leader of a human settlement.


  • They're the Walking Dead - spinoff set in Europe and starring a cast of new characters.


  • Cure the Walking Dead - spinoff set 30 years in the future in which different groups of humans are working on a cure for walkerism.


  • Near the Walking Dead - spinoff set in the same time as TWD that features a farm family and others who manage to live an isolated life away from all walkers.


  • Wear the Walking Dead - spinoff set in a Hunger Games-style future where citizens are forced to compete in a televised reality fashion design competition.
Edited by tv echo
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Well, this is a prequel so nothing about WD that you really need to know.  We might know more about the plague than you, but you will learn with the characters here.


I have to ask...how come you haven't watched WD and are going to watch this?

I'm fairly loyal to Kim Dickens and I was very impressed by the actress from the 100 (whose name escapes me).

I'm a vampire girl, not a zombie girl, that's basically it.

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If FTWD is a ratings hit, just imagine other spinoffs that AMC could roll out:


Excellent! But don't forget:

  • Hear the Walking Dead - spinoff set at the start of the outbreak about the trials and tribulations experienced by the inhabitants of a school for the blind as they struggle to survive the ZA.
  • Leer the Walking Dead - spinoff set 14 years in the future, as the first Post-ZA teenagers struggle with their sexual urges and identities in a world where they're constantly surrounded by naked and near-naked animated rotting corpses.
  • Dear the Walking Dead - spinoff of LtWD set 18 years in the future, as those same teenagers attempt to resolve the somewhat-strange relationships and practices initiated in their earlier, more hormone-driven years.
  • Sear the Walking Dead - spinoff set 10 years in the future about survivors who, having long ago exhausted all other available food sources, turn to the only other plentiful resource available in order to survive...
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Steer the Walking Dead - herding them all onto Southfork Ranch


Peer the Walking Dead - the civil rights movement to grant full citizenship to zombies


Clear the Walking Dead - defense attorneys fight to get their already dead clients off death row


Queer the Walking Dead - the Fab Five make their comeback by giving zombies a metro makeover

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Jeer TWD - A campy spinoff where we all sit around like MSTK and mock the show.


Beer TWD - A spinoff where we follow Bob's earlier group who attempted to corner the post ZA beer market, the show meets an early end when walkers crash the season finale kegger.


Deer TWD - A spinoff where we follow Rudolph and friends as they try to avoid walker Santa and his rotting elves.



Boy, someone really opened a can of worms here ...

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Jeer TWD - A campy spinoff where we all sit around like MSTK and mock the show.

I though that's what tonight was.

Rear the Walking Dead - spinoff set 10 years in the future about the difficulties in raising children in a walker-infested world.


Yeah, um... actually that title made me picture something else entirely...

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Bear The Walking Dead...how bears survive in a non-human picnic world.

I'm fairly loyal to Kim Dickens and I was very impressed by the actress from the 100 (whose name escapes me).

I'm a vampire girl, not a zombie girl, that's basically it.

Oooohhhh, a Buffy fan.  I like both, but there have been many awful vampire movies and shows and some less than average zombie ones.  But, WD is far above anything ever on TV or at the theatre.   Buffy and WD are my two favorites in those categories, mostly because the zombies and vampires are backdrops for the story and they focus mainly on how the characters live in those worlds.


You don't have to be a zombie fan to like WD.  You just have to like high quality entertainment.

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Like Bongo Fury, I am a little apprehensive that if they really overdo it, the over-the-top teenage angst will be hard to watch, but I am fostering some blind encouragement that the rest of FtWD will make it worth the while to keep tuning in.


I just hope that people aren't so hasty as to write the show off after just watching the premiere.  I think a lot of us (myself especially) will find it a bit hard to 'get into' this new show right from the opening minutes, just because we are so used to TWD and CDB.  While in the same universe, this new show will be a totally new cast, in a totally 'new' part(s) of the country, and different timeline as the one we've gotten to know so well for 5 seasons on the "mother-ship".

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[*]Leer the Walking Dead - spinoff set 14 years in the future, as the first Post-ZA teenagers struggle with their sexual urges and identities in a world where they're constantly surrounded by naked and near-naked animated rotting corpses.

Or Lear the Walking Dead- A Walker's blind vanity leads to tragedy & death, er, more tragedy & death, this time with cannibalism!

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I'm really interested to see how they will explain, or at least hint about how the virus came to be. I expect it to be similar to other shows/movies - the US Military trying to create a bio-weapon and there is an unexpected mutation or mistake made and boom - zombies.


But yeah - seeing how people are caught off guard and taking time to learn how to deal and properly respond is going to be amazing. I mean, today, what do we do? We call the authorities and they deal and nothing more to think about. Sometimes there are riots and looting, but it goes away after a day or two. In this case, that won't happen.

My guess a flight attendant  got bit by a monkey and slept with lots of people.

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Like Bongo Fury, I am a little apprehensive that if they really overdo it, the over-the-top teenage angst will be hard to watch, but I am fostering some blind encouragement that the rest of FtWD will make it worth the while to keep tuning in.


I just hope that people aren't so hasty as to write the show off after just watching the premiere.  I think a lot of us (myself especially) will find it a bit hard to 'get into' this new show right from the opening minutes, just because we are so used to TWD and CDB.  While in the same universe, this new show will be a totally new cast, in a totally 'new' part(s) of the country, and different timeline as the one we've gotten to know so well for 5 seasons on the "mother-ship".


Heh.  Maybe I shouldn't have pre-posted so optimistically so soon.   I am not dropping it after 1 episode, but its got quite the climb to reach 'watchable' levels or its going to be a real slog to sit through this first season.


Might not be fair to compare this series directly to TWD, but even just comparing series premieres, TWD's wins in a Mt. Everest-sized landslide - and TWD's premiere was basically just about ONE guy for that first 1.5 hours [with just very little bits of Morgan and Duane mixed in]!

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36

Now that the pilot has had some time to settle in, having a Talking Dead that did almost nothing to promote Fear of the Walking Dead does not bode well for this show.  Initially I saw it as trying to give the show a strong lead.  But in retrospect it doesn't make sense that no one affiliated with Fear was on the couch.  I tend to think AMC already knows they won't catch lighting in a bottle twice with Fear and are doing a little hype to make sure Fear doesn't dampen anticipation for the mothership.

Now that the pilot has had some time to settle in, having a Talking Dead that did almost nothing to promote Fear of the Walking Dead does not bode well for this show.  Initially I saw it as trying to give the show a strong lead.  But in retrospect it doesn't make sense that no one affiliated with Fear was on the couch.  I tend to think AMC already knows they won't catch lighting in a bottle twice with Fear and are doing a little hype to make sure Fear doesn't dampen anticipation for the mothership.


Is it wrong that the two bits I remember most about watching the FtWD pilot didn't even happen during the pilot?  The 'violin-TWD-theme' thing on the new AMC ad and the teaser for the S6 TWD premiere were more interesting and memorable than anything on  FtWD's actual air time.  *sadly shrugs*

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I am behind the times.  For some reason, I did not realize that the were doing a TWD spin-off and that it would feature Kim Dickens.  Because I am one of the 60 people still watching Hell on Wheels, I figured this out during my catch-up session last weekend.  I think it will be interesting to see it from a fresh perspective if done well. I'll reserve my feelings about the pilot for the appropriate thread.


I don't see how this show will be much different from The Walking Dead. Sure, they start off differently, but then as the show moves more and more into the Zombiecalypse, it will be hard to maintain fresh storylines.

I have to agree. In TWD, Andrew Lincoln's Rick went into a coma in a world where zombies were not yet a thing. But he wakes up (after presumably only a few weeks) and Atlanta is basically Thunderdome. Things apparently broke down really fast. FtWD's pilot is set maybe, a week tops before Rick wound up in the hospital. I'm not sure how long FtWD can go before its trodding over TWD's territory.

I think I would like Fear the Walking Dead better if each season they focused on a new group, in a different area, living in a different part of the zombie time line, at a different time of the year.

Arizona/New Mexico: The only governments standing are the Indian Nations and life is good on the Navajo reservation, brutal and hard but still better. Knowing the old ways is an advantage.
Hawaii in the summer: What is life like where there is no place to run and the tide brings in walkers from the ocean floor? Paradise comes at what cost.
New York in the fall: What is life like for urbanites who have decided to stay and Hell’s Kitchen means the entire city of New York?
Minnesota in the winter: It’s the quiet time. Walkers are frozen or are much slower so you reap and prepare for the spring thaw.
Then every two years revisit those groups for a season. Who is left? How they have adapted? Fill in the time between using flashbacks.

Edited by Giselle
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Arizona/New Mexico: The only governments standing are the Indian Nations and life is good on the Navajo reservation, brutal and hard but still better. Knowing the old ways is an advantage..


I wonder if that's not actually what we are in for with Travis's character. Manawawa could be a Native American name.  I know it almost translates to something in Cree.  (Although that doesn't necessarily mean anything since Cree is to Navajo what Norwegian is to Italian. A common origin but from entirely different groups and geographic opposites).  LA actually has the largest Native population in the country.  That way they could give him tracking and hunting skills without having to justify it. Unless they're going with the actors Maori ethnicity  (Which might be a first in American television at least as a lead.) in which case you would think they would let the actor use his real accent. It would explain why they're headed to the desert as well, if its where Travis is from. 

Over in the E4 thread, Anela wrote:

That doesn't mean that the military in LA were spared. I was thinking they'd be overrun in the finale.


I think this is what is going to happen.  Actually, I think its being almost blatantly telegraphed - both by stuff shown in episodes and in the promos for the last couple of episodes for season 1.


I think the zombies/walkers will somehow - considering that on Day 9 we saw a grand total of ZERO, maybe not even any in the dead bodies laying in the street that Madison came across - swarm the ISZ and knock down the fencing, or the ISZ's military guard will be called away to fight a zombie/walker herd somewhere else and the 'zoners' will revolt and bolt. 


Long story short;  No matter how it happens, I think that ISZ will be overran/deserted in the finale and the Clarks/Manawas/Salazars will be on the run - (to the desert, I'm going out on a limb and guessing).

Edited by HalcyonDays
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