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S03.E08: Divestment

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Man, on the one hand, I really can't wait to see this episode.  On the other, I'm living in fear that Phillip will pull the wool over Martha's eyes yet again, with some story that is even more implausible because she'll just be that desperate to believe it.   


I don't even know that it would have to do with loving Phillip as much as not being able to live with the concept that she's gotten people killed and worse, that there are still people yet to die, because of how much she loves Phillip/Clark.   If you're Martha and have started to believe, "Oh SHIT! He's KGB!" even while having to engage in some Herculean Denial to keep that afloat in your own mind, I can get why it would stop being about "But I love you!" and start being about the "Oh my God, what have I done? I can't have been responsible for people being killed and my country put at risk.  I just can't.  Cannot.  Must not have been!" for the sake of her own sanity and survival.  


Denial is one of those things that spins out of control really easily, but it's really mostly a protective device.  The "engage shields" of the mind.  Allowing us to continue to get stuff done, even when destructive crap is wiggling around inside of our minds, lives and surroundings.  


But I think I'd almost rather see poor Martha croak than buy whatever bullshit Clark is about to sell in that scene.  

Edited by stillshimpy
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Denial is one of those things that spins out of control really easily, but it's really mostly a protective device.  The "engage shields" of the mind.  Allowing us to continue to get stuff done, even when destructive crap is wiggling around inside of our minds, lives and surroundings

Since I don't know how much farther Martha's storyline can go, I think it would be interesting if, maybe this episode, maybe in the season finale, she turns herself in, putting "Clark" at risk. That would parallel the scene from the season opener when the CIA agent did the same thing and almost got Elizabeth captured.

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That would parallel the scene from the season opener when the CIA agent did the same thing and almost got Elizabeth captured.



Small correction--it was actually Viola, the housekeeper, who did that. I loved the character so much for it I always want her to get the credit. :-)

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Small correction--it was actually Viola, the housekeeper, who did that. I loved the character so much for it I always want her to get the credit. :-)

Was Viola the housekeeper who helped bug the Secretary of Defense's house in season 1? I was thinking about the agent who regretted turning over material to Liz in the restaurant/bar in the opening episode this season. Although I had completely forgotten about Viola.

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Was Viola the housekeeper who helped bug the Secretary of Defense's house in season 1? I was thinking about the agent who regretted turning over material to Liz in the restaurant/bar in the opening episode this season. Although I had completely forgotten about Viola.



Yes, that was Viola. I thought she was more like Martha in this case because she was more of an innocent who never intentionally worked for the Soviets. The other guy, iirc, got caught for not paying child support and then tried desperately to throw the Colonel under the bus instead of himself to save himself. Martha seems like she'd be coming more from a place like Viola where she admits that she was tricked (or forced in Viola's case) and wants to do the right thing.

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The other guy, iirc, got caught for not paying child support and then tried desperately to throw the Colonel under the bus instead of himself to save himself.


I think the poster is likely referring to the woman in the season opener, who told Elizabeth in disguise, "Fuck the CIA" and gave Elizabeth the list of CIA operatives on foreign soil. Then the woman went to the ladies room, passed another drunk woman, caught sight of herself in pay phone, called her boss and said, "It's me.  I've done a terrible thing." 


Then she tried to stall Elizabeth, Elizabeth caught on and that was what led to Gaad and Aderholt getting their asses kicked by Elizabeth, Elizabeth losing the list and nearly being apprehended.   


Yes, that would be a nice flipping of the script, because the woman in the season opener was willing to sell out other agents because her boss had taken credit for one of her ideas  

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I think the poster is likely referring to the woman in the season opener, who told Elizabeth in disguise, "Fuck the CIA" and gave Elizabeth the list of CIA operatives on foreign soil. Then the woman went to the ladies room, passed another drunk woman, caught sight of herself in pay phone, called her boss and said, "It's me.  I've done a terrible thing."



D'oh! Yes, that is totally who LoandBehold meant and they said that clearly and yet I still missed it. Oops! I was thinking of Elizabeth almost being captured as the end of S1. And once I had that in my head apparently no explanation could get through until now. :-)

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And once I had that in my head apparently no explanation could get through until now. :-)


I completely understand.  Happens to me a lot too. Particularly when someone comes and plays a small part, but I end up just liking that character.  They feel like they exist outside of their scenes you know what I mean?  Viola did feel that way to me.  We could see her conflict and struggle.  Plus the entire story played with the universal fears of pretty much anyone who has ever loved someone else, particularly their child.  When people talk about those theoretical situations where, "If someone breaks in to your home, threatens your family, do you think you have it in your to kill that person to save them?"  


It was just easy to empathize with Viola and admire her, because her ultimate answer was "My son, who I love and adore and nothing can change that, is not worth treason.  Is not worth harming others and I have to be the person I have always told him to be, no matter how difficult it is. No matter what will happen to me or him because of it."  


Whereas CIA lady in the bar with Elizabeth felt slighted at work, and with forethought, compiled a list of people who might die because of it.  Because she was embittered.  She thought better of it, but it was only a stroke of luck and Aderholt tearing Elizabeth's jacket that kept it from being something she couldn't undo in time. 


Viola's was one of those characters who sort of spoke to the, "I hope I am who I really believe myself to be" in a good way.  CIA Happy Hour Woman?  Not so much.  

It will be really interesting to see what happens with Martha and how much saving her own hide she has in her. 


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They jumped the gun by a couple years on the 'Necklacing' of Ventner. Although I suppose technically it wasn't because Ncgobo didn't fill the tire with the gasoline.


Martha, Martha, Martha. You were doing so well, too. I suppose they have to drag this out a bit.

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Oh Martha, Martha, Martha!


OK, I recognized the guy's face that threw Nina, but I can't place it, or the story that went with it.


Nina is SOL if that scientist is gay, other than that?  She'll get through to him.  Odd to have parallel stories going on in different countries now.


I have to watch this again. 


The body a week horrifying death is wearing on me.  Yikes with the fire.

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Good episode although this seemed more like a wrap-up from last week and mostly set-up.  I liked Paige learning more about Gregory and Nadia's "reunion" with the KGB chief that she seduced.

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Good episode although this seemed more like a wrap-up from last week and mostly set-up.  I liked Paige learning more about Gregory and Nadia's "reunion" with the KGB chief that she seduced.



I remember his face, but not the story, or circumstances!  A little help?

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Good episode although this seemed more like a wrap-up from last week and mostly set-up.  I liked Paige learning more about Gregory and Nadia's "reunion" with the KGB chief that she seduced.

Agreed -- not quite the action level of some previous episodes but definitely moving some story lines ahead. 

Martha held it together quite well under the inquiry -- "Agent Gaad runs a tight ship when it comes to office supplies." Heh. 

Doing a re-watch now because I got caught up doing work stuff and missed the last 20 minutes or so. The death by flaming tire was horrific to watch, and the sound effects as he burned were intense -- not bone-breaking-to-fit-a-body-into-a-suitcase intense, but still hard to listen to. 

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OK, I recognized the guy's face that threw Nina, but I can't place it, or the story that went with it.


Nina is SOL if that scientist is gay, other than that?  She'll get through to him.  Odd to have parallel stories going on in different countries now.



That was Vasily, who used to have Arkady's job until Stan and Nina framed him for being the mole that was really Nina. We saw last season that he and Anton were in the same place.


Anton's definitely not gay--he's married and has been accepting female bedwarmers in the place he is now.

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The killing of Venter that way was too much and what's worse is that Philip and Elizabeth barely flinched!  I guess I don't get why there is now a whole new storyline about the ANC and the USSR when there is already so much else going on.


Poor Martha!  I was hoping to get a good explanation from Clark as to why he didn't know what is going on not just default to love talk! 


Paige researching Gregory is weird since we know what really went on withe he and her mom.  Philip might not be too keen on it.  . 

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I remember his face, but not the story, or circumstances!  A little help?


Vasily was the Rezident, and Nina's superior, before Arkady. On Stan's instructions, Nina slept with Vasily, tried to get info on the Illegals program (I think, a bit hazy on that one), and then set him up somehow (I remember someone planting some diamonds into the tea he was buying, and the diamonds got discovered when Vasily brought the tea back to the embassy). So he got arrested and sent back to the USSR. I forgot if Nina herself had anything to do with setting him up, or how he figured out she was not that into him really.


No Stan this episode, huh? Aderholt continues to be awesome. I loved his composure and the way he handled Taffett's insinuations. Montblanc, eh? Way to be pretentious with the pronunciation, Walter.

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Stan was there, he spoke to Martha in the office.  He's off to the funeral.


I think Walter Taffett is chilling.  I wouldn't want to face him, very professional, and as he should?  Suspects all of them.


Honestly, I never noticed Aderholt was black until Stan said it on last week's show and it was being discussed here.  I'm not colorblind, or not as much as I wish I were, but it just wasn't something I noticed.  ???


Thanks for the answers about Vasily!  I remember now. 


However I am blanking on the scientist's back story now too, I remember a rather large ship being involved, and feeling sorry for him at the time.  Can you tell I've had a hectic day?

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However I am blanking on the scientist's back story now too, I remember a rather large ship being involved, and feeling sorry for him at the time.  Can you tell I've had a hectic day?



Not as hectic as Philip's!


The scientist works on the stealth program. He was the guy Elizabeth and Philip tried to snatch and then got snatched by Mossad instead. Israel then let the Soviets have him in return for over a thousand refuseniks getting to leave the USSR. Anton's been in Siberia ever since working on Stealth. His family's presumably still in DC.

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Stan was there, he spoke to Martha in the office.  He's off to the funeral.


Yes, of course. I'm just counting this as Martha's scene, not Stan's. "Have a good time... well, you know what I mean".


Poor Martha. She has to go with what she knows, right? And what she knows is that she loves Clark and sincerely believes that he loves her. When he tells her "I will do anything to protect you", is there really anything else she can ask for? Although I don't see how you go to having sex right after that.

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Ugh great episode, I loved seeing Nina get out of prison only to find her self still in the same place she was since Stan busted her. 


YURG to the death by flaming tire thing, I thought the sound effects were actually worse than the suitcase because I did not expect it at all, bones cracking is gross but it's something people have experienced the sound of, a man...melting is not.

Edited by blixie
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Okay, so a couple questions about the final Martha/Clark scene -- does she realize he's not really an oversight agent when she asks him "who are you" and he doesn't answer directly but rather answers with, "I'm the man who loves you." I ask this because when he doesn't answer her, she starts crying and says "what have I done."  Seems to me she is realizing he may not be on the up-and-up -- do we think she's starting to realize he's a KGB spy?

What did Clark mean by "is it enough that I love you and would do anything to protect you or do you need more?" Not sure what he was implying by that. 

Edited by SailorGirl
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Clark seemed to be buying time for a better cover story.  I loved that shot of them both wide awake in bed. 


Wheels are turning for both of them.  It's kind of nice that Clark didn't just kill her right then.  I can't wait until he tells Elizabeth next episode!

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The body a week horrifying death is wearing on me.  Yikes with the fire.


Jeez, yes indeed.  I was the person who laughed grimly at Anneliese being stuffed into the suitcase in that "it's like Fargo, or Blood Simple, dark, dark comedy" way , but there was no way on Earth to view that execution in anything other than {eyes entirely averted} horror.  Oh God, that was sickening.  


Oh God, poor Martha.  The fact that Clark/Phil hasn't killed her yet truly speaks to how desperate he is to avoid that.  I think in Phil's life there is pretty much nothing that is real.  He's in an arranged marriage as part of his cover, that only became a relationship based in love at least fifteen years into it.  Even the people he purely loves, Paige and Henry are deceived about who he is and he has next to no say in what will happen with Paige.  His wife, Elizabeth, is so hardcore that she can watch a man be burned alive and barely flinch (although it is damned significant that it was Elizabeth who cast the deciding, "Let him have his chance" vote for the other South African, she wasn't unaffected by that terrible execution).  


There is NOTHING in Clark/Phil's life that is entirely untouched by his work and his affection for Martha isn't feigned.  She should be dead already.  Just by not killing her he's already proving (to us) that he wasn't entirely lying about protecting her.  


Sadly, he's almost also certainly not telling the entire truth.  


Aderholt really does rule and I enjoy every scene with his character.  I also couldn't help but feel for Gaad.   


I was genuinely surprised by Elizabeth asking that Mischa be removed from Afghanistan.  Then I remember that a couple of episodes ago, they talked about Soviet soldiers being flayed and burned alive...and it made sense.  She knew that Phillip knew about that report too and now he knew what being burned alive looked like.  Yikes.  Double yikes and blurgh, while we're at it.  


Very emotionally astute thing to have Elizabeth "We're recruiting Paige, and that's final" Jennings do to grant Phillip something resembling peace. 

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Honestly, I never noticed Aderholt was black until Stan said it on last week's show and it was being discussed here.  I'm not colorblind, or not as much as I wish I were, but it just wasn't something I noticed.  ???



I didn't quite notice it either. Read the first discussions and realized I had thought possibly he (the actor) was Hispanic or bi-racial. Really loved how he/Aderholt handled Taffet's questions. We got a lot of his back story, too. 


I wish that mailbot had a voice mechanism that would activate when it was being kicked: "I am under attack!" and then it zooms away.

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I haven't been at all interested in the South African tangent (the same way the Central American stuff last season kind of bored me). Just too many things being thrown into the pot it seems. Yeah, war is hard on a marriage. We really needed to see a man burned to death to find that out?


Now we have Nina in Siberia, out to honeytrap yet another man. (Can we bring her over to honeytrap Taffet? I am not liking that guy.)

This is the first episode where I'll probably fast forward through most of it and only re-watch Martha's scenes and the ones with the other FBI people. 


Paige is becoming very annoying and the plot of bringing her in seems so far-fetched and too drawn out. The Kimmie storyline is much more compelling.


Was Gabriel snacking on potato chips along with his wine? Whaa?

Edited by RedHawk
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Was Gabriel snacking on potato chips along with his wine? Whaa?


You'll laugh, but potato chips in the Soviet Union in the 80s were kind of a big deal. The first time I had some, they were packaged in a little box, kinda like high-end crackers are in the US nowadays. I know Gabriel lives in the US, but old habits die hard.


I loved the look on Nina's face when Vassily walked into the room. But it's his own fault he got set up - the old goat didn't really think a beautiful young woman like Nina was genuinely attracted to him, did he?


Baklanov might act all science-obsessed and diva-like ("there's no lemon in the tea!") now, but we've seen he wasn't immune to honey-trapping even in DC, where he lived with his wife. It's only a matter of time until Nina softens him up.


As gruesome as the burning scene was, Elizabeth's reaction to it - letting the student go and asking Gabriel to look out for Philip's son - humanized her a bit for me. Nice to see she has other feelings besides patriotism.


Martha, Martha, Martha. After last episode I had some hope for her, but she just had to confront "Clark". Now that Philip knows, I don't know how he can extricate himself from this mess without killing her.


Loved Arkady flouting Oleg's father's orders. "So what, I won't be able to ride a train when I go back?"

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Poor Martha. She has to go with what she knows, right? And what she knows is that she loves Clark and sincerely believes that he loves her. When he tells her "I will do anything to protect you", is there really anything else she can ask for? Although I don't see how you go to having sex right after that.

I don't think she believes in anything right now.  But what she knows is that Clark isn't who he said he was.  She knows that she did some very illegal things, that are now getting exposed, because she trusted that he was that person.  If she turns him in, she's facing jail time and will definitely lose her job.  She could also be in a lot of danger from Clark if she even hints as if that is the way she's going to go.


I don't think she knows for sure that Clark is KGB but she knows that she is pretty much screwed if she takes any action.  Her best bet is the status quo.  Although if I were her, I'd just ask him to disappear.  She doesn't know who he is, what he does, where he lives and there's no way she'd be able to find him.  The most she could provide is a wigged description if they ever realized she was married. 

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So many hard to watch scenes this episode, the top of course the guy doused in gasonline and being set on fire. Believe me I'm no fan of Apartheid era white Afrikaaners but yikes. I would have been okay with just shooting him in the head! Phillip and Elizabeth's reaction was just as disturbing. How do you not look away?


Nina's reunion with the old resident she betrayed in season 1: Awkwaaaaaard.


Phillip lying to Martha again and at this point I think Martha's choosing to believe the lie.


Poor Gaad taking out his frustrations on a mail robot.

Edited by wrestlesflamingos
removed stray links
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Good episode although this seemed more like a wrap-up from last week and mostly set-up. I liked Paige learning more about Gregory and Nadia's "reunion" with the KGB chief that she seduced.

You mean Nadezhda (Elizabeth)? I don't think anybody's ever called her "Nadia"--& if they've done it before, at least this season, I've forgotten.

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...even though Hans wasn't supposed to be doing anything but surveilling the operation, Elizabeth totally clocks him hopping into the courtyard when they're bringing Todd out from the abandoned factory or whatever to drive him to where they end up leaving him. So even though Philip and Elizabeth decide to spare Todd's life, I wonder whether the still very green Hans will go off the Rezidentura (see what I did there?) and go after Todd himself.


I thought that Todd spotted Hans, meaning that letting Todd go is a mistake, because he will be able to get someone on the trail of Hans to Elizabeth and Phillip.

Edited by helent
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I thought Philip and Elizabeth's reaction to the guy getting burned alive was interesting. No they didn't look away but even they took pause. They also wanted to spare the other guy who had no stomach for war or terrorism. I found that interesting.

I still find Martha's storyline fascinating as all hell. The confrontation scene with Clarke was tragic. "Who are you?"

I liked the scene with Paige researching Gregory. I think she was hoping to find a guy like MLK or her pastor guy. Instead she found a guy who sold drugs and robbed banks.

Poor mail robot.

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I don't think she knows for sure that Clark is KGB but she knows that she is pretty much screwed if she takes any action.  Her best bet is the status quo.  Although if I were her, I'd just ask him to disappear.  She doesn't know who he is, what he does, where he lives and there's no way she'd be able to find him.  The most she could provide is a wigged description if they ever realized she was married.



Exactly. She's not just a weak woman choosing denial. She simply doesn't know what to do next. Interestingly, Clark didn't grill her about what happened in the office, probably a wise move on his part. I hadn't thought of this option, but yes, she could ask if the marriage was even valid and then ask him to disappear in return for her silence. So far it seems Taffet believes her even though her answers were a bit shaky.


Aderholt is the one who found the bug, so Taffet going after him so hard was just ugly. Was his "theory" that Aderholt planted the bug and then "found" it to make himself look good? Talk about racism -- now we've seen it.

I thought Philip and Elizabeth's reaction to the guy getting burned alive was interesting. No they didn't look away but even they took pause. They also wanted to spare the other guy who had no stomach for war an terrorism. I found that interesting.



It was the first time we've seen that their stomachs seemed to be turning over some violent action. They were both cool as cucumbers when disposing of Annaliese's body.


Ugh. I wouldn't want to be part of that clean-up crew.

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You mean Nadezhda (Elizabeth)? I don't think anybody's ever called her "Nadia"--& if they've done it before, at least this season, I've forgotten.


The poster is likely referring to Nina and her reunion with the KGB resident chief who she framed.  


Sure, he was foolish to believe that Nina had an interest in him, but he was flattered and fooled.  Then she got him sent to Siberia for nothing that he actually did, so the bulk of my sympathy lies with him.   Poor Nina, at least she's had an upgrade in jail cells.  That place was the Residence Inn from hell though.  Everything all neatly folded on the bed, yet still looking more like a cell than a room in there.  Still, access to plumbing and a hair brush, so things are looking up.  


What is up with Arkady not packing Oleg off back home after repeated requests from his powerful father? I'd love to believe that Arkady just cares that much, but we've seen nothing to indicate that's the case.  I wonder, is it some kind of Iron Curtain Power Game I'm just not getting?  Is Arkady waiting for an even better assignment than being a Chief in the U.S.?  What's his game? 


I liked the scene with Paige researching Gregory. I think she was hoping to find a guy like MLK or her pastor guy. Instead she found a guy who sold drugs and robbed banks.


I felt for Paige in that scene.  She really was expecting to find a crusader for justice and right.  Instead she found a fallible man who still tried to get things done.  I did like that Elizabeth really sidestepped blatantly lying to Paige about Gregory though.  She didn't deny that he sold drugs.   


Teens tend to have little appreciation or understanding of the complexities of the adult world though, so I don't think Elizabeth's cause was helped by Paige's Nancy Drew mission.  


Aderholt is the one who found the bug, so Taffet going after him so hard was just ugly. Was his "theory" that Aderholt planted the bug and then "found" it to make himself look good? Talk about racism -- now we've seen it.


That scene was enough to make me really dislike Taffet.  On the one hand, it does make sense that Taffet would question the person who found the bug, because it was a great catch and would really take someone with a great aptitude for investigative work.  That said, it got gross in there with a blinding quickness.  Taffet really was unpleasant to everyone, but he's not there to make friends.  He was downright disgusting while interviewing Aderholt though.   Ugh.  

Edited by stillshimpy
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I thought Philip and Elizabeth's reaction to the guy getting burned alive was interesting. No they didn't look away but even they took pause. They also wanted to spare the other guy who had no stomach for war an terrorism. I found that interesting.


Yeah I was surprised to see so much condemnation because A) they actually DID look disturbed and B) this is their JOB, they've seen some shit (folding a woman into a suitcase amirite?), so I can see why they are desensitized enough to not look away, but not so dead inside not to be shaken enough to let the other guy go (almost certainly to their detriment). It's all well and good for them to seem humanly emotional,  so we can root for them but practically that will fuck them in their jobs.

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I don't think she knows for sure that Clark is KGB but she knows that she is pretty much screwed if she takes any action.  Her best bet is the status quo.  Although if I were her, I'd just ask him to disappear.  She doesn't know who he is, what he does, where he lives and there's no way she'd be able to find him.  The most she could provide is a wigged description if they ever realized she was married.


The problem with this option is that, if Clark left Martha alone with her own thoughts on the matter, she might start wavering on her resolve to keep things quiet and might decide to do the right thing and help her country after all. Things could become too unpredictable. He either has to stay in the picture and try to control what she thinks and does as best he can, or he has to get rid of her.  


I liked the scene with Paige researching Gregory. I think she was hoping to find a guy like MLK or her pastor guy. Instead she found a guy who sold drugs and robbed banks.


According to the police and the courts, i.e. the government he was fighting against, that is. I thought Elizabeth was alluding to that when she explained Gregory's life to Paige.


Was Gabriel snacking on potato chips along with his wine? Whaa?


Why, is that a big faux pas or do you think the two won't agree? I'm putting it on my list of things to try, right after the pineapple-pickle pizza.

Edited by shura
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Does Philip believe that Martha is "true and honest and good"? I think he does.


Was Taffet's "Excellent coffee. Strong." a Twin Peaks shout-out?


Does the mailbot have feelings? I loved that alarm sound it made when kicked. Poor mailbot.


Why, is that a big faux pas or do you think the two won't agree? I'm putting it of my list of things to try, right after the pineapple-pickle pizza.



For me oily chips and wine just don't mix. All the parties I've been to, it's never been a combo that I cared to try. I like Chocolatine's explanation above, that Russians just really like potato chips.


I thought for sure that Martha would have cracked under the pressure of being interagated.  It seemed totally out of character for her to be calm cool and collected.



We disagree. I thought it was completely in character.

Edited by RedHawk
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Rich foods and wine certainly go together, 90% of French cooking is high in animal fats. I would say you shouldn't be drinkng a GOOD wine with chips, but, like, some Franzia or Fish Eye? Sure.


I'm not surprised Martha kept it together, though I would not characterize her during the questioning, as calm, cool, and collected. She has good sense of preservation and she's been amateur spying, and she's pretty overall confident and assertive. She has a powerful motive NOT to lose it: arrest for treason. 


As someone who doesn't begrudge spys acting like spys and killing people to protect their covers, I won't be surprised if he kills Martha, but Philip being Philip I also think he might try the run/disappear option (and I'd think that was Martha's best chance too). I think he's going to have to decide quick though because the chances that they do not have eyes if not ears on everyone in Gaad's office is unlikely

Edited by blixie
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I felt for Paige in that scene.  She really was expecting to find a crusader for justice and right.  Instead she found a fallible man who still tried to get things done.  I did like that Elizabeth really sidestepped blatantly lying to Paige about Gregory though.  She didn't deny that he sold drugs.   


Teens tend to have little appreciation or understanding of the complexities of the adult world though, so I don't think Elizabeth's cause was helped by Paige's Nancy Drew mission.  


I'm going to have to watch this episode again (minus the execution scene. Since I was livestreaming it via the Xfinity account, I switched tabs and muted the laptop. I'll watch it on TV tonight via FX on Roku and play the mute/look away game again), but was the picture of Gregory not Derek Luke? I kept looking at the microfiche film, wondering, "Is that another actor as Gregory?" In any case, I did like the conversation that Elizabeth had with Paige. It really speaks to the idea that the world and people are way too complex for the labels "good" and "bad" or "good vs. evil." I do think that it'll give Paige some things to think about. 


Right now she's very black or white about her views, but I think that Paige has the capacity to understand what Elizabeth was saying to her in a roundabout way. 


Aderholt is the one who found the bug, so Taffet going after him so hard was just ugly. Was his "theory" that Aderholt planted the bug and then "found" it to make himself look good? Talk about racism -- now we've seen it.


Yep. Taffet wasn't even covert about where he was going with his line of questioning. It was disgusting. 

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Martha kept a cool enough exterior during the interview but was still disturbed enough afterwards for Stan to notice. I think she knows exactly what has happened. Now that Clark is offering protection I think she could consider it, as long as she believes Clark loves her. I was impressed by Philip, Martha totally blindsided him and he had to be quick on his feet. And he pressed the right button: make her believe you love her and everything else will sort itself out in due course. He bought himself enough time, maybe, because next time Martha is in the office she might head straight to Walter Tuffet's office.


I think Nina is getting off lightly but, ignoring the fact that we need Annett on the show, I think this could really prove that Nina has a particular set of skills. I just hope she does it without honey trapping the guy. I don't know how connected to her is Oleg's story but pissing off his dad seems tangential. I can only think it leads to a reunion with Nina in Moscow somewhere. But if we're to keep both characters in Philip and Elizabeth's world, the writers need to start including them more in the main story arcs.


I knew that Elizabeth had fallen in love with Philip for real but the most genuine, selfless, romantic gesture she's ever done was go to Gabriel and ask that he take Philip's son out of harm's way. But since this is The Americans, Gabriel's price for that will be high. Gabriel probably anticipated such a development, he didn't threaten Philip without thinking through the options. Game theory seems to be right up his alley.

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I think Gabriel was genuinely surprised that Elizabeth knew about Philip's son. I think Gabriel still views the marriage as a cover and was surprised at the level of communication between the two. This is American marriage communication.

As for Martha she is working on pure survival mode right now and I am loving it. She is an intelligent woman who got played by her weakest emotions now she is playing towards her strengths and it a sight to behold.

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kept looking at the microfiche film, wondering, "Is that another actor as Gregory?"

That confused me too, but then I wondered if "Gregory" was just his cover? Or at least the name Elizabeth gave as Gregory's to Paige was just a different guy. I think she felt that Paige picking up those crumbs to follow them confirms her instincts to recruit Paige, that she is smart enough at least, to survive in their world.

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