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Barry Allen


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The police know lightning fast guys exist now and they don't seem to care to apply it to a 15 year old murder; otherwise they would have probably issued a warrant for the Flash for Nora Allen's murder already.


Central City PD demonstrably know there are two fast men, one who dresses in red and one who dresses in yellow. Just like little Barry Allen said 15 years ago. If the police marginally trust Flash, then why is there not an APB for the Yellow Streak or Reverse Flash or The alleged Murderer of Nora Allen? It's not like Barry needs to bring this up to Captain Singh--they saw Reverse Flash at STAR Labs! Eddie was nose to nose. We are supposed to think that because Eddie isn't permanently hurt from  his Flash beat-down and that The Flash helped the PD and because Iris defends the Flash that his taskforce couldn't be re-directed to Reverse Flash?


Eddie would probably want to recruit Barry because he would be the guy who would be relentless in tracking down the killer of his mother. Yet, we apparently can't have Barry and Eddie actually finding common ground, besides ' Iris is pretty and I want to go steady', and have tension come from Eddie having to ride herd on a potentially overzealous Barry, who would be in charge of the damning evidence. A reasonable Moment of Truth for Barry and an interesting situation to see Eddie handle.


Apparently zipping through the rogues is more important than setting up the bigger conflicts in a more interesting and true-to-character way. 


Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed the rogues we've had--and am hopeful for Grodd, but it has been at the expense of keeping Barry reasonably intelligent, like the scientist he is, and other reasonable ways to inject tension among the cast. Grant is sunny enough to make the hour enjoyable, but he and the cast can't make me forget the gaps I do catch.


To paraphrase others, thank gravy we have Grant Gustin on our side!

  • Love 6

Now that I think about it, it seems like someone (possibly Iris?) would say "OMG, Barry you were right! Your story makes sense now! The Flash did it!"


RF could use this to his advantage and plant the idea in Iris' head. He could even twist the Flash's obsession with her as something Flash did to close in on the Allen family. And ultimately use her help to trap Flash. 


I'd be pleased if the inane plot serves some sort of purpose, especially if it bites Joe and Barry in the ass. 

  • Love 1

Does he live with the Wests still? Does he have his own apartment? I'm a little confused. He seems to just go everywhere and be wherever he wants at any point...we never see him, like, at home, doing home stuff. I still am not sure he has a home.

He had an apartment until episode 10, that we only saw once in episode 7 when he was using his powers to get ready really fast. In 1x10, Iris moves out of her dad's house and Barry moves in with him because it's getting hard to sneak out of his apartment in the middle of the night to fight crime without his neighbors noticing (a scene of this would have been hilarious, imo). 

  • Love 2

Central City PD demonstrably know there are two fast men, one who dresses in red and one who dresses in yellow. Just like little Barry Allen said 15 years ago. If the police marginally trust Flash, then why is there not an APB for the Yellow Streak or Reverse Flash or The alleged Murderer of Nora Allen? It's not like Barry needs to bring this up to Captain Singh--they saw Reverse Flash at STAR Labs! Eddie was nose to nose. We are supposed to think that because Eddie isn't permanently hurt from  his Flash beat-down and that The Flash helped the PD and because Iris defends the Flash that his taskforce couldn't be re-directed to Reverse Flash?


I have no idea how the police department works. Eddie had the captain ok a task force to go after the Flash but suddenly after the events of the Man in the Yellow Suit, Eddie apparently just decided to disband said task force. I guess the captain didn't question his reason for doing this despite the fact that everybody else on the task force was dead.

Hey, Barry ( and writers)!


Iris probably doesn't "get ideas put into her head" about things. She probably listens to one person's view or reads a report and makes her own mind up. She read as possibly uncertain in that she knows you and Wells are besties, so don't show that you are actually grown-ass enough to mix that into your opinion. Keep using belittling phrasing to describe the woman you profess to love, as a life-long friend, if not romantic interest. Because continued treatment of Iris as a helpless infant is such a good look. ::rolls eyes::  (Iris could punch you out when you were 11, shot her would-be kidnapper and she recently gave a bad guy the final KO, so not really helpless.)

  • Love 5

In "Tricksters", when he's tearing up after figuring out Wells, I realized, how many times have we seen Barry/Grant tear up this season? I feel a little sorry for Grant. Once the writers/directors/etc. figure out someone's a good/"pretty" crier, they tend to make him do it again and again. I've seen this with a few other male actors.

Edited by Trini
  • Love 3

In "Tricksters", when he's tearing up after figuring out Wells, I realized, how many times have we seen Barry/Grant tear up this season? I feel a little sorry for Grant. Once the writers/directors/etc. figure out someone's a good/"pretty" crier, they tend to make him do it again and again. I've seen this with a few other male actors.


Yeah, I agree. It's lucky that they let him take a few episodes to not cry, but he was crying for quite a bit of the first few episodes of the season, so I imagine he'll be shedding some more tears for a few more. But...they're not wrong. Grant IS a 'pretty' damn good crier and darn it if he doesn't make me feel for him every time he sheds tears. It's partly in his character to be emotional, but also partly a ploy by the creators to make the audience feel for Barry and I fall for it every single time. 

  • Love 1

Yeah, I agree. It's lucky that they let him take a few episodes to not cry, but he was crying for quite a bit of the first few episodes of the season, so I imagine he'll be shedding some more tears for a few more. But...they're not wrong. Grant IS a 'pretty' damn good crier and darn it if he doesn't make me feel for him every time he sheds tears. It's partly in his character to be emotional, but also partly a ploy by the creators to make the audience feel for Barry and I fall for it every single time. 


One of the reasons I like the Flash is that it is comparatively light and positive and fun. So that might sound like I'm going to say I agree that I don't want to see Barry cry. However that is not where I am coming from at all. I like comics and comic book shows but very frequently I'm pretty indifferent to the leads of these comic book shows. Either because the macho antisocial stuff is over the top to me, or the stoicism is such that it seems the point is to dump more and more extreme angst and watch them bear up. It gets really tedious to me. Meanwhile some female character is probably crying all the time by contrast. Repeatedly our hero lashes out in jerky ways that are supposed to indicate his inner turmoil. The fact that we can see Barry smile and cry makes me optimistic that maybe we can let him be continue to be human and won't have to turn the wangst dial to 11+++ all the time. Maybe not all the stories will need to echo themes of PTSD. Maybe they can show the conflict and tension without having the hero needing to act like an annoying jerk to express emotion. And maybe I can continue to like the lead, instead of latching onto the support characters. Of course, I'm probably fooling myself.

Edited by BPOX
  • Love 1

After tonight's episode, I wonder if Barry is even considering how badly Iris is going to take things if/when she finds out that 1) He's the Flash and EVERYBODY knows except her (which means that their friendship has been a lie the past year) and 2) Her life was in danger due to his, Joe's and EVERYBODY else's investigation of Wells.

After tonight - seeing how messed up Eddie was about this - I don't see how Barry can't be thinking about Iris' reaction. Seeing how far it's gone now with criminals in cop cars knowing he's the Flash (because Joe called him Barry in front of the bad guys) as well as nearly everyone else in Central City - except Iris - Iris needs to literally disown him and end their friendship.

Barry is literally digging his own grave.

  • Love 3

I couldn't believe that Barry didn't either use a vortex of some sort- using his hand/arm or running in a circle- to disrupt the bees or why he didn't vibrate thru the glass, as he just learned how to do with Wells just recently. The writing is letting down a character that is supposed to be smart, or at least one that has a regular memory.


I also can't fully believe that Barry didn't either just not go on the couples' dinner or ask Caitlin or Linda. It seemed Linda and Barry were okay, so a meal wouldn't have to be awkward. Hey, at least Iris wouldn't have been the only one not in on The Secret at the table!  Caitlin would also be great, as others have noted. Still, she'd have been no help in the Iris v. Eddie main event.


Barry needs to decide, for himself, whether Iris is told his secret. It's not Joe's to dole out, despite being Iris' father.

  • Love 3

I'm wondering if what Barry does is illegal? Or thinking about what aspects of what Barry does is illegal, and to what extent helping him would make any one of our long list of secret keepers an accessory.


The obvious ones to me are:

1. False imprisonment/ cruel and unusual punishment. Barry doesn't kill, but he does imprison people and they clearly don't have official sanction for this. Cruel and unusual punishment might just apply to folks who are actually authorized to imprison people?

2. Assault. How OK is it to get in knock down drag outs with the bad guys? I get that they usually start it and he doesn't kill them. Some is self defense, might the defending others excuse it?

3. Property damage. He's not terrible about this. Pretty good for a super hero really.

4. Breaking and entering. Searching for that bomb must have been thousands of instances of this.


So then, when we have Joe and Eddie helping and they know a lot of this, and they should know what's illegal in Central City even if I don't, to what extent would they be culpable for working with him? Or is there a bunch of judgement call in this like the old fashioned, we're going to let you off on shoplifting if you help this murderer thing. How do you know how much of that is OK?


Yeah, I'm aware it's a comic book show and can't even be bothered with the laws of physics. I just was curious what I might learn.

  • Love 1

On that episode where he did the sonic boom to get to Iris when Girder had her - remember all of the homes/storefronts/cars impacted? Busted windows everywhere.

Not Man of Steel levels (lol), but still pretty bad. I kept wondering about the folks who came out of their homes or came out to their cars to find them basically wrecked.

What did they do?

Bringing this over from the Lightning Rods thread:

Do you think Oliver will pick up a Super STD from one of his 'conquests' and will need to get treatment from a Super Science medical doctor for treatment?  I'd actually like to see that, there would be such potential for comedy gold. Though I don't know how metahuman the villains/heroes of Arrow are so it's probably unlikely.


Anyone else thinking that Barry would have to use a special type of condom for sex to prevent breakage?


Yes I've officially spent too much time thinking about Barry's sex life now. Now off to think about whether Cloud would classify as an Omega Mutant or not.


Heh. I hadn't thought about condoms (maybe he should use industrial grade lube?), but I did think about whether his sperm is extra-fast. Like, fast enough to ... cancel out regular birth control? Could he impregnate a woman that day? Hour?

  • Love 1

I'm wondering if what Barry does is illegal? Or thinking about what aspects of what Barry does is illegal, and to what extent helping him would make any one of our long list of secret keepers an accessory.


The obvious ones to me are:

1. False imprisonment/ cruel and unusual punishment. Barry doesn't kill, but he does imprison people and they clearly don't have official sanction for this. Cruel and unusual punishment might just apply to folks who are actually authorized to imprison people?

2. Assault. How OK is it to get in knock down drag outs with the bad guys? I get that they usually start it and he doesn't kill them. Some is self defense, might the defending others excuse it?

3. Property damage. He's not terrible about this. Pretty good for a super hero really.

4. Breaking and entering. Searching for that bomb must have been thousands of instances of this.


So then, when we have Joe and Eddie helping and they know a lot of this, and they should know what's illegal in Central City even if I don't, to what extent would they be culpable for working with him? Or is there a bunch of judgement call in this like the old fashioned, we're going to let you off on shoplifting if you help this murderer thing. How do you know how much of that is OK?


Yeah, I'm aware it's a comic book show and can't even be bothered with the laws of physics. I just was curious what I might learn.


Barry is a superhero who means well... He will probably never have to account for all the unintentional death and chaos he causes with his incompetence as a rookie superhero. Eddie doesn't even seem to remember Barry trying to kill him that one time.


I'm counting at least a couple of possible cases of negligent homicide. That time where Captain Cold killed that usher because Barry was too slow to react in time to a normal man pointing a gun... The time he let the cloning guy drop to his death instead of speeding out the building to catch him... The guard Barry let die in the background while he saved Joe.


Then there's the attempted homicide of Eddie, the reckless use of super fast fists against Peekaboo who as far as we know had no super strength or durability.


Barry is guilty of lots of crimes but vigilantism is cool so noone is upset with him. Including reporters or cops who should be more interested in incidental chaos caused.


Oh well it's not like cops to care about property damage.

  • Love 1

Bringing this over from the Lightning Rods thread:


Heh. I hadn't thought about condoms (maybe he should use industrial grade lube?), but I did think about whether his sperm is extra-fast. Like, fast enough to ... cancel out regular birth control? Could he impregnate a woman that day? Hour?

That's hilarious. You have to admit, his speed brings up a lot of questions in that area, which may be why they've mostly avoided it altogether. In fact, does anyone else think Barry's a virgin? I totally get that impression, after having caught up with all the episodes. Linda asked Iris if he'd ever even dated anyone, and she kinda stumbled over the answer. I bet he is.

Edited by ruby24
  • Love 1

Barry seems to buy the hype of how wonderful he/The Flash is. He stops crime, rescues kittens from trees and helps out his buddy, the Green Arrow from time to time ( except when it meant trying to save a city full of innocents from mass poisoning when it directly interfered with questioning a man they had secured in the Pipeline. No, I won't forget that. That was the opposite of heroic.) 


Barry seems to think whatever the stronger paternal opinion has reign is best. ( Joe> Harry>Wells>Jay>Henry, imo. We haven't heard Barry speak about his father at all, on-screen, since the pep talk.) So Default-Lie Joe and Thawne-Wells not only override Questionable Harry and Whiny But Moral Jay, but the acts Thawne-Wells began aren't re-evaluated as to morality or even legality, and that's with Joe- an active police detective and officer of the court!- in the room when things are going on.


The man who supposedly builds Gideon (M.I.A.) is the same man who takes none of the practical advice Oliver, a fellow costumed crime-fighter, gives him. Turn around, though, and a man who has been revealed to have been a lie since before Team Flash met him, is still held in enough regard to continue the plans he set in motion, like the Pipeline! Cisco was scared to have his Vibe-ing powers. Barry is determined to prove that he won't be happy because Thawne-Wells said so.  Central City's jail has the ability to hold metahumans now. Yet despite how long Barry brooded over The Event of last season's finale, none of that appears to have been mulling over dismantling the more dangerous parts of the complex, much less The Pipeline.


It's hard to root for Barry when he only seems to act if it is a personal affront. He'll stop crime because he considers himself part of the police force, though we rarely get to see him do his CSI thing any more. If the villain or bad person defeats Barry- which seems inevitable for the first encounter nowadays- then it's a personal affront and Barry has to avenge this snub.  ( See Barry's rants after healing up from a broken spine.)


 I don't have to have my hero all shiny and perfect. Yet, with this show we are told that The Flash is the bestest and the most honorable of the known heroes. Yet, he's given into to blackmail, put several lives at risk to pursue a personal cause, and turned STAR Labs into Gitmo.  He has been outmaneuvered, resulting in the loss of several known violent criminals and one who wasn't a violent criminal, but if she turned violent, I could sort of understand.


If the show wanted a young hero, don't have one that's had to have experienced the world while getting the education to be a forensic scientist.  If you want a hero that's a mid-20s/early 30s dude, then stop with the high school drama bs.  Our hero, a forensic scientist, currently can't think of solutions in criminal-stopping outside of run at it harder and faster. Because super-speed negates thought?

  • Love 1

Agree with all you've said!

I'm still a bit irritated at the fact that Barry doesn't take Oliver's advice to case out areas before going in. You've got Team Flash with access to security cameras and such and you can't get any casing done before you go in? It's like Barry only relies on his speed and then the angst in the story is ALWAYS about how Barry gets into a fix BECAUSE he didn't plan better first.

Plus - and I'm not a Patty fan - the way he was kinda laughing at Patty sort of when she was trying to have a serious conversation? And then when she says he's leaving, he was kinda smiling at her like he wasn't taking it seriously. And then when she kissed him and walked off, he looked more annoyed than upset... like, "how dare this basic heifer dump ME?!?!" Honestly I don't think Barry felt as much for Patty as she felt for him... hence his disbelief that she'd dump HIM.

I knew that's how that would go down though - it was going to be her dumping him and moving away. Called that 8 eps ago.

  • Love 2

I admit I facepalmed when Patty directly asked Barry to tell her the truth and that she pretty much knew it and didn't want to feel stupid and he just lied to her face. Like, seriously, he could have told her the truth and then added the caveat that he was afraid that if she stayed Zoom would kill her to get at him. If he explained that it was safer for her to go they could have at least remained friends. Quite frankly, she's better off without him if he's going to act like that.

The most ironic thing is Eddie Thawne is actually is closer to who Barry Allen is in the pre-Crisis comics than Grant Justin's version.  He looks like him with his short blonde hair and square jaw. He's kind of boring but still a good guy, but loves Iris completely and honestly(until Joe makes him lie to her) and he makes the ultimate sacrifice to save everyone.

  • Love 2

Honestly the first half of this season was driven by Barry wanting to prove to Wells/Thawne that he could be happy. Honestly that's why I think he forced himself to try with Patty and partly why it was hard to let that go - because he thought having Patty could prove that he was happy - but he. just. wasn't. happy. He seemed cranky ALL THE TIME and just brooded constantly. The entire time.

But in fast lane? Even though he was a bit sad that he was single, he wasn't brooding over it and even joked with Cisco about it... and focused on getting back to work. And once Barry STOPPED trying so hard to "FORCE" happiness, lo and behold, he actually had genuine moments of happiness.

Also - very nice of Barry to see the Wests bonding and let them have their moment...

And never let it be forgotten that the song lyrics Barry quoted as the episode began about his heart still beating, was the song that was playing when he ran off to see Iris after waking up in Star Labs in the Pilot - it was the song playing when he put Iris' hand over his heart. And then he ends his monologue in Fast Lane with "... it's still beating but bruised... but hopefully not for long"... as he looks in at Iris and her family.

Very subtle, but clearly a nod to Barry getting back to the happy guy we saw in S1 and possibly Westallen too, though I do think that it's going to be Iris pining for him for a bit now (because he's worried about being close to people and putting them at risk).

  • Love 3

I can't be too mad at TPTB having Barry/Grant cry again; he's one of the few that can "pretty cry" and say lines at the same time. Although, I agree they need to space out those moments better and/or only have them a few times a season.



On a separate note; I think The Flash needs some type of 'kryptonite'. He really is almost as overpowered as Superman. That's another reason why I hated that the killed off Turtle; he was a villain that was a real challenge for Flash.

  • Love 1

Barry's character flaws are his kryptonite. His impulsiveness is what usually winds up getting him into trouble and it's why people like Captain Cold can still seemingly keep Barry at bay despite the fact that the Flash should be able to easily defeat him.


My only real problem with Barry is that he's the only one on the show that holds himself accountable for anything. Everybody else seems to pat him on the head call him a hero and give him a pep talk even when he makes avoidable mistakes.

  • Love 3

I've watched a few episodes of S1.  I don't know if Barry gets better, but he's such a whiny little bitch.  No wonder Iris chose hot detective over him. 


The S1 finale was all about precious Barry, who's weighing the fate of the world against saving his mom.  Even his dad said not to do it. 


He's no Wally West.  In the animated Justice League, Wally is the heart of the League. 

  • Love 1

Not sure where to talk about this...but I love how the Barry on Supergirl all of a sudden has his smarts back. I know he's got Cisco, Caitlyn, and Wells but there he's inventing things super buffered ear buds and writing algorithms that can hone in on electrical power all in one episode. Wish he could get a little of that mojo back on his own show.


Yep. The Barry Allen that was over on Supergirl is the Barry Allen that we need more of over here. He didn't have a team to fall back on, no various father figures to get a pep talk from, and was generally upbeat and charming. No crying or brooding. If they let go of all the melodramatic stuff, the show (and Barry) could be really fun.

  • Love 5

Yep. The Barry Allen that was over on Supergirl is the Barry Allen that we need more of over here. He didn't have a team to fall back on, no various father figures to get a pep talk from, and was generally upbeat and charming. No crying or brooding. If they let go of all the melodramatic stuff, the show (and Barry) could be really fun.

Agree 100%.


I just hope they remember this for Season 3. Mopey Barry is not good, and I don't think we need another season of that after this whole Zoom thing. We want light, fun Barry, because he's the best Barry. And he was like that in the first season too, so that needs to come back permanently, imo.

  • Love 2

Agree 100%.


I just hope they remember this for Season 3. Mopey Barry is not good, and I don't think we need another season of that after this whole Zoom thing. We want light, fun Barry, because he's the best Barry. And he was like that in the first season too, so that needs to come back permanently, imo.


Yup! But I think that he doesn't have to be as boyish as he was in season 1 bc I think that Barry as a character has been through too much in the past 2 seasons to truly recapture that innocence he had in season 1 but he can feel happiness again! That's why I liked him on Supergirl- he was fun but also mature. He wasn't completely as he was in season 1 - he was a slightly more grown-up version of himself. I liked that you could see his experience and everything he's had to work through there on his face but along with it was an ease about him - like the heavy burden he'd been carrying around had finally fallen off his shoulders. He hasn't forgotten about everything he's been through but he's come out from the other side wiser and ready for happiness again.

  • Love 4

I watched that SG episode and was impressed with Barry over there. I hope that carries back to The Flash - because THAT Barry from last night I really liked. He was smart, capable and wasn't dumbed down! I mean, I like Team Flash, but honestly their presence sucks all of the intelligence out of Barry and makes him less smart. Barry Allen is practically a genius and we got to see that on last night's SG show (still not enough to make me watch, honestly only Barry was watchable for me and maybe Cat Graham).

Barry was not only smart, he was WISE too! And what's this? He let Supergirl win because he CHECKED THE PERIMETER?!?! And he wanted them to have a PLAN?!?! Uh - WHY don't we see that Barry Allen on OUR SHOW!?

It was like watching Arrow talk to Flash. I kept thinking - having Arrow and Team Flash actually keeps Barry a bit stunted in growth because in order for them to look "better" or give them stuff to do, they take away from Barry. I'd love for them to simply show Barry be this smart and let the other characters actually BE characters in their own right and not just foils for Barry to bounce off of.

Arrow as the "smart and cunning planner" compared to the Flash's "fools rush in" trope is so old now. I'm sick of it. Move on already. Even Superman cases places because of X-Ray vision, and Supergirl should have done the same - let's not do that trope anymore anywhere. There are better ways to show the cunning of Arrow (Batman lite), the speed and brilliance of Flash, and the impulsiveness of Supergirl without making them stupid or cardboard cutouts.

And Team Flash can still be relevant without sidelining Iris and not incorporating her journalism with the whole cop thing (that's an easy connection). I wish these writers would stop siphoning off parts of Barry AllenTM as presented in the comics to other characters on Team Flash just because they love the whole "Team Arrow"/"Team Flash" blueprint they came up with. They're doing it on Supergirl too and I just find it grating and that it really infantilizes the hero. It also hurts other characters too - Iris for example. Team Flash and all that isn't bad though - they just need to do a better job incorporating the actual comic canon characteristics of iconic characters like Barry and Iris rather than letting other characters like Team Flash or Patty "borrow" from them just to give those characters more story.

Whew. I didn't realize that rant was still inside of me, lol.

  • Love 3

Yeah, pretty much Barry and Cat Grant were the only tolerable things about that episode. Does anyone here regularly watch that show? Is the dialog and acting normally that bad? That was some atrocious line delivery from some of the people. And the whole intro, which sounds a lot like the intro for The Flash made me cringe. But then, I'm not a big fan of the intros for Arrow and The Flash either, but the line delivery was bad IMO.


I was surprised to see that they had Barry be so intelligent and mature-- although, it was a bit cringeworthy when he was just telling everyone who he was. Of course, it was an alternate universe so he didn't have to worry about a secret identity so much. And he was too obvious about giving away that he was The Flash when speaking to Cat Grant. Also, why did he run in circles around Live Wire and then throw lightning at her? It would have likely occurred to him that she could be immune to lightning and that it might even boost her power. He could have just tied her up or tried to knock her out or something. But, they needed Supergirl to ultimately win, but I wish that part had been done better.


I hope they bring the more mature and intelligent Barry back for the next Flash episode.

On 7/18/2016 at 4:20 PM, Trini said:

About Grant Gustin's workout for the The Flash. Poor Grant; sounds like me in that he has to actually work at it to gain weight (muscle and/or fat).

I have a friend who has trouble gaining the weight/muscle. There are supplements people can take to increase the muscles and there are also vitamins to take to reduce the lactic acid so there is not as much soreness after the exercise.

  • Love 1

About Grant Gustin's workout for the The Flash. Poor Grant; sounds like me in that he has to actually work at it to gain weight (muscle and/or fat).

Its a good thing that the most vital skill for the character is running, well science too and so many other things. No pressure, the weight will come. He looked a little bit buffer last season, its working. Not all heroes need to be big.

Never would I have thought they would pick a Glee actor to play Barry Allen, just goes to show the range Grant Gustin has as an actor and the importance of updating and revising comics. A fantastic actor would have lost this role had they insisted on him looking like a typical comic book cover hero. Btw congrads to him on his Teen Choice Award!


Edited by HeroWorld
  • Love 2

I'm going to post this here since it's about Barry, and I don't see an Unpopular thread in this show's forum, and because I love Barry, and having been sucked into watching Arrow (insomnia people!) and reading about how much Barry is blamed, well for everything this season, I'm just doing to say this again, just, well, just because.

@immortalfrieza said it best in one of the episode threads how this stupid, fucking Flashpoint is supposed to work, but per usual, Berlanti and his writers just took one part and perverted it, for PLOT! reasons and to use it "FLASHPOINT!" as a reason why they fucked up existing storylines.

Caveat: I'm basing this on what I've been told (because I'm not a die hard comic book reader-all my knowledge is from the DCAU and the JL: Flashpoint Paradox movies.

What the show has told us--that all the changes that happened after Barry returned to the present timeline we were left with last season? WAS WRONG!  None of that, NONE OF IT, should have changed. What should have been FUCKED UP, and changed, like Dante dying, Baby Sara never being born, instead John Junior? And anything else? ALL OF THAT should have happened in the timeline where Nora and Henry are now alive and Barry thinks he's so happy, for the three months.

So, no, I'm not blaming Barry. He made the choice while still dealing with the very fresh grief of seeing his father murdered in front of him. When he finally thought Henry was back after his walkabout after being freed from prison.

I blame the writers. And Berlanti. And Johns.

I don't care if that makes me sound like I'm whining or choosing to believe what I want. I just know that they could have done it the way it was supposed to be, but they wanted to make Baby Sara disappear, and turn Cisco into a bitter and angry Eyeore. If anything, they should have made that igit, Samantha and her sekrit bebe disappear.

So, I'll sit here at my table of one who still loves Barry and doesn't blame him for all the FUBAR'd SHIT that Berlanti and the writers put into place. Because I am that petty.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
Need to clarify that show fucked up.
  • Love 2

To be fair, if you're going to talk about Flashpoint, you HAVE to talk about the new 52.  Basically they go hand in hand.  At the end of Flashpoint in the comics, there was a "merge" of universes and that's how we ended up with the new 52.  In the new 52, things were NOT as Barry left them before he created Flashpoint - they were different.  Just like on the show right now (just way bigger changes with new 52).

Thankfully the show didn't fully go new 52 because that would have been awful (just imagine most of what we knew in Seasons 1-2 being completely altered and wiped out and redone).  Instead, we got "mini new 52" with the changes you posted above.

Basically I'm saying it could have been much, much worse if they decided to just full on go new 52 on us.  The New 52 gave us Superman and Wonder Woman as a couple - which I HATE - and a whole lot of stupid changes.  I hate it.  I'm glad the show didn't fully go there.

But I do think there is some kind of reveal coming that shows something else really got messed up here on the show... we just don't know what it is.  Or what caused it.  It was Eobard who ran Barry back to let his mom die and then ran him back to present time (post flashpoint).  Who knows what else he did.

p.s.  I still like Barry too.

Edited by phoenics
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7 hours ago, phoenics said:

To be fair, if you're going to talk about Flashpoint, you HAVE to talk about the new 52.  Basically they go hand in hand.  At the end of Flashpoint in the comics, there was a "merge" of universes and that's how we ended up with the new 52.  In the new 52, things were NOT as Barry left them before he created Flashpoint - they were different.  Just like on the show right now (just way bigger changes with new 52).

Thankfully the show didn't fully go new 52 because that would have been awful (just imagine most of what we knew in Seasons 1-2 being completely altered and wiped out and redone).  Instead, we got "mini new 52" with the changes you posted above.

Basically I'm saying it could have been much, much worse if they decided to just full on go new 52 on us.  The New 52 gave us Superman and Wonder Woman as a couple - which I HATE - and a whole lot of stupid changes.  I hate it.  I'm glad the show didn't fully go there.

But I do think there is some kind of reveal coming that shows something else really got messed up here on the show... we just don't know what it is.  Or what caused it.  It was Eobard who ran Barry back to let his mom die and then ran him back to present time (post flashpoint).  Who knows what else he did.

p.s.  I still like Barry too.

Thank the TV GODS that these igits already have Supes/Clark with Lois! That pairing which shall not be named made me Ill to my stomach and something I refused and will always refuse to accept! ?

DCAU ❤?❤?Bats and Diana ❤?❤?❤FOREVAHHHHHH!!!


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I caved and bought the first two seasons and after watching and listening to the show runners about how they chose to depict Barry Allen, (more on their total tone deafness later), I just want to gloat a bit. Or rather, just jump up and down (like I did when I heard them say it), I knew it! I knew it! What did I know? Welll, they said they "cherry picked" what characteristics they wanted in their Barry, and said they took some from comic!Wally West. Remember how I said that Grant's Barry reminded me more of Wally than Barry? I was RIGHT.

Now to see if we have a thread where we can talk about the dvds...

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I'm new to the Arrowverse, so forgive me if this has been discussed ad nauseum, but I just finished the whole Invasion crossover arc, and I'm struggling with how everyone blames Barry for everything.  So, yeah, he's clueless and does stupid things, but so do pretty much everyone on all of these shows.  5 minutes after scolding him for Flashpoint, everyone hops in a time machine and goes and changes the past while we B-story with another dude who has mucked up the past.  But what gets me is how everyone seems to neglect that Thawne changed the past in the first place.  Why is the "correct" timeline the one where some douche from the future travels back in time and kills Barry's mom?  And Barry goes back in time to try to fix it, and he's the asshole?  There's a whole entire show devoted to people traipsing through time fixing the past, but fuck you, Barry?  I dunno, I don't get it.

Edited by sarthaz
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