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Barry Allen

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And he's cute. Even if he isn't blonde. Not that I prefer blondes. I don't. But Barry's 'posed to be blonde. And more importantly, from that brief trailer, he can, you know, ACT.
And even though Wally West is my favoritist Flash evah (It's all Michael Rosenbaum/Bruce Timm's fault!), I really like Barry too.
But that costume! ugh.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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Is it weird that we haven't seen where Barry lives? Iris seems to live at home with Joe. Does Barry live there, too? He is just always at Star Labs or at work. That seems a little odd to me. He is the main character! I'm beginning to suspect he has a little cot in the police precinct and sleeps in his odd pseudo-lab.

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Is it weird that we haven't seen where Barry lives? Iris seems to live at home with Joe. Does Barry live there, too? He is just always at Star Labs or at work. That seems a little odd to me. He is the main character! I'm beginning to suspect he has a little cot in the police precinct and sleeps in his odd pseudo-lab.

Isn't his house that big loft we've seen him in? Where Joe found the board that had all the articles about his mothers death and info about his father - we've seen his place quite a few times I believe; mostly in episode 3.

Edited by Princess Sparkle
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Isn't his house that big loft we've seen him in? Where Joe found the board that had all the articles about his mothers death and info about his father - we've seen his place quite a few times I believe; mostly in episode 3.

The place with the board is the police crime lab.

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I thought it was interesting that the show needed to reiterate that Barry is 25 and of drinking age. Grant does look and sound pretty young. (So does most of the rest of the cast)

We're so used to seeing 25 year-olds as teenagers that it's almost funny to see someone playing their own age. Especially since it wasn't that long ago that he was playing a teenager on Glee. 

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Oh I loved him on Glee, more than most of the cast. I shipped Blaine/Sebastian so hard. Was really glad to see Grant turn up here. I noticed his innate ability for physicality since his first scene on Glee performing Uptown Girl.

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Oh, Barry. I already loved you and then with this week's episode...ugh. So much to love about Grant Gustin and Barry Allen. First, Joe was right. Despite the tragedy that's hit him, Barry takes it all in stride. He has such innate goodness and light. It's easy to believe he's important to the future. And, he has a sense of humor. Then there's the pain (that Gustin portrayed really well), and all I want to do is give him a hug, but since I can't, I'm happy to watch the Wests hug him, even if it does mean Iris saying she loves him, but not the way he'd like. Grant Gustin is better for the role than I could have imagined. 

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Grant Gustin is better for the role than I could have imagined.

I agree. I hadn't really seen him in anything before this, but they really lucked out in casting. He good with the goofy/comedic aspects and the more dramatic/serious stuff. Related to that, I thought it was interesting that they showed Barry crying in the mid-season finale. Not a lot of shows would allow that for the leading man; except for a Single Manly Tear.

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Is there an x rated flash because I can think of several uses for that vibrating all over thing the flash does. I'm sure I'm not the first person to think of this.:) 


I'm having a hard time seeing Grant as a love interest because he's really skinny. They put him in a lot of clothing but it doesn't hide the fact that he doesn't have a lot of muscle tone. The suit does fill him out a little more but I'd love to see him less lanky. not like Eddie.... but just a little more definition. IMO

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Echoing everyone in how lucky the show is to have Grant. I can't imagine a more charismatic male lead. 


I'm beginning to suspect he has a little cot in the police precinct and sleeps in his odd pseudo-lab.

Given rent prices these days, it's not such a bad idea (so long as he has a working bathroom in there). Leave it to the genius to find ways to cut cost. 


We're so used to seeing 25 year-olds as teenagers that it's almost funny to see someone playing their own age. Especially since it wasn't that long ago that he was playing a teenager on Glee. 

He looks 25, but it's the CW. I'm 25 too, which means I look young enough to play a high school sophomore on the network. lol. 

Edited by driedfruit
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I think Grant looks fine. The Flash is a runner and runners are more skinny and toned then muscular. He's fit, so for me his body type is perfect to play the Flash.


I'm loving that Barry is allowed to be show humor and have fun. That other show is just too constantly depressing for me which is why I'm not watching it anymore. 

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They put him in a lot of clothing but it doesn't hide the fact that he doesn't have a lot of muscle tone.



He looks fit when he's shirtless or in a t-shirt, not at all scrawny. I think it might be because his layers aren't fitted, so they make him seem thinner than he actually is. 

Edited by driedfruit
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He looks fit when he's shirtless or in a t-shirt, not at all scrawny. I think it might be because his layers aren't fitted, so they make him seem thinner than he actually is.


I was watching the Barry Allen episodes of Arrow recently, and GG is noticeably skinnier there. He has definitely beefed up a bit since then.

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On other boards I keep seeing the comment that this Barry is is best version of Peter Parker they've seen. Heh. There are definitely similarities, but I think it more to do with the show following typical nerd fantasy and comic tropes.


And now that he's been called "the Scarlet Speedster" on the show, maybe that can be the the thread sub-title?

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So, I'm only slightly surprised that some people didn't realize that Grant could sing, so I thought even though this is a Barry thread, maybe it can be a Grant thread too? I'm not sure, so feel free to move this wherever, mods! But I wanted to post some links to Grant's talent, for those who are not aware of what this wonderful man can do. I've been a fan of Grant since I first saw him on Glee, so I kind of...got slightly obsessed in 2011 about him and have been loyally following him everywhere (yes, even that god awful 90210). But I wanted to post some links of Grant singing.


Above is a clip of Grant singing on Glee, and you see his character, Sebastian, is so much different than Barry or any other character he's been. 
This one is from his time at college; he's really good at tap, apparently. 
And this one gives more of his vocal ability.

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They keep mentioning how Barry is a great hero but other than haphazardly and ineffectually taking out the Villains of the Week he doesn't seem overly burdened by his double life of rescuing everyone in Central City? from random disasters. Barry seems to have a lot of spare time for a guy with a full time job and being the lab rat for Star Labs and crimefighting all hours.

Edited by wayne67
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On other boards I keep seeing the comment that this Barry is is best version of Peter Parker they've seen. Heh. There are definitely similarities, but I think it more to do with the show following typical nerd fantasy and comic tropes.


And now that he's been called "the Scarlet Speedster" on the show, maybe that can be the the thread sub-title?

The way they write Barry is pretty different from the Barry of the comics. I would say he's moe Peter Parker/Static esque. 

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He can do everything at super speed, including mental activities.  His job probably takes him about 5 minutes a day.


I don't think that would cover all his actual work obligations, like visiting the crime scenes, collecting samples, testing them for DNA and trace elements; he may go super fast but if you mishandle an expensive piece of equipment you're going to end up breaking it.


Also the CSI lab he works in should have tonnes of cameras as it's above a police station for whatever nonsense reason. If he's worried about living wherever he used to because of all the coming and going at superspeed I find it hard to believe he does CSI stuff at super speed in the police station. Then again he stole a sandwich from his boss just for laughs so maybe he doesn't care that much about compromising his alter ego.


Perhaps he netflix really quickly but his internet connection probably wouldn't compensate for his high speed brain.


That said for a genius with supposedly super fast mental processing, his plans always suck.

Edited by wayne67
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Is there an x rated flash because I can think of several uses for that vibrating all over thing the flash does. I'm sure I'm not the first person to think of this.:)


Well they addressed that the last episode.  :D  The downside being it'll be over in -um- a flash.



I liked how the crossover with Arrow showed that while Barry is a fun-loving, upbeat guy, he still has his own issues and flaws to deal with. His past tragedies with his parents, and he can be cocky and careless sometimes.

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Well they addressed that the last episode.  :D  The downside being it'll be over in -um- a flash.



I liked how the crossover with Arrow showed that while Barry is a fun-loving, upbeat guy, he still has his own issues and flaws to deal with. His past tragedies with his parents, and he can be cocky and careless sometimes.


Regarding the X rated stuff... Barry also has a super fast recovery rate so I'd imagine it'd be like one of those massaging chairs that just buzz for a second infrequently between long gaps and gets into a really GOOOD LONG vibrations session and I've now officially spent too much time thinking out the logistics of The Flash's future sex life.


Speaking of. Has Barry ever had a girlfriend ?


emphasis mine but hasn't Barry been reckless more or less every episode? Rushing in half cocked for most fights?


I haven't noticed any significant improvement since he lost the bet with Arrow.

Edited by wayne67
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He can do everything at super speed, including mental activities. His job probably takes him about 5 minutes a day.

Ha! This cracked me up. So true.

I have never thought of him as anything like peter Parker aside from generic comic book. I do occasionally sing the 'my secret identity' theme song when I'm watch the show.

Edited by Shanna
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emphasis mine but hasn't Barry been reckless more or less every episode? Rushing in half cocked for most fights?


I haven't noticed any significant improvement since he lost the bet with Arrow.


Hmm, I'll have to really go back and examine to see if he's doing better in that dept.



Speaking of. Has Barry ever had a girlfriend ?

According to Iris, no. But you never know; they could always bring up someone later, and say that Barry never told her [insert silly reason here].



... I do occasionally sing the 'my secret identity' theme song when I'm watch the show.


OT:  Wow, it's rare to find people who admit to watching that show! So did I.  :-)  /OT

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After my latest rant in the episode thread, I think this show would have been better served by making Barry younger.  The only adult thing about him is his job, which we don't see him doing much of anymore.  It annoys me immensely that he's an adult mostly in name, not in practice.  I read a lot about how he's flawed and human. But he's also a bit of a jerk.  Yet as a viewer, I feel I am to perceive him as a "nice" guy.  As The Flash, he's rather likeable.  As Barry Allen? I can barely tolerate him.


Whereas many viewers are likely railing against Iris after this episode, I thought Barry made himself look poorly all on his own.  I could live with his flaws if I felt like I was meant to see his flaws.  But I suspect that I should be more like, "Oh, gosh, that Barry! The whipper-snapper! Bless his heart!" while playfully rustling his hair.


No, writers, what I really want is for him to grow up.   Part of that means being accountable for his actions and decisions, and how the Flash isn't JUST awesome, but a responsibility.  I don't see that after 13 episodes, and I'm not confident I'll see it in future episodes.

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Regarding the X rated stuff... Barry also has a super fast recovery rate so I'd imagine it'd be like one of those massaging chairs that just buzz for a second infrequently between long gaps and gets into a really GOOOD LONG vibrations session and I've now officially spent too much time thinking out the logistics of The Flash's future sex life.


DC has poked fun at it before. Like here with Wally West in Justice League Unlimited.


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After my latest rant in the episode thread, I think this show would have been better served by making Barry younger.  The only adult thing about him is his job, which we don't see him doing much of anymore.  It annoys me immensely that he's an adult mostly in name, not in practice.  I read a lot about how he's flawed and human. But he's also a bit of a jerk.  Yet as a viewer, I feel I am to perceive him as a "nice" guy.  As The Flash, he's rather likeable.  As Barry Allen? I can barely tolerate him.


Whereas many viewers are likely railing against Iris after this episode, I thought Barry made himself look poorly all on his own.  I could live with his flaws if I felt like I was meant to see his flaws.  But I suspect that I should be more like, "Oh, gosh, that Barry! The whipper-snapper! Bless his heart!" while playfully rustling his hair.


No, writers, what I really want is for him to grow up.   Part of that means being accountable for his actions and decisions, and how the Flash isn't JUST awesome, but a responsibility.  I don't see that after 13 episodes, and I'm not confident I'll see it in future episodes.

That's part of the reason I get so frustrated watching this show. Barry is always told what a great guy and hero he is and I'm like STOP TELLING ME THAT AND START SHOWING IT. Between the creepy crush he has on his faux foster sister with his foster father's approval (GROSS) and his epic flails stopping the villain of the week it just grates on my nerves so much.


If they wanted to prove that Barry is manning up and taking being The Flash seriously then he needs to read a book or ten about fighting/combat/military strategies/ crowd control. Running at super speed is not enough to make him a hero in my book nor does saving the random civilian for the sake of being praised for it. Being a hero is taking the concept of civilian casualties seriously and stopping the bad guys from getting away with murder.


For instance Captain Cold actually murdered someone and kidnapped one of his friends/coworkers or however you'd like to describe Caitlin and noone seems like they care about tracking the guy down. They all seem too busy nicknaming the villains and engaging in dull love triangles.


And on that note I think I need to take a chill pill ... lol

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LOL wayne67 - I have some chill pills left over - I had to take half a bottle earlier... want some? Although I agree with you about Barry (well except the faux sister part - but you already know that, lol).

I do think they've mixed him a bit with Wally West, which disappoints me because I'd hoped to see him on the show at some point.

My fave flash episode from JLU was when they had The Flash (voiced by Michael Rosenbaum) and Lex Luthor (voiced by Clancy) do a brain swap. I got such a kick out of having MR voice Lex Luthor in animated form. He even mimicked Clancy's voice inflections and added just a tinge of Smallville Lex.

Good times.

Edited by phoenics
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LOL wayne67 - I have some chill pills left over - I had to take half a bottle earlier... want some? Although I agree with you about Barry (well except the faux sister part - but you already know that, lol).


Bring on the pills :P


Sometimes I feel like I have to shut down my brain to enjoy a lot of action adventure type tv shows because the main character keeps doing dumb things repeatedly while being praised for how big their heart is. *VOMITS*


It's not as bad as The Tomorrow People since Grant can act whereas only 20% of Robbie Amell's scene were bearable and that was usually when he was paired with Astrid who allowed him to ditch the tortured superhero nonsense.


Barry comes across as a lazy dater more often than not. What is it with super heroes just attaching themselves to someone who doesn't appreciate them or notice them for years ? Are they supposed to be gluttons for punishment? or is it supposed to endear them to the audience?

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What is it with super heroes just attaching themselves to someone who doesn't appreciate them or notice them for years ? Are they supposed to be gluttons for punishment?


Are you implying that Iris doesn't appreciate Barry or am I reading this wrong?

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Bring on the pills :P


Sometimes I feel like I have to shut down my brain to enjoy a lot of action adventure type tv shows because the main character keeps doing dumb things repeatedly while being praised for how big their heart is. *VOMITS*


It's not as bad as The Tomorrow People since Grant can act whereas only 20% of Robbie Amell's scene were bearable and that was usually when he was paired with Astrid who allowed him to ditch the tortured superhero nonsense.


Barry comes across as a lazy dater more often than not. What is it with super heroes just attaching themselves to someone who doesn't appreciate them or notice them for years ? Are they supposed to be gluttons for punishment? or is it supposed to endear them to the audience?

I get what you're saying, but where has it been shown on the show that Iris doesn't appreciate him?

I mean - she's currently not reciprocating his feelings, but she definitely has been repeatedly shown as appreciating him.

Just because Barry has feelings for her and finally told him doesn't mean she's obligated to reciprocate. I think she is/will eventually, but that kind of "nice guy" stuff bothers me.

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Are you implying that Iris doesn't appreciate Barry or am I reading this wrong?


I was thinking more of Clark Kent crushing on Lois Lane in the tv show with Dean Cain or Clark Kent with Lana Lang in Smallville or Peter Parker over his next door neighbor.


I think Iris appreciates Barry as a friend but I don't think she really notices him as a male or she would have noticed what even Barry's dad noticed from prison. Perhaps a certain kind of obliviousness is in play. Then what usually happens is when the 'hero' moves onto another female, the original love interest starts acting all passive aggressive and jealous about the unattached male looking around for other options so he doesn't have to die alone or stay celibate indefinitely. Meanwhile the love interest ignores the fact that she's usually in a relationship with someone else so it all comes across as everyone sucking. YMMV


Then again we've seen little of Iris POV since the confession so it's hard to tell how much she appreciates Barry as an adult male instead of goofy best friend from childhood and that guy she grew up in the same house (and that will never not be creepy to me )

Edited by wayne67
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But they didn't really grow up together. Barry was apparently 11 years old when he moved in. That's puberty time - there is no way Iris and Barry saw themselves as siblings... he already had a crush on her before he moved in.

I had crushes on boys when I was 9 years old (I thought one was really cute) - and definitely had them when I was 11!

I guess it just doesn't seem odd to me... *shrugs*

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But they didn't really grow up together. Barry was apparently 11 years old when he moved in. That's puberty time - there is no way Iris and Barry saw themselves as siblings... he already had a crush on her before he moved in.

I had crushes on boys when I was 9 years old (I thought one was really cute) - and definitely had them when I was 11!

I guess it just doesn't seem odd to me... *shrugs*


Barry may have not considered Iris like a sibling but Iris might have... Which might explain Iris's obliviousness to Barry's crush if she considered Barry a mix of younger brother and best friend.


They spent at least 7 years living in the same house where Joe would have been his surrogate father and presumably his guardian if he didn't outright adopt the parentless young Barry. I keep picturing Barry wandering around the house for 7 years crushing on an ever growing Iris and it creeps me the hell out.


It might just be me though. It wouldn't be the first time.


I didn't find Barry super speeding past Iris's work endearing either, just creepy.

Edited by wayne67
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According to Iris, no. But you never know; they could always bring up someone later, and say that Barry never told her [insert silly reason here].


Whoops, I was wrong; Iris said he hasn't had a girlfriend "in a  while".

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I think Iris appreciates Barry as a friend but I don't think she really notices him as a male or she would have noticed what even Barry's dad noticed from prison. Perhaps a certain kind of obliviousness is in play. Then what usually happens is when the 'hero' moves onto another female, the original love interest starts acting all passive aggressive and jealous about the unattached male looking around for other options so he doesn't have to die alone or stay celibate indefinitely. Meanwhile the love interest ignores the fact that she's usually in a relationship with someone else so it all comes across as everyone sucking. YMMV


But that's not the case with Barry/Iris. Eddie is the first serious boyfriend Iris has had, and that's only after Barry was taken out of her life for nine months. Maybe they weren't physically romantic, but it's implied that Barry was fulfilling the role of the significant other in Iris' life as she was in his. So it was never a case of him pining away all on his emo self for years, while she was out having great romances. 


Then again we've seen little of Iris POV since the confession so it's hard to tell how much she appreciates Barry as an adult male instead of goofy best friend from childhood and that guy she grew up in the same house (and that will never not be creepy to me )



All the spoilers point to us getting Iris' POV in the near future, so I'm not worried there. And I wager Iris sees him as both. Goofy childhood best friend, definitely. But also as an adult man who is the absolute greatest and deserves hot women like Felicity dating him. 

Edited by driedfruit
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But that's not the case with Barry/Iris. Eddie is the first serious boyfriend Iris has had, and that's only after Barry was taken out of her life for nine months. Maybe they weren't physically romantic, but it's implied that Barry was fulfilling the role of the significant other in Iris' life as she was in his. So it was never a case of him pining away all on his emo self for years, while she was out having great romances. 


So for the last 8 years of their lives they sublimated their desire for romance with each other and I'm supposed to think that's healthy and sweet? I think not.


Barry was in love with her for all that time so highschool and college must have been weird, being so close and yet not actually being in a relationship.


Do we know that Eddie is Iris first serious boyfriend ?

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Honestly I think that's fairly normal.

I just got out of a "friend-lationship" like that - it went on for so long I think because we each filled the role of SO in each other's lives without actually being SO's - we were best friends. It was safe and easy. We did date other people - but a lot of times other people just didn't "stack up" to "us". I think this happens more often than you think... people have a BFF of the opposite sex and it's kind of a relationship, but not, so as a result, no other serious relationships have the chance to form romantically. I'm sure we can all think of a time in our lives when we were hung up on "a friend" and thus no other person could compare, so we kinda kept everyone else at a distance. It's not really something you think about in reality, it's something you realize more in hindsight.

About Iris - I think she alluded to the fact that Eddie was her first serious relationship - and that probably only happened because Barry was in a coma.

And according to Iris, Barry hasn't had a girlfriend in a while. I don't think anyone could stack up to Iris in his mind.

I think Iris and Barry each probably had dates and stuff - just nothing serious ever. That's partly why I think they might be trying to rush Barry/Linda - to give the impression that Barry has a real serious thing going on before they pair him with Iris (if they decide to do that after all).

Given that both of them are still rather young - 25ish, I think this isn't all that strange.

Edited by phoenics
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Whoops, I was wrong; Iris said he hasn't had a girlfriend "in a  while".



Well, seeing as Iris was stumbling all over her words when answering that question, I'm not really sure the writers know if Barry would have had a girlfriend, or a 'girlfriend' (as in probably a fifth grade crush). 


Barry can be somewhat of a jerk, sure, but I do think he's proven that he's a really good guy and can be a hero. I think because he's been a superhero for a total of four months, he's still in the 'honeymoon' stage, where he's thinking more about having fun and doing the right thing and stopping bad guys and he's been somewhat successful. Even when Oliver gives him advice, he doesn't really take it and goes back to what he's doing before. It was Reverse Flash beating him that had Barry finally start training to strengthen his powers, but I think it'll have to be some big event that has Barry snap out of his honeymoon stage and start really focusing on his abilities. 


He's definitely not a bad guy, though. He just falls into the unfortunate 'good guy' trope, where he pines over a best friend and then does stupid stuff because of it. 


That's part of the reason I get so frustrated watching this show. Barry is always told what a great guy and hero he is and I'm like STOP TELLING ME THAT AND START SHOWING IT. Between the creepy crush he has on his faux foster sister with his foster father's approval (GROSS) and his epic flails stopping the villain of the week it just grates on my nerves so much.



You know, I do think that they do show how Barry is actually a great guy and a hero. Every (other) episode when they show him using his powers, he's doing something good. Whether that's speeding by and giving a woman some money like the last episode, or saving a guy from committing suicide, or even giving someone flowers (ok, I do hope he paid for those!), they do show him doing the good deeds and it's not out of selfishness, like trying to impress Iris or anything. He does those things from the good of his heart. Ok sure, he steals a mugger's clothes and brings a cop to arrest him (for public indecency, I guess?), but I don't think that was mean spirited, but just as a joke/in good fun. 


I don't blame him for not being a great superhero because he's still learning. He knows how to use his powers, but he doesn't know how to use them well. He knows the basics, like running really fast, but he doesn't know how to utilize them even further, and he's sloppy so he makes tons of mistakes. I also don't believe the crush is that creepy. As long as they aren't really related, then I'm ok with it. But I definitely see why there are people like you who think it's creepy, I really understand it. In normal circumstances, I would even think the same thing, but I guess I see these as abnormal circumstances.

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DC has poked fun at it before. Like here with Wally West in Justice League Unlimited.



Ha! I remember that scene. There's been discussion here, and perhaps elsewhere, that the show patterned Barry after Wally West and/or Peter Parker more than comic!Barry Allen.  If that's accurate, it just validates my concerns.  Because as much as Wally was loved by his team members, he also had to contend with them NOT taking him seriously because of his immaturity. So now we possibly have a Wally-esque Barry as the protagonist all day everyday, he's clearly immature (and not just in the sense of his relatively new powers), but the audience is supposed to root for and sympathize with him. 


I totally understand why Candice Patton as Iris is a big deal, but my issue has always been how they've written the Barry side of that relationship (and this was well before the mid-season finale).  They decided to make them extremely close friends while Barry is pulling dick moves while she's dating and keeping secrets from her, yet I'm supposed to feel sorry for Barry because Iris doesn't immediately reciprocate his feelings?  Never mind why Barry loves Iris, why does he even deserve her as a romantic partner?  I should not be thinking, "Iris! Run, girl, run as far as you can.  Stick with Eddie!"        


As much as I enjoyed animated!Wally West, I also liked that he was tempered by his more mature teammates.  We don't really get that on this show, as The Flash is the focus. And when a cartoon does a better job of treating their superheros as flawed by having others appropriately call them out, and laying out consequences for their actions, nay their very existence, immediate and long-term, that's...not good. 


I'm fine with Barry being a hero, thus my preference for the The Flash.  When he's in Flash mode and/or interacting with his team members, he's more likeable to me because it's usually not about him and his boy-angst. 

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While there are some similarities with Barry Allen's Flash on this show and Wally's on JLU, I would say that they are still way different. Wally was much more out there with his feelings and much more immature. While Barry seems young on this show, I think he's more Peter Parker than Wally West. Peter Parker liked to crack one liners at his enemies too sometimes...

Wally West is like this show's flash times 10 million in terms of campy jokester.

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I wonder if they'll bring Wally onto the show? 

Before I would've said no, because this is Barry's show, but Arrow doesn't seem to care that it's called Arrow anymore. So it's entirely possible to bring in more heroes on this show. 

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I actually really don't care for the whole Firestorm story so I hope they dont bring on too many more heroes. I want to watch a show about The Flash not badly written versions of other DC heroes shoehorned into The Flash's universe.

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Well, seeing as Iris was stumbling all over her words when answering that question, I'm not really sure the writers know if Barry would have had a girlfriend, or a 'girlfriend' (as in probably a fifth grade crush). 


Barry can be somewhat of a jerk, sure, but I do think he's proven that he's a really good guy and can be a hero. I think because he's been a superhero for a total of four months, he's still in the 'honeymoon' stage, where he's thinking more about having fun and doing the right thing and stopping bad guys and he's been somewhat successful. Even when Oliver gives him advice, he doesn't really take it and goes back to what he's doing before. It was Reverse Flash beating him that had Barry finally start training to strengthen his powers, but I think it'll have to be some big event that has Barry snap out of his honeymoon stage and start really focusing on his abilities. 


He's definitely not a bad guy, though. He just falls into the unfortunate 'good guy' trope, where he pines over a best friend and then does stupid stuff because of it. 



You know, I do think that they do show how Barry is actually a great guy and a hero. Every (other) episode when they show him using his powers, he's doing something good. Whether that's speeding by and giving a woman some money like the last episode, or saving a guy from committing suicide, or even giving someone flowers (ok, I do hope he paid for those!), they do show him doing the good deeds and it's not out of selfishness, like trying to impress Iris or anything. He does those things from the good of his heart. Ok sure, he steals a mugger's clothes and brings a cop to arrest him (for public indecency, I guess?), but I don't think that was mean spirited, but just as a joke/in good fun. 


I don't blame him for not being a great superhero because he's still learning. He knows how to use his powers, but he doesn't know how to use them well. He knows the basics, like running really fast, but he doesn't know how to utilize them even further, and he's sloppy so he makes tons of mistakes. I also don't believe the crush is that creepy. As long as they aren't really related, then I'm ok with it. But I definitely see why there are people like you who think it's creepy, I really understand it. In normal circumstances, I would even think the same thing, but I guess I see these as abnormal circumstances.


I don't expect him to be the bestest hero ever immediately but it takes him up to 3 fights usually to overcome humans with weapons or metahumans with obvious weaknesses and the only person to call him out on his continual ineptitude was Oliver who he basically ignored. Then there's everyone giving him free passes for nearly killing Eddie (and Oliver) and engaging with the stupidest super prison ever and having no curiosity about the motives of Dr Wells and I'm like UGH with the hero propping.


It's like how they showed he was super smart in the first episode and then made a point that he could process information faster than any human ever and yet... He just spends every other episode bumbling around fighting petty crooks and thugs. Even the genius supervillains come up with the stupidest plans ever, lure Flash onto a bridge with equipment you don't totally control; or lure Flash to some random office buildings with cops all around the place. None of which makes much sense for a 12 year old to come up with, let alone purported genius level villains.

Edited by wayne67
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Barry was under a meta humans power when he beat up Eddie, So I kind of understand the pass on that. Normal Barry would never done that. 


I agree with Barry's stupidity on dealing with the meta humans with no planning. He just runs there and hopes for the best. That's not really showing me that he's super smart. I would like more team work with the planning before he just runs out there. 


That issues also shows me that these writers don't have much a plan of this show. They basically do the same thing every episodes. Meta human shows up, Barry runs to them, gets beat, runs back to the lab, they figure out who the person is, Barry runs to them again, gets beat up, runs back to lab, the team figures out how to defeat the bad guy, Barry runs to them again and finally gets the upper hand and throws them in a tiny cell with no amenities.


I also wish he's stop calling himself a hero. A real hero wouldn't need that validation. They save lives because it's the right thing to do, not for the glory. 

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