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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

If a person/family was never featured on any of the Duggar shows, and is not related to the Duggar family by blood or marriage, they do not need to be discussed here..

We may all agree that David Rodriques is quite unfortunate looking, but let's refrain from comparing human beings to apes, its got way too much of a loaded history- please review the new Inclusion Policy updated May 1, 2022 , which details guidelines around discussing body type, capabilities, physical appearance etc. Additionally, using body size as an insult is not allowed.


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Samuel's girl is friends with Nurie and Hannah Reber Keller. Which doesn't advance the Rod standing at all. But she fawns over "mrs jill" and will quite happily fall in love with the beautiful amish country and join the church of the week with the rodrigues and hill families.

In my opinion she would live in a trailer on the barndo property and hang out with all of them every day. If Samuel wants to be off the grift tour he will have to man up. Not seeing that in him at all so far.

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Jill's dreams of finding financially solid husbands for her unmarried daughters is a bit of a stretch. Uber Fundy men are set up to fail at birth. They are undereducated, won't work for women and most don't have employable skills.

The Duggar brothers were at least exposed to construction and real estate and have some marketable 'skills'. But look at the Bates brothers. I believe a couple stepped out of the Fundy boundaries and had/have real jobs, but a few are barely employed.

And the Duggar/Bates SsIL aren't much better, but for a few.

In other words, Jill is up against slim pickings.

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2 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Jill's dreams of finding financially solid husbands for her unmarried daughters is a bit of a stretch. Uber Fundy men are set up to fail at birth. They are undereducated, won't work for women and most don't have employable skills.

The Duggar brothers were at least exposed to construction and real estate and have some marketable 'skills'. But look at the Bates brothers. I believe a couple stepped out of the Fundy boundaries and had/have real jobs, but a few are barely employed.

And the Duggar/Bates SsIL aren't much better, but for a few.

In other words, Jill is up against slim pickings.

They can always become one of 1000s of pastors out there. lol! 

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49 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

In other words, Jill is up against slim pickings.

Even if Jill finds one, she might rule them out for whatever Jill reason. Renee's guy was employed, but set boundaries, so Jill and God placed it on Renee's heart he was not the one. Now Renee is content in this stage of life waiting for her man. Jill is content with Renee's stage of life because Renee is organized, cooks and cleans, does whatever minimal necessary to home school the younger girls for video content.

But Jill won't want a bunch of unmarried 22 yr olds because Jill would appear to have marrying age females no one wants to marry.

I think she was possibly embarrassed when Samuel was introducing himself at a grift stop this winter and the pastor leapt up and said something like "samuel is 19, handsome and looking for a godly wife." Jill certainly could not say well he hasn't graduated yet, because 19.


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7 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

WE can only hope one gets away even partially. I wonder how Jill would be if her daughter did like Jill Dillard, pants, piercings.... or like Jinger. Or if a son married a non-fundie. Tim is close. 

I think Jill R. would lose her mind because she couldn’t parade herself as the perfect Christian wife and mother. She’s made digs at the Duggars wearing pants. I can’t imagine it being one of her own kids. 

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45 minutes ago, merylinkid said:

Birthing an army of Dog to take over  my aunt fanny.  Dudes you can't even hold a decent paying job and you're gonna run the country?

They want The Handmaid’s Tale IRL.  For this goal it is better to breed uneducated, Kool Aid-guzzling sheeple en masse and have a few better-educated hierarchy to rule.  People who are somewhat educated and free-thinking tend to ask a lot of questions. Cant have too many questions now, can we?

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Words by Jill:


What a JOY it was to spend last week with my parents on my sister Amy ( Kevin Foster ) 's property!  ❤️  What a BLESSING my dear family is to me!  I love and appreciate them more than words can describe!  😊 

Now a days, grudges are held, bitterness is applauded, and unthankfulness is abounding within families.  😥😢  Forgiveness for each other's flaws is no longer taught and books are written to expose their families short comings.   It is heart breaking to watch.  😭

Guess what?  There is not ONE perfect parent or human on earth.....including US!  It is time that we stop blaming all of life's troubles on our past.  We need to "own" our own sin and find victory in Jesus!  😁

My family is not perfect, but I love them and am FIERCELY loyal to them!  🥰  They are my FAVORITE humans on earth and I look up to them as some of my greatest heroes on earth! ❤️

It is time we appreciate our rich heritage! 💛 If you are someone who never had that, find your joy and security in becoming a Christian and being a part of the family of God!  😊🥰  

Psalms 16:6 "The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage."

With Timothy Noyes

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Saying that your kids are your favorite people and that you look up to them would be a really nice thing to say, if I thought for one hot second that Jill meant any of it.  My kids are adults and I actually DO look up to them because they're out in the world living their lives and doing cool things.  But Jill cannot look up to someone she considers beneath her. 

And those books Jill speaks of...surely she didn't read them.  Just like Dave doesn't watch tv.


Edited by laurakaye
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So now Jill is preaching loyalty to family. Not the most healthy message. Sharing a bloodline does not require any obligation to accept behaviors that are unacceptable. 

And this coming from a woman who has never 'dropped everything' to come to a family member's need. This from a woman who loves herself more than she loves Jesus.

If there truly is a heaven and a hell, Jill is in for the biggest surprise of her life, well, er, her death.

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25 minutes ago, satrunrose said:

Ooohhhhh, I would say shots fired, but I really doubt other Jill and/or Jinger cares too much what Mahmo Rod thinks of them. 

But praise Lord Daniel of the laundromat if one of the Rod kids is writing a tell-all.

Nah, the Fosters probably pointed out that Jill was doing diddly squat to help out with Jill's mom and they had to do all the work.     But Jill graciously forgave them for their unkind words and stopped by for her annual freeloading.


Jill has been reading social media complaining about her being a negligent parent again and had to hit back.    "I'm not negligent, I look up to my kids, so what if they look malnourished and dressed like Victorian street urchins, no one is perfect."

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1 hour ago, satrunrose said:

oohhhhh, I would say shots fired, but I really doubt other Jill and/or Jinger cares too much what Mahmo Rod thinks of them. 

It’s possible that her extended family reunion involved an adult that isn’t thrilled with their Noyes family ( or  specifically the Rods) for some reason.  I think I’ve seen a few pants/sleeveless top wearing females in a few of her photos.  Maybe a discussion didn’t go Jill’s way. 

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15 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

It’s possible that her extended family reunion involved an adult that isn’t thrilled with their Noyes family ( or  specifically the Rods) for some reason.  I think I’ve seen a few pants/sleeveless top wearing females in a few of her photos.  Maybe a discussion didn’t go Jill’s way. 

Good point. Or maybe she just overheard some comments that weren't intended for her ears, that were less than enthusiastic about Jill or her kids or her Hunk. I don't think it takes much to set Jill off to fire out a clapback. All vague and as wrapped up in Jesus-y words as possible. "Nobody's perfect. But we are humble, like the most humble people EVAH, and anyway we love Jesus better than you, so nyah nyah nyah." 

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33 minutes ago, Minivanessa said:

Good point. Or maybe she just overheard some comments that weren't intended for her ears, that were less than enthusiastic about Jill or her kids or her Hunk. I don't think it takes much to set Jill off to fire out a clapback. All vague and as wrapped up in Jesus-y words as possible. "Nobody's perfect. But we are humble, like the most humble people EVAH, and anyway we love Jesus better than you, so nyah nyah nyah." 

Yes, I think Jill's panties get bunched at the slightest hint of a negative opinion.  If someone at church had the nerve to ask her to put her phone down so they could see better or asked her kids to pipe down since they seem to spend quite a bit of time at the services talking amongst themselves; Jill would've been highly offended and feel the need to retaliate via social media.

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17 minutes ago, Notabug said:

Yes, I think Jill's panties get bunched at the slightest hint of a negative opinion.  If someone at church had the nerve to ask her to put her phone down so they could see better or asked her kids to pipe down since they seem to spend quite a bit of time at the services talking amongst themselves; Jill would've been highly offended and feel the need to retaliate via social media.

Could Jill be having trouble at her new church? That's a shame. She hasn't had nearly enough time to squeeze everything she can out of the people there. Usually, she can get in a couple of years or more of hard grifting before she and David have a "doctrinal disagreement" with the members and the leadership and stomp out with their passel of waifs in a righteous hissy fit. 

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I think they've been on the road, first to the family July 4th party, and then heading down to Florida for Jill's Nurie's delivery of JILL'S FIRST GRANDDAUGHTER. So she may not have spent much time just lately at their new church back home. 

Although as we know, there's really no way to tell what hurt her fee-fees and set off that onslaught of words.  Or when it happened. 

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A version of this ⬇️ is likely on pages 1, 13, 58 and 99 in the Plexus handbook. 🐍


"Yes, my job is a MLM.  Sometimes I worry about the judgemens that so many have for network marketing.  😬  But the truth is, they probably have those judgements from bad, past experiences OR simply not understanding it. 😢

Network marketing pays ME (us the people) to do their advertising rather than TV, Internet, magazines, etc. To be honest, the company that I work for is the MOST generous company I know!"

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Exactly! I'm a godless heathen and a hater for having an education and a career (in a helping profession), but Jill's building a legacy for Jesus by peddling snake oil. 🙄

Also, did Jill take a moment to pray over how Jesus reacted to the folks who combined commerce with religion?

Edited by satrunrose
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These posts are making me suspicious.  There are no grammatical errors or random commas.  In fact, commas are used correctly, which we have never seen.   No capitalized words in the middle of sentences, and the sentences are complete sentences.  This is nothing like her posts that she has posted.  Are we sure she actually wrote this, or is an educated friend helping her?  Or maybe it is not Jill, but a like-minded person who is writing for her.  I don't think this is Jill's work.

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2 hours ago, ginger90 said:

More words from Jill:


Yes, my job is a MLM.  Sometimes I worry about the judgemens that so many have for network marketing.  😬  But the truth is, they probably have those judgements from bad, past experiences OR simply not understanding it. 😢

Network marketing pays ME (us the people) to do their advertising rather than TV, Internet, magazines, etc. To be honest, the company that I work for is the MOST generous company I know!  

I love what I do and when I was doing my prayer time this morning, I was praying about leaving a legacy. ❤️ My family is my legacy, but  I want to reach the top of my company to enable me to make even a GREATER difference for Christ. 

In spite of the nay sayers, I cannot keep it to myself, and I want to share my story and all I have learned about health over the past 8 years! 😉 I want to share what it means to steward the body God gave us! I want to share how this financial opportunity can enable you to accomplish things you never thought possible in your lifetime. 😁

If you are struggling with fatigue, digestion, brain fog, weight, sugar cravings, etc. I would love to help you with something that will help get to the root cause 🫶🏻

Come join me for an opportunity of a lifetime......cause what if this could change everything for YOU?!!!  🥰


Interesting comments on Jill's fb post. I assume the second Foster is somehow related to the upline Foster

Screenshot (688).png

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34 minutes ago, CalicoKitty said:

These posts are making me suspicious.  There are no grammatical errors or random commas.  In fact, commas are used correctly, which we have never seen.   No capitalized words in the middle of sentences, and the sentences are complete sentences.  This is nothing like her posts that she has posted.  Are we sure she actually wrote this, or is an educated friend helping her?  Or maybe it is not Jill, but a like-minded person who is writing for her.  I don't think this is Jill's work.

I'd wager a copy/paste job from another hun. 

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On 7/10/2024 at 8:30 PM, Lady Edith said:

They want The Handmaid’s Tale IRL.  For this goal it is better to breed uneducated, Kool Aid-guzzling sheeple en masse and have a few better-educated hierarchy to rule.  People who are somewhat educated and free-thinking tend to ask a lot of questions. Cant have too many questions now, can we?

I’m re-reading the handmaid’s tale now and have to put it down in fear sometimes. It’s actually happening. 

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9 hours ago, graybrown bird said:


I hope people are reporting her all over SM. I no longer use FB and have never used instagram, so I’ll leave it to others.

8 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

A version of this ⬇️ is likely on pages 1, 13, 58 and 99 in the Plexus handbook. 🐍


"Yes, my job is a MLM.  Sometimes I worry about the judgemens that so many have for network marketing.  😬  But the truth is, they probably have those judgements from bad, past experiences OR simply not understanding it. 😢

Network marketing pays ME (us the people) to do their advertising rather than TV, Internet, magazines, etc. To be honest, the company that I work for is the MOST generous company I know!"

I would hope that Plexus corporate had some competent copy editors, but who knows? It’s *judgment and *WE the people, geniuses.

Edited by AstridM
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5 hours ago, AstridM said:

I hope people are reporting her all over SM. I no longer use FB and have never used instagram, so I’ll leave it to others.

The problem with reporting that particular post is, she doesn’t mention Plexus by name, and that is on purpose. 

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5 hours ago, AstridM said:

I would hope that Plexus corporate had some competent copy editors, but who knows? It’s *judgment and *WE the people, geniuses.

I'm guessing they have many examples in a handbook with instructions to personalize it.

With that said I never assume any business/agency has competent higher level employees - ever.

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I’m not able to post pictures but Jill has posted some pictures at the most recent church (in WV, I believe) they were at.  There’s a picture of the Hill family (IMO, Jonathan no longer has a job) and Gideon is wearing a pair of cowboy boots with a big heel on them.  WTF puts shoes like that on a baby who will soon start walking?  WTF IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE????

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1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

I'm guessing they have many examples in a handbook with instructions to personalize it.

Even if there's no handbook, we know the MLM companies are always having "trainings" - in person, zoom, etc. - which their huns are pressured to attend. Where I'm sure they share these boilerplate messages along with all their usual rah-rah.

Or, Jill just could have seen that message on another hun's social media feed, liked it, and taken it for her own use. If it's grammatical, without random capitalizations and an overdose of emojis, as has been said, it's highly unlikely that Jill created it.

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1 hour ago, farmgal4 said:

I’m not able to post pictures but Jill has posted some pictures at the most recent church (in WV, I believe) they were at.  There’s a picture of the Hill family (IMO, Jonathan no longer has a job) and Gideon is wearing a pair of cowboy boots with a big heel on them.  WTF puts shoes like that on a baby who will soon start walking?  WTF IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE????

How will Jonathan afford meals and shows for Jill and David now?

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Message added by Scarlett45

If a person/family was never featured on any of the Duggar shows, and is not related to the Duggar family by blood or marriage, they do not need to be discussed here..

We may all agree that David Rodriques is quite unfortunate looking, but let's refrain from comparing human beings to apes, its got way too much of a loaded history- please review the new Inclusion Policy updated May 1, 2022 , which details guidelines around discussing body type, capabilities, physical appearance etc. Additionally, using body size as an insult is not allowed.


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