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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

If a person/family was never featured on any of the Duggar shows, and is not related to the Duggar family by blood or marriage, they do not need to be discussed here..

We may all agree that David Rodriques is quite unfortunate looking, but let's refrain from comparing human beings to apes, its got way too much of a loaded history- please review the new Inclusion Policy updated May 1, 2022 , which details guidelines around discussing body type, capabilities, physical appearance etc. Additionally, using body size as an insult is not allowed.


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4 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

Its sad but I get a feeling Renee will not marry. I know we were all waiting for Jana and thinking the same, but look at the difference in their lives. Sure, there are plenty of similarities but Jana so much more being on the show, traveling and meeting new people that I feel she wasn't as sheltered as Renee. I also think she doesn't have an overbearing and manic mother like Jill (and I'm not saying Michelle is a prize) who runs rough shod over her kids. Mostly, Renee doesn't look happy. She can smile all she wants when the camera is pointed at her but it doesn't reach her eyes. 

That smile is forced.  Her life must be so sad.

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10 hours ago, oliviabenson said:

I see Renee being married next year. Jill might keep Janessa forever or Sofia. 

Jill won't let either Renee or Tessie go until Sofia and Janessa are old enough to take care of themselves.   She birthed 13 children, she isn't the mother to 13.

Kaylee found a new MLM to lose money to.  

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5 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

I thought the one Abbie was selling got shut down, or SEVERELY curtailed. Are there others? I'm blissfully ignorant when it comes to the MLMs, Plexus excepted. 

Yea, besides the old standards like Amway, plexus is the one I know that is newer (at least to me). 

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10 hours ago, merylinkid said:

Jill won't let either Renee or Tessie go until Sofia and Janessa are old enough to take care of themselves.   She birthed 13 children, she isn't the mother to 13.

Kaylee found a new MLM to lose money to.  

As long as she has one daughter left able to pick up the slack (almost all the chores) I think Jill will let Renee go.  She's caught on the wish to be the Godliest mother who marries off all her children and the need for a housekeeper and nanny.  She might let all the children marry and then sell the barndo and simply migrate from child to child thus removing housekeeping and cooking herself from her life.

Edited by Absolom
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I know there's a lot of Jesusing in the MLM world, and I'm thankful I only have 1-2 people in my socials who are still active in them.  One does fairly well with Pampered Chef, but the others who are in and out of MLM/MLM-hoppers are now in Bravenly.  Which, wtf is that word?  But they post constantly about their leadership calls which seem to always involve prayers (and preying!).  I think Olive Tree is also somewhat Jesusy; lots of Rodan + Fields huns left to that one and MAKE Wellness.  

I'm possibly too in touch with the MLM world but it's been very interesting (to me) to map out where everyone scatters to once their MLM moves to affiliate marketing or otherwise changes their compensation plans. 

Related note:  while cleaning out my kitchen, I threw away a bag of Plexus samples from 2015 (if not earlier).  One of my Plexus friends is IFB-adjacent and the other is agnostic.  Only one still sells it, and you can probably guess which one :)

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5 minutes ago, ALittleShelfish said:

I know there's a lot of Jesusing in the MLM world, and I'm thankful I only have 1-2 people in my socials who are still active in them.  One does fairly well with Pampered Chef, but the others who are in and out of MLM/MLM-hoppers are now in Bravenly.  Which, wtf is that word?  But they post constantly about their leadership calls which seem to always involve prayers (and preying!).  I think Olive Tree is also somewhat Jesusy; lots of Rodan + Fields huns left to that one and MAKE Wellness.  

I'm possibly too in touch with the MLM world but it's been very interesting (to me) to map out where everyone scatters to once their MLM moves to affiliate marketing or otherwise changes their compensation plans. 

Related note:  while cleaning out my kitchen, I threw away a bag of Plexus samples from 2015 (if not earlier).  One of my Plexus friends is IFB-adjacent and the other is agnostic.  Only one still sells it, and you can probably guess which one :)

Yea, the jewelry I used to buy from this one woman had faith based messages but it wasn't overkill. There was plenty to choose from. I did like some of it and I really liked the jewelry. To this day, the rose cross earrings I bought pre-pandemic are still my favorite. I pretty much wear them once a week. I have a few other pieces I wear on and off. The quality was good. 

Edited by libgirl2
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19 minutes ago, emma675 said:

I love how God cares so much about mlm huns that he's constantly leading them to their next "business." In reality, it's just a neverending journey of losing more and more money. 

And Kaylee's passive aggressive insults towards working women tick me off. So women who work outside the home can't "be a wife" as well as stay at home ones? I know the Rod girls are sheltered and uneducated and I should feel sorry for them, but judgemental stuff like this just makes me mad, even if it's unintentional.

I agree. Kaylee has been guilted her whole life into believing that a working Mom who works outside of the home is not a good mother. Almost every woman I know is a working mother and they are all better mothers than selfish Jill. Kaylee's options are limited to MLMs and she is too uneducated to realize that she's not really making much money for her efforts. So many of these MLMs purport to be "Christian" oriented, but they are scams, which does not strike me as Christ-like!

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23 minutes ago, sixlets said:

Monat is the big haircare MLM.  They have branched into skincare and "wellness" products, whatever that means.

Monat is taking heat (maybe even lawsuits) due to their shitty haircare products. Hopefully Kaylee isn't involved with them. Not that other MLMs are much better. 

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8 hours ago, BetyBee said:

I agree. Kaylee has been guilted her whole life into believing that a working Mom who works outside of the home is not a good mother. Almost every woman I know is a working mother and they are all better mothers than selfish Jill. Kaylee's options are limited to MLMs and she is too uneducated to realize that she's not really making much money for her efforts. So many of these MLMs purport to be "Christian" oriented, but they are scams, which does not strike me as Christ-like!

She also has no clue how many women have no choice but to work to support themselves and/or their families. Married women who's husbands don't make enough money, or don't work due to illness/disability/etc. Or widowed. Not everyone can grift from churches to support themselves.    

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1 minute ago, lookeyloo said:

Consort with heathens?

you can grift from heathens, that's okay.   even good, then they aren't spending their money on "sinful" things.  

I'm sure there are non-Christian based MLMs but they sure are prevalent.   Almost like they prey on the gullible.

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1 hour ago, merylinkid said:

you can grift from heathens, that's okay.   even good, then they aren't spending their money on "sinful" things.  

I'm sure there are non-Christian based MLMs but they sure are prevalent.   Almost like they prey on the gullible.

It fits into their plan. How can a sweet Christian say no to another sweet Christian selling a supplement or some hair product? Meanwhile, us heathens would just ignore them. 

When my friend's husband got heavily into Amway, I remember being at their apartment and going into there room to drop off my coat. He had what could be described as an Amway altar set up and there was a picture of Jesus on it. That is right around the time, he started his journey into being a fundie. It was slow but bit by bit...... 

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2 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

It seems like with the MLMs they really only market to each orher in their circle of acquaintances. How can anyone make anything when they are spending on each others current "opportunity".  If they branch out how does that happen? Consort with heathens?

There’s no way Jill or Kaylee ever spends on anyone else’s “current opportunity.” It’s ONLY about their own. 

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3 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

It seems like with the MLMs they really only market to each orher in their circle of acquaintances. How can anyone make anything when they are spending on each others current "opportunity".  If they branch out how does that happen? Consort with heathens?

Janelle and Christine from Sister Wives have reached top tiers in Plexus world because they were familiar to millions of people from their years on television. Audrey Roloff, with her essential oils, is another example with a husband who essentially grew up on a reality TV program. Audrey also appears to have her own groups of friends and followers that she has cultivated. 

Jill's and Kaylee's bubbles are very small and overlap in may cases. They will  never build a network large enough to be successful with Plexus or any other MLM. Both are gullible enough to think otherwise, however. 

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1 hour ago, BradandJanet said:

Jill's and Kaylee's bubbles are very small and overlap in may cases. They will  never build a network large enough to be successful with Plexus or any other MLM. Both are gullible enough to think otherwise, however. 

Exactly - and where is Renee going to find new marks?  She's never out from under Mahmo's thumb. 

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Jill has a FB video up of two Valentines dinners in Florida.  One being Nathan’s church,  I think Jill and the family are half the attendees.  Several of the other women attending are wearing … jeans.  I wonder what Jill’s offspring  thought when they saw Nathan’s female parishioners in jeans at a church event.  Not denim skirts actual denim pants. 

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I don’t have one single person I could sell anything to. Friends or family. My friends exercise, and eat right. They cook every day. And they like to buy an occasional designer handbag, as do I. Pink drinks ain’t happening over here.

Pampered Chef isn’t too bad. I knew someone who sold it and we did find a couple of things to buy. At least it’s not set up for only one thing like plexus, including a lecture on why you need it. Things for the kitchen pretty much explain themselves.The latest things I see on Instagram are vitamins, protein drinks, and usually different kinds of makeup. But they are usually quasi celebs, who really don’t need all that much money, or any of it to live on.

Renée almost had a guy, so I don’t think it’s impossible for Jill to want her to marry. She still has Tessie and Hannah coming up.

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7 minutes ago, EmeraldGirl said:

Renée almost had a guy, so I don’t think it’s impossible for Jill to want her to marry. She still has Tessie and Hannah coming up.

Renee went on a few supervised “dates.” That’s it, AFAIK. Jill needs to stop making more of these things than they are.

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21 hours ago, BradandJanet said:

Jill's and Kaylee's bubbles are very small and overlap in may cases. They will  never build a network large enough to be successful with Plexus or any other MLM. Both are gullible enough to think otherwise, however. 

Jill is convinced she has more followers who just love everything about her than she really does.   So she believes these people will be more than happy to just give her money for junk.   The fact she keeps trying new grifts should show that isn't true, but the delusion is strong in this one.

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I think shutting down her shop for a month will prove to be a big mistake. People will forget about her and move on. 

She really hasn't done much in the way of grifting this trip. 

Renee posted about the older girls down to Olivia (and Jill) going out for coffee. Sucks to be the youngest 3. 

Edited by Salacious Kitty
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5 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

I think shutting down her shop for a month will prove to be a big mistake. People will forget about her and move on. 

She really hasn't done much in the way of grifting this trip. 

Renee posted about the older girls (and Jill) going out for coffee. Sucks to be the youngest 3. 

youngest 3 got stuck watching Keller kids and watch daddy eat. that's it.

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Appsolutely? TO beautiful people? 

Autocorrect should have checked her on the first, unless she doesn't even know ABsolutely exists. The second error? Again, does she not know about TWO? 

Rod "education" rears its ugly head. And being the oldest, Nurie got more than her siblings. 

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27 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

Appsolutely? TO beautiful people? 

Autocorrect should have checked her on the first, unless she doesn't even know ABsolutely exists. The second error? Again, does she not know about TWO? 

Rod "education" rears its ugly head. And being the oldest, Nurie got more than her siblings. 

Yes, it’s truly terrifying.

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On 2/22/2025 at 2:46 PM, Salacious Kitty said:

If Kaylee is starting with a different kind of MLM, she can mine Jill's customers for her own (hopefully for her) downline. They have almost identical friends lists on FB. 

The homes of these MLM shillers must be stocked floor to ceiling with not only the crap they are trying to sell, but the stuff they feel they have to buy from everyone else in order to move their own inventory.  At some point, doesn't this have to implode, like a snake eating its own tail?  So Kaylee hits up Jill's Plexus folks to start her own downline on whatever she's selling, but who can afford to be on multiple downlines anyway?  It costs money just to get a foot in the door -  and all the while, you're still buying other people's junk because you know you're going to need them to buy yours.  It makes my head spin.

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I saw the sister wives on the cruise. Also included was $2000 to either spend there or take home. Jill must be fuming. 

For people who don’t watch that show, Christine and her daughter did lose large amounts of weighted each, plus the daughter‘s husband did as well. I can see how their people would think it has something to do with what they’re selling. Jill never looks any different, even after her resets. If you’re selling health, shouldn’t you at least look healthy? Not that I think Jill is obese or anything, she just looks kind of like a normal person who could lose a couple of pounds and just doesn’t put out a look of overall health.


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38 minutes ago, CalicoKitty said:

How does this cruise thing work?  Do you get to sign up in priority from the top levels down, and there was no room for people at Jill's level, or did Jill just assume she was going to go and turn her intent to attend too late?

Here's the rules from the Plexus website.  The 'leaders' are chosen on a point system.  Earn 1250 points and you get an invite.  That seems to be what Jill did.  The rules indicate that this does not guarantee a cabin and that, if all the cabins fill, some will be left behind.  It doesn't describe how that decision will be made; whether it will be based on random chance, date of earning enough points or on total number of points above 1250. Those who don't get on the cruise get a $500 credit deposited in their Plexus account; it  doesn't indicate if that is actual cash or must be used on Plexus merch.

There are several other perks which are based on the number of points earned and all of them seem to involve activities associated with the cruise and there's no mention of not getting a cabin for them which makes me think that Jill didn't have enough points to get beyond the minimum level for an invite.

Points are awarded based on sales and recruiting new suckers or retaining old ones.  Advancing in rank during the contest also gets points.


Edited by Notabug
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13 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

I may have dozed off but I don’t recall Kaylee actually saying the name of the new company in her video. 

With this order, she got a free bar of soap. Yay!


I can’t see her video, but at least four of those products are sold by some company called Melaleuca.  and they have a page on their website called income statistics - earn income by selling their products. 


Edited by mythoughtis
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Message added by Scarlett45

If a person/family was never featured on any of the Duggar shows, and is not related to the Duggar family by blood or marriage, they do not need to be discussed here..

We may all agree that David Rodriques is quite unfortunate looking, but let's refrain from comparing human beings to apes, its got way too much of a loaded history- please review the new Inclusion Policy updated May 1, 2022 , which details guidelines around discussing body type, capabilities, physical appearance etc. Additionally, using body size as an insult is not allowed.


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