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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

If a person/family was never featured on any of the Duggar shows, and is not related to the Duggar family by blood or marriage, they do not need to be discussed here..

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We may all agree that David Rodriques is quite unfortunate looking, but let's refrain from comparing human beings to apes, its got way too much of a loaded history- please review the new Inclusion Policy updated May 1, 2022 , which details guidelines around discussing body type, capabilities, physical appearance etc. Additionally, using body size as an insult is not allowed.


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37 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

Jill's taxes must be a giant clusterfuck. 😂

The Rods' taxes are probably done by the Mission Clearinghouse that sponsors them. That's one of the services offered to the missionaries. It's impossible to know what records J & D keep and what the preparer actually sees, so there may be a creative aspect to doing their tax forms. 

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Do we know if Jill has kept her cosmetology license active?  There have to be more women out there who prefer the mahdest clothing and 80s MTV hair.  Dave & Jill are both allergic to work.  They could easily have the financial freedom they want, but that takes a little bit of thought and follow-through, neither of which they possess.  It angers me to see what their choices have done to their kids.  None of them can relate to the outside world.  These two being complete dipshits ruined 13 innocent lives. 

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Just now, sixlets said:

Do we know if Jill has kept her cosmetology license active?  There have to be more women out there who prefer the mahdest clothing and 80s MTV hair. 

It would be so great to see the mahdest types coming to Jill for a hair cut and tipping her with a tract.😂

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15 hours ago, sixlets said:

Do we know if Jill has kept her cosmetology license active?  There have to be more women out there who prefer the mahdest clothing and 80s MTV hair. 

Sure, Jill could give me an 80's hairstyle(I'm old enough to have lived the 80's hair)and then apply hooker makeup, while telling me how evil hookers are.

Edited by Madtown
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20 minutes ago, Madtown said:

Sure, Jill could give me an 80's hairstyle(I'm old enough to have lived the 80's hair)and then apply hooker makeup, while telling my how evil hookers are.

And charge you $100. Maybe throw in one of her old blouses as a gift!

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7 minutes ago, ginger90 said:


Do you think they have ever once reciprocated and paid for Jonathan and Kaylee anywhere? Jonathan and Kaylee  are a young married couple on one income with a small child.  They are probably still paying for Gabriel’s NICU stay.  

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2 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

Do you think they have ever once reciprocated and paid for Jonathan and Kaylee anywhere? Jonathan and Kaylee  are a young married couple on one income with a small child.  They are probably still paying for Gabriel’s NICU stay.  

No Jill never pays for the Hill family, I think Jill gives them all her old stuff or stuff she finds for free. Jonathan been paying since he started courting Kaylee. 

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Poor Jonathan. He paid for Jill and Kaylee's trip Vegas, and now he's paying for dinner and the theater for Jill and David. Jill loves the theater. 

Jill's has found her cash cow in the JonathanKaylee Hill family. No wonder they're one of Jill's favorite couples on earth. Pastor NathanNurie Keller is the other favorite, but they're in Florida. 

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16 hours ago, ginger90 said:

That whole printing shop is crazy. Long hair, no shoes, no protective equipment, and of course the electrical setup, and the gas and diesel cans are still in there.



I couldn't remember what the yellow containers were designated for, looked it up at they are for diesel fuel. What would they have besides the RV that would use diesel fuel?

The generator Jill showed in a video was a dual fuel gas/propane powered model so it's not that.

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Kaylee’s back:



Hey there, everyone. 🥰 
   Just thought we would pop on here and give a little update, on our family.
We also want to share some thoughts on what the Lord has been teaching us and helping us grow. 💕💕 
To start off, we are doing VERY well. 
 We have been working on some house renovations, that are turning our beautifully. 😃
  Recently, we joined our church choir, which has been SUCH a joy to our hearts. 
  Jonathan and I, are hopeful to begin helping with bus ministry, (at our home church), hopefully, this coming August, plus more!! 😃 
  We have been taught, SO MANY things from the Lord, these last couple of months.😊☺️
   We are realizing we can't just continue to say, "We will eventually", or "We want to do this" or " When life settles down, we will get busy for the Lord". 
 We see and know we MUST start now. 
 I am thankful for the Lord's mercy and grace to continue to show us, in such a kind way, how IMPORTANT it is to serve him with our lives, in EVERY area. 😉 

 Gideon is doing wonderful. He is almost ONE!!! 😃🥹 
We are looking forward to celebrating his first birthday party, with family and friends. 😉
  It's hard to believe we had our sweet baby boy, that long ago. 
We are praying and hoping for a little sibling for Gideon, but trust the Lord's timing for EVERYTHING and will wait patiently on him. 😉 

Jonathan and I, are also doing very well. We continue to grow and learn things, as a couple. Our love and gratitude for each other and the Lord grows stronger, EACH day. 🙏 ❤️❤️

 We look forward to sometime in Florida, this July. 😃 
 We will enjoy some warm weather, time with family and finding encouragement, from those we love. 💕💕
 I'm sure we will share some pictures, from our time there, later on. 

 Here are some family pictures and moments, below. We thought you all might enjoy. 💕💕 
   May you each have a blessed day and continue to serve the Lord with honor and gratitude. 🙏🙏💕💞





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So they are also off to Florida for the birth of Nurie's baby.

Since Samuel's girl is there, I wonder if the he will also get time off work to travel with the fam and maybe get engaged while they are all there.

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36 minutes ago, crazy8s said:

So they are also off to Florida for the birth of Nurie's baby.

Since Samuel's girl is there, I wonder if the he will also get time off work to travel with the fam and maybe get engaged while they are all there.

Just what every mom with a newborn and two other kids wants… a tribe of people descending upon her bringing chaos.   Just Kaylee and Gideon ( since she obviously won’t leave him) would be helpful.  The entire Rodrigues bunch… not so much. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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49 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Kaylee’s back:



Hey there, everyone. 🥰 
   Just thought we would pop on here and give a little update, on our family.
We also want to share some thoughts on what the Lord has been teaching us and helping us grow. 💕💕 
To start off, we are doing VERY well. 
 We have been working on some house renovations, that are turning our beautifully. 😃
  Recently, we joined our church choir, which has been SUCH a joy to our hearts. 
  Jonathan and I, are hopeful to begin helping with bus ministry, (at our home church), hopefully, this coming August, plus more!! 😃 
  We have been taught, SO MANY things from the Lord, these last couple of months.😊☺️
   We are realizing we can't just continue to say, "We will eventually", or "We want to do this" or " When life settles down, we will get busy for the Lord". 
 We see and know we MUST start now. 
 I am thankful for the Lord's mercy and grace to continue to show us, in such a kind way, how IMPORTANT it is to serve him with our lives, in EVERY area. 😉 

 Gideon is doing wonderful. He is almost ONE!!! 😃🥹 
We are looking forward to celebrating his first birthday party, with family and friends. 😉
  It's hard to believe we had our sweet baby boy, that long ago. 
We are praying and hoping for a little sibling for Gideon, but trust the Lord's timing for EVERYTHING and will wait patiently on him. 😉 

Jonathan and I, are also doing very well. We continue to grow and learn things, as a couple. Our love and gratitude for each other and the Lord grows stronger, EACH day. 🙏 ❤️❤️

 We look forward to sometime in Florida, this July. 😃 
 We will enjoy some warm weather, time with family and finding encouragement, from those we love. 💕💕
 I'm sure we will share some pictures, from our time there, later on. 

 Here are some family pictures and moments, below. We thought you all might enjoy. 💕💕 
   May you each have a blessed day and continue to serve the Lord with honor and gratitude. 🙏🙏💕💞





Are the emoji’s normal?    Gave me a headache and I am very anti-grammar nazi.   It’s the interwebs not a college term paper.   But seriously, use your words not stupid emojis.

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Oh Jill. You see, some mom's don't have a choice. They have to work and believe it or not, some find it fullfilling and just want a career and not a Plexus "career".  Most importantly, most women don't want to sit on the internet and grift for everything they need. So get over yourself.

Also, Jonathon and Kaylee are your favorite couple to hang out with because you have no other couples to hang out with. You kids are the only people that will ever hang out with you and that's only because they have no other choice.

I see that Jonathon and Kaylee sit next to each other too. You would think these couples(Jill and Derick too)would sit across from one another, so they can stare at each other in the eyes. 🤮


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4 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

I saw that child care post too.  As of this morning she had comments from several people explaining the realities of life to her: divorce, widowed, husband’s disability, needed second income.  

She’s not even a stay at home mom herself- she’s a work from home mom.  She also allows her minor children to work in a family business where they could get hurt without proper precautions( and posts it online).  

They take a lot of trips ( besides the church tours) and have way too many Knick-knacks for people on a VERY tight budget. 

Many women have worked for years and not just the last two centuries. 

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I'm currently reading a book, Selling the Dream, about MLM. The person who wrote it was involved with selling "adult" toys. She basically was saying that the only way to make money was get in early and have a lot of downlines. The problem is a lot of downlines in your area means very few customers. She also talks about her expenditures vs. what she actually made. 

Edited by libgirl2
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25 minutes ago, Madtown said:

I see that Jonathon and Kaylee sit next to each other too. You would think these couples(Jill and Derick too)would sit across from one another, so they can stare at each other in the eyes. 🤮

Plus by daring to sit across from your husband, every woman who walks by might assume that you are not a married couple and be tempted by your hunks.  Be careful, Kaylee!

Also, I imagine KayJon taking Jill to see The Sound of Music came after Jill dropped about 147 anvil-sized hints about how she knows all the words to every song!  It's her favorite musical of all time!  It's just too bad she can't afford the tickets!  Oh, how she wishes she could go!  She works soooooo hard!  Sigh!  Sigh!  SIGH!!!

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I wonder what Jill thinks of stay-at-home dads.  And the commas----I just can't understand why she thinks this is how to use commas, and why home schooler extraordinaire doesn't correct her posts.  (oh, I forgot.  Jill doesn't know any better, either.)

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1 hour ago, libgirl2 said:

Many women have worked for years and not just the last two centuries. 

I would also like to know where exactly in the Bible it is that God says women must be in the home caring for the kids and not working elsewhere?  It's kind of well known that some of Jesus' disciples were women, many of whom traveled with the group.  Mary Magdalen, Martha and Mary come to mind..  Even Jesus own mother was with him when he died, indicating she must've been with the Apostles and disciples in Jerusalem as Nazareth, their hometown, was too far away for her to have gotten there in time.  Mary also reportedly traveled to Greece and Turkey with Saint Paul after Jesus' death.  There is a very ancient home near Ephesus which is, according to the story, the place where she lived while there.

1 hour ago, BradandJanet said:

If David does what it takes to keep Jill at home with the children so they can be full-time missionaries, why does Jill need to sell Plexus? Shouldn't their tight budget and David's hard work be enough? 

And, apparently, 'what it takes' is using their minor children as unpaid labor in the print shop and dragging them all over the countryside to sing and beg at churches.  And, Jill, for all her BS about Plexus, forgets that her biggest grift ever was an entire house, given to them for free because she went online and begged.  And who can forget the many, many times Jill has posted about how much they need a car for the family or for Tim or a trailer hitch or even a new RV?  Jill's main source of income is not Plexus, it is begging.  Dave's too.  For her to lecture others about their choices in supporting their families makes me livid.

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Honestly a real husband and father would be appalled at all the begging Jill does for basic needs.   It used to be a source of shame if a husband couldn't provide properly for his family.   But not David, nope, he just sits watching his map and having another snack in between naps.   

AndKaylee is following right in Jill's gootsteps too.   Wanna bet she gets a cut of the "love offerings" on the bus ministry?   Which, of course, although a grown married woman, she will be expected to share with Mahmo.

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6 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

I'm currently reading a book, Selling the Dream, about MLM. The person who wrote it was involved with selling "adult" toys. She basically was saying that the only way to make money was get in early and have a lot of downlines. The problem is a lot of downlines in your area means very few customers. She also talks about her expenditures vs. what she actually made. 

A thought keeps popping into my head, something I read on another site about tech startups. It said (paraphrasing), if you weren't friends with the owner when the company began, don't get a job there later and think you're going to get rich. 

Maybe the reason is different, but the basic principle applies. 

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7 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

Just what every mom with a newborn and two other kids wants… a tribe of people descending upon her bringing chaos.   Just Kaylee and Gideon ( since she obviously won’t leave him) would be helpful.  The entire Rodrigues bunch… not so much. 

Maybe after Nurie pushes out Jill's #1 granddaughter, Renee could watch the younger Rodlets so Jill and Dave can have a rare (ha!) night out on Pastor Nathan's dime. 😜

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