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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

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6 minutes ago, CalicoKitty said:

Just curious.  What number sibling is Jill?  Does she consider herself the "boss", or is she just pushy by nature. I wonder if the rest of the family truly does have her number. I am so glad I do not have to deal with this family at the hospital.  I feel so, so sorry for the staff that has to deal with  this situation.

Jill is second born. Lisa is the oldest, then Jill, then the twins. There's only four years separating oldest to youngest.

Then Tim got a vasectomy. 😀

Edited by Salacious Kitty
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5 minutes ago, satrunrose said:

I wonder (hope?) if Jill's starting to suffer from a bit of "The (woman) who cried wolf" syndrome. Honestly, when I first read the news I wondered if this aneurysm would go the way of Jill's four broken knee things and Janessa's brain issues. It looks like I was wrong and it is a serious medical issue. Even so, I can't imagine a lot of their sweet friends have either the money or the inclination left to help much after they helped pay for the Derecho Storm recovery (aka multiple vacations for BWM and GWE). You reap what you sow, Jill.

As I said, how many people see this and still have empty pockets after the storm when they saw those two fools staying at a hotel for the convention. Or the people who bought food (and I'm sure it was more than one meal) for them after the storm. 

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8 minutes ago, Future Cat Lady said:

In recent months, she asked money for her son, the storm and now her parents. There is a limit to what people can donate and tolerate. Maybe some people are finally seeing through her schemes.

Or they are more concerned about paying their own bills and feeding their families. 

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19 minutes ago, Future Cat Lady said:

In recent months, she asked money for her son, the storm and now her parents. There is a limit to what people can donate and tolerate. Maybe some people are finally seeing through her schemes.

they have also been on the grift at 2 or 3 churches/revivals in the same time frame. so they have tapped some of those sources out as well.

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12 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

They wouldn't let them shave her head because it better for her? I get it, you know your mom would be upset to lose her hair but at this rate, you are going to lose your mom. 

Maybe because women are supposed to have long hair.  Men are bald or have a shaved head.  She might be mistaken for a man if they shaved her head--for medical reasons--.

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28 minutes ago, Future Cat Lady said:

In recent months, she asked money for her son, the storm and now her parents. There is a limit to what people can donate and tolerate. Maybe some people are finally seeing through her schemes.

18 minutes ago, libgirl2 said:

Or they are more concerned about paying their own bills and feeding their families. 

Little of column A, Little of Column B.

There are a limited number of people who will give to the likes of Jill and her crying for $$$$.   She has hit them up pretty hard lately because the stimulus checks and child tax credit advances are no more.   The people willing to give to her have their own problems too.   So for a variety of reasons, the well has run dry.   

GWE might have to get a REAL job to care for his family.   Or they move again and start grifting in a new area.   

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Judith Moravek, (some relation to sister Lisa I think)  posted on Jill's fb about friend in Halifax sending prayers so I just looked at her fb page. she just posted this 15 min ago.

UPDATE ON PAT NOYES - [from our son, Dennis] Pat's procedure went well and John & Brenda (Tim's sister) are there and Pat. has been talking and even laughing some!

waiting for Jill to post some highly dramatic post about any procedure her mom had today, including pics with her wearing the same outfit she was wearing on the 9th and the gofundme link.

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Jill may have tapped the well too many times, other people may realize what we have that her parents should have Medicare and Social Security income, and that they recently sold a house.  Put that together with Jill's generally scammy behavior and David's refusal to work a paying a job and you get a lot of I need to pay my own bills first or maybe I'd like a vacation, too.

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2 hours ago, crazy8s said:

i am sort of thinking Jill "gave" the anonymous $1,000 to inspire large donations and figured she would take it back out of the $20,000 she hoped to get. So someone gave $1,000 the first day and Nurie gave $100. about 40 people have donated for 3,045 and my guess is that will be about it. When it falls short of the $20,000, Jill will claim people just sent cash to the p.o. box instead.

She is obviously tagging her dad in every post to get Tim and Pat's fb friends to contribute. those folks might be outside of Jill's usual appeals for money for whatever.

Kevin Foster (amy foster) fb has posted nothing about Patricia. The Praying for Amy Foster fb has they visited the 9th and all, but did not include the gofundme appeal.

Their friends and church family may already have Jill’s number. If they are smart and they want to help out, they may be giving any cash directly to Tim.

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3 hours ago, crazycatlady58 said:

I don't know about the singing, I mean it may be comforting because it us her family no matter how off key, but as a  christian scripture is comforting.  

It’s not comforting to the other patients, their families, or the hospital staff though. Hopefully they shut the door to her mom’s room, lol. It would make me stabby.

Edited by Cinnabon
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2 hours ago, satrunrose said:

I wonder (hope?) if Jill's starting to suffer from a bit of "The (woman) who cried wolf" syndrome. Honestly, when I first read the news I wondered if this aneurysm would go the way of Jill's four broken knee things and Janessa's brain issues. It looks like I was wrong and it is a serious medical issue. Even so, I can't imagine a lot of their sweet friends have either the money or the inclination left to help much after they helped pay for the Derecho Storm recovery (aka multiple vacations for BWM and GWE). You reap what you sow, Jill.

And don’t forget the recent donations for Philip’s car. I’m sure people are tired of her begging, especially after the trips she took recently.

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10 minutes ago, Cinnabon said:

It’s not comforting to the other patients, their families, or the hospital staff though. Hopefully they shut the door to her mom’s room, lol. It would make me stabby.

Shut down the door and miss on making a spectacle out of herself? Surely you jest. 

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Jill posted another update on Mom N. It makes absolutely no sense to me. It practically goes from hopeless to a miracle in one paragraph. I get that recovery is not linear, but from what little I can piece out of JillR's mumbo jumbo, it doesn't look good to me.

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Jill’s most recent post:

Update on my SWEET Mother....  ❤️🩹

This morning the hospital staff watching over my mom, determined she was digressing.  We all saw it.  More tired.  Less talking.  Weak.  Not obeying commands.  Our hearts were VERY heavy.  So, they informed my dad that they wanted to bring her back to surgery to determine if her major arteries in her brain were having spasms.  They were.  😬😢  The blood in the brain from the aneurysm, causes this.  The next 3 weeks, she will be in critical condition.  Her brain is prone to strokes due to the trauma that already happened.  So, they gave her a medication to calm down the spasms.  After that, we started seeing GREAT improvements!  She started talking more and we can tell she is trying so hard!  😊  We left encouraged!  

My Uncle Jon P. Gainer and Aunt Brenda Noyes-Gainer came to help from New York.  If you know my Uncle Jon, you know what a FUN sense of humor he has!  😅  He got my mom to "almost" laugh.  My Aunt Brenda laughed and said to my mom, "He is annoying, isn't he?"  🤣🤣  Well, my mom ran with it and said...."Yes, annoying!"   (In my Mom's confused state of mind, she often repeats what we say). They all laughed so hard.  🤣 We will lie our heads on our pillows tonight encouraged.  😊🥰😉  God is Good!

Proverbs 17:22 "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones."

With Timothy Noyes 

To give to my sweet parents during this hard time, Please click on this link.  :)  Thank You!

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I’m thinking digress doesn’t mean what Jill thinks it means.

Over time I’ve kept up with a few GoFundMe pages. Normally there are updates along the way. There haven’t been any on this one.

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2 hours ago, ginger90 said:Jill’s most recent post:

Update on my SWEET Mother....  ❤️🩹

This morning the hospital staff watching over my mom, determined she was digressing.  We all saw it.  More tired.  Less talking.  Weak.  Not obeying commands.  Our hearts were VERY heavy.  So, they informed my dad that they wanted to bring her back to surgery to determine if her major arteries in her brain were having spasms.  They were.  😬😢  The blood in the brain from the aneurysm, causes this.  The next 3 weeks, she will be in critical condition.  Her brain is prone to strokes due to the trauma that already happened.  So, they gave her a medication to calm down the spasms.  After that, we started seeing GREAT improvements!  She started talking more and we can tell she is trying so hard!  😊  We left encouraged!  

My Uncle Jon P. Gainer and Aunt Brenda Noyes-Gainer came to help from New York.  If you know my Uncle Jon, you know what a FUN sense of humor he has!  😅  He got my mom to "almost" laugh.  My Aunt Brenda laughed and said to my mom, "He is annoying, isn't he?"  🤣🤣  Well, my mom ran with it and said...."Yes, annoying!"   (In my Mom's confused state of mind, she often repeats what we say). They all laughed so hard.  🤣 We will lie our heads on our pillows tonight encouraged.  😊🥰😉  God is Good!

Proverbs 17:22 "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones."

With Timothy Noyes 

To give to my sweet parents during this hard time, Please click on this link.  :)  Thank You!

Those fucking emojis.  Inappropriate and unnecessary.

If I was her mother I would not want that circus in my room.  Relatives who have been as sick as she seems to be have asked that we limit the number of people in the room as they just can’t cope with more than 3 or 3 people at the most.  And this was when the hospital / home allowed more visitors. SO we sorted it out among ourselves as to who would visit and when.  We all wanted to be there, but our loved one came first.  And we are all big enough and smart enough to work it out.  

With Ma Noyes having ongoing procedures and continuing incidents occurring, I doubt she is getting much time to just rest and get better.

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8 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

I assume it was Hannah's "week." 

i assumed Tessie got to pick someone to join her and Hannah would of course be her "best friend" because they have no other friends. I wonder if Tessie got to pick a birthday gift from the hospital gift shop like whichever duggar boy did.

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11 hours ago, Cinnabon said:

It’s not comforting to the other patients, their families, or the hospital staff though. Hopefully they shut the door to her mom’s room, lol. It would make me stabby.

Now I am going to be honest here. If I had a family member who was that ill and I knew reading scripture would comfort them I would. Having said that I would speak softy to them where it would not bother other patients.  If the hospital staff was tending to my family member and would move out of their way. If they were in the room doing something else that did not involve care of that person I would continue.  While I truly would not wish to offend anyone that person is very ill and I am giving them the only comfort I can.

Edited by crazycatlady58
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40 minutes ago, LavendarRose said:

With Ma Noyes having ongoing procedures and continuing incidents occurring, I doubt she is getting much time to just rest and get better.

Her brain is spasming because it is trying to leave her body to get away from Jill and her "comforting."

Yes that is a terrible, sick joke.   I really hope for the best for Ma Noyes.

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2 minutes ago, merylinkid said:

Her brain is spasming because it is trying to leave her body to get away from Jill and her "comforting."

Yes that is a terrible, sick joke.   I really hope for the best for Ma Noyes.

It is but I'm sure it crossed all our minds at some point. 

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2 hours ago, oliviabenson said:

Back to selling plexus ! Back to normal in Jill land.

Also a go fund me but had the $ to celebrate a kids birthday … mmm okay. 4 people’s celebration on someone else’s dime.

Thats our Jilly bean!

At least two Rodlets got something to eat, and Tessie didn't have to build a teddy bear she couldn't keep. (Momma Jill loves stuffed animals.) 

How often are Jill, David, and assorted kids driving to Columbus? It's hard to tell how much time Jill is spending at the hospital. It seems that when she's there, she's there for a whole day. Is she leaving food for the younger children, or do Tim or Jonathan have to feed the brood? That would mean cheap pizza, I suppose. 

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I know the timeline is wonky, but I don't get needing someone at her bedside 24/7. Maybe I'm the weird one, but the only time we've ever done 24 hour 'vigils' is when a young child was hospitalized or someone was dying. 

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1 minute ago, GeeGolly said:

I know the timeline is wonky, but I don't get needing someone at her bedside 24/7. Maybe I'm the weird one, but the only time we've ever done 24 hour 'vigils' is when a young child was hospitalized or someone was dying. 

When both my parents were dying, we were there all day but went home to sleep. Each shared a room and it wouldn't be fair to the other person to have three of us there. I  know when my aunt was in the hospital dying, my cousins went home for the night as well. 

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1 hour ago, LavendarRose said:

Those fucking emojis.  Inappropriate and unnecessary.

If I was her mother I would not want that circus in my room.  Relatives who have been as sick as she seems to be have asked that we limit the number of people in the room as they just can’t cope with more than 3 or 3 people at the most.  And this was when the hospital / home allowed more visitors. SO we sorted it out among ourselves as to who would visit and when.  We all wanted to be there, but our loved one came first.  And we are all big enough and smart enough to work it out.  

With Ma Noyes having ongoing procedures and continuing incidents occurring, I doubt she is getting much time to just rest and get better.

The woman has had severe trauma to her brain and appears to be somewhat confused.  Bringing a bunch of people into her room to create a commotion is probably only making her ongoing neurologic issues worse.  She needs peace and quiet to help her heal; soft voices, minimal activity.  If she needs comfort, then one person can hold her hand and pray softly.  It sounds like Jill and family have set up a 24 hour sideshow in Ma Noyes' room and I just don't think it is conducive to her healing.

As for Mama 'digressing'.  I think the term is 'regressing' Jilly.  Thank Mama for all that great schooling you got from her which has rendered you virtually illiterate as an adult.

BTW, I am pretty sure I know where they went for Tessie's birthday dinner, glad I wasn't in Columbus at the time.

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34 minutes ago, oliviabenson said:

I wonder who gave her $1000: Tim or Jonathan?

If it's Jonathan, there goes Kaylee's honeymoon. Well, they can always drive to Mississippi and spend a week in Jonathan's family's house. 

If it's Tim, his goal of finding a courtship has been SEVERELY stalled. 

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25 minutes ago, galaxygirl76 said:

Or Philly is giving up his school money to make BMA happy. 

I think Nathan, Jonathan or Phillip would have been named by Jill. Such a godly SIL, such a godly almost SIL, Phillip fasted and prayed and decided to delay his bible college so he could give his money to grandma, etc. Nurie was named as giving $100, so that would be Nathan because Nurie has no money that is not her headship's money.☹️

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Jonathan, Tim, and Phillip together couldn't come up with a thousand dollars for anything. 

If Jill doesn't already know who made the big donation, she's trying to find out. This person has potential to keep Jill and Davy in the grift.

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I will stick with it was Jill using a fake donation as seed money to get large donations and figuring she would get it back many times over when the pot hit the $20,000 goal.

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interesting that Jill has tagged her dad in multiple fb posts and linking  the gofundme and now his account is private with just 1 picture of tim and pat from 2021. Tim's photos and friends that could be seen yesterday, can't be seen now.

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9 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Jill’s most recent post:

Update on my SWEET Mother....  ❤️🩹

This morning the hospital staff watching over my mom, determined she was digressing.  We all saw it.  More tired.  Less talking.  Weak.  Not obeying commands.  Our hearts were VERY heavy.  So, they informed my dad that they wanted to bring her back to surgery to determine if her major arteries in her brain were having spasms.  They were.  😬😢  The blood in the brain from the aneurysm, causes this.  The next 3 weeks, she will be in critical condition.  Her brain is prone to strokes due to the trauma that already happened.  So, they gave her a medication to calm down the spasms.  After that, we started seeing GREAT improvements!  She started talking more and we can tell she is trying so hard!  😊  We left encouraged!  

My Uncle Jon P. Gainer and Aunt Brenda Noyes-Gainer came to help from New York.  If you know my Uncle Jon, you know what a FUN sense of humor he has!  😅  He got my mom to "almost" laugh.  My Aunt Brenda laughed and said to my mom, "He is annoying, isn't he?"  🤣🤣  Well, my mom ran with it and said...."Yes, annoying!"   (In my Mom's confused state of mind, she often repeats what we say). They all laughed so hard.  🤣 We will lie our heads on our pillows tonight encouraged.  😊🥰😉  God is Good!

Proverbs 17:22 "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones."

With Timothy Noyes 

To give to my sweet parents during this hard time, Please click on this link.  :)  Thank You!


7 hours ago, ginger90 said:

I’m thinking digress doesn’t mean what Jill thinks it means.

Over time I’ve kept up with a few GoFundMe pages. Normally there are updates along the way. There haven’t been any on this one.

Yes, I couldn’t get past that word!

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20 hours ago, merylinkid said:

Little of column A, Little of Column B.

There are a limited number of people who will give to the likes of Jill and her crying for $$$$.   She has hit them up pretty hard lately because the stimulus checks and child tax credit advances are no more.   The people willing to give to her have their own problems too.   So for a variety of reasons, the well has run dry.   

GWE might have to get a REAL job to care for his family.   Or they move again and start grifting in a new area.   

Jill surely became very comfortable with all that evil government money coming in. She did a lot of building, shopping, decorating, eating out, and vacationing at the time. Now that the family is back to their normal income, she must be getting worried. 

Jill and David might have put some money away for leaner times and known future expenses, but planning doesn't seem like something they do. David will never get an outside job. That would be admitting their sacrificing-for-God missionary lifestyle isn't enough. 

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