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S07.E16: Southern Discomfort

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Hey, ZaldamoWilder! It is good to be back. Truth be told, I have been stuck in the RHoBH thread. I finally decided to take a break. After every episode there's a bazillion pages to get through. By the end of the week, I'm bleary eyed and too exhausted to post anywhere else.


I'm doing to my stretches now in order to prepare for RHoNY :-)

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I know I am in the minority here but I don't think Cynthia was so wrong in her convo with Phedra. When Phedra said about "fact checking" girrlllll pulease. I think none of this new stuff would have happened if Phedra had just apologized to Kenya when she found out her good for nothing husband made that crap up. So now he is doing fake texts about her and she is appalled that anyone should dare believe it about her.


The situations are totally different.  Kenya engaged in inappropriate behavior with Apollo when she was cool with Phaedra and she continued to engage in inappropriate behavior with Apollo when she and Phaedra were enemies.  It was easy for Phaedra to believe that Kenya had crossed the line even further by propositioning Apollo.  I don't blame Phaedra for believing her husband.  Kenya's the same woman who insinuated herself in a hypothetical threesome with Phaedra and Apollo.  After Apollo said he lied on Kenya and is a known liar, everything out of his mouth should be questioned.  I don't think Phaedra is appalled if people believe something about her; I think she is appalled that they are spreading a claim by a known liar as the truth, bringing it up to her and doing so on national television.


All these double standards with these women are just mind boggling. Nene openly flirted with Peter way more than Kenya did with Apollo and no one ever accused her of trying to have an affair with him. Perhaps because Kenya is way more attractive. Sorry but the only reason Phadrea ever believed Apollo is due to her own insecurities. I think Phadrea knew Kenya was Apollo's type. Phadrea can't then be mad that the same finger she was blantly pointing at someone else is now pointed at her. She should have been a "Christian" and apologized to Kenya. I have no sympathy for Phadrea this is the life she chose and now she's dealing with the consequences of her "clean" man.


NeNe was friends with Cynthia and Peter and Cynthia didn't say she had a problem with it.  NeNe had her own husband and was playful with Peter.  Phaedra never was cool with Kenya's flirting with Apollo and Kenya continued inappropriate interaction with Apollo when she and Phaedra became enemies.  I wouldn't apologize to Kenya either after the way she degraded Phaedra over the past two seasons.  Kenya tried to use Apollo against Phaedra to embarrass her and she got caught in her own mess.  She is the one who brought the text messages to light at the reunion.  

  • Love 12

The situations are totally different. Kenya engaged in inappropriate behavior with Apollo when she was cool with Phaedra and she continued to engage in inappropriate behavior with Apollo when she and Phaedra were enemies. It was easy for Phaedra to believe that Kenya had crossed the line even further by propositioning Apollo. I don't blame Phaedra for believing her husband. Kenya's the same woman who insinuated herself in a hypothetical threesome with Phaedra and Apollo. After Apollo said he lied on Kenya and is a known liar, everything out of his mouth should be questioned. I don't think Phaedra is appalled if people believe something about her; I think she is appalled that they are spreading a claim by a known liar as the truth, bringing it up to her and doing so on national television.

I see what you are saying. Kenya said in her talking head that Apollo was fine. Well I originally thought that too. Lol and she pushed him in the pool and she said something about a threesome which was totally inappropriate. I dont know if there was more or not that we actually saw. I am not even saying she should not have believed her husband but when said husband said I lied, Kenya never offered me oral, didn't follow me to Cali.etc. why couldn't she just apologize to Kenya for calling her all kinds of whore on national television for a couple of years mind you. Now I will admit I am no Phedra fan. So I could clearly be prejudiced against her. I dont even believe Kenya and Cynthia believe Phedra is having an affair cuz they both know how convincingly Apollo lies. Had Phedra just apologized for the crap she continually said, none of this other stuff would have happened. Well unless production insisted on it , of course. Edited by lasandi
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Why is it that the most watched HW franchise has the least comments. Only 2 pages? I had to give up on the BH thread whose last episode garnered 33 pages worth of comments. Why is that?


Unfortunately, Apollo's incarceration cannot dominate the entire show like RHOBH Kim's sobriety storyline.  While Kim (and Brandi) has acted like a fool, her situation and the aftermath of her outburst is realistic and many of us discussing RHOBH are dealing with a similar situation.  In contrast, RHOA is a hot mess in an uninteresting way.  Cynthia has lost her mind and Nene is just going through the motions.  I don't know what the heck Kenya and Claudia are doing.  They seem to be throwing shit at the wall and hoping that something sticks.  Porsha is trying to diminish her fabulous body by draping it with ugly, ill-fitting clothes from Forever 21. 


Apollo is despicable, but he is the only one providing a compelling storyline.  While I am working on a project at work, I start thinking about what Apollo must have been thinking as he told people not to bother his stuff.  Does he really think its going to stay in the same place for 8 years?  Does he really expect to just step into his life in 8 years without missing a beat?  Was he performing for the cameras when he raced from room to room looking for tools or whatever the heck he was looking for?  I wonder what happened to the BMW he drove to jail.  Do they allow you to park it at prison or did he leave it at his friend's house?


Do you see how boring RHOA has become when I am thinking about what happened to Apollo's BMW?

Edited by ToukieSmith
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I wonder what happened to the BMW he drove to jail. Do they allow you to park it at prison or did he leave it at his friend's house?

As has been mentioned in an earlier thread, he did not drive the BMW to prison, he was brought to prison in a police van. His BMW will likely be part of the asset recovery process to make restitution to his victims.

  • Love 2

"Greg kids," Ugh, really?


And finally, can someone PULEEZ sit her down and explain to her the whole "s" business after nouns??



Nene isn't the only one with a problem with "s" after nouns.  Remember at last year's reunion Joyce said, "No I was not spending Kandi money."  Maybe it's an illiterate hosebeast thing.  lol


Kandi, to her credit, has been herself around Todd.  I don't feel sorry for him because he did not have to marry Kandi so quickly.  He should have agreed to having a really nice party instead of a wedding.



I seriously think Kandi's behavior about the prenup threw Todd for a loop.  She showed him that he wasn't indispensable; she was willing to call the wedding off because of money.  I think this is when Todd's whole attitude about Kandi changed.  Of course, he signed and went through with the wedding because it was the midnight hour and he didn't want to go through the embarrassment of being left at the alter, plus, I think he does love Kandi.  I think it made him question whether or not Kandi really loved him.  He as much as said this in the therapy session.  She made him feel some kind of way and their sex life has suffered because of it.

Edited by swankie
  • Love 7

Nene isn't the only one with a problem with "s" after nouns.  Remember at last year's reunion Joyce said, "No I was not spending Kandi money."  Maybe it's an illiterate hosebeast thing.  lol



I seriously think Kandi's behavior about the prenup threw Todd for a loop.  She showed him that he wasn't indispensable; she was willing to call the wedding off because of money.  I think this is when Todd's whole attitude about Kandi changed.  Of course, he signed and went through with the wedding because it was the midnight hour and he didn't want to go through the embarrassment of being left at the alter, plus, I think he does love Kandi.  I think it made him question whether or not Kandi really loved him.  He as much as said this in the therapy session.  She made him feel some kind of way and their sex life has suffered because of it.

Swankie, THIS. I remember when Kandi said that I said Oh snap! No she didn't. That's her mama talking! We have all had that time when we didn't listen to our inner voice saying Don't Do It! Todd probably should of listened to that voice and said, expensive party it is.

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I totally agree that is when Todd's view of Kandi changed.  He should have walked away after the numerous red flags before regarding Kandi shrugging her shoulder when Joyce became out of control with her mouth...  I don't think Todd expects Kandi to not take care of her mom but she needs to come correct first.  It looks like Kandi is rewarding Joyce's mistreatment of Todd (& Sharon).  When you get married, priorities need to change, that is the family you need to be ride or die for.


Kandi could easily set aside a monthly amount of money to "take care of" Joyce & have it dispensed to her, therefore ending the bottomless pit of giving.  She kind of has a lot of nerve calling Todd an opportunist when we've seen her do nothing but ask for Kandi to buy her unrealistic (7 BR home? WTF?) shit!  Joyce isn't worried about Todd making Kandi happy, she is worried about her gravy train ending.  And don't get me started about Don Juan & Carmon...  Sorry but that is enough to put a stop to the sex drive.  Maybe he thought once they were married Kandi would stick up for him more & that just hasn't happened.

  • Love 6

I watched the meet-up between Phaedra and Cynthia a couple of times and I just don't get it. Why was Cynthia so defensive off the bat, talking about she's only going to talk if Phaedra came to discuss the issue like an adult and listen. Huh? Why was Cynthia fighting Kenya's battles for her anyway when the fact checking thing came up? One thing that I have noticed in any situation is that it ALWAYS gets messy when the friends get involved. Friends tend to get more passionate than the person they're friends with and shit just escalates. But whatever. I'm tired of Cynthia this season and I could do with less of her on the screen.


And it just makes me uncomfortable now whenever MJ and Kandi are on screen together. Kandi is forever crying and her mother could not give two shits about why but then Kandi can turn around and inherit all those awful traits of her mama's towards her husband. I also found it interesting that both Kandi and Todd said that they weren't feeling the therapist because she was on their spouse's side. That just proved that they weren't very open at all to what she was saying.

  • Love 1

I watched the meet-up between Phaedra and Cynthia a couple of times and I just don't get it. Why was Cynthia so defensive off the bat, talking about she's only going to talk if Phaedra came to discuss the issue like an adult and listen. Huh? 


Phaedra was like, "but you are the one who called the meeting." That was surreal. I didn't even see the point of it accept for another grab at screen time by Cynthia.  

  • Love 3

I understand that Nene elicits a lot of strong feelings in folks, both positive and negative. But I think she's smart -- and hungry -- enough to not turn her back on a stream of income without really good reason. It reminds me of Joan Rivers, who never turned down a paying gig, regardless of the fact that, financially, she could have easily and comfortably sat home watching telenovelas for the rest of her life, even if she'd lived to a very, very old age. You can sneer at Nene's posturing and preening all you like, and perhaps deservedly. But the fact of the matter is, she had enough talent to parlay her participation in this show into a viable acting career, which is something that other "Housewives", who didn't possess real talent, weren't able to do beyond a couple of stunt-casting gigs. I can well imagine that Nene's thinking about continuing on RHOA is the same as mine is about keeping a comfy day job while I wrote books: If I can manage to do both and keep two nice sources of incoming coming in, why would I cut that in half?

Everything you say makes perfect sense except....this is Nene we are talking about. The same Nene that was looking down her nose at everyone  and bragging about all her "Trump  money" and feeling herself being a big star when she landed those 2 tv gigs, one of which is a cancelled show and the other she no longer has a role in.  As far as her possessing any real talent, that is a matter of opinion because I see no talent from her at all. This is the  same woman that told her agent on camera that she didn't need any acting classes. She is basically a 47 yr. old one trick pony with a certain look that is not going to get her a wide range of parts so she better keep her job on this show because she NEEDS this stream of income, and if she had the choice she would not be there.  

  • Love 9

Because we have a good group of posters here who make a point once and move on. You don't beat the dead horse into a bottle of glue. You all are great at following mod directions, and you stay on topic. You use the various threads here to discuss things and people which do not pertain to the episode. That's why we usually have fewer posts in the main episode thread....you post in other areas to stay on topic.

And..... you're all smart people. :)


Well as a frequent contributor to the Beverly Hills thread I disagree a little. Not the smart people part obviously. :)


I don't post that often here anymore because this season is just boring. I can barely pay attention to the show and mainly skim the forum out of habit.


The drama is just for camera time and it's hard to be invested. I yawn at Claudia desperately trying to pick at Porsha hoping she'll snap. Kenya is producing her TV show and taking meetings at a coffee shop because her executive offices aren't ready yet? Okay then. Cynthia is just embarrassing herself trying to insert herself in situations that she was never personally involved with.


The real drama has been with Apollo and Phaedra. That tension and hatred didn't seem fake to me and it was compelling to watch. Now that's over. I still like Phaedra scenes because of the interaction she has with the cutest kids ever, Ayden and Dylan.


I can watch Kandi and Todd too. They're dealing with real issues like meddling family members and trying to survive their first year of marriage.


Unfortunately, Nene is hard to root for now and the absence of the old Nene has hurt the show, imo.


Most of these women don't like each other, never will and yet they're continually "forced" to interact. They need new housewives is the bottom line.

  • Love 8

Did Sharon die during the filming of this season? That would certainly explain depression and other changes in Todd.





Sharon died not too long after Thanksgiving, in fact it was December 1st.  It looks like the weather in this last episode was still fairly warm since Porsha was wearing a yellow outfit with her bare midriff showing.  I'm not sure when filming wrapped for this season but since it first aired on November 9, I'm assuming filming was already over so Sharon's death was during the hiatus.


I wonder if Joyce is only upset about Kandi not spending very much time with the family because it means no camera time for Joyce, hince her hunting Kandi down at the clothing store?

Edited by swankie
  • Love 1

I wonder if Joyce is only upset about Kandi not spending very much time with the family because it means no camera time for Joyce, hince her hunting Kandi down at the clothing store?

Or it could be Bravo is actually paying attention to viewer outrage about that old bat and is keeping her off the shooting schedule. She had to come up with a reason for being there, I guess Kandi not spending time with her and the coven of aunts is as good a reason as any.

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My issue with this season is that it makes no sense without viewing it in context of their jobs with Bravo. All of this drama stems from being a Housewife. Other than Kandi and Phaedra, I don't think any of them are even friends.

Porsha hates Claudia because she took her peach.

Cynthia and NeNe just wouldn't speak anymore if not for the show.

NeNe literally has no friends left on the show, not even friendships being faked for the camera, like the two factions.

Todd wants to live in NYC or LA but Kandi shoots the show in ATL so they can't move, at least not permanently.

Claudia, Kenya and Cynthia are only friends for purposes of the show. Cynthia is friends with them because they are a refuge from NeNe.

Apolo was trying to milk his paycheck with Bravo and drummed up storylines by lying about Kenya's texts, and now (I believe), lying about texts from Chocolate to Phaedra.

Cynthia would never directly confront Phaedra about the texts (what does she care?) if she didn't have to drum up drama to stay on the show.

Did I mention no one talks to NeNe? It's bizarre to see her in with her group of friends now. It's not remotely believable.

And Phardra wouldn't be caught dead in the same room as Kenya if her paycheck didn't depend on it.

The show has just crossed a line into the absurd for me (kind of like RHONY and RHOBH) and they need to either clean house and keep only one of the factions, or just break the fourth wall and talk aout what all this sniping is really about: being forced to work with people you hate.

Edited by Evergreen
  • Love 1

My issue with this season is that it makes no sense without viewing it in context of their jobs with Bravo. All of this drama stems from being a Housewife. Other than Kandi and Phaedra, I don't think any of them are even friends.

Porsha hates Claudia because she took her peach.

Cynthia and NeNe just wouldn't speak anymore if not for the show.

NeNe literally has no friends left on the show, not even friendships being faked for the camera, like the two factions.

Todd wants to live in NYC or LA but Kandi shoots the show in ATL so they can't move, at least not permanently.

Claudia, Kenya and Cynthia are only friends for purposes of the show. Cynthia is friends with them because they are a refuge from NeNe.

Apolo was trying to milk his paycheck with Bravo and drummed up storylines by lying about Kenya's texts, and now (I believe), lying about texts from Chocolate to Phaedra.

Cynthia would never directly confront Phaedra about the texts (what does she care?) if she didn't have to drum up drama to stay on the show.

Did I mention no one talks to NeNe? It's bizarre to see her in with her group of friends now. It's not remotely believable.

And Phardra wouldn't be caught dead in the same room as Kenya if her paycheck didn't depend on it.

The show has just crossed a line into the absurd for me (kind of like RHONY and RHOBH) and they need to either clean house and keep only one of the factions, or just break the fourth wall and talk aout what all this sniping is really about: being forced to work with people you hate.

I agree with most of what you wrote, but Porsha doesn't hate Claudia for taking her peach. She wasn't told she was demoted and Claudia promoted til filming wrapped.


Nene also talks to Phaedra and Porsha(at least during filming). Phaedra said they texted almost daily.

  • Love 3

As has been mentioned in an earlier thread, he did not drive the BMW to prison, he was brought to prison in a police van. His BMW will likely be part of the asset recovery process to make restitution to his victims.


I was entertaining myself with the thought that he actually drove the car to prison with the expectation that he could park it out front for 8 years....


Porsha does not hate Claudia.  As far as Porsha is concerned, Claudia does not exist in her world.

Edited by ToukieSmith
  • Love 5

I've just seen the episode tonight....airing in Australia days after you all have seen it in the US and there are still only three pages of comments? That just demonstrates how little interest this particular franchise of the Housewives is fairing. Bravo better do some housework!

My favourite part of the episode: Kandi is in her part-owned dress shop chatting about the success of those wrap dresses (happy music).... Someone Else's Mama Joyce walks in (music winds down to a thud! Da da da duhhhhh!! ). Ha! Those editing monkeys know what we think about her!

Sorry I don't recall who: but someone on page one commented on the fact that your daughter Kandi is always crying.... What are you doing to help her get happier?

Aaaaand: Cynthia when you write a name into a hard object like glass, or metal, it's ENGRAVING! Monogramming is when you stitch or paint onto a soft surface like fabric. Sorry folks...I'm a pedant! I freaked when Kandi said something grammatically atrocious during this episode. I just can't remember what she said. I think she mixed up 'gone' and 'went'.

Edited by CrinkleCutCat

The level of unexpressed rage and hostility between Todd and Kandi makes me actively comfortable when I watch the show.




I wonder whether their relationship will improve or fall apart as a result of Sharon's death.  Either he's going to lean on Kandi more for support of her presence and her mom's presence will be a reminder of how shitty they treated his departed mom.

Why is it that the most watched HW franchise has the least comments. Only 2 pages? I had to give up on the BH thread whose last episode garnered 33 pages worth of comments. Why is that?


I've noticed this since the very first season of BH over at TWOP. The discussion eclipsed that of Atlanta's. I think part of that is due to more of an emotional investment over in Beverly Hills, especially with the family angle. The BH threads always scare me even when it's split up by episode, and there's only but so much Brandi discussion I can take.


I find myself struggling to feel passion about anything the Atlanta housewives are doing and for the two who are actively letting us see their family lives right now, Kandi and Phaedra, well....I've seen enough.

Edited by quetzal

Less back and forth on a single topic might explain 10 pgs vs 33, but it don't explain 3 (3!!) vs 33. I agree with the post upthread that it's time to revamp this thing. Perhaps sweep out those who are so rich, fabulous or over it since they're bringing nothing but drama and negative energy to the table anyway.


I've just seen the episode tonight....airing in Australia days after you all have seen it in the US and there are still only three pages of comments? That just demonstrates how little interest this particular franchise of the Housewives is fairing. Bravo better do some housework!


I know the jig is up when my ass has two (two!) episodes sitting on the DVR and I'm just getting around to watching. And to think, this used to be real-time TV for me.


Even when she's allegedly doing right, she's wrong. Hint to Nene: if you want people to buy your Rodney King imitation, you need to use more "we" language and less "you."  Cynthia wouldn't have had to say anything had you simply included yourself in the scolding from the jump. I don't blame her, if I'm sitting at that table and you're talking about "You all have not done (whatever)" and not "we" I'm asking if you're including yourself. Yes, you ultimately got there, but you left enough time in between for it to be questioned, so don't curl your lips and give me full Wanda teas when someone jumps into the void, and your ass.


ETA: removed...watching two at once leads to posting in the wrong thread!

Edited by SnarkKitty
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I know the jig is up when my ass has two (two!) episodes sitting on the DVR and I'm just getting around to watching. And to think, this used to be real-time TV for me.


This is similar to where I am with the show at the moment... I used to watch live, then I changed to watching the next day and now I've got 3 episodes waiting to be watched. There's nothing about the show motivating me to give up 45 minutes of my time for it anymore. 

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