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Ratings & Scheduling: That's what more and more of you missed on Glee


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I remember back when people were arguing with me for saying that PLL could never affect Glee (when they were both on Tuesdays) because PLL's ratings would always be in a lower realm than Glee's. 


I wonder what the next low milestone will be for Glee. Maybe a 1% share if that hasn't happened yet (meaning 1% of the demographic watching TV at the time have Glee on).

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I'd be lying if I said I didn't read this and let out an evil giggle. I'm not even sure where these high levels of schadenfreude are coming from. It's not like anyone is forcing me to watch this dreck.



For me it is coming from how much "glee" the writers take in mocking the fans.  They seem to think it makes them cutting edge and clever when in reality it just makes them ungrateful jackholes.  In return most of the fans have tuned out.  That is nothing less than the writers deserve.

Edited by camussie
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I'm not even sure where these high levels of schadenfreude are coming from. It's not like anyone is forcing me to watch this dreck.

It's like rubbernecking at the scene of a traffic accident, except less guilt-inducing because the only thing being destroyed here is an increasingly crappy television show. 


And some of y'all might be holding out a little bit of hope/wishful thinking that Glee will somehow manage to acquit itself in its final days - I saw some brief optimism after the Homecoming ep! - but not me! I want it to get worse. I want to see how low Glee can go*. It's almost perverse. I want the series to end with my staring slack-jawed at the screen, wondering WTF I just watched. 


* In terms of nonsensical storylines. I'd be perfectly happy if the writers stayed away from horrible rape jokes. Fuck you, Ian Brennan.

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Surprisingly Glee remained even with last weeks demos and gained a little in overall viewers.  I thought the meta overload from last week combined with new episodes from other shows would have led to a drop.  I guess this is the core audience.  

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Or people are just discussing the one metric that measures the success of the show.  After all there is a reason there is a whole Nielsen system.  Sure it doesn't matter as far as Glee's run as it is over but it is a good measurement of how far and hard the show has fallen.  

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Yep but hate watchers are still wetting their pants over them for some reason.


Yeah, I don't get enjoyment out of the ratings falling, since the joke the show has become affects way more people than RIB.

Edited by Danielle87
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Or people are just discussing the one metric that measures the success of the show.  After all there is a reason there is a whole Nielsen system.  Sure it doesn't matter as far as Glee's run as it is over but it is a good measurement of how far and hard the show has fallen.  

It's just pointing out the obvious now though.  Everyone that has half a brain knows the show's tanked.  The show's cancelled.  The ratings suck.  It's not news.  And the .1 difference that changes is most likely statistical variation probably within a standard deviation.  It just honestly doesn't matter. 

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It may not but since this is a board for discussing all things Glee I don't get chiding people  for discussing the ratings.  Discussing them is not people "wetting their pants."  It is simple discussing them.  As for people "hate watching," since those in charge at Glee seem to be "hate producing" their show (see the last two episodes where a good deal of the time was spent mocking viewers), I don't feel bad at all for approaching my viewing of Glee this season in the same manner.  

Edited by camussie
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It may not but since this is a board for discussing all things Glee I don't get the chiding over people discussing the ratings.  Discussing them is not people "wetting their pants."  It is simple discussing them.  


Certain people clearly revel in the ratings lows on this forum.  It's not a crime or anything to find glee in the show failing, but I don't think it's "chiding" anyone to make the observation that people are celebrating it.

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I'm actually angry that Glee has fallen to this point. This was a show that at one point was not just well-received critically, but pulled in huge ratings numbers. Even with the expected softening of ratings that can be expected with any aging show, Glee should not be in the situation where it's got an abbreviated final season (avoiding outright cancelation only because the network is contractually obligated and wants to keep things on good terms with Ryan Murphy. Not barely scraping ahead of the CW network and losing a million sets of eyeballs from its shit lead in.

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If one doesn't see the point of discussing the ratings, one should probably not bother reading a topic devoted to the ratings.

People are also allowed to revel in, or bemoan, the ratings dip without being chided for it.

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I've anyone hoped that Glee's ratings had plateaued, this week's ratings are going to be a massive disappointment with a pathetic 0.5 adults 18-49 rating with 1.57 million viewers.




The downward slide shows no sign of letting up. I would not be at all surprised to see Glee ending it's run will barely a million viewers.


This is sad but honestly, I'm not surprise about this. If this wasn't Glee's last season I wouldn't be watching either.

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This is sad but honestly, I'm not surprise about this. If this wasn't Glee's last season I wouldn't be watching either.



And that's essentially the point. I don't take any glee (no pun intended) in the ratings. In fact I'm mostly indifferent because honestly, it isn't surprising. But I do think it's quite sad. The show was never going to be a ratings juggernaut again but it could have saved face and ended with some level of dignity but that's not even happening. And I can't speak for anyone but I know just for me, I had every intention of watching the last season despite how bad things had gotten and the fact that I had missed a bunch of episodes in both S4 and S5.


Because again, while it was never perfect, it was good and fun and once upon time, meant something. That was until I read the spoilers and they only got worse and worse and I just thought, "why should I bother when it's clear the people who created this show don't give a shit anymore?" And that's truly how I've felt and continue to feel - that they don't care. And I imagine there are probably a lot of other former viewers/fans who feel the same. They've just created this feeling of indifference in people. I feel bad for the actors, crew members and others who all work so hard that this is how they go out but it is what it is. I swore I wouldn't watch one single episode and I haven't - not a scene, not a clip, not anything and at this point, I probably won't watch the series finale either. 

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I had every intention of watching all of this season too, but I didn't watch this week, and having read the recaps, I won't be watching it.


I only watch at most 3 episodes in S4 and 100 episodes and onward in S5 but I had every intention of watching this whole final season. But I think I might stop watching until the last episode. It's just not enjoying. 

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Who cares? It's the final season, and it's on the death slot. Of course they don't expect big ratings.



No one said Glee expected big ratings.  Still a drop to 0.5 in the demos is "dang that is bad" territory no matter what expectations were.  You can expect something to be bad and still note that it is bad.  


Has there been DVR data?  With the younger people who were formerly fans of this show, Friday night is just a horrible timeslot.  The spike won't happen again until the series finale.



In 18-49 for 601/2 and 603 there was an increase of  0.5. and 0.6 respectively.  That brought demos to 1.2 and 1.3 respectively.  That put Glee in the top 10 and far as a percent increase but not in the top 25 as far as abolute increase

Edited by camussie
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The ratings show how far off the pulse Ryan and company got. Incredibly shitty writing, third rate marketing, and the retread of every storyline each time increasingly diminishing returns and you have a .5 ratings which makes chronically struggling shows like "Parks and Recreation " and "Parenthood" look like juggernauts in comparison.

I feel bad for the crew and cast but Ryan and Brad pieces of shit are directly responsible for this ratings implosion, all the time licking their own asses congratulating themselves for their revolutionary show.

Doubt .5 is the lowest Glee will go. "It's just Rachel" numbers may be within reach. Can't think of any returning major network show that has EVER gotten ratings as low as Glee.

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The ratings show how far off the pulse Ryan and company got.

Well, this is what happens when you refuse to listen to anyone outside of your own echo chamber.  The "fans" that Glee says they are pleasing are obviously the tiny percentage that love the crap they're shoveling.  The rest of us simply don't understand their genius.

Doubt .5 is the lowest Glee will go. "It's just Rachel" numbers may be within reach.

DAMMIT!  You beat me to it.  I was going to point out the delicious irony that Glee has now become the It's Just Rachel show. The average viewer should never trust these writers/showrunners ever again.

Edited by LydiaMoon1
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I never was one of the those people that openly wished and prayed Glee would get cancelled, etc.


However, it's a moot point now.  The show is over, they are filming the last episode (13th regardless of viewing order), most of the cast seems to have secured employment for future projects (Lea, Chris, Kevin, Matt, Jane, etc, etc, ) and the episodes will air .   I'm assuming most of the working crew will morph over to Ryan and company's other anthology shows to be jump started.


So now I feel no remorse in stating I hope the show's last ratings dip below .5.  What is Glee's bottom?   While I respect the cast and crew, I think in the industry Glee's bottoming out will be viewed as squarely on the shoulders of Ryan and Brad's doing.   A .4 or .3 ratings (.7 and .5 already do it I concede) emphasizes even more and doesn't let them pretend otherwise that their writing/ vision of Glee completely lost the GA.  

Edited by caracas1914
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The bad ratings for Glee don't really affect them, though. People are still giving them money for new projects and acclaim. It doesn't matter how bad Glee gets; the once phenomenon will probably just have the dubious distinction of being the lowest rated non-cancelled TV show ever--an interesting factoid on Jeopardy or Hollywood Game Night. They're laughing all the way to the bank and for some odd reason they still have professional and creative respect. SMH

Edited by indeed
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Last  week's Friday Night 9: 00 PM ratings:


Feb 6, 2015
ABC  Shark Tank  2.0  7  7.68
CBS  Hawaii Five-0  1.3  4  10.08
NBC  Grimm  1.2  4  4.67
FOX  Glee  0.5  2  1.58
CW  Whose Line is it Anyway? -R  0.4  1  0.87



Previous Weeks' Friday Night 9: 00 PM ratings

Jan.  30, 2015
ABC  Shark Tank  1.9  7  7.90
CBS  Hawaii Five-0   1.4  5  10.40
NBC  Grimm  1.2  4  4.80
FOX  Glee  0.7  2  1.88
CW  Whose Line is it Anyway? -R  0.3  1  0.85



Two weeks past ratings:


Jan. 23, 2015
ABC  Shark Tank -R  1.5  5  6.33
NBC  Grimm  1.3  4  5.02
CBS  Hawaii Five-0 -R  1.1  2  8.18
FOX  Glee  0.7  2  1.82
CW  Whose Line is it Anyway? -R  0.4  1  0.95



Some apologists are already stating that Glee's ratings drop to .5  is mostly  due to overall ratings drop.   Doesn't seem to be supported by it's specific time slot does it?  No other first run  show lost ratings in the proportion of Glee that time slot and some other show even improved in the last 3 weeks. 

Edited by caracas1914
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I saw some articles about the Beiste storyline and even a tv interview with Dot-Marie. But as I don't live in the USA I don't know if that could have helped promote the episode to the GA this way, nor if promotion of that storyline would get more viewers in comparison to last week in the first place.


So maybe the slightly better 0.6 rating is just part of the normal tiny variations you get when you crunch numbers like this, as the total amount of viewers seem less than last week's?

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I think it had mostly to do with the CW ran a re-run of a movie last night instead of a new episode of "Heart of Dixie."  Both shows chase the same demo and both shows have low ratings but still they cannibalize each other.  

Edited by camussie
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The double wedding was hyped pretty hard on social media, so I'm sure there will be some non-regular viewers that tune in for it. But CBS and ABC both had new episodes on, and NBC is replaying the SNL special which was a huge ratings draw. I'll be interested to see how the ratings shake out for this episode.

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GLEE ratings for "A Wedding" - Scored a 0.6 with 1.89 million viewers 20 Feb 15. A slight bump but nothing too high from its previous 1.81M viewers last week. I think most have just given up on a very disappointing, nonsensical, and the ridiculous final season that Glee is churning out. I don't even think those who were slightly curious are even tuning in to live watch this show die! It's been painful and I have only been reading and not watching. IMO too much focus on Rachel and having almost every other character behave OOC to sacrifice their lives, happiness, and own story to appease and prop up Rachel. Still shaking my head at all of the opportunities Glee has squandered. The final season could have been amazing instead its just dying a slow death as it crawls to the series finale!

Edited by Ann Mack
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Well there's this for Glee, apparently it's turning out to be the lowest returning network series show EVER as far as ratings in a season.  So "it's just Rachel" meta is coming home  to roost.


Both series ending "Parenthood" and "Parks and Recreation" so far lapped Glee  with their ratings this year.

Edited by caracas1914
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Both series ending "Parenthood" and "Parks and Recreation" so far lapped Glee with their ratings this year.

It's cable, but I wouldn't be surprised if Cougar Town is probably doing better in the ratings for its final season. Edited by indeed
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Well there's this for Glee, apparently it's turning out to be the lowest returning network series show EVER as far as ratings in a season.  So "it's just Rachel" meta is coming home  to roost.

What a strange dichotomy for Fox. Here they have Glee receiving some of the lowest ratings on TV right now. And then they have Empire, which is actually breaking records and going up in ratings every single week. People are actually calling Empire a "Hip-Hop Glee". It just seems interesting that as Glee is on its way out, it is overlapping with a new musical show that may be an ever bigger hit.

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People are actually calling Empire a "Hip-Hop Glee". It just seems interesting that as Glee is on its way out, it is overlapping with a new musical show that may be an ever bigger hit.


Aside from the incorporation of music, Empire and Glee have nothing in common. Well, and I guess both have a gay character and confront homophobia, but Jamal and Kurt are nothing alike aside from that. BUT, Empire's music is all original (except for one song I think they redid). And Empire's original music makes Glee's look like a real joke, although they've got Timbaland doing their production, so that probably helps.  They also don't cram songs into episodes, and it keep very much out of using music in fantasy, and it's pretty much always being performed. Despite this, they actually use the music to drive the story, which Glee used to do. . .

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Empire and Nashville have more in common.


Glee  gets put in there becasue they did paved the way for scripted shows with music  on tv.

Edited by tom87
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