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S05.E16: Amster-Damn

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I'm not so sure about that.  And I'm not going to speculate, but I think whatever it was, Kim said it aloud or intimated enough that they all understood what she was ready to say on camera and that's why the other women were so completely on LisaR's side.


People on this show have accused each other’s husbands of cheating plenty of times – whatever it is/was is bad enough that it trumped Lisa completely blowing her stack and getting violent, a violence that the other women seemed to dismiss as completely justified.  One after another, they talked about how "despicable" and "disgusting" Kim’s behavior was... people didn’t get that heated over the surrogacy reveal!  Sure, they were appalled, but this time they really seemed horrified... and not at Lisa's overt behavior, but at what was said/implied. 


To clarify, I don't even know if whatever she said/hinted at is even true, or she made something horrible up and just said it.  But it had an impact on every woman sitting at that table.  



Screw Kim – Kathy can’t even keep her own children out of jail.  Kyle needs to transition her primary allegiance to the family she has with Mauricio.  She can love her sisters without feeling like she’s responsible for anything more than wishing them well in life. 


As for the rest of them – every time Kim shows up fucked up, ask “so... this what you’re like sober?” 


That whole scene with Brandi on the street was her desperate realization that she’s the odd man out.  If your only ally is Kim, and everybody else has fully embraced the new girls... your days may be numbered.  Your only shot at relevance is to bring the drama, even when it’s not organic. 


But she’s not stupid. There are only so many times you can go to that well.  She came into the season hoping she and Kim would have a new alliance – heck, she might even pull Lisa V back, or recruit one of the new girls.  Or the new ones would be a bust like the last two and she and Kim and Kyle and Lisa would still be the framework for future seasons.  Seeing everybody rally around Kyle and Lisa drove home that she’s not in the middle of the pack any more.  Lisa and Eileen have resources to bring to the show that Brandi can’t compete with.  Brandi’s already used everything she’s got.


It's been awhile now, but wasn't Brandi also pretty much iced out at the season premiere, the white party at Kyle's?


I seem to recall footage of her sitting off by herself (maybe her stylist was there, too) and everyone else having a great time.


I think she even left early because after cordial greetings, the other guests pretty much just ignored her.


Am I remembering that correctly?  Must be time for another cup of coffee...  

  • Love 6

Your posts reminds me of another incident that Kim had a flashback to, on poker night when in the bathroom with Kyle:

Remember game night in the bathroom 3-years ago...Kim tells Kyle she hasn't slept or eaten for 7-days, has panic attacks, heart is leaping out of her skin, she's loosing balance, having eyesight, hearing problems. While Kim is fumbling for something in her bag...Kyle says, "You look good...lets go. You're taking too long and it looks rude."

It appears you are correct Kyle puts the way the sisters look on TV as more important than her sister's health concerns. Kyle seems to be a stickler for not wanting to look "rude."


If I recall correctly, ages ago Brandi blogged about game night and said that Kim had retreated to the bathroom innumerable times for extended periods, which is why Brandi finally called her out on her shit that night.  


That particular bathroom trip where Kyle tells her to hurry could have simply been that this was already trip #10 into the loo and Kyle knew the other women were out there speculating about what was going on.  Better to say "rude" than "they're getting suspicious at your shenanigans tonight, Kim, hustle your ass up and get out there."


Granted, Brandi is not the bastion of truth by all means, but since this was regarding game night before she appeared to have anything to lose, I believed her blog in the context with which the events were presented to the viewers at that time.  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 11

From what I observe, Kyle is 'there for Kim' when it suits her, but she's very reticent to defend Kim when she's in front of the camera or out in public with the other women. Kyle is more concerned with how she comes off, she needs the fan support and if she had defended Kim right that at the moment with LisaR then people would have put her squarely in Kim's camp. She wants to be liked, even if it means separating herself from giving her sister the support she so desperately needs.

I agree and disagree. I am totally with you that Kyle has a tendency to defend or "be there" or whatever the fuckity fuck these women are always harping about as if life is a Jr High cafeteria more in private or during one on one moments with the other women. However I don't see it as Machiavellian so much as I just think Kyle is a fairly weak and needy person who would have a hard time standing up to a crowd in any situation. Even in her ugliest moments she's leading a mean girl pack, not lashing out against the current. She's still pretty immature and easily impressed and influenced. Oh and I HATE it when anyone makes me agree with Brandi, but Kyle was begging to be smacked in the pot shop. Like on her hands and knees pleading with the audience to knock her cutesy pie grin into next week. Then they left the shop and Brandi continued on her many grievences like the delusional bitch she is and all was right with the world again.

  • Love 6

The Afterbuzz TV podcast said the rumor Kim is referring to alleges Harry has been caught in West Hollywood cheating on Lisa R with men. The reunion gossip was contradictory (a contradictory as Porsha Williams would say) in that one person said this was fought about at length, and another person said Lisa asked Kim flat out what Harry did and Kim refused to answer and that was fought about at length. It's all hearsay of course, but there you go. Harry joins the ranks of pretty much every other purportedly corrupt househusband.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 9

There's a lot of episodes where Kim isn't provoking shit but because it's Kim it was wrong and "provoking" to invite Brandi even though I pretty much got the genuine vibe with her idea to break the ice and she walked in and right away explained it to Kyle so there was no misunderstanding as to why she brought Brandi. Kim was sitting at that table just ready to proceed with the night and here we go again about addiction.


I don't care if Kim did go right to Kyle to explain her moronic decision to bring Brandi to Kyle's party.  The fact remains that Kyle explicitly did not invite Brandi, hoping for a fun event without Brandi ruining it.  First of all, Kim had absolutely NO RIGHT to bring Brandi without a heads up to Kyle before hand, and thinking she was going to facilitate a truce between Kyle and Brandi at a party that her sister was hosting was a stupid, stupid move.  She WAS provoking because guests don't get to invite others without discussing it with the host first.  Then to sit there looking spaced out when Brandi made the insulting remark about Mauricio and not saying anything just showed how little Kim cares about Kyle.  Since Kyle and Kim went four months not seeing each other before the reunion, I hope Kyle enjoyed not having to deal with the mess that is Kim, and that she keeps her distance for an even longer time in the future. 

  • Love 13

When she started out yes. Outside of poker night where she was the one that set things in motion the other gatherings were awkward, intense, etc. etc. not because Kim blazed into the scene coked out of her mind and causing chaos.

Saying that Kim was "calm" at the start of her rant against LisaR is like saying yea, she went from 1 to 10 in a flash, but let's just talk about when she was at 1!

And I love how Kim went to Kyle's gay mixer and didn't even know what day it was. Then she (and Brandi) brought Kyle to tears. You don't have to be a coked-out raving lunatic to be a menace or embarrassment to your group of friends. Or to behave in a way that gets everyone talking. Kim proves that time after time.

  • Love 18

And in fairness Kim has expressed how she wanted Lisa R to back off.

Yes she did. But, if I recall, LisaR was done with the subject. She complied with Kim's demands.  It was Brandi who didn't back off the subject.  She told Kim what part LisaR had in that talk about Kim's sobriety, but failed to let Kim know Brandi had more than just her hand in that mess.


I remember Kyle expressed to Kim she didn't want Brandi at her mixer, but did Kim comply? No. So, others should comply to Kimmy's demands, but Kimmy can do whatever the hell she wants?


Kim couldn't just let it go, but who can blame her? If she is being told a half-truth by her BFF, the person she assumes she can trust and who she thinks is the greatest support in the world, why would she doubt Brandi?  There goes Kim, shooting daggers at LisaR on the flight. Sorry, if someone is clearly glaring at me and giving me attitude with their facial expressions, me, being the human being that I am, I am going to ask you point blank, "What is wrong?" which is what LisaR did.  If Kim didn't want to the subject to be brought up, then don't make facial expressions to someone that will clearly make anyone ask them what is bothering them. Of course, what do I expect from an addict? They have the maturity of a teenager and behaviors that match.


LisaR made her points clear as to why she takes addiction to heart. A point that I think Kim clearly missed the previous time LisaR mentioned it. The reason I think Kim doesn't hear what people say, including LisaR, is because her own wheels are turning as people are talking to her and she is just ready to pounce, ready to cut them off, ready to deflect, and being self-centered as she is, Kim only wants to speak to say HOW SHE FEELS and to hell with how others are feeling. This was clearly noted in the hotel scene where Kim went to talk to LisaR and let her know how SHE FELT about the night before. LisaR tried in vain to let her know how she had felt about the limo ride, but Kim cut her off. LisaR tried to talk, but Kim let her know she wanted to have her say, which LisaR let her have. When Kim was done, she didn't give LisaR the same respect to hear her about how she felt. All LisaR managed to say to Kim was how sorry she was and how scared she was about approaching Kim about the subject of her behavior. And yet, not an "I'm sorry" out of Kim Richards thin-lipped, lying mouth. 



While Kim is fumbling for something in her bag...Kyle says, "You look good...lets go. You're taking too long and it looks rude."

It appears you are correct Kyle puts the way the sisters look on TV as more important than her sister's health concerns. Kyle seems to be a stickler for not wanting to look "rude."

No, I think Kyle was aware of there being more than make-up in Kim's bag, which is why she was trying to keep her from "putting on make-up" aka digging in her bag to find her pills or drugs to ingest. Kyle, in her own way, was trying to protect her sister's drug use from the cameras. If Kyle had allowed Kim to remain in that bathroom, Kim could have ended up staying in the bathroom all drugged up or she would have come out of there worse than she already was.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 17

Kim has never said that's she's fine in her sobriety.  At the reading at Eileen's house she stated that sometimes she feels like withdrawing to her room and holing up with the tv and that frightens her, to go to that place, inplying that that's where she could go off the wagon. At the wine tasting that her lovely sister arranged for everyone, Kim attended for a few minutes, made a joke and then stepped out.  She didn't go to the pot shop.  She's fragile and has never stated otherwise and I think that's why when people delve deeply into her business she feels the need to protect herself.  She acknowledged to Kyle the night of the poker party that she had taken a pain pill, she never tried to hide that, not for a minute.  In the car Lisar asked her if she was drinking and she said no and I believe her.  She had taken medication that she shouldn't have, it was a relapse and she has always owned it.  BTW, imo it is a huge accomplishment for an alcoholic to give up alcohol.  I've seen the struggle up close and personal in my family and it's a personal triumph when an alcoholic can stop using.  So Kim does have something to protect in her alcohol free sobriety.

Kim has definitely made comments indicating that she thinks she's strong in her sobriety. Brandi even comments early in the season that she thinks Kim is strong enough in her sobriety to be around non sober friends. Brandi ends up changing her tune a few episodes later of course when it becomes obvious that Kim is not sober by any stretch of the imagination.


From Kim's blog (emphasis mine):

If I were not strong in my sobriety today, I could never do the things I’m doing. Thank you to those who have shared their kind words and support!


I hate to sound like a broken record, but yes, I made a mistake when I took Monty’s pain pill to relieve the chronic pain from my injuries, and yes, I am still sober and strong mentally and physically.


I know what happened on poker night looked bad—even I was shocked when I saw it! However, I have always been open about my sobriety, how I WAS in a bad place, and how I have been and am sober for the past three years. Instead of wanting to curl up into a ball and hide in the midst of all this drama, I feel confident and strong in myself. These rumors and the fighting actually made me realize how much stronger I am today.



Another thing that's worth pointing out is that Kim says that she's not drinking or "using" when she's defending herself to Yolanda. Kim is again showing here that she isn't just talking about alcohol when she's talking about her sobriety. The idea that Kim is saying that she's sober because she hasn't had a drink doesn't make sense when we consider all of the other things that Kim has said in relation to her sobriety. It's not just about alcohol and from her own comments she's made it clear that her issues aren't only with alcohol.


From this episode Kim says:

If [my kids] ever thought for one minute that I was drinking and using they would walk away from me in a heartbeat.



Kim also claims in this conversation that Lisa R is spreading a rumor when Lisa R was doing no such thing. It's not like Lisa R was repeating second hand gossip. Lisa R was talking about a situation that she witnessed first hand and was filmed for the entire world to see. Kim's behavior would be evident to everyone including her children even if Lisa R hadn't said anything to anyone about the car ride or Poker Night. That's what Kim fails to understand. 

  • Love 17

The Afterbuzz TV podcast said the rumor Kim is referring to alleges Harry has been caught in West Hollywood cheating on Lisa R with men. The reunion gossip was contradictory (a contradictory as Porsha Williams would say) in that one person said this was fought about at length, and another person said Lisa asked Kim flat out what Harry did and Kim refused to answer and that was fought about at length. It's all hearsay of course, but there you go. Harry joins the ranks of pretty much every other purportedly corrupt househusband.

That might have been enough to make Lisar upset at having it spill out on RHOBH. Though Mauricio's rumor was worse IMO and no one cares. Today I don't see it bothering movie/TV directors.

  • Love 2

She [Kyle] wants to be liked, even if it means separating herself from giving her sister the support she so desperately needs.


Kyle has been giving Kim support for years and years and years (without cameras present), so just how long is enough?  How many times does Kyle have to listen to Kim scream "You're NEVER there for me!" before she can walk away, realizing that she can't help Kim because all Kim wants from Kyle is for her to validate and enable her to do whatever she wants?  Kyle needs to realize that you cannot control what other people do, just how you react to it; and what she should do is leave it to Brandi and Kathy to deal with Kim. 

  • Love 14





Does the "You ruined my flower" gif remind anyone else of Billy Crudup's character being on acid in Almost Famous? He's on the come down at this point and he picks a flower out of somebody's yard and then tells his manager that he "hurt the flower" as he's being loaded back onto the tour bus.  

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 3
She had taken medication that she shouldn't have, it was a relapse and she has always owned it


No she hasn't.  According to Kim, it wasn't a relapse; it was a pill she took that "didn't agree with her".   You may feel sick and even vomit if something doesn't agree with you;  you don't act spaced out, insulting everyone around you like she did in the car AND in Eileen's home.  Remember, she's been "sober" for THREE YEARS, just ask her!

  • Love 15

Your posts reminds me of another incident that Kim had a flashback to, on poker night when in the bathroom with Kyle:

Remember game night in the bathroom 3-years ago...Kim tells Kyle she hasn't slept or eaten for 7-days, has panic attacks, heart is leaping out of her skin, she's loosing balance, having eyesight, hearing problems. While Kim is fumbling for something in her bag...Kyle says, "You look good...lets go. You're taking too long and it looks rude."

It appears you are correct Kyle puts the way the sisters look on TV as more important than her sister's health concerns. Kyle seems to be a stickler for not wanting to look "rude."

Kim was lying and high and kept retreating to the bathroom.  I think Kim exaggerates her maladies-she sure didn't have any problems playing the game, hiding crutches and jumping up screaming "slut pig".  Seven days, and I hope there are some medical experts to confirm or refute, is almost impossible to go without sleep.  I do think it sounded odd but at the same time this is Kim who checked herself out of rehab after 7 days and claimed she was fine and not drinking or using.  One thing that happens with people with anxiety issues or people who are not in their right mind is they lose concept of time because they are trying to get focused.  Of course there is the on going Kim thinks of no one but herself.


Kim didn't have any "health concerns" at the table in Amsterdam she just wanted to be mean.  It is a strange circle "Game Night" Kyle was suppose to support Kim because she had outed her alcoholism, in Amsterdam Kim was suppose to unconditionally support Kim in spite of the fact Kim was being rude and cruel.  Kim using the flashback to the bathrooms to somehow spank Kyle for not being nice to her is a joke-Kim was on drugs both times.  NO ONE owes Kim covering up when she shows up to work drunk or on drugs.  At this point anyone who supports Kim when she shows up to work as rude and mean as Kim did at dinner party might risk their credibility.  Only Yolanda was able to express to Kim her behavior was unacceptable.  Go Yo!

  • Love 5

If I recall correctly, ages ago Brandi blogged about game night and said that Kim had retreated to the bathroom innumerable times for extended periods, which is why Brandi finally called her out on her shit that night.  


That particular bathroom trip where Kyle tells her to hurry could have simply been that this was already trip #10 into the loo and Kyle knew the other women were out there speculating about what was going on.  Better to say "rude" than "they're getting suspicious at your shenanigans tonight, Kim, hustle your ass up and get out there."


Granted, Brandi is not the bastion of truth by all means, but since this was regarding game night before she appeared to have anything to lose, I believed her blog in the context with which the events were presented to the viewers at that time.

Kim brought this up in a TH at the poker night episode and the producers added in the flashback to illustrate why Kim felt negatively about her sister.

  • Love 1

Lisar's change of heart toward Kim is...now she's fucken scared of her, LOL.

That is so very true, she found out that Kim high or sober, is vicious and goes in for the kill at the drop of a pin!


If I recall correctly, ages ago Brandi blogged about game night and said that Kim had retreated to the bathroom innumerable times for extended periods, which is why Brandi finally called her out on her shit that night.  


That particular bathroom trip where Kyle tells her to hurry could have simply been that this was already trip #10 into the loo and Kyle knew the other women were out there speculating about what was going on.  Better to say "rude" than "they're getting suspicious at your shenanigans tonight, Kim, hustle your ass up and get out there."


Granted, Brandi is not the bastion of truth by all means, but since this was regarding game night before she appeared to have anything to lose, I believed her blog in the context with which the events were presented to the viewers at that time.  

I believe that Kim had already been recorded/shown going to the bathroom 1 or 2 times before Kyle joined her in there. I agree with GreatKazu, Kyle knew that Kim was looking to pop a few more pills and was trying to protect/stop Kim.

  • Love 7

I think it is pretty obvious that production forced Kim to go to meet with Lisar. They had already split into groups and were going to isolate Brandi, Kim and the Lemon Lady. Or they were going to go home because how could they come back from that mess?


So they were ordered to paper it over and carry on if they want to get paid. Liasr sucked it up and made nice because she is in it for the money and makes no bones about it. 


But it can only devolve from here. 

  • Love 11
In the car Lisar asked her if she was drinking and she said no and I believe her.  She had taken medication that she shouldn't have, it was a relapse and she has always owned it.

Lisa R asked Kim if she was drinking *or* if she'd taken anything. Kim didn't cop to the pill when Lisa asked her. It was only after Kyle askind her directly in addition to Kim's tiny  brain starting to wonder if Lisa R said anything about the car ride from hell (that she knew had been filmed) that she decided to (sort of) come clean. 

  • Love 2

Yolanda to Kim: "that's no way to communicate." Yeah. No shit, Yo.

I hate Kim. I don't give a flying fuck if she's an addict. I don't. She's a terrible, nasty, manipulative person and she's making me defend Kyle for fuck's sake. I don't give a fuck what happens to her.

Oh--and she referred to Eileen as "face." Fuck her.

Sorry for all expletives. I should just throw $20 in the swear jar and call it a day.

  • Love 17

I think it is pretty obvious that production forced Kim to go to meet with Lisar. They had already split into groups and were going to isolate Brandi, Kim and the Lemon Lady. Or they were going to go home because how could they come back from that mess?

So they were ordered to paper it over and carry on if they want to get paid. Liasr sucked it up and made nice because she is in it for the money and makes no bones about it.

But it can only devolve from here.

That was my first thought too. Production had a few options at that point, none of them good. It would be hard to fire Kim instead of LisaR. As nasty as Kim was, LisaR was the one who became violent. So I guess they could fire LisaR, but they probably didn't want to. LisaR is likely easier for production to work with than Kim and even if they fired LisaR, it was soundings like Eileen and maybe LisaV were on the verge of refusing to film with Kim. Heck at that point it sounded like even Kyle may have made a fuss about filming with Kim. I think production pretty much demanded that Kim go and work things out with LisaR so they can try and film the rest of the season. I wouldn't be surprised if production just wants to get through the rest of the season so they can quietly not renew Kim's contract.

  • Love 7

Kim was lying and high and kept retreating to the bathroom.  I think Kim exaggerates her maladies-she sure didn't have any problems playing the game, hiding crutches and jumping up screaming "slut pig".  Seven days, and I hope there are some medical experts to confirm or refute, is almost impossible to go without sleep.  I do think it sounded odd but at the same time this is Kim who checked herself out of rehab after 7 days and claimed she was fine and not drinking or using.  One thing that happens with people with anxiety issues or people who are not in their right mind is they lose concept of time because they are trying to get focused.  Of course there is the on going Kim thinks of no one but herself.


Kim didn't have any "health concerns" at the table in Amsterdam she just wanted to be mean.  It is a strange circle "Game Night" Kyle was suppose to support Kim because she had outed her alcoholism, in Amsterdam Kim was suppose to unconditionally support Kim in spite of the fact Kim was being rude and cruel.  Kim using the flashback to the bathrooms to somehow spank Kyle for not being nice to her is a joke-Kim was on drugs both times.  NO ONE owes Kim covering up when she shows up to work drunk or on drugs.  At this point anyone who supports Kim when she shows up to work as rude and mean as Kim did at dinner party might risk their credibility.  Only Yolanda was able to express to Kim her behavior was unacceptable.  Go Yo!

There's no doubt Kim is being extra cruel to her sister. She tells her she loves her and all is right in the world, but basically still blames Kyle. Even though Kyle has been covering up for Kim for years...she somehow sees the way Kyle has handled her in the past as wrong. In Amsterdam, at one point Kyle is exacerbated by Kim and tells LisaR, LisaV and Eileen that she is the weaker sister. Maybe Kyle needs some tools (Al-Anon) to know how to exist with Kim without all the secrets and lies.

Or at the very least make peace with living her life without working with Kim.

  • Love 4

I agree and disagree. I am totally with you that Kyle has a tendency to defend or "be there" or whatever the fuckity fuck these women are always harping about as if life is a Jr High cafeteria more in private or during one on one moments with the other women. However I don't see it as Machiavellian so much as I just think Kyle is a fairly weak and needy person who would have a hard time standing up to a crowd in any situation. Even in her ugliest moments she's leading a mean girl pack, not lashing out against the current. She's still pretty immature and easily impressed and influenced. Oh and I HATE it when anyone makes me agree with Brandi, but Kyle was begging to be smacked in the pot shop. Like on her hands and knees pleading with the audience to knock her cutesy pie grin into next week. Then they left the shop and Brandi continued on her many grievences like the delusional bitch she is and all was right with the world again.

I agree with all of this except for one key item. Kyle is clearly a pernicious Machiavellic!


Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 4

There have been lots of scenes like that over the years. I noticed it on Poker Night when Kim confided she had taken a pill, and Kyle didn't even seem cognizant that it meant Kim had relapsed. She talked about the positive of Kim not hiding that from her, but it was Brandi of all people who outed Kim's pain pill relapse in a TH, not Kyle. For someone who has had an addict sister her entire adult life, you would think she gets the drill and notices the behavioral changes, but instead she always seems surprised and asks "what's wrong with you?" She doesn't seem to have the awareness or resignation of a long-term sufferer that I've seen in others in her place. I think the reasons are this: 1) she's not that sharp; and 2) she doesn't want to know. She was raised to ignore it and not ask questions. Stay in denial. She needs Al-Anon so badly.

I will say before they went to the hash house Kyle even was like "Wheres Kim?"

  • Love 3


Sincerely Yours: 

You don't keep messing with a hot mess unless you like the drama that it brings and being that she's trying to stick a spot on the show I feel that if she wants to go there for a storyline then she's gonna have to take what she takes in return.


if something is caught on camera it's still not right to:

--Insert yourself into someone else's personal business. I for one don't go around poking into my coworkers private life because being around her a couple of times made me uncomfortable and uneasy. I either hope it doesn't happen again and if I fear it will then I will have to figure out what I need to do to about future interations cause I'm not going to count on the "crazy" person to curb their behavior. That makes no damn sense to me.

--Call someone an addict over and over and over while speaking to other people without the person being present or attempting to have a private conversation with the person you seemed so set on trying to understand. Again makes no damn sense to me.

--Bring it up, speak your piece and because you weren't happy with how it was received continue chewing on that bone.

--Again discuss while crying addict, addict, addict and putting more life into the whole subject matter and associate aftershock confrontations with her addictions instead of the petty shit it had more to do with.

--Pretend not to understand how someone may not want to discuss something so sensitive in front of the other women and continue to encourage public confrontations.

--Continue to discuss a subject that just hours before was the cause of an unpleasant exchange and was also pretty well covered and filed away in the "not tryna talk about it" file.

--Ignoring another persons wishes to not bring up such a sensitive subject once the person has expressed they want it put to bed which they have every right to do since the subject has been beat to death anyway.

-Go for someone's throat

-Throw and smash a wine glass at someone

 I'm not surprised that Kim came out swinging. I mean come on LisaR has been screaming addict for the last 100 episodes, just because it's not a secret doesn't mean she's got to lead with that all the time. I got a friend who used to be a hooker and I don't go around saying she's a hooker, she's a hooker when I'm talking about her it's the truth but at this point Lisa R should just stop calling her Kim and just start using "The addict").  Why can't she just let it go? That's just rude.

 Kim doesn't just have her episodes for shits and giggles. She has them because partly she's struggling with an addiction and she's constantly battling.  These other women... Shits and giggles.

 LisaR wants her opinion to be more important than Kims desire to be more discreet about her challenges. Why is that? Because "gasp" she was stuck in a limo for what 20-30 minutes? with crazy Kim. Oh No! Get the smelling salts for LisaR poor thing. It had to take a confrontation like last night that, where Lisa R ended up the one apologizing anyway (which I loved by the way and no it didn't escape me that Kim didn't apologize not once in that whole exchange HA!) for it to finally be put to bed for the season?

 Most people wouldn't want to create an awkward situation when it's not necessary. Kim does it cause she took a pill or has been drunk in past seasons but these women create awkward, nasty moments all the time with no real justifications what so ever. Oh wait.. they're "concerned" oh please! Spare me!


Amen. Amen. Amen. 

Bowing down to Sincerely Yours. I bolded some of Sincerely yours' sentences.

  • Love 6


Kyle, if you are indeed going to be one of the go-to people for your sister, Kim,  understand that she needs your TOTAL commitment.


What's total commitment supposed to look like? I think even Kyle's flawed style is closer to what a professional would suggest than what Kim considers her due.


Its hard to commit to helping someone unless THEY actually own up to the fact that they're an addict and commit to seriously taking steps to come clean.


If I remember correctly, when Kim did go to rehab, she checked herself out early, and she has not been shown to be taking the steps that are called for during recovery.  Commitment on the part of the addict is necessary before anyone else can help them.  

  • Love 5

That is so very true, she found out that Kim high or sober, is vicious and goes in for the kill at the drop of a pin!

If someone barked at us and said "drop it" with a voice filled with hate...would we bring it up at the dinner table in Amsterdam? No way we'd be enjoying ourselves looking at the menus and talking about what we're doing after dinner.

So I think after what LisaR went through it wasn't worth it...as she says she doesn't know what Kim knows about, but she sure doesn't want Kim to bite off her...or Harry's heads, LOL.

Edited by RealityTVSmack1
  • Love 2

Kim brought this up in a TH at the poker night episode and the producers added in the flashback to illustrate why Kim felt negatively about her sister.


That still didn't clarify which trip # to the bathroom this represented for Kim.


The cameras were running.  The other women were speculating.  This was all being filmed.  


Perhaps Kyle was just trying to hustle Kim out of there for Kim's sake.  


My post is obviously based on Brandi's blog (for whatever it's worth), which indicated there were innumerable, lengthy trips to the bathroom for Kim that night.  She used that as her explanation for being so frustrated with the entire situation and finally calling Kim out.  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 2

You know the old saying, "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer". I think this is what Lisar decided to do. Make up with Kim so she doesn't spill any more tea on Harry.  Smart move.

Especially if LisaR may have to work with her again. I like when she tells Eileen straight-up to go meet with Kim one on one OFF camera. Maybe Lisar feels she missed that step with Kim and caught up with the off-camera-Kim-talk after the glass throwing incident.

I agree 100% :)

  • Love 5


Also side note I've smoked pot maybe 5 times my whole life, last year when we went to amsterdam I was giddy about trying it there. I can understand the women maybe excited to do it in Amsterdam, somaybe I'm immature but I was laughing at that whole scene. I really doubt Kyle lights up all the time anyway.



That's what we do when we're traveling or in a new setting and trying something new or in a different way. Similarly when we were in Munich we were kind of silly drinking beer and singing traditional bar songs with people from all over the world (mostly Asian). We've all had beer before. It was different because it was Munich and we were tourists doing tourist stuff.

  • Love 9

Yolanda to Kim: "that's no way to communicate." Yeah. No shit, Yo.

I hate Kim. I don't give a flying fuck if she's an addict. I don't. She's a terrible, nasty, manipulative person and she's making me defend Kyle for fuck's sake. I don't give a fuck what happens to her.

Oh--and she referred to Eileen as "face." Fuck her.

Sorry for all expletives. I should just throw $20 in the swear jar and call it a day.

I think you said it perfectly! LOL


That was my first thought too. Production had a few options at that point, none of them good. It would be hard to fire Kim instead of LisaR. As nasty as Kim was, LisaR was the one who became violent. So I guess they could fire LisaR, but they probably didn't want to. LisaR is likely easier for production to work with than Kim and even if they fired LisaR, it was soundings like Eileen and maybe LisaV were on the verge of refusing to film with Kim. Heck at that point it sounded like even Kyle may have made a fuss about filming with Kim. I think production pretty much demanded that Kim go and work things out with LisaR so they can try and film the rest of the season. I wouldn't be surprised if production just wants to get through the rest of the season so they can quietly not renew Kim's contract.

 I don't think production would fire either of them for leaving but I do think they were worried that Lisa V would join them and leave which would leave Kyle on her own since Yolanda is trying so hard to play Switzerland with everyone. They can't have Yolanda pick a side on her trip to her homeland, she has to stay neutral.

  • Love 3

Brandi realized as I had also that the women sitting in the pot shop were all transparently disingenuous in their reluctance to taste a tiny piece of hash-cake. I mean really, they know their kids will watch the episode so I'm sure they didn't want to sit there and say "hey yah, give me five pieces, I like that shit".  Comon' now, which of them that has teenage or older kids believes their kid hasn't tried smoking a joint at least once? And how many of their almost-adult children actually believe their mothers are sainted beings that have done no wrong in their lives? (cough-cough)

I would really love to believe that was what Brandi was thinking in that teeny, tiny brain of hers, but no. I will go with the idea that Brandi, again, was on her own, just like at LisaV's surprise birthday party. She didn't have Kimmy by her side. YoFo was chatting it up with LisaR and Eileen while LisaV was chatting with Kyle and YoFo's brother. Brandi sits there sulking because she is not the center of attention. She had to find something to bitch about and found her target: Kyle.  She then goes off and has a tantrum and a public outburst. It was very rude of Brandi to display, again, her juvenile antics, especially on the streets of Amsterdam. YoFo and her brother looked like they couldn't get away from her fast enough.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 14

If someone barked at us and said "drop it" with a voice filled with hate...would we bring it up at the dinner table in Amsterdam? No way we'd be enjoying ourselves looking at the menus and talking about what we're doing after dinner.

So I think after what LisaR went through it wasn't worth it...as she says she doesn't know what Kim knows about, but she sure doesn't want Kim to bite off her...or Harry's heads, LOL.

But, LisaR did not start that conversation, Yolanda did and when they saw LisaR crying they asked her why/what was wrong. She answered and apologized once again and Kim got nasty. I would have called Kim out to her face on the plane to Canada as soon as she started in on me like she did LisaR. I admit, I would not have let it go as far as LisaR did and I would have shut her out of every conversation there on out if she had not apologized. The other thing, I would have told Kim about what Brandi told me then as well. IMO, LisaR showed great restraint in not outing Brandi as her source.

  • Love 13

Yolanda to Kim: "that's no way to communicate." Yeah. No shit, Yo.

I hate Kim. I don't give a flying fuck if she's an addict. I don't. She's a terrible, nasty, manipulative person and she's making me defend Kyle for fuck's sake. I don't give a fuck what happens to her.

Oh--and she referred to Eileen as "face." Fuck her.

Sorry for all expletives. I should just throw $20 in the swear jar and call it a day.

This post has my soul on fire. LOL.

I think it is pretty obvious that production forced Kim to go to meet with Lisar. They had already split into groups and were going to isolate Brandi, Kim and the Lemon Lady. Or they were going to go home because how could they come back from that mess?


So they were ordered to paper it over and carry on if they want to get paid. Liasr sucked it up and made nice because she is in it for the money and makes no bones about it. 


But it can only devolve from here. 

I think Eileen and Lisar were booking flights out of there and Yolanda was probably not wanting to get stuck with the two losers.  On the media page I posted some stills and Brandi and Kim are shown getting into the production van and the rest of the ladies are getting into a nice roomy Mercedes Sprinter.  I bet production had a long and difficult night and was promising some nice bonus checks to the newbies.  Kim would have been easy to convince to stay they would have just held her stash hostage until she performed.


Apparently Kyle and Kim haven't seen in each other in four months so either Kim didn't get all of her stash back or Kyle developed a backbone.

  • Love 6

After all of the emotional tumult they've endured and the sense of betrayal each have felt because of the other, it was lovely to see Lisa V provide emotional support for Kyle in the aftermath of the fight, from initially staying in the restaurant and directing Kim to "stop it" to holding Kyle's hand on the bus . . . I don't see how it's inappropriate in the least for Eileen and Lisa R to address behavior from Kim that occurred on camera and directly involved both of them. Kim made the conscious decision to indulge in some manner of controlled substance knowing that she had to film. Not analogous at all, in my opinion, to anything involving Harry, who has limited his screen time to the very occasional appearance. Additionally, at the lunch/dinner table, Kim herself invokes the other veteran cast members as reliable perspectives who can vouch for the longevity and consistency of her sobriety. So, in the next breath, why is it problematic for Eileen and Lisa to ask those very women about the details of Kim's sobriety? . . . How much did I love Eileen's calm, composed "don't point your finger at me" when Kim starts in on her? Almost as much as her invocation of "grown-ass" womanhood a couple of episodes ago. She didn't even visibly tense until well into the conflict.

  • Love 17


If I recall correctly, ages ago Brandi blogged about game night and said that Kim had retreated to the bathroom innumerable times for extended periods, which is why Brandi finally called her out on her shit that night.

Funny how back then, Brandi outing Kim, was seen as the right thing to do. Brandi was within her right to call out Kim for being on drugs because Kim was a righteous bitch to Brandi (I agree). Yay for Brandi, the truth cannon.  Here is LisaR calling out Kim on her relapse and outburst on Poker Night, how Kim treated LisaR like shit in the limo, then LisaR mentions more than once how people are ignoring it, but somehow LisaR is wrong to mention it more than once to fellow castmates such as Eileen, who was the hostess at Poker Night and also dealt with Kimmy's atrocious behavior. What am I missing here?



RealityTVSmack1, on 04 Mar 2015 - 3:33 PM, said:

    If someone barked at us and said "drop it" with a voice filled with hate...would we bring it up at the dinner table in Amsterdam? No way we'd be enjoying ourselves looking at the menus and talking about what we're doing after dinner.

LisaR did not bring it up. YoFo did. So, shouldn't Kim have had words with YoFo instead? YoFo brought up the topic of alcoholism and then directed the conversation to LisaR when she brought up LisaR's relatives. YoFo wanted to have this inspirational conversation about alcoholism. Not sure what that was all about. I think it was YoFo's way to clear the air about her daughter with regards to Brandi's statement that "everyone is saying Bella is an alcoholic".  Whatever her reasons, it was definitely not LisaR who brought it up. LisaR responded to YoFo and took the opportunity to then apologize to Kim for bringing up Kim's sobriety. LisaR was not discussing Kim's sobriety. She did not "bring it up again". She did not question Kim's sobriety. She APOLOGIZED.


I used to defend Kim Richards back in the day. Not no more. I am done with her. If I ever see her driving on the freeway, I swear, I will call the CHP stat!

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 16

I will say before they went to the hash house Kyle even was like "Wheres Kim?" I said "Alanon Kyle. Your sister is an addict and she can't go."

The post I replied to was all about this, so yea, I agree. Her reaction to Kim not partaking in a jaunt to eat space cakes was bizarre. Who knows - maybe Kim is not sober 100% of the time, and Kyle knows this, so not going out was a why not? moment...

  • Love 1

After all of the emotional tumult they've endured and the sense of betrayal each have felt because of the other, it was lovely to see Lisa V provide emotional support for Kyle in the aftermath of the fight, from initially staying in the restaurant and directing Kim to "stop it" to holding Kyle's hand on the bus . . . I don't see how it's inappropriate in the least for Eileen and Lisa R to address behavior from Kim that occurred on camera and directly involved both of them. Kim made the conscious decision to indulge in some manner of controlled substance knowing that she had to film. Not analogous at all, in my opinion, to anything involving Harry, who has limited his screen time to the very occasional appearance. Additionally, at the lunch/dinner table, Kim herself invokes the other veteran cast members as reliable perspectives who can vouch for the longevity and consistency of her sobriety. So, in the next breath, why is it problematic for Eileen and Lisa to ask those very women about the details of Kim's sobriety? . . . How much did I love Eileen's calm, composed "don't point your finger at me" when Kim starts in on her? Almost as much as her invocation of "grown-ass" womanhood a couple of episodes ago. She didn't even visibly tense until well into the conflict.


Love your post.  I am also a sucker for the Lisa V & Kyle friendship.  I love it when they are getting along and having fun but also being supportive of one another. 


Even though what had just happened before was hell, I loved seeing the Lisas, Kyle and Eileen hugging it out and talking afterwards.  It felt genuine and I really wish Bravo will drop Kim and Brandi and focus on the HW with actual friendships and connections.  



Does anyone know how many episodes are left before the reunion?  I don't want to bail now, but man this show....lol 

  • Love 8

Guess therein lies the difference of opinion. I will never understand why someone might feel the need to rob the 7-11. 

To understand a feeling is not the same as condoning an action in connection with that feeling. I can understand a parent's rage at the hit and run driver who killed their child, but I wouldn't condone them going after that person and then shooting them.


For some reason, this reminded me of that comment by LisaV who stated in her TH about prostitution. What did she say? Was it, one shouldn't have to put a dick in their mouth in order to feed their kids? Can someone clarify this for me before I comment on it?

The post I replied to was all about this, so yea, I agree. Her reaction to Kim not partaking in a jaunt to eat space cakes was bizarre. Who knows - maybe Kim is not sober 100% of the time, and Kyle knows this, so not going out was a why not? moment...

I thought Kyle was confused because Kim was probably going to go with the group, not that she would partake in any hash-eating, but with what happened, she backed out. Kimmy probably didn't want to be seen at the hash-house after that emotional speech she gave about being sober for THREE YEARS. She probably thought that would be used against her in the future.

  • Love 2


I've been reading a lot about Dutch culture. They don't like public displays of emotion of any kind, which makes these outbursts even MORE appalling.


Yeah, that's not how the Dutch roll (except for the football hooligans). You could tell how mortified Yolanda was, especially after Brandi's outburst on the street. She pulled her brother back and away from it.


This is what would've made my night -- Just ONE of these women rolling up a joint like they know what they're doing, not acting like a nervous, chatty virgin about it, and having a big old fun inhale.  Go, Amsterdam!


Brandi realized as I had also that the women sitting in the pot shop were all transparently disingenuous in their reluctance to taste a tiny piece of hash-cake.



Exactly! When they found out they were going to Amsterdam, they made a million pot jokes, and I posted that I hoped they'd realize there was so much more to the city than that. Then they actually go to the coffee shop and won't even smoke!


BTW, Yolanda was right when she said at her Mom's house that Dutch people, by and large, don't smoke - it's more a tourist thing. When I lived there, none of my Dutch friends smoked, but I sure as heck did!


Also LOL'd at Lisa V's comment about having lived in London in the '80s and having a "whiff" once in awhile. She must have had some EPIC coke back then.

  • Love 4

But, LisaR did not start that conversation, Yolanda did and when they saw LisaR crying they asked her why/what was wrong. She answered and apologized once again and Kim got nasty. I would have called Kim out to her face on the plane to Canada as soon as she started in on me like she did LisaR. I admit, I would not have let it go as far as LisaR did and I would have shut her out of every conversation there on out if she had not apologized. The other thing, I would have told Kim about what Brandi told me then as well. IMO, LisaR showed great restraint in not outing Brandi as her source.

Well you'd be a different HW than me. If someone first told me blah, blah, blah at Eileen's house when asked addiction questions and then to "drop it" (Kyle's words for what to say to LisaR) in a gutteral growl I'd get the hint.

What the heck Kim isn't my friend or my relative why the hell would I feel I had to take this further, on camera, except if it was Lisa's story arc? It appears LisaR skipped a "one on one private meeting" with Kim to discuss the issue...which did occur after the wine glass throwing incident. At this meeting she may have brought up what Brandi said. Now LisaR says she's finished and won't be doing the addiction dance with Kim anymore...fear seems to be more powerful than Bravo producers.

  • Love 6

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