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Sam McCall Morgan: Fierce P.I. or Tsunami of Tears?

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I'm not a Roger shipper by any means, but she looked like a deer in the headlights in some of those scenes with him. I guess then she did have to be on her toes with him and not her usual lethargic self.


That's a very typical look if your acting opposite RoHo.  I caught LW a number of times especially when he first showed up.  ES and KdP were two of the few who never seemed to lose their places with him.

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I wouldn't have minded her character going that route but they just used it as a plot point to make Jiz interesting and give them angst.





When they pulled that whole bullshit with Sam "threatening" Liz and the boys that is when I officially checked out of the show.


If Sam could have been even a little bit like Livvie I feel as if Kelly would have been much more in her element, acting wise, and all the better for it. Livvie wasn't just "bitchy" though she was quite good at it, she was also spunky, determined, she wasn't just passed around the mens like a used tissue, she had bite and brass.


Sam has a little bit of that, but for nearly a decade she was nothing but Jason's cheerleader/life coach/ass kisser and it killed her, imo, it kept her trapped in what I considered a very unhealthy relationship and she was never given a chance to grow out of that, to grow beyond Jason. 


She was so often weeping about how she didn't deserve him and how lucky she was to have him in her life...it was so overbearing and over the top, and all of that was coupled with the fact I felt as if Steve was terrified to have the sexy times with Kelly for some reason.

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She was so often weeping about how she didn't deserve him and how lucky she was to have him in her life...it was so overbearing and over the top, and all of that was coupled with the fact I felt as if Steve was terrified to have the sexy times with Kelly for some reason.


Though, all the years of angst didn't matter when Sam left Jason when she was pregnant with Danny. I felt for the first time, she was putting someone, the one thing she absolutely should, ahead of her love for Jason. Her decision had more impact because it was for a child conceived by a man she loathed, who raped her. It would have had less impact if Jason was the father then.


Yeah, Steve Burton and his stupid non shirtless love scenes, only it didn't apply where Jason/Liz were the paring in question. 

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
Though, all the years of angst didn't matter when Sam left Jason when she was pregnant with Danny. I felt for the first time, she was putting someone, the one thing she absolutely should, ahead of her love for Jason. Her decision had more impact because it was for a child conceived by a man she loathed, who raped her. It would have had less impact if Jason was the father then.




I had hoped that break would finally, finally, be the final nail in their dysfunctional coffin, it's actually what brought me back to the show, the hope and prayer that Sam would be free of that selfish ass. And then...of course as usual I was denied.


That's what getting me about Jason's return, there's no way Sam won't lose her shit over this, Ron has her spontaneously breaking out into weeping/sobbing fits whenever he comes to her mind or someone mentions his name for god's sake...and I'm certain this will especially be true if he still can't remember her, she will not just shrug her bitty shoulders, go "oh well" and then walk away, especially if she may have to fight someone else for him.

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They probably are which, to me, is worse because again it's a lot of needless drama and filler being pushed and forced along until a terrible couple can be put back together.


Lord, when Ron has it exposed tat Liz knew Jason was Danny's father all along but hid the results...I can't even think about it.


Jake: Wait teeny tiny wife person! You mustn't harm my kindhearted nurse angel!

When they pulled that whole bullshit with Sam "threatening" Liz and the boys that is when I officially checked out of the show.


If Sam could have been even a little bit like Livvie I feel as if Kelly would have been much more in her element, acting wise, and all the better for it. Livvie wasn't just "bitchy" though she was quite good at it, she was also spunky, determined, she wasn't just passed around the mens like a used tissue, she had bite and brass.


Sam has a little bit of that, but for nearly a decade she was nothing but Jason's cheerleader/life coach/ass kisser and it killed her, imo, it kept her trapped in what I considered a very unhealthy relationship and she was never given a chance to grow out of that, to grow beyond Jason. 


She was so often weeping about how she didn't deserve him and how lucky she was to have him in her life...it was so overbearing and over the top, and all of that was coupled with the fact I felt as if Steve was terrified to have the sexy times with Kelly for some reason.


I liked Livvie until Caleb showed up.  I thought she was a stronger character before him. Of course I liked "Port Charles" before Caleb showed up too.

Edited by sometimesfan
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To me Steve never really warmed up enough to Kelly for me to buy Sam and Jason's "romance". It was just silly to me, to see Sam being painted as so desperate to be with Jason regardless of how he treated her. She was supposed to be this hardcore con woman with a rocky past and all and then suddenly she's weeping all over the damn place and trying to "earn" Jason's love and affection and she had to put up with all his shit because god forbid she went against him or made him mad or actually told him off.

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To me Steve never really warmed up enough to Kelly for me to buy Sam and Jason's "romance". It was just silly to me, to see Sam being painted as so desperate to be with Jason regardless of how he treated her. She was supposed to be this hardcore con woman with a rocky past and all and then suddenly she's weeping all over the damn place and trying to "earn" Jason's love and affection and she had to put up with all his shit because god forbid she went against him or made him mad or actually told him off.


All of the reasons why I LOVED Sam's behavior towards him the second time the broke up that Summer. After she found out about Jake.


I distinctively remember her giving it to Sonny and bitch slapping Carly at some point too.


I didn't care that Steve never did a love scene with Kelly they had enough cute and small sexy moments to not care about them getting a love scene.


Despite his efforts, or lack thereof, Jiz still couldn't reach the status they wanted. They wouldn't have been broken up, or destroyed so many couples and characters to prop them, if the pairing was as successful as the online base made it seem.

In the last clip of that video, is there a particular reason Carly "thinks" Joss is missing?  I mean, I know Carly is a pea brain, but you either know your toddler isn't where you left them, or you find out. 


Anyway, it was fun watching Sam smack the hell out of Carly.  I like KeMo, I just happen to hate almost all of Sam's stories.  Jason made her FF material for me, and I've been on the Barge for most of the recent stuff (which sounds like a lot of blah, what with her kid having cancer and Silas having a batshit crazy wife who makes him look sad and drowsy).  I hate Patrick now and I hate the setup of her flirting with him, so I can't enjoy any of that. 


I've never been crazy about Alexis, and I still think the whole "Alexis is Sam's mom" was weird, so that does nothing for me, either.   I thought the whole point of Sam was that she came to town as a loner, so for her to keep finding all these long-lost family members is kind of annoying - it just made more sense for Sam to be the kind of character that has to build a family from friends over time (it also made her clinging to Jason make more sense when she had no relations).  


I'm sorry I missed the stuff with her and non-JJ Lucky, because it sounds like that might have been fun.



Lord, when Ron has it exposed tat Liz knew Jason was Danny's father all along but hid the results...I can't even think about it.





I am confused....she didn't know Jason was Danny's father.  She switched the results that stated that Sam was the baby's mother when they had Tea's baby tested. 

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I've never been crazy about Alexis, and I still think the whole "Alexis is Sam's mom" was weird, so that does nothing for me, either.   I thought the whole point of Sam was that she came to town as a loner, so for her to keep finding all these long-lost family members is kind of annoying - it just made more sense for Sam to be the kind of character that has to build a family from friends over time (it also made her clinging to Jason make more sense when she had no relations).




Are we twins? Heh, I swear you just keep saying everything I've ever thought and felt about Sam as a character over the years.


I hated them making Alexis her mother, especially after all they'd been through together, they were practically mortal enemies, so it just came right out of left field. It was as if they were determined to try 10 different things with Sam to change her character because they screwed up her beginning so badly, that whole Dead Man's Hand crap with Jax and then hooking her up with Sonny.


I always thought Sam had a ton of potential as a newbie but Guza just eventually turned her into Jason's ass pimple.


Kelly and Greg were hot as hell, their hot tub sex scene was almost too x-rated for daytime heh. Sam and Lucky could really bring the heat, and Greg and Kelly were great buds so they sparkled together very well.


I did think that Greg as Lucky wasn't a great fit but if they had just made him someone else I would have been perfectly fine with those two staying together, especially if it meant Sam would finally be done with Jason.

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The Sam/Alexis reveal is one of my favorite scenes involving those two. A close second is Sam revealing her past to Alexis. I HATED the 5 husbands nonsense Guza heaped on top of Sam that summer but KeMo and Nancy where phenomenon in the scene I mentioned. 


These days, Alexis only tolerable scenes are the ones she has with her daughters. I out out loved the Davis when LA''s Kristina was around. 


I am confused....she didn't know Jason was Danny's father.  She switched the results that stated that Sam was the baby's mother when they had Tea's baby tested. 


Wait, what? How could I have blocked this out.  Liz let Sam think her baby died? Was that payback for Sam's passivity when Jake was kidnapped or something? 

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I am confused....she didn't know Jason was Danny's father.  She switched the results that stated that Sam was the baby's mother when they had Tea's baby tested.




This proves how much I pay attention to things in the early morning, that is right, I got it mixed up, there was too much baby switching/DNA tweaking going on then.



Wait, what? How could I have blocked this out.  Liz let Sam think her baby died? Was that payback for Sam's passivity when Jake was kidnapped or something?





No this was all directly involving Jason and Liz, Sam had no clue what was happening then, Jason had been investigating Tea's child and didn't want to tell Sam so that he wouldn't get her hopes up only to crush them, or so the story goes. If I'm not mistaken to this day Sam is still in the dark about what Liz did.


Liz offered to "help" Jason find out if Tea's son was really Sam's baby, but she changed the results before handing them over to him in hopes it would cause he and Sam to remain broken up and divorce so they could reconcile. But then she got a hit of conscious and told Jason the truth which caused him to get John involved in bringing Danny back home to his rightful mum.

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All I can remember about Sam after that stupid Jiz thing is Sam sitting on the penthouse couch waiting for Jason to return from whatever he was doing for Sonny or Carly, Or sitting at Jason's bedside after one of his owies was treated. I think that her most uttered line during that period was "whatever you want, Jason". Whatever happened to her PI office and career?

No this was all directly involving Jason and Liz, Sam had no clue what was happening then, Jason had been investigating Tea's child and didn't want to tell Sam so that he wouldn't get her hopes up only to crush them, or so the story goes. If I'm not mistaken to this day Sam is still in the dark about what Liz did.


Liz offered to "help" Jason find out if Tea's son was really Sam's baby, but she changed the results before handing them over to him in hopes it would cause he and Sam to remain broken up and divorce so they could reconcile. But then she got a hit of conscious and told Jason the truth which caused him to get John involved in bringing Danny back home to his rightful mum.


Wow. St Liz did that? It is not surprising I don't hear a peep about this on the show or from viewers. Liz is not much better than Carly but Carly gets called out by fans way more. Sam too is for that matter. 


All I can remember about Sam after that stupid Jiz thing is Sam sitting on the penthouse couch waiting for Jason to return from whatever he was doing for Sonny or Carly, Or sitting at Jason's bedside after one of his owies was treated. I think that her most uttered line during that period was "whatever you want, Jason". Whatever happened to her PI office and career?


You missed the times when she was screwing Ric, watching kids get kidnapped, sending goons to scare Liz and working with Amelia. 


As far as her PI career, she just got back from a job overseas. Of course, the focus is all on SamTrick but she was investigating a lead. All the trips to the Cassadine clinic were work related. 


We haven't seen her office since Spinelli left but I assume it is still around.

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
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Liz actually did mention it a few weeks ago, I believe she confessed to Monica.  But yeah, it was kind of silly.  I think it was all condensed due to SBu's exit, but it was kind of dumb in the grand scheme of things.   I still think it should be acknowledged that HAD she not switched the results, the baby MIGHT not have been kidnapped by Heather.   But whatever, it was never made a big deal of and St Liz was allowed to slide, as per usual.

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I like Liz, most of the time, so I admit I found it really out-of-character for her to keep the results a secret and so find it really hard to hold that against her, much like I find it really hard to hold Sam letting Jake be kidnapped against Sam because it was the result of Kelly M. being in the middle of contract negotiations at the time. And because like ouinason said, it lasted literally one episode.

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I really didn't care about what Liz did because I never wanted Sam saddled with a brat from Jason at all, having him in her life was bad enough.


I don't mind Danny but if I could write him out of Sam's life I would without question. I never wanted her with any kids in fact, because I knew any potential father would be one of the asshole males on the show that I loathed for some reason or another. 


I remember the fright they gave me when they had her pregnant with another Sonny spawn from hell, I nearly lost it.

I may not like Jason but I'm glad Sam finally got a baby. Ever since her daughter was still born Ive wanted to her to have one. Thank the lord she didn't name him after Jason like she was going to originally. I'm surprised they even remembered she had a brother Danny.


I wanted her to have a daughter so Danny wouldn't get constantly compared to Jake like some fans do all the time.

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Ah, thanks.   I love that Sam is all "have you even gone home to see if Joss is there, Carly?!"


The thing is Carly didn't verify if Joss was infact missing before she went demanding Jason dropped everything to search for her. Sam was saying that it might not be necessary for Jason to think he might lose another child since Jake's death was still fresh.


I find it ironic that we are having this discussion, Franco kidnapping Joss at a time when Carly is marrying Franco. Carly's union with Franco rivals Marty and Todd's, it is fucked up. One of those lines that should never be crossed even if soaps. I don't think RC could undo Cranco like they did Marty/Todd with real!Todd's return. 

  • Love 2

The thing is Carly didn't verify if Joss was infact missing before she went demanding Jason dropped everything to search for her. Sam was saying that it might not be necessary for Jason to think he might lose another child since Jake's death was still fresh.


I find it ironic that we are having this discussion, Franco kidnapping Joss at a time when Carly is marrying Franco. Carly's union with Franco rivals Marty and Todd's, it is fucked up. One of those lines that should never be crossed even if soaps. I don't think RC could undo Cranco like they did Marty/Todd with real!Todd's return. 


Taking my response to the, I guess, history thread (well, it does partly qualify as GH history and another of those characters was on GH for a time).

I may not like Jason but I'm glad Sam finally got a baby. Ever since her daughter was still born Ive wanted to her to have one. Thank the lord she didn't name him after Jason like she was going to originally. I'm surprised they even remembered she had a brother Danny.




Kids always slow characters down on soaps to me, I mean I know they're necessary to continue the next generations but honestly if they all got shipped off to boarding school at a year old and came back as teenagers or even twenty somethings I wouldn't mind that at all.


Plus I just knew the first choice of father for a Sam baby would be Jason and I just didn't want his seed spread, boy or girl. The same way I feel Sonny's spawns have taken over this show, any child connected to Jason would eventually do the same, unless killed and they just weren't going to go back to that well after offing Jake.


I still think though that they should have aged Danny for the recast, sure it would mean the kid would probably be Kelly's size but at least there might be more interesting things he could do then dead eye everyone and suck on lollypops while plotting the demise of all the "townies".

Edited by CPP83

Eh, I could handle Danny over Cameron if push came to shove, especially if they actually picked a better actor for the part. It's still ridiculous that Cameron is even in that horrid foursome because he should be in the same age group as Molly and TJ.


I really think Ron only cared about getting a Danny who could say "Daddy" on cue but would still be young enough to explain away his absence by saying he's "down for a nap" or "Molly is babysitting him". And at least these twins aren't toppling Kelly over if she attempts to pick one of them up in her 10 inch heels.

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Sam is just one of those characters that is so bland and uninteresting, I don't really have an opinion of her. I want to hate her, if for no other reason than her Jason worship-that right there proves the woman is an idiot. But she's just so vanilla to the point of being vapor, it's like hating cotton or something. A complete waste of energy. So I hit the skip button on the DVR and it's all good.

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I'm jumping back here after being away from the board for a very, very long time, but my main problem with Sam is that she's always been written as a very boring character, IMO, and KeMo is capable of so, so much more than that, as those of us who loved her on PC remember.  As written, Sam is always jumping from guy to guy to guy.  She's not particularly well-defined in her own right.  I can tell you that she's apparently a PI--though I rarely see her in that role--that she's an accomplished con artist--though that never seems to show itself--and a great salvage diver.  Which fact was conveniently ignored when Jason went into the drink and she wanted to go looking for him.  On GH, Sam is a perpetual victim.  Or at least, I perceive her that way. It's not an interesting part to play for pretty much your entire run on a show, I wouldn't think.


I think KeMo shines when she does the Livvie thing.  Livvie was vulnerable, scheming, powerful, sexually confident, emotionally troubled--in short, she was a fully realized character who had a lot going on, in the grand tradition of soap divas.  She was motivated by both good and bad desires, and those sometimes blew up in her face and sometimes didn't. I'd argue that KeMo was one of the factors that carried PC.  She was certainly the reason I watched, and why my massive girl-crush on her lasts even to this day.  She did an amazing job there, and I can watch Livvie-centric PC vids all day long on youtube quite happily whether she was paired with Caleb or not.  

KeMo here on GH, never so much.  I thought she was good with Lucky, or at least interesting with Lucky, and I liked her a lot with McBain, though I don't like her with Silas, go figure.  I don't like any woman with Patrick since I think anyone who ends up with Patrick will eventually get treated like so much trash, and Sam's already been through enough trauma to last her twenty lifetimes. I don't hate her, I want them to do something with her that makes her interesting and calls all of her stated background into play.  


This being TFGH, I don't believe that will ever happen.  Certainly not now, when soaps are pretty much dead and gone.

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I think Livvie was just a much better written character. I think KeMo is an okay actress, but not good enough to to really try to find some sort of character baseline through all the bizarre writing turns. The writing when she first started was especially poor. All that dead-man's-hand-scuba-diver-boat-scavenger stuff was ridiculous and confusing.

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I'd actually be happy if they chose one of the above--salvage diver/con artist/PI--stuck with it, and wrote to that aspect of her character.  Even if salvage diver is kind of crazy?  It's better than what she does now, which is play arm candy to whoever TPTB decide she should be shackled to this go-round.


I agree one hundred percent that Livvie was a much, much better written character.  I loved Livvie and still do.

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I'd actually be happy if they chose one of the above--salvage diver/con artist/PI--stuck with it, and wrote to that aspect of her character.  Even if salvage diver is kind of crazy?  It's better than what she does now, which is play arm candy to whoever TPTB decide she should be shackled to this go-round.


I agree one hundred percent that Livvie was a much, much better written character.  I loved Livvie and still do.


I actually do think Sam is written better than she was during her last few years on the show when Guza was around. She's more the star of her own stories than she was in the last years of Jasam, where she basically served Jason's guests a beer or a soda and then passive-aggressively said she didn't care if they had babies or got married because she didn't want to pressure Jason.


I feel bad for most of the GH actresses. Out of all the female characters created in the 2000s, or made their intro as adult characters, probably the most consistent one has been Maxie and that's because her baseline was "ditz". Liz, Lulu, Sam, Maxie, Claudia, Kristina, Kiki have all just been written to serve whatever plot point comes round. Robin and Carly fared better because of the strength of their characters' personality in the 80s and 90s.

  • Love 3

 I can tell you that she's apparently a PI--though I rarely see her in that role--that she's an accomplished con artist--though that never seems to show itself--and a great salvage diver.  Which fact was conveniently ignored when Jason went into the drink and she wanted to go looking for him.  On GH, Sam is a perpetual victim.  Or at least, I perceive her that way. It's not an interesting part to play for pretty much your entire run on a show, I wouldn't think.



Just pointing out that when Jason did go into the water, she DID indeed dive and search for him.   I remember it because I was impressed they remembered her diving experience. 

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Just pointing out that when Jason did go into the water, she DID indeed dive and search for him.   I remember it because I was impressed they remembered her diving experience. 


I thought they told her not to?  Or someone handwaved her experience with diving?  I remember that she wanted to go looking for him, but not that she actually did look for him.  I'll take your word for it though!  


I was actively watching at that point but I was probably so overjoyed that Jason had taken the plunge that I focused solely on that and nothing else. :D

Edited by haydensterling

I thought they told her not to?  Or someone handwaved her experience with diving?  I remember that she wanted to go looking for him, but not that she actually did look for him.  I'll take your word for it though!  


I was actively watching at that point but I was probably so overjoyed that Jason had taken the plunge that I focused solely on that and nothing else. :D


They did tell her no at first, but she persisted, here is the clip if you are interested:




I only remember it because I loved seeing her in the dive suit again. 

Edited by mybabyaidan
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I remember Sam and Jason being at odds at first - she had a history with Sonny, Jason was her minder. Same old song and dance as Jason and Brenda, which Guza never got to pull the trigger on (if he ever intended to). I think she was made into a xerox like so many other Brendabots that didn't measure up, and I think it immediately wrecked all the potential of her character when she came into contact with the mob. I think all they wanted her for was to be something they could squint at and call Brenda Jr., and later, a tough mob chick that suited Steve Burton and made Brian Frons hot.


I see what you mean. I remember there being talks of Sam being Brenda-lit going as far back as her introduction with Jax. But the only similarities I saw was psychical. Which couldn't be helped IMO. Personality wise, she was a grifter at best and dived for a living.  She couldn't have been far from Brenda if they tried. I do think she was judged based on the guys she was paired with from the start, not on her own merit as a character. Sonny and Jax were Brenda's main guys so any woman they are with automatically got the Brenda comparison. 


I admit I didn't watch of SamSon, they looked alike to me so I found it creepy. She could have been Brenda like then, I suppose.


The toughness was already a characteristic before she coupled with Jason. She fit into the mob because of her background IMO. If I remember correctly, she was trying to break from jail when she and Jason first met. This was years before they become a couple. Yes, as Sonny's right hand man Jason was placed on Sam watch, but she didn't go through a personality change in order to fit with Jason. 


My problem is that I think there's only been a few brief intervals in her history when Sam has had an individual character. Her dalliance with Patrick, while not that exciting, at least comes close to it for me. I also think there is absolutely zero threat from Liz to anyone. She is not a character RC has any interest in IMO beyond playing a chess piece for other people. Anyway, this is all clearly Relationship thread fodder.


I can understand that. Though there are very few female characters on GH who aren't heavily defined by their long term pairings, or at least share the most important moments of their lives with men. Name a character and any defining trait they have and I can point out their male counterpart that played a huge role in it. Liz' rape had Lucky as a huge part of it but it doesn't take away from being a pivotal moment for the character. Robin's HIV was all about Stone,  but again it doesn't take away from how it's played a part in her life since.


As someone who liked KeMo and wanted to like the character she played on GH, I tried to see Sam beyond the pairings she was in. Elsewhere I mentioned a few examples of relationships and storylines she had that was aside from the pairings she was in, mostly Jasam since that was her long term pairing.


What she is doing now, investigating, interacting with family and friends, are the same things she did when she was paired with Jason. The difference is that Jason accompanied her in some of her activities and her conversations with other's was about Jason. The pairing wasn't all consuming, I like it is made out to be. There was times, like after she was shot and he broke up with her when I literally wanted to stab her but given the longevity of their relationship, that moment doesn't define the pairing or Sam. It is momentary insanity, that one summer of wailing and arms wringing :)


Overall, I think RC' done a passable job writing for her as a individual even before Jason's fake death, than Guza did. But Guza was the one who created some of her none romantic pairings some of which is being ignored by Ron. Ron let Sam walk away from Jason, something I could never ever see Guza doing.

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
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I mean, Sam came on as a treasure-hunting, scuba-diving adventuress. Not that the Jax adventure was exactly great story, but the basic character roots were exciting stuff you can mine. They abandoned most of those rich possibilities almost immediately and threw her in with Jason and Sonny and the character was never the same. A Cassadine adventuress - that writes itself! But Sam has only ever been about Jason, really, for the most part. I think that's a waste. I barely buy her P.I. business too. I think Kelly Monaco can really soar with the right material, but they have rarely ever given it to her. She was almost always Jason's sidekick to me.


I think Carly had Sam pegged in that scene above, I remember it well. I found it to be an astute dialoguer's meta-comment on what the HW and probably the network were working to do with her, in addition to being something that struck a chord with the characters. And of course, Sam was not the last Brendabot by a long shot (nor the first). She is, however, one that had the most longevity by being successfully hitched to Jason and transmuting into his accessory.

Edited by jsbt
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