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S26.E08: You've Lost That Loving Feeling


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I really hope Zach never gets to have sex again. He's such an ass, and now he's gone. Even better, he & Jonna get to potentially take out Johnny & Nany for good in the losers' bracket. I'm assuming they beat Johnny & Avery, because "Bananas" is that lucky.


I'm happy for Jordan & Sarah. If I have to root for anybody, I guess it would be for them. They're dysfunctional, but they seem to be adults when they need to be. Also, Jordan managed to overcome his handicap and out-hammer Zach. When it comes to meatheads, Zach is the bigger one.

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I really liked this episode.  That was a really cool challenge.  I missed the instructions, but it was exciting to watch.  Of course, I enjoyed Jordan and Sarah messing up and getting sent into the dome, even though I'm starting to like Sarah.


Part of me was kind of hoping that Leroy and Nia would decide to stick Wes and Theresa in the dome.  Wes is more of a threat to them, since him and Leroy are more physically matched.  All they had to do was tell Zach that Wes told them to vote him in.  His mind immediately went there.


I'm glad that Zach messed up and that he doesn't know how to hold a sledgehammer.  Jonna deserves the opportunity to have a reason to be mad at him that she can trust not to be dismissed as being about them breaking up.  He's always gaslighting her, and it's hard to watch.  As much as I can't stand Zach, I wanted Jonna to pull through and win it.

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I was *dying* for Leroy and Nia to send Wes and Teresa in...they are a bigger threat overall, in my opinion, because they work together so well. If Zach and Jonna made it to the final they would self destruct due to Zach suffering from a cramp that he would inevitably blame on Jonna...because of course it's her fault...because she's a woman. Duh.

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Damn Leroy and Nia. Way to just jump up and do Wes's dirty work for him. What happened to Nia's tough talk about not letting weak newbies like Jay and Jenna get a free pass into the finale? What happened to Leroy wanting to take out Wes so badly? Five minutes with Wes and he's running back to tell Zach, to paint a target on his back if Zach and Jonna had made it, that they were going in. Dumbasses.


Jordan and Sarah making up was actually nice. They're like the anti-Zach and Jonna.


Zach still needs a crotch punch. I guess Jonna "told him off." It didn't seem like she actually did anything but if she felt better afterwards, good for her. Of course they would have won the main challenge if it wasn't for Zach. And they damn near came close to winning the elimination because Jonna picked up the slack from what Zach did. She did get pretty close to Sarah by the end.


Jay going yeah I'm never going to see Jonna again, it's cool while Jenna's all dreamy-eyed about dating Zach after the challenge cracked me  up. Jenna, look at the way Zach treats women he's "done" with. Hell, look at the way Zach treats women period. Don't even bother with that douche.

  • Love 6

What a fun episode. I was on the edge of my seat watching the truck challenge, hoping that Leroy and Nia would pull through.

I'm glad that they sent Jonna and Zach into the Dome because as much as I like Jonna, I dislike Zach even more. Wes was entertaining to watch with his manipulations. Nia seems to be the only woman there - apart from Sarah - who speaks her mind and acts like an equal partner in her team; I don't think I can ever forget the sweat drinking (ugh) but I like her for speaking her mind. I also like that she told Zach to go easier on Jonna.

Has Zach always been such a nasty, delusional, gas-lighting underachiever? I've never watched Real World but I've sunk my teeth into Are You The One.

Anyway, good ep and I can't wait for next week.

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This was the first time this season I was actually rooting for anyone. I'm only so so about Jordon (hated him his last season & all that get Bananas bullshit), but I like how Sarah plays the game and even seems to enjoy herself. It's nice to see someone geniunely excited about challenges, even if only to pump herself up. I'm glad they won. Zach makes me ill.


Wes always entertains. Teresa still sucks. I'm glad he's still in. It cracked me up how impressed with himself he was over con job on Leroy.

Edited by kat165
  • Love 4

God Zach is such a douchenozzle.  


I am so glad that a challenge that Zach should have been in his wheelhouse, he was beaten by a guy with one hand.  Tiny little Jonna was able to rock it out more than he was able to.  And then to hear Zach's dismissive rants when Sarah went over to hug and support Jonna.  He's such an ass.  Unfortunately, some women (Jenna) will always discount his horrific personality and douchiness because he has muscles.  Ugh.  Blergh. 

  • Love 6

I'm a wolverine. I'm a champion."

"He's a douche."


Zach lost the challenge and the elimination for them and he was still an ass. Never seeing Zach again is the happiest note Jonna could end on. Thor would kick his ass for being such a d-bag.


Good for Leroy and Nia winning. I think it was the only way for them to stay out of The Dome and I'd hate to see Leroy or Sarah go home. But my god, Wes totally played them. I would've been okay with them throwing in Zach and Jonna (really just Zach) if they hadn't of lied and said Wes had nothing to do with it. When Zach asked them if Wes had anything to do with it I would've been saying 'no' but shaking my head yes. That way they could tell Wes his name never came out of their mouth.


Sarah gets so excited for everything. It's actually adorable. I thought she was going to lean over and punch Jonna in the arm to get her pumped up before the Dome started.


Can TJ stop being such a jerk when someone does something wrong in the challenges? He seemed so disgusted when Sarah and Jordan got their lines crossed. You do it, TJ. It's probably not as easy as it looks.


Aww, Jay. No one thought you Jonna were going to date.

Edited by Iboatedhere
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I was really excited when Zach sat Jonna down and explained to the camera, "I'm going to try and explain the root of my anger." I was like, yes, finally, why are you such a prick, please explain. And then all he did was act even more like a prick because Jonna wasn't falling over herself to excuse his prick-ness, but rather calmly listening and waiting for a rational explanation, which of course she did not get. I did not care for Jonna before this season, but I can respect how scrappy she is (seriously, I thought she had no shot at the sledgehammer and she did okay for having no technique and a delayed start), and I also appreciate how she did not immediately excuse Zach during his half asses apology like he was clearly expecting.


Jordan and Zach are both such poor sports. Did anyone notice though- did Jay and Jenna make the same mistake as Sarah and Jordan? How were they able to untangle themselves? I thought Teej said once you were tangled, there was no way to compete.


I'd rather see Zach gone than Wes, but I hate how smug Wes gets when he manipulates people. Leroy really should have sent Wes and Theresa in- either way, you get a strong couple eliminated, and given how Zach falls apart on a lot of missions, and sabatoges Jonna by yelling at her and messing up her concentration, they would be a good couple to compete against in the final. At a bare minimum, he should have told Zach that it was Wes who suggested Zach, so at least if Zach did come back, he would likelier be angrier at Wes than Leroy. I don't see what at all Leroy gained by insisting Wes had nothing to do with it. Nia's right, Leory sucks at politicking, but Nia wasn't willing to do anything about it so I guess they get what they get.


And Nia and Leroy are ridiculous with this vendetta they have against Jay and Jenna. I loved Jenna's reaction to the whole thing. Those two are really growing on me. I mean, Leory and Nia were acting like Jay and Jenna should kiss their feet or something. It was really annoying.

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Has Zach always been such a nasty, delusional, gas-lighting underachiever?

If you add overly zealous religious nut during Real World then.....yes.  Seems the religion thing has gone out the window.  He could not look worse right now and I love it


I am digging Sarah and Jordan right now.  She has really changed him for the better.  TJ was a jerk to them.  Sure they got tangled up but they did not quit and took their fate with dignity.

  • Love 3

If you add overly zealous religious nut during Real World then.....yes.  Seems the religion thing has gone out the window.  He could not look worse right now and I love it


I am digging Sarah and Jordan right now.  She has really changed him for the better.  TJ was a jerk to them.  Sure they got tangled up but they did not quit and took their fate with dignity.

I am not liking TJ at all this season. I wish he would act like he gave a shit about these people lol! 

And you all have said it perfectly about Zach. Major douchebag. Him and Ashley ( ?) on the RW San Diego would just sit inside and read bibles because they were too good to interact with the rest of the roomates. 


So happy Jordan and Sarah pulled out the win. Zach your a stupid meathead. Congrats on losing it for your team and looking like a massive douche all season. I just wanted to hug Jonna and am so happy she told him off and seemed to be able to get some self confidence back


Did anyone else notice how when Sarah was comforting Jonna ( seriously I love Sarah!! God I hope they win) Zach was muttering "shut up" ect in the background???


You really couldnt let Jonna be comforted by a friend god Zach you infuriate me with your stupid dbag immature ways. SMH. I bet he was verbally abusive in their relationship. Asshole

  • Love 1

Leroy/Nia were annoying with me with all the Jay/Jenna hate. It's part of the game! At least Jay/Jenna didn't tell you guys were safe at first like you did with Zach. Even with Zach's size I thought him and Jonna were a weak team mostly because of Zach's mental abuse of Jonna. I thought it was a good move. I thought it was funny that Nia was bitching about Rookies not going in the dome because I'm pretty sure Leroy never went in the Jungle his Rookie season.

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But my god, Wes totally played them. I would've been okay with them throwing in Zach and Jonna (really just Zach) if they hadn't of lied and said Wes had nothing to do with it. When Zach asked them if Wes had anything to do with it I would've been saying 'no' but shaking my head yes. That way they could tell Wes his name never came out of their mouth.

I agree. Zach's a douche and he really doesn't deserve an explanation but there was no need to flat out lie like that.

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I'm going to need the cast to stop with the "Thor" comparisons now.  If you're at all conspiracy-minded, it's hard not to look at that Dome as something they used to make sure Zach came back to go on a rampage against Wes and Leroy.  But, dude cannot handle a hammer well enough to outdo a guy with one hand.  You, Zach, are no Thor.  Also, you're an emotionally abusive jackhole.  


I really, really, really do not want to see Bananas and Nany come back.  Seriously, I'll even take DoucheZach back.  Just not Bananas.  


I've never liked Sarah, going back to her Kenny boot-licking days, but I do really like her genuine enthusiasm for all of these games.  It's nice to see someone having fun. 

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I am not liking TJ at all this season. I wish he would act like he gave a shit about these people lol!


Teej and me both. Who are these kids? I already stopped watching RW. The last season I watched was Brooklyn. I'm certainly not watching Are You the One? Aside from Fresh Meat, has there ever been a season with 50% rookies?


Anyway, glad to see Zach go. I'll be a happy girl if I never see him on a challenge again. As much as I love Jonna, I hope Bananys destroy them in the losers' brackett. As vile as Johnny can be, he's always been supportive of his teammates and I can't say the same for Zach.


Whatever, the highlight of this episode was Jay going off about how much Leroy respected him in the game. He's still around only because he's slipped under the radar and they need some dead weight for the semi-finals.


Teej and me both. Who are these kids? I already stopped watching RW. The last season I watched was Brooklyn. I'm certainly not watching Are You the One? Aside from Fresh Meat, has there ever been a season with 50% rookies?


I don't know if it's ever been 50%, but all these challenges since probably Inferno 3 (2007) tend to be disproportionate with the 2-3 most recent seasons making up the majority of the casts, which, if you haven't watched the later seasons, they'll all seem like newbies. I just realized I haven't seen a RR cast member for awhile, but since the last season aired almost 10 years ago (after a several year hiatus), I guess that makes sense. Was the Ruins the last we saw of a RRer (Susie and Veronica)? I know Tori was on one with Brad, but don't remember if that was before or after the Ruins.


Although they're frequently regulars now, I think the series jumped the shark with the introduction of the Fresh Meat concept. I can't believe I still watch this show.

  • Love 1

The recap is (as usual ) Hilarious

I think i am developing a crush on Wes ( WTF I KNOW). I love how he was able to manipulate Leroy. He is def a vet hahaha 


Also I died LOLing at Leorys commentary about the fried chicken. He is funny. I wish he wasn't with Nia, Id root for him


The whole Wes playing the shit out of Zach/Leroy makes me want them to do a Rookies Vs Vets but have like the Vets be 7+ seasons so you still have dbags like Zach in there as rookies. 


I hope Bananas comes back. I can't watch Zach abusing Jonna anymore lol


ETA FRIEND =/= fried

Edited by yogi2014L
  • Love 1

Has Zach always been such a nasty, delusional, gas-lighting underachiever? I've never watched Real World but I've sunk my teeth into Are You The One.

His thing during his season was homophobia more than sexism.  His speech about ribs wasn't too unexpected from how religious and conservative he was during his Real World season.  His girlfriend during the season was one of those people that change their personality for the person they're dating, so we didn't see too much sexism from him at the time.  He was also in a cast with Frank at his most unbalanced, so it might just not have come up that much.  The sexism didn't REALLY show up until Battle of the Seasons.

  • Love 1

Sometimes I absolutely LOVE this show. This is one of those episodes. Things couldn't have gone any better for me. I thought for sure that Leroy and Nia were going to vote Jay and Jenna in for the crap they pulled last week, but I'll gladly eat crow on that one if it means a Zach exit.


Karma sucks, doesn't it, Zach? I hate Zach so much, and I couldn't be any more pleased that it was Zach who was responsible for the loss. It was hilarious that he yelled at Jonna because he thought she got them disqualified, but it was actually his fault they didn't win. It made me so mad when he was yelling at her and saying " you are messing up MY game." He's such a colossal douche. And how great was it that it was Zach who lost to Jordan in the dome in a challenge that should've been a slam dunk for him considering that he resembles Thor. Perhaps the reason I hate Zach the most is that he is so vile that he makes have to root for the insufferable Johnny Bananas and Nany in Ex-ile because I never want to see Zach's misogyny and man bun on The Challenge again. I hope it's good riddance for Zach.


I love Wes. He's such a master bullshit artist. I have no idea what he was saying to Leroy (something about number ones), and I don't think even he does, but somehow he didn't get thrown into the dome. That makes him a genius at politicking in this game to me. Wes and Theresa have been consistently strong all season, and it'd be foolish not to throw them in at this point in the game. I got to believe they're going in next week if they don't win power couple. Conversely, if Jay and Jenna can manage to not finish last in the remaining challenges, then they have a trip to the finals. No one will vote them in.


Kudos to Jordan and Sarah for winning in the dome after the tangled wire debacle. This could have been another instance of Sarah getting screwed in a challenge, but they didn't let it effect them and killed it in the dome. That note she sent Jordan was clutch. Sometimes you can get much further reaching someone via writing than a face-to-face conversation, and they've returned to a strong team now because of it.


That was hilarious when Leroy pointed out that the black power couple meal for them was fried chicken.


BTW would it kill the women to get involved in the politicking other than Sarah? Why is Nia leaving decisions up to Leroy? She even said he was bad at it, but she remained quiet during negotiations. I mean, I know why Theresa stays out of them. She's vile and really bad at politicking. But the jury is still out on Nia as a player and she should chime in if she thinks Leroy is messing it up for them.

Edited by jmonkey
  • Love 2
Also I died LOLing at Leorys commentary about the friend chicken. He is funny. I wish he wasn't with Nia, Id root for him



That was the best part of the episode.  "The black couple wins and they serve fried chicken.  But I love fried chicken."   I love Leroy so much.  I really can't imagine who he'd have to be paired with for me to not still root for him.  

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Zach reach the top of his douchiness last night, he is top three dick behavior right there with johnny on the island, and jek on the ruins. Watching him struggling with the elimination was so good, zach is the the biggest guy but he is also the biggest dumb guy there, I think at this point when people are throw on eliminations against him, they won't fear him, with the right strategy people can beat him like jordan did last night. 


If zach comes back next challenge which I'm sure he will, he will act super nice towards the girls, not because he wants but because the hate he is getting right now its crazy, and we all know baby zach doesn't like that.


wes keeps getting awesome, he makes this things 10 times more interesting and it's actually exciting watching someone play the game with a brain.

  • Love 3

I am not liking TJ at all this season. I wish he would act like he gave a shit about these people lol!

I might be alone in this, but I love the way TJ is. Sardonic, detached, emotionless, maybe but it's a great counterbalance to the emotional upheavals and stress that the cast always goes through. I find his demeanor calming. I find his dry humor funny. I like his bluntness ("hey losers") I like that his compliments mean something. I love that he's too cool for the room.

Edited by Rbonnie
  • Love 7

I might be alone in this, but I love the way TJ is. Sardonic, detached, emotionless, maybe but it's a great counterbalance to the emotional upheavals and stress that the cast always goes through. I find his demeanor calming. I find his dry humor funny. I like his bluntness ("hey losers") I like that his compliments mean something. I love that he's too cool for the room.



I agree.  I do think he gets close to some of them - the ones he sees over and over and gets to know.  I noticed, for example, that he hugged Jonna when they lost last night.  And he really seemed to enjoy how into this stuff Sarah is.   I like when he does stuff like judging them for being assholes about who gets sent in. I can't remember what season it was, but people kept sending in the same person over and over, and he was so clearly annoyed by it at some point. 

  • Love 3

I agree.  I do think he gets close to some of them - the ones he sees over and over and gets to know.  I noticed, for example, that he hugged Jonna when they lost last night.  And he really seemed to enjoy how into this stuff Sarah is.   I like when he does stuff like judging them for being assholes about who gets sent in. I can't remember what season it was, but people kept sending in the same person over and over, and he was so clearly annoyed by it at some point. 

I think it was Brandon in Cutthroat, where he got voted into the Gulag every chance that his team didn't have immunity.

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Glad to see that Sarah and Jordan patched things up between them. I think they're a great team and are strong contenders to win it all. I was happy that they beat Zach and Jonna in the Dome, more so because of Zach. That guy's been such a jerk to Jonna this whole challenge that I wasn't surprised that she was happy it was over.

I really thought that Leroy and Nia were going to throw Jay and Jenna in after what happened last week. Leroy's been anti-Wes many times, but he ultimately allowed himself to be manipulated by Wes to throw Zach and Jonna in.

I think that most likely, Johnny and Nany will be coming back next week. I'm not a fan of Johnny so I hope that one of the other couples will win in the end.

All the sort of good feelings I had gotten for Zach during the challenge seasonbefore this one-blanking on the name after a while they all blend together- was had vanished throughout this challenge and I remember why I despised him on the battle of the seasons. Hes an awful human being.

I love Wes though. I don't know why but I never could really dislike him and he's kind of smart. I got to hand it to him, he plays the game so good. It's scary. Also, he has a "real job"? What's his real job that allows him to leave for weeks- maybe a month or two- at a time? Does he still run his yogurt business?

I like TJ. And I do think he has favorites. I know during Cutthroat, he got really mad when the teams would keep voting in the newbies. Over and over. And I'm pretty sure Cara Marie is his favorites and I noticed he hugged Jonna too. He was also really nice to her during the last weeks challenge when Zach was being an ass to her, as they were running back and forth to get the puzzle pieces or whatever.

From what I gathered from interviews Wes has used his money from the bar/speaking engagement/challenge appearances to invest in start ups. I remember one challenge he had a line where he said "he owned 30 businesses". I remember from his real world Austin bio that he wanted to own and run his own business it's nice to see people from these show achieve their goals.

Tj said in an interview before the original exes that if he had to choose one cast member to be his partner he would chose Leroy. So I always assumed Leroy was his favorite.

  • Love 3
I like when he does stuff like judging them for being assholes about who gets sent in. I can't remember what season it was, but people kept sending in the same person over and over, and he was so clearly annoyed by it at some point.



Yeah, I love this side of TJ as well. I remember his disgust at the Brandon sandbagging really well. And another favorite TJ moment of mine is from Fresh Meat II, when Evelyn and Luke lost to Landon and Carly. Even though it was Ev's fault (she made an executive decision to forgo a puzzle, earning them a penalty), she threw a temper tantrum and iced out her partner, prompting TJ to comment that the way she was treating Luke was "wack" and that they'd never had a four-year old on the show before. LOL.


ETA: Sorry Stinger, I didn't see your comment until after I posted.

Edited by sweetcookieface
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As much as I dislike Zach, I really don't care if he's mean to Jonna. I recently re-watched RW:Cancun ... I had forgotten what a sketchbag she is! Jonna clearly needed an insane amount of attention from men, was a snob towards the other women, and purposely chased after any man that her roommates were interested in. I have absolutely no pity for Jonna. She clearly uses men (at least, that's what I've gotten from her behaviour on her RW season, and in all her Challenge seasons). She should really consider taking some time off from relationships, and learn to like herself first.


As much as I dislike Zach, I really don't care if he's mean to Jonna. I recently re-watched RW:Cancun ... I had forgotten what a sketchbag she is! Jonna clearly needed an insane amount of attention from men, was a snob towards the other women, and purposely chased after any man that her roommates were interested in. I have absolutely no pity for Jonna. She clearly uses men (at least, that's what I've gotten from her behaviour on her RW season, and in all her Challenge seasons). She should really consider taking some time off from relationships, and learn to like herself first.

I agree. This whole season I just can't find myself feeling bad for Jonna based on her past behavior. She also always comes across as being dumb if I was forced to work with her for  a long period of time I would probably loose my mind based on what I have seen.

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