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"The View": Week of 02/23/15


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I googled membership in the academy last week because a friend and I were convinced that all members of SAG voted and all members of the other categories voted.


Not so I found.  Members are INVITED to join and this year 217 - or 271, I forget - people were invited to join.  This number is divided among 17 different categories including "executives" and "PR".  So many members are not actually part of the team involved in writing, directing and all the other facets of actually making a movie.


Helps to explain why there are only 6,000 members and 94% are white and something like 70% are over 50.  Might have a statistic or two wrong, but it is a very exclusive club.


And Oscar winners are not automatically accorded membership nor automatically extended membership.

Not for nothing, but I asked RO (on her blog) if she was a voting member of the Academy and she said yes.   I'm not sure if Whoopi is but seems like something she would have bragged about.  

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A friend, who had not seen the show in awhile, called me yesterday  during the show and her question was : "Holy Crap - is Whoopi drunk?  This is unbelievable".  I wasn't watching but did click over to see and it all seemed perfectly normal Whoopi to me.


Since all your comments reflect business as usual on the show - I will tell her that Whoopi was normal yesterday.  I am a bit curious, do any of you remember any Whoopi behavior that would have led my friend to make that comment.

You mean besides prefacing her defense of yet another celebrity athlete with multiple dv convictions by pointing to the audience and telling us not to tweet her because she doesn't care?  Or maybe it was her turning her throne clear around to acknowledge the section of the audience lucky enough to only to see the back of her head and then singling out some old guy to ask, "How you doing, sir?" Then again it could have been her talking over everyone, or calling Stacy London an "amazing woman."   Any one of those things could account for it.  Or you know, business as usual  on The Whoopi Goldberg Hour.  

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IIRC I think she has said it in past years.


Evidently she was in Banff, Alberta over the weekend so perhaps that is why she missed watching the Oscars. But very odd that she did not offer an explanation.

OMG, I went to one of these "shows" many years ago, (can't remember who the celebrity was) but it was a total bore.  Whoopi was obviously paid to go there & play the Queen, but she's playing to people who, mostly, don't see her every day.  Just saying'.



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OMG, I went to one of these "shows" many years ago, (can't remember who the celebrity was) but it was a total bore.  Whoopi was obviously paid to go there & play the Queen, but she's playing to people who, mostly, don't see her every day.  Just saying'.



Yes, she would have been travelling because she would have to travel the 90 minutes from Banff to the airport and then at least a 4 hour flight and two hour time zone shift, so she would likely have missed it.  I wish she would have talked about being in Banff.


However, she would not have made much money off this gig, it seats may 1500 and the tickets were only $50.  I assume though that they put her in some fab accommodations and perhaps she had a little R/R.  Otherwise, why would she do it?

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Good grief.....do these reviewers every watch the show?


Human Rights Activist


Substance Abuse

Goodwill Ambassador to the UN


Let's see here...sure she has worked for these issues but come on. She is against so many human rights when it involves a celebrity....think rape-rape, Mel Gibson, Vicks, ....I could go on and on.


She doesn't really value education.....she didn't need it. Why should any one else seems to be her take. 


Substance abuse....would that be Cosby slipping so many women drugs....let alone trying to rape them?


Can't remember the last time she went on a tour for the UN.


With her threats and not caring what we think does not make her a legend - just a bully.

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Yes, she would have been travelling because she would have to travel the 90 minutes from Banff to the airport and then at least a 4 hour flight and two hour time zone shift, so she would likely have missed it.  I wish she would have talked about being in Banff.


However, she would not have made much money off this gig, it seats may 1500 and the tickets were only $50.  I assume though that they put her in some fab accommodations and perhaps she had a little R/R.  Otherwise, why would she do it?

They probably put her up at the Banff Springs Hotel -- Google it -- awesome.  I've been there a few times (less than 5) & was absolutely blown away with the accommodation & restaurants.  Their Sunday brunch is to die for & not cheap.  Why wouldn't Whoopi want to "play the wheel" & bullshit her way through a couple of days there??  P.S. -- I never heard of the guy interviewing her.

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Whoopi's hair looks like crap in the style she is wearing it in today. Why would anyone show off their shaved/stubbly bald spots on purpose? So aging and unflattering. Stacy looks like grandpa Munster with her red lipstick, gray streak and over-animated gesturing. Oy, lol. I really, really hope she isn't going to be a permanent host.

It was fun to see Ms. Rice shut Nicole down with one swipe of her hand and a stern retort. Also, I hope they don't invite the blond lady back. She is pretty useless there. She adds nothing to the panel.

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Why must Whoopie always  complain about having to spend money on taxes and tolls. She was whining about $14 today. Is she for real? Does she not realize that she is rich and that is rather offensive and off-putting  as a regular person to have to watch her  whine about money....She is truly disgusting...she does this all the time under the guise of defending us little people. She needs to stop..She treats her colleagues on the panel like they are dumb. She  has to dominate the conversation and cut people off when they don't share her opinion...Familiarity breeds contempt..I have nothing but contempt for that woman....I would be remiss in not mentioning her title, the movie stah..Whoopie Goldberg....

Edited by Apprentice79
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Does she not realize that she is rich and that is rather offensive and off-putting as a regular person to have to watch her whine about money....She is truly disgusting...she does this all the time under the guise of defending us little people. She needs to stop..She treats her colleagues on the panel like they are dumb. She has to dominate the conversation and cut people off when they don't share her opinion

Yep! So annoying. Whoopi said in her rant somewhere that "we" (paraphrasing) do not want to pay all these damn taxes and fees. We? Stfu and don't dare put yourself in the category of most people who struggle to get by. It's insulting. She just doesn't care. All the people on tv are there to entertain me. They get paid to do so and if I don't like it, I get to state that directly to Whoopi's twitter. Lol! But seriously, Whoopi has shown that it's not always wise to show your true personality. She's become insufferable to me.
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I noticed SL had her legs under the table today so glad for that change.  She does have severe facial features and they are highlighted more by a Morticia hair do, parted in the center and draping her thin face...makes her look thinner and drawn and ages her.  Her makeup is severe on her face, not blended looking or something.  I am surprised after all her years on WNTW she didn't pick up more tips to know how to make herself look better.  Her clothes are great but the rest...give that girl a makeover!  LOL


I thought the blonde host looked very striking today with her makeup.  She is very pretty but again gets little opportunity to speak, she is with a pushy crowd!


Whoopi is just so classless.  It looks like she put all her weight back on and is back to wearing big things that cover her body.  Her hair pulled off her face is also severe, add her constantly troubled voice, like she is upset all the time.  Wow, does want to be part of the show, does the show bring her any happiness??  She is just miserable looking and sounding and I am so tired of her rants.  I don't think today she said even once don't tweet me I don't care of did I miss it????  Maybe the producers read that here too!!  We can only hope!  


I do think it is funny watching the other co hosts while they are speaking and they are always peeking over at WG like they are approval seeking or making sure they are not ticking her off?!  Is this because she is the moderator or are they afraid of her wrath.  


And I am not sure why Joan Rivers got away with the stuff she was quoted as saying today!!?  I never watched TFP because of Joan for one, she was disgusting and never got a pass.  Yet Whoopi seems to idolize her and saying "in all my 40 years of knowing JR I never found her racist..."   A bit of a stretch me thinks and 40 years, really?!  And first Nicolle by quoting JR's racist quotes seems to be saying whoa what GR said is bad but listen to these folks then WG supports JR and suddenly Nicholle is yeah GR is no comedienne.   Please!  

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
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 I do think it is funny watching the other co hosts speak and then immediately either look at Whoopi or have only been looking at WG while they made their comments like they are always seeking her approval to continue...is this because she is the moderator or are they afraid of her wrath.  




Ha!  I think it's because they think it's Whoopi's show and they are just the sidekicks, something I'm sure Whoopi encourages.  Or maybe they are afraid of her - look what happened to the last woman who dared disagree or contradict Whoopi.  

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I've been watching"The View" since it started in 1997 and was even lame enough to go to a show taping on Debbie M's last day.  I tuned in despite the antics of Elizabitch, Stupid Sherry, and antil-vaxxer Jenny.  None of them could drive me to take the show off my DVR.  


Whoopi has done it!  After Rosie O left for the second time, I tried tuning in for the train-wreck aspect, but I can no longer stomach the bloviating Whoopster.  Seeing everyone kiss her fat EGOT ass; Whoopi interrupting everyone; hearing Nicole & Stacey cackle and suck up to the ignoramus -- I'm too old for this shit!


When the best part of the show is Rosie P (who I can't stand) and the blonde ESPN chick (pretty, but meh) -- it's quittin' time for this oldtimer.

Thanks to all of y'all for your wit and intelligence!

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Well......I am battered and bruised after watching toda'ys show. Self inflicted since I keep wanting to stop watching and can't.


WG sucked joy when she screamed "if you don't know how to do a joke....them don't tell them." Like REAL comics are the only one's allowed to "do" a joke. Not that I watch Rancic on E! or the Fashion Police but seems to me she has apologized and I thought their clip of GR was sincere. Good grief - let it go!


Then WG tells us dreads are not allowed in the military. Evidently they are according to several people on the shows fb. But they must be tight on their head while on duty in order for helmets to fit properly, etc.


The RP...."people do not give to public education." Note to RP - are you familiar with property taxes? Even if you rent you can be sure your landlord has included pt into your rent check. And a lot of people volunteer at schools. My niece recently raised enough money to fund desks for a classroom in her area (and she doesn't even have kids).


When 1st elected Obama wanted to fund infrastructure including fed roads and local state roads, bridges, etc since it was needed and also importantly it would provide jobs which we so desperately needed. He was blocked over and over by the GOP.


I thought the little kid models were just creepy with their makeup and hair.


Off to tend to my my wounds......

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And I am not sure why Joan Rivers got away with the stuff she was quoted as saying today!!?  I never watched TFP because of Joan for one, she was disgusting and never got a pass.



I do watch Fashion Police...and actually for the fashions.  The fashions!   Joan Rivers' constant comments and interruptions were so overly scripted and overly cruel they made the show almost unwatchable.  It was definitely about Joan and not the clothing.  The required over-the-top laughter of her panelists added to my disgust--yet I still watched.  Kathy Griffin is doing a good enough job as the moderator, but she isn't given the free reign Melissa Rivers gave her mother.  I think perhaps Skeletora...oops, Giuliana has been given orders to bring most of the snark.  I think viewers would enjoy the show if it were MOSTLY fashion and ridicule only where deserved.

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I was creeped out by it too. The kid Kevin Hart and kid GF looked startled and soooooo confused as to why the whole audience and the host were howling and laughing hysterically at them. It made me kinda sad.

I didn't watch the last part of the show, including the kids, because I'm not interested, but I could here them whooping & laughing & thought what the hell?

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I rarely watch Fashion Police but I was always surprised Giuliana was on that show. On her own G&B show she always seemed very sincere, nice and genuine. For her to go on FP which is all about making rude comments about the celeb's fashion choices didn't seem to fit her personality. Also usually "entertainment news" people stay away from anything that bashes a celeb because eventually they will have to interview them! I think that's why Nancy O'Dell left Access Hollywood and went to ET after AH started snarking on celebs. 

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I watched today's show because Gabriel Union was on and caught the end with that ridiculous fashion show with the kids.  I think the little boy (Kevin Hart) knew they were laughing at the replication in the height difference.  Surely that was talked about when he was cast to do that.  Stupid to dress little kids like adults and worse to laugh at them. 


I came here to mention Whoopie's hair.  We have seen her balding on the sides for awhile now but wow, it is so extreme I guess her stylist has talked her into making it a feature or something done on purpose.  I think she is heading to a shaved head and turbans.  

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I tuned in to see the train wreck that was Whoopi's hair today.  After I stopped laughing I started again over the Guilianna Rancic topic.  Please.  She apologized and like Rosie P said, that should be the end of it.  Does anyone even know who that girl was before GR made those comments?   I still don't even know her name.  But I do know that I did my grad work at a small liberal arts college where dreads were plentiful - mostly worn by privileged white boys from Berkley.  And yes, they often smelled like patchouli and weed.   I know that's different than the red carpet but just saying…  It was an unfortunate comment but again, GR apologized.


Once again Whoopi lets us know that only professional comics can crack jokes.  Well, I guess not everyone has a fart joke at the ready the way Whoopi seems to have.  


I don't believe for one minute that Whoopi Goldberg has ever watched Fashion Police - 'forty year friendship' with Joan Rivers notwithstanding.  She didn't even know the name of it or that Rancic has been on it from the beginning.  Yes, Joan's comments on those shows were often over the top but that was Joan.  I think people expected it.  I don't remember Kelly Osborn or Guilliana or  not laughing at them.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
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The first time I was aware of Zendaya, she was on Dancing with the Stars.  Cute little gal.


The ladies on The Social addressed this subject & one of them said that people who smoked pot sometimes used Patchouli Oil as a scent to mask the smell.


I think the whole incident was blown way out of proportion on The View & they never really did get to the crux of the matter.  Whoopi, in all her wisdom, added nothing meaningful to the "conversation".

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So, as I'm sitting home today, sick, reading all of everyone's comments, not to mention scrolling the articles about what Rancid Rancic said, and what Nicolle said in response by way of "You are no Joan Rivers" or whatever, the take away I got (and understand I'm all doped up on my meds so forgive me if am misunderstanding), is that ONLY Joan can get away with racisty remarks because she was Joan Rivers!!!!!! Fuck that nonsense.


In my opinion.


And if I'm wrong, please feel free to correct me; like I said, I'm presently doped up on drugs.  And not the good kind, unfortunately.

  • Love 16

So, as I'm sitting home today, sick, reading all of everyone's comments, not to mention scrolling the articles about what Rancid Rancic said, and what Nicolle said in response by way of "You are no Joan Rivers" or whatever, the take away I got (and understand I'm all doped up on my meds so forgive me if am misunderstanding), is that ONLY Joan can get away with racisty remarks because she was Joan Rivers!!!!!! Fuck that nonsense.


In my opinion.


And if I'm wrong, please feel free to correct me; like I said, I'm presently doped up on drugs.  And not the good kind, unfortunately.

I know not only my thoughts & prayers are with you during this trying time, but know your posts are still well-written & very pointed.  Thanks for hanging in with us!!!

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But I do know that I did my grad work at a small liberal arts college where dreads were plentiful - mostly worn by privileged white boys from Berkley.  And yes, they often smelled like patchouli and weed.


Yes, and another stereotype that is associated with patchouli is that lesbians wear it.  I have even heard lesbian friends joke about lesbians wearing patchouli.  I guess it is better to just not stereotype people.  Juliana was not being racist IMO, just trying to be flippant and make good tv.  Everybody is just so darned sensitive now.

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Seriously? Not sure if you're aware of the fact that on an episode of Fashion Police, they showed a photo of Kylie Jenner with faux dreadlocs and she was praised as being "edgy" and "cool". With Zendaya, they associated it with being unkempt and unclean. Most black folks I know with dreads (and I was one at one time) wear theirs in a neat style. There are some who let theirs grow in more naturally and free-form, but in order for your hair to "lock" properly, the hair must be clean and free of oil and dirt. That's ignorance of black hair. And if they can't be bothered to educate themselves before speaking on black hair, they should just shut the fuck up. 

Edited by Ladybugnine
  • Love 18

I rarely watch Fashion Police but I was always surprised Giuliana was on that show. On her own G&B show she always seemed very sincere, nice and genuine. For her to go on FP which is all about making rude comments about the celeb's fashion choices didn't seem to fit her personality. Also usually "entertainment news" people stay away from anything that bashes a celeb because eventually they will have to interview them! I think that's why Nancy O'Dell left Access Hollywood and went to ET after AH started snarking on celebs. 

What's weird is that this was on the show where Stacy London was on -   Didn't she bash Whoopi's fashion choices some time ago?  Wasn't she the one to whom Whoopi said  don't judge me! 

Giuliana made a comment that was tame by the standards set by joan Rivers.  So who is to say that only Joan Rivers can be a hateful bitch?  Rivers made horrible, disgusting comments about people all the time, yet she is revered by some because sh'es so "funny".


Now, for my bitchy comment - Giuliana has a strangely shaped face - she has always reminded me of an ant character on either "bugs Life'  or 'Antz"  movies.  

Edited by backformore
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I've always been surprised that she was hired for television.  She seems quick and smart but her looks aren't the most appealing.

I always picture ET when I see her.


Seems there's a whole lot of shutting the fuck up to be done on The View!!


I received my replacement DVR today. I got it programed and it does not include this show.

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Hmmmmm...I'm also reaching the "let's bury the dead horse" point for this show.  Sad - I've watched it from the very beginning, but it's just depressing now.


At least for now I can watch the Aaron Hernandez trial online.  When that's over, there really isn't anything of interest on at the 11:00 hour, not even as background noise.  Bah.

Guiliana apologized a second time to Zendaya after Black Twitter dragged her ass for that comment about her hair.


She could have just said she didn't like it and keep it moving. She said that stupid shit and people took her to task for it.


Black people see red when people give white people all this applause for daring to wear a hair style black people have been wearing for years and get shit on for.


When Kylie Jenner wears cornrows or locs she is seen as being daring or cool. A black person wears them and they smell like weed.


It has taken a long time for what is seen as normal black hairstyles to be accepted into society. For a long time a person couldn't wear locs in a professional setting.


So I can see why folks didin't let this go.

  • Love 12

Seriously? Not sure if you're aware of the fact that on an episode of Fashion Police, they showed a photo of Kylie Jenner with faux dreadlocs and she was praised as being "edgy" and "cool". With Zendaya, they associated it with being unkempt and unclean. Most black folks I know with dreads (and I was one at one time) wear theirs in a neat style. There are some who let theirs grow in more naturally and free-form, but in order for your hair to "lock" properly, the hair must be clean and free of oil and dirt. That's ignorance of black hair. And if they can't be bothered to educate themselves before speaking on black hair, they should just shut the fuck up. 



Guiliana apologized a second time to Zendaya after Black Twitter dragged her ass for that comment about her hair.


She could have just said she didn't like it and keep it moving. She said that stupid shit and people took her to task for it.


Black people see red when people give white people all this applause for daring to wear a hair style black people have been wearing for years and get shit on for.


When Kylie Jenner wears cornrows or locs she is seen as being daring or cool. A black person wears them and they smell like weed.


It has taken a long time for what is seen as normal black hairstyles to be accepted into society. For a long time a person couldn't wear locs in a professional setting.


So I can see why folks didin't let this go.


From big lips to big butts and now the hair

THAT is why a lot of people were up at arms about the comment - it seems there are certain standards for one and not the other.

As stated with Kylie Jenner; Rancic switched her opinion and comment on the hair when it came to Zendara. Seemed a bit hypocritical

I thought Zendara looked absolutely beautiful when I saw her picture and could not believe she was dragged for it. 

I saw Rancic's apology and thought it was sincere and came from the heart. It wasn't some canned "..if I offended anyone...', it seemed like she got why her comment was hurtful. I was a bit disappointed when I heard what she initially said and how it was different from Kylie; I really like her because she does seem nice, hardworking and knows her stuff. I like her husband too, I think they make a great couple. But after that apology, she gained my respect. I think both parties involved took the high road here, and handled the uproar appropriately and am glad they didn't let it go.

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I've always been surprised that she was hired for television.  She seems quick and smart but her looks aren't the most appealing.

She didn't look like this back when she first started and was Guiliana de Panda.  She started to think that she needed to be very thin to look good on camera, and instead she looks skeletal.  

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Due to a death in my family, yesterday was the first time I'd watched the show in over a week.  It's really gone from bad to worse.  Whoopi is so obnoxious and that blonde gal offered nothing.  When Mario came out I was hoping that he'd shove her aside and sit down and talk.  I finally changed the channel when the kiddie fashion show started.  UGH!

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