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S30: Kelly Remington

Donny Ketchum
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If my name was Kelly and I was selected for Survivor, I'd definitely go by my second given name or any other made-up one. Except for the first season, anyone named Kelly has gotten the Invisible edit :-) 

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If my name was Kelly and I was selected for Survivor, I'd definitely go by my second given name or any other made-up one. Except for the first season, anyone named Kelly has gotten the Invisible edit :-) 

Or been booted early, like the one in Gabon.

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Quite a lot of info in her local newspaper interview. 

She went in thinking she would not reveal her state trooper status, would play a Tony game but under the radar.




Didn't know she was gay. 



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Well, she pulled out the awful 'I get along better with guys than with women,' so my tentative like of her is even more tentative now. Although at least she said women and not girls! Honestly she sounds kinda awful in that interview. I bet she makes it very far though.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Well, she pulled out the awful 'I get along better with guys than with women,' so my tentative like of her is even more tentative now. Although at least she said women and not girls! Honestly she sounds kinda awful in that interview. I bet she makes it very far though.


With you there.  I am not a fan of women who don't like other women.  Sort of odd for a lesbian isn't it? 

Well, she seems to get along with Lindsey and Sierra right now, so maybe it's just certain types of women?

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"I get along better with guys than with women"


Based on one biography of Janis Joplin, it could mean "I'm not attractive to guys but I'm attracted to them so I'll be best bud in order to hang out with them". Of course, if the person is gay, that point is moot. So I'm not sure why I put it here, but here goes.

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I'm just so tired of women acting like all other women are awful to be friends with but men are super awesome. It's so boring and stupid.


She does seem to actually be closest to Lindsay and Sierra, but I suspect that's solely strategy on her part. Although who knows because we never see or hear from her.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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 Kelly survives intact by adopting the ultimate Survivor camoflage, the name Kelly, which renders you invisible.



Bwah - ha - ha!  It's only the third episode, and BvWII taught us not to pay as much attention to "edits" as we were able to do in the past, but she needs to start getting screen time soon, or I'm going to have to stop really rooting for her.  The talking head last episode was a good sign though.

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Apart from knowing that there is a Kelly, as attested from the thread, I still have no idea who this Kelly person is and for sure could never pick her in a line up. Should I go and get tested for Alzheimer or have we seen so little of her that my lapse of memory might hopefully be more mormal than ominous?

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She is invisible. She did have one confessional in this past ep (that didn't make her look good IMO) and she is seen in the scenes of the fight between Lindsey and Mike. She's pretty much ignoring them and says absolutely nothing.

I don't see how it didn't make her look good.  Because she said she stays back to see how bad a situation gets before stepping in?  Please.  That's not a big deal to me.

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Yea, it was a big deal to me personally. Plus I already don't like her because she came off terribly to me in the pre season stuff.

Meh.  Pre-season stuff doesn't bother me, either.  It's when they get on the island that I judge them, and so far, I've seen nothing to judge her on.  Not even that confessional.

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Good point. But her limited confessionals so far haven't done anything to make me think I'm wrong about her. But I'm open to her not being awful once we finally see her, which will probably be the ep she gets booted.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I don't see how it didn't make her look good.  Because she said she stays back to see how bad a situation gets before stepping in?  Please.  That's not a big deal to me.


Agree.  That sounds like a GOOD thing to me.  I heard that and figured she's the smartest one on her tribe.  She's the only one we haven't seen get involved in any of the fights.


Anyway, how are there 29 posts in a thread about this mostly invisible player?


ETA: In the conversation about her name, everyone forgot who I thought was the most memorable Kelly of all: Kelly Goldsmith from S3 Africa.

Edited by Lingo
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This seems like a good time for me to chime in and defend why I have an "invisible" player ranked #1 on her tribe, but first!:


Why are we referring to Kelly as the invisible one?  (The Name Curse, I get it.)  Kelly has had at least two talking heads, Sierra has had none that I can recall.  Sierra did get extra screen time as the basketball shot maker in one challenge, and she manages to be in a lot of scenes that feature Lindsey running her mouth, with Sierra as a sidekick appendage.  (Who may throw in a word here or there.)


Aside number two:  Scenario One: <radio squack> "Car # whatever, we have a 911 call of a fight at Joe's roadhouse, ...," versus Scenario Two: <radio squack> "Car # whatever, some of the boys from the mill are punching and wrestling at Joe's roadhouse, ..."  I don't know where Kelly works as a state trooper, but the way she talked about not rushing in, sounded a lot more like the second situation than the first.  [Heck, change it to "the guys fresh of the rig," and we're talking about Oil Coast Mike's peeps, right?]


So getting on topic, first, tribal dynamics.  Escameca was split 50/50 with a potential young/old dynamic.  Kelly's talking head in the premiere boiled down to a negative assessment of how Dan was interacting with the younger folk on the tribe.  (Which, when you find out she planned on starting out, at least, on staying under the radar, really reinforces her strategy.)  


While Kelly isn't directly in a lot of shots, she is in the background most of the time.  She's paying attention to what is going on, and it looks like she is, at the least, "working."  (Keeping her in Mike's good graces.)  Reinforced by her talking head this episode, which was easily perceived poorly, (or just stated poorly by her,) but which amounted to, "don't make hasty decisions, gather the facts you need and act accordingly."


We haven't seen any alliance talk on Escameca, we've just been treated to Lindsey vs. Dan, Rodney vs. Mike, and Lindsey vs. Mike.  I've been assuming, and I don't think I'm alone, that had they gone to Tribal in the first three episodes that Dan would have gone home in a 4-2 vote.  (Or Mike in a 4-2 after the last episode, perhaps.)  Not that there is a "Young Person's Alliance," with Kelly as a fourth, or a "Women's Alliance," with Rodney as the fourth*, but in either case, I think Kelly is in great shape to make it to the merge - which is how I do the rankings pre-merge.


*And this is what I'm hoping for - that Kelly and Sierra are trying to keep Lindsey, and Rodney, in check, both for post merge numbers, and as potential goats.  But that's just me hoping for a stealth mastermind to appear.

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Kelly has had at least two talking heads, Sierra has had none that I can recall.  Sierra did get extra screen time as the basketball shot maker in one challenge, and she manages to be in a lot of scenes that feature Lindsey running her mouth, with Sierra as a sidekick appendage.  (Who may throw in a word here or there.)

Thus far, Sierra's sole confessional has been in episode one, though I forgot what it was about.

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I'd say Kelly and Sierra are equally invisible. 2 confessional vs 1 confessional doesn't really do anything for me. And I think they're actually both very noticeable in the background. But compared to everyone else on all tribes, they really are invisible. I figure they're the 2 best players on Blue Collar.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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There have only been 2 Kelly's I've liked on this show (Borneo and Africa), and one that I didn't like (Purple Kelly).  Who I wouldn't have remembered at all had she not been a quitter.  The other Kelly's, I couldn't even tell you if there were others and what seasons they are on.  When googling Survivor after the last episode, I did have to laugh that two of the articles I ran across about Kelly had headlines such as "Kelly finally gets to speak" and "Kelly stays under the radar".  I have a feeling she's in this game for the long haul, however.  I would agree that Sierra is probably more invisible than Kelly, as I remember nothing about her or that she even got a confessional.

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There have only been 2 Kelly's I've liked on this show (Borneo and Africa), and one that I didn't like (Purple Kelly).  Who I wouldn't have remembered at all had she not been a quitter.  The other Kelly's, I couldn't even tell you if there were others and what seasons they are on.

The only other three Kellys we've had have been in Gabon, Samoa, and an additional one in Nicaragua.  Gabon's started out in the minority of her original tribe, Kota, but quickly joined the majority alliance of her post-swap tribe, Fang.  But she was eventually voted out sixth because she basically annoyed her tribemates too much.  She was even voted out over Ace and Sugar, two people outside of the main alliance.  As for Samoa's, she was pretty invisible until Russell idol'd her out of the game that season.  Nicaragua's other Kelly was the one with an artificial leg who dueled with Na'Onka.


This season's Kelly is either going to be as visible as Borneo, Africa, Gabon, and Nicaragua's Kellys (in Nicaragua's case, the more visible one), or as invisible as Samoa and Nicaragua's other Kelly.  Time will tell.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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First memory of Kelly on this show will be the fact that she was the one who was injured.  We already knew someone was going to get hurt, but if we didn't, Probst made it obvious when he kept telling everyone to be careful with the drops that something was coming.  I am glad she was okay, and am glad she was able to continue.  I hate to see anyone have to leave the game for medical purposes.


That said, I hope she's got more to her game than just following an alliance around.  It's not the worst strategy in the world, but she could have made a big move with Sierra and Lindsey in voting Rodney out-especially if she made the guys think she was going to help force a tie.  Then at the former no collar tribe, going along with the majority so as not to stand out.  I do wonder where her loyalty will lie once the merge comes, if she's still around.  Which I fully expect her to be, because I think she's got some people ahead of her on her current tribe to go before her.


And to be fair, following an alliance is probably the only Survivor strategy I would have, since they'd totally be able to read me.  It just makes for boring TV when it gets done all the time.  But there's always at least one floater in the group.  Maybe being with a group of strong women will bring something out in Kelly.

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Kelly made a lot of more obvious moves tonight.  It was good to see her not take the predictable route and lord her swing vote power over the heads of both sides like Sarah did in Cagayan.  She just chose her side with not much drama or hesitation or waffling.  And then, she just as smartly jumped to the other side when it was clear to her that Carolyn was as tired of Max and Shirin as Jenn, Hali, and Will were.

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I can see now why she's so invisible confessional wise. She is boring as hell and just not a very eloquent speaker.


There's an extra vid with a confessional from Dan about how badass Kelly is and how she's totally going to win. A couple of others expressed really liking her in the extra vids, too. I think she probably has a pretty great shot at winning if she makes it to the end.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I couldn't really follow her. I can easily see why they never show her confessionals. She doesn't really add any flavor, she just (kinda badly IMO) states what happened/will happen with no real flair.


I have to say though, she is so pretty. I didn't really notice it until i watched those extra vids.

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I don't have an opinion about her one way or the other, but "Max thinks the world revolves around him, like he's the King Tut of our tribe," made me laugh because it's so dumb. Oh, that egotistical King Tut! Thinks being the boy king makes him soooo special.

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I don't think she's boring at all.  I listened to her the full way through.  And yeah, not totally eloquent, but I still understood what she was saying.





I can see now why she's so invisible confessional wise. She is boring as hell and just not a very eloquent speaker.


There's an extra vid with a confessional from Dan about how badass Kelly is and how she's totally going to win. A couple of others expressed really liking her in the extra vids, too. I think she probably has a pretty great shot at winning if she makes it to the end.


I see that why she's invisible and/while not being boring is that she gives too much info. Hell, even if I kind of knew if was being Shirin and Max for the boot, maybe for other viewers there was still a possibility she would have voted with them - idea which was nixed in this clip. 

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After tonight I think I'm off the Kelly bandwagon.  I sort of liked what little I'd seen and admired her for carrying on despite the head injury.  But I just wonder what she's going to bring to this game other than be another vote for Mike to control.  Maybe there's more going on behind the scenes that we aren't seeing in regards to her strategizing.  And what was with that memory challenge?  I get she had a bad injury and maybe that was part of it.  But I was just surprised that as slow as Mike was moving, she couldn't get it.  Actually, I wondered if we'd find ourselves having a B/B/B moment, where as hard as Mike was trying to throw it, he finally had to give up and win because she couldn't get it.  She could get voted off next week and I probably would forget about her by the end of the season.  Same with Tyler, who's been even less visible than her.  That seems pretty hard to accomplish.


If she manages to go deep into the merge, maybe we'll start seeing more of her, and hopefully a more strategic side.

Edited by LadyChatts
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This explains why BC never found their idol:


Cochran: And what was the idol situation with the Blue Collars? Were there any attempts by the Blue Collars to find the idol, or was it just not a priority?


Kelly: We were out there the first couple of days and we did look for it, and all agreed that if someone found it, we’d tell everyone. But after two or three days of scouring the whole place — it was like a needle in a haystack — it stopped being a priority, and eventually we just figured there was nothing out there… until Jenn played her idol. And so, you’ll see, people will probably realize the Blue Collar idol is still hidden out there.



Yet she kind of contradicts herself with this about the idol:

Cochran: Ok, you brought up Jenn. What were you feeling once you saw Jenn play the idol? Did you at that point suspect you might be going home, or did you feel relatively safe all the way up until your name was finally revealed?


Kelly: Well, the rumor around camp was that Jenn was coming after me. But I didn’t feel like I had to worry because I had all my Blue Collars. And since we never found an idol, we thought maybe the twist for Survivor Season 30 was to not have any idols. I think Jenn even mentioned that an idol got voted off with Nina or something. And since it was three of them against seven of us, I didn’t feel like I had to worry about it. So when I saw her pull out that idol, I could feel my heart drop, like “This is not happening right now.”



And since she said it was 7 against 3, she doesn't factor in Will or Shirin at all.

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And since it was three of them against seven of us, I didn’t feel like I had to worry about it.




Did Kelly not know how idols work or is she just stupid? The idol will cancel every vote out no matter how many there are so the number of votes you have doesn't eliminate any worry over idols.


I keep reading her quote over and over hoping it will make some kind of sense..  

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To quote Spencer Bledsoe, "it is genuinely, genuinely scary" that Kelly is an undercover cop/state trooper, and it might not have been the head injury making her act like that.  She comes off as a bit of a spoiled brat in her interviews when talking about her camp at the blue camp vs Nagarote and the old NC tribe.  She caused her own demise in this game, so whether that vote was personal or strategic, it was her own doing ultimately.  One thing that I typically like about Big Brother and their evicted hamsters, is they don't have months and time to prepare how they are going to handle their interviews.  It's essentially blindsiding them to a lot that was going and the reaction from fans.  With Survivor, TAR, and other pre-taped reality shows, the contestants have months to sit at home and go over what exactly happened.  They can see the fan reaction to themselves and the people they liked/disliked.  It does seem like the NC3 are a love 'em or leave 'em type, but no one from BC, including Kelly appears to be overly popular.  Kelly especially will best be remembered for her head injury, and if it wasn't for that would likely get no love at the reunion (assuming of course Jeff does touch on it).  So if she really didn't get along with the NC girls and Joe, but sees that they are being portrayed and perceived better than her and her blues, maybe that's where a bit of dislike and resentment comes into play.  Out of all the tribes out there, I think the blues took their label way more seriously than any of them.  It's almost cult like the way they talk about each other.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Kelly's interviews have been interesting. She claims she was targeted because she did not stick with Hali and Jenn and then goes on to discuss how she ran right back to Mike when the Merge happened. She did mention that she didn't make an effort to stay tight with Jenn and Hali but then says that it was a personal vote.

Let me see here. In a game that is about numbers and where the social aspect matters, do you think maybe you should have been a bit smarter about how you handled Jenn and Hali?


Is it possible that they saw your immediate return to the Blue Collars and the fact that the Blue Collars had numbers as a problem and that they knew they had to remove one of those numbers?


Is it possible that they knew that they saw your immediate run to Mike as a sign that the two of you were a tight two and that one of you should be removed?


Is it possible that in the short time after the merge they realized that Mike, Rodney, and Dan were kind of hard to live with and that it would make sense to vote out someone who was capable of working with the three of them?


Then she discusses her relationship with Carolyn. Is it possible that they saw that dynamic and figured that you brought the White Collars to the Blue Collars?


So maybe it wasn't a personal vote but a good strategic move that could make it hard for the Blue Collars to work together and weaken the ties between the White Collars and Blue Collars? Could it be that you failed at managing your relationships with Jenn and Hali which made you a target?


Maybe, just maybe, they are note playing a personal game but a solid strategic game and got you out because you played a crappy social game and strategic game in neglecting to believe that they could have an idol.

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I remember (hopefully correctly) an interesting moment last episode before the merge, when Kelly, Hali, and Jenn (and I think the rest of the red tribe) were together.  Jenn and Hali were asking if she would go back to the Blue Collars when they merged, and Kelly said no.  Then Jenn said, "Not even Mike?" and Kelly said no again.  Somehow they seemed to pick up that Kelly and Mike had a connection, even though they hadn't seen them together on the same tribe yet!!


It seemed like Kelly did a decent job convincing the red tribe that she would be with them when they merged, but that obviously disintegrated as soon as the merge actually happened.  I think Kelly could've managed Hali and Jenn a lot better and that probably would've led to her lasting longer.  Unfortunately, she seemed so confident with her numbers (and apparent confusion over what an idol does, let alone its existence) that it was unimportant to her.

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