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S30.E10: Brother In Arms


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The irony of Bruno telling Madison he's not the Hulk at the beginning of the episode was painful by the time he was panting in the confessional.


They need to send Bruno home and upgrade to his brother.  Bruno was there like a week before he stopped talking to anyone that wasn't his girlfriend.  Briah was there one day before he was crying and wanting to talk about his feelings.  Telling Bruno about what Tony said was a horrible move, but I would rather hear about what ever messed them up from the one that barely reacts to having his brother's hands on his neck.  I don't know how they could meet Sylvia and realize she's the more interesting one, but not do the same with Briah.  He'd probably get out of his primping phase if he was around longer.


As terrible as Bruno is, Sylvia also really needs to learn to keep her hands off of everyone.

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Bruno just wanted to be an asshole. Violetta said something smart and Bruno thought it was Sylvia. She shouldn't have slapped his chest, but all that screaming and yelling and pulling punches inches from Sylvia's face is ridiculously overboard.


You can't be mad everybody's being all happy happy joy joy while your grandfather is dead when you never told anybody your grandfather died.  Ass.

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Dammit, three replies people!


Anyway, I admit to hating whenever someone takes offense to another person being aggressive to a woman (because she's a woman). I get the sentiment behind it but Bruno shouldn't be doing that shit to anybody. Dude goes 0 to 100 too damn quick.


Sylvia needs to keep her hands to herself though. Also, she's been popping off most of the season for no real reason so she has no leg to stand on either. Bruno and Sylvia can kick rocks at this point. Although, I think it's funny that Violetta was the one talking and Bruno went off on Sylvia. She had nothing to do with the initial issue.


Nicole needs to leave this fool alone. She's constantly running around trying to calm Bruno's ass down even after he nearly attacks her in the process. Just stay away from that dude.


Madison/Tony make me want to vomit. Together or apart they annoy me.


Jason should have took his happy ass home around the time his baby was expected to arrive. I don't mind him doing whatever before the birth. That's on him but he should have been there for the birth.


Jason continues to be the most sane one in the house.

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This season is just horrible, but I'll admit I just can't stop watching.


I hate The Real World rule changes in the past few seasons where abuse and harassment is accepted and the victim is the one who needs to stand up and say the abuser needs to leave.  I do find it funny that in the challenges it is still a hard and fast rule that if you hit someone you leave immediately, but in the Real World...you only leave if the house votes you out.  I guess they enjoy the drama that picking violent and hostile people and watching the abusive, alcohol charge filled interactions.  

I do have a bone to pick with Tony.  He is SO appalled by Bruno's behavior...you know...for like a day (before they are bros again).  Tony, have you ever taken a cold, hard look at how YOU treat women???  You don't hit them, but you sure do treat them like pieces of trash to be used and thrown away whenever your penis needs a workout.  



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Bruno needs to calm the eff down. That type of bullying behavior shouldn't be acceptable, even in the wilds of reality TV. How is he going to make it in life/the workplace/marriage/parenthood if every little thing that annoys him sets him off to the point where he explodes? He's like a walking IED.


While he didn't hit anyone, he was so aggressive -- to both men and women -- that it certainly qualifies as emotional abuse. Even after things calm down, there's always going to be that tension because you don't know what's going to light his fuse.


If he's not careful, he's going to go off on the wrong person and end up in jail or dead. Tony might not be able to give him a smackdown but there are people out there who could. Though, more than likely, he'll probably just end up making a career out of the Challenges and continue to be rewarded for his behavior.


Though I did laugh when, right after the fight, Madison was trying to console Tony and he was all anguished about what happened -- and then he unzips Madison's blouse. Tony, the man who always has his priorities straight!


Side note: how much furniture gets destroyed in the average 'Real World' season these days? At the end of the season, they should present Bruno with a big bill.


I hate The Real World rule changes in the past few seasons where abuse and harassment is accepted and the victim is the one who needs to stand up and say the abuser needs to leave.  I do find it funny that in the challenges it is still a hard and fast rule that if you hit someone you leave immediately, but in the Real World...you only leave if the house votes you out.  I guess they enjoy the drama that picking violent and hostile people and watching the abusive, alcohol charge filled interactions.

To be fair The Challenge always has been stricter than Real World. This article breaks down The History of Violence on The Real World http://stopbeingpolite.com/2015/02/02/the-history-of-violence-on-the-real-world/

There's something very fake about Jason....I don't really buy him. 


Nicole's behavior is sort of gross. Just because she's a woman, doesn't give he permission to harass women the way she does.


Bruno is a psychopath...I mean, wow get your anger under control.


Tony and Madison are gross...Madison just seems so dumb and empty and Tony will drop her the second he gets home because he's a d-bag.


I like the brothers more than Tony or Bruno. 

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Bruno's behavior is unacceptable, no justification. He should be sent home as should Viola and Sylvia had been after the Madison fight. I will say that Sylvia's behavior was just as disgusting than Bruno and it is unforgivably hypocritical of her to hold Bruno to a different standard. I am sick of immature people stinking up the air the rest of us breath.

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Bruno is a psychopath and the fact that everyone in the house still interacted with him after he went crazy makes them just as dumb! If they don't send him home after that then they must not be afraid to lose viewers because I'll consider putting an end to my real world days. That was hard to watch - he's boring anyway all he cares about is Carla bye Bruno

Edited by tumamita
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Dammit, three replies people!

I blame the way MTV has scheduled this season.  I'm going to have to start typing up a post while I watch the episode, because it's hard to discuss things when the Challenge is on right after.  It especially doesn't help that they've also been airing the After Show.  I'm glad to see it on tv, but I'm tired by the time it's on.

I skipped this episode in favor of watching the last hour of the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. After seeing the episode on DVR, it's safe to say that I made the right choice. Watching roommates try to destroy each other is commonplace by now.


Seriously, what kind of name is "Briah"? Then again, who names a baby "Bruno"?


ETA: One more question . . . how many more episodes are there left to endure?

I was really disturbed by Bruno this episode. As someone that has been on the receiving end of that kind of rage at a point in my life, I see a huge difference when the violence involves a guy going at a woman like that. I might be wrong but I have never felt the same kind of fear from another girl's anger than I did when I had a 6 ft guy coming at me raging out of control. It was a similar situation, a guy friend who had temper issues and I dared to say something he didn't like when he was in a mood and he hunted me down. Scary stuff.. I still don't like to remember it. It was a close friend and at that moment I walked away and we didn't talk for 10 years, no lie. Partly because I knew if my husband ever came near him, it was not going to end well. 
As for the rest of the episode… I thought it was kind of funny that when Bruno came at him out on the smoking deck, Tony was hiding behind his brother. lol. Tough guy. 
Madison and Tony continue to make me want to hurl. He has not changed his ways, he's just going for the easy ass right now. Dumb girl. 
Violetta has a mad crush on Bruno I think. That is why she was trying to bug him with that cake pop. He isn't having it. 
I did like how accepting of his brother Tony is. That's awesome. 
I don't know if Nicole is cool to try and look out for people or a damn idiot. Can't decide. I mean, it is nice that she tried to look out for Bruno but he was in her face quite a bit too and I would have to let him fend for himself. I sure as hell wouldn't go do sprints around Chicago with him. Get yourself together Bruno, you are acting like an ass. Grown men don't barricade themselves in confessionals, carrying on. 

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YES! Security guards finally made an appearance. I've been waiting for that all season. I think Bruno is way out of line and should have to leave the show and attend anger management ASAP. He admits to his problem and says it has gotten worse while being on the show, so for the safety of himself, his roommates, and the home decor, he should leave and be replaced by his brother, Briah. Briah is such a stupid name, but that's not his fault. He seems like a good guy. What they should have been doing from the beginning is voting out original cast members in favor of their skeletons if the skeletons were cooler. I like Briah more than his brother. I also liked Tony's skeletons (and his brother) more than Tony, and Violetta's skeletons more than Violetta. Now that would be an interesting premise to me. As someone who doesn't enjoy violence or temper tantrums over food, Bruno brings nothing to the show for me. His showmance with Carla is pretty boring too.


The fact that he and Tony both have brothers who are gay could be a commonality of interest that could be discussed. Tony, who is very accepting of Shane, could help Bruno through that process of accepting Briah for who he is. However, since Bruno is so closed off, that's just not a possibility. And there's no breaking through to him, so why is he on the show? I disagree with people who say that Sylvia shouldn't have touched him or Tony shouldn't have waved a finger in his face or Violetta shouldn't have approached him with a cake pop. That's blaming the victim instead of the attacker. Why should they have to walk on eggshells for Bruno? He's the one with the anger issue, and it's not up to them to avoid conflict just to appease him. He has to work out those issues himself.


I have to laugh whenever MTV airs an anti-violence PSA during The Real World episode, yet there are no consequences for being violent on the show itself. In the real world, if you did what these clowns did, you would likely be punished in some way. But on the show, The Real World, where ratings are involved, you get a pass. Sure, there's THs asking if Bruno should leave, but there's no serious talk about voting him out. That's partially because most of the cast has either an anger issue or mental health issue. If they call Bruno on his shenanigans, then it would be hypocritical of them not to look at themselves. Of course they're also probably scared to bring the subject of kicking Bruno off the show to him since he's so prone to fly off the handle. It just sucks that they all have to live in a hostile living situation because one person has such a propensity for violence. I know the others have had their moments too. Sylvia has a really bad temper too, but it's not nearly as scary as Bruno. I know Bruno hasn't hit anybody yet, but I could see it happening.

Edited by jmonkey
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I disagree with people who say that Sylvia shouldn't have touched him or Tony shouldn't have waved a finger in his face or Violetta shouldn't have approached him with a cake pop. That's blaming the victim instead of the attacker. Why should they have to walk on eggshells for Bruno? He's the one with the anger issue, and it's not up to them to avoid conflict just to appease him. He has to work out those issues himself.


I totally agree with you that it's blaming the victim, but still, knowing his behavior I'd just stay the fuck away from Bruno.

I think Tony apologized to him the next day and I just shook my head.

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I do find it interesting how most people seem so much more upset with Bruno's behavior when he acted out and raged, but didn't actually put his hands on anyone than Sylvia and Violetta who absolutely beat down on Madison.  


Don't get me wrong...I think Bruno is an accident waiting to happen, but if he is shown the door....Sylvia and Violetta should be making an exit along with him.  


And WORD about the bullshit PSAs that MTV puts out about violence while totally loving the drama that said violence creates on their show. 

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I do find it interesting how most people seem so much more upset with Bruno's behavior when he acted out and raged, but didn't actually put his hands on anyone than Sylvia and Violetta who absolutely beat down on Madison.  


That's an exaggeration. Did Madison fight Violetta? Yes, but she actually was winning that fight.  When Sylvia came up she yanked Madison back, but Madison was more injured by the ill-thrown mini liquor bottle(at NASCAR) than anything Sylvia and Madison did.


It may come down to, Madison just isn't afraid of the girls.  Bruno is a whole different psycho animal.  These sorts of people tend to give folks leeway when drunk. Bruno goes Hulk on anybody when he seems to be completely sober.  He's just angry. Angry about Gay Briah, angry about Violetta, angry about Sylvia, angry about tuna, angry about beef. He's just angry.

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I think Bruno's just auditioning for the role of CT on The Challenge. They all are, at this point, mimicking dysfunctional behaviors they've seen highlighted in other shit shows like this. It's hard to get worked up about a bunch of muppets flailing around in desperation.

Even the two gay brothers knew they had to hook up to please production.

I fully expect to see Maury Povich in the next episode. Jason's baby's mom will be hysterically running laps around the backstage areas of the "house", after hearing that it's not actually Jason's baby. Somebody will throw Maury's makeup off the balcony.

Edited by Liqidclark

Bruno raging sober and not hitting anyone is WAAYYYYYYYY more terrifying than Sylvia or V when they're out of control drunk. Not that what they do is a good thing either, it's ridiculous and they all need help but it's much easier to hold them back than Bruno.  I'm scared to think what would have happened to some of those people if at least Jason wasn't there to hold him back and he even has a tough time doing it. 

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I don't personally think what Bruno did was worse or more terrifying because he is a male and is stronger.  I thought the encounter with the women in the house was brutal to watch and then to see Violetta refuse to apologize for it.  Sylvia might wanna look in the mirror as well since she might understand what it is like to be on the other side of an encounter like that.  Yes, if Bruno did hit someone he could do a lot more damage, but the simple fact for me is that he didn't....they did.  


BTW- I am still somewhat enraged that Nia was allowed to stay in the house years ago when some of the housemates openly admitted they wouldn't vote against her in fear of what she may do...after she came up and bitch slapped Averey's head almost into a mirror.  Nia got to stay and Averey (and her toy Johnny) ended up having to move out until the season was over.  Grr.  I know...off topic....my bad.  

After a long time of not watching this show I've now been sucked back in again. I hate myself for it but I just can't stop. It's a whole new monster now though. Seriously, when did they break down that fourth wall? It's like they don't even bother to keep up the charade. There are cam ops in every shot and the producers pop up in every episode like the 8th effing roommate. Did they always call into the house on the batphone like that? And what's up with the gaff tape dispenser in the kitchen? Did production just go into complete idgaf mode? Don't even get me started on the lax stance on violence. This show is a joke, albeit a highly addictive one.

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I do find it interesting how most people seem so much more upset with Bruno's behavior when he acted out and raged, but didn't actually put his hands on anyone than Sylvia and Violetta who absolutely beat down on Madison.  


Don't get me wrong...I think Bruno is an accident waiting to happen, but if he is shown the door....Sylvia and Violetta should be making an exit along with him.  


And WORD about the bullshit PSAs that MTV puts out about violence while totally loving the drama that said violence creates on their show. 

Yes, as I said in my post after the episode where Sylvia and Violetta beat up Madison, they have should definitely be off the show for what they did to her. In fact, The Real World should have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to violence to show these kids that there are repercussions for their actions. Although it's a reality show that's willing to allow almost anything for ratings and the cast members might all be wannabe actors who consented to violence in their contracts, it still sends a bad message to the viewing audience, even with the PSA. The Real World has certainly come a long way from David getting kicked out of the LA house for pulling a blanket of Tami. Now violence and sexual harassment are encouraged.


I will say that Bruno, despite not laying a hand on anyone, is far scarier than Sylvia and Violetta to me. I've seen the destruction he's done to inanimate objects and he doesn't seem to be able to calm down, to admit wrongdoing, or to fully forgive people. If I were Carla, I'd be running for the hills.

Edited by jmonkey
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Bruno is asinine to me, probably because the fact that he would go right to the edge of hitting Sylvia and not actually do it, and said he couldn't hit her because she's a girl. That tells me that he is in complete control of his rage and the way he handles himself, and actively chooses to go right to the edge of making physical contact because he wants to scare and intimidate people. If he was truly out of control, he'd have hit someone. This is a guy who is choosing to be a threatening douchebag, and hiding behind an "uncontrollable" (quoted because it's bullshit) rage issue.

Edited by Pixel
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After a long time of not watching this show I've now been sucked back in again. I hate myself for it but I just can't stop. It's a whole new monster now though. Seriously, when did they break down that fourth wall? It's like they don't even bother to keep up the charade. There are cam ops in every shot and the producers pop up in every episode like the 8th effing roommate. Did they always call into the house on the batphone like that? And what's up with the gaff tape dispenser in the kitchen? Did production just go into complete idgaf mode? Don't even get me started on the lax stance on violence. This show is a joke, albeit a highly addictive one.


I used to enjoy this show, but now I find myself fast forwarding through a lot of it.


I don't actually mind the breaking down the "fourth wall" thing, and I noticed they've done it on several of the MTV "reality-ish" shows. I like it better than just pretending that the producers, cameras, etc. didn't exist. 


The violence can go anytime though. I used to get annoyed with them screaming at each other, but it was typically only once in awhile and the physical violence was pretty minimal. Now it's like a breath of fresh air when they show a moment where they AREN'T screaming or on the edge of hitting each other, throwing stuff at each other, etc. It's sad.

After a long time of not watching this show I've now been sucked back in again. I hate myself for it but I just can't stop. It's a whole new monster now though. Seriously, when did they break down that fourth wall? It's like they don't even bother to keep up the charade. There are cam ops in every shot and the producers pop up in every episode like the 8th effing roommate. Did they always call into the house on the batphone like that? And what's up with the gaff tape dispenser in the kitchen? Did production just go into complete idgaf mode? Don't even get me started on the lax stance on violence. This show is a joke, albeit a highly addictive one.


I am in the same boat.  I watched Portland so I have only missed one season but prior to Portland the last season I saw was Brooklyn.  So there was a bit of a gap there.  I do not remember them breaking the fourth wall during Portland so I am guessing it happened during the Ex-Plosion season.  I am not a big fan of how they shoot the show now and I hate hearing the producer's questions but I guess after being on the air for so long they have to do new things in order to appeal to a younger audience. 


Now I freely admit that the violence does draw me into the show.  The reason why I watched Portland was because of the whole Jordan/Nia/Johnny/Averey thing.  Granted I do not think they should allow violence but it draws eyes to the show and so that is why I think they are not going to do much about it.  Heck look at the other show BMP produces, Bad Girls Club that show is all about the catfights and violence and security takes it sweet time breaking up the fights on that show. 

I know that it was difficult with the astounding levels of bad behavior to catch all of it, but did anyone notice that Bruno sat there whining about how difficult it is for him to handle the fact that his brother was gay with Nicole, of all people?

I don't mean to defend Bruno, because I think he's a psycho, but I think he was mostly saying it's weird because his brother was always with girls. It sounds like they've been estranged for 3 years and Briah said he just came out like 2 months ago, so it kinda sounds like Bruno just....didn't know he was gay basically. So it was kind of weird to him. 


But yes I thought it was kind of odd, but then again Nicole is the only person who wants to be around him basically (except Jason).

I know that it was difficult with the astounding levels of bad behavior to catch all of it, but did anyone notice that Bruno sat there whining about how difficult it is for him to handle the fact that his brother was gay with Nicole, of all people?

Apparently he's over that...at least to make money.


He's making appearances at Gay clubs with Briah and Jujubee from RuPaul's Drag Race.

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I know that it was difficult with the astounding levels of bad behavior to catch all of it, but did anyone notice that Bruno sat there whining about how difficult it is for him to handle the fact that his brother was gay with Nicole, of all people?

Yes, I thought it was super odd. I was waiting for Nicole to say something.

Yes, I thought it was super odd. I was waiting for Nicole to say something.

There have been multiple people in the house this season who have or are a gay sibling, five that I can count right now, yet Bruno apparently chose not to examine any of those relationships for guidance on how to deal with his brother. Its his own fault if he has no idea how to deal with a gay sibling when he has So Many examples in front of him to learn from.


There have been multiple people in the house this season who have or are a gay sibling, five that I can count right now, yet Bruno apparently chose not to examine any of those relationships for guidance on how to deal with his brother. Its his own fault if he has no idea how to deal with a gay sibling when he has So Many examples in front of him to learn from.

Who are the other three?


Bruno is asinine to me, probably because the fact that he would go right to the edge of hitting Sylvia and not actually do it, and said he couldn't hit her because she's a girl. That tells me that he is in complete control of his rage and the way he handles himself, and actively chooses to go right to the edge of making physical contact because he wants to scare and intimidate people. If he was truly out of control, he'd have hit someone. This is a guy who is choosing to be a threatening douchebag, and hiding behind an "uncontrollable" (quoted because it's bullshit) rage issue.



I admit that I used to roll my eyes when people placed greater emphasis on male-to-female violence. (And Tony was annoying as hell and just trying to be Captain Saveaho anyways.) Then I was assaulted by a male. There's a reason that assault on a female is generally a worse charge than assault. Both acts are equally wrong, but unless you're a female MMA fighter or something-there is usually a bigger physical variance that makes it more dangerous to be on the receiving end of an attack from a male. 


Bruno strikes me (a pun!) as an abuser. (Didn't he allude to his father being abusive?) The above quote is on the money. Bruno uses his physical strength to intimidate and is in full control. I shudder to think of what he would do without the cameras around. This is made even more creepy by the fact that him and Sylvia(?) almost hooked up. Abuser and abusee meet again. Yuck.


Madison and Tony. Gross. Don't want to see them together. Don't want to see them separate. Get them out of here. Madison is okay, but her insecurity with men annoys the shit out of me. She's totally "Honey" from HIMYM. "Oh, honey..."


Briah can stay. I'd gladly trade Bruno, Tony, Sylvia, and the other brunette for him.


And just as a sidenote: Sylvia and her psycho friend should have been kicked out for what they did to Madison as well.

Edited by Granimal
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Everyone needs to keep their damn hands to themselves. Bruno, Sylvia, Violetta. All of them. And they all should have been sent home weeks ago. None of it is okay.


Totally agree! I wish they'd go back to sending them packing for physical violence instead of seemingly encouraging it.  Seems like a lifetime ago when that one girl (was it a Las Vegas season?) almost got sent home for throwing a fork at someone. Now she'd have to repeatedly stab him with it and they'd probably still keep her.



Totally agree! I wish they'd go back to sending them packing for physical violence instead of seemingly encouraging it.  Seems like a lifetime ago when that one girl (was it a Las Vegas season?) almost got sent home for throwing a fork at someone. Now she'd have to repeatedly stab him with it and they'd probably still keep her.

Not excusing the bad behavior of this season, but the whole reason why Brynn was almost sent home was because Steven wanted her to go home. Madison and Sylvia never expressed they wanted the other person to go home. Again, not excusing the behavior, but on The Real World it seems like you have to say you don't feel safe or want the person to go home for the producers to even consider it.


I find it interesting how CT is such a fan favorite among people who watch The Real World when he is easily the most violent person to ever be on one of these shows. I would rather be stuck in a room with Bruno, Violetta or Sylvia than CT.

Edited by choclatechip45
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Not excusing the bad behavior of this season, but the whole reason why Brynn was almost sent home was because Steven wanted her to go home. Madison and Sylvia never expressed they wanted the other person to go home. Again, not excusing the behavior, but on The Real World it seems like you have to say you don't feel safe or want the person to go home for the producers to even consider it.


I find it interesting how CT is such a fan favorite among people who watch The Real World when he is easily the most violent person to ever be on one of these shows. I would rather be stuck in a room with Bruno, Violetta or Sylvia than CT.

Has CT ever gotten in a girl's face the way Bruno did Sylvia?


I definitely wouldn't fear for my safety with Violetta or Sylvia, but something about Bruno is so unsettling to me.  I think he might be one of those terrible people with no redeeming qualities, and that's why I can't abide him.



Has CT ever gotten in a girl's face the way Bruno did Sylvia?


I definitely wouldn't fear for my safety with Violetta or Sylvia, but something about Bruno is so unsettling to me.  I think he might be one of those terrible people with no redeeming qualities, and that's why I can't abide him.

I'll be honest I can't remember, but CT definitely made me uncomfortable the way he talked to the females on The Gauntlet 3 especially to Diem who was his girlfriend at the time. I know it's  an unfair comparison because CT is about 10 years older than Bruno, Sylvia or Violetta ( I assume since Paris aired in 2003) and to his credit has mostly calmed down now.  Bruno is strange because in the beginning he was my favorite among the guys. I don't think he is a bad person to per say I definitely think he needs a therapist or learn to communicate his feelings. I think the bigger problem with this cast it seems to me this  is the first time  they are away from home and are going crazy like freshman in college. 


The only reason I brought CT up because he was the only Real Worlder besides David from Real World LA  I thought was  scary/sketchy like in I don't want to be alone with him type of way.

Edited by choclatechip45

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