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All Episodes Talk: What's Up Doc?

Meredith Quill
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Hey, works for me.

Ughhhhh...one of my least-favorite, most cringe-inducing moments: Carter cancels on Gant for Christmas Eve.

I know it's important to the plot, but I still want to yell, "Just show up at Abby's after you've been to the party!!! Dumbass...."

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I think George is probably an awesome person, and he's certainly very charismatic, but I've never really thought of him as an actor that can rise above mediocre material.  Give him a part that plays to his strengths, like Ocean's Eleven, and he's terrific.  In other things, not so much.

No one should fault him for Batman and Robin, though.  He was really, really trying.

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Here's the big reason I heart Keaton & Carter: low-freakin'-maintenance. They were happy & sexy together, and there was no draaaaahhhhhma.  An island of calm in the middle of the dysfunctional ocean that was the series.

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I look forward to seeing this and having a positive impression of George Clooney because I find him SO annoying with his head waggle and dropped chin.  Holy smokes...he even did it jogging!!!

OMG, I thought I was the only person alive that was annoyed with the "head waggle!"  Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting that!!  

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One of the things that I truly love about the finale is that while it was full of callbacks to the history of the show, like the delivery going sideways like Love's Labors Lost, it was still a thoroughly good episode even if you didn't get them.

I really liked Alexis Bledel's newbie Dr. Wise.  I'm not the biggest fan of her acting, but she did a good job of showing the audience who the character was, and where she was going, even if we weren't going to see it.

I didn't like Rachel, but I did like Hallee Hirsch.

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18 hours ago, starri said:

I think George is probably an awesome person, and he's certainly very charismatic, but I've never really thought of him as an actor that can rise above mediocre material.  Give him a part that plays to his strengths, like Ocean's Eleven, and he's terrific.  In other things, not so much.

No one should fault him for Batman and Robin, though.  He was really, really trying.

I thought he was pretty good in the Descendents and Up in the Air. I also loved him in Out of Sight, but that was another bad boy charmer role so it wasn't too much of a stretch. He's not as much of a chameleon as someone like Johnny Depp for instance, who fades into his roles. You always know you're watching George Clooney. His charisma definitely carries him far. Although  I do think he did a good job in O Brother Where Art Thou of stretching into a different character. Now I want to go watch that. :) Dapper Dan man!

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On 7/1/2017 at 7:05 AM, starri said:


I really liked Alexis Bledel's newbie Dr. Wise.  I'm not the biggest fan of her acting, but she did a good job of showing the audience who the character was, and where she was going, even if we weren't going to see it.

I didn't like Rachel, but I did like Hallee Hirsch.

Didn't know (or forgot) Rory Gilmore was there.  Probably because I only watched maybe the last 10 minutes, and purely to see Noah Wyle again.

Madeline Zima was little Rachel Greene (aha!!  I forgot that they had the same name!!) while she was also playing Gracie on The Nanny.  Different networks IIRC; I wonder how she swung that.

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Only one e in Madeline
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32 minutes ago, voiceover said:

Madeline Zima was little Rachel Greene (aha!!  I forgot that they had the same name!!) while she was also playing Gracie on The Nanny.  Different networks IIRC; I wonder how she swung that.

Close! But no cigar. But do take a lovely parting gift of Turtle Wax! (Is that stuff still made? LOL!) Madeline Zima was on The Nanny, true. But it was her sister, Yvonne Zima, who played young Rachel Greene! (Still funny NBC had two Rachel Green(e)s, whose shows were on the same night and started the same year!)

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My take away from watching all of the repeats of ER:  Damn, there's a lot of mistakes made by the young residents! 

I am enjoying seeing  Dr. Carter as a newbie to medicine though.  It's interesting going back and watching his & Benton's relationship evolve.  I hated when he didn't consult Benton about leaving his surgical residency.  Benton was really hurt by that.  Benton was a tough person to get close to, but if he liked you, he was there for you. 

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On ‎6‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 8:15 PM, ChitChat said:

HIPAA was passed in 1996.  In some of the episodes I've re-watched lately (Season 6),  several ER doctors were warned about not breaking the law. 

regs implementing the law were not published until end of Clinton administration and compliance was not required until 2003. The statute itself says hardly anything.

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Something that really bugs me ..... people rarely knock on doors and that is a MAJOR irritant for me!  Just now, Benton walked in on Carter and Abby Keaton snuggled up together on the couch reading about Pakistan.  HE SHOULD HAVE KNOCKED!!  This happens during meetings, higher ups' offices, any and everything.  Grrrrrrr.......

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I've been in the dental field since 1990, and I believe it was the mid 90's that we started having seminars on HIPAA and other privacy issues.  It's really improved over the years too.  They're always finding ways in which we can improve things.  Problem is,  not all medical/dental offices are in 100% compliance.   I now work in an office in which they still have a sign-in sheet at the front desk, then they just highlight the name, rather than black it out, or use some other type of sign-in device.  People will come into an office and look at the sign-in sheet, then say something like "Hey, I didn't know that John Doe goes here too! What's he here for?"  I've seen that happen many times, well, until we started using a Sharpie marker to black out the name. 

 I recently moved, which meant me finding another job.  That search landed me in an office that's so far behind the times that it's ridiculous.  My input doesn't seem to help either.  Not everybody in the office is required to go to continuing education classes, so they don't get the info they need, and they don't believe those of us who try to tell them what is required by law.  I'm sure it's different in a hospital setting though.  They have to be extremely careful with people's info, and I'm sure they get the training they need.     Of course now we're seeing more and more medical professionals who steal patient's info since they have access.  I just read about a case in the local paper yesterday.   We truly are at the mercy of the people around us!  

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6 hours ago, ChitChat said:

I've been in the dental field since 1990, and I believe it was the mid 90's that we started having seminars on HIPAA and other privacy issues. 

the 1996 statute says unless Congress passes a law with privacy provisions in it, HHS has to enact regs. Congress did not pass said law and years later HHS issued the regs--December 2000. Any seminars in the late 1990s would have just said "hey, at some point we'll have regulations that will tell us what the privacy requirements are." and then maybe talk about state laws.  When Grey's Anatomy completing whiffs on HIPAA it bugs me; when ER circa 1996 does, it does not because there were no HIPAA privacy regs at all.

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I may be remembering things wrong when it comes to the initiation of HIPAA, but with or without it, we always had a sense of protecting certain basic privacy information.  I've sat through so many seminars the past 25 years, it's hard to remember exactly when things took place! ;)   A lot of times we hear stuff well before it's actually put into law so we have time to start getting prepared.   Forms, etc. have to be changed. 

Some instances that happened pre-HIPAA were spouses going through a divorce that forbid us to give the other spouse any info, or grandparents who were not allowed to  get any info, i.e. a grandparent or ex-spouse would call asking when little Susie's appointment is, and we couldn't disclose that.  It's difficult keeping up with all of those demands from patients.  We've had ex-spouses who couldn't be in the office at the same time, or couldn't be in there when the cheating spouses new wife is in the office. 

What bugged me about some of the storylines in ER was even if HIPAA wasn't in force yet, sometimes the doctor would go directly against a patient's request of not contacting a certain person about his/her said condition.  Lucy did it when a father brought his daughter in who needed a bone marrow transplant.  He absolutely, in no uncertain terms, told her not to contact his ex-wife and other daughter, but she went to her house to see if they would have that daughter tested!  That was a ridiculous storyline, IMO.  Even without HIPAA, what doctor in his/her right mind would do that?  Then Dr. Greene goes and looks into Jeanne's file to see what her HIV test results were.  He should've been fired on the spot.    There were other instances of blatant violation of a patient's information, and it always made me cringe. 

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Ugh.  Today's storyline fail: Carla, guilting Benton over her pregnancy.

Of all the dumbass, Days of Our Livesesque twists.  This bombshell (Peter=not the father) was dropped after I'd stopped watching on a regular basis.  I picked that ep to tune back in -- and promptly tuned out again.

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It posted in the middle of a word!!
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2 hours ago, voiceover said:

This bombshell (Peter=not the father) was dropped after I'd stopped watching on a regular basis.

I must've quit watching around the same time.  I don't remember this bombshell!   

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6 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

I must've quit watching around the same time.  I don't remember this bombshell!   

IIRC, that came out after Carla died and Peter and Roger, Carla's husband, were fighting over custody.

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Seems like an unusual amount of ER staffers or family either died or had some major illness.  It seemed a little farfetched.  I think that's about when I quit watching the series.  Romano getting an arm taken off by the helicopter?  I can buy that.  Romano getting crushed standing outside the hospital by a helicopter?  Nope.  That was a little too much.  YMMV.

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Here's something I don't like and don't think was very realistic.  I'm watching "John Carter, M.D." and there's a mentally ill patient who says her name is June Allyson.  At one point this woman is standing in the hallway totally naked singing, I assume, a June Allyson son.  The nurses, including Carol, just stand there laughing at her and do absolutely nothing.

Why didn't someone, anyone, go over and wrap something around her and take her back to her room?!?! What if this had been the mother of one of them?  She obviously had mental health issues and in real life I believe someone would have rushed over to help her.

End of rant as an advocate for the mentally ill.

Also, I don't think it was ever determined if Peter was the father or not.  I could be wrong, but wasn't that left open-ended?

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36 minutes ago, slasherboy said:

Here's something I don't like and don't think was very realistic.  I'm watching "John Carter, M.D." and there's a mentally ill patient who says her name is June Allyson.  At one point this woman is standing in the hallway totally naked singing, I assume, a June Allyson son.  The nurses, including Carol, just stand there laughing at her and do absolutely nothing.

Why didn't someone, anyone, go over and wrap something around her and take her back to her room?!?! What if this had been the mother of one of them?  She obviously had mental health issues and in real life I believe someone would have rushed over to help her.

End of rant as an advocate for the mentally ill.

Also, I don't think it was ever determined if Peter was the father or not.  I could be wrong, but wasn't that left open-ended?

I agree, that was one of many scenes that were disrespectful to the mentally ill.  It seemed to happen fairly often in the first couple seasons.

As I recall, Peter got a DNA test kit and was ready to swab Reese' cheek when he decided not to do it.  He went to Carla and told her that it didn't matter what the testing showed, he was Reese' father and nothing could ever change that.  At the time, I believe Carla and her new husband were planning to move to Germany for his job.  I think Carla told Peter that once Roger's boss heard about the impending custody battle, he withdrew the job offer as he felt it would be too distracting for Roger to deal with the job and the court case.

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2 hours ago, slasherboy said:

I'm watching "John Carter, M.D." and there's a mentally ill patient who says her name is June Allyson.  At one point this woman is standing in the hallway totally naked singing, I assume, a June Allyson song.


Also, I don't think it was ever determined if Peter was the father or not.  I could be wrong, but wasn't that left open-ended?

She's singing "June is Bustin' Out All Over" from Rodgers & Hammerstein's Carousel.  The heroine's aunt sings it.  Not a song June Allyson was known for.

During the initial custody fight, Carla taunts Peter with "Reese may not even BE your son!"  He comes thisclose to sending off a DNA test, but changes his mind.

After Carla dies, and Roger & Peter are vying for custody, the judge demands a DNA test, which proves once & for all that Peter was NOT Reese's biological father.

Which ruined Carla's character, but good. 

Peter left County to work day shifts for then-gf/later-wife Cleo's clinic, all for the sake of gaining custody.  Which he finally did, despite the DNA results.  He agreed to let Roger have visitation.

ETA: I was referring to "The bombshell" of Carla saying Peter wasn't the father during that 1st custody battle.

Peter had initially questioned paternity when Carla first broke the news of her pregnancy, but she killed that idea with a glare, and he hastily dropped the subject.  

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Wow, Peter married Cleo?  I don't remember that at all about his departure (but, then, we've established that "I don't remember" kicks off my reaction to most of this show).  I didn't remember Carla died, either.

I am so offended by what they did to Carla's character to change when they get together/she gets pregnant/they figure out how to co-parent Carla to "by the way, I'm moving abroad with the kid; peace out and, by the way, he may not even be yours [even though when you acted an ass when I told you he was back when I was pregnant, I set you straight] Carla."  Sexist, racist crap. 

Going back to how little of this show I remembered before re-watching the first six seasons in syndication, despite how many years I watched it pretty much every week, it also strikes me that when watching this recent syndication run, I concentrated on one episode per day and just had the others on as background noise and, now that it's cycling through the first six seasons again, I have not once bothered to turn it on to catch a different episode each day.  It's a strange relationship I have with this show - I like it, but I'm also so much more detached from it than anything else I watched that long, and it obviously didn't change the second time around.

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Secrets and Lies didn't do any of the characters any favors.  Carter especially. .

I only saw that one once, but even though the credits assured me that John Wells had written it, I thought it was like Luka fanfic. 

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14 hours ago, Bastet said:

Wow, Peter married Cleo?  I don't remember that at all about his departure (but, then, we've established that "I don't remember" kicks off my reaction to most of this show). 

I'm not sure they ever firmly established that.  They definitely weren't married when he left County, and the only mention during his return in the final season was someone (Susan, maybe?) asking if the two of them were still together.

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Peter left County to work day shifts for then-gf/later-wife Cleo's clinic, all for the sake of gaining custody.  Which he finally did, despite the DNA results.  He agreed to let Roger have visitation.

Yes.  IIRC (I haven't seen any ER eps since first run) Roger was not Reese's bio-father either.  The mess with Carla was too bad; I liked her when we first met her, and she had her own business instead of working at the hospital.

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1 hour ago, starri said:

I'm not sure they ever firmly established that.  They definitely weren't married when he left County, and the only mention during his return in the final season was someone (Susan, maybe?) asking if the two of them were still together.

I got the "married" info from the Wikipedia entry on the character: "In the season 15 episode "Old Times," Benton is seen wearing a wedding ring, and it is assumed he and Cleo are now married."  Plus Peter references Reece is with Cleo during his post-op visit to Carter (after the kidney transplant).

Today on "Tribes", Carla worries about some kind of blood test; to try to avoid it, she tells Jeanie that Peter's the father, so they can check his blood type (so if there's no Rh factor involved, she doesn't have to face the needle).  Aaaaauuuuggghhhhhhhhh!!!!

The whole Rh factor...uh, factor...is serious.  Another reason that the retcon was moronic.

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Does everyone have a favorite overall season? It sounds like Seasons 1 through 6 are the best, with many saying the farewell of Carol really signified the end of the core series and the heart and the lightheartness it found (even in the dark moments).

What I so enjoy about this is that there is always loose ends but not in a frustrating way. You never know who attacks Mark in the bathroom and another storyline with that man who shoots his family and runs out of bullets for himself (I think that's the finale of season 4) I like that it was like a real ER at times, when the storylines never really wrapped up and like the patients, you never know what quite happens to them.

I don't think I ever have even seen some of the last few seasons as everyone changed and it got so dark. I am always so shocked at how enjoyable I find the early seasons, and find that I will always sit and watch it and realize how ahead of the times it is. Those stedicam shots are just amazing as is all the movement of the characters, everyone has their time and even the supporting characters have such a strong role in the stories.

I have a soft spot for Season three, love the slow burn of Carol and Doug. And many say that's the most well rounded and the show still focused on the ER and not too much on the personal lives that was crashing and burning. Everyone really was fleshed out so well.

I'm glad that this show will always have a spot in TV history.

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Season 4. I loved Anna and early Elizabeth was the best Elizabeth. 

I think S5 might be the runner-up, because that was the last time I really liked Mark. Also, it was a great season for Kerry. 

I'm coming on to my sixth consecutive twelve hour night shift in a few minutes, and for some reason I'm remembering the episode where Mark decided to stop treating his cancer and quit the ER. There's this lovely moment where he treats a little girl with...oh, something minor, and when he finishes, he smiles and tells her "You just became my very last patient."  That was the guy I used to like. 

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I also liked, when Mark quit, it wasn't with all the requisite tears, hugs, and whatnot, because the majority didn't know that was it for Mark. I recall he gave Carter a basketball or basketball tips or something of that nature and I do recall that he and Susan shared a long, maybe-knowing look [she was the one that discovered the cancer had returned]. But otherwise, it was low key.

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On 6/30/2017 at 6:12 PM, starri said:

I think George is probably an awesome person, and he's certainly very charismatic, but I've never really thought of him as an actor that can rise above mediocre material.  Give him a part that plays to his strengths, like Ocean's Eleven, and he's terrific.  In other things, not so much.

No one should fault him for Batman and Robin, though.  He was really, really trying.

I have always found him to be a good actor.  In fact, I just watched the epi where the rich kid has the eye problem (retinitis pigmentosa) and he was excellent as the pediatrician.  He can act, it is just his stupid mannerisms got in the way.  

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4 hours ago, emjohnson03 said:

Does everyone have a favorite overall season?

It's been so long since I've watched the show (except for some recent reruns), so my mind's a little fuzzy on specific episodes.  I also preferred seasons 1-6 (what I can remember), and enjoyed some of the lighter moments, like Carter doing the appendectomy on Benson.   Elizabeth was one of my favorites.  I can't remember why she and Benton broke up though.   As much as I hated how Carter treated Lucy, the episodes with him and her getting stabbed and the staff working to save them was good, and the subsequent rehab of him was quite good.  I liked how Carter's peers stepped in to save him from his drug addiction.  He & Benton's scenes together were touching too.  Another favorite character was Jeanne Boulet.  She had a calmness about her.  She is beautiful inside and out.  

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11 hours ago, slasherboy said:

dargosmydaddy, I looked up Rob Eldard because I know absolutely nothing about him and found this picture. Do you like this look?

No, he doesn't do it for me any more... I got over him when he was on Justified a few years back. But circa 1995 Ron Eldard was pretty hot!


11 hours ago, ChitChat said:

Another favorite character was Jeanne Boulet.  She had a calmness about her.  She is beautiful inside and out.  

And unlike Ron Eldard, Gloria Reuben is still gorgeous!

Edited by dargosmydaddy
photographic evidence...
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13 minutes ago, WendyCR72 said:

Didn't Gloria Reuben once sing backup for Tina Turner once upon a time?

Yes.  I met her backstage before one of those concerts, and she had one of the calmest energies I've ever seen - especially in a pre-show environment!

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I recall he gave Carter a basketball or basketball tips or something of that nature

Didn't he tell Carter that "you set the tone"? That was a callback to the first season IIRC. With Morganstern saying the same thing to Mark.

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One thing I had forgotten in watching the reruns is how much the staff seemed to break into song randomly. It was cute and made the show less serious at times when it needed to be. Today I watched part of an episode where Doug and Carol are singing "Hello Mother" to a kid in the E/R. The nursing staff seemed to have fun in earlier seasons too, seeing them dressed up for Halloween, playing soccer while on rolling chairs (think this was during a power outage). I don't know if they took all that away later on because I think I stopped watching around season 7.

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2 hours ago, ktwo said:

Didn't he tell Carter that "you set the tone"? That was a callback to the first season IIRC. With Morganstern saying the same thing to Mark.

I do recall that, yeah. But I also recall a basketball. LOL! I think Carter was playing with it as Mark was leaving and said that to Carter.

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One thing I had forgotten in watching the reruns is how much the staff seemed to break into song randomly. It was cute and made the show less serious at times when it needed to be.

Yes. I thought I'd die when that altered woman was muttering "It's my party," and two of the nurses starting singing the Lesley Gore song of that name ("You would cry too if it happened to you"), and then Greene, with perfect timing, punctuated it with "Give her 5 Haldol" to the tune of the music. I take some of the points people made here about the mentally ill being mocked, but that was an example of the fairly harmless humor that I liked.  

It was hard for me to choose a favorite season from the first three. It would be one of the first three for sure. Maybe season three, because by then what I think of the entire "classic cast" was there (Jeanie was just recurring in season one, and Kerry only appeared at the very end).  Season two was great as well, but that Vucelich/Ruby arc with Benton and Carter dragged a bit. Season three had so much great stuff, as I remember it, like Susan's first exit (loved her, but everything they did when she returned was so bad that I wish she'd stayed gone), Jeanie's HIV status becoming known, Doug's crash/burn and redemption, and Mark's attack.

I didn't think Lucy was a character who worked out. She was made too prominent out of the gate early on, and then in season six she was like a toy the writers had gotten tired of when there were other new characters. So her exit didn't surprise me. That is what most of us remember about the character, her gruesome exit more than, you know, "Oh, wasn't that a great episode when Lucy kept losing a body?" or "Remember the time Carter found out Lucy took Ritalin?"  

ER seemed to have a Midas touch for a while with introducing new characters and integrating them, and they lost that over the years. It got more erratic. 

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8 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

I do recall that, yeah. But I also recall a basketball. LOL! I think Carter was playing with it as Mark was leaving and said that to Carter.

The first thing he said was "it's stopped raining", which was a direct callback to when he said that to Carter in the pilot, before he gave him that speech about people coming in sick, or dying, and helping them was more important than how the staff feel.

Then he said "your ball needs air", to which Carter replied "it's not my ball". And then he said "you set the tone", repeating what Morganstern had told him. It's a really nice scene, even for someone who went off Mark quite strongly in his last few seasons.


Anyway, my girlfriend and I are doing our own rewatch, and are mid-way through season 4. And man, I so needed Carter and Anna to get together! They were great together, with really nice chemistry and the writing and actors established this deep, intimate friendship so quickly. We just watched the episode where Carter auto-transfuses the rapist, and Anna is so disappointed and angry with him. Then when he confesses he did withhold treatment, looking so lost and upset, she just sits with him, holding his hand. I kind of hate Maria Bello for quitting, because the build up was being done so well.

Edited by Danny Franks
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12 hours ago, Bastet said:

Yes.  I met her backstage before one of those concerts, and she had one of the calmest energies I've ever seen - especially in a pre-show environment!

Lucky you!  I remember seeing an interview with her before she sang backup with Tina.  She was really honored to be able to do that.  I re-watch Tina's concerts often on YouTube often.  They're fantastic!


8 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

I do recall that, yeah. But I also recall a basketball. LOL! I think Carter was playing with it as Mark was leaving and said that to Carter.

I think that Carter replied "what?" when Mark said it, but I'm sure he figured out the meaning shortly thereafter!  

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On 30/06/2017 at 9:09 PM, Granny58 said:

I look forward to seeing this and having a positive impression of George Clooney because I find him SO annoying with his head waggle and dropped chin.  Holy smokes...he even did it jogging!!!!  

Oh, there was such an unintentionally funny moment I caught in an episode the other day. Mark and Doug sort of intercepted one another on the way to the gents, and Mark started whining about Cynthia as they're standing next to each other at the urinals. So George Clooney is obviously doing his 'charming, head dipped, listening' thing. Only, because of the way they're standing it looks for all the world like Doug is just gazing affectionately at Mark's junk while he's peeing. Absolutely cracked me up.

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Carter to Anspaugh who is pressuring him to attend rounds:  "I'LL BE THERE WHEN AND IF I CAN!!!"  You go boyfriend!  Sooooo sexy when Carter is exerting his belief that working with a patient who needs his attention is more important that rounds on this one occasion.

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