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I just listened to an interview Bob did and he mentions a couple of things about some upcoming episodes. Each episode is going to be different in tone, and there is an episode that focuses on Jonathan Banks' character that is as dark as anything in BB. He said to wait for episode 6 and episode 9, they will tie a lot of bits and pieces of stories together and everything will make sense.

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Ooooh!  I can't wait for episodes 6 and 9!  I think we all knew that we were only scratching the surface with Mike and what we have seen of him so far -- in both series.  HIs back story -- or what happened to him pre-Breaking Bad events -- has got to be fascinating. 


IMDB's cast list for BCS has Michael Bofshever reprising his role as "Mr. Pinkman," supposedly appearing in "unknown episodes."   Not that I think IMDB is all that accurate, but I suspect that it could be correct.  It just seems to be too random a character to pull out of a hat and put in the credits if he is not going to pop up somewhere.  He didn't already appear and I somehow missed him, did he?

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Ooooh!  I can't wait for episodes 6 and 9!  I think we all knew that we were only scratching the surface with Mike and what we have seen of him so far -- in both series.  HIs back story -- or what happened to him pre-Breaking Bad events -- has got to be fascinating. 


IMDB's cast list for BCS has Michael Bofshever reprising his role as "Mr. Pinkman," supposedly appearing in "unknown episodes."   Not that I think IMDB is all that accurate, but I suspect that it could be correct.  It just seems to be too random a character to pull out of a hat and put in the credits if he is not going to pop up somewhere.  He didn't already appear and I somehow missed him, did he?

I was searching for Mr. Pinkman, but couldn't find him.  Originally IMDB listed him as in episode 1, but now it says "unknown episodes" as you mentioned.


Looks like Krazy-8 and Juan Bolsa will also be showing up in "unknown episodes".  That should be fun.

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Maybe Mr. Pinkman goes into Krazy 8's dad's furniture store to make a purchase, and converses with K8 at the checkout. Probably not, but I can't help but think that when they first bring in K8 it will be in that furniture store. Pinkman's appearance would it seems to me have to be just some sort of random encounter like that - I can't imagine any sort of basis for him associating with any of these people.

Edited by riverclown

From the character page for Kim Wexler at AMCtv.com:

A smart and hardworking lawyer with an ambitious two-year plan, Kim Wexler has worked her way up from humble beginnings to become one of the go-to litigators at Hamlin, Hamlin & McGill. Kim's history with Jimmy complicates their working relationship, and may ultimately compromise her career goals.


Vince Gilligan said:

Where on the Venn diagram does lawful and good overlap? Can you be law-abiding and be bad? Can you be a criminal and be good? There will be a philosophical discussion centered around Mike [Jonathan Banks] later on this season that talks about just that.

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I'm surprised that there aren't more spoilers out there so far.   How many episodes are left of this season?  Four or so?  Are there supposed to be 10 episodes in total for Season 1, or more than that? 


Are spoilers usually slow to appear in the first season of a series?  If all of the episodes in this season have already been filmed it seems that something should have trickled out.


I am wondering if Mr. Pinkman will appear in the finale.


And I seriously hope that we don't have to wait a year to see Season 2!  At this early stage of a new series, while the audience is still growing, maintaining momentum is crucial.   If everyone has to wait until 2016 to see the second season -- unless something phenomenal happens in the S1 finale -- I think that some of the audience could drift.

Edited by Sherry67
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Since this is the Spoiler Thread:  Tonight's (3/30/15) episode has the thumbnail:  "Chuck wants Jimmy to accept a harsh truth. Else, when Mike's ability to complete a job is called into question, a deal may not go through." 


It sounds as if this is the episode where Chuck tells Jimmy he isn't going to be a part of any gigantic settlement in the lawsuit.

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Maybe Mr. Pinkman goes into Krazy 8's dad's furniture store to make a purchase, and converses with K8 at the checkout. Probably not, but I can't help but think that when they first bring in K8 it will be in that furniture store. Pinkman's appearance would it seems to me have to be just some sort of random encounter like that - I can't imagine any sort of basis for him associating with any of these people.

Jesse (Cap'n Cook) cooked his chilli-powder meth with Krazy-8s cousin for an unspecified amount of time prior to BB.

Plus, they all went to elementary school together, Jesse revealed that to Walt after they disposed of Krazy-8 and the cousin.

Krazy-8 was busted and turned informant for the DEA pre-BB.

When Jesse and Walt are sitting in Saul's parking lot for the first time after Badger was busted, Jesse tells Walt the story of how Saul got Krazy-8 off heavy drug charges, not once, but twice!

Remember Jesse's line, "When you get busted you don't need a criminal lawyer, you need a criminal lawyer."

Apparently, Krazy-8 attributed his return to the street after being busted to Saul's lawyering.

So Mr.Pinkman would have reason to associate with Krazy-8

Since this is the Spoiler Thread:  Tonight's (3/30/15) episode has the thumbnail:  "Chuck wants Jimmy to accept a harsh truth. Else, when Mike's ability to complete a job is called into question, a deal may not go through." 


It sounds as if this is the episode where Chuck tells Jimmy he isn't going to be a part of any gigantic settlement in the lawsuit.

I think Chuck will tell Jimmy that he is outclassed by Team Sandpiper and that he'd better let the "big boys" at HHM take care of it.

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While you meditate on those issues, Gould volunteers this hint about the brothers’ relationship moving forward. “It is fair to say the gloves are off,” he says. “These guys understand each other. They are no longer hiding who they are from each other. This revelation is going to change everything between them.”

Exactly how it alters their dynamic and what consequences follow in next week’s season finale (and beyond) is something that the writers wrestled with for a long time before the lightbulb illuminated. “We found that this guy does not react to information and to new turns the way we always expect,” he says. “Jimmy has had incredible resilience, but this is also a guy who really feels it when someone he’s close to hurts him… Episode 10 takes the show in a left turn that I don’t think any of us were expecting in the writers’ room but now feels like the only thing that could have happened.”





Will Giancarlo Esposito Appear on Better Call Saul? He'd Sure Like To


"I told Vince Gilligan: If you do not put me in Better Call Saul, I will kill your wife. I will kill your son. I will kill your infant daughter."


Edited by Umbelina
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Back before the series premiered, Vulture compiled Everything We Learned About Saul Goodman From Breaking Bad: Your Better Call Saul Cheat Sheet, including:

Season 3, Episode 4: “Green Light”
Saul’s been married at least twice, which we know because he tells Walt, “I caught my second wife screwing my stepdad.”


Of course, we now know that Slippin' Jimmy can play fast & loose with the facts, so TPTB don't necessarily have to treat this as canon. But as of episode nine, we've only ever heard talk of Chuck & Jimmy's mom—not their dad. Or dads—there's a 15-year age gap between the actors. So maybe their mom's been married three or more times? Or she's Jimmy's mother and Chuck's stepmother, which makes Chuck's dad Jimmy's stepdad? The possibilities are endless.


Not to mention the wives! Is 2002 Jimmy already divorced? Will Kim Wexler be wife #2—and will she eventually sleep with Chuck's dad?

In "Marco," we learned that Jimmy and Chuck's mom died c. 1999 or 2000, and they both went home for the funeral. We also learned that Jimmy committed the infamous Chicago sunroof c. 1992 because his then-wife slept with a guy—let's call him "Chet." Someone speculated in the "Marco" thread that Chet = Chuck, but Chet had two young children. Then again, Chuck was wearing a wedding ring when he flew out to represent Jimmy. So perhaps Chuck is estranged from his ex-wife and kids?


This is entirely speculation—no spoilers. But it's part of the existing conversation.

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I don't get it -- if Chet is Chuck, and has two children, how is Chuck flying in from Albuequerque to bail him out?  Am I misunderstanding?


You're absolutely right—"let's call him 'Chet'" is not Chuck. But who slept with Chet—Jimmy's first wife, or his second? If the second, is Chet Jimmy's stepdad—or did she cheat on Jimmy with at least two different men?

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I hadn't even thought to look for spoilers since last year -- it seems like an eternity since BCS, Season 1 ended.  Now that Season 2 (10 episodes instead of 13) is upon us, I went looking again, not expecting to find anything.  I didn't really look very far, but "rumors" are indicating that we will see Gus Fring this season.  I know a lot of people won't be happy about that, as they want BCS to have very little connection to Breaking Bad, but I really kind of hope to see good ol' Gus.


I don't know if you will be able to read this -- I found it, read it, and then the text suddenly blanked out on its own.  Here is the link to the article -- http://www.gospelherald.com/articles/61760/20160128/better-call-saul-season-2-release-date-cast-and-spoilers-update-jimmy-mcgill-is-back-on-the-dark-side.htm.


The title of the article in the Gospel Herald (Entertainment) is "'Better Call Saul' Season 2 Release Date, Cast and Spoilers Update: Jimmy McGill is Back On the Dark Side," and it is from January 28, 2016.


It says, essentially, that Giancarlo Esposito and Tina Parker will guest star this season, according to rumors.

Edited by Sherry67
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In this week's podcast, they mention something about Chuck becoming a much more sympathetic character to viewers very soon.


Unless Jimmy's banding Chuck's wife when he gets home from work, and then kills her to keep her quiet, that's going to be QUITE a stretch for me.  No, I don't think that's it. 


The actor and writer are masterful and making me want to punch Chuck, to redeem him somehow without completely making Jimmy unforgivable, thus possibly ruining the character we've come to know, will be quite a trick.

Edited by Umbelina

This is really more "media" and speculation than it is a spoiler of any sort, but just to be on the safe side I thought I'd put it here -- http://www.fusion.pk/2016/02/29/jesse-pinkman-breaking-bad-returning-in-better-call-saul-season-2/.


Unlike the rumors that have already floated around to indicate that both Giancarlo Esposito and Tina Parker will appear at some point this season, it sounds like Aaron Paul is just being coy and mysterious.... but I doubt that he is actually revealing anything when he hints at the possibility that maybe he has already filmed something for BCS.  I think he is just messing with us to leave us guessing.  He probably hasn't filmed anything for BCS.


However... while it might be a bit of a stretch to show us Jesse from 6 years prior to the start of Breaking Bad, Gilligan & company could pull off a Jesse appearance from the post-Heisenberg days.  I don't know how it would fit in with "Gene" working at Cinnabon, but at least they wouldn't have to worry about making Aaron look like a teenager.

Edited by Sherry67
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Interesting interview with Bob Odenkirk -- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/better-call-saul-bob-odenkirk-season-2_us_56d84487e4b0000de403743d?ir=Entertainment&section=us_entertainment&utm_hp_ref=entertainment


Highlights are that he puts in all caps the overall arc is nothing like what you expect, and season two brings incremental progress, and heart-rending failure.  I am intrigued.  What I'm expecting is Jimmy to disappoint Kim in a big way, so maybe she is the one who turns the knife. 

  • Love 4

Thanks for posting that.  I remember thinking that BCS could have shown or mentioned the car wash when Playah was going on and on about how to take car of his school bus for grade school pimps, but they didn't.  I was kind of glad they didn't, but it was right there, a gimme, during that line about "spring for the hand wax" or showing him leaving the car wash, etc.


They aren't shoving little easter eggs in everywhere, and that makes me appreciate the show even more.


Although, I REALLY hope we do see these two, just strolling out of Jimmy's new firm, and handshake, something.  It seems like this would be just about the right time for them to screw Walt out of his share of the company.



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What's interesting about some of the cameos and Easter eggs in this show is that they are often not the ones that we would have expected (or at least not what I would have expected).  For example, when BCS first started and I was pondering who we might see in cameos, I was thinking along the lines of Skinny Pete, Badger and Combo, Bogdan, maybe Gus way down the road, and, if we were really lucky, Jesse in his post-Walter White life.   I didn't really think about Tuco, specifically, and I sure as hell never thought we'd see the annoying day trader guy, or the toy pig, or the cop who showed up when Skyler was trying to get Walt out of the house (unsuccessfully)!

Although, I REALLY hope we do see these two, just strolling out of Jimmy's new firm, and handshake, something.  It seems like this would be just about the right time for them to screw Walt out of his share of the company.

I think BB was deliberately vague on whether Gretchen and Elliot really screwed Walt over or if he left in some sort of prideful display (possibly related to his going to meet Gretchen's family and leaving abruptly without giving a reason) and screwed himself.  Best I recall, they bought out his share of the company, though their Charlie Rose interview distancing themselves from him hints that they are taking credit for at least some of his contributions.

I think they did screw him.


I got the impression the 3 some broke up because Gretchen and Walt had an affair, then milquetoast Walt walked away out of guilt/shame or something.  Either way, they hit it big shortly afterwards, and Walt's work was a huge part of that.  They could have at the very least, given him a cut of it.


Maybe I'm wrong though.  Anyone?


(I still want to see them, just walking out of a law office or something.  Ha.)

Although, I REALLY hope we do see these two, just strolling out of Jimmy's new firm, and handshake, something.  It seems like this would be just about the right time for them to screw Walt out of his share of the company.

I got the impression that Walter left the company long before Breaking Bad.  He supposedly left shortly around the time he left Gretchen and they dated in grad school.


I think they did screw him.


I got the impression the 3 some broke up because Gretchen and Walt had an affair, then milquetoast Walt walked away out of guilt/shame or something.  Either way, they hit it big shortly afterwards, and Walt's work was a huge part of that.  They could have at the very least, given him a cut of it.


Maybe I'm wrong though.  Anyone?


(I still want to see them, just walking out of a law office or something.  Ha.)

I'd love to see them but I've never felt that they "screwed" him out of anything...not since flashbacks revealed Walt as an egoist.  But I believe Gretchen was Walt's girlfriend first.  They went to visit her family.  Something happened.  We never knew what. I don't even think Gretchen knows what.  He broke up with Gretchen.  He leaves Grey Matter. She later marries Elliot and Grey Matter takes off. 

  • Love 3
I got the impression the 3 some broke up because Gretchen and Walt had an affair, then milquetoast Walt walked away out of guilt/shame or something.  Either way, they hit it big shortly afterwards, and Walt's work was a huge part of that.  They could have at the very least, given him a cut of it.


No, like Irlandesa said, Breaking Bad seemed to imply that Gretchen and Walt's relationship predates Gretchen and Elliott's. As Gretchen remembers it, the relationship among the three Gray Matter partners started to fall apart after she brought Walt to a Fourth of July weekend with her family and he inexplicably got upset and left. "You abandoned us -- me, Elliott," she says, suggesting that he pulled out of the business partnership soon after that as well.


In the same conversation, Walt refers to Gretchen as a "little rich girl just adding to your millions," so presumably he felt affronted by her family's wealth and stormed off. It's not too hard to imagine that Walt let that hissy fit snowball into a big resentful mess that blew up all their personal and professional ties. And when Gretchen subsequently hooked up with Elliott, it would've been easy for Walt's terrible-person brain to take that as confirmation that she never really loved him, that she and Elliott were always just using him for his ideas and laughing about him behind his back.


In any event, this was years before Better Call Saul's time period. Walt and Gretchen were clearly dunzo by the time he met Skyler in Los Alamos, where he worked for the "Science Research Center" and contributed to the research that won the 1985 Nobel Prize. They moved to Albuquerque when Skyler was pregnant with Walt Jr. so Walt could work at Sandia National Laboratories.

Edited by Dev F
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Better Call Saul was at the Paleyfest.  I haven't read a full recap yet but it appears as if Tio will be making an appearance soon to assist Tuco.




Good find, Irlandesa!


That's a good article, not only because it looks like Hector is going to appear (and I am hopeful that the Cousins will appear too!!!!!!) -- sadly, without his bell, most likely -- but because of the other things they hinted at on the PaleyFest panel.  


Now I am itching to know who it is they wanted to put in the "...final episode of Season 2, which was a perfect opportunity for a cameo which we didn’t wind up doing. It was an organic and logical possibility for a particular someone to show up, but we didn’t do and actually I got talked out of it. I’m glad I got talked out of it, because it would have distracted from a very important thing we were doing in that moment."


It was someone that would have been logical and organic to show up in the final episode of Season 2, but the person would have been a distraction.  I hope they didn't talk themselves out of Gus Fring appearing at some point, because he should very much make sense in the Mike story line.


They have been resisting scenes like having someone from Breaking Bad randomly walking by in the background, or getting splashed with mud when someone drives by.  It sounds like they don't want to do too many of those really quick cameos that don't have a place in what's happening on the show, which should make a lot of people happy who don't want those kinds of cameos.  Krazy 8, though that was a quick cameo, made sense because of Tuco and Nacho.


The article is also interesting because they allude to not being able to think far enough ahead to how the story will go so that they can film/bank scenes with certain actors before they get too old, and then use those scenes as pre-Breaking Bad content.   That makes sense.  It can't be assumed that they know what is going to happen 2 or 3 seasons down the road, IF the show even lasts that long.  At this rate BCS may not stick around.  I have a feeling it won't last as long as BB did, but I hope I'm wrong.


 And... the article is interesting because they refer to the sequence that they did not include in Season 1, but that will be seen sometime in the remainder of Season 2!  That is very interesting -- and it makes me wonder if it is part of a 'flash forward/Gene at Cinnabon' scene. 



anyone think the Breaking Bad throwaway line from Saul of "I caught my 2nd wife sleeping with my stepdad" will come into this ever?


I do -- or I at least think there will be a reference to it in some way, even if we don't see it all played out, if the series sticks around.   If AMC cancels it then we probably won't get to that point in Jimmy/Saul's story.

Edited by Sherry67
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So, Mike will be the one to put Hector in his wheelchair?


Prior to seeing Mike's surprising interaction with Tuco (which I would never have guessed), I would have thought that there was no way he'd directly interact with or have an impact on Hector, either.  But now... who knows?  Mike seemed to be very aware of the Salamanca clan when he was talking to Nacho, so it's not like he has never heard of Hector before.  But it's doubtful he has had any dealings with the Salamancas prior to Tuco, or his face would be recognized by the whole family.  Maybe when he meets Gus -- assuming that is coming up soon -- Gus recruits him to do something to Hector.

Edited by Sherry67

I'm pretty sure that Hector had a stroke in prison, so he won't have his bell.


I know he won't be same version of Hector that we saw in BB, and I wasn't thinking the bell would used as a communication tool by him, but it would be fun to see the bell in a cameo appearance -- much like the toy pig that recently made a cameo! -- because the bell became so much a part of Hector's identity and presence later on.  You never know -- there may be a random bell in the Hector scene(s) as kind of a wink and a nod to the viewers.

Edited by Sherry67


Now I am itching to know who it is they wanted to put in the "...final episode of Season 2, which was a perfect opportunity for a cameo which we didn’t wind up doing.


I feel like there will eventually be a very logical place for Hank to pop up in his DEA agent role. Especially given how involved Nacho is getting with his own drug dealing.

I feel like there will eventually be a very logical place for Hank to pop up in his DEA agent role. Especially given how involved Nacho is getting with his own drug dealing.


I've thought that as well -- Hank and Gomez would make more sense than a lot of other people in terms of guest appearances because of their work.   I think that at least one of them will show up if BCS stays on the air beyond this season -- but I think it will be more than just a Krazy 8 quickie cameo.  I think that Hank would probably have a few scenes, and hopefully Gomez would too.

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