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S05.E12: Drama Queens

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I agree! I can see/hear Kim's producer telling her it would be a good idea to bring Brandi so that she and Kyle could make up and I see both Kyle's/Brandi's producers feeding them info to rile them up for added drama at the mixer. Kim knows Kyle well enough to realize it was a bad idea at best and went along with it none the less because she does love it all being about her! LOL

I think Kyle made it pretty clear that she would have liked Kim to have sent her  a text to give her the heads up.  Obviously production is involved because there is a limo involved.  Apparently one that did stay at the premises because Brandi and Kim look like they are waiting at a bus stop in the first look.  Did Ki not think it a bad idea when Brandi pretty much said she would not apologize and made a couple references about harming Kyle.  (Not that Brandi would truly hurt her.)

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Well,  that's just it.  IMO, Lisa is not cheeky, she's vulgar, and her vulgar talk is no better than Brandi's. I recall that pages of comments were devoted to how crude Brandi's finger banging remark was (and I agree that it was)  but, yet again,  comments about Lisa's crude behavior are dismissed as not worthy of attention. Silly me.  Let's get back to talking about how awful everyone-but-Lisa is.


I don't think there's any comparison between Lisa and Brandi when it comes to vulgarity.  Lisa makes comments that, IMO, are often clever, "cheeky" and amusing.  Brandi is just disgusting, and yes, vulgar.  What she says, what she does, how she acts, her entire attitude. 


Lisa has never said anything that I found to be offensive, and she has made me laugh.  She also knows how to behave in public.  Brandi is just mean, crude, and socially-stunted.  


I would much rather hang out with Lisa than with Brandi.  Lisa seems much more fun to be with, has actual things in her life to talk about, and she's much more trustworthy as a friend too.  Certainly Lisa is not perfect, but Brandi is vulgar, one-note, and embarrassing nearly every moment we see her.

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I think Kyle made it pretty clear that she would have liked Kim to have sent her  a text to give her the heads up.  Obviously production is involved because there is a limo involved.  Apparently one that did stay at the premises because Brandi and Kim look like they are waiting at a bus stop in the first look.  Did Ki not think it a bad idea when Brandi pretty much said she would not apologize and made a couple references about harming Kyle.  (Not that Brandi would truly hurt her.)

That bothers me...a lot. That Brandi keeps threatening to physically hurt Kyle and Kim says nothing. It could be edited out but at some point, even if only in her blog, Kim has to speak out against these threats from Brandi toward her sister yet all we hear are ....crickets........and poor me. Nothing addressing her BFFs nasty behavior towards Kyle but instead defending it/her. Sick twisted behavior IMO. Scary as well.

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I don't think Kim and Kyle like each other, or trust each other.  There are vestiges of love or guilt and shared history, but I don't think they've liked each other much, possible ever.  They compete for biggest victim constantly, or "best sister" and set each other up constantly.


I can't see Kim ever really healing with Kyle in her life, unless they really work on their past issues, because it always seems to come back to that with them. 

Edited by Umbelina
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I don't think Kim and Kyle like each other, or trust each other.  There are vestiges of love or guilt and shared history, but I don't think they've liked each other much, possible ever.  They compete for biggest victim constantly, or "best sister" and set each other up constantly.


I can't see Kim ever really healing with Kyle in her life, unless they really work on their past issues, because it always seems to come back to that with them. 

I do think their issues are many and go back to their childhood but I think Kyle would be more than willing to get family counseling, I do not believe for 1 minute that Kim would ever agree to it. Kim refuses to do any work that involves facing her own demons or anything that requires taking a long, hard HONEST look in the mirror. But, YES, they both need serious help to move away from this petty, childish behavior.

Edited by WireWrap
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See: Lisa Vanderpump/Kyle Richards BFF relationship of season 1. Lisa and Kyle really did seem to have a good relationship. And it was obvious that Lisa didn't really think Kim was her cup of tea, but she was kind to her and supportive of Kyle in her relationship with her. That is how a real friend actually treats a sibling.

Brandi seems to not understand that you can have a sister and a best friend. That does NOT make the best friend the sister, not will it EVER make her a sister. A best friend SHOULD be very different than your sister for the main reason that you can't pick your family but you can pick your best friend.

Brandi seems to believe that by hanging out with Kim and attending a Hilton Christmas party that she's now going to be included in the annual family photo. I don't get it.

Shades of Taylor trying to insinuate herself into Adrienne's life with the "Godmother" ploy.

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I think Kyle made it pretty clear that she would have liked Kim to have sent her  a text to give her the heads up.  Obviously production is involved because there is a limo involved.  Apparently one that did stay at the premises because Brandi and Kim look like they are waiting at a bus stop in the first look.  Did Ki not think it a bad idea when Brandi pretty much said she would not apologize and made a couple references about harming Kyle.  (Not that Brandi would truly hurt her.)


I agree about Kyle just wanting a warning.  Production does what production does, but they couldn't have stopped Kim from warning Kyle.  I think it's also hard for the viewer to understand that even though these women realize they're being manipulated by production, they rarely break that fourth wall.  Kyle isn't going to say on camera - "Kim, I know production is deliberately trying to incite a fight, but you could have texted a warming to me."  So it looks like Kyle is mad at Kim for "bringing" Brandi, when she's actually mad at the lack of warning.


I renamed the cats I have now; their names did not suit them at all and they were only 12 weeks when I brought them home. My previous cats, though--adopted as adults--had names that did suit them so I kept those. But every pet I have ever had gets called by so many nicknames on top of their real names; for some reason, I like to call my two boys "baby goose." No idea why.


My three pets - Brandie, Jasmine, and Eli, were called Boog, Snug Bug, and Mr. Man.  My pets usually have at least five nicknames.  My current pets:  Tyler is T-Bird, and Maya is Baby, Baby Maya, Baby Girl, Precious Angel, Piggy, My My, Boo, Boo Boo.....  I really don't think she's knows her real name.

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That bothers me...a lot. That Brandi keeps threatening to physically hurt Kyle and Kim says nothing. It could be edited out but at some point, even if only in her blog, Kim has to speak out against these threats from Brandi toward her sister yet all we hear are ....crickets........and poor me. Nothing addressing her BFFs nasty behavior towards Kyle but instead defending it/her. Sick twisted behavior IMO. Scary as well.


I agree, but as crazy as it sounds, I'm sure it makes Kim feel protected.  And as crazy as it sounds, I actually think Brandi does care about Kim in a very twisted, unhealthy way.  I think Brandi is a nurturer (a bad one) and she really loves babying Kim.  The way she holds, and hugs, and pets Kim is almost suffocating.  I had a cousin like this - I've talked in length about it before, and I won't repeat it.  I'll just say that even though she had her own family, I could not give her enough attention, time, love, etc.  It was like a soul suck.  Brandi is the soul-sucker in this story.  She's Kim's best friend, she's the person Kim calls in the middle of the night, and she's in the process of substituting Kim's family. 


Brandi is probably this same way with her kids, and when they are with Eddie, Kim takes their place.  As long as Kim allows this, I don't think Brandi will betray her.  This will only change if Brandi thinks Kim is turning on her, or replacing her.  Brandi and Kim are both extremely needy, but in different ways.  They complete each other in a very unhealthy co-dependent way, and it's going to be difficult to break it up because it's very satisfying for both of them.

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If Kyle wanted a warning it would just be so she could prepare herself for the attack more, rehearse her speech, and gather her gang to help.

That's possible of course but it is also possible that she could have gotten a better grip on her emotions as well. LOL I think if Kyle had been given a heads up that Brandi was coming as Kim's BFF, not just  as a HW attending a mandatory event, she could have sought out advise before going to the party, most likely Mauricio who would have calmed her down. IMO, this fight at the mixer had more to do with Brandi coming as Kim's BFF, that was rubbing salt into Kyle's open wound and was done intentionally by both Kim and Brandi. They really, really wanted to rub Kyle's nose in their friendship!

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I agree, but as crazy as it sounds, I'm sure it makes Kim feel protected.  And as crazy as it sounds, I actually think Brandi does care about Kim in a very twisted, unhealthy way.  I think Brandi is a nurturer (a bad one) and she really loves babying Kim.  The way she holds, and hugs, and pets Kim is almost suffocating.  I had a cousin like this - I've talked in length about it before, and I won't repeat it.  I'll just say that even though she had her own family, I could not give her enough attention, time, love, etc.  It was like a soul suck.  Brandi is the soul-sucker in this story.  She's Kim's best friend, she's the person Kim calls in the middle of the night, and she's in the process of substituting Kim's family. 


Brandi is probably this same way with her kids, and when they are with Eddie, Kim takes their place.  As long as Kim allows this, I don't think Brandi will betray her.  This will only change if Brandi thinks Kim is turning on her, or replacing her.  Brandi and Kim are both extremely needy, but in different ways.  They complete each other in a very unhealthy co-dependent way, and it's going to be difficult to break it up because it's very satisfying for both of them.

IMO, just mine, She is trying to show her "mothering" skills on the show because her sons are not allowed to be filmed. The only HW she could do that with/to is Kim. Yes, they both get something out of it but whatever that is it is twisted IMO.

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I agree about Kyle just wanting a warning.  Production does what production does, but they couldn't have stopped Kim from warning Kyle.  I think it's also hard for the viewer to understand that even though these women realize they're being manipulated by production, they rarely break that fourth wall.  Kyle isn't going to say on camera - "Kim, I know production is deliberately trying to incite a fight, but you could have texted a warming to me."  So it looks like Kyle is mad at Kim for "bringing" Brandi, when she's actually mad at the lack of warning.



My three pets - Brandie, Jasmine, and Eli, were called Boog, Snug Bug, and Mr. Man.  My pets usually have at least five nicknames.  My current pets:  Tyler is T-Bird, and Maya is Baby, Baby Maya, Baby Girl, Precious Angel, Piggy, My My, Boo, Boo Boo.....  I really don't think she's knows her real name.


My animals answer to everything and anything, if uttered in the right tone (even the wild raccoons respond to this favorably).  My Babalu gets called Sucky Wucky Fucky Ducky, Tickle Tickle Little Pickle (a DIRECT reference to his wee little penis) and I play bongo drum slap riffs on his body to opening theme of Game of Thrones.  The last of my old cats to die was, is, and will be forever my total soulmate, and I would have done ANYTHING for him (including stuff I wouldn't do to or with another human being), but thank goodness he only wanted to lick my Cheeto fingers, lay in my arms and hug & kiss me, and stick his little nose into my wide open mouth to inspect for cavities (I presume).  I'm totally with Lisa on the hyperbolic love talk to animals, because one jokes with whom one loves.  IMHO

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Yeah, me too Higgins.  Also, I think they are pretty much required to show up for most things, or be reduced to a "friend of" with much less money coming in from the gig.


Kyle didn't really even have to do anything more than paste on a smile and wave across the room at them.  That would have been the smart thing to do, but Kyle isn't known for her brains.  That way, if Kim DID want a "scene" she would have had to approach Kyle and start it.  Or Brandi would have.  Kyle would be far more blameless had she waited for that.  Lisa would have, but that's why Lisa rules.  Hee.  More strategic, and just better at this game.


Instead Kyle barreled over there bound on a fight, and started ranting. 


She needs a better bra, and to stop wearing those tight skirts, they just make her thighs look enormous, when she actually has a cute figure.  Someone needs to teach her how to dress in ways that flatter her body.

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It is indeed!  All I know is that what she said on the show, and I am taking her at her word. It wouldn't be the first time Lisa V. tried to do some "damage control" in her blog. 


As far as I'm concerned, that's all the blogs are anyway.  For every one of them.  Damage control.  Doesn't matter when they write them - mInutes after a show airs or days later.  They know what went on during filming. As they watch the show they realize how it's been edited.  Those that jump right in and write their blog minutes after it airs is trying to control the damage and tell their side of the story just as much as someone who waits to hear public opinion.  Assuming that's why they wait.

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But, I think Kyle did know. When has Brandi ever missed anything? She seems to have nothing else going on.

No doubt that Kyle knew or suspected Brandi would show up, just not as Kim's BFF. There is the catch, IMO. Had Brandi come separately with her hairdresser, so be it but instead she came with Kim. Kyle apologized, ok, half assed, but apologized none the less and was expecting Brandi to meet her halfway with her own apology. There was no reason for Brandi to not apologize other than to further antagonize Kyle, none. JMO

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wirewrap, seriously, when was she supposed to apologize? 


Kyle, "I'm sorry for "touching" you, BUT it was all your fault and you were stupid and how dare you...etc." 


I seriously think it's laughable to call what Kyle said an "apology."

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Yeah, me too Higgins.  Also, I think they are pretty much required to show up for most things, or be reduced to a "friend of" with much less money coming in from the gig.


Kyle didn't really even have to do anything more than paste on a smile and wave across the room at them.  That would have been the smart thing to do, but Kyle isn't known for her brains.  That way, if Kim DID want a "scene" she would have had to approach Kyle and start it.  Or Brandi would have.  Kyle would be far more blameless had she waited for that.  Lisa would have, but that's why Lisa rules.  Hee.  More strategic, and just better at this game.


Instead Kyle barreled over there bound on a fight, and started ranting. 


She needs a better bra, and to stop wearing those tight skirts, they just make her thighs look enormous, when she actually has a cute figure.  Someone needs to teach her how to dress in ways that flatter her body.

Oh, but Kim did approach Kyle first! LOL She even explained that she "brought" Brandi so that Kyle and Brandi could make up! LOL Talk about dumb! Kim put Kyle on the spot, not the other way around IMO. LOL


I agree, Kyle needs to go up 1 size more, as does Lisa (shirt wise).

wirewrap, seriously, when was she supposed to apologize? 


Kyle, "I'm sorry for "touching" you, BUT it was all your fault and you were stupid and how dare you...etc." 


I seriously think it's laughable to call what Kyle said an "apology."

I did say "half assed! LOL Kyle gave her time to apologize but Brandi refused to and Kyle just kept repeating it and well.....here we are. LOL


Kyle was not without blame but neither are Kim or Brandi.  JMO

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I agree, Kyle needs to go up 1 size more, as does Lisa (shirt wise).


The first time I saw Kyle tugging down the hem of her dress was in the famous limo scene.  Granted she was sitting down and flying all over the place in a confined space.  Then, in Eileen's driveway as she was walking to the car, tug.  And at her mixer...again tugging.  Like Brandi, if your dress is so short I can see your tampon string, it's either too short, or too tight.  Too tight means bunching.  When it bunches and it's lycra, it gets shorter.  I vote 1 size up.  Let those slinky dresses skim.  Not squeeze. Even if you're wearing a lycra/spandex dress that goes to your knees, if it's too tight, by the end of the night it's mid thigh. Or higher.  Depends on how much you've had to drink. BTDT. Lol.

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I have no specific experience in this area, although a few members of my family have adopted and are adopted, but it seems like this is much ado about nothing.  From what I understand, Max never said he wants to find his birth parents--all he said was that he wanted to find out his ethnic heritage-- like, am I Swedish?  Am I German? (just using these examples based on his blondness).  He asked Lisa for information (his birth name) for the purpose of entering it on the DNA site. Maybe he had an ulterior motive in asking--if his name turned out to be Patrick O'Reilly, that might give him a hint as to his ethnic background, no?  But, still, why even hesitate to answer a direct question from a 22 year old man?


Again, with my limited knowledge, I though adoptive parents are encouraged to have an open and welcoming attitude when it comes to their children's (appropriate) questions-- if you stall or prevaricate (which, let's face it, is Lisa V's go-to response), you make the child feel there is something wrong or shameful about their adoption or their desire for information.  And like I said, if he isn't trying to find his birth parents, but only information about his own ethnicity, why all the drama about his "journey"?  Sorry, dumb question....


Now, there seems to be some idea floating around that Lisa could get sued it the birth parents' name is revealed.  I am always happy to be educated, but why would that be true?  According to the story Lisa tells, Max was in foster care, which means either his parents voluntarily gave up their parental rights to the State,  or had their rights terminated in a court proceeding, and then Lisa adopted Max from the State, which would have been granted temporary custody of Max-- essentially, the State was his "parent"- until he could be adopted. The State may have a statutory obligation to maintain the birth parents' confidentiality, but how on earth could this obligation be imposed on Lisa?  The court filings I have seen in this context don't use the real names of the child or the birth parents, so how would Lisa even have the birth parents' information in the first place? Not talking about respecting the birth parents' privacy, which is a great thing if that was her purpose, but a legal obligation to protect information she wouldn't even have?  Doesn't make sense,  unless Lisa has some agreement with the birth parents.  I have a strong suspicion that this foster care story may not be entirely true and Max came to them through a privately arranged adoption. So, why the "I rescued Max from foster care" story? Yeah. Another dumb question....


Often when a child asks for the birth last name, the curiosity is likely not to end with finding the ethnicity, so Lisa probably knew the time which she knew was inevitable had come. Just because you know it's coming doesn't mean you are prepared in the moment - you still have to adjust because often these questions come apropos of nothing or seemingly out of the blue. It takes more than a moment to adjust to the fact that your life is undergoing a sea change, even if you did always plan to be open about it. Obviously, she's been open at appropriate times in the past, with appropriate information, or he wouldn't even know he was adopted, nor expect her to give an answer to his question. But certainly, she can't do that on TV.


Regarding whether she would know the birth name, since she was a foster parent, then of course she would know it, because that's the name he came to her with and was his legal name until adoption. As others have said, birth parents have a right not to have this information released. Around the time Max was born, states such as New York did not allow "open adoption" and therefore the birth and adoptive parents knew nothing about each other and had no right to obtain such information and neither did the adoptee. Of course, in the case of adoption after foster care, the adoptive parents do know some things about the birth parents, and may even have met them during supervised visitation before the child is released for adoption, but that doesn't mean they have the right to violate confidentiality. In fact, they must protect the privacy of the child and the birth parents to the greatest degree possible. There's no reason to believe that Lisa or any other foster or adoptive parent is free to be revealing information to the general public.


Back before probably the late seventies, or early eighties, adoptions were always closed and information was never released, except possibly someone might look into medical history for an adoptee, but still not release any other info. Birth parents released their children with the expectation that no one would ever be able to get any identifying information on them, and records were sealed. Generally, the pregnancies themselves were kept secret, so birth mothers were not looking to have their secrets revealed 20 or more years down the road. Gradually, adoption registries came about, where birth parents and adoptees who wanted to learn about each other could register, and then matches could be found. But those are purely voluntary.


Adoption laws regarding open and closed adoptions are constantly changing and are different in each state. However, one thing that is constant is that birth parents have a right to choose whether their information is ever officially released, and there may still be some states that don't allow it period, outside of an adoption registry. New York, which now allows "open" adoption, will release information according to signed, legal agreements made between birth and adoptive parents, or from a Registry, but even then, there has to be a court order for release of Registry information.


More than you ever wanted to know, LOL.

Edited by renatae
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Well,  that's just it.  IMO, Lisa is not cheeky, she's vulgar, and her vulgar talk is no better than Brandi's. I recall that pages of comments were devoted to how crude Brandi's finger banging remark was (and I agree that it was)  but, yet again,  comments about Lisa's crude behavior are dismissed as not worthy of attention. Silly me.  Let's get back to talking about how awful everyone-but-Lisa is.


Lisa can be quite 'vulgar' IMO.  Of course, not anywhere near Brandi, but vulgar quite the same.  Her taste, at times, can also be a little bit vulgar.  And who has their names bedazzled on to their shirts? 

Almost every person I know who has adopted a pet, renamed the pet.  It is not that big of a deal.  The pet has no idea.


Seriously people?

Two of my adopted pets had names before adoption.  I never even 'thought' about changing them.  It's hard enough going through all that they have.  Calling them by something familiar is the least adoptive 'parents' can do.  Just my opinion. 

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I agree, but as crazy as it sounds, I'm sure it makes Kim feel protected.  And as crazy as it sounds, I actually think Brandi does care about Kim in a very twisted, unhealthy way.  I think Brandi is a nurturer (a bad one) and she really loves babying Kim.  The way she holds, and hugs, and pets Kim is almost suffocating.  I had a cousin like this - I've talked in length about it before, and I won't repeat it.  I'll just say that even though she had her own family, I could not give her enough attention, time, love, etc.  It was like a soul suck.  Brandi is the soul-sucker in this story.  She's Kim's best friend, she's the person Kim calls in the middle of the night, and she's in the process of substituting Kim's family. 


Brandi is probably this same way with her kids, and when they are with Eddie, Kim takes their place.  As long as Kim allows this, I don't think Brandi will betray her.  This will only change if Brandi thinks Kim is turning on her, or replacing her.  Brandi and Kim are both extremely needy, but in different ways.  They complete each other in a very unhealthy co-dependent way, and it's going to be difficult to break it up because it's very satisfying for both of them.


I think you are right about Brandi's essential personality structure with regard to attachment and attention.  She is a care-giver (as is Kyle, Kim does both).  She wants to hold, nurture, soothe.  But she's off. I was just listening to her Stern interview form 2013 (I think!).  She just sounds like a disoriented woman with zero boundaries who frequently mistakes her liabilities for assets and her strengths for weaknesses.  Add denial of age, increased fame and emphasis on self-exploitation for guaranteed security (economic and self-image), Bravo, an adolescent concept of joy as amusement, you get less of a mess (a la Kim) and more of a pathetic waste. I don't know: I find it sad, I guess. 

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Actually, IMO, her "vulgar" talk is much better than Brandi's, if only that it is clever, funny and punny, something Brandi's fried brain cells are incapable of producing


I have to disagree, in that all of Lisa's "clever" remarks are obviously scripted.

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Often when a child asks for the birth last name, the curiosity is likely not to end with finding the ethnicity, so Lisa probably knew the time which she knew was inevitable had come. Just because you know it's coming doesn't mean you are prepared in the moment - you still have to adjust because often these questions come apropos of nothing or seemingly out of the blue. It takes more than a moment to adjust to the fact that your life is undergoing a sea change, even if you did always plan to be open about it. Obviously, she's been open at appropriate times in the past, with appropriate information, or he wouldn't even know he was adopted, nor expect her to give an answer to his question. But certainly, she can't do that on TV.


Regarding whether she would know the birth name, since she was a foster parent, then of course she would know it, because that's the name he came to her with and was his legal name until adoption. As others have said, birth parents have a right not to have this information released. Around the time Max was born, states such as New York did not allow "open adoption" and therefore the birth and adoptive parents knew nothing about each other and had no right to obtain such information and neither did the adoptee. Of course, in the case of adoption after foster care, the adoptive parents do know some things about the birth parents, and may even have met them during supervised visitation before the child is released for adoption, but that doesn't mean they have the right to violate confidentiality. In fact, they must protect the privacy of the child and the birth parents to the greatest degree possible. There's no reason to believe that Lisa or any other foster or adoptive parent is free to be revealing information to the general public.


Back before probably the late seventies, or early eighties, adoptions were always closed and information was never released, except possibly someone might look into medical history for an adoptee, but still not release any other info. Birth parents released their children with the expectation that no one would ever be able to get any identifying information on them, and records were sealed. Generally, the pregnancies themselves were kept secret, so birth mothers were not looking to have their secrets revealed 20 or more years down the road. Gradually, adoption registries came about, where birth parents and adoptees who wanted to learn about each other could register, and then matches could be found. But those are purely voluntary.


Adoption laws regarding open and closed adoptions are constantly changing and are different in each state. However, one thing that is constant is that birth parents have a right to choose whether their information is ever officially released, and there may still be some states that don't allow it period, outside of an adoption registry. New York, which now allows "open" adoption, will release information according to signed, legal agreements made between birth and adoptive parents, or from a Registry, but even then, there has to be a court order for release of Registry information.


More than you ever wanted to know, LOL.


Two things-- first, you are making an assumption in your first paragraph that I think is false, and that is the notion that Lisa's discussion with Max was spontaneous and not pre-planned, vetted and rehearsed by all of the participants beforehand, and therefore she was surprised by the question.  


Second, my statement was in response to the very specific assertion that the reason Lisa refused to give Max his birth name was because she would be sued if she ever revealed it to him.  I questioned-- and still question---the idea that Lisa received information regarding Max's birth name but revealing it to Max would be a breach of confidentiality.  I would think (assuming we were talking about people who do not get paid to play out this private matter on TV) that the adoptive parent is free to tell the adoptive child any information the adoptive parent was legally given.  If Lisa chose not to say the adoptive parent's name on camera, to protect the adoptive parent, as I said, that is absolutely the right thing to do.  But I still do not believe that, if this were not being filmed for an audience, Lisa has any legal obligation to keep confidential and secret from her adult child the information she, as the adoptive parent,  legally received. That particular drama was created for the camera.

Edited by BluishGreen
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Almost every person I know who has adopted a pet, renamed the pet.  It is not that big of a deal.  The pet has no idea.


Seriously people?

Can't speak for anyone else, but the fact of the name change wasn't my point. It was the name chosen. 

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That Brandi keeps threatening to physically hurt Kyle and Kim says nothing.

This reminds me of Kyle's behavior in that fight at the Tops/Bottoms scene. Kyle was the one who was invading Brandi's space.  She kept getting closer and closer and Brandi repeatedly asked her to step back. If their heights had been reversed, people might think that Kyle was being aggressive.  It was only after Brandi said "back off" a few times that Brandi said she would knock Kyle's teeth out - wrong to say of course.  But Kyle can't instigate and not expect people to react.  


Brandi's behavior at this party reminded me of her behavior at the White Party where Kim went off on her. But Brandi should've followed that script and walked away on Kyle sooner.


Kyle is not an angel.  She gets in people's faces. Maybe because she is short, she isn't seen as menacing whereas Brandi's towering over Kyle makes her seem more so.


Kim will never back up Kyle.  We have seen this since Season 1's "You're Such A Fucking Liar Camille" dinner.  I think Kim kind of relishes Kyle hanging out to dry.  Or maybe Kim just doesn't trust her memory/hearing at this point.

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What I don't get is that if Kim took meds not prescribed for her that constitutes a slip aka not being sober. She still hasn't admitted that. She's playing it like I'm still sober I just took drugs for my 100 percent pain. If she thinks any of us are stupid enough to beleive that alcohol is her only problem she better wake up and smell the oxy. I personally beleive that Kim is doing street drugs as well as seeing a Dr. Feelgood. I know drs like that exsist but I will ask again who in there right mind would perscribe pain medicine for her. My husband is a physician and his group pretty much has a zero pain medicine policy. They will give you enough until you can get into the pain clinic and that's it. I personally don't agree with this but they don't want the hassle of the DEA on their backs. A few years ago a nurse stole a prescription pad from the office and wrote herself a script for a weight loss drug....she was no sooner was she out of the pharmacy then the DEA was on the phone with the office. Apparently she wrote for an ungodly amount of pills and it was out of his scope of practice and this is what tipped them off. No doctor in their right mind should give her pain medication.

Edited by nc socialworker
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I just wrote about this in another thread. This whole thing was producer driven.  Kyle showing up late to her own party with Eileen sarcastically greeting her, "Welcome to YOUR party!" just smacks of producer driven party.  They were all there except for Yolanda who hightailed it to Italy when she heard of the awful theme of the party.


I find it laughable that Kyle is protesting that she didn't know Brandi would be coming after criticizing Lisa V for saying the same thing about Faye coming to Lisa's party a few years ago.  I think Kyle was surprised that Kim was her escort tho!

For all we know most of this stuff is producer driven.  The thing is, it is hard to dismiss something that happens and just decide that it had the heavy hand of production in it, and not do the same at other times. 


Someone upthread said this was a "Bravo" party and not a "Kyle" party. What is the difference? With the exception of the White Party - which is an actual thing that has been going on for much longer than this series and would go on without it - what other events haven't been largely because of Bravo? Anyone think that Brandi would have thrown a housewarming party for her rental? Maybe she would have, but we really don't know. Even Lisa's renewal party in S3 was more of a Bravo event. Remember how she told the planner she wanted no more than 50 people to attend? Then there were folks like Linda Thompson (David's ex-wife and Taylor's good friend), who Lisa admitted she had only met a couple of times before, and Faye in attendance. Oh sure. A gal like Lisa, who knows just about everyone is going to have a party for something so special, invite only 50 people, and those two are going to be on the invitation list. It was primarily a Bravo party, but for an actual event. 


The NY magazine posted an interesting article a couple of months ago after Beth on the NY show had her birthday party filmed. They said that the gals all filmed for her party in a room upstairs at this restaurant. Filming went on for a couple of hours with the cast and anyone who wasn't ashamed to sign the waiver allowing them to be filmed, but then the cameras went away and everyone went downstairs to where the real party was going on. That is where all of Beth's real friends were and where the actual party was being held. More than likely the same thing happens at lots of these parties. Kyle's party was in a back room, and more than likely when they were done filming they went in and joined everyone else. Likewise after the Bravo cameras left Lisa's house for her renewal party, her real guests showed up to party. 

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Just to add my two cents to the name changing debate. I rescued a golden that was a breeder dog in a kennel. She lived outside and was only in the house when she had puppies. My husband literally had to carry her in the house because she couldn't figure out the one step and the door. Her name was Sparkles.......sorry that isn't going to fly at my house. She is now Bella and she has told me many times she would rather be an indoor Bella then an outside Sparkles any day of the week. And talk about pampering your pet. We ended up getting another rescue golden because we thought she was lonely. So yes my dog has its own dog. We kept his name because it wasn't totally ridiculous (my apologies to any Sparkles owners out there)

Edited by nc socialworker
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I have a golden, and I'm always amazed that there are any in need of rescue. They are so cute, fluffy and sweet, and generally they have a great temperament. I guess having one means you don't mind the dog hair, but other than that, they are really awesome family dogs. Why doesn't Kim just get one of those?

Edited by ElsieH
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Good day everyone. Happy Monday. New episode tomorrow!


First, our resident British mod has weighed in to say


Rumpy pumpy is akin to, 'knee trembler', 'how's your father' or 'getting your leg over' - all of which have no specific connotations, just another way of referring to having sex generally.


so how about we just drop the discussion of the dog names and what they mean all together since it seems we can't have this discussion without sniping at each other.


Second, seriously, stop sniping at each other. We are very relaxed here and let a lot of off topic chatter go, but we don't like seeing sarcastic or snide remarks directed at your fellow posters.


Snark the show, not each other. 

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My animals answer to everything and anything, if uttered in the right tone (even the wild raccoons respond to this favorably). My Babalu gets called Sucky Wucky Fucky Ducky, Tickle Tickle Little Pickle (a DIRECT reference to his wee little penis) and I play bongo drum slap riffs on his body to opening theme of Game of Thrones. The last of my old cats to die was, is, and will be forever my total soulmate, and I would have done ANYTHING for him (including stuff I wouldn't do to or with another human being), but thank goodness he only wanted to lick my Cheeto fingers, lay in my arms and hug & kiss me, and stick his little nose into my wide open mouth to inspect for cavities (I presume). I'm totally with Lisa on the hyperbolic love talk to animals, because one jokes with whom one loves. IMHO

Thank you for the laugh!

We had a lab for 17 years we recently had to put him down :(

I'm not ready to get another dog yet.

I was never much of a pet person until my wonderful dog. Your post had me laughing and remembering my fat piggy dog. So again thank you.

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Thank you for the laugh!

We had a lab for 17 years we recently had to put him down :(

I'm not ready to get another dog yet.

I was never much of a pet person until my wonderful dog. Your post had me laughing and remembering my fat piggy dog. So again thank you.


I am truly sorry for your loss, imjagain.  My boys were with me for almost 17 years as well, and I doubt I'll ever be whole again.  The other animals have their own place in my heart, though, and they keep me from grieving myself into an early grave.  Eventually, the really good memories seep in - just like your reference to your "fat piggy dog" - which brought SUCH a smile to my face.  So, thank YOU for that!


I like seeing the animal stuff on this show - except for Brandi's caged doggies, who always look sad to me.  I suppose I am projecting my own biases, but I can't help myself on that count.  :~)(

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For all we know most of this stuff is producer driven.  The thing is, it is hard to dismiss something that happens and just decide that it had the heavy hand of production in it, and not do the same at other times. 


Someone upthread said this was a "Bravo" party and not a "Kyle" party. What is the difference? With the exception of the White Party - which is an actual thing that has been going on for much longer than this series and would go on without it - what other events haven't been largely because of Bravo? Anyone think that Brandi would have thrown a housewarming party for her rental? Maybe she would have, but we really don't know. Even Lisa's renewal party in S3 was more of a Bravo event. Remember how she told the planner she wanted no more than 50 people to attend? Then there were folks like Linda Thompson (David's ex-wife and Taylor's good friend), who Lisa admitted she had only met a couple of times before, and Faye in attendance. Oh sure. A gal like Lisa, who knows just about everyone is going to have a party for something so special, invite only 50 people, and those two are going to be on the invitation list. It was primarily a Bravo party, but for an actual event. 


The NY magazine posted an interesting article a couple of months ago after Beth on the NY show had her birthday party filmed. They said that the gals all filmed for her party in a room upstairs at this restaurant. Filming went on for a couple of hours with the cast and anyone who wasn't ashamed to sign the waiver allowing them to be filmed, but then the cameras went away and everyone went downstairs to where the real party was going on. That is where all of Beth's real friends were and where the actual party was being held. More than likely the same thing happens at lots of these parties. Kyle's party was in a back room, and more than likely when they were done filming they went in and joined everyone else. Likewise after the Bravo cameras left Lisa's house for her renewal party, her real guests showed up to party. 

I miss the days when Alex McCord with offer her insight into what was organic and what was production fueled.  Lisa's renewal ceremony-to me the dead giveaway-it was on a Monday and designed to be the finale.  After Adrienne got bashed for going her answer was simple-contractual obligation.  Apparently by Reunion time she wasn't interested in the Reunion bonus and wisely decided to follow the gag order on her divorce.  It will be interesting to see if the finale, filmed at Adrienne Maloof's house will have a lot of extras involved.


I do think production feeds ideas to the RH.  Not much of a reach for Eileen to have a poker party, Kyle's White Party, Brandi housewarming, Yolanda dinner party with famous musician.  This Gay Mixer was unique and certain RH like Kim, had no reason to attend because she didn't have any gay friends that wanted to go.  I don't know where Yolanda is these days but for Bella's DUI she barely a "friend of" this season.

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I have a golden, and I'm always amazed that there are any in need of rescue. They are so cute, fluffy and sweet, and generally they have a great temperament. I guess having one means you don't mind the dog hair, but other than that, they are really awesome family dogs. Why doesn't Kim just get one of those?


I could be imagining things, but I thought Kim did have a Golden at one time.  (I think the people who run into trouble with them are the people who don't realize you actually have to train your dog.)

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I have a golden, and I'm always amazed that there are any in need of rescue. They are so cute, fluffy and sweet, and generally they have a great temperament. I guess having one means you don't mind the dog hair, but other than that, they are really awesome family dogs. Why doesn't Kim just get one of those?

She had one the first season.  I think he/she died?


There is a ton of irresponsibility with regard to Kim and her current dog. Clearly, it is not the dog for her. I think that she does get judged too harshly on the fact that she had it to begin with, however. Her daughter (or was it her son?) adopted the dog, but then didn't want to take it with them when they moved. Kim had grown attached to the dog by that time and didn't want to give  him up. At that time I think she was trying to behave responsibly.  She felt like it was their dog and she wanted to raise it. The problem is that she doesn't have the temperament for such a breed. She is never going to be the strong leader that it needs, but clearly this is something she refuses to recognize, like so many other things in her life that she won't recognize.  I will imagine that of all the issues Kim and Kyle have had to face, that the deal with Kingsley will be the toughest. Kyle has always been resolute in the fact that she is worried about Kingsley, and then it went and attacked Alexis.  While Kim was no doubt sick about this, she did almost blame Alexis by saying that she knew she wasn't supposed to go into Kim's bedroom. If I were Kyle there would be no words for how livid I would be about this. Kim has no business having a dog that is so dangerous as to attack her niece simply for walking into her bedroom to give her a hug. The fact that she still refuses to get rid of it after all of this should be all the evidence anyone needs that Kim will not ever really take responsibility for anything. Ever. 

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Lisa and Ken equal best dog names ever.  And dog calendar. Better than VanderPump Rules wait staff calendar.


NC -- Aunt Diane -- Murder-suicide?  Nothing significant about the gal's life prior to the event which was so frustrating. Reminded me of Sons of Anarchy finale except I was in that's guy's corner. Taking innocents out signifies I don't know what.  For me total insanity.  Hard to watch and I did over and over again looking for something.  There but for the grace of God, etc.  Kim ain't there yet or ever, I hope and kinda of know.  She's a wanker for sure and little sis is a dummie but not at  Diane level of crazy.


And Yolanda Yolanda Yolanda.  Because Yolanda.  And New Radicals You Get What You Give. 


Kyle has gorgeous hair and Eileen's house looks iike Cracker Barrel.  Someone else.  


Also, Brandi has issues.  You get what you give if you have the dreamer's disease.

Edited by copacabana
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Lisa can be quite 'vulgar' IMO.  Of course, not anywhere near Brandi, but vulgar quite the same.  Her taste, at times, can also be a little bit vulgar.  And who has their names bedazzled on to their shirts? 

Two of my adopted pets had names before adoption.  I never even 'thought' about changing them.  It's hard enough going through all that they have.  Calling them by something familiar is the least adoptive 'parents' can do.  Just my opinion. 

I have kept some of my adopted pets names.However, I have two dogs, one a stray that found her way to my neighbors yard and another from the animal shelter after having been picked up as a stray, that had no names. At least none I was aware of.  They have adapted quite well. My third dog was named Ginger, which was already the name of the aforementioned stray found in my neighbors yard. Therefore,  I felt the need to rename her Emma. She too is quite happy and doesn't seem any worse for wear with a new name.


I have a houseful of rescues, and have had to say goodbye to many more. They have all known love, security and care where many of them were sadly lacking in all prior to coming to me. I  really don't think whether they kept their old name, or were given a new one, or perhaps the first one anyone bothered to give them, is the important issue, but I suppose if one is looking for reasons to attack Lisa V it's as good as any.

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Do we know she still has the dog in her custody? How do we know that?

It's true that this is just what has been reported in the media.  Might or might not be true. The Trainer that is currently suing Kim for non-payment has said that she has the dog but that he is living elsewhere right now, and that she has changed his name so that his history of biting wouldn't be traceable.  

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When did Lisa's (wedding?) renewal take place?  Season three?  


I missed season three entirely and several episodes of season four, so I also didn't see the whole Adrienne/Brandi fiasco, Yolanda's debut and Taylor's exit. 

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What media? Radar online?

You got me there.  I agree, probably not a reliable source. 

When did Lisa's (wedding?) renewal take place?  Season three?  


I missed season three entirely and several episodes of season four, so I also didn't see the whole Adrienne/Brandi fiasco, Yolanda's debut and Taylor's exit. 

Oh my! You must go back and watch S3. When doing so, keep in mind that the lawsuit is all a lie. Would be interesting to watch that whole deal having that knowledge. 

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When did Lisa's (wedding?) renewal take place?  Season three?  


I missed season three entirely and several episodes of season four, so I also didn't see the whole Adrienne/Brandi fiasco, Yolanda's debut and Taylor's exit. 

Season 3 is when the show started experiencing a downturn in ratings and Brandi was all over the place.  because I always thought Brandi was a mistake it was easy to dismiss and dislike her-the interesting one was Yolanda she was an icy bitch.  Loyal only to Lisa and Brandi.  The trip to Paris is memorable.

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Oh my! You must go back and watch S3. When doing so, keep in mind that the lawsuit is all a lie. Would be interesting to watch that whole deal having that knowledge. 


Do you, or anyone, know if Bravo streams the entire seasons on their site or would Netflix or YT have it? 


Season three kinda makes me nervous.  So much drama.  So much Brandi.  And then, there's Taylor.  lol





Thanks, zoeysmom. I'm going to watch it after this season ends, so I can extend my BH armchair-criticisms even further. 

Edited by SwordQueen
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Do you, or anyone, know if Bravo streams the entire seasons on their site or would Netflix or YT have it? 


Season three kinda makes me nervous.  So much drama.  So much Brandi.  And then, there's Taylor.  lol





Thanks, zoeysmom. I'm going to watch it after this season ends, so I can extend my BH armchair-criticisms even further. 

I for one will be waiting for your observations, so be sure to post your thoughts when you are finished. 

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