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S05.E12: Drama Queens

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We are only a few episodes in.  Brandi and Lisa R still have to come up with something.

And Kim has nothing.

Kim had the wedding.



Oh that's right, Brandi had the pathetic housewarming party. 

Kim's many moves covered her past seasons.


Both pretty pathetic.

Edited by Umbelina
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That's my point though.




They are filming.  Anyone can show up, or diss the hostess by staying away.


BUT, BRAVO doesn't arrange everything.  Part of their contract is to come up with these smaller events on their own, even if Bravo chips in or adds the fact that the venue or party planner will get screen time/credit, and saves the "wives" some bucks on it all.  Honestly, think Taylor's kid's birthday party for an example of a housewife taking advantage of the Bravo gig. 


The one thing Bravo always plans is the bit finale trip at the end, or near end.  The rest?  It's part of their contract to come up with stuff. 


That most hated wives article was a joke.  They left out the two most hated, Jill Zarin and Camille first season. 


Nothing will reach the hate levels of Amazongate.  Ever.


Oh, and lets add nutso Kelly Bensimon in to hated as well, although it crossed the line into pitied.

I am thinking Teresa Giudice would make the list before Alexis.

We are only a few episodes in.  Brandi and Lisa R still have to come up with something.

Kim had the wedding.

No Rh there except Kyle. Crappy home video stuff of the actual event.

We are only a few episodes in.  Brandi and Lisa R still have to come up with something.

Kim had the wedding.



Oh that's right, Brandi had the pathetic housewarming party. 

Kim's many moves covered her past seasons.


Both pretty pathetic.

Brandi had a housewarming party and Lisa just had a jewelry party.

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Kyle should host a "how to get rid of backfat" party, or "dressing for your body type and age" seminar. 


She has a lovely body, but her clothes do everything possible to make her look dumpy and stumpy, and could this middle aged women ever find a bra that fits and doesn't accentuation the back fat? 


The best Kyle's ever looked was the one time she was wearing a white T shirt and regular jeans with flip flops, at home with her kids, a few seasons ago.  She wasn't stuffing into a size too small, she looked petite and adorable.

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Kyle should host a "how to get rid of backfat" party, or "dressing for your body type and age" seminar. 


She has a lovely body, but her clothes do everything possible to make her look dumpy and stumpy, and could this middle aged women ever find a bra that fits and doesn't accentuation the back fat? 


The best Kyle's ever looked was the one time she was wearing a white T shirt and regular jeans with flip flops, at home with her kids, a few seasons ago.  She wasn't stuffing into a size too small, she looked petite and adorable.

Hey there is a whole recap devoted to Kyle's back fat every week over on Trash Talk TV sounds like something you might like.  I think all these women are very attractive and collectively between the lot of them they have birthed 17 children.   When one is 5'2" tall you will look stumpy in most clothes and being up against 5'10" women it is a challenge.   I think she looked nice last night and has looked nice on several occasions throughout the history of the show. Your mileage obviously varies.


Kyle has had a White Party, a BBQ and the Gay Mixer, someone else's turn. 

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Zoeysmom, where did you read that Brandi was not allowed to attend the Wendy Williams show with the other CA cast members? I'd read online that she wasn't on the show and wondered what happened but hadn't read anything about her not being allowed to attend. That's kind of awesome if true. The only thing that annoys me is why Kenya was allowed to come on since her behavior was a lot more offensive than Brandi's on CA. 


At least Brandi hasn't thrown the BJ party that she once proposed to Kyle. Probably because she wasn't allowed to.


Predictable and pathetic that Kim is going to try to pretend that she didn't hear the comment about Mauricio. 




Wasn't Kyle technically the host for the spa day in Santa Barbara?

Edited by Avaleigh
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Zoeysmom, where did you read that Brandi was not allowed to attend the Wendy Williams show with the other CA cast members? I'd read online that she wasn't on the show and wondered what happened but hadn't read anything about her not being allowed to attend. That's kind of awesome if true. The only thing that annoys me is why Kenya was allowed to come on since her behavior was a lot more offensive than Brandi's on CA. 


At least Brandi hasn't thrown the BJ party that she once proposed to Kyle. Probably because she wasn't allowed to.


Predictable and pathetic that Kim is going to try to pretend that she didn't hear the comment about Mauricio. 




Wasn't Kyle technically the host for the spa day in Santa Barbara?

Here you go Avaleigh http://tamaratattles.com/2015/02/04/exclusive-blind-item-reckless-mouth-syndrome-gets-hw-banned/


I don't hate Kenya but I sure don't  think she did herself any favors she is so aggressive on the show. 


Your right Kyle has had a fourth party. 


Even after Kim has watched the episodes she seems to have very few apologies and zero insight.  I could not believe when she said her sister should have been worried not embarrassed.  I doubt Kim will write a blog.  She will post silly pictures on her Instagram instead,

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My theory-Andy had gotten comments about it before and with Lance Bass sitting there he decided to address it.  Lance was all about how he should have been contacted to throw the party.  It was overdue but I agree it has gone across all the franchises and production needs to either cut it out or strongly discourage any from using it.  I might also recommend no more, "bye Felicia," "you've been read", "tea" "shade" and a variety of other rather overused phrases. 

Gay party is definitely BRAVO.  Kyle has zero imagination.  Unknown restaurant is always the dead give away-another business trying to get on the show.

LOL, Andy even said that he "read" the BH HWS on the WWHL show Tuesday!


I honestly don't think so. 


It just sounds like something Kyle would do to be hip and edgy.  As usual, as with her wardrobe, she failed.


Now, I'm not saying Bravo didn't pick up some of the costs, but that party REEKED of Kyle.


Frankly, the only one I'm curious about is Kyles "yacht" trip, such as it was.  My guess is Kyle tried to get Bravo to pick up some of the tab, so invited Yolanda.  I seriously doubt BRAVO paid for all of it though.  Not enough wives present.

But Kyle is far from "hip and edgy".....far! LOL  I just do not see this as her idea, she would be too worried about offending someone and she is terrified about doing that IMO. Kyle hosts the big opener most seasons, the White Party, which she did again this year then add to that the trip, so I think this was producer driven.

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I think Bravo may fear viewer outrage against firing Kim as they are her only means of income. So many viewers on other sites blame Bravo/Andy for Kim's continued drug abuse, not Kim. They feel Bravo and Andy either caused her addictions or that they made money off her and now owe her a paycheck no matter what.


IMO, it was Andy/Bravo that forced Kim in to rehab this last time, it was reported/rumored to be a "go to rehab or else you are fired" deal and Kim went only because she was forced. You can not force an addict to get clean, they have to want to get clean and then work to stay clean, neither of which Kim has show to want.


At this stage of her life, it is up to Kim and no one else, family or not. She does not want to get clean because she does not want to face the reality of who she has become by the actions/choices that she alone made.  They, Bravo, need to fire her and let her sink or swim on her own, that is the only way she has a chance to get clean and stay clean. They also need to fire Brandi, she is on that same slippery slope as Kim is, just a few years behind Kim's self destructive level but she is catching up fast IMO.

Yeah I agree with you.  This is one of those situations where the enabler is also a source of revenue, so it looks tricky.  This reminds me of the final Artie years on Howard Stern (speaking of Brandi).  Audiences blamed, and still do, Stern for creating a very comfortable environment and pay check for a rather obstinate heroin addiction until it became a liability only for Stern.  While I think Bravo staff and Andy are probably human garbage, I think this one's on Kim.


Also, no matter how bad it feels, no matter how broke she is, it is in Kim's best interest to take full responsibility, even if it's technically not true. 

Kyle should host a "how to get rid of backfat" party, or "dressing for your body type and age" seminar. 


She has a lovely body, but her clothes do everything possible to make her look dumpy and stumpy, and could this middle aged women ever find a bra that fits and doesn't accentuation the back fat? 


The best Kyle's ever looked was the one time she was wearing a white T shirt and regular jeans with flip flops, at home with her kids, a few seasons ago.  She wasn't stuffing into a size too small, she looked petite and adorable.

Unnecessary back fat and crispy cleavage - what would Bravo do without you?

Edited by runforcover
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Kyle should host a "how to get rid of backfat" party, or "dressing for your body type and age" seminar. 


She has a lovely body, but her clothes do everything possible to make her look dumpy and stumpy, and could this middle aged women ever find a bra that fits and doesn't accentuation the back fat? 


The best Kyle's ever looked was the one time she was wearing a white T shirt and regular jeans with flip flops, at home with her kids, a few seasons ago.  She wasn't stuffing into a size too small, she looked petite and adorable.

I think Kyle wears a tighter bra to help keep the girls high, hers are natural aren't they? When you have large breasts naturally, gravity is cruel and the only way to counter it is a tight, well fitting bra that does not ride up. This I know from experience! LOL

Zoeysmom, where did you read that Brandi was not allowed to attend the Wendy Williams show with the other CA cast members? I'd read online that she wasn't on the show and wondered what happened but hadn't read anything about her not being allowed to attend. That's kind of awesome if true. The only thing that annoys me is why Kenya was allowed to come on since her behavior was a lot more offensive than Brandi's on CA. 


At least Brandi hasn't thrown the BJ party that she once proposed to Kyle. Probably because she wasn't allowed to.


Predictable and pathetic that Kim is going to try to pretend that she didn't hear the comment about Mauricio. 




Wasn't Kyle technically the host for the spa day in Santa Barbara?

Wendy has loved Kenya ever since she and Nene had their falling out. LOL

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Lisa had to be very careful about what she said concerning Max's biological parents. This show is seen in England and what is said on camera could cause legal problems over there if the "birth parents" hear their name or any personal information on the show. It is a fine line she and Ken have to walk talking  about any of this with Max on camera.

I've read this a couple times. I was under the impression that Max was adopted in the U.S. Was he not? He was instead adopted from foster care in England?

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We are only a few episodes in.  Brandi and Lisa R still have to come up with something.

Kim had the wedding.



Oh that's right, Brandi had the pathetic housewarming party. 

Kim's many moves covered her past seasons.


Both pretty pathetic.

I have never read anywhere that it is in their contracts that they host events. My understanding (this comes from Alex from the NY show) is that the most important thing by far is camera time. Period. There is nothing that matters more to all of these Ho'wives. This is not only because they have huge egos, this is because the gals that are shown the most tend to be the ones who get asked back over and over again by Bravo. If you don't have enough going on to get filmed, you will be gone girl. If you host a party or an event, you will get more camera time. They will show you preparing for the party, meeting with event planners, etc. Supposedly they all host many different things during the year. The thing is, Bravo decides which ones are interesting enough to show us. That is why it is so critical for the other ladies to attend. The  more gals you get at your event, the more likely it will be to have drama attached and therefore make it off the cutting room floor. If you are more well liked than other members of the cast, you will probably get more people to come to whatever you have planned, and the chance of it getting aired will increase.  The newer girls are always at a huge disadvantage here, as they haven't yet established enough in the form of relationships to actually host a lot of things. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
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Gay party is definitely BRAVO.  Kyle has zero imagination.  Unknown restaurant is always the dead give away-another business trying to get on the show.



I honestly don't think so. 


It just sounds like something Kyle would do to be hip and edgy.  As usual, as with her wardrobe, she failed.


Now, I'm not saying Bravo didn't pick up some of the costs, but that party REEKED of Kyle.



Well, this settles it then. The party was unimaginative and it stunk -- it was all Kyle.  ; ) 




But really, most of these parties are just fronts for gathering as many HWs as they can and filming alcohol-infused drama, anyway.  It's easy to tell when an event, even if planned by a HW, is a BRAVO-style fakeout; there's no one there but the HWs, some of the usual hangers on and a Househusband or two.  It seems like all of the women just brought along their "Immediate Gays" (Hey, look at me, I just made that up!  I'm so BH hip.)  -- not a huge invite list of acquaintances or randos.  If they wanted their gay male friends to get together romantically, why not just have dinner or cocktails at one of their houses?  All that "planning", renting our a restaurant, getting glammed up, for what?  So we could watch tipsy straight women try to guess which celebrity is on their back at a Top and Bottom Party?  FAKE.

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Kyle apologizes.


Only, imo, Kyle's was a non-apology.  For someone who demands apologies so often, she sure is crappy at giving them.


"I actually got that expression FROM my gay friends whom I have the utmost respect for. Certainly meant no disrespect ❤️"


Why not just "I'm sorry".  Or actually acknowledge that she was wrong?  Or (and maybe this is just semantics) but why not, "I actually got that expression from my friends in the LGBT community."  Lose the possessive condescending tone, just a little?

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I'm convinced Brandi only wears her 6 inch heels to intimidate people.  She loves to tower over the shorter women and loom over them as she spouts her pseudo ghetto girl from the mean streets lingo. She's already taller than most of the women in bare feet. She could wear 3 inch heels and still be a giraffe among bunny rabbits. But physical intimidation is one of the few power plays Brandi has to use.  She certainly doesn't have a sharp wit, an educated vocabulary  or good debating skills to defend her (indefensible) position in these foolish fights.


I looked at the sneak peek of Brandi throwing shade at Yo's kid.  Man, Brandi just doesn't see past life in the immediate moment does she?  She's trashing her only supporter's kid?  She backs up her statement with "well that's what people are saying."  What 'people' Brandi?  The same ones who were saying Mauricio was cheating?  Or that Lisa V declared bankruptcy?  Or that Kim did Meth? Just because you or one of your STD ridden cronies drops a story on TMZ or a tabloid doesn't make it true. Or, even if there are rumors that 'people' are talking about, as a supposed friend who is loyal or at the very least a co-worker, her response should be to shut it down versus stoking the fires. 


I'm tired of hearing Brandi's thoughtless and ignorant claims that she's a "truth cannon" and has no filter.  She is really a bullshit bazooka & sprays her crap all over without any cares who gets hit.  It is understandable for a 3 year old to point at a person in the grocery store and say, "he has no hair!" But by the time that kid is 4,5,6 that kid has (hopefully) learned empathy, etiquette and impulse control.  I really hope Bravo pulls the plug on Brandi and she slinks off with her pack of gutless coyote ugly friends. 

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I've read this a couple times. I was under the impression that Max was adopted in the U.S. Was he not? He was instead adopted from foster care in England?

You're right, Lisa, on WWHL I think, said that Max was born in Wisconsin. Edited by quinn
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Ha!  This is hilarious. Thanks, Alex Zeidel and Previously TV



"Everyone in town has four or five gays of their own. They're like girlfriends without the drama -- and sometimes, with more of the drama! A lot of my gays are single, so I thought maybe they'll make a little love connection, maybe make a friend, and hopefully keep off Grindr."


Alex writes:

After Matthew decides that the first group on the invite list should be "hotties," two other gays, Brian and Cal (chyroned as "Game Night Planners"), enter the store and, surprisingly, do not immediately strip down to leather harnesses and start fucking on the carpet. Kyle has invited them to help plan the party because a party planned by one gay guy would be pretty gay, but a party planned by three gays will be like three times as gay!


Ken and pudding.  Yolanda fleeing the country. Alex has a new fan in me.

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Alex is great, isn't he? My favorite line is: "Kyle would be a sloppy otter bottom, and if she can't see that, I don't know what to tell her."

I just noticed something. When Yolonda was in her closet, there's only one of each shoe or boot. Look at the photo from the episode in the article. Just one of each. Where's the other one? Hermetically sealed in Karnac's vault?

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I think Kyle's problem with Kim is that when Kim does relapse Kyle tries to control the situation and we all know that you can not control someone's addiction.  It must be hard to watch someone fall off the cliff, try to reach out to help (or control the fall) only to body blocked out of the way by Brandi. 

I agree with fellow posters that Kyle should not engage Brandi or Kim in the heat of the moment, seems like they all have amnesia about how things always turn out, repeatedly.


Now about that facebook or twitter account for Kim's e cigarette...


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I just noticed something. When Yolonda was in her closet, there's only one of each shoe or boot. Look at the photo from the episode in the article. Just one of each. Where's the other one? Hermetically sealed in Karnac's vault?


Looks like some of them are behind the others. Clearly she needs a bigger closet. Oh well, next house.  I love how she has her tall boots clipped together so they'll stay upright. Best closet ever.

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No, he was adopted in England.


You're right, Lisa, on WWHL I think, said that Max was born in Wisconsin.


Ahhhhhh. Ha. I'm more confused than ever now.


Eventually, Brandi is going to run out of people to piss off because they will all be banning her from being near them.

I really hope she burns all those bridges. Her time has been for three seasons too long, and seeing that gif from earlier where it looks like Brandi probably said some shit about Lisa R.'s marriage, I have to call Brandi the Asshole of all Assholes. I have no patience for someone who gleefully wishes for someone's marriage to fail, no matter how much you dislike the person. Wishing for, imagining premises, picking at inconsequential nonsense and using it as a basis to speak authoritatively on the (supposed) end of someone's marriage? Is shitty. Brandi has tried that way too many times.

Edited by Mozelle
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Ha!  This is hilarious. Thanks, Alex Zeidel and Previously TV



"Everyone in town has four or five gays of their own. They're like girlfriends without the drama -- and sometimes, with more of the drama! A lot of my gays are single, so I thought maybe they'll make a little love connection, maybe make a friend, and hopefully keep off Grindr."



Ken and pudding.  Yolanda fleeing the country. Alex has a new fan in me.

My apologies for butchering the full quote. So this was (one) of things that Kyle said about her party? "Everyone in town has four or five gays of their own"? Women are so much drama but gay guys are even more drama? Well at least Kyle is well versed in cliches and stereotypes! Kyle I ain't mad atcha I know you gotta fit in with that BH crowd!


I thought that Kyle looked beautiful at the party. Brandi's bod looked slamming in that dress though her extensions were a mess. Kim looked much older than her age, and all I could notice were her sun spots and neck (and the way she was "hiding" that e-cig). No one else stood out to me either way. Kyle's repeating of, "I'm sorry I did A & B, but you shouldn't have done X,Y, & Z" was...not very smart. Apologize or don't, but you will never win an argument or solve a disagreement with this approach. Brandi's "Nobody wants you, ask your husband," was disgusting and indicative of her character. And as the HW with no emotional tie to the fight she should have come across better than she did, but then she wouldn't be Brandi if she had any self-control would she? Kim was the root cause for this disgusting fight.

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If I am remembering correctly, Max had a fairly serious drug problem at one time. He was sent away to one of those tough-love camps for a while. It all could have done a number on his brain. I've personally seen what drug abuse can do to a young person. It literally stunts their emotional growth and doing simple things such as fixing lunch or going to work are very difficult.

I really felt for the Vanderpump-Todds in this episode. He hasn't shown himself to be a raging asshole like Kim yet so I still feel a lot of sympathy to (in particular) him, Lisa, and Ken. The way that Lisa and Todd still have to watch over him (and probably worry) so much, the way he seemed so happy for attention from his father. Even though the family looks like they have everything they want, it must be devastating. I wonder if the comments Lisa made regarding being curious if he was "different" due to his genetics were a veiled reference to his addiction/ mental heath issues? I have no experience with adoption, but I wonder if he could find out about any mental health/ addiction issues in his biological* family through the research he's doing now.


*I'm not sure what the common jargon is for this.

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My apologies for butchering the full quote. So this was (one) of things that Kyle said about her party? "Everyone in town has four or five gays of their own"? Women are so much drama but gay guys are even more drama? Well at least Kyle is well versed in cliches and stereotypes! Kyle I ain't mad atcha I know you gotta fit in with that BH crowd!


Yes.  But it's okay because her gays gave her permission to own them.


"I actually got that expression FROM my gay friends whom I have the utmost respect for. Certainly meant no disrespect"


If she got that expression from them, how exactly did that go down?  Did her friends say, "Oh, please, yes! Call us YOUR gay friends. That'll be awesome, you owning us and all."  I think she's incapable of saying she's sorry so she made up that part up.

Her excuse/apology is as lame as Brandi saying it was okay to say black people don't swim because her black friends said so.

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Alex nailed it with his summary of events!  The re-cap had me laughing more than the show. 


Favorite quotes:

Besides "gay," the theme of tonight's party is Kim's inability to keep track of time.



The fight between Kyle, Brandi, and Kim comprises the last ten minutes of the episode and is very hard to follow. Kim is on her usual five-second delay, Kyle is cry-screeching throughout most of it, and Brandi mostly just alternates between saying, "Really?" and threatening to knock Kyle's teeth in. By now, Brandi has threatened to beat up so many people that it's going to be pretty anti-climactic if she never pulls out the brass knuckles.


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Now if they'd only stop with that "Ladysitter" tomfoolery.  Why does everyone and everything have to have some kind of cutesy rich woman nickname attached to it?  I'd ask if this were a BH thing, but "My Gays/My Best Gay" seems to be everywhere. 


I don't mind, on a personal level, what people want to call themselves and each other, esp. when it's a term of endearment/affection (e.g.  My Gay Husband), but all of this "My Gays" is starting to feel like it refers to any and all gay men (as being "theirs") and that feels, well, just icky.  You know, I just thought about why it doesn't seem to bother me as much when celebs like Kathy Griffin or [insert gay icon] says it -- the delivery is different somehow to my ears and eyes.  Like when these RHs do it, it's always followed by cheeky smiles, cloying looks, and giggles like it's such a cute, fun, clever joke.  Annoying.   

I really had to roll my eyes on the Ladysitter tag. I never heard that before. It is really ridiculous.The "My Gays", "My Gay Husband," has got to stop. As posters above have said, people are not accessories.

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I have no experience with adoption, but I wonder if he could find out about any mental health/ addiction issues in his biological* family through the research he's doing now.

Yes.  And if there were any, the Todd's most likely already have that information.  Not always - let's say Max was abandoned on anonymously and no info was available about the bio parents.  But if he was taken by CPS because the mother was mentally ill or dead from an overdose, or abandoned in the hospital after birth by a crack head - that info Lisa and Ken already know.  I just hope the circumstances of his bio parents placing him for adoption are far less dramatic than those above.

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It was Popov.  You know. The kind of vodka you get in the giant plastic jug that tastes worse than well vodka at your local happy hour.


Haha I just outed myself on how little I know about vodka - Stoli was literally the only brand I could come up with!!

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I don't know if I agree that it is a lose/lose situation for Kyle. I mean it's a situation with a number of shitty factors that may not have many purely good solutions, but such is life. There are just so many times in adult life where you have to settle for compromised happiness or make the best of bad options. That's just life. Kyle is in a bad situation, that sucks. At times she can handle it badly. This is on her. Just like Kim and Brandi's behavior is on them. Because...that apology! Jesus Christ Kyle! You don't feel you owe Brandi an apology. I agree. So don't give her one! Or do give her a brief one. Do not march up and deliver the snottiest, most half assed, passive agressive, give me a cookie for being the bigger person apology on earth. And when Brandi asks you to stop, STOP! What the fuck is she trying to accomplish with this shit? This is why I just can't like her. Feel bad for her? Yes. Like her? No.


Fozzy Bear:


Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! I especially love this part of your post:


"There are just so many times in adult life where you have to settle for compromised happiness or make the best of BAD OPTIONS"


No more excuses already. I don't think Kyle is more deserving of understanding because she's "suffering". Compromised happiness and making the best of bad options is LIFE. Death is a part of life and yes even dire circumstances need to be accepted for what they are and some semblance of a life needs to be attempted, which let's be honest I'm inclined to believe Brandi when she says Kyle can only be bothered on her own schedule so Kyle is for the most part living her life. That is definitely her right to handle it that way.  It's like they are still handling this stuff like a puzzle and quite honestly it's time to move past the puzzle mentality and try to attempt that compromised happiness and making the best of bad options. Stop trying to solve the puzzle. At this point it's about handling Kim's whirlwind life one rehab, pill pop, hospital stay at a time because there will be no magical long term solution to the mess that is Kim.


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Brandi's blahg....haven't read yet. Just posting the link for y'all to 'enjoy.'


Just read...I'm assuming she's referring to Lisa R and Eileen...



On that front, I think we all hope that some of the ladies start doing something interesting soon, because our two resident Gladys Kravitzs tittering and clutching their pearls in mock horror at me is kind of boring.


Edited by Cranky One
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I ordinarily like Yolanda’s accent, but the way she says Anwar it sounds like “Underwear.” I was really thrown by “Now it’s just me and David and underwear!” until I realized she was talking about her son.

Oh my God, it does! When he leaves for college she won't even have underwear!

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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Brandi's blahg....haven't read yet. Just posting the link for y'all to 'enjoy.'


Just read...I'm assuming she's referring to Lisa R and Eileen...

Well if she is, she couldn't be more off base. I was just thinking the other night that if not for the fact that they had joined the cast this year, I would be really really close to writing off this franchise. I also still enjoy seeing the Vanderpumps and their dogs. That's all I got any more though. Lisa R., Eileen and Lisa V, if she is accompanied by at least one canine (preferably more).


I don't hate Kyle, but she has always annoyed me and her constant whining at or about Kim is on my last nerve. I get sisterly love, but there comes a point when you have to learn to pull up your big girl pants and act like you don't care any more, even if you do. And do not, ever, ever, ever, waste your time tyring to convince that piece of trash Brandi about anything. Bitch is throwing a 17 year old under the bus for god's sake. Do not bother.


Where previously I just found Kim annoying and boring I now officially hate her and Yolanda has gotten so boring that even her fridge can no longer save her.


I have watched all the Howives shows since the very first episode of OC . I gave up New Jersey two seasons back becuase I found everyone on it toxic. I have given up Atlanta this season for the same reason. Without the addition of Lisa R and Eileen this franchise would definitely be next on my list.


Brandi can throw shade at the other ladies all she wants. She is toxic and trashy and does not belong on this show. If Andy freakin' loves her so damn much he should put her on the OC show. Brandi is probably the only person on the planet that could make Tamra Barney Judge look classy.   

Edited by chlban
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I know she probably didn't even realize she wrote it....but the part about all of Kim's injuries being very serious for a single woman over 40 made me laugh.


So if you're single and under 40 then you're fine.

Or if you're married and over 40....suck it up, it's not that serious.

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I honestly don't think so.

It just sounds like something Kyle would do to be hip and edgy. As usual, as with her wardrobe, she failed.

Now, I'm not saying Bravo didn't pick up some of the costs, but that party REEKED of Kyle.

Frankly, the only one I'm curious about is Kyles "yacht" trip, such as it was. My guess is Kyle tried to get Bravo to pick up some of the tab, so invited Yolanda. I seriously doubt BRAVO paid for all of it though. Not enough wives present.

Kyle throws a white party every year that has hundreds of people attend. Nothing to do with Bravo as it started before the show. The gay party had about 12 people there. Totally Bravo set up IMO. Kyle coulda filled that place if she wanted to.

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The Krumps - "Hercules!!  Hercules!!" 


My personal go-to expression when my stupid boyfriend is trying to act all macho

LOL.  I'm going to start using it.  There's often a lot of misguided testosterone in my house, too.  I saw that movie a long time ago. When LisaR clapped, I instantly remembered that scene.  But for the life of me I couldn't remember what she was saying or what movie it was from.  So you win.  Would you like those lemons with or without the cayenne pepper and maple syrup?

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Went way overboard yesterday so  I apologize--especially to motorcitymom.  I've become my own Cedric!  Throw wine in my face and cut me with your bangles.   I hate myself in the morning -- thanks Bravo although I guess I could take some responsibility for myself. 


Bravo's doing a weird thing where we're being asked to live in this gray universe of straddle.  It's not straight up Lives of the Rich and Famous and it's not even really Intervention, fake and crappy as that is.  It's the strange world where serious health issues are treated like appetizers on the way to knock down drag outs -- nothing signficant ever really seriously explored -- and then some froth thrown on top of all that.  Designer drug for sure that's meant to rattle women in our cages and keep us coming back for more. 


But they're now taking it way way too far on this show because it's just so out of hand.  Every angle of the Kim-Kyle tale, with Brandi added as the chaser, is meant to keep us guessing, researching, speculating and generally becoming the psychological-emotional equivalent of the John Hurt character in Alien.   Let Andy Cohen be the xenomorph. 


And, really, WWHL and his reunion hosting just compound the formula and makes it even more dishonest and lethal.  For the audience.


hottesthw -- The White Party is one of the things I appreciate about Kyle and Mauricio.  I do look forward to whatever we see of that. 


Re Brandi suggesting again that Mo is unfaithful to Kyle -- Kyle gives me the blues and the vapors and I like to think I'm all above it all when it comes to marriage, what it takes, how adultery may figure in a long term marriage, what you owe your husband in the way of freedom when things aren't clicking and vice-versa, but as someone who dealt with a woman a few years ago who worked with my guy and went out of her way to suggest that stuff had happened, I can only say that after awhile it just really really wore me down and brought me to a place I had wanted to avoid but couldn't.  It's just not cool.  And another example of how Bravo wants to have its cake and eat it too.


I guess all this makes me one of Bravo's Bitches but my allegiance and interest are waning the more I get how I'm being manipulated myself. 

Edited by copacabana
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Only, imo, Kyle's was a non-apology. For someone who demands apologies so often, she sure is crappy at giving them.

"I actually got that expression FROM my gay friends whom I have the utmost respect for. Certainly meant no disrespect ❤️"

Why not just "I'm sorry". Or actually acknowledge that she was wrong? Or (and maybe this is just semantics) but why not, "I actually got that expression from my friends in the LGBT community." Lose the possessive condescending tone, just a little?

Yeah, I commented on this too. That apology reeked of defensive, I'm sorry if you were offended, non apology. Just say you're sorry. Or don't if you're not. It's how I felt about her non apology to Brandi. Apologize or don't, but don't use a half assed apology as a way to transition into why this has all been so hard on you or not your fault. I think this is one of the reasons that Kyle doesn't come across well to some people. This sort of thing makes her look like such a needy, insecure, drama queen. Edited by FozzyBear
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Kyle throws a white party every year that has hundreds of people attend. Nothing to do with Bravo as it started before the show. The gay party had about 12 people there. Totally Bravo set up IMO. Kyle coulda filled that place if she wanted to.

I thought the dead giveaway was when Kyle showed up to the party late with her little posse, and Eileen held her hands out to greet her, said "Welcome to your party!", and laughed. Seemed like an in joke.

Lisa R had the jewelry party. Which I enjoyed just to get to see her home and the fantastic views.

I really liked that for getting to see her beautiful home again and the human scale of it. I mean, I couldn't afford to throw that party, but it's possible for me to imagine attending one like it thrown by a "normal" person, someone I know, for a cause close to their hearts. And I love that Lisar used the head table from her wedding and spoke of it so fondly. Edited by Found A Peanut
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Yes. And if there were any, the Todd's most likely already have that information. Not always - let's say Max was abandoned on anonymously and no info was available about the bio parents. But if he was taken by CPS because the mother was mentally ill or dead from an overdose, or abandoned in the hospital after birth by a crack head - that info Lisa and Ken already know. I just hope the circumstances of his bio parents placing him for adoption are far less dramatic than those above

I'm going to take this to Small Talk to discuss since my response would be off-topic. :)

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Above all the BS, I really hate that Kim's demise is being shown on national television. The woman needs help, in a bad way, and Bravo/Andy are doing nothing in that regard. If, heaven forbid, she ODs or worse, I'll hold those morons responsible for exploiting a woman's problem for the ratings. There have already been deaths, suicides, of people who appeared on reality TV shows and it turned their lives upside down. Kim was already fragile when this show started.

Someone needs to step up and be accountable.

In theory, I agree with you, however, Kim begged and swore up an down to Andy and Bravo executives that continuing on the show would help keep her accountable with her sobriety, esp with her fan base. She's responsible for what happens to her. She negotiated for that when she was sober.

That said, I hope both Kim and Brandi are ditched at the end of this season.

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I know she probably didn't even realize she wrote it....but the part about all of Kim's injuries being very serious for a single woman over 40 made me laugh.


So if you're single and under 40 then you're fine.

Or if you're married and over 40....suck it up, it's not that serious.


Brandi just looks for anything that would make her the poor put-upon victim (she's been cheated on, she's a single mother, she wasn't molested (this one makes me really angry), she's being stifled because she can't drink and cuss and get naked everywhere she goes, people get mad at her when she threatens them with violence, etc., etc., etc.) and it's disgusting, and BORING.  Brandi is the boring one.  I wish she'd get the memo on that and STFU about the other women.  I already know what she's going to do or say even before I watch the show because it's the same thing over and over again; on tonight's episode, Brandi makes an ass of herself.  <--- boring.


And she is such a fucking cliché with this "Scorned Women" bullshit.  But you just know bitch would build a float and give herself a parade if she were able to bag a rich man and marry him.  I doubt she'd even care if he weren't single when she met him, either.



*But.... I can't hate on her for her shoes (even though I know she uses her height to intimidate people).  I love me some tall heels and most of mine are between 4.5 - 5.5".  But I'm 5' 3", so even in my 5" heels, I'm like a baby giraffe at about 5' 8".  lol

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