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S02.E12: Sanctuary

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Good episode, especially for one without Cami. And a quick cameo from Elijah, so that makes me happy.


I do think this episode had Phoebe Tonkin's best work, especially the Hayley/Klaus scene before he hunts for Jackson. It was actually really strong between Joseph and Phoebe and I liked Hayley's ferocity. 


The Klaus/Rebekah reunion scene! It still feels incestuous though! 


Kol's cursed! Haha! And Finn knows about Hope! Finn is highly intelligent, and I love it.


Freya's pretty cool. I like her and I can't wait until she 'meets' her brothers. I know she'll hate Klaus and Finn and maybe Kol right off the bat. Maybe Elijah too.


Really strong episode, overall. I now really like Jackson and it was more clear than ever that Klaus is projecting onto Jackson without considering the consequences. I guess standing him for yourself will get you what you want...temporarily, of course. 


Josh's vampire face! Sorry, had to mention Josh at least once in this post so....

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The Klaus/Rebekah reunion scene! It still feels incestuous though!


Haha, he totally wanted to make out with her. I will never stop loving those two. 


I actually found the introduction of Freya a little underwhelming, first she's all why do you fight with your family? I HATE traitors, our brothers are dicks! Um, kay crazy.


Not nearly enough Kolvina, and now he's stuck forever in the prettiest body ever! I fail to see how this is a curse Finn, you really are kind of on the dull side aren't you?


I'm going to need a beautifully lit Kol/Davina make out sesh next week. I do worry about this anti-Klaus angle they both have going, that is not good for either of their healths, and I want them alive and making out. Vexing him is fine with me, but I feel like every week they've had to make up some new immediate drama vis a vis Marcel/Josh to avoid having them dealing with killing Klaus (which we know won't succeed so spare me).


I agree about Klaus/Haley scene Phoebe is doing much better this year, mostly with Nate Parsons, but also with Joseph heh he treats Haley more like a sibling/sister than he does Rebekah.

Edited by blixie
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I hate Finn. Unpopular opinion or not, I don't care. I hate Finn. I hope that Freya, with her level of power, takes him down several notches.


I'm so glad Rebekah is out of the asylum house. I'm really looking forward to sister-bonding time.


Klaus was in full-on brat mode. But I believe it was all an act, and what happened in the end was his plan all along. Or, at least, he was open to the possibility. He could have easily killed Jackson at any time, but Klaus was either testing him or stalling until Hayley found them. That call to Elijah sealed it; he was too happy with himself for his accomplishment. He was still a brat, though, to Elijah, saying how Hayley fought for Jackson.


I kind of feel bad for Kol. Can't blame him for trying to survive amid the family lunacy. I hope they aren't going to kill him.



...first she's [Freya] all why do you fight with your family...



I thought that was part of her test of Rebekah. She's been watching them all to assess their natures.

Edited by justmehere
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I knew Freya was looking for family.  As soon as I saw the blonde witch at the party and the innocent way she smiled at Rebekah, I knew that she missed them and was looking to connect.  Of course it won't be that simple will it, she'll have strong memories of Finn and Henrik and will probably love Elijah (who doesn't) but Niklaus, Kol and even Rebekah could be a problem.  Clearly she's woken up because of the birth of Hope, but I'm curious what her endgame will be.  Will she be like Dahlia and eventually want to take the child away or will she bond with her family leaving Dahlia to come back as the big bad.


I'm glad Jackson and Haley are going through with the wedding, because I want more drama with the Haley/Elijah situation.  And as much as miss Claire Holt, this new Rebekah is a perfect stand in, it's not just the accent, she has the personality down pat, so I'll take her till Claire returns. I'm annoyed that Cassie turned traitor though, I liked her, and feel like the witches are not really being serviced well in this show anymore.  I was hoping she would get out and take over the Quarter coven.  Maybe that's something Dahlia is secretly doing behind the scenes, or Freya will be I guess.


Looks like Caleb is the official new Kol, which I know will upset some people, but I like him so I'm not complaining.


Finn dies this season, I think we can all agree on that right?.  As much as I love the actor, his motivations are starting to wear thin.  It's no wonder they called him a bore.  Like live your life dude and give up on your moms ridiculous quest.  If he was just trying to kill Klaus I'd get it, but this idea of cleansing the world of the Mikaelson scourge is weak sauce.  Eat a cookie, watch a sunset, find some peace man.


No Camille in this episode!!

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I love that the character consensus is Finn is the biggest boring bore.  I don't know why, but it makes me laugh. Finn's motivations are starting to split for me.  What is his end goal again?  Besides killing Klaus b/c, WE KNOW, everyone wants Klaus dead, what's his deal?  I love, however, that Finn is a smart cookie.  An aside:  I feel like if all of these ppl want Klaus dead, they should just band together and do it. Like everyone take a body part and move to the ends of the earth.     


Agreed that Pheobe did nice work tonight.  Loved the Klaus/Haley conversation and am kind of enjoying Haley/Jax.  I loved the lighting at the bayou when she holds his hand and starts telling her story.


Freya should be a nice add to the mix.  She is not going to be happy to see how her brothers have ended up, is she? 


Poor pretty, pretty screwed Kol.  I was unclear about curse.  Like, does he expire in a few days or something?


Also, I love Klaus's call to Elijah and his twist the knife of "she fought so hard for that other guy".  It was a nice balance of dick move and brotherly cruelty.  I liked the way Morgan played that.

Edited by TrininisaScorp
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Also, I love Klaus's call to Elijah and his twist the knife of "she fought so hard for that other guy".  It was a nice balance of dick move and brotherly cruelty.  I liked the way Morgan played that.


IA, that was fun. He was being an ass to Elijah (by bragging about being an ass to everyone else!), but in a way that Elijah couldn't really call him on.


I think that Klaus's fight with Jackson was about sussing Jackson out, just like Freya did with Rebekah. Jackson and Rebekah even ended up coming out of those fights bloody (Jackson with his hurt ribs and Rebekah with her smashed hand) but more loyal to Klaus/Freya than ever.


Klaus probably got the idea for his angle with Jackson (that he was jealous about Jackson's connection with Ansel) from Hayley's accusation that he'd killed Ansel for himself rather than for Hope. I think that Klaus's jealousy toward Jackson was an angle Klaus was playing because he thought it would be useful in manipulating Jackson and Hayley -- but regardless that he was saying it for effect, I also think that what Klaus was saying to Jackson was true. I don't think that Jackson realizes that, when it comes to Klaus, he's balanced on a powder keg and Ansel might well be a lit match.


Anyway, in that confrontation between Klaus and Hayley in the forest, I think Klaus also saw that Hayley was out of his control, and since she put Jackson under her protection, Jackson was out of his control, too. So *of course,* Klaus was going to try and hurt them and show them "who's boss" -- and then tell himself (and Elijah, apparently!) that he's the "boss" to reassure himself that it worked -- because he is a freaking control freak and needs to do that. Hayley and Jackson aren't that bright, though, so I don't actually think they were thinking, "uh-oh, better appease Klaus and make him feel in control again, or else he'll beat us/kill us so that he feels in control again that way!" I think those dumbasses just stumbled onto appeasing him by accident. But whatever works!


I'm not sure how I feel about this werewolf wedding. On the one hand, this is the most I've liked both Hayley and Jackson, and for once the werewolf scenes were even interesting! But on the other hand, I still have a serious grudge against Jackson for the time last season when he came into Klaus's house and said that the werewolves didn't want Klaus as one of their kind (and Jackson even referenced that conversation tonight). I know carrying that grudge is ridiculous (did other people even remember or care about when Jackson did that last season?) but it's a big reason why I was actually agreeing with Klaus in his argument with Hayley, and didn't (don't?) think Jackson is trustworthy, either.


Jackson didn't think hybrids were werewolves last year when Klaus was the only one, so what's different now? That Hayley's useful to him whereas Klaus wasn't before? I think that him saying that he did count Klaus as one of his kind and wanted him to protect "their" pack if Jackson was dead *was* meaningful and might even represent a real change of heart for Jackson -- and imo when Jackson said that, Klaus decided he could trust him and should let him help his pack via the wedding, which is why Klaus froze right then and gave Hayley her chance to leap into action. But to be honest, in Klaus's place, it would take more than one statement made under duress to convince me to turn over the truth of my hybrid baby's life to someone who'd said that he didn't consider/want hybrids as part of his pack. I guess Klaus doesn't have a lot of choice, though, since Hayley has really taken a stand with this one.


Personally, I think that Hayley isn't taking this "hybrid" thing seriously enough, in that I think she gets that the werewolves are giving her flack and her relationship with them has changed because of it, etc etc etc, but I don't think she gets that there are two or possibly three hybrids in existence atm and that there they legit have to be afraid of people trying to wipe them out as abominations. What made me think of that was when Hayley said that Hope was in trouble because of Klaus's ten zillion enemies -- for the most part, Klaus earned those enemies honestly by being The Worst and terrorizing everyone forever, but not all those enemies hate Klaus for who he is, some of them hate him for *what* he is. Those enemies are going to be hers and Hope's now *no matter what* because "what" Klaus is, is now "what" Hayley is, too, and "what" their child also seems to be -- they could be the sweetest, most wonderful people on earth for their whole lives and people will *still* be trying to wipe them out just based on "what" they are. I feel like that's not registering with Hayley, that the problem isn't necessarily how she or Klaus or Hope act, it's their literal existence that's abominable to some or that could get them cast out. It's actually *nuts* that she's trying to give a bunch of werewolves those same powers without them actually being hybrids, and I don't think she's understanding why that could be a big deal. Anyway, I trust the show's writers to handle it in a much more thoughtful and interesting way than I ever could, they've been batting 1.000 this season imo, but I'm sort of waiting for the other shoe to drop with that! I think that Klaus *is* paranoid as a general rule, but there's also plenty of reason to believe that this open arms, "oh, you're one of the gang!" treatment toward hybrids is a trick, and that Hayley is being naive/ignorant about it because she's been a hybrid for about ten minutes and still wholeheartedly considers herself a wolf.


Another complicating factor and why imo Ansel was coming up so much this episode is that, even though obviously nothing romantic is going on or will go on between Klaus and Hayley, the setup of this new family -- Klaus/Hayley/Jackson + Baby!Hope -- is so similar to Mikael/Esther/Ansel + Baby!Klaus. Just like the Mikaelsons were falling apart before Klaus's birth and Klaus drew them together and got Mikael's head on straight (sorta!), the Mikaelsons were falling apart before Hope's birth and Hope is drawing them together and getting Klaus's head on straight (sorta!). So I think that Klaus sort of has a similar dilemma about Hope as Esther had about him. On the one hand, maybe it would be kinder to Hope to give her up to be nurtured and raised with the pack, and kept away from "the threat" of Klaus, just like it might have been kinder to Klaus to give him up to be nurtured and raised with the pack, and kept away from the threat of Mikael (which is what Klaus was angsting over with Ansel and then with Elijah, I think). On the other hand, according to Esther, Esther kept Klaus with the Mikaelsons because he helped keep the family together and tame Mikael (for some value of "tame"), and maybe if the Mikaelsons keep Hope now, they'll have more of a shot at keeping their family together and taming Klaus (for some value of "tame). Anyway, so my point is, what's best for Hope would probably be to go be raised in the pack and kept away from Klaus, but what's best for the Mikaelsons will probably be for her to be raised within the family.


I'm not sure how Klaus feels about raising Hope himself, or even about being near her, frankly. He seems sort of like he's avoiding her. Hayley's moving heaven and earth to find a way to get Hope into NOLA, but meanwhile, Klaus not only isn't doing that (where are his plans to deal with Dahlia?), when it became clear that they needed to reach out to Hope to protect her (when Esther first started trying to track Rebekah down), he didn't even go to pick up Rebekah and Hope himself, he sent crazy!Elijah to do it. When they were at the safe house, he wasn't exactly attached at the hip to Hope and he was the one who immediately wanted to burn that picture...Idk, I just wonder if he's actually planning to ever be close to Hope at all, or what the deal is with that. Obviously it's going to come up at some point!

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Finn is threatening to become my favorite character. Fiercely intelligent isn't typical of TVD/TO universe so color me surprised, but it's sure fun to watch. But I am peeved at him for smacking Kol with a slow murder curse. That might have been just about the cruelest thing that's been done in this family...and clearly, that's saying a lot. 


Freya! I wasn't sold on the actress' first appearance, but at certain angles she resembles Claire and proved herself much better than I expected. Meanwhile the new actress for Rebekah continues to slay, nailing the part in all aspects, which includes gazing at Klaus like he's her lover. I'm stupidly happy for Rebekah to have a sister. Somewhere deep in her heart she has got to have longed for one since she was little, regardless of how close she's always been with Klaus. 


What I didn't expect was Freya handing out judgement to everyone in sight--in that way she reminds me of Finn. I doubt she'll be very pleased with Klaus and Elijah. In fact, I hope she'll beat their asses silly. But more than anything, I'm looking forward to her reunion with Finn. I expect he'll adore her moral compass.


Unpopular opinion, but as amusing as I find Klaus and find myself loving him as our unusual protagonist, I can't stand Elijah. It was a wonderful episode, made better IMO by the lack of Elijah outside the cameo and no Cami or Hope. Another plus side, Jackson and Hayley were lukewarmly likeable. I'm even looking forward to the wedding a bit. It should be trippy. 


Now that Kol is going to die thanks to Finn, Davina is going to want pay back, won't she? But if she's smart she'll pack her things and get the hell out of town. How many dead boyfriends will it take?   


As much as I love the actor, his motivations are starting to wear thin.  It's no wonder they called him a bore.  Like live your life dude and give up on your moms ridiculous quest. 


Ridiculous quests are a family trait. At least Finn has only been after his for a few months. Elijah, Klaus, Rebekah, Mikael, and Esther all have been chasing their lame goal for a thousand years. Everyone but Kol--gotta love him for that. 


As to Finn dying this season, it's unlikely. Out of all the new originals his actor is the only one who has been signed on as a regular. But Daniel Sharman hasn't, which is why I'm putting my bets on Kol dying this season. 


Not nearly enough Kolvina, and now he's stuck forever in the prettiest body ever! I fail to see how this is a curse Finn, you really are kind of on the dull side aren't you?


How did you get this? Finn cursed Kol's new body to die meanwhile his curse inhibits his soul from finding another host. It's possibly the cruelest thing he could've done to Kol since he gets time to contemplate the end coming. 

Edited by driedfruit
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The reason that Finn bores me as the big bad is that he is like the new Klaus - he has so much power that it's not a fair fight when anyone goes against him.


On a similar note, great, Klaus is back to his usual obnoxious bullying self and threatening everyone who he happens to see. I mean, seriously, was he able to have a single conversation this entire episode without being a smarmy condescending dick?


And talk about projecting his issues! Cami would have had a field day if she had heard him accusing Jackson of wanting to build an army to claim more territory. No, Klaus, that's YOU, the one who kept making hybrids because nobody loves you. And of course he doesn't think Jackson or anyone else is capable of selflessly loving someone because he isn't capable of it himself. He only sees what he can gain from having each person around him. As much as I loathe having babies brought into major storylines, it might be good for him to be around her more so that he can finally understand what it truly means to love someone. Of course, Hope will need to ditch him around the time she turns six so that she doesn't end up like Rebekah, a slave to Klaus's every whim.


His one moment of self-awareness this week (which I actually found hilarious) was when he told Hayley that there will never be an end to his paranoia. I also laughed my ass off when Klaus accused Jackson of being a hypocrite. Pot, kettle.


Apparently the frog in Jackson's throat is catching because Hayley was trying to get all growly while she argued with Klaus. It sounded so affected to me.


Hee, poor Kol. He tried to do something nice by helping Davina and Aidan get Josh back and what did he get for his troubles? Cursed! Now he can't jump bodies and he's going to die in two days. I think the new actor is pretty but his acting hasn't impressed me much since his introduction. But in this episode when he realized how much he had inadvertently given away to Finn by barely saying a word, you could see the regret, guilt, and fear wash over his face.


I never liked Cassie and her flat voice so I was totally fine with Freya killing her. See ya, wouldn't want to be ya, Cassie!


I will be interested to see how Freya reacts to reuniting with Finn. Will she think he's a lunatic nutjob? Or will she be onboard with his fanaticism? I really hope she kicks his ass and Klaus's ass, but I would settle for her wiping the smug self satisfied looks off their faces. Once he finds out how powerful she is, he is going to want to put her in his magical battery pack along with their parents.

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The reason that Finn bores me as the big bad is that he is like the new Klaus - he has so much power that it's not a fair fight when anyone goes against him.


It doesn't seem like Finn is being set up as the big bad. That's either going to be Freya or Dahlia, or both. Finn's powers also aren't indestructible. Once Klaus finds where he's keeping their parents, simply removing the bodies from the sacrifice circle zaps the channeling from what I remember from the time Papa T used Rebekah. 


He tried to do something nice by helping Davina and Aidan get Josh back and what did he get for his troubles?


I didn't see a legitimate reason for Kol doing this, it was very out of character. 

Edited by driedfruit
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No Cami! Hooray! And I just had realized near the end that there had been no Elijah either until that short cell phone call with Klaus.


So can ALL the witches finally leave the mansion they and Rebekah were trapped in? If so will they cause trouble in the city, maybe take up with Finn? I'm also hoping those scarred witch goons trapped in there are all dead, they were all so awful. Glad Freya and Rebekah are finally free although Rebekah-in-her-new-body and Klaus still have that really inappropriate sexual tension happening. I'm assuming Freya is heading right to Finn?


Finn continues to rule my world, I just cannot help it. And the way he gleaned from Marcel that Klaus' child is actually still alive was fun to watch. I'm really interested to see his reunion with Freya, what she will think of him using their parents as magical battery packs, what she thinks of Hope. That flashback of child Freya desperately calling for her mother as Dahlia takes her away is painful to watch. If/when Esther wakes up she's going to have her hands full with Freya.


Poor Kol, condemned to dying in that mortal body. At least he's going to go out having helped Aiden and Davina rescue their Joshie.


I'm still surprised Klaus doesn't burst into flames from his hypocrisy especially last night with all the things he said to Jackson and I don't even LIKE Jackson. I still force myself to watch the wolf scenes so that I don't miss anything if it's referenced somewhere else by a vampire or Klaus. It still irks me how for the longest time werewolves were supposedly so rare but then suddenly we just keep seeing more and more of them because...reasons?

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I didn't see a legitimate reason for Kol doing this, it was very out of character.

The only thing I can think of is he really needs Davina to make his dagger and she was going in with or without him to get Josh.  This was his way of protecting her and still keeping her on his side. I believe he was telling the truth to Finn when he told him she was a harvest girl he had wrapped around his finger and with her they could accomplish quite a bit.  Kol has learned the trick of wrapping a lie in the truth to get what he wants.  I like him...hope he doesn't die actually.  It's nice to have more than the 2 originals (Klaus and Elijah) on a show called The Originals.

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How did you get this? Finn cursed Kol's new body to die meanwhile his curse inhibits his soul from finding another host. It's possibly the cruelest thing he could've done to Kol since he gets time to contemplate the end coming.


I didn't mean literally forever, I meant until his human body died, and no I don't see how this is demonstrably different from how he was already supposed to be existing (human could die at any moment) and highlights my big ish with Finn/Esther's morality play vis a vis let's all be humans and not  live UNNATURAL vampire lives, but now it appears their plan was to hop from body to body for all of eternity and those body's souls be damned? Mmmkay.  


I don't see that "curse" sticking, especially when they just introduced the far more powerful Freya, who is clearly hear to curb the way too powerful and mid hissy fit Finn. Of course Kol is probably still fucked because Freya singled out TRAITORS and he is nothing if not that.



Cursed! Now he can't jump bodies and he's going to die in two days.


I guess I DID miss this part, it wasn't clear to me his contemplation "over the next few days" was literally to be the entirety of his life, just that he had to die a human death and couldn't jump. He's definitely stuck in that mortal body (for now), but again I can't imagine it's gonna stick. As much as I love Nu Kol I did laugh at him being called a duplicitous weasel and I do think he saw this as his opportunity to play every angle: claim to Finn he's using Davina to kill Klaus, keep Davina happy by helping her with Josh/Marcel and...killing Klaus, and of course claim to Klaus that he's on his side too if given half a chance. I love that boy: "You sound like Sherlock  Holmes after one too many tequilas." Hee.

I really enjoyed Cassie being killed by Freya, almost a disturbing amount, that character was super annoying.

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The only thing I can think of is he really needs Davina to make his dagger and she was going in with or without him to get Josh.  This was his way of protecting her and still keeping her on his side. I believe he was telling the truth to Finn when he told him she was a harvest girl he had wrapped around his finger and with her they could accomplish quite a bit.  Kol has learned the trick of wrapping a lie in the truth to get what he wants.  I like him...hope he doesn't die actually.  It's nice to have more than the 2 originals (Klaus and Elijah) on a show called The Originals.


For some reason I thought the dagger was finished, but you're right. Kol is my favorite on the show (closely followed by Finn), so of course I don't want him to die either. But he has been flirting with death too much lately and as Daniel S isn't a regular yet, I'm starting to suspect he's a goner. 

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 I really love Jackson, he seems too good for Haley though. I am glad she's showing trust and care for him now. 


NuRebeckha isn't that bad, she really has her mannerisms down. I liked the scene with Klaus at the end. Although I really want Claire back.


Davina iis just annoying with her Klaus killing attempts, does she even remember why she's after him? Kol's just dumb, he changes sides so much none of his family want to save him.


No Cami = Awesome.

Edited by Artsda
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I guess I’m in the minority around here but I didn’t love the episode.

I just was not into the Klaus/Haley/Jackson scenes…. And sadly I think my problem is still with Haley, who it appears is becoming  more front and center as the series goes on.  I can’t exactly pinpoint my problem with her but every time someone talks about her being a queen or all her power I find myself going, “ Really? The trash bag who wore that horrible red dress to the Miss Mystic competition? Ehh….”.
I think it could have benefited the character of Hayley if the writing staff over at TVD had taken alittle more time with her character if JP & CO had an inkling they would continue to use her.  It makes me wonder if the people who are fans of Hayley did or did not watch TVD?
Anyway, the accent is getting better although now we are over enunciating words which is only a small step up.
I really hope we don’t go to THAT place with Klaus and Hayley.  The suspended belief that everyone around New Orleans JUST loves her and Cami will be too much for me.  1000 year old, body switching, vampires and witches fine, but that.. I’m out!

As everyone stated I’m curious to see what Klaus’s actual intentions were with the whole Jackson fight.   I did have a moment of sheer dread when Jackson mentioned them being from the same pack, where I thought it would totally be JP style to have Jackson die and Klaus take over as the Alpha and marry Hayley.
Side note- I LOVED how Joseph Morgan played the scene where he was looking for Hayley and threw the ball to the kid.
JM can look downright angelic and is such a nice contrast to the violent creature he portrays.

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Love the new Rebekah.Glad they let her(Maisie) keep her native accent wouldn't have wanted her to try an american or australian one . Hope she sticks around after Star Wars makes her big and if claire isn't coming back to stay. I find her Vamp fighting Hilarious still. Glad Cassie died hated her. Freya seems like she'll give them a good fight.


I wasn't really into the Klaus/Haley/Jackson storyline. I wish Klaus spent his time looking for Rebekah instead. Loved their scene at the end.


I can't express how much I love Finn he is one of my new favs. Glad he was made a regular. Since Kol wasn't made a regular I guess he'll be the one to die. Although they might pull the Freya/Ester/Mikeal gets killed so they're(the writers) keeping their word that an Original will die. Even if it is a copout.

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You've all covered all the things I liked about the episode. All I have left to say is that as much crap as I like to give JP and Co., I have to give them that they hit a grand slam with their recasts of the Mikaelsons. We've talked a lot about Finn and Kol, and I liked nuEsther too, but this episode definitely sold me on nuRebekah. Maisie Richardson-Sellers hit all the notes I love about Rebekah. Seriously, she was right on for me. I feel a little disloyal, but since it's CH's choice not to be on the show, I'm so relieved they found such a great replacement. The only bummer is that she still can't be with Klaus...sorry. But seriously, why does JM have so much chemistry with both versions of Bex? I liked their tiny smiley scene at the end better than any he's shared with his alleged love interests on this show. Sigh.


The thing that's great about Finn is...everything. But particularly what's great is that I hate him--I find his motivations and single-mindedness irritating and strangely illogical--but I don't care at all, and in fact I find myself almost rooting for him in his scenes because of Yusuf Gatewood. He's just so full of that righteous zeal. It's that thing about how everyone sees themselves as the hero of the story, no one thinks they're the villain. Finn absolutely thinks he's the hero, and from a certain moral perspective, he's right, and I totally buy it from him. 

Edited by Carrie Ann
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So Kol was tossed in a coffin that night that Freya was at the party, yes?  It seems too much a coincidence that Freya went into a sleep around that same time and that Kol put Rebekah in the same asylum Freya was doing the coma thing.  Perhaps Kol had a plan to help Freya and we just haven't heard it yet.  Maybe Freya needed a Mikaelson in the house to get out?  I'm hoping this means Freya will save my dear Kol.  I'm attached to him.  Plus I want the originals around for a while longer.  


I love Finn.  The actor is so mesmerizing.  But damn, Finn really is such a bore.  I didn't think he was all that intelligent by figuring out the Hope thing.  He had a bird's eye view so had all the facts.  He would have been insanely stupid not to figure it out so his torturing Marcel just seemed like such a waste of screen time.  He could have tortured Marcel for something he couldn't easily figure out, like the location to a secret magical battery lair in New Orleans or something else useful in his fight with the bros.


Which, on that note, these fights against the originals are also getting old.  I'm willing and able to ignore plot holes and suspend a hefty amount of disbelief, but the more people we have gunning for Klaus, the less I can ignore the fact that he can be taken down if these idiots just band together.  Like someone said above, rip apart his limbs, encase them in concrete, and spread them across the world.  And surely some vamp could have teamed up with some witch during the last 1000 years to figure out how to jump Klaus into another body.  Then there is Finn.  He's now too strong, plus he doesn't seem to have any conscience or care about anyone or anything so there is no plausible way to just get him to stop his bullshit, especially now that mommy dearest lost her leash.  Hopefully the supernatural world learns what teamwork means or else they will always be at the mercy of Finn, just like they are with Klaus.


Ok, so this may be inappropriate to admit, but I had this tiny moment of blind rage because I thought Claire Holt was in blackface.  That's how amazing the NuBekah is.  She has ClaireBekah's mannerisms down so well.  It's amazing.  Also, while we are on the inappropriate, I'm really hoping Rebekah and Klaus just hook up.  I think it would be great for a mainstream show to address consensual incest.  Not likely to happen, but I still want to see it on tv.  

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So Kol was tossed in a coffin that night that Freya was at the party, yes?  It seems too much a coincidence that Freya went into a sleep around that same time and that Kol put Rebekah in the same asylum Freya was doing the coma thing.  Perhaps Kol had a plan to help Freya and we just haven't heard it yet.  Maybe Freya needed a Mikaelson in the house to get out?  I'm hoping this means Freya will save my dear Kol.  I'm attached to him.  Plus I want the originals around for a while longer.


Yeah that's what I'm thinking too, but also Freya was Kol's date-not-really-a-date to the Christmas party in 1914. SO, I'm thinking Dahlia put her in the witch prison, but then if she was always powerful enough to break out, it wasn't really a prison. Maybe Dahlia just stuck her in Time Out? Hee. I think either Kol did have a plan to help Freya, OR at the least Freya has a plan to unite her family against Dahlia and save Hope, end the first born curse. If an Original is going to die, I assume it will be Freya who will go down.


The point is, the blinding pretty, and con man charm of Kol is STAYING.



Ok, so this may be inappropriate to admit, but I had this tiny moment of blind rage because I thought Claire Holt was in blackface.  That's how amazing the NuBekah is.  She has ClaireBekah's mannerisms down so well.  It's amazing.  Also, while we are on the inappropriate, I'm really hoping Rebekah and Klaus just hook up.  I think it would be great for a mainstream show to address consensual incest.  Not likely to happen, but I still want to see it on tv


Hey, maybe but then I have a whole section of my dvd's that is Incest Cinema, and I'm still pissed it didn't happen in Veronica Mars, if ever there were an opportunity to do it w/o really getting into people's reflex against it, it was the Lone Star accidental unknowing incest way. But yes I want them to just go for it with Klaus and Rebekah, cause hellooo vampires, and now she's technically in non blood related body. C'mon make it happen Plec!


I'm actually pretty happy with the development of Klaus this year, I think his beating the crap out of Jackson was really just a test, and it is miraculous he's allowed Haley into the circle of trust, plus they Mikaelson's will have bigger fish to fry and WILL all have to team up. I'm just wondering if they'll have Davina/Kol put aside the Death Wish or actually put that dagger in him to end the season, I'd prefer they didn't if only to stop justifying his paranoia and whiny baby fits.

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Yeah that's what I'm thinking too, but also Freya was Kol's date-not-really-a-date to the Christmas party in 1914. SO, I'm thinking Dahlia put her in the witch prison, but then if she was always powerful enough to break out, it wasn't really a prison. Maybe Dahlia just stuck her in Time Out? Hee. I think either Kol did have a plan to help Freya, OR at the least Freya has a plan to unite her family against Dahlia and save Hope, end the first born curse. If an Original is going to die, I assume it will be Freya who will go down.


The point is, the blinding pretty, and con man charm of Kol is STAYING.

Didn't even notice that Freya was his date.  I think I want to rewatch because I've missed a lot of the details surrounding the witch and Freya stuff.  Maybe Freya was somehow involved with Kol and the Claire witches?  I wonder if they built that house specifically for Freya because she was too strong.  Though why Freya stayed is hard to determine, unless it was simply because she needed a sibling to break free.  Hope they don't go down the road of Dahlia actually being the one in Freya's body.  



Hey, maybe but then I have a whole section of my dvd's that is Incest Cinema, and I'm still pissed it didn't happen in Veronica Mars, if ever there were an opportunity to do it w/o really getting into people's reflex against it, it was the Lone Star accidental unknowing incest way. But yes I want them to just go for it with Klaus and Rebekah, cause hellooo vampires, and now she's technically in non blood related body. C'mon make it happen Plec!

I think Klaus and Rebekah would also be a good one to explore because neither of them are dealing with the issue of unrequited love towards the other.  It gets weird when one sibling is pining and the other is all 'nope, totally my sibling'.  But here, they have such sexually charged chemistry and we know it must be deliberate since NuBekah is carrying it through.  Ignoring that Klaus just had a super unique special snowflake magic baby, the biggest issue of consensual incest is off the table.  Rebekah won't be having her brother's babies.  Also, like you say, their bodies aren't even genetically related anymore.  So yes, do it do it do it do it!  It's already unbelievable that they haven't had sex in the last 1000 years.  You live that long and you've likely done it all, especially when it's clearly what you want.  

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I guess I’m in the minority around here but I didn’t love the episode.

I just was not into the Klaus/Haley/Jackson scenes…. And sadly I think my problem is still with Haley, who it appears is becoming  more front and center as the series goes on.  I can’t exactly pinpoint my problem with her but every time someone talks about her being a queen or all her power I find myself going, “ Really? The trash bag who wore that horrible red dress to the Miss Mystic competition? Ehh….”.


I laughed for a good five minutes after reading that.  I don't think I'll ever be able to look at Haley again without thinking "trash bag". LOL.  And yes you're right, I feel the same about the episode in general and especially about Haley.  The switch from Tyler/Klaus jump off to hybrid queen is a pretty big stretch and no matter how many times she stands up to Niklaus, or Elijah or whoever I'm still not buying it.  Ever since this werewolf story started to emerge as the focus of this season, I've found my love for the show waning a bit.  I'm hoping whatever they do with Freya fixes that.


And while I see everyone here seems to love Finn, I think they're over doing it.  I love the actor, but I preferred him more when he seemed a little less crazy pants and more cold and calculating.  He's practically turning into a bond villain and I wish they would ease down a bit.

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I don't know guys -- given how controlling and horrible Klaus has been to Rebekah in the past, and that she's his little sister and physically weak compared to him (especially now), it just still seems too rape-y to me.


As much as I love their inappropriate little smiles and chemistry, I think I might end up vomiting a bit if it actually got consummated.


Also, I like Finn because he's still trying to guilt trip everybody. Idk, but I actually find it interesting and charming how devoted he was to Esther. He's impossible, but he has a legitimate gripe, I think. Imo it makes sense that he'd feel betrayed by his siblings, since he dedicated his life to their mother but instead of thanking him for taking that on, they're just like, "well wtvr, we hate her, too."


I guess I like him and his obsession with Esther in the same way I like Klaus and his obsession with Mikael, lol.

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I really like Freya and I hope we see more of her and Rebekah together.  Both actresses worked really well together.  The actress playing Rebekah is really good because you can see all of Claire Holt's traits of Rebekah in her portrayal. I'm really glad Cassie's gone.  I'll echo that no Cammie in an episode is a good episode. I just don't care for Haley at all and if the character was killed off I really wouldn't care except to say take Cammie too.  I think all the brothers better be on their best behavior or Freya will be teaching them a lesson, especially if they are working to hurt one another like they all are. 

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I laughed for a good five minutes after reading that.  I don't think I'll ever be able to look at Haley again without thinking "trash bag". LOL.  And yes you're right, I feel the same about the episode in general and especially about Haley.  The switch from Tyler/Klaus jump off to hybrid queen is a pretty big stretch and no matter how many times she stands up to Niklaus, or Elijah or whoever I'm still not buying it.  Ever since this werewolf story started to emerge as the focus of this season, I've found my love for the show waning a bit.  I'm hoping whatever they do with Freya fixes that.


And while I see everyone here seems to love Finn, I think they're over doing it.  I love the actor, but I preferred him more when he seemed a little less crazy pants and more cold and calculating.  He's practically turning into a bond villain and I wish they would ease down a bit.

Thank you! You summarized exactly what I meant perfectly.

Everyone keeps telling me she's the Alpha and all awesome but even with her standing up to whoever I'm still all

"Ehhh.... whatever...".

I can see how Finn is starting to become a little MORE on the cray cray side, I'm just hopeful it's part of his storyline to see him unravel. As if he had the best intentions when this began, but now the power and his desire to take revenge on his family has clouded his "pure" intentions. At least that’s how I hope it plays out.



I really like Freya and I hope we see more of her and Rebekah together.  Both actresses worked really well together.  The actress playing Rebekah is really good because you can see all of Claire Holt's traits of Rebekah in her portrayal. I'm really glad Cassie's gone.  I'll echo that no Cammie in an episode is a good episode. I just don't care for Haley at all and if the character was killed off I really wouldn't care except to say take Cammie too.  I think all the brothers better be on their best behavior or Freya will be teaching them a lesson, especially if they are working to hurt one another like they all are. 

I really enjoyed the sisters together as well.

It was pleasant change for me since I'm not a huge fan of the females on this show so I'm hoping both stick around!

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Is it just me or is this mystical ability to pass on traits to the werewolf pack at the wedding a wee bit.... completely ridiculous?!  


First, it's not really a "spell" that gives Hybrids control over the ability to shift.  It's being a vampire (which is ridiculous anyway).

So how Haley could pass on the trait without turning the pack into hybrids (which would at least make a modicum of sense) is beyond me.


Second, I could have accepted if they said that traits are bred into the pack through their children, but you just have to show up at the wedding and bam you get shiny new powers?  Thanks for the toaster, please accept your parting gift which is the ability to become insanely more dangerous and powerful.  Really??


Third, if the ability to control shifting came from discipline and training and was something Klaus had and was teaching to Haley I could maybe buy her telling her pack that she would pass this knowledge on to them, but yet again TO plays it fast and loose with their own mythology making changes and expanding abilities that weaken the allure, mystique and stature of the Mikaelsons and the supernatural in this world in general.


Very disappointing.

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I think the marriage ritual makes sense in this universe.  Everything about the being of werewolves is magical and weird to start with.  The werewolf gene is activated in a truly absurd way...they have to murder someone.  Then they have zero control over their shift and it's painful as hell.  At least they call it a curse.  There is now a moonlight ring, which works in this universe where daylight rings exists.  This moonlight ring affords the wearer the ability to have all the werewolf traits without needing to shift.  I think it makes sense that there is some other sort of magic that connects a pack in some mystical way and allows the Alpha(s) to share (not pass on, though I'll assume future offspring are magically grandfathered in) their traits.  In this case, the trait being shared is similar to the one with the moonlight ring, with the difference being that they can force a shift at any time.  It's all magic, so rules are extremely flexible.  


I think the only thing that hasn't made sense was when Haley shifted her arm and she didn't express any agonizing pain.  No other hybrid in this universe has shifted without pain so that was total bullshit.  The rest, though, works.  

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I'm still not buying it.  The activation of the werewolf curse can be looked at from a magical angle, it's a punishment or rite of passage, but it can also be looked at from a biological angle, where in the act of killing certain changes in the body and the brain activate the curse.  


The moonlight ring, much like the daylight ring is completely magic, it's a way to contain the change.  I can accept that.  But the ability to shift on call hasn't really been defined other than the fact that you can do it if you're a hybrid.  Making it something nebulous like "oh it's just magic" cheapens it IMO, obviously YMMV.  It's not a containment spell like with the moonlight ring, it's an inherited ability that comes directly from also being a vampire.


Being able to share this ability with a bunch of wolves at a wedding - and don't forget it has to be a real marriage because apparently the hoodoo spiritual force granting this ability can tell if the marriage is just a sham - seems like a huge stretch.


Of course there is a chance that, that is the point.  That they'll go through with this wedding and nothing will happen.  It wouldn't be the first time a well believed legend in the TVD universe turned out to be false.

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Everything about the being of werewolves is magical and weird to start with.


Yeah this is why I've been bugged by the "vamp blood and vampirism doesn't stop cancer" stuff. Mmkay you are dead but your cells are still "multiplying"? As Caroline pointed out, "It's LITERALLLY *MAGIC*". 


Plus I don't really care that much about the wolves, and yes it most likely won't work like they are assuming/hoping, the TO/TVD universe is pretty good about portraying the "costs" of all this magic and supernatural stuff. My guess is they will get the ability to turn at will, but NOT Haley's immortality.

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I'm still not buying it.  The activation of the werewolf curse can be looked at from a magical angle, it's a punishment or rite of passage, but it can also be looked at from a biological angle, where in the act of killing certain changes in the body and the brain activate the curse.  


The moonlight ring, much like the daylight ring is completely magic, it's a way to contain the change.  I can accept that.  But the ability to shift on call hasn't really been defined other than the fact that you can do it if you're a hybrid.  Making it something nebulous like "oh it's just magic" cheapens it IMO, obviously YMMV.  It's not a containment spell like with the moonlight ring, it's an inherited ability that comes directly from also being a vampire.


Being able to share this ability with a bunch of wolves at a wedding - and don't forget it has to be a real marriage because apparently the hoodoo spiritual force granting this ability can tell if the marriage is just a sham - seems like a huge stretch.


Of course there is a chance that, that is the point.  That they'll go through with this wedding and nothing will happen.  It wouldn't be the first time a well believed legend in the TVD universe turned out to be false.

If chemical changes in the body after committing murder is enough to activate a magical curse, why wouldn't chemical changes in the body for a marriage be enough to activate a different sort of magic?  I'm reluctant to agree that the curse has to do with quantifiable brain changes after committing murder since not everyone will experience the same reaction.  We've seen some wolves express joy at the murder and others express horror; very different responses.  


But there is something present at the murder that activates some sort of magic.  That magic can be attached to emotions, chemicals in the body, or some metaphysical webcam monitoring murders.  If magic can be attached to one sort of thing, it stands to reason that it can also be attached to something comparable.  Perhaps the marriage magic ritual can test out the body's biological response to truth (the truth being that the marriage is real and not a sham) or the magic tests the chemicals in the body of the couple to see what sort of changes their brain has while saying their vows (surely a negative response in the brain would be grounds for the spell to fail) or their is some sort of magical webcam monitoring all these times Jackson and Haley spend together and watching their relationship grow and coming to the conclusion that it's a real one.  


Just saying that marriage and murder are actions on opposite ends of the same spectrum.  It's not like comparing apples to treadmills, more like apples and oranges.  


I do agree that the magical ritual won't work out as they expect it to.  If they can supposedly share traits with their pack, what else can be shared?  What about all those secrets they have?  Will the pack suddenly know about Hope?  Will they know that Haley set up 12 of her friends to be murdered by Klaus and if so, what will they do about that?  What happens if Alpha status is shared and Haley and Jackson discover they can't control the wolves?  There is going to be some sort of crazy negative consequence to this ritual, if it even works.  

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I'm so over Finn. I find the actor somewhat charismatic, but her just chews the scenery to bits. He's too over the top for me with the moustache twirling. I certainly understand his motivation to a point, being daggered for a millennium and all. But I really don't enjoy this characterization or acting performance.

I know he's one of "The Originals" but he's not one of *my* originals - - Klaus, Elijah, Rebekkah. I simply do not care what happens to this character, and part of that was displayed in this episode. He's so all-powerful now that opposing him seems folly. I don't trust them to make the conflict with him believable without a major readjustment.

Anyway, combination of the omnipotence and the dreadful acting, and I'm ready to fast forward. I'm much more interested in Freya.

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Of course there is a chance that, that is the point.  That they'll go through with this wedding and nothing will happen.  It wouldn't be the first time a well believed legend in the TVD universe turned out to be false.


I'm hoping for this, but then I don't see the point of Jackson or the marriage at all, and then that removes the barrier between Hayley and Elijah. How ever will they stall it, without an artificial barrier???


But assuming it does work as anticipated--and I don't really expect the show to explore something like this--I kind of wonder what removing the moon curse would do to alter the pack dynamic. Because, aside from the whole "wolf" thing, I could imagine that werewolves naturally organize in "packs" in order to protect and help each other during full moons, and to keep from just annihilating themselves. But if they can control the change, and only do so when they want to, some of the pack structure might start to break down. Just a thought. I can barely bring myself to care about the wolves, but this is sort of interesting to me.

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What if the marriage thing works, but what Hayley passes to the pack is all the shittier stuff related to being a hybrid? Like what if she makes the whole pack dead or infertile or something?


Why are they going through with the marriage again? I thought the point of the marriage was so that the werewolves wouldn't need to use Esther's moonlight rings, but now that Esther's a vampire, and not a witch, and out of commission anyway, what's the problem with using the rings?

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I thought the point of the marriage was so that the werewolves wouldn't need to use Esther's moonlight rings, but now that Esther's a vampire, and not a witch, and out of commission anyway, what's the problem with using the rings?


There was some insinuation that Finn has the wolves in the quarter under his thrall/witch powers via the rings...IDK like maybe the rings only worked while Esther had her witch magic and now Finn just backed it up with his, plus the power boost of his two parents as vampire power batteries. So yeah so if those wolves are still under Finn's orders than they're still a threat to Hope, and the wedding is an opportunity to "break" that leverage of the moon rings. But it would still require all the Quarter Wolves to attend the wedding and buy in to this idea of sharing Haley's hybrid powers, which they all think is like an abomination.  

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First, it's not really a "spell" that gives Hybrids control over the ability to shift.  It's being a vampire (which is ridiculous anyway).

So how Haley could pass on the trait without turning the pack into hybrids (which would at least make a modicum of sense) is beyond me.


Maybe it will turn them all into hybrids and they'll all be abominations to themselves. Wouldn't that be a kick in the nads.

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Most of the above posts covered what I liked about this episode, so just a couple of other observations:


1.  The blonde witch in the asylum:  I was convinced they were going to pull a bait-and-switch, that she'd be Dahlia.  The Freya reveal was nice anyway.  I am confused as to how she's still, you know, alive.  We've seen a few witches who could extend their lives a few decades, but centuries?  Is she like Brigadoon, appearing once a century for a few days then back in her statis pod for 100 years?


2.  Klaus's proported jealousy of Jackson because he got to spend time with Ansel.  "You were the son he always wanted".  Esther resurrected Ansel, and Ansel and Jackson only spent a couple of months together.  It's not like Ansel raised Jackson from a puppy.  I never bought that as a motivation for Klaus to beat the tar out of Jackson.

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Klaus is a big drama queen who is paranoid and gets irrationally jealous of anything that takes Elijah's or Rebekah's attention away from him so I can buy Klaus kicking the crap out of Jackson for having the audacity to have a five minute conversation with Ansel, let alone having a chummy relationship with him for months. Klaus is the self centered kind of brat who would throw a temper tantrum if he thought the waiter was insulting him by having one less crouton than he thought he should have in his salad.

I think Klaus is also jealous that Hayley is willing to marry Jackson. Even though it's to help her woofs, Klaus no doubt sees it as disloyalty on her part because he wants to be the #1 priority on everyone's list. I'm sure that his interpretation of their engagement is that Hayley chose Jackson and her pack over Klaus, which is just one more reason for Klaus to kick his ass and assert his dominance.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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I think Klaus is also jealous that Hayley is willing to marry Jackson. Even though it's to help her woofs, Klaus no doubt sees it as disloyalty on her part because he wants to be the #1 priority on everyone's list. I'm sure that his interpretation of their engagement is that Hayley chose Jackson and her pack over Klaus, which is just one more reason for Klaus to kick his ass and assert his dominance.

Which is stupid, because Hayley has always been about her woofs. She has Hope now so she's fighting for more, but she's always the first to speak up about Lycanthropic American rights. This should not be a surprise to Klaus, but I guess he automatically expects everyone in his orbit to defer to him like he's the sun.

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I think Klaus is also jealous that Hayley is willing to marry Jackson. Even though it's to help her woofs, Klaus no doubt sees it as disloyalty on her part because he wants to be the #1 priority on everyone's list. I'm sure that his interpretation of their engagement is that Hayley chose Jackson and her pack over Klaus, which is just one more reason for Klaus to kick his ass and assert his dominance.


I don't see this.  I think he saw that she was wavering a bit because of "the secret" and her thing with Elijah, but knew that she would ultimately still go through with it and he wanted to manipulate her into FORCEFULLY taking a stand.  As in "If you're gonna do this, and put everything on the line for Jackson and this pack you better BE DAMN SURE,  you need to be willing to FIGHT for him/them."


The more Haley cares about the pack the better for Klaus, because he ultimately wants control of the pack for himself.  Plus now he doesn't have to watch over Jackson because who better to keep an eye on him than the person who vouched for his trustworthiness.  Their wedding allows Klaus to play puppet master with the pack and let Haley and Jackson think they're running the show.  The minute Jackson steps out of line, Klaus will just try to kill him.


That doesn't mean that Haley and Jackson both didn't drop some truth bombs on him during the whole ordeal, but I think it went down exactly as Klaus expected it to.

Edited by wednesbury
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How did you get this? Finn cursed Kol's new body to die meanwhile his curse inhibits his soul from finding another host. It's possibly the cruelest thing he could've done to Kol since he gets time to contemplate the end coming. 


My poor Kol!  I am still holding out hope that NB is coming back.  

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