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I hadn't heard of this (haven't been watching the show) but I've been going to auctions for decades and at every one the auctioneer's word is law.  If he missed your bid and he doesn't want to reopen that's tough luck.  The auctioneer takes bids at his discretion.  If the producers kept after Dave to persist after Dan said "sold" that's on them.  I realize the whole thing is unreal reality and if you want trouble goading an asshole to attack will work, but Dan was running the show as if it weren't just for show, and in real life even Dave would have backed down for fear of being banned. 

Edited by Totale

Whoa! Didn't know about any of this! Where have I been?? Laura's got quite the mouth on her, although I'm sure Hester could drive just about anyone insane. He's a jerk, but if the producers noodged him on, they've got to take some of the blame, no?


ETA: Was this a recent event, or is this from months ago, when Dave was first kicked out?

Edited by A Boston Gal

Thanks, Homily.  I caught that episode and talk about lunch bag letdown.  I mean I certainly didn't want Laura to actually be badly hurt or anything but it was way more about the other buyers than it was about Dan, Laura or even Dave.  I'm watching tonight's new episode now which is apparently the first one with Dave back after the brawl.  It looks like they've decided to make Dave not just the resident bad guy but the resident evil guy plus there is now Big Time Animosity between Dave and the Dotsons.  I wonder how much of this is producer driven and how much is actually real.

What does that asshole have on them? Were they that desperate to settle the suit they let him back on? Disgusting.

He completely ruins this show for me. From his arrogant bidding to his overvaluing of his finds, and every step before and after, he just turns my stomach.

And I think I'm over Barry, and his clip show, too. He's just too-too something for me. Wannabe character? Trying too hard? I dunno.

It's pretty bad when Mary makes other players look good. But when another player is that Mavrick creep... Maybe understandable.

Was surprised not to see B&J these last episodes. Did I miss something?

Edited by NewDigs

Finally saw the fight episode. Looked to me like Dan pushed his chest into Dave's space but Dave threw the first punch. He could have chest-pushed Dan back but he got, imho, really hands-on aggressive. And Laura's poor pelvis/sacroiliac hit the ground. That can do lasting damage.

I don't know how most shows handle physical altercations and I only remember RealWorld guidelines which stated that, You lay hands on someone and you're gone.

Oh well.

I'm overthinking this but I found the scene rather distressing. Especially 'cuz the asshole is still on.

Totally agree with Cherry Ames's opinion of Hester as "evil".

This show used to be more fun.

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Dave and his inflated sense of value makes me shake my head.  There is not a single more reprehensible POS on reality tv as dave hester.


I've always thought that but an episode I saw tonight was just ridiculous, in one locker there was some sad old outdoor furniture, just chairs I think, and he claimed they were worth several hundred dollars.  I mean  seriously, Dave?  I can't believe the other buyers aren't crying foul over this crap.

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Finally saw the fight episode. Looked to me like Dan pushed his chest into Dave's space but Dave threw the first punch. He could have chest-pushed Dan back but he got, imho, really hands-on aggressive. And Laura's poor pelvis/sacroiliac hit the ground. That can do lasting damage.



Missed the first 5 minutes. What started the fight? Did Dave say something ignorant?


Does Rene have a speech impediment or is that an accent?

I am by no means a Dave defender he is and always will be a butt munch - however,  Dan and Laura are just as much to blame for the "fight" (if it was real) IMO - Dave was being a butt and a smart ass but Dan was the one who took it to a physical place and Laura (who I really cannot stand) needed to stay out of it.  She just made it worse.  Pretty bad when Rene is the smartest one there to get Laura away from Dave.   This show really went from campy fun to trashy in that episode

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In defense of Dan and Laura, Dave came over being belligerent (as usual) and unless this was producer driven I can see where they had just had it with that obnoxious little man and decided to draw a line in the sand.  Whatever happened though between Dan and Dave it was clear to me that Dave shoved Laura,  That this seems to have just been handwaved away in subsequent episodes makes me think that the fight was scripted or Dave came across with a handsome apology and a big cheque off screen,

Missed the first 5 minutes. What started the fight? Did Dave say something ignorant?


Does Rene have a speech impediment or is that an accent?

IIRC, Dan missed that Mary was trying to bid on a unit. Mary was quite good natured about being left out but did mention to Dan that he had overlooked her bid.

So of course Dave had to ratchet it up a notch and made some smart ass remarks about Dan's auctioneering abilities, or lack thereof, to which Dan responded with the chest-butt and Dave responded with a hands-on shove. Neither showed much glory but imho the chest-butt was not as radical as Dave's hands-on shove.

I think Laura tried to get between the two of them and was pushed to the ground by Dave. And I cannot imagine that didn't hurt!

Surprised to see Mary friending up to Dave!

I just assumed Rene's speech pattern was an accent. Dunno.

I was curious about that too and when I looked him up I found that though he is from Germany (and his father was originally from Austria)  his family relocated to the US in 1990.  I'm not sure how old he is but given he's been in the US for 25 years and graduated from high school there I'm not convinced what we're hearing is a "thick German accent" - which is how I've seen it described from various sources.  I think there is a trace of an accent but mostly it is a speech impediment -which makes the way Darrel and Brandon mock him pretty toolish.

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So, what do we think about the "Barry Strikes Back" episodes, besides being a super-cheap way to bring Barry back into the mix? IMHO, Barry is still fun to watch, and I love how he brings  buddy Kenny (yes, Kenny's back!) up to speed with explanations of just how much a tool Dave Hester really is.


By the way, just what is Barry sitting on while they watch? Some kind of car throne?

Edited by A Boston Gal

I haven't had a chance to see Barry "strike back" too many times yet, but I've liked what I've seen so far. I saw an episode last week where Barry commented on Dave's over-appraisals, but then pointed to one of his own items that had been overvalued by the person he took it to on the show. I suspect the producers are encouraging the inflated numbers, but I miss the early days when some items turned out to have little or no value, so you didn't know what to expect. It's boring to have every locker contain a salted item that gets an impressive number stuck on it by the appraiser (who may be the one from whom the show got the item).

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I liked a recent episode I saw (it may not have actually been a recent episode though if you  know what I mean) where they showed crappy locker after crappy locker that no one even bid on.  I bet that actually happens a lot but it would be pretty boring to show.  It was nice to see them acknowledge though that most of the time the lockers have little to nothing of value in them.

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Someone just told me that the original store Brandi and Jarrod owned has now closed.  If that's true I wonder why they are still going to storage auctions?  I guess they could be doing swap meets like Hester.  I hope being in this show brings in enough money to keep them going.  I couldn't care less what happens to Hester but I like Brandi and Jarrod!

Edited by CherryAmes

Did they explain why Jarrod and Brandi are even bothering to try and buy lockers if they don't have a store?

7 minutes ago, MrsEVH said:

What happened to all of them?

I read somewhere that Brandon isn't on the show because A&E decided to cut costs and he was one of the casualties.  I have to say if the idiot Darrel showed up with is going to be a recurring character I may need to tune out!  He got on my last nerve.   I haven't heard that Laura and Dan aren't coming back.  If they aren't then I will not be happy although I did like the new auctioneer.

I will miss Dan and Laura. I still miss Barry - I can tolerate Rene but Mary really gets to me - her schtick has gotten old. I'm curious to find out what happened to Brandi and Jarrod. Besides the closing of the one store in 2014 - I can't find anything about what may have happened that Jarrod is looking for a job. They obviously were blowing through their money because besides their salaries - they get fees for other engagements and merchandise. I just ran across this article and since they were both main characters - they had to be making close to what Dave and Darrell are.

"Before being booted off Storage Wars, Dave Hester told the press that he was paid $25,000 for each episode, with a guarantee of 26 episodes, a monthly stipend of $2,500, with an expense account of $124,500, and he received $25,000 as a signing bonus. That's about $800,000 per year!

It has also been revealed that Darrell Sheets used to secure roughly $30,000 per episode for the 30-minute series. We assume other cast members are paid a similar amount."

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On 4/12/2017 at 6:47 PM, kathyk24 said:

I don't know if I want keep watching. No Brandon and no Dan and Laura. Brandi and Jarrod lost their store but the awful Dave Hester is still there.

Did they lose their original store in Orange, CA? Or are you referring to the second store they had in Long Beach that tanked a couple years ago? I got sick of this show a long time ago but A&E plays reruns EVERY f'n weekend..ad nauseum. 

On 4/21/2017 at 7:13 PM, CherryAmes said:

Definitely mean their original store.  Which is why I wonder why they're buying storage lockers.  I guess they could be selling online but if that's the case I don't recall them saying so.

So both of their stores are closed. Neither Brandi or Jarod ever gave much of an impression that they were smart enough to run a successful business but that's just IMO. I do realize that these reality shows are staged and scripted so who knows what these people are like in their "real" lives. Barry is the only one on this show that I consistently enjoy. But Storage Wars anywhere..._(Texas, California) is so not interesting anymore. Time to end this particular over-the-top fake reality show.

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Just an FYI - According to an interview with them up on their Facebook page, Dan and Laura are returning this season, just not in the first few episodes, which I think was a mistake as people will think they're gone and tune out.  It looks like the cast rotates a lot more than it used to with some members in some episodes and some in others.

6 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

Just bring in some new people. I don't care. I  do not ever want to see that fat troll Darrel in his "muscle" shirts with his enormous gut billowing out. And fuck his wife Kimber....so sick of hearing him talk about her. I don't know what attracted her to him. Yuck

Living in the area she sells homes and seeing her face on stuff or name has always been annoying long before this Darrel ended up with her. He isn't with her anymore either but that other chick that is now that is equally annoying IMO. I noticed she was wearing a sweatshirt for the horse rescue she works for. We had no idea this had come back on until the other night. Husband flipped it on. He thinks they are trying to bring new blood into things to mix it up and see if it gets them a new audience. I just know there are those I am sooooo over. Mary is one of them for sure. I have never liked her at all and found her to be the most annoy person with her voice and dorky laugh.

  If Jarrod and Brandi lost the store in Orange no surprise. Its a tough place to do business. We go over there to the old town and antique shop on one street where most things are located. Yet the last few months we have noticed a few of the smaller shops gone and new ones pop in but yet the next time we go those ones are having out of business sales. So I wonder if the rents are just to high and not enough business for those places. As well as some just weren't fitting in with the stores around them either but more "trendy" like. That is not how it is right there. From what I had heard as well is that they were not much of a thrift store either as the shop's name had said but that things were overpriced. I don't doubt it. They probably assumed they could sell the stuff to those watching the show and most would pay whatever for the crap they sold. The location wasn't exactly the best either. Not a ton around that people are going to stop at and spend much time. Yet if they are hurting for money they shouldn't have blown what they have made off the shows but instead been smart about it. Which I don't think many "reality stars" are for the most part. He is pushing his outlaw line though but I can't imagine that makes much at all. 

As for Dan and Laura, after awhile they got on my nerves. More so her than him but the new girl seemed ok. I'm just could do without the stupid comments from any of them at times. 


I thought Darrel and Kimber were engaged/married?! And Kimber sold real estate, she met Darrell when the show first started. Darrel divorced his first wife for Kimber? But that may have been 10 seasons ago for all I know! And maybe I' ve got that story all wrong. Lol! 

I've also been to the antique mall in Orange ca, where Brandi and Jarod had their original store. It's very expensive to rent there and the antiques are very pricey too.

I still like the concept of the storage wars show but man it's time to clean out these old, boring bidders and the "staged" lockers.

Edited by chenoa333
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8 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

I thought Darrel and Kimber were engaged/married?! And Kimber sold real estate, she met Darrell when the show first started. Darrel divorced his first wife for Kimber? But that may have been 10 seasons ago for all I know! And maybe I' ve got that story all wrong. Lol! 

I've also been to the antique mall in Orange ca, where Brandi and Jarod had their original store. It's very expensive to rent there and the antiques are very pricey too.

I still like the concept of the storage wars show but man it's time to clean out these old, boring bidders and the "staged" lockers.

I don't know if they ever got married or not. Darrell I don't think has his warehouse here either anymore. It wasn't far from where I am but he had moved it I think back to San Diego or somewhere down that way my husband said. Kimber is one of those agents you see her name a lot around my area..so no surprised that some how they had ended up meeting. She seemed to take advantage of his being on tv to promote she did real estate too with her signs placed just so in scenes. Yet it was reported a while back they weren't together anymore and he was with this brunette that looks like she has a wig on. She was with him when he got the locker with animal traps and knives. 

We never went to their store there. Like I said we always stick to the one location and walk the stores there on Glassell near the circle. We have found lots of fun things over the years that weren't expensive and other things we wish we could afford or had a place for. LOL I was bummed as it was I missed out on a curio cabinet that a seller didn't need anymore. Its the one thing I could really use right now. The others I found are not what I want or way to much there. It is a fun place to walk around though and check things out. There are really old buildings all around and you never know what you might fun in the end. 

I agree it would be nice to see the show clean them out and stop the "staged" junk. I can't help but roll my eyes during those times. 


I just googled for images of Darrel and his new fiance. Darrel lost 100 pounds (according to him) all i could see in the video was his face and his fiance shoving her hand into the camera to show off her engaement ring. 

She said she's the ceo or president (forgot which) of the largest horse rescue in the usa. Hey honey, I'll bet that rock on your finger could be sold and the proceeds go to your saving another horse from the slaughterhouse. But, that's just my way of thinking.

Edited by chenoa333
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