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Hallmark Movies: Small Town Royalty Magically Celebrating Rekindled Love! - General Discussion

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3 hours ago, mikeb said:

Hallmark has announced that the series finale of Good Witch will be airing July 25th.  This must have been planned in advance as sounds like it will be a special episode.



Not surprised in the slightest.  This show which once was so, so special to me has completely lost my interest.  The “magic” is gone in every way.  

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, LexieLily said:

Was Crashing Through The Snow a Hallmark-produced movie or a pick-up? There was a divorced (!) couple and the ex-husband's new girlfriend set up the ex-wife with her brother!

Not only that but I think I saw tongue! in the final kiss.  I don't know if he slipped her the tongue, did an actor trick to make it look like he was going to or if his tongue was just inadvertently in the shot but it was there.  If it had been Hallmark, you just know they would have had their mouths closed for that final kiss. 

Other signs that it was a pick up, the very first interaction between the two leads was kind of suggestive with his suggestion that they test out the sauna together.  And their first kiss was with the two of them half naked.  Plus, they actually have chemistry.

Overall, I quite liked the movie.  The scenario you mentioned with the ex-wife dating the brother of the ex-husband's girlfriend was the source of a slight pause to their relationship instead of some big misunderstanding.  And everyone's concerns were logical. 

I also thought it was smartly put together.  I wondered why they chose to give the brother and sister a step mom but it ended up being used in a relevant way because they highlighted people's thoughts and fears about all kinds of relationships--what it must be like to see your kids bond with the new girlfriend, what it must be like to try to bond with your partner's kids...etc.

ETA:  I just did look it up and it's through Cartel media.  Definitely not Crown.

3 hours ago, LexieLily said:

Was Crashing Through The Snow a Hallmark-produced movie or a pick-up? There was a divorced (!) couple and the ex-husband's new girlfriend set up the ex-wife with her brother!

It’s not a Hallmark production but Hallmark bought it before it was filmed. Hallmark has a worked with Cartel Productions a lot and they stick to the formula. Since this one didn’t I’m assuming Hallmark approved it. 

ETA: The Crown Media logo was at the end of the credits so it was a co-production between Hallmark and Cartel. 

Edited by Guest

I also liked that it purposely pointed out a lot of Hallmark patterns. Like the lead actor commenting on there being a mix-up and only one room for two people and how that's like a romantic cliche. I forget his exact wording. Someone else mentioned the scene with innuendo - I thought there was actually more than one scene with that. And even her wearing the nicer pajamas expecting him to stop by her room (though they weren't exactly sexy pajamas). 

And I also thought I spotted some tongue during the final kiss. 


ETA: I liked this movie more than I expected to. The commercials did it no favors.

Edited by EyewatchTV211
  • Love 2

Apparently in the minority here, but currently watching Crashing Through The Snow and strongly disliking everything about it, especially the female lead but also the relationship with her and her ex and his girlfriend.  Why would she agree to celebrate Christmas with her ex and his girlfriend??  How clueless is the ex that he thought this would be a good idea (especially if his plan was to propose in front of the family at dinner?)  And why is he clearly jealous of the brother while being a dick to her because she's not bending over backwards to make his vacation a success?  At least the friction is real - if they really got along all the time, they wouldn't be divorced!  Personally, I would stick pins in my eyes before spending Christmas away with my ex and his wife and I'm willing to believe 99% of the divorced world feels the same.

ETA:  Yup, definitely tongue.

I do have the PVR all set up as Christmas in July is officially here and I miss some of the movies I saw at Christmas while not really liking anything I've seen since.  There is something jarring about all that red and green in the middle of summer though.

Edited by bankerchick
1 minute ago, bankerchick said:

Why would she agree to celebrate Christmas with her ex and his girlfriend??  How clueless is the ex that he thought this would be a good idea (especially if his plan was to propose in front of the family at dinner?)  And why is he clearly jealous of the brother while being a dick to her because she's not bending over backwards to make his vacation a success? 

It wasn't his idea; it was his girlfriend's once she realized that it was the norm for them even divorced. I do know of divorced parents who spend the holidays together--or at least did before other family obligations pulled them away or their kids got older.  It's maybe not the norm but I don't think it's that uncommon if the divorce is amicable.  But I don't think either of the exes would have agreed if it hadn't been for the girlfriend suggesting the idea and the girls enthusiastically embracing it.

And I'm not sure how far you've gotten in the movie but it does seem like it was an amicable divorce.  They were best friends.  They got married.  They had kids.  And then they woke up one day and realized that they're better off as friends. 

I don't think the ex was jealous either. I think he had a mistaken idea about Sam. I do agree he was a jerk to his ex-wife during that one confrontation but ultimately, I think it boiled down to him being overcome by nerves.  He knew his future fiancee wanted to connect with his daughters.  He felt his ex's presence was preventing that.  In the end, it was all about communicating.   Ideally, they wanted to be supportive of other relationships and tried to make choices that reflected that.  In reality, they were still humans with insecurities.  

52 minutes ago, bankerchick said:

Why would she agree to celebrate Christmas with her ex and his girlfriend??  How clueless is the ex that he thought this would be a good idea (especially if his plan was to propose in front of the family at dinner?) 

I know more than a few families, including my own, who did exactly that and the reason why was because everyone involved is able to put the kids first. It won’t work for everyone but I am eternally grateful that both my parents chose to maintain some level of normalcy for me and my brother and never forced us to pick a parent. Personally, I loved seeing that in a movie. 

A few comments on Crashing Through the Snow.

I make (or have feeble attempts to make) wreaths out of ornaments and buy inexpensive ornaments in big clear plastic tubes at AC Moore and Michaels when they have them on sale and I have coupons. The decorations all over the house looked like those plastic tubes of ornaments.  When I buy those ornaments in bulk like that, not once have I said to myself, "ShelleySue, instead of wasting your time with wire hangars and a hot glue gun thinking that this year is your year to make something that will look like a Martha Stewart creation, why don't you just put these plastic things all over your houses?  And why don't you open some of these containers and put the single ornaments in a straight line on every single flat surface?" And after seeing this movie I am still not going to say that to myself.

I still have no idea why Sam travelled from Tokyo to Aspen to interview for the job only to spend the time in that hotspring with Maggie.  Why didn't he ask her to come with him, sit in the car, or the next room and wait until he was done?  No matter how upset she was about the proposal, how could she be so selfish not to understand how important the interview was to him? BTW - What is a "Deck"? I assume it's some sort of presentation, but what is it specifically?

I believe 'deck' is the word used to describe a unit, like a presentation.

I have mad respect for those who were able to maintain a civil relationship with their ex, though this is not how it worked for me and I don't believe my kids would have been happier with my ex and I (and his adultery girlfriend) in the same room because we 'did it for them.' My kids knew things were toxic and they alternated years of Christmas morning with one and dinner with another.  Fortunately, they were old enough that Santa was not a thing anymore so it didn't really matter what time the gifts were opened.  They are now adults and have loving, happy relationships with both parents, but not at the same time.  And I maintain that in this movie, proposing to your new girlfriend at dinner with your ex-wife sitting there is ill-advised and disrespectful, regardless of how 'civil' you are to one another.  YMMV.

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Just watching Project Christmas Wish - am about to the point where the inevitable misunderstanding has to happen.  I'll be interested to see what they do.  Overall I've been enjoying this - good cast with excellent chemistry.  The daughter is great, not cloyingly adorable and able to act, double bonus.  The woman who plays Lucy is really good.  Looks like a real person which is a nice touch!  I don't know how I missed seeing this one last Christmas.

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, WinnieWinkle said:

Just watching Project Christmas Wish - am about to the point where the inevitable misunderstanding has to happen.  I'll be interested to see what they do.  Overall I've been enjoying this - good cast with excellent chemistry.  The daughter is great, not cloyingly adorable and able to act, double bonus.  The woman who plays Lucy is really good.  Looks like a real person which is a nice touch!  I don't know how I missed seeing this one last Christmas.

This was my favourite movie last Christmas, along with Christmas at Starlight.  Part of it is due to Travis Van Winkle being smoking hot, but also, I agree the actress playing the daughter can act and is adorable.  As you have no doubt figured by now (as the movie is over; I was also watching and PVRing) there is no big misunderstanding and I felt that Lucas' reaction was realistic.  I was frustrated by him, sure, but I didn't feel like throwing something at the tv because he misheard half a comment or saw Lucy innocently embrace a friend.  I think you probably missed it the first time because W played it on Dec. 26, then never again.  It was also not listed on their Christmas in July listing on the webpage, but my PVR found it because I had Van Winkle in my favourites.  I also noticed Christmas by Starlight is on W on Wed July 21 and Thurs July 22 in case you missed that one or want to watch it again (Paul Campbell/Kimberly Sustad - definitely worth the time.)

1 hour ago, bankerchick said:

I have mad respect for those who were able to maintain a civil relationship with their ex, though this is not how it worked for me and I don't believe my kids would have been happier with my ex and I (and his adultery girlfriend) in the same room because we 'did it for them.'

I wasn’t trying to suggest that it is always the right decision. It is definitely not always in the best interest of the kids. When I say doing it for the kids it doesn’t mean just choosing to spend time together but everyone involved being able to create a non-toxic environment. I wasn’t trying to suggest it is a flaw if that can’t happen.

The examples I have seen it wasn’t maintaining a civil relationship but where the adults involved were still friends. This movie presented a ideal situation for that type of relationship and, to me, it was refreshing.

I watched The Sweeter Side Of Life On over the weekend.  Just.....awful.

The lead actress reminded me of Ana Farris (Mom) -especially with the bangs.  I don't care how wealthy or entitled you are, the opening scene with her luxuriously waking up in bed, walking into her closet and giving her massive wardrobe "I wuv you soooooo much" googly eyes while she lovingly sighed was a bit too over the top.  I mean....who really does that??

She was clueless, vapid and an absolutely complete idiot (no prenup - okay!)  And in what state are there laws where the husband completely cuts the wife off from all funds and has to have her belongings packed and out of the house within a week?  Oh, and her attorney who accompanied her to the apartment while she packed couldn't even sit down on the couch while he was there?

Then...she gets hit by a car and magically wakes up in her old bedroom at her father's house in Joisy (Jersey) .  What I don't understand about some of these childhood homes of characters who left to make it big elsewhere is that the parents keep it EXACTLY the same - right down to her boy band posters on the wall and everything else that screams 'teenage girl'.  As soon as my brother and I were out of the house, his room got converted into my dad's 'man cave' and my room became the 'guest room'

And onto how, due to the fact that she did get a fancy college degree, yet decided to marry for money instead, she dresses in a lacy dress and heels, heads into the kitchen of dad's bakery and begins to bake.  Not only that, but she comes up with these adorable little 'paddycakes' that causes lines around the corner.  And while said lines of people are waiting, the daughter, father, baker helper (big, Italian guy whom they disgustingly fat shamed - if it were a woman and they did that.....yeah, wouldn't happen) and teenage black kid with a heart of gold filling in for his brother who got in some kind of trouble, are all just sitting around casually making desserts WHILE THERES A MASSIVE CROWD OF CUSTOMERS OUTSIDE! 

Last but not least, of course the potential love interest just so happens to be a handsome French/British chef whose wealthy family decided to build the only mansion in the quaint Joisy town complete with helicopter pad.  But....of course!  Don't we all just happen to run into men like this when we ladies are on the rebound?

The end where her infamous 'Paddycakes' make it's way into a food magazine causing her snobby NY socialite friends to want to welcome her back to their fold and also catch the interest of a franchise who wants to purchase and market them - that boardroom scene reminded me of the one from Baby Boom where Diane Keaton goes back to her old company who booted her because they wanted to franchise her Country Baby Food.  

In a nutshell, it was a time passer, no more.  The acting was just too over the top and the coincidences just too much.

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, ctlady said:

I watched The Sweeter Side Of Life On over the weekend.  Just.....awful.

The lead actress reminded me of Ana Farris (Mom) -especially with the bangs.  I don't care how wealthy or entitled you are, the opening scene with her luxuriously waking up in bed, walking into her closet and giving her massive wardrobe "I wuv you soooooo much" googly eyes while she lovingly sighed was a bit too over the top.  I mean....who really does that??

I saw this movie once, ages ago, hated it, and will never watch it again, even if I'm desperate for something to distract me. I was so disappointed in it, because the lead actress, Kathryn Morris, was the lead in one of my all-time favorite shows, Cold Case. So I was hoping for more, and just...ick. She mugged her way through the movie and, much as I hate to say it, has absolutely no talent for comedy. 

  • Love 2

Wow.  It seems pretty unequivocal that if that movie ever comes up again, I don't need to worry about watching it.  IMDB is pretty split - love it or hate it, no middle ground.  You're right, ctlady, I thought that actress was Anna Faris at first glance.  And it was directed by Danny Romalotti (Y&R 100 years ago!)

It's Christmas in July, which means we're back to movies 24 hours a day and what I've noticed is that at least 50% (and I would bet closer to 80%) of the women are named Lucy.  I don't know anyone in real life by that name, perhaps because I don't know any big city girls who have moved back to their small towns


So I'm watching Christmas Next Door, enjoying it for the most part but then they have the inevitable misunderstanding.  Which, of course almost always happens, but this time it's just so stupid.  April sees him with his ex girlfriend, he gives her a peck on the cheek for heavens sake! and immediately April assumes they are back together and him being nice to her and wanting to be with her means he's a two-timer?  Honestly.  If they're going to have the Big Misunderstanding I wish they'd make more effort to make it believable.  If April believes this why doesn't she say something??

Also - a pet peeve about these movies - how does someone who teaches music part-time and plays violin in a restaurant afford a house next door to a best selling author???


Edited by WinnieWinkle
  • Love 3
23 hours ago, WinnieWinkle said:

So I'm watching Christmas Next Door, enjoying it for the most part but then they have the inevitable misunderstanding.  Which, of course almost always happens, but this time it's just so stupid.  April sees him with his ex girlfriend, he gives her a peck on the cheek for heavens sake! and immediately April assumes they are back together and him being nice to her and wanting to be with her means he's a two-timer?  Honestly.  If they're going to have the Big Misunderstanding I wish they'd make more effort to make it believable.  If April believes this why doesn't she say something??


We should start a list of classic misunderstandings.  

1. Current/new love interest (Person A) sees the other party (Person B) saying goodbye/wishing well to old boyfriend/girlfriend (Person C).  Person B explains to the Person C that he/she has finally found love with the Person A.  Person C wish person B well. This ends in a hug or peck between Persons B and C.  Person A sees that and immediately leaves the scene before Persons B and C go their separate ways.

2. Person A overhears a phone conversation between Person B and Person B's boss from the Big City.  Person B is telling Boss that s/he's coming back to Big City to finish something so s/he can quit his/her job and move to Small Town permanently.  Person B wants to move to Small Town because Person B loves Person A who lives in Small Town.  But Person A only hears the part of conversation about going back to Big City to do work.  Person A thinks Person B is moving back to Big City permanently. (Extra points if this involves  Person A thinking Person B will be missing Christmas Eve or a big event that they have planned together.)

Edited by ShelleySue
  • Love 3


23 hours ago, ShelleySue said:

We should start a list of classic misunderstandings.  

I love this idea, but I swear, I spent a good part of last night trying to think of another classic scenario, but the two you listed cover every movie I could think of!

I wonder if Alison Sweeney is a raging bitch in real life, or just a really good actress.  I am watching Good Morning Christmas and her TV host character is unbelievably miserable, all the time, with everyone.  It reminds me of the movie I saw her in last week, Love On The Air, where she played a radio host who was miserable all the time, with everyone.

On 7/16/2021 at 10:30 AM, bankerchick said:

I wonder if Alison Sweeney is a raging bitch in real life, or just a really good actress.  I am watching Good Morning Christmas and her TV host character is unbelievably miserable, all the time, with everyone.  It reminds me of the movie I saw her in last week, Love On The Air, where she played a radio host who was miserable all the time, with everyone.

She’s probably just really comfortable playing those roles after playing Sami Brady on Days of Our Lives since she was a teen. She always comes across as a nice person in interviews, but I know that could be an act. 

38 minutes ago, DanaMB said:

She’s probably just really comfortable playing those roles after playing Sami Brady on Days of Our Lives since she was a teen. She always comes across as a nice person in interviews, but I know that could be an act. 

She's nice as Hannah Swendsen. 

I haven’t been watching the Hallmark mysteries for very long, but last night I watched a Jane Doe mystery from 2008 (I think) and it was much darker than the newer movies I have seen (the Candace Cameron, Allison Sweeney, Holly Robinson Peete, Danica McKellar franchises).  Did I just happen to catch one that was out of the norm or have they been lightening up, as much as one can, the mysteries over the years?

On 7/16/2021 at 10:30 AM, bankerchick said:


On 7/15/2021 at 11:06 AM, ShelleySue said:

We should start a list of classic misunderstandings.  

I love this idea, but I swear, I spent a good part of last night trying to think of another classic scenario, but the two you listed cover every movie I could think of!

I watched one this morning that was actually pretty good Write Before Christmas but then when the lead couple had the "misunderstanding" it was a double whammy - both of them saw the other with someone they assumed that person was in a relationship with - the only difference was that in the case of the man the person he was with was practically a stranger to him and not the usual ex-girlfriend.  Otherwise I liked this one quite a bit - there were several couples and other storylines that were interesting so worth my 2 hours.

  • Love 1
On 7/13/2021 at 11:29 AM, ctlady said:

I watched The Sweeter Side Of Life On over the weekend.  Just.....awful.

Absolutely one of the worst, a total stinkeroo. 

The heroine does a LOT of shrieking and squealing, usually accompanying pratfalls like sparking curling irons, runaway mixers, and cans of flour (who keeps an open can of flour on a top shelf?) falling on her head. There is the requisite bumbling but good-hearted father who helpfully washes a dress and it shrinks to the size of a doll costume. Who didn't see that coming? Then, of course there is the handsome, rich, available neighbor who is miraculously drawn to this dizzy blonde.

Just ugh.

  • Love 1
22 hours ago, Mittengirl said:

I haven’t been watching the Hallmark mysteries for very long, but last night I watched a Jane Doe mystery from 2008 (I think) and it was much darker than the newer movies I have seen (the Candace Cameron, Allison Sweeney, Holly Robinson Peete, Danica McKellar franchises).  Did I just happen to catch one that was out of the norm or have they been lightening up, as much as one can, the mysteries over the years?

I think Jane Doe and Mystery Woman both tended to be darker than the newer movies. Having Jane Doe work at secret spy agency raised the stakes compared to the current ones.  They did try to balance out some of the darkness by having family sub-plots. 

There was a Dick Van Dyke series of movies in the same era where he played a college professor which I remember being lighter in tone, but it's been long time since they have shown any of them.  There was also a 2013 After All These Years one-off starring Wendie Malick and Andrea Martin that was much more of a comedy-mystery.

Just came across something interesting in Alicia Witt's instagram - she responded to a question from a fan saying she currently does not have a Hallmark Christmas movie in the works and he should let Hallmark know about his interest.  I wonder with some of the executive changes if some of the long-time regular actresses who were favorites of the previous regime may no longer continue to get new movies each year.

1 hour ago, mikeb said:

 I wonder with some of the executive changes if some of the long-time regular actresses who were favorites of the previous regime may no longer continue to get new movies each year.

I confess I would not mind. I am getting tired of all of the one-note repeaters. 

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, mikeb said:

I wonder with some of the executive changes if some of the long-time regular actresses who were favorites of the previous regime may no longer continue to get new movies each year.

Fingers crossed.  As Cetacean said, some of these actresses are past their best-before date.  I can't watch a movie with Alicia Witt in it except for her small roles in Last Holiday and Two Weeks Notice, neither a Hallmark and both before her unfortunate lip-filler/botox adventures.  If we could add Lacey Chabert to that list, I'd be ok with that too.

  • Love 4

There's a constant revolving door of formerly famous actors who find themselves desperate for work so Hallmark probably could easily find some new blood.  I don't know why they insist on using the same people over and over again.  I know Hallmark/Lifetime movies are seen as a step down career-wise and are a definite sign that you're not A-list or even B-list anymore, but hey, a paycheck is a paycheck.

But then again, when are these Christmas movies filmed?  I know fake snow is a thing and all but are they really filmed in July?  I think Alicia has at least a couple of months before she should panic about not appearing on the channel this winter.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, dubstepford wife said:

But then again, when are these Christmas movies filmed?  I know fake snow is a thing and all but are they really filmed in July?  I think Alicia has at least a couple of months before she should panic about not appearing on the channel this winter.

In the past, some of these movies would have started filming around now, especially the ones that premiere in late October, but not sure about this year.  They churn out so many of them that the same crew members often work on multiple so need to space them out thru early December.

Also, Alicia just announced plans to do a October music tour, so she is probably hoping to film one before then.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, dubstepford wife said:

But then again, when are these Christmas movies filmed?  I know fake snow is a thing and all but are they really filmed in July?  I think Alicia has at least a couple of months before she should panic about not appearing on the channel this winter.

The movie Christmas on Wheels was filmed in and around Ottawa last July or August, can't remember.  We got the chance to watch a few scenes being filmed in a small town near us.  They had set up a Christmas tree lot, complete, of course, with a kiosk selling hot chocolate (doesn't every town have one of those?) and people were walking down the street wearing coats and boots etc.  Must have been awful for the cast!

Edited by WinnieWinkle

A few have been filming around Hamilton and Ancaster, Ontario in the last few months.  I was watching The Christmas Doctor last night and there was a patch of 'snow' on the sidewalk outside her office that stayed the same for the whole movie and when people walked on it, they left no footprints.

I recently watched Alison Sweeney and Marc Blucas in the 2016 The Irresistible Blueberry Farm. How did I ever miss this one when it was first aired? I've been a Hallmark movie fan since then. (My very first Hallmark movie was A Christmas Detour and that is the movie that got me hooked on these movies. Thanks a lot to Paul Greene {{{swoon}}} and Candace too).

I find Alison Sweeney and Marc Blucas very believable in this blueberry movie. I'm becoming more of a fan of Blucas after seeing him in this. Shirley Jones' character was a bit of a surprise. Had Ellen been in touch with grandma before as she was not the slightest bit taken back when Jones first appeared in the movie?

I really liked how the relationship evolved between Ellen and Roy. Just WOW to the kiss at the beginning of the movie between two absolute strangers. Now THAT was a first for these usual cat and mouse movies. Also loved the scene when Roy was "fighting for her". I so wanted him to win but of course that is what we are programmed to feel.

This blueberry movie will stay on my DVR for several months and get the "turn this movie on for back round" treatment while or cook or clean the house. Many movies have been in that position in the past on my DVR so kudos to the blueberry movie. I will rotate between All Summer Long which has had that distinction for at least four months now. Autumn Reeser is adorable in that one.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, luvthepros said:

(My very first Hallmark movie was A Christmas Detour and that is the movie that got me hooked on these movies. Thanks a lot to Paul Greene {{{swoon}}} and Candace too).

This may have been my first one as well.  Certainly one of the first.  Definitely set a high standard.  I can watch and re-watch this one along with Love at the Thanksgiving Day Parade,  Window Wonderland, the Mrs Miracle movies and Nine Lives of Christmas any day, any time 🙂.

Edited by WinnieWinkle
  • Love 3
5 hours ago, luvthepros said:

I recently watched Alison Sweeney and Marc Blucas in the 2016 The Irresistible Blueberry Farm. How did I ever miss this one when it was first aired? I've been a Hallmark movie fan since then. (My very first Hallmark movie was A Christmas Detour and that is the movie that got me hooked on these movies. Thanks a lot to Paul Greene {{{swoon}}} and Candace too).

I find Alison Sweeney and Marc Blucas very believable in this blueberry movie. I'm becoming more of a fan of Blucas after seeing him in this. Shirley Jones' character was a bit of a surprise. Had Ellen been in touch with grandma before as she was not the slightest bit taken back when Jones first appeared in the movie?

I really liked how the relationship evolved between Ellen and Roy. Just WOW to the kiss at the beginning of the movie between two absolute strangers. Now THAT was a first for these usual cat and mouse movies. Also loved the scene when Roy was "fighting for her". I so wanted him to win but of course that is what we are programmed to feel.

This blueberry movie will stay on my DVR for several months and get the "turn this movie on for back round" treatment while or cook or clean the house. Many movies have been in that position in the past on my DVR so kudos to the blueberry movie. I will rotate between All Summer Long which has had that distinction for at least four months now. Autumn Reeser is adorable in that one.

The Irresistible Blueberry Farm is such a favorite of mine and it is absolutely because of the dynamic between Alison and Marc.  They are great together in this different, charming movie.  Loved all of the supporting characters too - they play their roles just perfectly.  Her proper, stiff mom, the funny woman who runs the inn, especially Kavan Smith and how he plays his character.  If this movie is on, I try to catch it and it's enjoyable to watch no matter how many times I've seen it.  


Edited by MerBearHou
  • Love 3
On 7/20/2021 at 7:34 AM, dubstepford wife said:


But then again, when are these Christmas movies filmed?  I know fake snow is a thing and all but are they really filmed in July? 

Yes, they really are filmed in July. Mystic Seaport's facebook page had photos of a holiday movie being filmed there this week so I googled it.  It's a Hallmark Movie called The Christmas Fix

1 hour ago, ehall1052 said:

I do not understand why these Christmas movies shot in the summer cannot be set in S. Cal. or FL or even Hawaii! 

Hallmark Christmas cards don't reflect any other theme, either.  The best they did was Nashville and, even so, it was slathered with fake snow. 

I'm sure a White Christmas is part of the standard outline and woe betide any writer that strays from it.

1 hour ago, ehall1052 said:

I do not understand why these Christmas movies shot in the summer cannot be set in S. Cal. or FL or even Hawaii! I live in in FL and believe it or not we celebrate Christmas. We really do. 

But then how could you have the scene of everyone looking out the window and seeing it it snow.  Then they run outside, wearing only a hat and scarf, to have a snowball fight?  The couple almost kisses but then then one of them is hit by a snowball thrown by an adorable tyke.  Things like that only happen in parts of the country with snow.

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14 minutes ago, ShelleySue said:

Then they run outside, wearing only a hat and scarf, to have a snowball fight? 

And then go inside for hot cocoa (as opposed to cold cocoa) and bake cookies.  I guess they figure places that are warm year round don't have hot drinks and that would spoil one essential story line.  Plus no ice for skating or falling down (adorably) on each other.

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, MerBearHou said:

The Irresistible Blueberry Farm is such a favorite of mine and it is absolutely because of the dynamic between Alison and Marc.  They are great together in this different, charming movie.  Loved all of the supporting characters too - they play their roles just perfectly.  Her proper, stiff mom, the funny woman who runs the inn, especially Kavan Smith and how he plays his character.  If this movie is on, I try to catch it and it's enjoyable to watch no matter how many times I've seen it.  


Having liked Sweeney and Blucas together as much as I did, I watched a more recent movie they made together from 2020,  Good Morning Christmas. Yikes.....over the top decorations all over the place! These two are great together but, to be honest, if I had seen this movie before their blueberry movie, I would not have been as smitten with them. I did, however, get a bit of a tear in one eye when he surprised her with the beautiful refurbished (in two days) white horse drawn carriage.

6 hours ago, ehall1052 said:

I do not understand why these Christmas movies shot in the summer cannot be set in S. Cal. or FL or even Hawaii! I live in in FL and believe it or not we celebrate Christmas. We really do. 

Some are.  Or maybe I'm thinking of UPN.  Anyways, some could bet set in a hot climate but not all of them.

7 hours ago, ehall1052 said:

I do not understand why these Christmas movies shot in the summer cannot be set in S. Cal. or FL or even Hawaii! I live in in FL and believe it or not we celebrate Christmas. We really do. 

I live in California and I completely agree. The crazy thing is that they will take climates where there is no snow and have a freak snowstorm. 

I am hoping that the leadership changes at Hallmark might lead to more variety in settings. The Christmas in July promos were filmed on the beach which have been unheard of under the old CEO. 

OK, I guess what happens when you watch your favourite Christmas movie too many times is you start being annoyed by the usual tropes you had overlooked because you like the movie so much.  I am watching Christmas at Starlight, where Annie has committed to throwing a fundraiser in less than a week, the week before Christmas.  She has been busy telling anyone who will listen, over and over (and over) how much work has to be done.  We have just passed the halfway point of the movie and she has now told 4 people who offered to help that it's ok, she can do it herself.  Either accept the help, or STHU and do it yourself.

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