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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,
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Starting this to get things of my chest that get on my nerves. Please share anything...mine will be words. It usually grates on me when I hear:




I also can't stand humming or whistling. A short snippet when trying to convey a song is okay, but I get so annoyed when there's someone near me continuously doing this more than a few seconds. In fact, even less than that, and I start worrying about how long it will last and my escape. It's like snoring or static on phone call-holding music...I don't want to hear it!

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I love kiddo but it's s family thing. My dad used kiddo & it meant more than kid. It was sort of a secret "my children I love" message to us. I call my own children kiddos for the same reason.

A big pet peeve of mine, one that I deal with daily as I leave my neighborhood, is people not understanding the right of way order at a 4-way stop. Good grief it's annoying! I wish I could post a large poster drawn in simple terms at each stop sign. I'm one of those people who talk to other drivers in the privacy of my own car & every morning I feel like I'm telling people they need to study the stupid driving laws again. My kiddos (ha) usually sing a snippet of Let It Go each morning. The lyrics change. "Let it go, let it go, she must've just learned to drive." "Let it go, let it go, he'll never figure out he's next." At least that part is fun.

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Ugh I hate that too, ramble.  Another of my traffic related pet peeves (yes, there are many, lol) are people in the left lane driving the same speed as the people in the right lane.  The left lane is the "passing" lane.  If there is a lane to the right of you, drive faster than the people in it.  If you are not, then get the F over!  Even if you're only going 5mph faster than the right lane, that's fine. 

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A big pet peeve of mine, one that I deal with daily as I leave my neighborhood, is people not understanding the right of way order at a 4-way stop. Good grief it's annoying!

My Dad was horrible about mucking up a 4-way stop.  He'd be courteous and let other people go first, but when there are more than two cars at the intersection (plus cars behind you), it created a snarl of confusion.  Luckily, we lived where there were few 4-ways and he no longer drives.


One of my brothers is in the habit of calling females "gals".  Doesn't matter the age, whether they are a waitress or a multi-degreed engineer who designs lasers (he works in this stuff), they all get called "gals".  I loathe loathe loathe this with the burning heat of a million nuns.


I don't mind kiddo.  I used to work as a compliance officer for a large bank and the EVP of my division called me that.  He normally called the women he worked with babe, sweetie or honey* but it would be bad form to call your compliance officer any of those.  Plus, I was the youngest person who worked for him who he had direct contact with.


* These are HR no-no's of course, but he was an old school Southern gentleman so it somehow was okay coming from him.  Being called one of those names by any one else in the division would have led to blood shed.

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Not that I am an English major but I read a lot, and misuse of words or mispronounciation drives me batty.


For example, when people add another ' i ' to mischievous to make it mischievious. 'Volumptuous' rather than the correct 'voluptuous.' Oy!  I work with some folks who say 'pacific' when they mean 'specific.' 


A lot of it is mis-hearing and some is education obviously: our dear friend used to say 'six of one as it is the other.'  Man, we ribbed her hard, but now we say it around each other just to be silly.

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One of my brothers is in the habit of calling females "gals".  Doesn't matter the age, whether they are a waitress or a multi-degreed engineer who designs lasers (he works in this stuff), they all get called "gals".  I loathe loathe loathe this with the burning heat of a million nuns.

My husband refers to grown men as "kid". He'll come home and tell me something that some "kid" did so Im thinking he's talking about someone in their 20's or something and it'll turn out their 40 years old. Drives me batty!

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I don't mind kiddo if it's to a specific person (not that anyone needs my permission either way) like I do to all children in general, like in teaching. It's a pet name to me not just, like,..."oh, so the kiddos scored in the 70th percentile."....which kids? Why are they your babies?! It's irrational too but it grates especially if the teacher/ person in question complains about the children often. It's so a "buzzword" in teaching.





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Ugh I hate that too, ramble.  Another of my traffic related pet peeves (yes, there are many, lol) are people in the left lane driving the same speed as the people in the right lane.  The left lane is the "passing" lane.  If there is a lane to the right of you, drive faster than the people in it.  If you are not, then get the F over!  Even if you're only going 5mph faster than the right lane, that's fine. 

THIS. I can't stand it, and not just because a left lane person is in the way but because they're driving in my damn blind spot. When I drive in the left lane, I never drive next to people for this reason. I don't trust other people to not make a sudden lane change without looking.


The other night my husband and I were riding as passengers with another couple, and our friend was driving on the freeway in the left lane right next to people and it was driving me nuts. If it had been my husband driving I would've totally back seat drove and told him to speed the hell up.

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I hate with a passion being called Ma'am.  It's like saying "hey old lady".  The absolute worst is if a hot guy says it to you.  Nothing kills your self-esteem more : (   I call everyone Miss even if they 105 and they love it.  

Edited by tribeca
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I grew up being expected to call every adult Mr or Mrs X if I knew them, Ma'am or Sir If I didn't.

I get called Ma'am and have for a while, but it doesn't make me feel old. - just makes me think the person has some manners. I get mortally offended If one of those kiddos calls me babe/sweetie/honey.

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I don't really like being called Miss because too often it can come across as patronizing when someone older is saying it. I don't mind Ma'am, although it doesn't really come up that often since I live in NYC and it's not a common mode of address in my circle. I think I've only ever been called Ma'am by servers in restaurants. 


My pet peeve: I hate it when people say that they're entitled to their opinions in response to being criticized. It's such a common and annoying rhetorical strategy that my resolution is that, going forward, I will no longer engage with people who say it, but simply link them here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I'm_entitled_to_my_opinion

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Two peeves that hit again today.


1. Why the hell is everything a "journey"??? "I'm so grateful for this journey." "I can't wait to see what happens on this journey."  Where in the hell is everyone going?  To quote George Costanza "Why can't I just live? Why can't I be?:"


2. The constant bolstering of children's egos, er, self-esteem. "Good job. Yay", followed by clapping and high fives.  For everything.  Today I heard a parent say to a toddler leaving a toy store.  "You did a good job playing."  Not "You did a good job sharing," or "You did a good putting the toys away."   He did a good job playing.  I'll bet he is regularly told he does a good job pooping.  Is it any wonder kids expect a trophy for everything?

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Two peeves that hit again today.


1. Why the hell is everything a "journey"??? "I'm so grateful for this journey." "I can't wait to see what happens on this journey."  Where in the hell is everyone going?  To quote George Costanza "Why can't I just live? Why can't I be?:"


2. The constant bolstering of children's egos, er, self-esteem. "Good job. Yay", followed by clapping and high fives.  For everything.  Today I heard a parent say to a toddler leaving a toy store.  "You did a good job playing."  Not "You did a good job sharing," or "You did a good putting the toys away."   He did a good job playing.  I'll bet he is regularly told he does a good job pooping.  Is it any wonder kids expect a trophy for everything?

Agree on both points, save the pooping. When you're kid gets down using the bathroom, it is praise-worthy!

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'Volumptuous' rather than the correct 'voluptuous.' Oy!

I had a coworker who used to say "volumptuous" and it would drive me crazy. (And it worries me a little that my iPad thinks it's a legitimate word choice.) She also called Valentine's Day "Valentime's."

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Oh boy. I am a woman of many peeves, but I'll start with an edited list:


- Adults using euphemisms for genitalia

- People who apparently believe the rules of spelling and grammar don't apply to electronic communications

- Pushing the button for the elevator or crosswalk more than once

- Using redundant acronyms such as "ATM machine" or "PIN number"

- Signs at the supermarket reading "15 items or less" (instead of "fewer") and people who get in those lines with 16 or more items

- Using coupon as a verb

- Drivers who don't pull into the intersection when waiting to make a left turn (in a place where it's legal to do so), so that no one behind them gets through on that light

- Similarly, drivers who don't turn right on red where it's legal to do so

- Being addressed by my first name in professional situations or by children without my invitation (which I almost always extend, but I expect to be addressed as Ms. [Last Name] first)

Edited by Bastet
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Agree with you on most Bastet, except

Drivers who don't pull into the intersection when waiting to make a left turn, so that no one behind them gets through on that light

is dangerous, and often illegal.


And while we're on the subject of redundant expressions, can we stop saying "Past history", "new beginning" and "whether or not"?

All history is past, all beginnings are new, and the "or not" is implied.  Also "a friend of mine"; when I am talking about someone who is my friend, I simply say "a friend"  did something, said something, heard something... "Of mine" is implied.

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Well, it's legal here (and I meant to mention the potential illegality, so I'll edit the post accordingly), and such common practice that you will get your ass honked into oblivion if you don't do it, a practice I wholeheartedly support.  It is a peeve, after all.

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Drivers who don't pull into the intersection when waiting to make a left turn, so that no one behind them gets through on that light

is dangerous, and often illegal.

I was taught to do that in (NY) driver's ed, which in a quick google seems to be what most people say. I haven't found anything (quickly) saying that it's illegal, and several saying it's legal (though not compulsory).


Since moving to Pittsburgh I've gotten used to the Pittsburgh left, which makes heavy traffic flow so much more smoothly when there isn't a protected left, but is apparently actually illegal here.

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Actually, I just looked it up in the PA driver's manual (page 48 here) and it seems to say you can't do that. Huh! I hadn't even considered that this would be illegal, since everyone does it and I was explicitly taught to in the NY state class, but I guess it is here.

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People leaving cupboard doors open. It just gets to me in this way I really don't understand.


Oh, and leaving time on the microwave. It takes one extra second to hit clear, damnit!

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Just recently the twist ties that come with various bread products are starting to disintergrate with use.   I keep finding little crumbly dust on the counter from them after me or the kids get some bread out.


How much money are they actually saving by using a cheaper grade of paper on twist ties?  It irks me every single time I am wiping up the mess.



Oh, and leaving time on the microwave. It takes one extra second to hit clear, damnit!

Guilty party here.  My thinking is that if my item (usually water or a quick reheat on my coffee) is not hot enough when I check, the residual time would do the trick.  If I zero it out but still have to reheat, I either have to use the default 30 seconds (too long) or push multiple buttons to get the correct amount of time.  I am not thinking of others - just me me me. 

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Well, a lot of you are going to hate me because I drive the posted speed limit no matter which lane I'm in so if I'm keeping pace with you, too damn bad.


On the other hand, I really hate people who use up my green light arrow allowing me to turn left across an intersection in order to go right on red.  It's not your turn, dammit.

Edited by Qoass
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Two grocery store pet peeves:


1. When I'm in the self-check or bag-your-own lane, and a helpful store employee starts to bag my groceries. THAT'S WHY I GOT IN THIS FRIGGIN LINE IN THE FIRST PLACE, LADY!!!!!!!! And I usually have my own bags, so I'LL have to say, "Thanks, but I brought my own bags. I'll take care of it." Which makes me feel mean, for some reason.


2. When a cashier comments on my groceries.  "Hmmm. Somebody likes Frosted Flakes" or "You're baking a turkey? Am I invited?" I know they're just making polite conversation, but STFU!!!!!


(Yes, I have supermarket rage)

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I don't like when people comment on my food I'm buying either unless it's to say that they tried it and liked it.

Another pet peeve of mine is when someone refers to some regular joe's opinion as an "agenda." I think there has to be more than simply holding an opinion and sharing it in a non-public platform to make opinions into agendas. It makes it seems nefarious, like a secret plot to take over the world. It's a quick way to dismiss an opinion, much like saying someone "claims" to have done or known something.

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My request:


If you genuinely feel you cannot be unreachable for 90 minutes or more, do not go to a theatre.


If you are under the impression that a quick check of the time on your cell phone won't bother anybody, do not go to a theatre.


If you can't find a sitter for your kids, do not go to a theatre.


If you need to converse with your companion about plot developments, fashions or where you're going for drinks afterwards, do not go to a theatre.


If you cannot sit with both feet on the floor, do not go to a theatre.


Go to the park, the mall, a museum, a sporting event, a friend's house, a bar, a nightclub, the gym, a bowling alley:  you probably won't bug anybody there with your behavior.  However, movies and plays are meant to be enjoyed in the dark without unrelated chatter.  If that's a problem for you, stay home.  And just because nobody has said anything to you doesn't mean you're not annoying.


On a side note, when I go to a concert, I go to hear the artist sing, not you.  And stop recording:  it's going to come out like crap, you'll never watch it again and not only are you missing the actual experience but you're blocking my view.

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And just because nobody has said anything to you doesn't mean you're not annoying.


Oh, I will say something.  I once saw a professional theatre production of Mamma Mia.  The couple across the aisle decided to bring two toddlers, who talked, screamed and cried through the entire first act.   Turns out, Mirvish Theatres of Toronto (yes, I will name and shame them) has no age restrictions. The usher put a finger to her lips a few times, but otherwise did nothing to stop them.  At intermission, I told the house manager either that family left, or I was leaving, and would require a full refund.   The family was gone when I returned to my seat. I like to think it was because of me, but perhaps the parents came to their senses.


And while we're on the subject, when you say "But my two year old is really well behaved", you mean "relative to other two years old".  So your child behaves like a 2 1/2 year old.  Perhaps on rare occasions and for brief periods, they behave like a 3 year old.  That's not the standard to attend adult events like professional theatre. The standard is "well behaved adult".

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I've got another one...those My Life genealogy emails. I have unsubscribed 5 times and never signed up in the first place. I get emails about me and some lady I've never heard of in MY LIFE every couple of days. My mom's info shows up in the emails about me. I asked her about a year and a half ago if she signed up or entered my information. She says no. I understand it's public information and records, but I'm tired of seeing that 5 anonymous people searched for me the day before. Creeps me out.

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People who were born and live in in the US who use the word 'whilst.' This seems to be most prevalent online.

People who have lived in one country for 95% of their life (and their parents/guardians have as well) and yet they slip into, for instance, a British accent when meeting a person from the UK or discussing something British from the semester they spent studying abroad.

Also, when people try to sound....klassy... by pronouncing words in a certain way, like 'you.' Instead of saying it like the letter U, they say something like 'yooouueeee' in a nasally voice. The Kardasian daughters and Scheana from Vanderpump Rules do this. It seems most common when receiving a comment on their physical attributes or having wine or a cocktail given to them at a klassy joint. Thank yoooueee, followed by a flip of the hair, sticking a chest or butt out, and putting their designer purse or sunglasses somewhere prominent.

Edited by Betweenyouandme
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My traffic pet peeve is when two lanes are becoming one and drivers won't allow enough room for drivers in the other lane to get in.  I don't know why people don't make room.  Sometimes people are clearly deliberately not letting people in.  It's not like you're in line and the other person is trying to cut.  I wish we had these "zipper" merge signs like they have in Germany.


I hate with a passion being called Ma'am.  It's like saying "hey old lady".  The absolute worst is if a hot guy says it to you.  Nothing kills your self-esteem more : (   I call everyone Miss even if they 105 and they love it.  

I hate it when someone my age or older calls me ma'am.  It's weird.


And while we're on the subject of redundant expressions, can we stop saying "Past history", "new beginning" and "whether or not"?

All history is past, all beginnings are new, and the "or not" is implied.  Also "a friend of mine"; when I am talking about someone who is my friend, I simply say "a friend"  did something, said something, heard something... "Of mine" is implied.

I see what you mean about "new beginning," but that actually makes sense to me, because you're differentiating between this beginning right now, not the one you had a while ago that's over now.

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I hate with a passion being called Ma'am.  It's like saying "hey old lady".  The absolute worst is if a hot guy says it to you.  Nothing kills your self-esteem more : (   I call everyone Miss even if they 105 and they love it.



I live in Singapore and here they call you "Auntie". First time a hot guy called me that I was in shock for days!!! Like my youth was definitely over :( Even "Ma'am" would have been better, I swear. 

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If you call USPS and figure out how to get through to talk to a live agent without repeating yourself to no avail to a machine for 15 minutes, let me know!

And another thing is slang words with more than one meaning. Examples:

Skinny jeans: are you talking about skinny legged/slender fit jeans OR a pair of your jeans in a smaller size that you can wear at a lower weight.

Gangbanger: someone in a gang OR lots of men/women having sex with one person.

Yes, context clues and all that, but the words bug me.

Edited by Betweenyouandme
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- Waiting at a red light, and the driver in front of me continuously inches toward the intersection. Where are you going?!

- People on the highway who leave their turn signal on for miles. I have to pass them or else it drives me crazy.

-People who park all fucked up (halfway over the line, right on the line, etc.). Just messes it up for everyone.


- At work, if I have headphones on at my desk, that should be a clear sign that I'm not in the mood for your "funny" story.

-In the self checkout aisle at the grocery store, the people who don't wait for you to bag your stuff before they go scanning theirs and start sending it down the conveyor belt. One guy who did that to me had the nerve to say "Oh, I didn't mean to rush you!"...rude piece of shit

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I live north of Houston so maybe it is a Texas thing?  I moved around a bunch as a kid so mostly I grew up in South Florida and lived in So Cal as an adult.


I would expect to see Chicken Fried Chicken listed as Boneless Fried Chicken (since the breast is normally the only part served this was).


I would have expected to see Country Fried Steak for Chicken Fried Steak, but I probably never would glance at this as it would never have appealled to me.

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That does sound better, DeLurker. How do you like the Houston area compared to SoCal and Florida? Do you ever go to Galveston? I went to Galveston once. It was last year in April and hardly anyone there, which I loved. Another pet peeve of mine happened there- I got free dessert and then a free appetizer brought over by the chef at another place because both places felt sorry for me because I was alone....it was a trip by myself! I wanted to be alone! It was nice and yet kind of insulting too :/

Edited by Betweenyouandme
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Betweenyouandme - I'll PM you so as not to derail the thread.


Peeve of the Day - why are underwear and bras for pre-teens and young teens so vibrantly colored?  My 14 YO does not need bras in day-glo, bright fuschia or bright blue.  Nor does she need underwear in these colors.  I have no wish to see or be aware of the color of my child (or anyone elses) undergarments.  These colors are so bold they can't be worn under light colored clothes. 


If my daughter gets to the point where she wants to consciously wear bras or panties that stand out from her outerwear, she's going to have to wait several years until she is out of high school.


Many of the bras were sold in pairs so you got one white and one of some abrasive color or pattern.  Same with the packs of underwear - when I see a pack of sanely colored ones I buy them whether she needs them or not.

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For better or worse, my daughter is an outlier.  She's not intentionally out there, she's just wired differently than most kids her age.  Put her in a roomful of kids 10+ years older and she is perfectly at ease. 


So far, I haven't seen signs of a drop in confidence or insecurity that often hits girls at this age.  I'm hoping that holds out for a while longer.

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I wrote this is in the movie lessons thread to, but...

People who come into my home and put their shoe-covered feet on any furniture, especially fabrics or blankets. God forbid they go near my bed with those germ-infested soles. I can't even see it on tv without flinching and staring until the bacteria-laden infestation is off my screen.

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I HATE being called "ma'am".  I'm not married; therefore I am a miss even if I'm 106 years old.  On the flip side, I also hate it when young waitresses call me "Hon".  I'm old enough to be your mother so who the hell are you calling "Hon"?!?!?

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I'm the opposite; "Miss" drives me crazy (I find it patronizing, even though I'd wager only a small percentage of those who say it mean it that way), but "Ma'am" I like (I find it respectful, and don't take anything from it regarding age).  And Miss in front of my last name rather than Ms?  HATE.

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