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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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I used to tell customers "Happy Holidays" and never really got too much flak about it.  And if I did, then I was like, "Well, that also encompasses the New Year."  Basically, that was a nice way of saying bite me. And at that point, what can they say?   If I could tell from their groceries what holiday they celebrated, I would be more specific though.


Yes, I get irritated by people insisting that everyone HAS to say "merry Christmas".    As if "Happy Holidays"  is akin to saying their religion doesn't matter.  Hey- not everyone celebrates the same holidays, so there's nothing wrong with being inclusive.   And businesses and stores NEED to be inclusive.  So happy christmakwanzakah to everyone!! 

  • Love 5

Ah, Topanga, I certainly don't mind talking! It's just making inane chatter, like about the weather, that vexes me. I feel like Sheldon Cooper in that I understand it's a social convention yet have zero interest in doing it.

Re: a blessed day. Don't get me wrong; I'm not going to jump across my desk and put the boots to the nice senior citizen who utters it. Even though it's usually meant sincerely, it makes me a bit uncomfortable to have people insinuate their beliefs into a common social interaction that doesn't need it. And you can't really express that without offending the bestower of blessings or being viewed as some damn heathen.

I don't have any problem with being told Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, or whatever. Just don't roll up on me with any War on Christmas bullshit.

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I'm for a secular greeting/parting.  I don't get too worked up if I hear a nonsecular one, but I have been tempted to spit out "Infidel!" just for a reaction. 

Have to correct myself.  A college aged DeLurker did once reply "Gunga galunga... gunga, gunga-lagunga." out of immaturity and irritation.


And that is a Carl Spackler quote from Caddyshack that means "on your deathbed, you will receive total consciousness."

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I don't like "Have a blessed day" because it sounds glib and because I figure most people saying it are using it like "Have a nice day," which almost no one actually means. It is just a rote response. I have known a few people who probably actually do mean it, but they don't say it all the time.


I remember a comedian once (I think it was George Carlin) who said he hated being told to 'have a nice day', because then it put the responsibility on him to go out and make sure that no matter what happened, he just had to make sure that his day was nice. I sometimes say 'I hope you have a nice day', but that sounds kind of doubtful.  


I had a co-worker seem to be a little miffed at me when she said 'good morning' to me and I responded with a 'hey' (or just a brief smile and just a little wave as I passed by on my way to my office).  I acknowledged her--she should be happy she got that much.  I'm pleasant, but considering I'm not a morning person and am still half-asleep when I get to work, I think I'm doing well.  (Pretty much everyone else seems to be okay with how I respond.)  

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Re: a blessed day. Don't get me wrong; I'm not going to jump across my desk and put the boots to the nice senior citizen who utters it. Even though it's usually meant sincerely, it makes me a bit uncomfortable to have people insinuate their beliefs into a common social interaction that doesn't need it. And you can't really express that without offending the bestower of blessings or being viewed as some damn heathen.

Even though I am one of those damn heathens, I try to roll with the secular greetings but I know the day is coming when I'm going to lose it and respond with either "Sorry, card-carrying atheist here" or "Sorry, I worship Satan. Want to try that again?" just to mess with their minds.


ETA: I'm not going to throw a hissy fit when someone wishes me a blessed day if the obvious intent is to be nice. However, if the person is trying to "Jesus-shame" me as a former manager consistently did to me as the token atheist in the group and to a colleague who was Jewish by making snarky comments and asking our colleagues to pray for us so we would "see the light," then hell yeah, I'm going to snark right back. There's a big difference between giving an unwanted wish with religious overtones and being an asshat trying to shove your religion down my throat.

Edited by BookWoman56
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Getting annoyed over someone giving their cultural niche's version of "have a nice day" seems like a waste of time, not to mention an exercise in intolerance. The important thing is the intent, not the specific combination of words. Go ahead, wish me a blessed day, invoke God's blessing, ask that The Black Goat of the Woods With a Thousand Young favor me with innumerable children, whatever. As long as you're not trying to be a dick, it's all good.


Edit: Peeve - Always spotting the spelling errors after hitting the "reply" button.

Edited by Sandman87
  • Love 6

Part of why I'm a terrible person is because I'm not a morning person and am therefore less virtuous than those folks. I roll into work grumbly, and I might manage a grunt if someone says something to me. Let me get some coffee and I'll be a little nicer.

I got on a kick one day about why I don't feel the need to tell people "Bless you" after they sneeze. My book learnin' revealed my general horribleness, because of course I should want to make sure a simple phrase keeps the person sneezing and facing me in the next cube from being possessed by the devil. Handing said person a tissue and dousing both of us with a generous squirt of sanitizing gel just isn't enough.

Edited by bilgistic
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That's the thing; I'm not exercising any intolerance, I'm keeping my heathen trap shut while being mildly and internally irritated at unwanted blessings. I just wish people would use the more inclusive niceties in everyday social interactions. I don't mean to offend anyone, and as someone who lives in a small, churchy town, I usually know to keep my big bazoo zipped.

  • Love 6

That's the thing; I'm not exercising any intolerance, I'm keeping my heathen trap shut while being mildly and internally irritated at unwanted blessings. I just wish people would use the more inclusive niceties in everyday social interactions. I don't mean to offend anyone, and as someone who lives in a small, churchy town, I usually know to keep my big bazoo zipped.

But don't you know...you are being NEGATIVE by not talking to everyone?!?
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Even though I am one of those damn heathens, I try to roll with the secular greetings but I know the day is coming when I'm going to lose it and respond with either "Sorry, card-carrying atheist here" or "Sorry, I worship Satan. Want to try that again?" just to mess with their minds.

I'm an atheist too and it doesn't bother me at all if somebody wishes me a blessed day. The sentiment is what matters to me, I'd rather somebody wish me a blessed day than a shitty day.

I just think it's nice that they thought enough to wish me a good/nice or blessed day.

I do get annoyed by those who assume that I have the same beliefs as them. I don't mind people saying god bless you or something like that to me but I dislike it when they tell me to pray about something.

It's probably a little hypocritical to be annoyed by one and not the other but that's how it is for me.

Harrie mentioned hating "have a good one", what I've always hated is "come with", as in "I'm going to the store, want to come with".

As for not liking chit chat and small talk, count me in with those who dislike it. I hate being the center of attention and would rather blend in with the woodwork.

We were at my husband's Xmas party for work a couple of years ago, I didn't want to go and was anxious all day. We get there and sit down, nobody is paying much attention to me other than to say hello which is how I like it. My husband's friend and his wife sat next to us, she proceeded to ask me very loud questions. Every time she'd ask me something every person at our big table would turn and look at me. I hated every second of it.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 3

Part of why I'm a terrible person is because I'm not a morning person and am therefore less virtuous than those folks. I roll into work grumbly, and I might manage a grunt if someone says something to me. Let me get some coffee and I'll be a little nicer.

I got on a kick one day about why I don't feel the need to tell people "Bless you" after they sneeze. My book learnin' revealed my general horribleness, because of course I should want to make sure a simple phrase keeps the person sneezing and facing me in the next cube from being possessed by the devil. Handing said person a tissue and dousing both of us with a generous squirt of sanitizing gel just isn't enough.

Ha! This just reminded me of a previous co-worker. She was in an open area, I had an office fairly close to her, but far enough away that we could easily ignore each other. Far enough away she would call me on the phone to tell me when someone was there for me. I have allergies, and when I sneezed I made a n effort to be as quiet as possible. She would ALWAYS respond with a "bless you" a LOUD "BLESS YOU". So loud that it seemed like she was yelling at me. She would interrupt what she was doing, to say it. And if I sneezed several times, each sneeze got its own bless you. I didn't want the attention, she expected me to say thank you. Look, sometimes I sneeze. It doesn't have to be a whole achoo, bless you, thank you dialog every time! Ignore me, let me do my work.

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My current Pet Peeve:

When the entertainment news sites, columnists, etc., get all "She's wearing a ring on THAT finger!" about some actress, like it automatically means she's engaged (the E! channel/their website is particularly bad about this).

Of course they never stop to think, even if it looks like an engagement ring, it may just be a "regular" diamond/other ring the actress (or the person who gave it to her) liked, so they bought it for themselves (or someone in their life gave it to them) & THAT finger may be the only finger it fits on.

Along the same lines, it also bugs me when the same sources named above want to peremptorily announce an actress/the wife of an actor or other entertainment media figure is pregnant--before the allegedly expectant mother has the chance to announce the news for herself--just because someone attached to those sources has seen said female in public recently & they appear to have a "baby bump"... So, of course, they're pregnant. But certain entertainment news sources just can't mind their own beeswax & feel they have to announce the potential blessed event for the woman & her family when it's not their place. Like with Oscar-winning actress Anne Hathaway in the last week or so.

That "baby bump" could be the result of weight gain for another reason, or they could've just indulged in a large meal if they're photographed leaving a restaurant. Just saying. And I think it's RUDE when these sites/journalists take it upon themselves to make these, what should be, rather personal announcements about these peoples' lives before the people ACTUALLY involved can do it, probably just going on their circumstantial evidence & not even bothering to consult with any of their publicists or other representatives, just in case it's true but the celeb is holding off on making the announcement for some perfectly acceptable reason--like telling their extended family first &/or privately. I mean, geeze, they need to respect these peoples' privacy a lot more.

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Even though I am one of those damn heathens, I try to roll with the secular greetings but I know the day is coming when I'm going to lose it and respond with either "Sorry, card-carrying atheist here" or "Sorry, I worship Satan. Want to try that again?" just to mess with their minds.


Heh.  Years ago, I worked as a DJ.  My first night at a new club was on Halloween, which happened to fall on a Friday night.  Normally, Friday was hip hop/R&B night, but that DJ was going to make more money at a different club that night, so the manager asked me to cover for him.  Well, I was hired to play rock music, so that's what I played.  About an hour into the evening, a woman approached me and said, "Just because it's Halloween doesn't mean you have to play this devil music."  I looked her right in the eye and said, "I must do as my dark lord commands."  She backed away slowly and I didn't get another complaint about the music the rest of the night.  :-)


Back to lurking.

  • Love 14

So happy christmakwanzakah to everyone!! 

I do believe you have come up with the perfect greeting for this time of year.  Thank you :>)


OK...I've got a pet peeve.  It's the folks who give a cheery knock first & then ring the door bell.  Then, they step waaaay back so you can see them through the peephole.  If you decide to open the door, they want to sell you windows or siding or maybe you need a new roof.  To get around the No Soliciting signs in the 'hood, they say their company is doing some work on your neighbor's house. I know people have to do crummy jobs to earn a living but tonight there were two of them, an hour apart.  They don't take no for an answer so you are forced to be rude and say no again and shut the door.  I hate being rude, but geez laweeze. (I no longer open the door but my husband does and it ticks me off).

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Then, they step waaaay back so you can see them through the peephole.


They do that to try and keep people from thinking some sort of bad guy is at the door -- they're back so you can see their uniform/badge, clipboard, whatever and so you don't feel like they're primed to force their way inside and pillage the house as soon as you crack the door open. 


Don't get me wrong, I take your general point.  But I also know the level of fear/paranoia these folks deal with in many neighborhoods, especially if they're men of color, and the protocol to stand way back from the door is directed at those security fears because so many people won't talk to them through the door, let alone open it, otherwise.  It's a sales tactic their companies implement to cut down on such reactions.

Edited by Bastet
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Pretending not to be home works for me. I'm never expecting anyone, so I don't bother stopping whatever I'm doing (yeah, I'm watching TV; so what?) until they've walked off and I can spy on them through a barely cracked blind.

If it's someone I actually need to see for some odd reason--maybe the mail carrier--I'll put on pants and run after them.

Edited by bilgistic
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I love you Sandman87.



Hmm, I meant to say I love your post! I was having trouble with that whole post, had to edit a couple of times. 


So, does that mean I should cancel the wedding? I had a guest of honor all picked out for the traditional reading of entrails and everything. And what am I going to do with the 100 pounds of bat guano now?

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PET PEEVE: Dudes {1-7 of them at once, even} that do *NOTHING* at all whatsoever that merely periodically only come-around to annoyingly TAAAAAAALK to You for {as long as they can Push It} even Up To An Hour Or More {while maybe they only stand-around and Drink/Smoke and do NOTHING ELSE} while You alone are Doing AutoMotive/TreeTrimming/PickingUp/Cleaning/WoodWorking/Etc.....




They do that to try and keep people from thinking some sort of bad guy is at the door -- they're back so you can see their uniform/badge, clipboard, whatever and so you don't feel like they're primed to force their way inside and pillage the house as soon as you crack the door open. 


Yeah...I know & I understand & I hate being rude to them but they just don't take "We're not interested" for an answer and pester the daylights out of you.

I remember a comedian once (I think it was George Carlin) who said he hated being told to 'have a nice day', because then it put the responsibility on him to go out and make sure that no matter what happened, he just had to make sure that his day was nice. I sometimes say 'I hope you have a nice day', but that sounds kind of doubtful.

George Carlin was the best. He also has a hilarious bit about the anxiety caused when someone tells you to "Give my love to Bob," or "Give my Regards"


I have a friend who, instead of saying goodbye, says "Be Blessed." So not only are you giving me a command, Dude, but you are commanding me to do something that is beyond my control (whether you believe my future is controlled by God, Fate, Karma, etc.).

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That makes me think of the Jo-Ann fabric stores (not the set-up, but the grumbling line dwellers).  They have a system where you take a number for the cutting counter -- you can go about your other business in the store and come back when it's called rather than having to stand there doing nothing while other people are having their fabric cut.  I think it's clearly marked, but obviously many do not, as there are always people who just line up without taking a number, and then get pissed when someone who has a number but is not standing in line is helped before they are.  Even if you don't notice the instruction sign above, the number dispenser near to where you are standing, or the glowing red number box up above the counter, hearing numbers called out didn't clue you in that there's a system?


Anyway, while I can certainly understand the people in line grumbling about you, that's more on the store and its employees than you -- when it's not clear whether there should be separate lines for each register or one big line, they need to make that clear, especially when people have started lining up both ways.

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If they are going to hang about, just tell them to hand you that wrench, pick up the leaves you just raked, hold this end of the lights...don't ask - tell.  They'll either help or skedaddle fast.

Haha.....certainly agreed, DeLurker.....I just tend to usually be one of those Lonerass People {while Working included, though I do not mind every so seldom actually Working With A Badass Friend/Coworker}.....

I recently was YardWorking At My Aunt's; a young 15 year-old Relative of mine {he's one of those that loves to endlessly-intellectualize everything, ad nauseum} was just buzzing-around me In Such Annoying Fashion.....

Until I Put His A$$ To Work.....


You most have an approachable expression on your face.  When I am doing something I have "concentration" face so people tend to be afraid to interrupt me as I look slightly annoyed + deep in thought.


A friend in college had naturally upturned lips so she always looked like she had a slight smile.  Which boys took to mean she was approachable and pleasant.  At the time she was a raging feminist and easily set off.  It really was a bad combination - I think there are still some unsuspecting boys suffering from involuntary twitches from her reading the the Riot Act.

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Flashbacks to winter break my freshman year of college.  My dad and I were rebuilding the engine of a VW bug, and every.damn.day a guy down the street would come up and chat at us as we worked.  And, no, neither my dad nor I possess something that could remotely be described as an approachable face -- I get that "smile" shit all the time, and my dad would, too, if he was a woman.

For some reason some of us just look approachable.  I am one of those people, even when I have a scowl on my face, even when carrying large things, etc.  Man, woman, child, official type people, visitors - doesn't matter.  If they have a question or want to chit chat, they come to me.  I even have people in stores ask me questions, even when they can tell I don't work there, even saying "Hey you don't work here, but..." It used to bother me, now I just accept it.  I can acknowledge them w/o turning it into some extensive conversation.  

  • Love 1

He was about 55, and married to my mom's friend.  Not that any of that precludes thinking, "Ooh, a young woman who knows how to work on cars - hot," but it wasn't that kind of vibe.  Maybe he was just trying to connect with us, because of the friendship, but it was a little odd and even more annoying. 


I've had neighbors wander up my driveway to see what I was working on in the garage, and then try to stand there and chat with me, despite the fact I'm under my car, using my table saw, or, once, my arc welder.  First of all, obviously I am busy and this small talk can wait.  I'm also obviously doing something that requires my concentration.  Now, chatting with me while I'm painting ... no problem, as I can do that in my sleep and it starts to get dull pretty quickly; then, I welcome the distraction.

  • Love 1

Ahhh...I did not realize it was the same guy everyday.


But using a table saw and owning an arc welder?  Awesome! 


I used to be able to wire up the front end of a car for a car alarm and I once re-roofed a house.  Being able to do them and enjoying them (or wanting to do them more than once) are entirely different things.

Being able to do them and enjoying them (or wanting to do them more than once) are entirely different things.


That's me with plumbing.  I hate it!  But so does my dad, so I can't ask him to do it for me without knowing I'm causing him to be just as aggravated as I would be.  I do know an honest, skilled plumber I can call in when we both declare, "Nope, not interested" -- like when I needed my house re-plumbed (replacing all the original [1938] galvanized pipe with copper).  Re-wiring the house, my dad and I did together (and, other than the work up in the attic space, generally enjoyed it).  But the re-plumbing was one of the few things I outsourced, and worth every penny. 

Edited by Bastet

I love where i live, I love my secluded, peaceful, quiet hill. There's a small piece of property at the bottom of the hill that's right by the road you take to come up to my house. On that property is a completely remodeled house that's been on the market for over a year. Still hasn't sold.

The owners of the property have decided to clear all of the old beautiful trees and build 4 more houses on the property. Which makes sense, you have one house that won't sell so lets build 4 more that won't sell.

The noise is driving me crazy. I've lived up here long enough that I'm so used to the peace and quiet. Now we have all of the equipment noise and more traffic. They always block the road leading to my house with their big ass tractors and won't move them when asked.

I hate that this city is getting rid of all of the open spaces and building more houses. We don't need more houses and more people here!

Not to mention the many birds and other animals who have been displaced by having their homes demolished.

The worst part is that when those homeless animals go looking for a new home, people kill them for being so close to their neighborhood.

It just makes no sense to me.

  • Love 5

For some reason some of us just look approachable.  I am one of those people, even when I have a scowl on my face, even when carrying large things, etc.  Man, woman, child, official type people, visitors - doesn't matter.  If they have a question or want to chit chat, they come to me.  I even have people in stores ask me questions, even when they can tell I don't work there, even saying "Hey you don't work here, but..." It used to bother me, now I just accept it.  I can acknowledge them w/o turning it into some extensive conversation.  



This is me. I'm not sure what it is, but maybe because I worked in the retail industry and banking industry during my teen and early adult years, and was good at it, that the wanting to help customers somehow got imbeded in my skin through osmosis. I don't know. Or maybe I just have a "friendly looking face"? Don't know.  Customers always, and I mean always approached me when they needed help or to do their transactions. I suspect it was because I didn't wear the fake, perky smile "I know what you are going through" bullshit so many companies and banks tell you to do via their crappy videos, and instead was honest with them?


And I can multi-task, which came in handy when I worked at Crown Books and Barnes & Noble, so that the customer in front of me got my full attention, and the ones on the phone weren't pissed at having to be on hold. Heck, my challenge was having to help customers who though they deserved to be helped "first" when the customer service , where the desk was not the typical long counter, where one could see where the line started, but a half circle, where people would come from all directions.


Most of y'all will probably think I'm the kind of person you can't stand, because I actually liked helping customers and when at the bookstore, really enjoyed it when I got to chit chat with customers who enjoyed the same kind of books/movies, etc. that I did; it helped a lot when trying to help them find something.  A sense of humor also helped.  Example, I had a customer who had heard about a book on the the radio, but couldn't remember the name, author, nothing. Except that the cover was blue. Asked about a plot, and even though I'd never read the book, just a few words about what they heard, had me saying: "Everything Iluminated?" (I think that's the right title) and the customer yelled "YES!"


Of course the cover wasn't blue. Sometimes I even ask if they know what color the cover is, if they can even tell me ONE thing about it. It would help me to do a search. Sometimes humor helped.  And it also helped that by looking at someone, I would know which approach to use. Important thing to remember was not to condescend.


And then I would get questions like "why are you working here?" because I was actually helpful and wasn't ignoring the customer, and willing to help him find what he was looking for (this was during my teen years at Sears. Guess he was used to teens who didn't give a shit and acted bored and unwilling to help?)


covering head and running away for cover.

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Years back, I was hooked on the song Smoke of a Different Fire by the Sanford Townsend Band.  It was a little bit of an obscure oldie at the time, but the hub wanted to get it for me on cassette.  (It was that long ago.)  He walked into Cutler's, a legendary record store in New Haven (now dearly departed, RIP Cutler's), recited some very incorrect lyrics, and still came home with the right song. It was on a "best of the 70s, part 18" type of thing, not even a Sanford Townsend Band cassette.  It's a beautiful thing when that stuff happens, and I have no idea why you should run for cover, GHScorpiosRule.  I love to run into people like you in stores; and, though I'm not in retail, I aspire to be that helpful to the people whom I assist at work. 

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GhScorpiosrule, my family calls me an old people magnet. No matter where I am, elderly people always talk to me. I once stood outside my pharmacy and spoke to an old lady for half an hour. I learned her life story while my family was in the car waiting for me. She just seemed lonely so I let her talk. I always let them talk. So many of them just seem like they have nobody else to talk to and the few minutes that I listened might make their day a little happier so I listen.

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We had a friend who used to work in a Christian bookstore who had the greatest stories. One time a woman came in and asked for a particular Bible. I can't remember what she asked for, but something like a Williams Study Bible. He told her he had never heard of that one, but he'd look. She insisted that was the name, so he looked through the store's stock and on the computer and couldn't find anything by that name. She talked and talked and insisted she wanted a Williams Study Bible. He looked and looked and couldn't find anything. He looked on the Internet and still couldn't find anything, but she insisted it existed and that's what she wanted. Finally, he said, "Are you sure you don't mean a Thompson Study Bible?" and she said, "Oh, yes, that's what I mean. My name is Williams."

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I worked at a video rental store in high school, so I experienced a lot of, "I'm looking for that movie with that guy who was in the other movie with that blonde woman" type of requests.  When they were good-natured about it, coming to me from a place of, "I know this is a ridiculous description, but I just cannot remember anything more," I enjoyed the adventure.  When they were asses about it, I did not.


Oh, and at this same job, the kid who knocked over a display because he was horsing around in a way his father never should have allowed in the first place, started to pick things up, and was interrupted by his father saying, "Don't worry about it, that's their job"?  The scathing rebuke I sent the father's way garnered applause from nearby customers, like something out of a movie.  Same with when my asshole manager, having no clue of another situation, upbraided me in front of customers and I told him never to speak to me that way again, period, let alone in public.

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I use a lot of white pepper when cooking and rarely use regular pepper.


The bottles for the white pepper normally have these enormous holes where it is way too hard to control how much comes out.


A simple solution to this is what I've seen dear old Mum do a million times - when you get a new bottle, use a toothpick to poke a couple of holes in the seal that you normally remove when opening a new bottle.  The fine pepper will come out at a manageable rate then.


Yet, I always go on autopilot and tear the seal off when I open a new bottle.  And then I call myself a dumbass.

  • Love 1

For some strange reason my daughter and I have always loved the actor Jere Burns (I know you're all thinking "who"), I don't know why we like him so much but we always have.

Even though we know his name we always call him "that guy from the show who was in that movie with the camera".


I always say, "you know, the eyebrows!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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