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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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If I'm sitting in a dr's waiting room, that's because I'm not feeling very well so I don't want to listen to some jerk conducting business on a cellphone.  Go out in the hall, go out to the parking lot to do your cellphone calls and let us feelin' poorly folks try to catch up with People magazine gossip as we patiently await our turn.



About waiting rooms, first that is so rude to play a video or music.  They usually have signs, the receptionist should have them step out.  I would rather wait in the main waiting room.  My pet peeve is when they take you back to the room and have you sit in there. It seems like an eternity,  No good magazines and no clock and sometimes in a gown freezing.


You are not fooling me doctors.



Most medical offices I've been to tell you to turn off your phone.  I like this idea, and think people for the most part follow orders, because I've rarely been disturbed by a fellow waiter.  


I once had an after-work appointment at the Ob-Gyn, and they put me in the exam room to wait, undressed and gowned.  I waited and waited, even fell asleep for a while. Eventually I got up and looked out the door, and they were closing the office.*  They'd forgotten about me; the doctor said she'd had some emergency earlier that did not end well, and she was all upset -- and I understand that in the the big picture, I was merely inconvenienced, whereas someone else might have lost a baby or something, but boy was I pissed (but I tried not to show it, realizing the possible scenario).  Also did not attempt a re-do with that doctor, found a new one instead - who also sucked and was kind of pervy.  But -- to slowly circle back to the point -- I, too, am a BIG fan of waiting in the waiting room.   And not a big fan of evening appointments or Ob-Gyns.  


*Pre-cell phone times, I would have had to try and use the office phone system to get help.

  • Love 5

I was giving a young woman the evil eye last week for playing her stupid eighties music (I didn't like Loverboy the first time around!) too loud on her phone only to feel like an idiot when she left and I realized it was the audio system in the office!


My latest pet peeve is people capitalizing words for no apparent reason. Here is an example: "I just Love that Band from the Eighties. The lead Singer was so Cute!!" Not only is it more difficult to type this way, I don't understand the oddball capitalization.



Now I want to read a book mentioned in it about introverts in evangelical churches, which let me tell you, isn't an easy thing to be. There are days when I've thought that if one more person says to me, "I know you don't like hugs, but I'm going to hug you anyway," I was just going to slug someone, which really isn't the thing to do at church.


Yeah, I cringe when I see a forced hug coming my way. It's so incredibly rude. How about this? " I know you don't like boob grabbing, but I'm going to grab your boob anyway." Why do huggers think it's acceptable to forcibly touch another person?? Don't even get me started on the subject of extroverts assuming their way is God's way.


So, what was the name of the book the author mentioned? I'd love to read it.

  • Love 4

I forcibly straight-arm huggers.  There are very few people who are allowed to hug me, and you aren't one of them.


My uncle married a much younger woman (younger than I).  I met their children for the first time when they were toddlers and I was in my 20s.  She insisted they hug me, because she wanted them to "love everybody".   I said "Don't you think it's a little dangerous to teach them they have no choice in who touches them, particularly adult strangers?" 

  • Love 3

I maintain that Facebook is just like high school. People think they win some imaginary contest for racking up the most "friends" and "likes". Narcissism and egotism is rampant on Facebook, and it's more than I can handle. My mother and I have been hurt repeatedly over things one of my sisters has posted. It's absolutely the worst and stupidest thing in which I've ever taken part. I don't think you need worry about not posting, because people are usually too wrapped up in whatever brilliant diatribe they've posted and how many likes they are getting. That's the very central tenet of Facebook--LIKE MEEEEEE!!! UGH! Your dad isn't on Facebook to respond to their posts; they and their "friends" are. It is COMPLETELY a bid for attention.

I follow businesses, bands and TV shows I like, but by and large, I don't participate in it the way it is meant to be used. I have 14 "friends", and I'm related to 11 of them. My boss friend-requested me, and I denied it. Boundaries!

bilgistic - Huge thanks to you for this most perfect description of Facebook!  I joined for 2 weeks two years ago - against my better judgment, I might add.  For a few days it was fun seeing tons of photos of relatives I'd lost contact with, but then I began reading all the bullshit people posted.  One day my (adult) daughter and I had a disagreement about something I saw on her Facebook page and I called her up to let her know I didn't appreciate it.  What did she do?  She posted OUR "disagreement" on FACEBOOK (and so did her asshole husband)!  Oh.My.God.  Long story short, our relationship hasn't been the same since.  Your post made my day.  Thanks, again. 

  • Love 2

About waiting rooms, first that is so rude to play a video or music.  They usually have signs, the receptionist should have them step out.  I would rather wait in the main waiting room.  My pet peeve is when they take you back to the room and have you sit in there. It seems like an eternity,  No good magazines and no clock and sometimes in a gown freezing.


You are not fooling me doctors.


Amazingly, you can still get solidly good headphones for $10. I know because that's what I have. If I were in charge at Sony, I would market the hell out of those, specifically to people who play music and videos on their phones in public. The phrase "Don't be an assclown" might make its way into my ads.


I used to always forget about the "second wait" at the doctor's office. Now I make sure the Kindle app on my phone is well-stocked, and I also ask, "How much is the doctor running behind schedule?"

  • Love 3

I was giving a young woman the evil eye last week for playing her stupid eighties music (I didn't like Loverboy the first time around!) too loud on her phone only to feel like an idiot when she left and I realized it was the audio system in the office!

My latest pet peeve is people capitalizing words for no apparent reason. Here is an example: "I just Love that Band from the Eighties. The lead Singer was so Cute!!" Not only is it more difficult to type this way, I don't understand the oddball capitalization.

Yeah, I cringe when I see a forced hug coming my way. It's so incredibly rude. How about this? " I know you don't like boob grabbing, but I'm going to grab your boob anyway." Why do huggers think it's acceptable to forcibly touch another person?? Don't even get me started on the subject of extroverts assuming their way is God's way.

So, what was the name of the book the author mentioned? I'd love to read it.

"Introverts in the Church: Finding Our Place in an Extroverted Culture" by Adam McHugh. Edited by auntlada
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Being down here in the steamy Southern summer, I get that it's hot as balls and sometimes it's nice to kick your shoes off.

But for God's sake, please keep your damned shoes *on* in certain public places and don't wear those grimyassed flip-flop sandals anywhere but the beach, please!

If you and/or your children are in the grocery store or a fast food eatery without shoes on, that's disgusting.

If you and/or your children are at the movie theater or walking around a ballpark without shoes on, that's seriously disgusting.

If you and/or your children are in a medical office without shoes on, that's beyond disgusting.

Leave it to Britney Spears and her barefoot gas station bathroom adventures to allow white trash to argue against logic and decently sanitary public behavior with the statement, "It's hot and I'm just country, y'all!"

Yeah. Enjoy that eventual foot fungus/ringworm then.

  • Love 7

bilgistic - Huge thanks to you for this most perfect description of Facebook! I joined for 2 weeks two years ago - against my better judgment, I might add. For a few days it was fun seeing tons of photos of relatives I'd lost contact with, but then I began reading all the bullshit people posted. One day my (adult) daughter and I had a disagreement about something I saw on her Facebook page and I called her up to let her know I didn't appreciate it. What did she do? She posted OUR "disagreement" on FACEBOOK (and so did her asshole husband)! Oh.My.God. Long story short, our relationship hasn't been the same since. Your post made my day. Thanks, again.

There's a lot of what I like to refer to as "grief whores" on Facebook. Long, self-congratulatory posts about your dear friend/family member/whatever who passed away and how close you were, etc...photo galleries and the like.

((grief whores also qualify as those folks who make loud, grandiose displays of their sadness/crying at funerals and such---I get that we all feel grief in different ways, but have some respect for your fellow mourners and keep that shit on the DL or loudly cry it out elsewhere; I saw a woman literally throw herself on her late husband's coffin once and I almost burst out laughing since it looked like a scene straight from a bad telenovela))

Yet when my grandmother passed away last year at the age of 101, my family asked that we all remain mum and not disrespect her privacy by splashing the news all over social media, which I was glad to do. Some things are better left unsaid, and seeing as though none of her extended family/friends are even on Facebook/etc anyway, we only would've been posting her passing for our sakes, not hers; so why bother?

Facebook and social media can be such rampant breeding grounds for pet-peeves! I definitely have a few:

Vaguebooking---that's when you post something passive-aggressively vague like "I'm so upset right now!" or "Feeling so distressed" or "I can't believe what just happened..."

That's just annoying and such a cheap and pathetic ploy for attention. Just spit it out of shutup---if you're that drama queen who thrives on multiple people commenting back "Oh what's wrong?" or "What happened??" I automatically feel like Unfriending your melodramatic ass. Or I give you one last chance and post back a funny meme shaming you on your pitiful Vaguebooking.

Inability to edit photo posts---my best friend is guilty of this, and as much as I love her, she still can't seem to comprehend why she shouldn't upload 3-8 different versions of the same photos just with very slightly varying facial expressions. Like when we all get pics posed together, just post the best one, please don't post all 4 photos we took in that exact same pose/place!

But she'll always say, "I can't pick the best one, so I'll just post them all!" To which I tell her, "Trust me, NO ONE is looking at all 4 of these photos of us together, in fact, they're probably as annoyed by your inability to edit your photo posts as I am..."

Deaf ears, folks. And clogged news feeds.

Using your baby/child/pet photo as your profile pic---I'm friends with YOU, not your cat Mr. Fluffypants or your sticky toddler Jeremiah or your precious little niece Neveah. It just creeps me out to exchange messages and funny, off color posts with a picture of a collie, a kid or a sonogram. Please just stop!!

Edited by Sun-Bun
  • Love 3


I saw a woman literally throw herself on her late husband's coffin once and I almost burst out laughing since it looked like a scene straight from a bad telenovela))



LOL!! Something similar happened at a relative's funeral. I barely contained my eye rolling. The person who did it was a notorious drama queen so everyone knew it was all about her griefgasm rather than true emotion.

  • Love 1

Being down here in the steamy Southern summer, I get that it's hot as balls and sometimes it's nice to kick your shoes off.

But for God's sake, please keep your damned shoes *on* in certain public places and don't wear those grimyassed flip-flop sandals anywhere but the beach, please!

If you and/or your children are in the grocery store or a fast food eatery without shoes on, that's disgusting.

If you and/or your children are at the movie theater or walking around a ballpark without shoes on, that's seriously disgusting.

If you and/or your children are in a medical office without shoes on, that's beyond disgusting.

Leave it to Britney Spears and her barefoot gas station bathroom adventures to allow white trash to argue against logic and decently sanitary public behavior with the statement, "It's hot and I'm just country, y'all!"

Yeah. Enjoy that eventual foot fungus/ringworm then.

I will confess that my child was recently shoeless at the doctor's office, but that was because he threw up on them while we were waiting to get in to see the doctor. I carried him around the whole time after that.

On the same subject, I get that everyone in the walk-in clinic is sick and wants to be seen asap, but if there's a toddler who has nausea, maybe he can get bumped up in line or go to a private waiting room to save everyone the ickiness of seeing him throw up. Because at that age, they don't have enough control to keep it down until they can get to the bathroom. E were trying to get to the bathroom,mwhich was on the other side of the building. The least they could have done was put up a sign about the bags they have for throwing up. There were signs about coughing and masks but none about the bags. I didn't know they were there. Mind, it still would have been gross for everyone else, and the only trash can is just for regular trash, so do you just hold the full bag? Also gross, and I'm the mother.

At my dad's funeral, a woman who worked for him (and whose family owned the business, so not really working for Dad) told me how sad she was and how he taught her so much, and itnwas all I could do to keep quiet and not say something about how awful her family treated him.

Sorry about the typos. I am on an iPad, and it doesn't want to let me fix them.

Edited by auntlada

Years ago the hub had a terrible case of poison ivy that landed us in the emergency room because that's also our walk-in place.  The waiting room was crowded, and one of the desk people offered us a smaller, quiet waiting room of which we were the only occupants.  Using hindsight, I guess the hub looked pretty disturbing - icky, open sores, etc. -- so that's why we were segregated. But I was so glad to get away from this one woman who seemed to be trying to will herself into an asthma attack and another one who was dry heaving constantly that I was not get remotely offended. 

I agree with the shoeless kids and adults in public places. I don't even like my kids to play barefoot outside (a shoe or sandal helps protect their precious little toesies) but... Leave me and my flip flops alone!!!!!!!!! I love flip flops! I also love my Toms but I suffered a major toe injury (due to my only wearing flip flops probably) and can't exactly put my feet in real shoes at the moment.

I hate dr offices and bringing my kids to the dr. I prefer waiting in the private room that way I can be sick in private, my kids aren't disturbing anyone, etc..... I have been known to open the door to my room if I've been waiting in excess of 45 minutes so as not to be forgotten like the previous poster mentioned.

  • Love 1

In days of yore, DeLurker was barefoot as frequently as possible.  But DeLurker Mom would have killed me if I went into a public place barefoot - around the neighborhood she grew to tolerate, but only because it was a losing battle.  She was very happy when surfer sandals came to be (one step above flip flops - back in the day they had a thicker sole with different colored stripes running through them).  To this day, I take off my shoes the minute I get into the house (or any house where I know the people well enough).  I'd rather be in my stocking feet.


My brother is still without shoes as frequently as possible.  He'll wear them to work and wears sandals every place else.  Since he lives in Florida, I got him toe socks for the few days it gets cold.  His wife hated me anyway.  Well, she hates everyone so I am not special in that regard...

  • Love 2
Vaguebooking---that's when you post something passive-aggressively vague like "I'm so upset right now!" or "Feeling so distressed" or "I can't believe what just happened..."

That's just annoying and such a cheap and pathetic ploy for attention. Just spit it out of shutup---if you're that drama queen who thrives on multiple people commenting back "Oh what's wrong?" or "What happened??" I automatically feel like Unfriending your melodramatic ass. Or I give you one last chance and post back a funny meme shaming you on your pitiful Vaguebooking.


UGH!  I'm not on facebook, but recently listened to someone complain that she posted a status saying she was "in the ER" and she was pissed that only ONE person messaged her back with an "OMG what's wrong?"  she was pissed that her "friends"  were proving that they didn't care.  


I told her that maybe people figured she needed to deal with whatever was wrong, and would update later.  Or maybe they weren't glued to FB. 


But  what i THOUGHT was "if you're posting on facebook while in the ER, you're obviously not DYING!" 

  • Love 3

I am barefoot as much as possible, but I can't imagine being barefoot in public other than at the beach, a water park/community pool, etc.  I take that back -- I did once walk barefoot down city streets late at night, because my new shoes turned out to pinch so badly I could not walk the few blocks to the car in them without surprisingly severe pain.  And we all walk around the office barefoot from time to time, but that's our office; I wouldn't walk down to another department that way.

Edited by Bastet
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Using your baby/child/pet photo as your profile pic---I'm friends with YOU, not your cat Mr. Fluffypants or your sticky toddler Jeremiah or your precious little niece Neveah. It just creeps me out to exchange messages and funny, off color posts with a picture of a collie, a kid or a sonogram. Please just stop!!


In a way I understand why they don't necessarily use their own faces - sometimes people don't want their faces out there.  Although I'm not on FB, I wouldn't use my face either if I were.  As here, I'd use the default icon.   Then again, I'm lazy!  I certainly would never use my family members' faces for the same reason - privacy.



And we all walk around the office barefoot from time to time, but that's our office; I wouldn't walk down to another department that way.



Our office is casual and some workers did that, but policy changed when there was the potential lawsuit of someone walking on a random staple or tack.

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I just read that the new Apple Music streaming service costs $9.99 per month for a single membership and $14.99 for a family of up to six.  I am really tired of having to pay more because I'm on my own.  It's the same way with everything from gym memberships to phone plans to health insurance.  I get that companies want the high volume that groups bring but does the difference have to be so egregious?

Edited by Qoass
  • Love 8

Pet pictures as profile pictures don't bother me. Kid/baby pictures do. I get why some people don't want to use their picture but the kid picture is just weird. There are many other places to plaster pix of your kids if you feel so inclined. Just not the profile picture.


I use my picture on my Facebook but the one thing I don't use that a lot of people do is adding the maiden name. My name is not Sweets Smith McGee; it's Sweets McGee. I know that people do it so that people who knew them by their maiden name can find them, but my thoughts are 1) I don't care that much that people from my childhood can find me and 2) if someone really cared enough to try to find me, they could figure out my current name.

  • Love 3

Pet pictures as profile pictures don't bother me. Kid/baby pictures do. I get why some people don't want to use their picture but the kid picture is just weird. There are many other places to plaster pix of your kids if you feel so inclined. Just not the profile picture.


One of my friends shares our disdain for the "kid as profile picture" and would actually message people to ask them, "Were you transformed into an infant?" There's a fine line between "I love and care about my kid" and "I define myself by the fact that I have a kid", IMO.

  • Love 4

I have my cats in a rare moment of sitting near each other as my profile picture. People who know me, i.e., my Facebook friends, know that bilgistic = her cats. I refuse to put my face on FB because there is no privacy on that site, no matter what, and I have my profile locked down. Doesn't matter; FB owns your soul.

Kid pics are a big no-no in my view, but I can't tell my sisters not to post pics of my nieces. I think we are all going to see a very negative cultural shift (as if we haven't already) because of children (babies!) growing up with online visibility. The choice to have their images online isn't being made by them, but for them.

Edited by bilgistic
  • Love 5

I agree with the shoeless kids and adults in public places. I don't even like my kids to play barefoot outside (a shoe or sandal helps protect their precious little toesies) but... Leave me and my flip flops alone!!!!!!!!! I love flip flops! I also love my Toms but I suffered a major toe injury (due to my only wearing flip flops probably) and can't exactly put my feet in real shoes at the moment.

I hate dr offices and bringing my kids to the dr. I prefer waiting in the private room that way I can be sick in private, my kids aren't disturbing anyone, etc..... I have been known to open the door to my room if I've been waiting in excess of 45 minutes so as not to be forgotten like the previous poster mentioned.



Totally understand.  You want to raise a flag and say don't forget me.  One of the first things I learned working at Burger King  was when people are waiting for something, fries for example, inform them why they are waiting. It always seems longer.  I don't see why at a doctor's office someone can't pop their head in and say a few more minutes.  I told my doctor that one time and he seemed to appreciate the feedback.  


I get very anxious at the doctor's office so that is part of it.  I have also heard some triple book.

  • Love 1

One of my friends shares our disdain for the "kid as profile picture" and would actually message people to ask them, "Were you transformed into an infant?" There's a fine line between "I love and care about my kid" and "I define myself by the fact that I have a kid", IMO.

Okay, I actually don't mind pet/other random item/character photos as Facebook profile pics so much. But I did mention those aforementioned profile pic goofs to prove my point about how annoying it is when parents/relatives use their kid pics for their profile photos. It's like you're basically telling the world that you've given up your own identity in exchange for the kid, and it just creeps me out...especially when I'm private messaging them or sharing naughty jokes/memes with them.

Plus, it's just not fair to the kid and his/her privacy!

But I'm funny about that stuff and feel that social media should be all about sharing YOU and your very own profile/personality; I don't even share my husband's last name there and I rarely use a pic of us both together as my profile pic for that very reason. Those who know and love me already know that I'm happily married; I don't have to prove anything to my 1000+ Facebook "friends" or publicly display that someone was nuts enough to legally bind himself to me.

Ugh, that's another thing---what's up with former classmates who befriend you? I know many are just curious and want to see where you are in life and feel that old connection, but if we weren't friends in high school, then why are you befriending me now?

I just avoided my 20th high school reunion, although I did have a few former classmates try to convince me to come; thank God I had a fabulous NYC wedding to attend that same weekend. Although it was oddly amusing to see how most of the bitches I hated are now fat dowdy cows, so thanks for that, Facebook!!

Edited by Sun-Bun
  • Love 5

I hate the phrase "real women" as a size acceptance mantra. I appreciate that it aims to raise awareness of how fake a lot of photos are and why it's ridiculous, sexist and just plain old BS for culture to insist on holding up a faked picture as an ideal. I just hate how that phrase ends up being divisive and playing to stereotypes all over again.


I bring you this peeve because I was in a meeting (and, therefore, already considerably peeved) and everyone was yammering on about some Rice Krispie treats someone brought in. Take a treat, or don't. It's not hard. I took one. My coworker said she didn't want one. The woman next to her took one and then immediately turned to me and whispered, "we real women have to eat, don't we?" Um, what? First of all, holy office inappropriateness, Batman. Second, am I suddenly imagining my co-worker now? She's not real because she's smaller than the two of us and didn't choose a treat right then? She has her body shape, I have mine, you have yours. Can we all just please shut the f*ck up about it now?


And the younger generation doesn't think we need feminism anymore. Gah! Youth!

Speaking of youth, I'd like to smack down the target market that has now made it impossible for someone like me to find headphones. I detest ear buds. Gross. Ouch. Have you never seen the Wrath of Kahn? Won't wear 'em. Can't make me. But that doesn't mean I want the enormous, noise-reduction models, either. I'm not an air-traffic controller. Confound it, I just want my nice little Sony foam earphones. But I want the ones that go OVER my head, not behind my ears because WTF is that? These models do not exist anymore. Nope, no more Walgreens or Target for me. The kidz don't like those, so now I have to special order my "special" earphones from Amazon. Are you kidding me with this sh*t?


I wonder...do medical offices draw out your appointment as long as possible in hopes you'll be duped into thinking you got a lot of value for your money? Wow, I spent four hours at the office and talked with my doc for five minutes while she entered everything into a computer and glanced at me once in a while - if I burned half a day with this, it must have been a great, important deal, right? Even if I end up having my history reviewed by five different people only to have my doctor ask, "does this condition run in your family?" Why, no! I just made a mistake the other FIVE TIMES I indicated that it did.







  • Love 6

Speaking of youth, I'd like to smack down the target market that has now made it impossible for someone like me to find headphones. I detest ear buds. Gross. Ouch. Have you never seen the Wrath of Kahn? Won't wear 'em. Can't make me. But that doesn't mean I want the enormous, noise-reduction models, either. I'm not an air-traffic controller. Confound it, I just want my nice little Sony foam earphones. But I want the ones that go OVER my head, not behind my ears because WTF is that? These models do not exist anymore. Nope, no more Walgreens or Target for me. The kidz don't like those, so now I have to special order my "special" earphones from Amazon. Are you kidding me with this sh*t?


I hate this too!  My ears are apparently odd an no earbud ever has stayed in them.  I've tried all shapes and sizes, some even had multiple sized attachments.  Nope - they all fall out.  Even when I'm not moving around.  I have, however, found a few pair that are small in size that I do not want to lose.  One pair has the traditional headband (Maxell, fyi), and the other hooks over each individual ear.  (I do also have large headphones that cover the ears for when I want to just lose myself and not hear anything else, and noise cancelling headphones for plane rides).


ETA: link to Maxell small headband-type headphones.

  • Love 1

I hate this too!  My ears are apparently odd an no earbud ever has stayed in them.  I've tried all shapes and sizes, some even had multiple sized attachments.  Nope - they all fall out.  Even when I'm not moving around.  I have, however, found a few pair that are small in size that I do not want to lose.  One pair has the traditional headband (Maxell, fyi), and the other hooks over each individual ear.  (I do also have large headphones that cover the ears for when I want to just lose myself and not hear anything else, and noise cancelling headphones for plane rides).


ETA: link to Maxell small headband-type headphones.

I misread this as Maxwell Smart...I was very disappointed.


The 14 YO doesn't like most earbuds.  The only earbuds she can tolerate are these by Apple.  She asked for a pair of these for her birthday last year. 

  • Love 1

I hate this too!  My ears are apparently odd an no earbud ever has stayed in them.  I've tried all shapes and sizes, some even had multiple sized attachments.  Nope - they all fall out.  Even when I'm not moving around.  I have, however, found a few pair that are small in size that I do not want to lose.  One pair has the traditional headband (Maxell, fyi), and the other hooks over each individual ear.  (I do also have large headphones that cover the ears for when I want to just lose myself and not hear anything else, and noise cancelling headphones for plane rides).


ETA: link to Maxell small headband-type headphones.



Oh, my Peoples! Again, I thought I was the only one this happened to! (How narcissistic am I?)  It always aggravates me that I see those stupid earbuds remain in place for others, but me? I have to contort my head to make sure one stays, and then the other falls out. So I don't use them. AT all. And I wouldn't be surprised if the number of people who do wear them, don't become deaf soon. I can hear the music blasting from their earbuds, and I wonder, just how high do they have the volume up?


Regarding Face Book. Well, it took me a long time to get an account, and I didn't just on principle. Because Everyone was getting it. But then, I finally succumbed, and I think it's a necessary evil; it's a way for me to stay in touch with all my family and friends who live overseas.  As for profile pictures? Well, I rotate. Most times, it's Batman; but I also use my own face and my own name. And I rarely post what's going on with me. I just read. Though it's crazy how many people just post all their personal intimate details OUT THERE.


I've been ill for almost seven months and dealing with it, and last weekend I finally went out to a book signing--and yes, changed my profile picture of me and one of my favorite authors (don't judge me!) because I look good, and was feeling good, so why not? But I don't look to see how many "likes" I get for it or for whatever pictures I want to share or post.


What does make me uncomfortable is when friends post the death of a loved one. I see so many people expressing their condolences. Me? I do that in private. Or in a private message.


What I don't do, is become friends with someone who is a friend of a friend. I don't know you, so I'm not going to accept your friend request because A is a friend to both of us.


And it's taking everything I have to stay quiet when I see multiple posts by the same person, one right after another, when they can just used the edit button and put them all in ONE post. Or to try using punctuation, while he or she is at it.


Yes, I am feeling mean, petty and cranky lately.

  • Love 2

I hate this too!  My ears are apparently odd an no earbud ever has stayed in them.  I've tried all shapes and sizes, some even had multiple sized attachments.  Nope - they all fall out.  Even when I'm not moving around.  I have, however, found a few pair that are small in size that I do not want to lose.  One pair has the traditional headband (Maxell, fyi), and the other hooks over each individual ear.  (I do also have large headphones that cover the ears for when I want to just lose myself and not hear anything else, and noise cancelling headphones for plane rides).


ETA: link to Maxell small headband-type headphones.


I highly recommend the ones that hook over each individual ear. Those are the ones I mentioned in my last post that I've used for 10+ years (basically the same Sony model which I replace whenever they break). They're cheap like earbuds and easier to store than headband headphones. The ear clip is barely visible, easy to put on, and something I got used to in just days. I'm surprised everybody doesn't use them.


And I think long doctors' office waits happen because most doctors schedule too many patients and end up falling behind and making people wait. Which is greedy and not cool.

  • Love 1


Amazingly, you can still get solidly good headphones for $10. I know because that's what I have. If I were in charge at Sony, I would market the hell out of those, specifically to people who play music and videos on their phones in public. The phrase "Don't be an assclown" might make its way into my ads.


I'm still thinking about this subject.  I swear, earlier today I'm waiting for the bus and this hipster mom is letting her grade school son play a *loud* video on his phone.  Then they get on the bus and he's *still* playing it.  Kid looks about 8 or 9, so as far as I'm concerned it's her fault.  I actually had the thought, have they banned the sale of headphones? 

Thanks for the link to the over the ear phones by the way Aquarian1. I used to have a pair like that from Sony but I don't think they make them anymore.

Edited by roseha
  • Love 1

Social media - going back to this, it occurred to me I am so very grateful that social media wasn't around when I was a young vapid kid.  I would die of embarrassment if some of my deep thoughts from days of yore came back to haunt me!  Learning to self-censor and edit myself took lots of time and I still blurt out stuff sometime despite my best effort.


It astounds me that adults lack the common sense to self-censor on social media. 

  • Love 11

I still have some of my journals from high school, and I'm horrified at the things I wrote back then. I thank the dieties there was no social media in those days!

There's a project (I can't remember the name of it) in which people put on stage shows reading their teenage writings. It's hilarious, poignant, sad and wonderful. There are clips on YouTube, but because I can't remember the name, good luck finding it.

  • Love 4

Inability to edit photo posts---my best friend is guilty of this, and as much as I love her, she still can't seem to comprehend why she shouldn't upload 3-8 different versions of the same photos just with very slightly varying facial expressions. Like when we all get pics posed together, just post the best one, please don't post all 4 photos we took in that exact same pose/place!

But she'll always say, "I can't pick the best one, so I'll just post them all!" To which I tell her, "Trust me, NO ONE is looking at all 4 of these photos of us together, in fact, they're probably as annoyed by your inability to edit your photo posts as I am..."

I had the opportunity to go to the Harvard Business School for a week of training specifically tailored to my industry.  Facebook came up in a couple different discussions, and they boiled down how it works in a way that I hadn't considered.  The people who write lots of stuff and post lots of pictures are Facebook's content providers. If it weren't for them, there would be very little reason to visit Faceboook.


Looking at people's pictures is one of the biggest generators of traffic on Facebook, and from what the statistics show, far more people click through all of those photos than do not.


Also fun fact: the biggest categories of picture viewers are females looking at the photos of their female friends and males looking a the pictures of females who are not their friends.  Heh.


I just read that the new Apple Music streaming service costs $9.99 per month for a single membership and $14.99 for a family of up to six.  I am really tired of having to pay more because I'm on my own.  It's the same way with everything from gym memberships to phone plans to health insurance.  I get that companies want the high volume that groups bring but does the difference have to be so egregious?

Edit: I went on and on, but that was a waste of everybody's time.


As somebody who sets that kind of pricing, the truth is, family customers are more valuable than single customers to businesses that have recurring subscriptions and minimal variable cost associated with whether or not one person or four people use the service. So you can either look at it as single customers are penalized or as family customers get a discount, but there is a legitimate business reason for it to be that way.


Health care is a totally different product. Those prices are set by the history of costs by group and a lot of hideous math. It kills me that I have to pay so much for family rate when I KNOW that the rate I'm paying per child in my family rate is absolutely too high for what it would be to insure a single child.  Because children don't rack up massive bills for heart disease and cancer at the rates that adults do. The rates I'm paying for family totally subsidize all of the Single and Single +1 adults.  But that's the way the math works for insurance companies.

Edited by JTMacc99
  • Love 1

I still have some of my journals from high school, and I'm horrified at the things I wrote back then. I thank the dieties there was no social media in those days!

There's a project (I can't remember the name of it) in which people put on stage shows reading their teenage writings. It's hilarious, poignant, sad and wonderful. There are clips on YouTube, but because I can't remember the name, good luck finding it.

I lived in modest sized houses with a large family so the concept of privacy was not a reality, hence no diaries or journals...to my eternal gratitude.  If any of my friends kept our written correspondence, I am sure my notes and letters would be filled to the brim with soul cringing revelations!  And considering that I spent the majority of the four years of high school exchanging notes with my friends, there would be a multitude of shame inducing deep thoughts.

  • Love 3

Here it is!


There's a documentary, "Mortified Nation", that I saw on Netflix; it's still available. A Sundance series(?) is, too.


This looks good!   I've also heard of celebrities doing a dramatic reading of other celebrities' memoirs -- some of them are very cringeworthy so very funny.  To participate in Mortified Nation must take a certain kind of bravery in addition to a sense of humor, since the reader is lampooning his/her own work.  Personally, I join the ranks who are grateful they never journaled for whatever reason in their youths.

  • Love 3

And considering that I spent the majority of the four years of high school exchanging notes with my friends, there would be a multitude of shame inducing deep thoughts.


Ha - same here.  Get to class, write a note, fold it into some intricate design, tune back in to class, exchange notes in the hallway between periods, go to next class and read said note ... and then sit together at lunch discussing all the same stupid shit that was in the note.

  • Love 4

That pet peeve of rudeness combined with cluelessness rears its ugly head again:


I was preparing to go shopping at Sam's Club yesterday morning.  I get a cart from the lot and walk towards the entrance.  A woman is on a cell phone blocking my path.  I politely ask her to move aside.  As I'm moving through I hear her say, "What do you expect me to do?  Walk in front of traffic?".  I kept moving but two possible answers came to my mind:



"Yes, lady, please step out into traffic!  It would be the best thing you could do for the species!"



"No, Lady, I want you to pull your phone out of your ear and pay attention to your surroundings!  Stop blocking people who are trying to get into the customer entrance when there are plenty of other places you could stand and make your call ! "

  • Love 5
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