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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,
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This. Plus, I can't help but feel like he's using me to figure out if he can get a better deal on a newer model, which he CANNOT. The lifetime service plan alone is a $300 value. You cannot get a lifetime service plan from TiVo for less than that, period. He's basically getting that for free. The used unit plus the wireless adapter have a current market value of $75-$150, based upon what I'm seeing on eBay.

I just looked; the lifetime plan on the new units is $550! Thank god I didn't pay that much last year!

This guy is a tool. I'm done with him.

ETA: Texted him: "This isn't going to work out." Blocked his number. Weight lifted.

Edited by bilgistic
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Years ago when I worked at Radio Shack, there was a customer who came in every weekend looking at computers. I don't even have a clue how many hours I spent with him discussing his requirements, what kind of software he would need, disk storage, and all that. This went on for 2, maybe 3 months.

One day this same customer came wandering in the store and I'm thinking "here we go again ...", except he came over and said he had been out of town visiting relatives and got a package deal at one of the shops there.

I just stood there smiling and said "oh. that's nice", while I was contemplating taking up voodoo so I could beat his effigy with bricks or any other solid objects.

A week or so later he phoned the store because he couldn't get his printer working properly and was wondering what he should do. I kindly told him we only provided tech support for what we sold at the store and hung up.

Now that I've ranted ... my search for TiVo's produced all kinds of results, so there's no reason why your potential buyer wouldn't already be armed with all the necessary information needed to purchase yours. All he'd really need from you is the specific model? what condition is it in? and what comes with it?

Edited by Random Noise
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15 minutes ago, Random Noise said:

Years ago when I worked at Radio Shack, there was a customer who came in every weekend looking at computers. I don't even have a clue how many hours I spent with him discussing his requirements, what kind of software he would need, disk storage, and all that. This went on for 2, maybe 3 months.

One day this same customer came wandering in the store and I'm thinking "here we go again ...", except he came over and said he had been out of town visiting relatives and got a package deal at one of the shops there.

I just stood there smiling and said "oh. that's nice", while I was contemplating taking up voodoo so I could beat his effigy with bricks or any other solid objects.

A week or so later he phoned the store because he couldn't get his printer working properly and was wondering what he should do. I kindly told him we only provided tech support for what we sold at the store and hung up.

Now that I've ranted ... my search for TiVo's produced all kinds of results, so there's no reason why your potential buyer wouldn't already be armed with all the necessary information needed to purchase yours. All he'd really need from you is what condition is it in?, and what comes with it?

Ha! And good for you!

Yes, I keep thinking that I never do this to people from whom I'm considering buying something. I hope he's sitting there going, "Dammit, I asked one question too many." I've had much easier transactions selling used computers and electronics on eBay to people across the country.

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Okay, I realize this is a minor peeve in the big scheme of things, but I really wish health care workers would listen to me when I tell them that I am a "hard stick." I spent most of Friday evening in an ER, after having some serious dizziness, inability to walk/stand up straight, etc.; because of previous neurological issues, I thought I might be having a CVA.  Fortunately, it turned out to be something completely different, a severe case of sinusitis that has my equilibrium fucked up. For various reasons, they decided to put me on an IV and administer some antibiotics that way. Understand, I do not mind needles and am okay with people sticking me with them as needed. But I'm not new to being stuck, and I know that some techs have difficulty when they need to stick me. So, when the first tech attempted to stick me to start an IV and missed the first time, I told him that I have the perfect trifecta of bad veins: they are thin; they roll; and they blow out at the slightest provocation. (I don't usually mention it before the first attempt because I don't want it to become a self-fulfilling prophecy, and occasionally someone will get it right the first time.) But if the tech misses, I feel compelled to alert them about the bad vein situation, so that if they need to get someone more experienced, they can. On more than one occasion when I have been admitted to a hospital, they've had to send for the tech who normally sticks infants because they're presumably used to working with small veins, etc. Anyway, the first tech tried multiple times and failed; he occasionally hit a vein but it immediately blew out. Second tech strolls in and announces he always gets the vein on the first attempt; that didn't turn out so well either. The end result is that I have multiple punctures on both arms, including my hands, and bruises that combined with the punctures, make it look as if I've been doing some serious shooting up of drugs. 

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@BookWoman56 I feel for you on this one. It's hard to sit there and let them take multiple tries to get into a vein. In general I dislike it when, because we do know our bodies best, that medical personnel do not listen when we do try to help them find the easiest route or understand that we have been though ____ many times and are trying to spare them frustration and ourselves discomfort or pain. I've been on both sides of this. I have found that sometimes someone in the anesthesia dept are also adept at "trifecta" vessels. I hope that the antibiotics are helping and that you on your way to recovery. Feel better soon. 

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I have huge veins and during my paramedic years student nurses would look at my arms and be on the verge of drooling. I used to let them practice on me until one stuck me directly through the vein and into the muscle below which was really painful and the bruise lasted for quite some time.

Quite seriously, you should alert them before the first attempt that you happen to be difficult to start a needle on. I know there are some who will keep trying until they either get the needle in or have your arm ripped to shreds, but at least from my experience, they'll simply call for someone with a delicate touch to spare you the torture.

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@Random Noise,  If the tech is really young and/or recoils in horror when he/she is first examining my arm to spot a viable location, I go ahead and alert the tech before the first attempt. It just often plays out as them asking me which arm I prefer, me telling them to use the left arm, them getting that WTF look on their faces while I tell them, seriously, the right arm is worse, them declaring that my right arm cannot possibly be worse, and then them getting that WTFF look as they say some variation of "Holy crap, it is worse." But some of them do not seem to understand that yes, I'd much prefer to wait for someone who can do it without turning me into a pincushion than to sit there and endure their attempts right this minute. 

@Mindthinkr, thanks, I am feeling better already thanks to the meds.

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Ugh, BookWoman56, I hope you start feeling better. I am super pale so my veins are easy to spot but I have an annoying habit of throwing up if they have trouble sticking me or if I watch the blood being drawn. I have no fear of needles or blood but something about watching it makes me nauseous. 

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I am afraid Google can now read my mind. I need to get the girls a new/bigger bowl stand and I hadn't started looking for one yet (therefore, no pet store ads or cookies yet; I clear my mobile browser cache regularly to dump the ads). I opened this page and saw an ad for bowl stand above @emma675's post.

I was reading scary stories earlier, so maybe this is just evidence that the ghost really is in the machine.

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50 minutes ago, riley702 said:

BookWoman, I'd seriously tell them they have 2 attempts and then MUST get someone else, and hold to that. You absolutely have that right. To blow all your veins is inexcusable.

My mother developed brittle veins in her senior years and I told her to always inform the hospital staff of that before they did any blood work or IVs. It's one thing to start an IV on healthy veins, but it's an entirely different matter if the integrity of the vein can be destroyed in the process.

It's not merely the pain and bruising that can come of it, but you also have the risk of a blood clot forming, breaking loose, and traveling to a critical part of the body.

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A little late now but I wanted to punch all those newscasters who talked about how we all got an "extra" hour of sleep this weekend because we're turning the clocks back. Some of us wake up of our own accord, ya know, which is why I was staring at my ceiling at 5:30 am on Sunday.

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I mean no disrespect to anyone here in this fun and cathartic thread who also participates in the one I am about to mention--and I'm always fine with posts that actually say something regardless of what the opinion of a TV show is--but why, why, why do some people even watch, much less talk about, The Walking Dead? I get that the snark is fun but I am not seeing that "fun" in most of the posts over there.

I am not blameless, as why am I even reading those threads when I already know this? Sometimes I just want some insight to an episode but I end up feeling like a halfwitted fool for still liking, and even looking forward to watching, the show.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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6 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I mean no disrespect to anyone here in this fun and cathartic thread who also participates in the one I am about to mention--and I'm always fine with posts that actually say something regardless of what the opinion of a TV show is--but why, why, why do some people even watch, much less talk about, The Walking Dead?

I'm mostly a lurker on The Walking Dead forums. I know fans in these forums have been hard on it for awhile. I am a fan that isn't so happy with the direction that show is going. I think Negan is obnoxious and the character has ruined a lot of my love for the TWD.  I continue to watch because 1) I'm a completionist 2) because I am curious to see how it all ends.

I get your complaint though. I used to be a General Hospital fan back in the '90s. As the show declined in quality over the years, I stuck with it because I was a fan of certain characters. For the most part, the show made me sick to watch because of how they blatantly propped (and to this day, STILL prop) certain characters.  The forums here and at  TWoP were cathartic for me, personally, but I could see how a fan who was happy with the show and the direction it took would avoid these forums or be afraid to comment because the posters here dragged on the stereotypical faves (and with good reason, IMO). I finally quit the show because I had enough of feeling upset/angry/disappointed after every episode.  TWD airs infrequently enough that people will continue to tune in with hopes that the new season will go in a direction that they want it to go. I'm sorry that the culture of the thread is making you feel like that. No one should feel dumb for liking a show.

Edited by AgentRXS
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Ah, you get me! Like, I'll mock Rick and all, but I also like to get excited about the stuff I like (however silly--I just love me that tiger, man! But I am worried sick about her!). And Carol's previous homemaker wardrobe made me crazy--but it was in a fun way. My BF was very upset about the Glenn dumpster close call, but he was still excited about the show regardless. I don't know--I just like to like it, and I too am kind of a completionist. I think there's a fun, "right" way to hate-watch and a way that makes the hate-watcher seem like just a big old pill! And it seems so different than relentlessly hating on a reality show or something more obviously inane. TWD is a fairy tale and I'm good with whatever story they want to tell me, even if I holler about stuff here and there!

I also love Carl unapologetically, so maybe don't go by me, haha!

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3 hours ago, Qoass said:

A little late now but I wanted to punch all those newscasters who talked about how we all got an "extra" hour of sleep this weekend because we're turning the clocks back. Some of us wake up of our own accord, ya know, which is why I was staring at my ceiling at 5:30 am on Sunday.

I was anticipating the extra sleep, but kept waking up to make sure I'd set the clock correctly before going to bed (I had to work Sunday morning, so didn't want to wake up an hour late).

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5 minutes ago, riley702 said:

I was anticipating the extra sleep, but kept waking up to make sure I'd set the clock correctly before going to bed (I had to work Sunday morning, so didn't want to wake up an hour late).

But, you would have woken up an hour early, not an hour late.  I know because I forgot to change my time and I got up and saw that it was 5:30 and I was like ugh.  Then, someone asked me if I enjoyed my extra hour sleep and I said, no I forgot, but that's OK, because I'd go to bed early that night and get my extra sleep on Monday.  I woke up at 5:30 again, but at least this time I knew it and stayed in bed.

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I hate when Daylight Saving Time ends.  Sure, waking up at 9:30 this morning and having it feel like I'd slept until 10:30 was nice, but that fades after a couple of days.  The whole getting dark early thing drags on for months. 

Having logged some highway hours this weekend, I must reiterate another peeve: slow drivers who don't move the fuck over.  Even if they don't know that basic rule of the road, it's right there on the signs that are posted every ten miles or so!  "Slower Traffic Keep Right." 

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1 hour ago, AgentRXS said:


I get your complaint though. I used to be a General Hospital fan back in the '90s. As the show declined in quality over the years, I stuck with it because I was fans of certain characters. For the most part, the show made me sick to watch because of how they blatantly propped (and to this day, STILL prop) certain characters.  The forums here and at  TWoP were cathartic for me, personally, but I could see how a fan who was happy with the show and the direction it took would avoid these forums or be afraid to comment because the posters here dragged on the stereotypical faves (and with good reason, IMO). I finally quit the show because I had enough of feeling upset/angry/disappointed after every episode.  

I totally Feel you. And as you can tell by my handle, who MY favorite characters ARE. I left after Robin FINALLY got her Happily Ever After, even if the current asshole in charge RUSHED the story because the actor playing her husband, Patrick, was leaving to work on another soap. This character, who grew up on the show, was fucked over, again and again by the new regime. It's a credit to her and her love for her fellow ex-castmates that Kimberly McCullough returns periodically. And for those who never watched and don't know who the hell I'm talking about:

Robert!Fucking!Scorpio! AnnaFucking!DevaneScorpio! and Robin!Fucking!Scorpio-Drake. But Robin will ALWAYS be a Scorpio!

25 minutes ago, riley702 said:

I was anticipating the extra sleep, but kept waking up to make sure I'd set the clock correctly before going to bed (I had to work Sunday morning, so didn't want to wake up an hour late).

Heh. I turned back all my manual clocks at 10:00 pm, so I wouldn't have deal with it.


Now, what I'm going to post next? I am not asking for pity, and hell, I don't expect everyone to "like" me. I know I come off immature and silly sometimes, and even anal-retentive. When I read some of the comments here, I think, 'Hoo boy, this sounds like you wouldn't like me if you met me in real life,' though with me, what you "see" on here, is what you get.  That said, I don't know if I mentioned it, but if one is going to try and give another point of view on a show or an actor/actress/host, and you can't be bothered with basic grammar and punctuation, meaning, refusing to use them, I can't be bothered. And I put them on my ignore list. I'm not kidding. There are a handful, yes a handful of posters that comment in forums I watch, who just write run-on sentences, using contractions, but NOT USING apostrophes, or capitalization, where warranted. It drives me batshit crazy. Or those who will mostly write in complete sentences, but for one or two words, will do this: for the word about, I see them repeatedly typing "abt." How difficult is it to type out the extra two letters?

I don't know why that bothers me. It just smacks of laziness.

That said, I know, in some forums, I write in certain...dialects/accents, but that's because I'm "talking" in "character" or like the character I'm gushing about. And I'm sure that there are those that can't stand it when I do. But that's different. So I'm also a hypocrite. Sue Me.

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@GHScorpiosRule You scare me with the grammar police talk. Please understand that some, like myself, just do the best we can. Sometimes I'm rushing so fast to get a complete thought out before I forget it, that might resort to some of your pet peeves. For me it's an age issue. Trust that I want to be correct but I'm human and I err. 

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1 minute ago, Mindthinkr said:

@GHScorpiosRule You scare me with the grammar police talk. Please understand that some, like myself, just do the best we can. Sometimes I'm rushing so fast to get a complete thought out before I forget it, that might resort to some of your pet peeves. For me it's an age issue. Trust that I want to be correct but I'm human and I err. 

I have never seen any egregious mistakes in anything I’ve read from you! But I can’t help that I’m a Grammar Nazi.?

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Just now, GHScorpiosRule said:

I have never seen any egregious mistakes in anything I’ve read from you! But I can’t help that I’m a Grammar Nazi.?

Well then, I'll be your friend if you correct me or warn me before you put me on your ignore list! Deal? 

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Just now, Mindthinkr said:

Well then, I'll be your friend if you correct me or warn me before you put me on your ignore list! Deal? 

With people (like you) who I consider my cyber friends, I feel comfortable in pointing out or correcting typos and the like. It’s the more “shit-stirrers” that opinions as fact, or just want to be contrarian, and who are guilty of being grammatically incorrect, that I just add to that list.??

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Apostrophes in the wrong place bother me far more than is reasonable, and something like 70's (rather than '70s) makes me the twitchiest.  I don't think the apostrophe rules are difficult, and putting the apostrophe where the thing it's replacing would be seems like it should be the easiest one to remember. 

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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I totally Feel you. And as you can tell by my handle, who MY favorite characters ARE. I left after Robin FINALLY got her Happily Ever After, even if the current asshole in charge RUSHED the story because the actor playing her husband, Patrick, was leaving to work on another soap. This character, who grew up on the show, was fucked over, again and again by the new regime. It's a credit to her and her love for her fellow ex-castmates that Kimberly McCullough returns periodically. And for those who never watched and don't know who the hell I'm talking about:

Robert!Fucking!Scorpio! AnnaFucking!DevaneScorpio! and Robin!Fucking!Scorpio-Drake. But Robin will ALWAYS be a Scorpio!

I've seen you around the forums for a long time, and never made the screen name connection - probably because I've never watched General Hospital (please don't put me on your ignore list for that!).  ;-)

I'm a grammar, spelling, punctuation AND idiom fanatic.  Reading some posts makes me clench my teeth so hard that my TMJ syndrome flares up (not to mention what it's probably doing to my blood pressure)!

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6 hours ago, Qoass said:

A little late now but I wanted to punch all those newscasters who talked about how we all got an "extra" hour of sleep this weekend because we're turning the clocks back. Some of us wake up of our own accord, ya know, which is why I was staring at my ceiling at 5:30 am on Sunday.

My son sent me a text at 5:00 AM from his bedroom pointing out that his alarm clock made him think it was 6:00 but it was only 5:00 so he's going back to sleep.

Thanks boy. 

As for turning back or forward the clocks that need adjusting, my dad as the years went by started doing it like the middle of the day on Saturday. It drove me nuts. He would also swap out a roll of toilet paper when there were MANY sheets still left, and then leave it on top of the new roll to continue to be used, only in less convenient camping style free hand.  Heh. 

Having said that, the old man definitely passed down some of that behavior to me. I practically bolt out of bed on Sunday morning, head for my atomic watch that syncs up to the official US time in Fort Collins, CO and set off to change all the clocks in the house. I'm actually sitting here right now fretting that I forgot one and need to do it when I go home.  

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17 minutes ago, JTMacc99 said:

He would also swap out a roll of toilet paper when there were MANY sheets still left, and then leave it on top of the new roll to continue to be used, only in less convenient camping style free hand.  Heh. 

I'd be willing to bet either your mother or his really got on his case about not changing the toilet paper roll.  So, he was passive-aggressively proactive about it. 

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2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I totally Feel you. And as you can tell by my handle, who MY favorite characters ARE.

I legitimately thought your username meant G-something High [School] Scorpios (mascot). I feel kind of dumb now. I went to a GHS, so give me a slight pass on my goof?

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8 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

I legitimately thought your username meant G-something High [School] Scorpios (mascot). I feel kind of dumb now. I went to a GHS, so give me a slight pass on my goof?

Absolutely. Hell, back on TWoP, I coudn't even use the "GH" because...too many letters, so a lot of people thought my handle/moniker stood for the zodiac sign Scorpios ruled! I'm sure they do, but I'm a Pisces, myself. Couldn't use Robert!F'n!ScorpioRocks, either. Same thing. Because he was the first and the BEST. Tristan Rogers! The Aussie Accent that never faded, that charming smile! Those sparkling Baby Blues! Sigh...


My high school mascot was the Blue Devil. Yep, we got away with using a non-PC mascot-A DEVIL! ??with HORNS! ?But he was Blue! Fucking A! I'm glad I was a kid/teen/young adult during those years: 1970-1998-ish.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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6 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I left after Robin FINALLY got her Happily Ever After, even if the current asshole in charge RUSHED the story because the actor playing her husband, Patrick, was leaving to work on another soap. This character, who grew up on the show, was fucked over, again and again by the new regime. It's a credit to her and her love for her fellow ex-castmates that Kimberly McCullough returns periodically. And for those who never watched and don't know who the hell I'm talking about


3 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I couldn't use Robert!F'n!ScorpioRocks, either. Same thing. Because he was the first and the BEST. Tristan Rogers! The Aussie Accent that never faded, that charming smile! Those sparkling Baby Blues! Sigh...


Me too! My last day was also the day Robin and Patrick left for California (?...can't remember now). I know Kim still makes appearances here and there, but I don't bother looking them up because I feel like Robin and Patrick got the best ending they could get from the current regime during their exit, so I just stopped right there. I didn't even bother to tune in when Jane Eliot left, and Tracey Q was one of my faves.

And yes, even though he's old enough to be my grandfather, I also had a massive crush on Tristan Rogers as Robert Scorpio. I just can't get into his character on  Y&R (I think that's where he's currently at or was, last I checked) because he just IS Robert Scorpio to me. And my screen name is also a little nod to him as well. I think I just got finished watching a Scorpio-heavy GH episode when I created my screen name. So yeah, the Agent part is because he is/was a WSB agent, and the RXS is for Robert Xavier Scorpio. I know, I'm a dork.

Edited by AgentRXS
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1 minute ago, AgentRXS said:


Me too! My last day was also the day Robin and Patrick left for California (?...can't remember now). I know Kim still makes appearances here and there, but that I don't bother looking them up because I feel like Robin and Patrick got the best ending they could get from the current regime during their exit, so I just stopped right there. I didn't even bother to tune in when Jane Eliot left, and Tracey Q was one of my faves.

And yes, even though he's old enough to be my grandfather, I also had a massive crush on Tristan Rogers as Robert Scorpio. I just can't get into his character on  Y&R (I think that's where he's currently at or was, last I checked) because he just IS Robert Scorpio to me. And my screen name is also a little nod to him as well. I think I just got finished watching a Scorpio-heavy GH episode when I created my screen name. So year the Agent part is because he is/was a WSB agent, and the RXS is for Robert Xavier Scorpio. I know, I'm a dork.

Yeah, the moved to California and both work at Berkley Hospital(??) where she COS! She had another baby last summer.

That said, I admit to being a hypocrite, because now that original block of wood Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) is back, I am watching only for when Robin shows up and they reunite onscreen together, because it's only with her that he actually makes any attempt to act. He literally lights up. Well, his eyes do. Then again, Kimberly is a chemistry magnet...

I don't think you're a dork at all! I love your screen name! Do you remember Robert's theme? Herbie Hancock?

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2 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Do you remember Robert's theme? Herbie Hancock?

I don't. I was too young to remember his original run. I didn't fall in love with him until they brought him back in 2006, and then I watched all the old clips on You Tube. I wish I was around for his original run, because his adventures with Luke in the '80s seemed like fun television.

I also love J&R so I might need you to remind me when/if their reunion airs, and I'll try to catch the clip. They are magic together. I'm glad TPTB gave Robin another child. I think I quit going to GH's FB page for clips when I saw people dragging Kim for her weight gain from her miscarriage.

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We do, in fact, rule.

-A Scorpio

Preach it.

Do you think we might be over represented on this board?  We are a peevy bunch, but only because people insist on pissing us off.  

Edited by Quof
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12 minutes ago, AgentRXS said:

I don't. I was too young to remember his original run. I didn't fall in love with him until they brought him back in 2006, and then I watched all the old clips on You Tube. I wish I was around for his original run, because his adventures with Luke in the '80s seemed like fun television.

I also love J&R so I might need you to remind me when/if their reunion airs, and I'll try to catch the clip. They are magic together. I'm glad TPTB gave Robin another child. I think I quit going to GH's FB page for clips when I saw people dragging Kim for her weight gain from her miscarriage.

Oh that was NOT! Robert!Fucking!Scorpio! who showed up in 2006! That was a POD! No Way would the real one treat his darling Robin the way he treated her. He was redeemed in the second season of Night Shift when they gave him a cancer storyline, and brought back Sean Donnelly, Holly and Tiffany! And again when he returned in 2012.

I’ll let you know when that reunion happens because it WILL.

PM me and I’ll fill in everything so as not to hijack this thread!???

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2 hours ago, Katy M said:

I'd be willing to bet either your mother or his really got on his case about not changing the toilet paper roll.  So, he was passive-aggressively proactive about it. 

Nope. My mom just put up with his craziness like that. She could not have cared less. If anything, it was one too many times where someone didn’t spot that the roll was getting towards the end and set up a new one to be changed as needed. 

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20 hours ago, bilgistic said:

I am afraid Google can now read my mind.

Ever since I got my new computer, Windows has been reading my email.   I keep getting calendar reminders to do stuff that I've written something about in email.   I don't like it and I don't know how to turn it off.  

8 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I think there's a fun, "right" way to hate-watch and a way that makes the hate-watcher seem like just a big old pill!

I think that the manner in which people hate watch a show depends on whether they used to love it.  It was fun to hate watch Zoo, as an example, because it was terrible and it gloried in its terribleness  in a way that made it snarktastic. 

With TWD, I could probably do 5 pages on the ways in which Negan reminds me of the Fonz and the likelihood that he'll some day jump 100 Zombies on a motorcycle followed, some day, by a zombie shark but it makes me too sad so I act like a big old pill or don't post at all.


3 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

My high school mascot was the Blue Devil. Yep, we got away with using a non-PC mascot-A DEVIL! ??with HORNS! ?But he was Blue! Fucking A! I'm glad I was a kid/teen/young adult during those years: 1970-1998-ish.

When I was in middle school we voted for the mascot because only the high school had one and they were expanding sports teams in middle schools.  They selected the Chargers.  I was confused why the mascot was people that use credit cards.  I eventually figured out they probably meant the horse.  Although I suppose they could have meant electricity like San Diego.  Don't judge me. 


2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Oh that was NOT! Robert!Fucking!Scorpio! who showed up in 2006! That was a POD!

The first episode of GH that hooked me was Robert and Anna's funeral.  It was weird because he was missing by the time I started watching regularly, but Robert hugely influenced how I watched GH because of how the characters I came to love grieved for him. 

It was so moving that I spent years viewing everything that happened with Mac and Robin with how Robert would react when he returned from the dead.  Literally, the last straw for me with how I felt about Luke was that he betrayed Robert's memory by messing with Mac's wife.  And he gave Lucy's shoe away to that moron that bought the Outback with credit cards.

Edited by ParadoxLost
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A little late now but I wanted to punch all those newscasters who talked about how we all got an "extra" hour of sleep this weekend because we're turning the clocks back. Some of us wake up of our own accord, ya know, which is why I was staring at my ceiling at 5:30 am on Sunday.

I'm still trying to get my two cats to understand the time change.  Yesterday, they tried to 'talk' (translation:  meowing, purring in my face, patting me with paws/claws, etc.) me into getting up at 4:45am yesterday to fix breakfast for them.  I usually get up around 6am and feed them at 6:30, but I needed to get into the new time schedule and so did they.  I split the difference and fed them at 6am.  Then, they were begging for their dinner an hour or two early.  They'll get adjusted in a couple of days, but I have to deal with accusing looks from both felines until then.  You would think they were starving. (Spoiled things, but I love 'em.)

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36 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

When I was in middle school we voted for the mascot because only the high school had one and they were expanding sports teams in middle schools.  They selected the Chargers.  I was confused why the mascot was people that use credit cards.  I eventually figured out they probably meant the horse.  Although I suppose they could have meant electricity like San Diego.  Don't judge me. 

My thought was, "They named the school mascot after a Dodge car?"

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With TWD, I could probably do 5 pages on the ways in which Negan reminds me of the Fonz and the likelihood that he'll some day jump 100 Zombies on a motorcycle followed, some day, by a zombie shark but it makes me too sad so I act like a big old pill or don't post at all.


Anyone who thinks up this delightful visual is so not a pill!

Also, there's a whole thing lately about Facebook "listening" to people's literal verbal conversations if the app is open on a nearby phone, and adjusting the ads you see according to what it "hears." I believe it; I was telling my BF after we left a garage sale a few weekends ago that I meant to buy a necklace I saw there. Later when I looked at FB, what do you know? An eBay ad for the same thing I had been talking about.

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6 hours ago, bilgistic said:

Ha! I very much embody the stereotypical qualities of a Scorpio. My rising sign is Cancer, so as a "double" water sign, I am very emotional. I know that comes as a surprise to everyone.

Hey! I'm a Cancer with Scorpio rising.  I too am an Emotional American.

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14 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I mean no disrespect to anyone here in this fun and cathartic thread who also participates in the one I am about to mention--and I'm always fine with posts that actually say something regardless of what the opinion of a TV show is--but why, why, why do some people even watch, much less talk about, The Walking Dead? I get that the snark is fun but I am not seeing that "fun" in most of the posts over there.

I am not blameless, as why am I even reading those threads when I already know this? Sometimes I just want some insight to an episode but I end up feeling like a halfwitted fool for still liking, and even looking forward to watching, the show.

I watched to the end of season 6 and stopped. The violence quite frankly nauseates me and it got to the point that I didn't even care to see any more of it.

I get it about the forum threads though. There are a few reality shows I enjoy watching though most of them are foreign and have no category on this forum, but I've found it rather bothersome how people can so quickly find a person to dislike or even hate because their voice might sound a bit odd, or their accent is strange, or their skin isn't the right color, or their eyes are too close together, and on and on ...

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Okay, if we're bitching threads on threads, three things fill me with rage:

1. I haven't watched this episode yet, but...

2., I don't have time to read everyone else's comments yet but here's my opinion...

3. Just me? (after expressing a point that's been made five times in the last six posts)

Edited by Qoass
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55 minutes ago, Qoass said:

Okay, if we're bitching threads on threads, three things fill me with rage:

2., I don't have time to read everyone else's comment's yet but here's my opinion...


As far as that goes, I like to express my uninfluenced opinion then I'll go back and read the rest.

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