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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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My freaking washing machine just decided it doesn't want to participate in the spin cycle anymore. My washer is 17 years old, so I guess I should feel good about it in general, but I'm hoping it's just a broken belt, because today's washers  are garbage. Of course, it washed the previous load of laundry perfectly. And now I have a full load of laundry simmering in a giant tub of water. The tech is coming out Wednesday. SIGH.

  • Love 1
10 minutes ago, bilgistic said:


That. Sucks. 

Mine broke earlier this year at the age of 10. Broke, broke. The repair guy actually busted his special tool he uses trying to fix it. Like you said, I hope it's just a belt and you can get back in business. I really wanted to just repair mine. I liked that machine. 

I will say this: For however long the new one lasts, and I hope I get 10 years out of it, it is actually pretty great. I didn't get one with a lot of bells and whistles, but it has a gigantic tub so that I can wash a family full of stuff and even a comforter. 

  • Love 2
35 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

And now I have a full load of laundry simmering in a giant tub of water.

Of course.  I wound up in the same situation around 4:45 on a Friday evening years ago.  I grabbed my multi-meter and confirmed my suspicion the lid switch needed to be replaced, then called the appliance repair shop that's been in town for eons just minutes before 5:00 and asked if they had the switch I needed in stock.  They did, and the parts manager agreed to wait for me, even though they closed at 5:00.  So changing the switch was how I spent my Friday evening, but at least I didn't have to wait until Monday.  Yay for helpful local businesses!

  • Love 9

Argh, all I want is a regularly scheduled evening yoga class, somewhere between my office and my home. But classes everywhere vary from week to week, it seems; when I find one I would like to attend (when the websites even explain what's what, that is), it might be at 6 p.m. Tuesday, but then 6:45 a.m. on Thursday and then 9 p.m. Friday! What happened to "Register for our Whatever Class, held every Monday and Wednesday at 6" kind of thing? Am I crazy? 

ETA: "Call for pricing" is striking me as odd too! Why even have a website, you gym jerks?! No one wants to call!

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 6
17 minutes ago, Bastet said:

Of course.  I wound up in the same situation around 4:45 on a Friday evening years ago.  I grabbed my multi-meter and confirmed my suspicion the lid switch needed to be replaced, then called the appliance repair shop that's been in town for eons just minutes before 5:00 and asked if they had the switch I needed in stock.  They did, and the parts manager agreed to wait for me, even though they closed at 5:00.  So changing the switch was how I spent my Friday evening, but at least I didn't have to wait until Monday.  Yay for helpful local businesses!

The outfit I called is local. They came out once before when I had a leak. They're good people. Google says the problem could be the switch, so fingers crossed. I don't really want to part with half a month's rent on a new washer right now.

17 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Argh, all I want is a regularly scheduled evening yoga class, somewhere between my office and my home. But classes everywhere vary from week to week, it seems; when I find one I would like to attend (when the websites even explain what's what, that is), it might be at 6 p.m. Tuesday, but then 6:45 a.m. on Thursday and then 9 p.m. Friday! What happened to "Register for our Whatever Class, held every Monday and Wednesday at 6" kind of thing? Am I crazy? 

No, you are not crazy. I don't understand it either. Yoga is The Thing here, but there's no explanation of what the classes actually consist of--on any studio's website, and all classes are an hour long. I would straight-up DIE if I tried to take an hour-long class. So I just continue to not go. Seems reasonable.

  • Love 3

I feel like I could use something, mentally and physically (and preferably with less of a new-agey thing going on--just the workout, please), but I just cannot find anything that I can make work with my schedule. I am in an office 40+ hours, man. These classes' hours seem to be designed for stay-at-home people! You guys, I was trying to do a good thing for myself--one that does deviate a bit from my default setting, haha!--and this is what happens, oh my goodness. I mean, do these places not want my money? Because I am trying to give them my money!

Do you see why I might need some yoga?! Just look at all this emphatic italicization--would a calm person do that?

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 7
3 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

I feel like I could use something, mentally and physically (and preferably with less of a new-agey thing going on--just the workout, please), but I just cannot find anything that I can make work with my schedule. I am in an office 40+ hours, man. These classes' hours seem to be designed for stay-at-home people! You guys, I was trying to do a good thing for myself--one that does deviate a bit from my default setting, haha!--and this is what happens, oh my goodness. I mean, do these places not want my money? Because I am trying to give them my money!

Do you see why I might need some yoga?! Just look at all this emphatic italicization--would a calm person do that?

Um, did you try any of the yoga dvds so you can do it at home?

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

(and preferably with less of a new-agey thing going on--just the workout, please)

I'm not an exercise class person for a lot of reasons, but this right here is why when it comes to yoga, I am even less so, and do it at home rather than in a studio -- I'm in it for the muscles, not the meditation.

  • Love 3

I have one DVD at home that I like (actually called the "No OM Zone"); anything with flute sounds and overly gentle voices, I got rid of at a garage sale. But it gets boring and I'm thinking that maybe I'd like being outside of my living room and get more out of it with an in-person instructor (who does not "om" at me). I'm actually not even limiting myself to yoga now, as I've started searching for pilates and also skimming through places' other classes too. Same issue, man--no set schedule. Not that I've ever been much of a "gym rat" but I swear that there used to be less...fluidity, I guess, in classes like this.

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 1
2 hours ago, bilgistic said:

The thing that extra sucks is that I was trying to wash everything in hot water to help get rid of the fleas. The fleas are laughing at me now.

The fleas have sabotaged your washer.  They are spiteful like that.

1 hour ago, PradaKitty said:

I have four words... Lavender...Scented... Toilet Paper........  Yup.  They sell it. 

For the damn bears in those commercials?

Shoe laces:  When I initial lace my shoes, everything is done nice and even so the ends used to tie the shoe are even.  Suddenly, they will be uneven lengths.  It never happens gradually where you go "Oh, that's annoying.  Better fix that.".

4 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

But it gets boring and I'm thinking that maybe I'd like being outside of my living room and get more out of it with an in-person instructor (who does not "om" at me). I'm actually not even limiting myself to yoga now, as I've started searching for pilates and also skimming through places' other classes too. Same issue, man--no set schedule. Not that I've ever been much of a "gym rat" but I swear that there used to be less...fluidity, I guess, in classes like this.

I haven't been to regular classes in years because I travel, so I wasn't even aware this is an issue.  Is it because nobody these days ever plans anything more than 5 seconds in advance?  "I'm hungry. I'll check yelp for places that are within 10 feet of me." 

My problem with yoga is two-fold.  I tried hot yoga once.  It was a "nice" place, but it smelled terrible to me.  And with regular yoga, do they always do the "namaste" thing at the end?  I just hate that.

But I floved pilates, and would still be doing it if I didn't travel all the time.  It was the perfect mix of strength and having to think about which muscles you're using. 

And back to scents, am I just unusually sensitive to fish smell?  I can't get anywhere near the seafood counter in a grocery store because it smells just terrible to me.  I've read that fresh seafood doesn't smell, but I don't think I've ever been near seafood that I didn't find revolting, even in really nice grocery stores.  And Chinese grocery stores?  I exhale upon entering, and breathe really really shallow, though my mouth, until I can get out of there.  I endure Chinatown in cities because if there are pineapple buns to be had I'll move heaven and earth to get to them, but it's torture.

  • Love 2

I think if you're sensitive to a smell, you're gonna notice it regardless of how scent-free other people tell you it is, sort of like people saying you can't smell or taste vodka in a drink. I can (not that I mind, haha!). A peeve I have is when people say, "Oh, it's hardly noticeable!" about a taste, a smell, a sound, whatever! Well, were you not right here when I, you know, noticed it...as evidenced by the fact that I just mentioned it? 

I might have found something that will work, workout-wise. We shall see...

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 3
7 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

I think if you're sensitive to a smell, you're gonna notice it regardless of how scent-free other people tell you it is, sort of like people saying you can't smell or taste vodka in a drink. I can (not that I mind, haha!). A peeve I have is when people say, "Oh, it's hardly noticeable!" about a taste, a smell, a sound, whatever! Well, were you not right here when I, you know, noticed it...as evidenced by the fact that I just mentioned it? 

I might have found something that will work, workout-wise. We shall see...

I have a friend with extreme chemical sensitivity. She can bloodhound out a smell that's going to cause her to react long before we get near it. Me, not so much but I respect her health and would back off/out with her. 

I can taste Vodka too! Not that I mind either lol. 

  • Love 1

If I couldn't taste vodka, I wouldn't drink it.

I know that fresh fish doesn't "stink," but that doesn't mean it has no smell at all; it smells like fish just as chicken smells like chicken.  So if that's a smell you dislike, you're going to be bothered by it if you're surrounded by a lot of it.  The only time I've found it overwhelming is in some Japanese restaurants. 

Edited by Bastet
  • Love 5

The scented thing reminds me, I generally hate scented soaps. 

Especially if you are getting ready to eat.  You wash your hands, the smell just is STUCK on your hands as you are eating, its like your are chewing up and swallowing a damn garden of roses and whatever other flowers thrown in.  Makes me nauseated. 

I literally could not finish a meal once because of this, had to stop I was so nauseated. 

Vanilla I am OK with.  Anything else, no. 

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I have one DVD at home that I like (actually called the "No OM Zone"); anything with flute sounds and overly gentle voices, I got rid of at a garage sale. But it gets boring and I'm thinking that maybe I'd like being outside of my living room and get more out of it with an in-person instructor (who does not "om" at me). I'm actually not even limiting myself to yoga now, as I've started searching for pilates and also skimming through places' other classes too. Same issue, man--no set schedule. Not that I've ever been much of a "gym rat" but I swear that there used to be less...fluidity, I guess, in classes like this.

Maybe you'd like this channel on youtube: 

  • Love 1

I guess that answers the age-old question.

My neighbor is smoking pot AGAIN tonight. I called the police again (they've been out once), and they just came out, but if the guy doesn't answer his door, they can't do anything. Management has supposedly talked to him twice. What the hell?

Guy, rent a house, not an apartment, if you want to smoke.

Edited by bilgistic
  • Love 1
4 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I think if you're sensitive to a smell, you're gonna notice it regardless of how scent-free other people tell you it is, sort of like people saying you can't smell or taste vodka in a drink. I can (not that I mind, haha!). A peeve I have is when people say, "Oh, it's hardly noticeable!" about a taste, a smell, a sound, whatever! Well, were you not right here when I, you know, noticed it...as evidenced by the fact that I just mentioned it? 

The smell and taste of onions or garlic make me nauseated. So I ask a lot of questions about ingredients when I eat out. One time, my siblings and I took Mom out to eat for her birthday. I questioned whether or not the batter on the chicken tenders had onions or garlic in it. The waitress said she didn't think so, but if there was, "You wouldn't even notice it." My brother pipes up, "Oh, I'm pretty sure she would." I ordered something else.

  • Love 2

I understand, @riley702.  I have trouble with bell peppers.  I never liked eating them, because I'd keep burping and the taste would stay with me for hours.  I found out it's rather common, caused by a lack of an enzyme to digest certain veggies.    I hate that peppers show up in so many foods.  And I really hate that when I want to know if there are bell peppers in a dish, it's taken as "she doesn't like spicy foods."   No, I like spicy foods.  I just can't tolerate green bell peppers. 

  • Love 5

Maybe you'd like this channel on youtube: 

Thanks! I was actually thinking about something like this--I forgot that, with Apple TV, I probably don't have to worry about finding a DVD at all! As an aside, it's amazing how easy it is to completely forget how much we've got right at our fingertips sometimes. Like, why am I sitting here watching Walking Dead and I Love Lucy reruns when I am paying for Hulu and Netflix and shit (by the way, I'll never stop watching ILL reruns. Ever)?! I guess if you are a certain age, maybe those avenues don't immediately pop into your head as options; I mean, I am not a complete Luddite about entertainment options--after all, it's my name and payment info on the accounts--but they're not now (and probably never will be) wholly ingrained as my go-to--haha, I'll probably always at first yell and lament that I missed something before realizing that I can probably find it somewhere. Which, ironically a little, leads me to...

Why, why, why can't Apple TV have an all-platform search--like if I am looking for something, I enter it once and then the thing checks Hulu, Netflix, YouTube, whatever else? Repeatedly typing one letter at a time with that teeny remote is torturous! Makes me want to say, "Oh who cares anyway?"  Maybe something to do with those services being competitors?

Ugh, I have ranted before here about onions in food, mainly that even the most detailed of menus seem to omit them as if they are like salt or pepper or something that doesn't really need to be included in the item's description. The worst is inconsistency: when the menu description includes onions in one dish but not in another, you think that because it was specifically mentioned here, you must be in the clear if it's not mentioned there

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 1
7 hours ago, backformore said:

I just can't tolerate green bell peppers. 

I loath all peppers, but green are the worst.  They make everything taste like them - yuck!

@TattleTeeny - most likely the yoga instructors also like to keep their schedules regular so they may teach at a couple of different places.  Try a few classes to see which instructor you like the best and then talk to them about where and when they teach.  God luck finding classes.

  • Love 1
51 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

by the way, I'll never stop watching ILL reruns. Ever?! <snip> Which, ironically a little, leads me to...

Why, why, why can't Apple TV have an all-platform search--like if I am looking for something, I enter it once and then the thing checks Hulu, Netflix, YouTube, whatever else? Repeatedly typing one letter at a time with that teeny remote is torturous! Makes me want to say, "Oh who cares anyway?"  Maybe something to do with those services being competitors?


I love I Love Lucy too! Even though I just got the entire series on dvd, I still have it on my dvr and watch! I know this show, and to an extent, Lucille Ball's physical comedy isn't to everyone's tastes, but I fucking LOVE HER. And the show.

I got that boxy thing that says Apple TV for Christmas five years ago from my now ex-douche of a boss, but have never figured out how it works. So it's been sitting there in its box. Gathering dust.

And now, for a peeve. I've been trying to restrain myself from repeating my never ending peeves about incorrect grammar, misspellings and whatnot, that drive me batshit crazy. Because I know nothing good will come of it, because the offenders don't give a shit. So I'll move onto something else.

Why, why do idiots turn on their high beams when there are multitudes of street lights above and there is no NEED for them to do so? It only serves to blind me! Or keep your fucking extra bright bright headlights on, when you're parked in your parking slot, but have no care for the car in front of you (that would be me), who is blinded and can't see jack shit and for a moment, I'm thinking: is this person stalking me? Waiting for me to get out? And I don't care for the rapid, panicked increase of my heart rate, thankyouverymuch. Especially as it turns out this person is just fucking inconsiderate. Because again, Street lights and the area is not some black pitch of darkness.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
because writing in clear, coherent declarative sentences is IMPORTANT!
  • Love 10
18 hours ago, bilgistic said:

The outfit I called is local. They came out once before when I had a leak. They're good people. Google says the problem could be the switch, so fingers crossed. I don't really want to part with half a month's rent on a new washer right now.

When my lid switch broke, I fixed it by taking it off and connecting the wires together, effectively bypassing it. The result was that the washer would always think the lid was closed, but eh...

  • Love 1
25 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Oh, I'm not mocking at all, haha! I just love when something, anything, makes me recall the brilliance of George! 

Phew! I wasn't quite sure for a moment! So since I haven't been here in awhile, I want to ask, and apologies in advance if the question is moot because you don't have one, but, do you have a bluray player? You can access Vodu, Hulu, Netflix, Amazon, YouTube via that to watch shows on your teevee, if Apple TV is not doing what it's supposed to.

We do have a Blu Ray but it's in the PlayStation upstairs in the BF's hideout. I don't think Apple TV is not doing what it's "supposed to," per se, just that like its recent various Apple counterparts, it wasn't designed to make sense, hahahha!

You guys, I just got an e-mail back (and fast!) from a local fitness place: 


We run a series of classes called Body Alive, a blend of Yoga moves, Pilates moves, Athletic based movement and Core work. These night sessions are every other Monday at 7P, every Tue at 6:30p, every Wed at 6P, Every Thur at 6:30p and Fridays at 5:30p.

I think I hear angels singing! That class...those times! Holy hell-balls, this sounds like something I might like, especially considering the membership options are flexible -- a 30-day trial, and "class pack cards" if even after that trial you are reluctant to commit to the year (I worry about that because my work schedule can fluctuate greatly). Oh my god, I must be stressed out and in some kind of stupid rut if this message is the highlight of my week! Wow-whee!

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Why, why do idiots turn on their high beams when there are multitudes of street lights above and there is no NEED for them to do so? It only serves to blind me! Or keep your fucking extra bright bright headlights on, when you're parked in your parking slot, but have no care for the car in front of you (that would be me), who is blinded and can't see jack shit and for a moment, I'm thinking: is this person stalking me? Waiting for me to get out? And I don't care for the rapid, panicked increase of my heart rate, thankyouverymuch. Especially as it turns out this person is just fucking inconsiderate. Because again, Street lights and the area is not some black pitch of darkness.

Yup. I work nights, and take my lunch in my work vehicle, and this is a huge peeve of mine. So tired of being blinded by some inconsiderate jackass, (who is probably texting in his car and can't take half a second to turn off their lights) even though they clearly see me as they pull into the space across from me. They usually do this even when the parking lot is otherwise empty which drives me batty on its own. I usually try to turn my lights back on and flicker them to get the point across, but it almost never works.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Why, why do idiots turn on their high beams when there are multitudes of street lights above and there is no NEED for them to do so? It only serves to blind me! Or keep your fucking extra bright bright headlights on, when you're parked in your parking slot, but have no care for the car in front of you (that would be me), who is blinded and can't see jack shit and for a moment, I'm thinking: is this person stalking me? Waiting for me to get out? And I don't care for the rapid, panicked increase of my heart rate, thankyouverymuch. Especially as it turns out this person is just fucking inconsiderate. Because again, Street lights and the area is not some black pitch of darkness.

Yes - I hate this.  the highbeams are for specific conditions, like a dark road.  In a brightly lit suburb, some people just turn them on at night, thinking they can see better.  

Either that or they're trying to blind me. 

  • Love 1
17 hours ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

Especially if you are getting ready to eat.  You wash your hands, the smell just is STUCK on your hands as you are eating, its like your are chewing up and swallowing a damn garden of roses and whatever other flowers thrown in.  Makes me nauseated. 

I literally could not finish a meal once because of this, had to stop I was so nauseated.

Yes!  Whatever that pink liquid soap that is in so many public restrooms makes me want to hurl.  I've stopped using it.  I wet my hands and rub like crazy to wash them, but I'm not putting that stinky stuff on them ever again.

  • Love 1

OK, I hate that it's getting harder to find public bathrooms with easy access paper towels instead of those electronic 'automatic' rolls that often don't work OR those 'automatic' blow driers that just blast hot air if they work at all. The latter especially are frustrating if one has to touch the door handle to exit and one has to use one's hands  ,geniuses ! ARGH!

  • Love 4
12 hours ago, bilgistic said:

Seriously. I need creative revenge at this point.

I don't know if they sell aerosol skunk, but I am sure something malodorous  equivalent must be on the market.

I've heard good things about an aerosol product called Ozium to neutralize the smell of weed and other unpleasant odors lingering in apartment units (used to have to do lots of property inspections for my job.  The apartment managers would use it when getting the unit ready to go lease).  A quick google shows it also comes in a gel form too (although I don't know anyone who has used it).  They used to buy it at auto supply stores, but I think it is sold at other places too.  Another product the apartment managers used was called Room Shocker - pretty sure it was more earth friendly.

I'd talk to the neighbors and explain the situation that the smell permeates your apartment whether through the ventilation system or windows which is problematic for you* and could they please take measures to neutralize the smoke when they partake?  If you don't feel comfortable talking, write them a polite note.

* if you feel the need to explain further say it agitates pre-existing breathing troubles/sensitivities/allergies, ends up making your clothes and linens smell, gives you headaches, ...

  • Love 3

@bilgistic Why not get them a can of ozium (takes away the smell) and leave it with an anonymous note at their door saying that because you can smell it, that others may smell it too and appeal to their being smart enough to not want to get busted so they should try the provided spray. 


Sorry Delurker...I didn't see your post as we were writing about the same thing! 

Edited by Mindthinkr
Apology added
  • Love 4
Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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