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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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And, I do have regrets in my life. I hope I learned lessons from these things, but I still deeply regret they ever happened. I get confused when people say they have no regrets. I guess I should be happy for them, but I don't understand. That's another one of my million pet peeves.

I mean, I regret honking out of annoyance when I went to Target one time last month. I routinely regret that I'm not being productive. I regret not eating better. I regret not being forgiving enough. I regret judging people and thinking rude things. Not to mention the big stuff.



Same here. I'm actually very leery of people who have "no regrets". Either they're lying, or they're those rare people who have actually done everything right, or they're sociopaths. I could never, ever be friends with someone who doesn't regret, say, being being a bully, or putting loved ones through hell. I think it's a sign that something very vital and essentially human is missing.

  • Love 6

I don't have any regrets.  I haven't bullied anyone or put loved ones through hell, or committed any crimes I regret (I'm not losing any sleep over the speeding and the jaywalking), or harmed anyone or myself.  I mean, I accidentally ran over a dog once, and while I feel remorse over it and remember it every time I drive past that spot, I can't say I regret it, because I couldn't have helped it (there was a bend in the road and a car coming in the other direction), and I dealt with it responsibly.  There are things in my life that could have gone differently, but I don't regret them, because they got me to where I am in my life right now, and I like where I am in my life right now.  I'm fairly certain I'm not a sociopath.

  • Love 2

I can't imagine making it through life and never thinking I should say sorry to anyone or that I've done something wrong.

Growing up, my mom would tell me the only bad thing she'd ever done was drive over a pot hole when she was 16. I grew up feeling like I was terrible person. My mother has never apologized for anything she's ever said or done to me until a couple of months ago. I'm going to find it imperative to talk to my child, as age/ mother-child appropriate, about my mistakes and wrongdoings. I want them to know I understand things and forewarn them about situations. I certainly am not going to share every detail about everything. Just, as things come up and in a sensitive way.

Anyway, not trying to argue about what other people do or don't do or judge anyone. I'm just saying, for me, it's completely unrelatable. I have a very different view. I recognize a lot of things that I am sorry for and sometimes I do more than once, and it takes a while to get it right. I'm happy that I have learned lessons...but I'm not happy I had to learn the hard way. I don't think I'm perfect now, nor have I ever been. I never will be. I'd love to...but I don't see life as being that way. And, in sure I also do things or neglect to do things that I will later regret or should regret and they go over my head.

I think it's wonderful that some people don't ever really struggle with anything. I hope my child doesn't.

But if he/she does, I want them to be humble, admit their mistakes, try to make things right, and know that I'm there for them. I want them to wonder about what the right thing to do is when they see a person asking for money on the side of the road or when people at school are leaving someone out. There are also so many moral dilemmas and endless situations that ...I don't know...I just don't see someone getting them right 100%. Maybe I'm jaded. But, I've never witnessed that in my life. That's what I love about Full House and the Bernstein Bears. So sweet, but hey, they mess up, and there's a moral at the end. I think it's very important.

  • Love 3

^ ^ ^ Very true.

I imagine the majority of people do have some regrets though, although what triggers that varies for us all.

BYaM - Being open and talking with your children about things is great, but it is a delicate path to walk when talking about your own experiences and some of those hard learned lessons. But you do your best to keep an open line of communication and recognizing that they come pre-wired in a lot of ways. What works for 1 kid doesn't necessarily work on another. Oh, and nothing you've written makes me think you're jaded.

This is not my pet peeve but one a lot of people had when I worked at the movie theatre.  I was on Usher so I had to sometimes help with seating.   There are people who will come early to shows on opening night.  There are movie buffs who come alone who like certain seats.  Mostly middle row and middle seat.  Then there are couples or groups of four who come in the last minute and expect everyone to move so they can seat together.

  • Love 1

This is not my pet peeve but one a lot of people had when I worked at the movie theatre.  I was on Usher so I had to sometimes help with seating.   There are people who will come early to shows on opening night.  There are movie buffs who come alone who like certain seats.  Mostly middle row and middle seat.  Then there are couples or groups of four who come in the last minute and expect everyone to move so they can seat together.

Agreed.   Once I've chosen my seat, I don't feel like I HAVE to move for someone else's convenience.   I might, if asked nicely and if I feel like it, but I don't have to. 


My pet peeve at movies is when people bring small children to R rated movies.    When i saw  " The Town", I preschooler behind me was clearly traumatized by the violence early in the film, and his parents were scolding him for crying.    It makes me uncomfortable to be sharing the movie experience with kids who clearly should not be there.   Take your kids to a Disney movie, and on date night - get a sitter.  

(or wait for the movie to be on Netflix, and watch it when the kids are sleeping) 

  • Love 1

I nearly had a breakdown weeks ago I think with either FedEx or USPS. I was trying to get to an operator and finally did...finally. But, I was not in a good way. :/

That, I regret! But, thankfully, I don't believe I was rude to the assistant. I calmed down dramatically once I heard a human's voice.

Ah, a pet peeve today:

I was driving and had to make a left turn. There are wide medians with plants/grass on this road with small breaks every so often for turning paths. You have to pull in and then stop to wait for a break in traffic in the oncoming lane. (Does that make sense)?

Anyway, I'm careful to make sure im pulled up enough but not too far to block anyone either direction ...however, you can't do this at the speed of light. I got honked at from behind. Grrr. I just went about my business, but really? Maybe I was too slow, but i have a big SUV with heavy breaks. I won't be reckless.

Haha AND...so, I moved about 6 months ago. All fine and dandy, then recently, there's this smell. This sour, nasty smell. I go all over my condo, looking for the culprit. But, it's also in the hallway I realize. My mom says it's my pregnancy nose. I'm thinking ok, maybe. Finally ask a neighbor and the manager. Why, no. It's BREAD. The smells from a new restaurant downstairs are wafting up through the ventilation and being trapped inside. I've bought air filters, plug ins, candles...I've got traverse windows plus with the recent weather, so only so much can be done. .. But yikes. It is bad. Really, really bad. Not sweet like you'd think bread would be. Like rotten sewer bread. It will be handled but in the meantime- barf central.

I've got a new pet peeve and it started during the recent Saturday Night Live anniversary special.  Chris Rock babbled on and on about how wonderful Eddie Murphy was in the show, and the entire time he kept clapping his cupped hands together.  Then Murphy comes out and does the same daggone thing.  Now I'm seeing it elsewhere on TV.  Is this something new that's thought to be cool


One more pet peeve and this one really drives me nuts.  During that same SNL special, while Miley was singing 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover, (which she did very well IMO), the hand that held the mic became an irritant because she kept flipping up her fingers (something I've seen a few other singers do).  I had to stop watching her.  Maybe all these things are to help performers battle nerves but it's got to stop.


Really, really bad. Not sweet like you'd think bread would be. Like rotten sewer bread. It will be handled but in the meantime- barf central


You mean like the bread smell at Subway?


I must stop going to my gym.  I hate working out, plus something annoys me every time I go.   Tonight, two women in their early twenties were talking in the locker room.  I surmised they were teachers.  One was talking about reading assistance she was providing to a young boy.  "I was talking to the parents about finding books he will enjoy, so he will like to read and not get FUSTRATED."   Said by a teacher. SMH

  • Love 1

I don't like it when people accuse you of "not having a sense of humor" just because you didn't laugh at their jokes. First off, everyone's sense of humor is different, everyone is not going to laugh at the same things. Second, I'm under no obligation to laugh at your wheezy, unfunny, outdated jokes. Two years ago, I had someone get all defensive because I didn't laugh at their rendition of the Michael Jackson/Wal-Mart joke. Seriously? That joke is legally old enough to drink! It wasn't even funny when it was relevant! You know the old saying if you have to explain a joke, there's no joke? I feel the same applies to defending a joke. If no one laughed, the fault isn't with them, it's you, you're not funny, and you're embarrassing everyone involved, including yourself. Sit down and shut up.


But I'm not perfect, I have often wondered if I do lack a sense of humor, at least about certain things. So, to anyone who's ever gotten on my case about not laughing at their jokes, I propose a compromise: I'll take time to consider if I'm just a humorless stiff, as long as you consider that you're a needy, entitled, unfunny, untalented moron whom Dane Cook would boo off the stage. I think that's fair, don't you?

Edited by Wiendish Fitch
  • Love 3

I honked my horn at the driver in front of me this morning who let several cars cut in front of us while she was putting on her makeup using her rear-view mirror.


I have no regrets about it.

Man!  That's so old school! I never tried that because I would have looked like the Joker if I did make up in the car. 


I hate cars that have the drop down DVD screens for the backseats.  I realize it might be a handy distraction for kids on a long trip, but I see them in use when people are dropping the kids off at school, going to the grocery store....plus, when an SUV in front of me has one, I find the light and image that I can see distracts me when I am driving.  I specify SUV, because the height of the vehicle and typical backwindow make it more visible to me in my car.


Not sure if it is a peeve, but I tense up when I see a kid, often a toddler, in a grocery cart holding Mommy or Daddy's very expensive cellphone or tablet to play games or whatnot.   All I can think is "Would I give a child that young $600+ actual dollars to hold on to so I can shop without distraction?".

I nearly had a breakdown weeks ago I think with either FedEx or USPS. I was trying to get to an operator and finally did...finally. But, I was not in a good way. :/

That, I regret! But, thankfully, I don't believe I was rude to the assistant. I calmed down dramatically once I heard a human's voice.


I think we've all been there.  Once I get a live person I start out with apologizing for sounding annoyed and explain it is because of whatever problem I am calling about combined with the process of getting to a live person, but not with them personally.  The customer service rep is usuall genuinely appreciative of it and seems to make a sincere effort to help resolve whatever the problem is.

  • Love 3

So, last night I went through my mail and found it yet again filled with fat letters from charities requesting donations.  I think giving to charity is important so I choose my causes carefully and give what I can.  I enclose with each donation a brief note stating that I support specific organizations whose work is meaningful to me annually and that I do not wish to be solicited in the interim.  Nobody listens.  I feel like my money is going straight to mailings that I dump unopened into my recycling bin rather than to the action these people claim to be advocating.  On top of it, my name and address are probably being sold to more people who will waste their foundations' funds and my time and a few thousand innocent trees.


I'd hate to tell the American Red Cross that I can no longer support the work they do but right now I feel that the only ones I'm supporting are the US Postal Service.

Edited by Qoass
  • Love 5

I used to work with this guy who was very Mormon* - nice guy, polite to a fault, earnest, a bit rigid and old fashioned when it came to more personal matters, etc...

He had several children and they were all close in age but somehow one of them refused to eat anything but a Happy Meal for lunch and dinner. This was all the time - everyday of the entire week.

He and his wife were just resigned to it - they didn't like it, but couldn't or wouldn't do what it took to break this demand. It was so infuriating to see a normally sane, responsible & smart guy not calling the shots on 1 of his kid's extreme demands. They seemed like effective parents in every other respect so this was so bizarre.

* he actually was Mormon.

  • Love 2

My current pet peeve involves two separate people in my life, who use the word "Phenomenal" when what they really mean is "pretty good".  Did you see that movie?  It's PHENOMENAL!  This sandwich is phenomenal!   I got this new nail polish - phenomenal!  Etc.   


And it's not just the word, it's the way it's pronounced, with a pause in the middle -   PHU! -  NOMENAL!


Drives me crazy


Edited by backformore

I hate the PediasureKids commercial. I hate how he won't eat, then drinks the shake, then pulls the blanket up and his feet stick out. It annoys the hell out of me. It's a peeve of mine because I had a wise pediatrician who said They will eat when they get hungry enough. And it won't harm them to eat pbj's everyday if that is what they want. It's a phase he said, a part of the growing process of likes and dislikes.

Amen to this---I can't stand picky eaters. So many of these kids have been conditioned and spoiled into refusing good food that parents cave now as opposed to being good parents and forcing their kids to accept new flavors and healthy foods. Children don't come out of the womb only eating chicken nuggets and pizza; this is a sad American parents thing, because kids around the world are forced to either eat what they're given or they don't eat.

I was taught this way as a kid, and my mom would literally reheat my leftovers for every meal until I ate everything I was given. Glad she did, because there's literally no food out there I won't eat or try as an adult now.

Which brings me to a huge pet-peeve: picky adult eaters. Grow up already and quit acting like an entitled oaf, especially at dinner parties!

  • Love 4

I was that kid who was a picky eater - I can still list the foods I ate: carrots, celery, potato, apple, various cereal, scrambled egg (preferably as a sandwich), chicken noodle soup and white rice (sticky rice).  About the only thing Mom forced me to eat on a regular basis was a few bites of meat.  Lucky for me, when Mom came to the States she hated the food - she's from Taiwan and was used to fresh vegetables and lots of fish and seafood.   When she came to the States with my Dad it was the middle of winter and in Maine so not a lot of fresh anything at the time.  So she rarely made me eat something that I really disliked (because food literally did not taste good to me).  I would periodically get weird cravings so every 18 months or so I would want to eat nothing but mustard sandwiches or butter sandwiches for a few days.


The exception was if we were out, and especially at someone else's house, for dinner.  Then the rule was you ate what they served you - no comments or faces.

  • Love 1

Oh, that's sweet about eating what's served at hosts' homes. Nice and polite.

I'm over the moon right now. Just getting back from hearing my baby's heartbeat for first time. It was 175 bpm. Is that what you say for beats per minutes for a fetus? Anyway, great news for me. I have about 3 people to tell, so I hope i don't make someone's pet peeves list for sharing that here! I'll be 11 weeks tomorrow!!!

  • Love 7

Congratulations Betweenyouandme! That's phenomenonal & absolutely amazing! Sorry couldn't resist. It's such a surreal, incredible thing hearing that heartbeat for the first time. :)

Pet peeve of the moment: gym grunters. We get it. You're lifting heavy. If I can hear you with headphones in across the room you need to change your routine.

  • Love 5

backformore, I think I could take phenomenal, but not the pausing, better than awesome!! Aaahhhhh Maaay zinggggg!!! I hated when those two words took over. I prefer old school terrific, fabulous, wonderful, stunning, impressive. Awesome and amazing can just shut the heck up. 


Oh no, I am a relative newbie to crunching ice. But I only do it when I am by myself. There is something very fulfilling about eating a cup of ice. The crunch, the coldness, the getting it to do that weird thing when you clench it between your back teeth and it kind of melts then refreezes and you crunch it again. 

I used to be a compulsive ice chewer.  It would go away for a while, then the urge would return.   Through high school and college, I was never finished with a drink until all the ice was gone.   


Here's something amazing I found out - it's CAUSED by nutritional deficiencies.   no shit, being low in iron, or some other mineral can cause the urge to chew on ice.  When I take multivitamin and mineral supplement, I find that I no longer have that crazy craving .

  • Love 1


I hated when those two words took over. I prefer old school terrific, fabulous, wonderful, stunning, impressive. Awesome and amazing can just shut the heck up.


And may I please add that there are SO MANY terrific, fabulous, wonderful, stunning, impressive words other than "horrid" to describe something bad?


To paraphrase the fabulous Elayne Boosler, if you have to make noise in order to pick up something heavy, put it down!!!!

Edited by Qoass

I am overlooking you saying amazing...I will check out that deficiencies thing. It might be true in my case. It is a relatively new thing that I do, probably since last spring. I would always want a lot of ice in my cup but I would let it melt after finishing a drink and just sip the melted water. But now I actually ask for ice when I leave with my cup. Hmmm. I seem to remember having to take iron pills when I was pregnant.

Yep -   the first time I was pregnant, I stopped chewing ice, stopped craving it.  It took me a while before I learned the connection - i was taking prenatal vitamins, which are high in iron.  The craving returned later, and it was the weirdest thing.   I spent decades chewing ice, once asked a doctor if it was medical, he said no, it's a behavioral thing, I just need to stop -  he was wrong. Years later   My gynecologist told me that a condition I had was causing me to be anemic, and that was causing the compulsion.  

I wish I had known about the connection earlier. it made me feel quite crazy, at a fast food place I wasn't finished until ALL the ice was gone.  I'd even ask friends for their ice. It felt like a crazy addiction. 


  I always thought I just LIKED ice.  but when my iron level is normal, I don't eat ice at all. It never occurs to me to do it.  

Edited by backformore

When you have gone on one date with someone or just met them and they ask, "do you have any questions for me?" You ask a couple, and they say, "well, what else do you want to know?" and "what do you like about me?" Etc. etc. etc.

How about they make effort for an actual conversation or ask a question. A lot of times it feels pressured and only asked because there's nothing else to say. I understand it only when they have been talking a lot and want you to know that they're trying to be open to you talking. Or, they ask once but then let it go. It's the badgering that irritates me.

That...and constant texting when I keep writing back smiley faces or one word answers.

Or, I say I'm not interested and they want to know whyyyyyyyyyy? After one date or less, I don't ever want to get into it.

I'm not dating right now, but I remembered this because I just got back on Facebook. Ah, memories.

  • Love 1

Pet peeve of the moment: gym grunters. We get it. You're lifting heavy. If I can hear you with headphones in across the room you need to change your routine.

I train at a mixed martial arts school and we're right next door to a cross fit gym and all we hear from them is screaming and weight dropping. Half the time they sound like they're trying to throw the weights through the wall at us. If I can manage to get punched in the face without making that level of noise, I would think someone should be able to lift weights without doing it.

Certain popular misconceptions drive me up the wall. Allow me to be snotty and list them (ahem):


1. Frankenstein was the creator, not the monster! The monster doesn't have a name! I know some people have defended calling the monster Frankenstein because of the old movies, but I don't consider the movies canon (really, I don't think anyone should), and that doesn't erase the fact that Frankenstein is the name of the creator! It especially irks me when people smarter than I am get this wrong.


2. Yes, Helen Keller was blind. Yes, Helen Keller was deaf. However, Helen Keller was. Not. Mute! Helen Keller learned to talk! Yes, literally talk, with her mouth and with her voice! For God's sake, it's the plot of The Miracle Worker! There's even said to be surviving footage of Keller learning to mimic sounds! 


3. It's fine and good if you're not humanity's biggest cheerleader. However, contrary to what people (even Morgan Freeman and his mellifluous voice) tell us, humans do not use just 10% of their brains. How many times does this idiotic statement have to be debunked? Now, I'm aware there are humans who seem like they use just 10% (or less) of their brains, but the truth is, we use nearly all of it! Even while we're asleep, our brains are unbelievably active! I hate to disappoint anyone, but we wouldn't be X-Men if we used 100% of our brains! 


4. Stop calling the Civil War the "War of Northern Aggression". I was born in the North, and have lived in the South since I was 7, but I like to think I can see the positive and negative sides to both. I'm not blind to the North's faults; I was born in Massachusetts, which is said to be the first state to have slaves (then there's that whole, ugly Salem Witch Trial that will be a mark on its soul forever, and rightly so), so I would never put the North on too high a pedestal. I could go on all day about things that bother me about the North (high cost of living, "Noo Yawkers" who won't shut up about how superior New York is to the rest of the world). However, I hate this notion that the South was innocently handing out mint juleps while Sherman fiendishly twirled his mustache as his troops were raising hell. The last time I checked, war rarely, if ever, makes a "good guy" out of anybody! And I have plenty of gripes about the South, too (passive aggressive behavior, people whining about how "cold" it is at 68 degrees), so I wish people would just get over themselves and keep the regional pride to a bearable minimum. 

Old men who say they won't date women over a certain age, like 30, because they consider those women "bitter."

I don't buy the excuse. Lots of 20-somethings have loads of issues. I think it's either A. They want someone young for looks sake B. They don't want to actually know and love someone C. They're immature D. All of the above

It immediately tells me a man is not worth my time even if I fit into his age category he deems acceptable.

  • Love 8

Old men who say they won't date women over a certain age, like 30, because they consider those women "bitter."

I don't buy the excuse. Lots of 20-somethings have loads of issues. I think it's either A. They want someone young for looks sake B. They don't want to actually know and love someone C. They're immature D. All of the above

It immediately tells me a man is not worth my time even if I fit into his age category he deems acceptable.

Preach. It.


But let's say, for argument's sake, that these so-called men are right, and that women over 30 are "bitter". Ever wonder why that is?


It's because society has told us that "life ends at 30", and the unspoken rest of that sentence is "especially if you're a woman". Women are valued for their youth and beauty, and what happens after 30? Well, according to society, we fade and lose our sparkle, our glow, or whatever other dumb term you want to use. Suddenly, we can't wear this or that anymore, we can't do this or that anymore, and we're told that we have no chance of competing with younger, hotter models, and that we may as well be put out to pasture, or spend the rest of our lives with bags over our heads. We're told we need to plump up our lips, inject botulism into our brain cavity, and dye our hair every other day, lest the tiniest fragment of grey shows. If a woman in fiction is over 30, that fact is the biggest part of her identity (Blanche duBois and Bridget Jones both come to mind).


Men, though? Men never have to get nipped or tucked or dye their hair, because grey hair and wrinkles on a man are considered "distinguished", as opposed to a woman's "haggard". Ever seen a wrinkle cream ad aimed at men? No, and you never will, I'll venture to say. Men can get away with being fat, or dressing exactly as they did in college, and no one gives them a hard time. 30 is meaningless for a man; hell, 40 and 50 don't mean that much, but for a woman? It's the end of the line for you if you can't make babies or attract a man anymore. The punchable character Roger Sterling from Mad Men said, in the very first episode that, "Women turn 30, and it's like someone turns out a light". Way too many men share that sentiment.


So, yeah, as a woman over 30, I am pleased to say I'm not bitter in general, for I have a good life and marriage. But I am bitter as hell over this double standard, and I know I'm not alone. 

Edited by Wiendish Fitch
  • Love 6

Growing up in South Florida and living in So Cal for about 15 years, the older guy - PYT was always part of the landscape in certain enviormnents.  But it seemed more like commerce that both sides understood and choose to participate in so it was just part of the landscape.  And it was limited to select segments of the population - rich, older men who had flashy toys like cars and boats and the sweet young thing who was willing to play that game.


I wasn't paying attention so I missed when it became a more pervasive attitude adopted nationwide.  So your middle management insurance guy is deeming an attractive, working woman (and maybe a mom - GASP!) is too old for him?


Combined with society's higher expectations that young women achieve higher levels of education, professions, income levels etc...than in years past.  So if your daughter is spending her early 20s going to college or trying to establish herself in a career, she's missing her prime years of desireability?



Edited by DeLurker
  • Love 2

Which brings me to a huge pet-peeve: picky adult eaters. Grow up already and quit acting like an entitled oaf, especially at dinner parties!

I usually feel bad for the adult picky eaters, in that they are missing out on so many interesting things in life.


However, I will verge into pet peeve territory when the picky eater describes a food that pretty much everybody else likes as "Disgusting!"  Hey, I'm okay with the fact that you don't like mayonnaise, but dial it down with the disgusting commentary. There is a reason that it is a common food item that most people consume in one form or another, and the reason isn't because everybody else is wrong about liking a disgusting food.



And on the other topic, I will go out on a limb with a generalization and say that the older men who are falling under this category of "unwilling to date women over 30 because they are bitter" have probably been jackasses all of their lives, and this is not something that just popped up when they got older.

Edited by JTMacc99
  • Love 8

Oh yes. In fact, when a man throws out the "bitter" line...it makes HIM seem bitter and jaded. I just turned 30 this month, and I feel remarkably fine about it ;)

Oh, DeLurker.....that dynamic is alive and well in DFW. My father is a prime example. I'm now older than all the girls he dates. It's always awful getting Neiman Marcus cc statements with lines and lines of dresses and jewelry and high heels. Meanwhile, if he's around, he bans me from wearing such clothes. But, he did buy me a boob job. His reasoning was he hoped it would fatten me up all around. He subscribes to the "women should keep sweet" motto. I hate judging him. He's allowed to date whomever. it does bother me, though. He flat out tells me he enjoys spending time with them more because they don't whine or complain. ...except for more 500$ shoes and a night out in the Ferrari. Barf. I, on the other hand, would like to see him and get a hug. :(

  • Love 1

Friends who routinely poo poo almost everything you say. I recently told a friend about being pregnant. He was happy. But the following annoyed me:

Him:Are you nervous?

Me: Yes, I am, about labor.

Him:That's silly. You get a shot and don't feel anything.

Him:How long will you breastfeed?

Me:I've read and am comfortable with at least 6 months.

him:That's too long! Just do it a couple of weeks. No need for anything else.

Me:Well, you never know. Sometimes the baby has trouble latching or wants baby food early.

him:What? That never happens!

Him:Where will you live?

Me:I'll need to move if I do public schools. The ones near me aren't good. Maybe ____ or _____.

Him:No way. That one is good now, but I'm sure it'll go downhill. You never know. Good to day. Drugs everywhere tomorrow!

Just things like that. I think mostly he tries to be positive, but it's annoying. He does this about any topic conveivable. I just nod or change the subject. Lol.

Oh and not trying to start any argument about breastfeeding or pains of labor! Just sharing my conversation about what Im thinking/hoping for myself!

Edited by Betweenyouandme
  • Love 3

I'm not sure I ever had that level of conversation about my pregnancy with any guy not my ob!


Self Peeve - after spending 90 minutes with an online tech support to figure out why my cell wouldn't ring, resetting settings, reinstalling the whole phone profile, yadda yadda yadda...I ended up taking it into a provider store on my way to do an errand.  It took the girl there 1/2 a second to turn the mute slider button back to the off position.  So totally a duh! moment on my part.

  • Love 1

Haha, yes. It gets old. But, we've been friends for many years. There's a lot I don't say, but I do speak up sometimes.

Thank you for the congratulations :) made me smile. And, that's great because I've had a cluster headache for about 50 hours so far and another shingles outbreak. Oh well. It will stop eventually. I'm sickly lol. Another pet peeve of mine!

Well, a lot of you are going to hate me because I drive the posted speed limit no matter which lane I'm in so if I'm keeping pace with you, too damn bad.


On the other hand, I really hate people who use up my green light arrow allowing me to turn left across an intersection in order to go right on red.  It's not your turn, dammit.

Is there some reason you can't drive the posted speed limit in the right lane? The left lane is for passing, not cruising. You are holding up traffic. Every interstate I've been on has big signs saying "Slower traffic keep right." If you look in the rear view mirror and there is someone behind you, YOU are the slower traffic and need to move to the right lane. Show some courtesy.

  • Love 5



the traffic in the lanes to right are going slower than the speed limit




there's no room for me to change lanes




I'm exiting to the left up ahead


While it's true that there are signs that say slower traffic should keep to the right, that does not mean those in the center or left lanes are obligated to speed.  In my state, you have to stay within the limit even while passing.

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However, I will verge into pet peeve territory when the picky eater describes a food that pretty much everybody else likes as "Disgusting!"  Hey, I'm okay with the fact that you don't like mayonnaise, but dial it down with the disgusting commentary. There is a reason that it is a common food item that most people consume in one form or another, and the reason isn't because everybody else is wrong about liking a disgusting food.

Except mayo is truly the devil's condiment.


/not a picky eater


ETA: To be halfway serious, though, mayo really is quite controversial, so I don't think it should be used as an example of a food that "pretty much everybody else likes": Mayonnaise hatred: A brief history of mayo and disgust.


ETA 2: Meant to post a peeve of my own: I hate it when people constantly ask if I'm okay just because I'm quiet. Dude, that's just me. I'm not an outgoing person. One of my closest friends is the biggest offender here, and it irritates me because we've known each other since the seventh grade. You think she could have figured it out by now. And yes, I've told her that I'm fine and that I'm just a quiet person, but it's like she has this compulsive need to ask me if I'm okay every hour because I'm not chatting her ear off. 

Edited by galax-arena
Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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