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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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On 9/20/2022 at 7:45 PM, Bastet said:

Yeah, even a great parent with a generally good kid can experience an embarrassing meltdown in a public place, so it's all about how the parent responds.  If they're actively trying to get the kid to stop disturbing everyone, I'm still going to be annoyed by the ruckus but I'll understand that these things happen and not cast any aspersions on their parenting.  If they're just standing there playing with their phone, with or without distractedly saying "Stop that", while their kid's a holy terror, though, then I'm going to judge all day long.  Kids will be kids, yes, but parents need to be parents.  It's the job.  Don't want to do it, don't take on the job.

My parents were lucky in that I didn't tend to act up to begin with, but when I did I got the "[First and Middle Name], knock that off or [situation-specific consequence will occur]" warning.  And if I didn't knock it off, said consequence did in fact occur.  I learned very early on they weren't going to be repeating a threat multiple times before maybe doing something.

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When I was a kid, we were taught early on never to act up or be disrespectful.  With my three, my husband would just give them that “look” and they quieted down.  When leaving a hotel room in Disney one year, we said goodbye to the couple next to our room.  They never knew that whole week there were three kids next door.  They never heard anything.  They were taught early on.  I worked in an elementary school.  Some kids were rowdy, some very mannerly.  It’s up to the parents from the beginning.

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The various Law & Orders are giving me the peeves with their overlapping episodes this week — one long episode across all 3 franchises. I don’t watch, much less record, plain Law & Order, just SUV and Organized Crime.* And usually, I’d watch SUV first and get around to OC later. But with these overlaps, I have to watch them in order, and I had to find the conclusion through OnDemand! Definitely first-world problems, yes, but annoying nonetheless!

*Which I only watch because of Christopher Meloni. 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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8 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

The various Law & Orders are giving me the peeves with their overlapping episodes this week — one long episode across all 3 franchises. I don’t watch, much less record, plain Law & Order, just SUV and Organized Crime.* And usually, I’d watch SUV first and get around to OC later. But with these overlaps, I have to watch them in order, and I had to find the conclusion through OnDemand! Definitely first-world problems, yes, but annoying nonetheless!

*Which I only watch because of Christopher Meloni. 

I agree.  I found it very tedious.  I didn't even bother to finish the story.

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21 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

The various Law & Orders are giving me the peeves with their overlapping episodes this week — one long episode across all 3 franchises. I don’t watch, much less record, plain Law & Order, just SUV and Organized Crime.* And usually, I’d watch SUV first and get around to OC later. But with these overlaps, I have to watch them in order, and I had to find the conclusion through OnDemand! Definitely first-world problems, yes, but annoying nonetheless!

*Which I only watch because of Christopher Meloni. 

I have pretty much stopped watching SVU to be honest. It isn’t as good after S17 for me. Give me the days of Benson/Stabler, Cragen, Munch, and Warner. I never really cared for Organized Crime (yes, unpopular opinion, I know) or the reboot of the original.

My pet peeve today: I’m Catholic and go to Mass every Sunday and it’s common for people to pray/prepare themselves for Mass silently when they arrive. There was a family in the back today having a baby baptized and the entire group was talking before church as if they were in a restaurant or something. I feel like when you’re in a church, talking quietly/whispering beforehand is one thing, but I feel like it’s rude to show up with your whole party to a place of worship where people are praying/thinking in silence and act like you’re at your own house and carry on audible social chatter. It seems as if these are the types of people who bring the baby for baptism and then don’t show up for eight more years until first communion. (Sadly common in a lot of churches.) Talk outside beforehand or save it for after if you want to be loud! 

Edited by Cloud9Shopper
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I posted this in the chit-chat earlier today by mistake. One of my self-peeves is where I can't remember where I saw something and respond to the wrong thread.

6 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

Regarding L&O - there are forums for each franchise that some of you may find interesting.

OG Law & Order here
OC is here
SVU is here

Edited by theredhead77
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1 hour ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

I have pretty much stopped watching SVU to be honest. It isn’t as good after S17 for me. Give me the days of Benson/Stabler, Cragen, Munch, and Warner. I never really cared for Organized Crime (yes, unpopular opinion, I know) or the reboot of the original.

My pet peeve today: I’m Catholic and go to Mass every Sunday and it’s common for people to pray/prepare themselves for Mass silently when they arrive. There was a family in the back today having a baby baptized and the entire group was talking before church as if they were in a restaurant or something. I feel like when you’re in a church, talking quietly/whispering beforehand is one thing, but I feel like it’s rude to show up with your whole party to a place of worship where people are praying/thinking in silence and act like you’re at your own house and carry on audible social chatter. It seems as if these are the types of people who bring the baby for baptism and then don’t show up for eight more years until first communion. (Sadly common in a lot of churches.) Talk outside beforehand or save it for after if you want to be loud! 

I’m up to s9 of svu. Organized crime I’d see but it’s not available from the beginning.

An acquaintance said her friend worked as an extra with Chris Meloni. He is very very nice to everyone. That warmed my cold, dead, nyc heart lol.

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1 hour ago, theredhead77 said:

I posted this in the chit-chat earlier today by mistake. One of my self-peeves is where I can't remember where I saw something and respond to the wrong thread.

I follow all of those already. I was so bored with this week’s output I didn’t even read all the posts. 

47 minutes ago, oliviabenson said:

I’m up to s9 of svu. Organized crime I’d see but it’s not available from the beginning.

An acquaintance said her friend worked as an extra with Chris Meloni. He is very very nice to everyone. That warmed my cold, dead, nyc heart lol.

Ok now I know why you chose your name!  I used to see Chris Meloni at the gym on the upper west side when he was on SVU the first time. 

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Peeve: judgement, and griping about other people are using their phones while in a group that the griper or judger isn't a part of, or if that person is waiting solo, or whatever. If there is no distracting noise or visible adult content, why someone is using their phone shouldn't be a concern for anyone else. Some reasons people may be using the phones in a group: playing a game, messaging because someone is HoH and it's easier to communicate via IM, looking stuff up, watching something together via screen sharing, etc. People need to MTOB and not worry about what others are doing.

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At my church choir practice when people clearly aren’t paying attention:

Director says something like: “Let’s go to (song title)” or “Let’s start from page X.” “(Song Title) can be found at 123 location in your binder.”

Half the choir: “What are we singing?” “What page is that?” “Where are we?” “Wait, who’s singing that part?” (For example, if the director says the men will sing such part, we have some women who are inevitably not listening who start singing that part too.)

Oh, and the fact that the old choir director (I didn’t know her; I only joined the choir a year ago) has been dead for four years now and there are still people who sit there and complain the music our current director picks is “too Protestant” or “Well, when Janice was here…” 

These are all nice people individually but holy macro. The lack of attention and stories of what Janice used to do are part of the reason why I could never lead or direct anything between trying to get people to listen and dealing with anyone who criticizes my choices. I mean, I don’t know, if I had that much of a problem with the current director’s choices (I don’t; I think he does a good job), I’d quit and just sit in the congregation. I wouldn’t see the point of being there if I didn’t want to pay attention for an hour and/or didn’t like the music. 

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My printer keeps jamming and I can't figure out where!  The first page that jammed tore, and I think there are bits of it somewhere in the innards of my printer -- all subsequent pages have just bunched up.  But I can't find the bits or get them out!  Grrrr!  

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1 hour ago, Browncoat said:

My printer keeps jamming and I can't figure out where!  The first page that jammed tore, and I think there are bits of it somewhere in the innards of my printer -- all subsequent pages have just bunched up.  But I can't find the bits or get them out!  Grrrr!  

Do you have compressed air? It may knock loose whatever is stuck.

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On 9/27/2022 at 12:44 PM, SuprSuprElevated said:


2 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

The pockets of my shorts are a *magnet* for the cabinet handles in the kitchen (& *always* when I'm scurrying to get a meal ready when I want to watch a news program 😡). 

I hear that!  I actually went to the hardware store and replaced about half my spiky kitchen cabinet handles with smooth ones.  The spiky ones get to stay on the top cabinets, though.  They're handy to hang stuff on.

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My pet peeve today is the way some people seem to think there is only one way to grieve and if you aren't following their blueprint you are either doing it wrong or you don't really care about the loss of your loved one.  There have been a few prominent deaths recently where the twitter crowd has gone nuts finding fault but for me it's a little more personal right now. I lost my mother a few months ago and apparently a few of our extended family members don't understand why my siblings and I aren't plastering our grief all over FB.  I guess you don't really care if you aren't talking about your loss on social media every single day.

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5 minutes ago, Elizabeth Anne said:

My pet peeve today is the way some people seem to think there is only one way to grieve and if you aren't following their blueprint you are either doing it wrong or you don't really care about the loss of your loved one.  There have been a few prominent deaths recently where the twitter crowd has gone nuts finding fault but for me it's a little more personal right now. I lost my mother a few months ago and apparently a few of our extended family members don't understand why my siblings and I aren't plastering our grief all over FB.  I guess you don't really care if you aren't talking about your loss on social media every single day.

I'm not on social media at all so never got those kind of comments but when my husband died (almost three years ago) and then my mother (two years ago), people kept saying stuff to me like: "Its okay to cry!" because I was not displaying any overt signs of grief in public. I am not all that stoic, but I also don't think my emotions are public property and am not inclined to wander around being all weepy outside my home. At the time my main task was to get on with things (when my husband died, I still was the principal caregiver for my 93 year old mom and my husband did not die unexpectedly - albeit painlessly, thanks be to God, and then when my mom died a year later during the height of Covid the logistics of navigating all that took up most of my time and energy.) I think grieving is deeply personal and not anyone else's business unless they are specifically asked for comfort or assistance.

I am so sorry for your loss, and prescribe ignoring your family members that are not respecting your privacy and choices.

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1 hour ago, Elizabeth Anne said:

My pet peeve today is the way some people seem to think there is only one way to grieve and if you aren't following their blueprint you are either doing it wrong or you don't really care about the loss of your loved one.  There have been a few prominent deaths recently where the twitter crowd has gone nuts finding fault but for me it's a little more personal right now. I lost my mother a few months ago and apparently a few of our extended family members don't understand why my siblings and I aren't plastering our grief all over FB.  I guess you don't really care if you aren't talking about your loss on social media every single day.

I remember someone telling me that I shouldn't be trying to keep busy. It was none of their business. If I didn't keep busy, I wouldn't have got up at all. 

I did post a few things, when mum was in the hospital, and after we lost her, but you can't make everyone happy, and I had no intention of trying. One childhood friend, I didn't speak to that much (because we'd reconnected on FB, and we had totally different lives) - my talking about it at all, was too depressing for her. So, she started another instagram account, and didn't invite me. We cut ties completely, when she became a covid denier, May of 2020. 

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@isalicat and @Elizabeth Anne: you both have been through the wringer. I am so sorry. Some folks are private and they grieve in private. That's just how we were created. I remember a friend of my mom remarking (two months after mom died), "Well, you sure don't seem to be grieving any more!"  I was so stunned that I could barely breathe, much less respond that I certainly was grieving. Hugs to both of you 🌺.

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My pet peeve for several weeks now has been a particular ad that keeps popping up on these forums. I don't want to describe it, because I'm afraid that would make even more of them pop up, but it's a horrifying facial image. I tried to report it, in hopes of having it removed, but there was no item on the checklist that said, "because it gives me the heebee-jeebees."

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21 minutes ago, HissyFit said:

My pet peeve for several weeks now has been a particular ad that keeps popping up on these forums. I don't want to describe it, because I'm afraid that would make even more of them pop up, but it's a horrifying facial image. I tried to report it, in hopes of having it removed, but there was no item on the checklist that said, "because it gives me the heebee-jeebees."

It's very offensive and I clicked on the "inappropriate" response. Haven't seen it since but one never knows with these ads.

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58 minutes ago, annzeepark914 said:

It's very offensive and I clicked on the "inappropriate" response. Haven't seen it since but one never knows with these ads.

I've only seen it once, when my internet was down for a few days and I was on my phone. It's ghastly and I hope to never see it again.

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Very silly TV-related pet peeve.

I'm someone who really appreciates beauty, so I love how stunning dramas can be, especially period pieces. I WANT to like them so badly. Problem is, I am not that into watching drama. I tend to get bored. Reality TV and sitcoms hold my attention better. 

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16 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

Very silly TV-related pet peeve.

I'm someone who really appreciates beauty, so I love how stunning dramas can be, especially period pieces. I WANT to like them so badly. Problem is, I am not that into watching drama. I tend to get bored. Reality TV and sitcoms hold my attention better. 

See, I'm the opposite. I hate "reality" tv for just how it spotlights human beings at their absolute worst. Greedy, loud and selfish. I like some comdies but I lose myself in Period Pieces. The costumes, the scenery, the manners. I like to think of us as having better angels in our souls.

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54 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

See, I'm the opposite. I hate "reality" tv for just how it spotlights human beings at their absolute worst. Greedy, loud and selfish. I like some comdies but I lose myself in Period Pieces. The costumes, the scenery, the manners. I like to think of us as having better angels in our souls.

I adore costumes, scenery, and good manners too. It's why I prefer old films to ones of today. So much more glamour, class, etiquette, less vulgarity and bathroom humor.

I guess my attention span just isn't good enough for drama TV. You have to pay attention. With most shows I watch, I'm on here or on my phone or something. 

I've tried to determine why my taste in television is so atrocious. I try to be nice. I don't drink. I don't party. I don't get into fights with people. I live a very honest life. And yet, I cannot look away from the Housewives! I promise I'm a nicer person than them. 

I think it's a combo of factors. There is lifestyle porn, which can be very entertaining. It's these beautiful women who wear designer clothes, live in mansions, drive gorgeous cars, go on international trips, etc. They're oftentimes famous or have famous friends. Even though I don't doubt there's producer manipulation, there's oftentimes REAL drama there. It just all entertains me to no end. 

Now in my defense, I have given up other reality shows I watched for periods of time. I no longer watch Jersey Show or the Bachelor franchise. It's just those darn Housewives I can't give up! 

I wish I did enjoy stuff like The Crown and Bridgerton more. I just noticed sometimes my mind wanders and I have no idea what the heck is going on. I might try watching them more, but playing them in the background so I get my beauty fix. I still wish there were show that had a fast-paced nature or more humor but stunning visuals to it. 

Totally unrelated pet peeve. My face sweats so quickly wearing a mask! I am so jealous of those of you who don't experience this. 

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I wish I did enjoy stuff like The Crown and Bridgerton more. I just noticed sometimes my mind wanders and I have no idea what the heck is going on. I might try watching them more, but playing them in the background so I get my beauty fix. I still wish there were show that had a fast-paced nature or more humor but stunning visuals to it. 

I have never seen either of those but I live for stuff like Downton Abbey, All Creatures Great and Small and tons of British mysteries like Midsomer Murders, Vara, Father Brown and Maigret.

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Just now, peacheslatour said:

I have never seen either of those but I live for stuff like Downton Abbey, All Creatures Great and Small and tons of British mysteries like Midsomer Murders, Vara, Father Brown and Maigret.

I've heard wonderful things about Downtown Abbey. I'll have to check out the other shows! Bridgerton brings the pretty escapism like no other, but then boom bunny sex. It threw me off. The Crown is produced so beautifully, but not the most riveting if you're not big on royalty. I wonder if it gets better in further seasons. I'll probably find Princess Diana storylines more interesting. 

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1 minute ago, RealHousewife said:

I've heard wonderful things about Downtown Abbey. I'll have to check out the other shows! Bridgerton brings the pretty escapism like no other, but then boom bunny sex. It threw me off. The Crown is produced so beautifully, but not the most riveting if you're not big on royalty. I wonder if it gets better in further seasons. I'll probably find Princess Diana storylines more interesting. 

Yeah, I'm not into the Brirish royals post Victoria. I love stuff about QE1 and Henry the Eighth. 

All Creatures is as homey, charming and heartwarming as anything I have ever seen. Either version.

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2 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

I've heard wonderful things about Downtown Abbey. I'll have to check out the other shows! Bridgerton brings the pretty escapism like no other, but then boom bunny sex. It threw me off. The Crown is produced so beautifully, but not the most riveting if you're not big on royalty. I wonder if it gets better in further seasons. I'll probably find Princess Diana storylines more interesting. 

Downtown Abbey is the best for just looking at - the rooms, the clothes (!), pretty people...and the plots are so slim that you don't really have to pay that much attention to be entertained. I won't watch stuff like Bridgerton because it is too far from actual history, and as a once upon a time actual historian, that sort of stuff makes my teeth ache (a pet peeve is the current penchant for portraying the past through the lens of the present; so tacky and generally unimaginative). I find The Crown exploitative (a lot of these people were/are still alive!).

If you just like looking at pretty scenery, I would recommend the brilliant gardening shows and tours of historical gardens on channels like BritBox, Acorn or even the BBC itself if you can get it. I don't really garden myself (too busy elsewise) but these are the kind of reality shows I can get behind!

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2 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

Yeah, I'm not into the Brirish royals post Victoria. I love stuff about QE1 and Henry the Eighth. 

All Creatures is as homey, charming and heartwarming as anything I have ever seen. Either version.

2 minutes ago, isalicat said:

Downtown Abbey is the best for just looking at - the rooms, the clothes (!), pretty people...and the plots are so slim that you don't really have to pay that much attention to be entertained. I won't watch stuff like Bridgerton because it is too far from actual history, and as a once upon a time actual historian, that sort of stuff makes my teeth ache (a pet peeve is the current penchant for portraying the past through the lens of the present; so tacky and generally unimaginative). I find The Crown exploitative (a lot of these people were/are still alive!).

If you just like looking at pretty scenery, I would recommend the brilliant gardening shows and tours of historical gardens on channels like BritBox, Acorn or even the BBC itself if you can get it. I don't really garden myself (too busy elsewise) but these are the kind of reality shows I can get behind!

Thanks so much for the recommendations guys!

You reminded me of another pet peeve. I'd LOVE to garden because I love flowers so much, but I am terrified of snakes. Please no one here post pictures! They terrify me that much. I'm also not crazy about bugs, but could deal. 

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1 hour ago, isalicat said:

Downtown Abbey is the best for just looking at - the rooms, the clothes (!), pretty people...and the plots are so slim that you don't really have to pay that much attention to be entertained. I won't watch stuff like Bridgerton because it is too far from actual history, and as a once upon a time actual historian, that sort of stuff makes my teeth ache (a pet peeve is the current penchant for portraying the past through the lens of the present; so tacky and generally unimaginative). I find The Crown exploitative (a lot of these people were/are still alive!).

If you just like looking at pretty scenery, I would recommend the brilliant gardening shows and tours of historical gardens on channels like BritBox, Acorn or even the BBC itself if you can get it. I don't really garden myself (too busy elsewise) but these are the kind of reality shows I can get behind!

I came to hate the storyline of Downton Abbey for what I considered repetitious hack writing but continued watching to the end for the clothes and the look of the thing.  I'm glad to know I am not alone in not liking Bridgerton for rewriting history.  It just seems so wrong to write a pretend past.

I do love current British drama, particularly mysteries and police procedurals like Vera and Shetland.  I just eat them up on Britbox and Acorn.

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That's what I said last week...that, and by now, only the dead aren't aware of this Camp Lejeune issue.

I enjoyed Downton Abbey because it moved along at a good pace, not lingering too long on one group of characters inside each episode. A lot of people complained that it was inferior to Upstairs, Downstairs. But I could never get into U/D because to me it was so dull & slow moving. Plus the music & exterior scenes of that stunning castle/mansion/house and the lush countryside were so beautiful.

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6 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Pet peeve: When someone states something as fact. Then when asked if the person actually said it, the answer is “no”. 🤦‍♀️

Ugh. That's worse than "I heard from..." stated as fact or taken as fact and used to make blanket assumptions which is one of my peeves. 

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2 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

"Some people are saying..."


One of my work peeves is the "anonymous complaint". "My customer says..." and then they refuse to provide info for troubleshooting and a resolution. I've been known to say "this is not the FBI, there are no anonymous tips. If you don't provide their information for troubleshooting I can't fix the issue".

One of our assistant store managers sent me this email full of "complaints" someone at X customer told him but he refused to share the name of the person, or which location they were at and the complaints were all focused around what the customer wanted, not something we were forcing them to do. This dude wasn't helping anyone by not sharing contact info.

So, I did what any normal manager would do. I blew that shit up. I responded that we needed to know so the account manager could visit the issue and discuss their account and included the national account manager, local account manager, his boss, his district manager and his area VP, plus a few others. If you want to be vague I'm 1) not going to believe you and 2) call your bluff.

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17 hours ago, theredhead77 said:


One of my work peeves is the "anonymous complaint". "My customer says..." and then they refuse to provide info for troubleshooting and a resolution. I've been known to say "this is not the FBI, there are no anonymous tips. If you don't provide their information for troubleshooting I can't fix the issue".

One of our assistant store managers sent me this email full of "complaints" someone at X customer told him but he refused to share the name of the person, or which location they were at and the complaints were all focused around what the customer wanted, not something we were forcing them to do. This dude wasn't helping anyone by not sharing contact info.

I'm going to give an example of an anonymous complaint I'm going to make if my mother doesn't decide to make it and I'm not going to feel one iota bad about it .

Hey big box store.  Your delivery service for appliances suck.  But worse than sucking you have a pervasive culture of grifting and extortion happening.  My elderly mother had these  experiences on the delivery of the same appliance that has been rescheduled over a half dozen times.  Delivery guy 1 - dispatch sent to the wrong city and asked my mother to pay him for his trouble because the company won't.  Delivery guy 1 also said delivery guy 2 would probably come with the appliance  if he was offered some money.  Delivery guy 3 brought the appliance and said installation wasn't included and asked for money to do it (its free/included and my mom knew that and demanded he write a statement that the money was going to big box so she could get reimbursed when it got sorted out).  Delivery guy 3 left appliance uninstalled and openned the installation box to remove parts to make the next installation fail.

My elderly mother is scared that these guys who can get fired for this shit know where she lives. She'll probably report them anyway but that she's talking about "whatever happens, happens" has me serriously angry at these companies allowing this situation to occur.  And I will be having a chat with them.  I will not override my mom's concern about them finding out or guessing who reported them so being vague might be necessary.

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Gah! My identity got done stoled. I got a call from my bank about someone trying to charge over $600.00 at the Atlanta Marriott and I've never been to Atlanta in my life. So, we went through a bunch of charges, some okay, others, not. They're sending me a new card. You all know what that means. I'll have to call all the places I have set up with the card for my dad's meds, Amazon will have to be notified, oh just a whole slew of crap to slog through. Whelp, I guess that's the price we pay for convenience.

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18 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

Gah! My identity got done stoled.

That sucks! From what you said, it sounds like your card was compromised, not your full identity stolen. Inconvenient but not nearly as catastrophic as identity theft.

To be extra careful you can freeze your credit and pull a free report from each of the credit bureau websites.

4 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

I'm going to give an example of an anonymous complaint I'm going to make if my mother doesn't decide to make it and I'm not going to feel one iota bad about it .

Oh yea, complain and be vague but give enough details so they can provide corrective action if needed. Safety first! I had a home repair vendor (arranged by my home warranty company) that I should have left a 1 star review for. They had terrible service, didn't fix the issue, disappeared for a few hours, and the dude pressured me for a 5 star review. Nope! They knew where I lived. I complained to the home warranty company and demanded a different vendor come out to fix the issue.

This isn't the same situation that I was referring to though. The initial situation was at work, an assistant store manager was vaguely complain on behalf of someone at a customer site. Long story short, at the end of the day, I think our person was making shit up (he's known to be dramatic) because he didn't want to deal with the requirements the customers orders have tied to them and wanted to go back to manually taking their orders instead of supporting the digital process the customer wants. The local account manager went to every site to talk to every buyer and none of them had the same complaints this dude was spouting off.

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People who ONLY take Covid seriously. I was shamed by a relative for catching Covid. I have barely had a life trying to avoid it only so I could still see family and not risk getting them sick. (And no, I never gave Covid to anyone.) I lost out on much of my life prior to the pandemic thanks to anxiety and depression. It’s triggering telling me to only ever stay at home and have a mask on 24/7. If you’re high risk or just anxious about it, I totally understand. I’m just not. I am physically healthy, but my mental health needs for me to get out and see humans. I also get shamed for making exercise, sleep, and healthy eating priorities. I know I would have all the support in the world if I’d get on an antidepressant, so I wish other things that help with mental health would be taken seriously too.

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3 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

Smell of feta cheese. It tastes fabulous in salads and sandwiches, but the smell! I even buy the vegan feta, and while it's not as bad, still smells too much like actual feta. 

I hate feta cheese. The smell and taste 

My wife loves it. I have to leave the room

She has to leave when I eat chicken wings. 

It evens out. 

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6 minutes ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

I hate feta cheese. The smell and taste 

My wife loves it. I have to leave the room

She has to leave when I eat chicken wings. 

It evens out. 

I can't stand the smell of hubby's salt and vinegar kettle chips. I too have to leave the room. 

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1 hour ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

I hate feta cheese. The smell and taste 

My wife loves it. I have to leave the room

She has to leave when I eat chicken wings. 

It evens out. 

Ha I love feta cheese and chicken wings. Yummy yummy in my tummy.

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