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Whitney Thore: So She Thinks She Can Dance

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4 hours ago, Bubbles1967 said:

She wants to show off how fit she is. That all her hard work with Will has paid off...........?

I would love to see 5 and then 10 year pictures taken after this photo.  And then honest stories about where their even slight involement in this BS movement has led them.  

As for Todd, seriously dude,  seriously.  Get a life already.  The TLC money is going to disappear and you are going to be 5 plus year older.  Time for a new career now.  

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20 hours ago, fonfereksglen said:

I would love to see 5 and then 10 year pictures taken after this photo.  And then honest stories about where their even slight involement in this BS movement has led them.  


I think I would want to know where they are health wise in 5-10 years. How many ailments and which ones are weight related.

Im sure someone will come out and they wished they lost weight. 

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On 10/24/2016 at 9:43 AM, Ocean Chick said:

I'm sure this "dance-off" is just another planned story-arc, just like her and Todd coming in 2nd in that ballroom dancing contest.  Totally set up by the show to show how Big Girls "slayed" the competition, so everyone can remark on how "fit" and healthy they all are.  Heh.

I'm so sick of her dancing "career" being a story line in the show. They need to just give it up, cause no one is buying it and no one cares. What I would love to see is Whitney set some fitness goal for herself (e.g. swimming a certain distance in a certain amount of time) so that she can actually show that she's making progress toward her goal of being as healthy as she can be without focusing on her weight. Or, they could even have her working with a life coach/therapist to explore more about how her weight issues have affected her life and give her some tips on how to get the things she wants in life now (good relationships, radio career success, etc.). Anything that shows that she's trying to be an actual adult woman in her 30s. All this focus on winning amateur dance competitions seems more appropriate for a middle school girl. 

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Twit looks just as big in that pic as before.  Dance "career"?  Laughable.  

She's throwing away a golden opportunity to utilize the network's $ to get in shape, or at least toned up better.

Why are people on tv so stupid?  

 I know all these beautiful, smart women who want to lost weight, and work at it.  Why aren't they represented on tv.?

  I sincerely  hope that after the election, the media--in all forms--will turn the tide to intelligent talk and portrayals of people who can offer us positive hope, specific ideas on how to improve ourselves, and fun/funny situations to learn from as well.

I really pray that the pendulum has swung as far as it can go to the negative side, and will slowly come back to specific helfpul information.  We can talk about that online and at the water cooler too--instead of marveling that the morons are getting attention now.

Rant over.  It's too early.

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12 hours ago, Tosia said:

Twit looks just as big in that pic as before.  Dance "career"?  Laughable.  

She's throwing away a golden opportunity to utilize the network's $ to get in shape, or at least toned up better.

Why are people on tv so stupid?  


She is not going to change because this is her meal ticket ☺️

Her fans won't like it if she does anything  to lose weight. Ratings down and end of show if she does.. at least that's what she thinks.

So if you think about it she's being smart in what to do to keep her show.  She's stupid about the consequences.

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Nor mine. But it seems Ms. Thore was not working out that day. She was attending an open house for the gym in the role of celebrity -- selling autographed copies of her memoir. (And yeah, that wouldn't be an excuse for the flip flops in my gym either.)

My question is, where does she find those very unattractive leggings she wears? This pair looks like her knees are wrapped in bloody bandages. Are these part of her No BS fashion line?

I don't know if anybody here follows YouTube, but lately there has been an uproar because there is a girl named Eugenia Cooney who is emaciated thin, whether she is anorexic or has another disorder nobody knows (and I'm not here to argue that) but there has been a petition circulating that she should be banned from YouTube because her being so thin is a bad influence on young girls... in my opinion she shouldn't be, but that's beside the point... she has been getting a lot of hate over her body for a really long time... the reason I bring this up here is I wonder if Whitney were contacted to help Eugenia if she would... because you know body shaming goes both ways... but for some reason I don't think Whitney would help because the issue is too thin vs overweight.

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It's a slippery slope to ban someone for their physical appearance on youtube.  I am of a mind that they shouldn't ban people at all...freedom of speech and all, but that's a huge debate too (don't watch the video if you don't like it!)  I had to google her and listened to her response about being so thin...she should be banned for not being able to put a coherent sentence together. 

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On 10/30/2016 at 4:14 PM, Ketzel said:

Nor mine. But it seems Ms. Thore was not working out that day. She was attending an open house for the gym in the role of celebrity -- selling autographed copies of her memoir. (And yeah, that wouldn't be an excuse for the flip flops in my gym either.)

My question is, where does she find those very unattractive leggings she wears? This pair looks like her knees are wrapped in bloody bandages. Are these part of her No BS fashion line?

My guess is she looks in the mirror - sees Kate Hudson - and then squeezes into any pair of 3X leggings she can find.  No matter how hideous. Looking at that  horrible fit from behind, my knees would be screaming in extreme pain from trying to move or bend with such an extremely tight fit. Just the rubbing over my arthritic knee caps would cause swelling for days.  I wear shorts (not cropped pants or other leggings which still rub over the top of my knees) when walking or working outside until the temps reach in the 20s to avoid this type of pain.  I'm much taller and 200 or more lbs lighter, but the effect of being even 50+ pounds overweight and very active has taken a toll that I wish I'd understood 32 years ago, when I was her age.   This is why I rant about her supposed "healthy and fit" message.  As for those ghastly upper arms - hopefully she's be able to afford the surgery if she wants to continue wearing tanks and sports bras the rest of her life.  Gravity always wins!

And with this comment - I'll bid a fond farewell.  I've said my thoughts.  I don't want to become a bore.  

  • Love 6
14 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

LOL I didn't even really notice that clock until you mentioned it! 

Ok - so do you think it's 9:01 am or 9:01 pm?  I bet a dollar to a donut it's PM as I doubt Whit doesn't roll out of bed until 10.  Also, who goes to the gym wearing flip-flops (that's not a yoga studio!)?

  • Love 3

The "dance career" thing has gone beyond a joke to me and is actually making me angry now. She stubbornly persists in pushing her "career" on her followers yet, other than the "workout videos", the only dancing she has done in the past 5 years has been orchestrated as a plot point by TLC. At this point, I would be happier if they would just call this what it is-a scripted series-and be done with trying to pretend it's reality and that Whitney is a person we should care about.

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On 10/30/2016 at 4:14 PM, Ketzel said:

My question is, where does she find those very unattractive leggings she wears? This pair looks like her knees are wrapped in bloody bandages. Are these part of her No BS fashion line?

I was shopping at Lane Bryant today and happened to look through the clearance rack. There were her leggings, or their close cousin. A whole pile of them. Apparently, not everyone dreams of looking like their knees are bleeding or attacked by strange pink/purple fungus. Hers look like they are at least a size too small for her. They don't look comfortable at all.


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You know, I am a thin woman. I walk marathons. I have AMAZING legs, not to toot my own horn. My point is I would never put those leggings on my body. Any colored accent on the sides of black tights makes a woman look like she has saddlebags the size of West Virginia, no matter how small she may otherwise be. It's a weird, "lumpy" look that, of course, Whitney HAS to gravitate to, because she is tacky in every sense of the word.

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Part of me wonders if she wants to look more misshapen than she is. This could be be because she has a skewed view of her body or because she wants the attention that being so large gives her. If she's wants to be the center of attention at all times, she may have determined long ago that her size would give her that. Dressing in poorly fitting clothing which emphasizes her largest features instead of her attributes may be second nature to her.

She has a pretty face. I think a lot of what she dresses in draws attention to her arms and hips, which are not her best attributes and draws attention away from her face. Looser fitting clothing with better necklines and more coverage would go a long way in her presentation of herself and would probably help her no BS campaign to be better accepted. There's a vast difference between wearing a mu-mu and wearing looser fitting but still attractive clothing and there are very cute larger women's clothing designers out there. Right now, her message fails because her presentation of herself plays into every stereotype of overweight people out there instead of presenting a polished professional woman who happens to be larger. Her clothing choices at the "internship" demonstrated that she either doesn't know or doesn't care about presenting her best self.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, MegD said:

There's a vast difference between wearing a mu-mu and wearing looser fitting but still attractive clothing and there are very cute larger women's clothing designers out there.

Yes ma'am! Almost every body type looks better in fabrics/cuts that skim the body, without being totally skin tight. Agree totally that Whitney's need for attention outweighs (pun, haha) any good sense she might have.

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On 11/4/2016 at 9:55 AM, MegD said:

Part of me wonders if she wants to look more misshapen than she is. This could be be because she has a skewed view of her body or because she wants the attention that being so large gives her. If she's wants to be the center of attention at all times, she may have determined long ago that her size would give her that. Dressing in poorly fitting clothing which emphasizes her largest features instead of her attributes may be second nature to her.

She has a pretty face. I think a lot of what she dresses in draws attention to her arms and hips, which are not her best attributes and draws attention away from her face. Looser fitting clothing with better necklines and more coverage would go a long way in her presentation of herself and would probably help her no BS campaign to be better accepted. There's a vast difference between wearing a mu-mu and wearing looser fitting but still attractive clothing and there are very cute larger women's clothing designers out there. Right now, her message fails because her presentation of herself plays into every stereotype of overweight people out there instead of presenting a polished professional woman who happens to be larger. Her clothing choices at the "internship" demonstrated that she either doesn't know or doesn't care about presenting her best self.

My personal opinion, Whit looks like a young Babs but bigger.  

And I agree - there is a vast difference in dress. The girl just doesn't know how to dress for her body type.  There are a number of well dressed actresses that are plus size.  Currently Chrissy Metz from This Is Us is killing it.  The problem with Whit is she dresses like a slob and acts like trash.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Barb23 said:

I'm watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade.  They showed the Rockettes dancing - I looked really hard but didn't see Whit.  Maybe she's home packing for the cruise. 

You wouldn't have to try too hard to see Whit. That's not even a comment on her size, it's a comment on how she would be wearing neon leggings and a clashing neon jog bra that are visible from space.

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On 11/24/2016 at 1:15 PM, ClareWalks said:

You wouldn't have to try too hard to see Whit. That's not even a comment on her size, it's a comment on how she would be wearing neon leggings and a clashing neon jog bra that are visible from space.

And doing a different dance because, you know, unison be damned. She's a STAR! 

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has anyone checked out the fb page? in the first picture she is literally sitting on Todd. Why? Poor guy is gonna get hurt. Like she is sitting on him like a child would sit on their parents playing horsey or something

Bizarre. She also broke her toe dancing, saying that nobody could out pirouette her? I would bet she cannot do even one single pirouette. And she apparently broke her toe doing it which is super bizarre. 

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If she really tried to do a jazz-style pirouette, in bare feet,* I'm not surprised she broke her toe. She'd have to be balancing all of her weight on the inner ball of the foot and the toes of her turning leg, then use just that small front part of her foot to rapidly lift her weight upwards into a turn on her toes. In what physical  universe could the small bones of one of her feet lift and carry all of her weight? Is this another example of Whitney refusing to recognize that her weight has actually negative effects on her movement? It's certainly another example of how ridiculous it is for her to proclaim herself a dance teacher. How could anyone trust a teacher whose technique is so non-existent and whose judgment is so poor?


*I can't imagine even she would attempt a fully turned-out ballet pirouette in toe shoes.

Edited by Ketzel
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5 hours ago, yogi2014L said:

has anyone checked out the fb page? in the first picture she is literally sitting on Todd. Why? Poor guy is gonna get hurt. Like she is sitting on him like a child would sit on their parents playing horsey or something

I just had to look up that picture.  The picture took me a few minutes to process - her thigh is as big as his whole back.  Looks like they are having fun on the cruise! 

From the information on facebook it looks like about 100 people signed up for the tour.  Which is a lot more than I expected.  I am glad they had a somewhat decent turnout but I hope that there is more to the tour than just no body shaming...like ways to be a healthier person through exercise and sensible eating habits. 

Edited by abbey
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On ‎12‎/‎4‎/‎2016 at 11:24 AM, Nanu160 said:

wonder if Whitney reads this thread, and how she would react if she knew that the entire continent loathes her.

I think we'd know.  She wouldn't be silent.  And she does have lots of fans, who are on her Facebook page.
But Nicole Curtis, of Rehab Addict, came over to her discussion here, and joined battle.  But I think we won.

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Re: the leggings - I suspect that Whitney wears them because they're elastic which means they don't cut into her painfully or restrict movement, and allow for range of movement. The thing about being super morbidly obese is that every body is going to hold fat in different areas; the sheer range of shapes and weight distribution on My 600lb Life is amazing. Some people hold it all in the stomach, others in the legs, other in the hips/thighs, some in the arms, some evenly distributed. Unless a 400lb person is buying custom-made clothes, they have to get the size that will fit their own biggest part, which is why so many morbidly obese people look like they're wearing giant clothes. A 4X might fit their stomach perfectly, but it's made to accommodate all people who would be 4X so depending on their body it might be insanely baggy in places and tight in others. It's why Whitney didn't want to wear khakis for the baseball job - getting them in a size that will fit her waist means the thighs of the shorts will be either tight and movement-restricting or loose and ride up when she walks, but sizing up or down to accommodate her thighs will mean it won't fit her waist/hips. 

Leggings are elastic, so they'll stretch as needed to accommodate her size and shape, and they also won't restrict movement.

In other news, I vaguely know a girl who is an avid Whitney fan and went on a previous cruise to meet Whitney; from what she posted on social media about the cruise and the people there, it seems that the majority of the people who go on it are Whit's size or nearing it and looking for validation. Since the cruise, this girl has "gained a lot of self-confidence" which mostly translates into posting semi-clothed or suggestive pictures of herself or videos of her jiggling her fat rolls while making "sexy" faces. She's gained quite a lot of followers from it, but from the commenters she gets, most seem to be either similar-sized women or men with a fetish. I do wonder about the emotional toll that it would take on a person knowing that a large portion of their followers are fetishizing them as an object, but I figure she's an adult her life is her own choice. It makes me sad for her, though, and I think it's a reflection of Whitney and the attitude she promotes, which seems to be "If you're unhappy about your weight, just keep eating your feelings while crying out for attention."

Edited by AnJen
a word
  • Love 9

So, No Body Shaming movement means Don't Call Me Out or Hold Me Accountable for my Lazy Selfish Poor Choices that Hurt me And my Family. So, cool, maybe the Heroin and Meth Addicts can start a similar movement, whereby they are not accountable for their actions! All Social and criminal problems SOLVED! NOBODY DID ANYTHING WRONG , EVER! …......I want to go to there!    Yo...Didn't Pinocchio go to some Donkeyboy island like that?

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So Whitney reports that she could not resist the lure of the karaoke spotlight on board the cruise, and while really getting into "Baby Got Back," she stomped on the broken toe, screamed a curse into the microphone and was assisted, sobbing, from the room as Heather leaped to the mic and broke into "I Will Survive."  I am a terrible person for finding this both funny and karmic.  So be it. :)

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