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Big Women: Big Love - General Discussion

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I am simply amazed at how deluded Jessica is.  But even if you took away the magic mirror she's been looking in, you still have left a stank, arrogant, snotty, condescending, self-centered person.  So I don't know if her reverse anorexia is really the worst of her traits.  Her lack of self-awareness is illustrated further by the fact that no dude seems to want to be around her.  But don't all guys want "skinny" girls?  So what's not adding up?!  Agreed that the moaning and groaning and rolling around on the floor like a beached whale at the restaurant did not do anything to reinforce her "skinny" image.  When she stated at the store that she "needs a size small" I had to assume that she was in a plus-plus-plus sized shop.  Girl is one burger away from "My 600 Pound Life".   


Jenn bugs but I did give her kudos for the way she handled the drunk date (straight to the point and honest). 


Sabrina's little old Grannie style of dressing sometimes cracks me up!  She's still ok in my book. 

  • Love 2

OMG, just too much sell-out going on with them. They make me sad. Jessica is not very nice to herself let alone everyone else. And I notice none of them are active in areas they need to be. She couldn't get down on the floor because she has no muscle built up that would allow that. My dad was 88 and could still get up off the floor without using his hands. And all that alcohol they drink doesn't help. They may as well eat three plates of fries! Yeah, they sold out for the camera...

Edited by ethalfrida

I thought Jenn dressed as ugly as possible for her date, those glasses were awful. Personally, I would have given the guy a little time to find out if her was just nervous or if he was a real drunk, He was cute and didn't look like a weirdo at first glance. Sabrina and Mar are the only ones I like; although I would never be a customer in Mar's salon, the women who work there seem very unprofessional.


Christi is very pretty and dresses well, but she is too forward and too sexed up. And she seems really obsessed with her sister in law. Jessica is delusional and Jenn needs to take a break from her endless dates to find a hobby or volunteer work where she can meet people in a natural way. Nothing wrong with online dating for most people, but when you are 'different than average" (and I am too), you need to be careful you are not attracting people with a fetish or people just out for sex. 

Edited by Madding crowd
  • Love 2

--Call me a heffa, but all I could think when Jenn left the go-kart place was, "Did you leave that pizza behind??"  Sure, the date was a dud, but don't waste a perfectly good pizza, right?


I noticed it the minute he left and thought, "he at least she gets leftovers" but then she walked out without it and I thought, "what a waste..."



I actually don't have a problem with people sending me texts. I don't like talking on the cell and if I do answer it, you'll be lucky if I stay on the line for more then 3 mins. lol  sometimes You just can't stop and talk.

Send me a text.




High-Five, right here. I HATE talking on the phone. I get nerved when anyone from a friend to a guy I just started talking to online says, "can I call you?"  I don't mind if it's easier to call (too much to text, which sometimes never stops me) or if it's real quick (say what you have to say, then goodbye). But generally I find "phone talkers" don't have a cut-off point and I've always got to make up an excuse to get off the phone. No thank you.

  • Love 2

All I kept noticing during the Salsa lesson was that Sabrina had lipstick on her teeth. I kept rubbing mine to let her know she did.


I did too.


I seem to miss Jessica's scenes. She comes on and I tune her out, and I think that's for the best. What did she say about losing the weight and being "light as a feather" or something?  Please, girl. She really thinks she's something else.  I liked when her ex was a no-show.

  • Love 1

I am so glad there is a thread for this!!


Slap my hand for being mean right out the gate, but the lady from Texas seems like she is straight up desperate. From the way she approached the guys at the bar, made out with the online dude in front of everyone, and then the whole "I met a guy, got pregnant three months later, and now pawn my daughter off on my mom to go out" screams that her judgment is a little off. I'm not a single mother and don't know the struggle, so I'm probably way off base.


Even though she was uber-dramatic by getting the vapors from the Ethiopian food, I agreed with the girl from NYC that going to an "adventurous" spot for a first dinner date isn't a good idea. Coffee, tea, or ice cream is pretty universal and keeps the timing short if you need to bounce quickly.


Oh goodness, the lady from CA who lost her virginity recently and went on a penis bender....did anyone else think she sounded like a cartoon character? Plus, the directors are not right for the multiple shots of her fat rolls peeking from under her shirt at the bowling alley. Y'all are wrong for that!!


Anyone else realize there seems to be a gang of shows premiering this month about the lives of the obese (this show, 600-lb life, the show about the girl that danced on youtube and has pcos)? Refreshing to see!


OMG, yes on all.


The Texas lady.  Beautiful face and her skin is to die for.  But she was embarrassing just walking up to the guys at the bar and pointing out how hot her SIL is.


Meanwhile, I couldn't help but wonder:  Why don't any of these ladies date in their weight range?  I'm sure there are plenty of men their weight who would date them not be judgmental when they order curly fries.  One of them straight out said she doesn't like chubby guys.  Well, that's great but don't act like a hurt pup when you are rejected b/c of your weight.

  • Love 1

Slap my hand for being mean right out the gate, but the lady from Texas seems like she is straight up desperate. From the way she approached the guys at the bar, made out with the online dude in front of everyone, and then the whole "I met a guy, got pregnant three months later, and now pawn my daughter off on my mom to go out" screams that her judgment is a little off. I'm not a single mother and don't know the struggle, so I'm probably way off base.


Kristi's behavior is very unfortunate because the way she (soberly) interacted with the guy who she gave her number to at the taco place was very charming and engaging. The way she was there would be so attractive to many men, in my opinion. I hope he calls her. She admitted that she definitely overcompensates for her perceived flaw (her weight) by drinking and getting attention through sexual innuendo and being the life of the party type.  Now that she recognizes this I hope she starts to change. In the first episode she said something along the lines about how she is lucky to live with her mom which does make it easier to go out. I have single-mom friends and going out has to be a very planned, coordinated thing with child care so I do think Kristi is very lucky in this regard as she does seem to have a very active social life. 



Even though she was uber-dramatic by getting the vapors from the Ethiopian food, I agreed with the girl from NYC that going to an "adventurous" spot for a first dinner date isn't a good idea. Coffee, tea, or ice cream is pretty universal and keeps the timing short if you need to bounce quickly.


Having been on my fair share of generic first dates I actually think "adventurous" first dates are fun and can create a bonding experience. If they hit it off they would reminisce and laugh about it. "Remember how you got so sick?!" I always appreciate people who think a little out of the box in regards to dating but I get what you mean because I also know the feeling of wanting to bounce asap. I actually thought that whole date seemed like she was reenacting a previous bad date. Sabrina seems like a trooper though. Like, when she fell during salsa lessons and her date couldn't lift her and ended up dragging her on the floor. Not sure if anyone caught the look on her face but it was priceless. 

  • Love 1

I hate to break this to Jessica, but she looks like she's closer to 300 than 200.   She must be way short if she really weighs 220.  Also, Tyra Banks at her fattest could fit into one of her pants legs.    She's morbidly obese, not "thin/thick". 


That Texan girl is embarrassing to watch, even in the privacy of my own home.   Damn, girl, you're pretty, you have nice legs, and would have a good personality if you'd quit acting like you're auditioning for "Tammy 2".   


Jessica is quite delusional.  She's still obese.


Kristi the Texas girl is embarrassing.  Tammy 2 is the perfect description!


I seriously can't stand Minnie Mouse.  She's so fucking irritating.  And it's hard for me to watch this show where they are bitching and moaning about being fat and then they're ordering the food that made them fat.  If dating is so important to you and you feel that your fat is holding you back, maybe try to lose some weight? Or maybe think about your health?

I couldn't watch the rest. I felt such second hand embarrassment for that girl when that guy split because of a "family emergency." After she walked hand in hand with him to buy baby oil for him to give her a massage. Oh my goodness.


I'm watching this episode now and I cracked up at the "message my vag" and the look on his face.  Holy cow, she's so embarrassing.  


And I feel guilty for wanting to punch Jenn.  That voice and her overall whininess just annoys the crap out of me.

  • Love 2

Amen.  Jenn goes to the workshop and all she gets out of it is she has to "get out more."  I cannot stand this girl!  She seems  like she's stuck in adolescence.  


In an odd way, I understand why Jessica doesn't want to hang around them.  Granted, she's delusional.  She's every bit as fat as the fattest of that group.  But I also understand why being around women who do nothing but complain about how they can't find a man because they're fat.  Yet somehow none of these women seem to want to date men who are in the same weight class as they are.  All of the men we've seen so far have been relatively thin.  I wonder how many of them would be interested in dating an obese man? 

Edited by sasha206

I am a little confused as to whether this show is deliberately trying to make these women look pathetic, or if they are doing that all by themselves in spite of the show's best efforts. Kristi insisting that she will be setting a better example for her daughter by moving into her own place, when clearly her only concern is being able to have loud sex with that disgusting guy, makes me so sad for her daughter (and her mother). Jenn is such a loser I can't even feel sorry for her as she seems to be degrading herself on purpose. Stand back and take a look at your behavior, listen to your own voice, and stop offering yourself to the scum of the earth with your so-called "friends" egging you on to new lows of humiliation. Please. This show is a train wreck. I wish I could look away.

  • Love 2

What is up with Kristi's new boyfriend?? 3 failed marriages before 36 is a huge red flag! She also needs to slow down, she just seems to need the physical aspect of the relationship. She seemed way more into making out than he did. That's saying something.

Jenny is just ridiculous. She calls herself a curvy girl. That's just straight up denial. Also her wishlist for a guy is very detailed and she was pretty dismissive of her internet date right off the bat. I'm not saying she shouldn't have her wants and standards however she needs to be open and not judgmental seeing as she's asking for the same thing. Her voice is just the worst.

Mar and Sabrina get off looking perfect because the rest of the crew is such a collective train wreck.

Jessica is ridiculous as usual.

  • Love 4

What is up with Kristi's new boyfriend?? 3 failed marriages before 36 is a huge red flag! She also needs to slow down, she just seems to need the physical aspect of the relationship. She seemed way more into making out than he did. That's saying something.

Jenny is just ridiculous. She calls herself a curvy girl. That's just straight up denial. Also her wishlist for a guy is very detailed and she was pretty dismissive of her internet date right off the bat. I'm not saying she shouldn't have her wants and standards however she needs to be open and not judgmental seeing as she's asking for the same thing. Her voice is just the worst.

Mar and Sabrina get off looking perfect because the rest of the crew is such a collective train wreck.

Jessica is ridiculous as usual.


Sabrina is the only one who looks good to me still!


Mar is a ridiculous drama queen.  I think she absolutely LOVES having the boyfriend knocking at her door at 2:30 in the a.m. so she can tell everyone about how much he loves her but is wrong for her.  And then the concern over going back on stage...like the 10 people at the bar (and about 6 of them related to her and then Sabrina) haven't seen her since she gained 40 pounds and as if they have such a strong following that a year later, they'd notice her weight gain.i  


Kristi.  Come on, don't use being a "role model" excuse to move out simply because you want sex.  You know she'll be dumping the kid off at grandma's constantly.  Yes, she should be out on her own at her age if she can afford it.  But I suspect Jefferson, who probably loves the cameras, won't be around for much longer.  And um, 3 marriages?  How do you not run after that?


Jenn...I guess I'm wrong based on the upcoming clips where she likes a fat guy, but it seemed like she saved her disdain for the fattest one she's dated.  Yeah eating wings isn't cool.  But neither is bringing two obnoxious friends who grill him obnoxiously.  And if I were him, I'd be wanting to eat all the wings since she was pretty much a load all night.


I'd really love it if this show would have all of those women go into a bar and have that bar be filled with men in their weight categories and then men that aren't.  Let's see (after all their bitching about how hard it is to date because they're fat) who they gravitate towards?  I bet it won't be the fat guys.

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 4

These women need serious help with self esteem. I am heavy myself (although losing every week), but you have to try to be yourself, but classy. Kristi is just oversexed, and bringing home a bartender from a stripper bar to have sex on your first (or second) date is awful, especially with her daughter there. She obviously is not serious about finding a good relationship.


Jenn seems to pick losers, but at the same time she is already saying they have nothing in common, 30 seconds into their date. When I met Mr. MaddingCrowd we didn't have a lot in common, but he was a great guy and we will be married 20 years soon. You have to take a chance and not get nasty one minute into the date. 


Mar's name was on the chalkboard outside this club and then she sang two sentences of a song. Who would come to a concert to hear that? 

  • Love 2

Jenny is just ridiculous. She calls herself a curvy girl. That's just straight up denial. 




I am a big girl. Big big.  I *hate* when she refers to herself as curvy.  We are not curvy, we are fat. It's such a form of denial.


On another note, did it seem like they focused on Jessica a lot less this episode? Hope it stays that way.

  • Love 3

These women need serious help with self esteem. I am heavy myself (although losing every week), but you have to try to be yourself, but classy. Kristi is just oversexed, and bringing home a bartender from a stripper bar to have sex on your first (or second) date is awful, especially with her daughter there. She obviously is not serious about finding a good relationship.


Jenn seems to pick losers, but at the same time she is already saying they have nothing in common, 30 seconds into their date. When I met Mr. MaddingCrowd we didn't have a lot in common, but he was a great guy and we will be married 20 years soon. You have to take a chance and not get nasty one minute into the date. 


Mar's name was on the chalkboard outside this club and then she sang two sentences of a song. Who would come to a concert to hear that? 


Amen to all.


As I noted above, Mar is really annoying me the most.  I think she's the biggest drama queen out of all of them.  And I suspect she thinks she's going to become a pop star with her dumb ass song..."You can go skate down the hill..."


I guarantee you she's been talking about "moving on" from Richie ever since she started dating him.  Not because he isn't right for her.  I suspect she keeps him around until she finds someone else.  And then when that doesn't work out she comes back around to Richie.  Then he can validate that despite her weight, she's beautiful and wanted.


Out of all the women though, I'm most surprised that Jenn doesn't live at home.  She seems to be the most childlike out of all of them and I'm not just talking about her voice.  Does this woman ever drink without using a freaking straw?  The way she hugs her drink annoys me!  And I'm still perplexed why she found that guy so boring.  He seemed like a nice guy with a pleasant smile.  She certainly doesn't seem to be full of personality.  She seems to be quite the complainer.  

  • Love 4

I co-sign with the fact that Mar seems like she lives for the drah-mah.


I have second-hand embarrassment when it comes to Kristi. Her BS detector must be non-existent. Dude just finished telling you that he's been married three times, then proceeds to say, "you're the most fascinating human I've ever met." Wouldn't someone with a modicum of critical thinking skills (and not just trying to get laid) think to herself..."hmmm, he's likely said something exactly like this to at least three other women...maybe he's just telling me what I want to hear for ulterior motives not in my best interest." I feel bad for her kid. Growing up, my mother was my first and most powerful female role model. I shudder to think what kind of messages that girl will start to pick up as she gets older.


Side note: I know people have their own way of cooking, but I have never seen someone season raw meat in the kitchen sink like Jessica was. I thought you were supposed to contain raw meat to a bowl or cutting board, not all over the sink like that.

  • Love 2

Side note: I know people have their own way of cooking, but I have never seen someone season raw meat in the kitchen sink like Jessica was. I thought you were supposed to contain raw meat to a bowl or cutting board, not all over the sink like that.

She must be from the Auntie Fee school of cooking. The oven bakes all that salmonella into a delightful gravy.


  • Love 3

I DVR'd this episode and just watched it--first of all, seriously--Skateboard?  It sounds like a song that should be sung by a 14 year old pop star singing to her audience of tween girls.  Certainly not to grown-ups in an adult venue.  I couldn't help but laugh, I mean.....what woman Mar's age has a boyfriend on a skateboard???  And she feels upset about dumping him?  Geesh..........


What exactly did Kristi "learn" at that seminar?  Her behavior screams volumes about desperation and feelings of inadequacy.  


Thanks to those who commented on the pork in the sink.....I couldn't believe my eyes, had to rewind to make sure I saw what I thought I saw.  That was just gross.  


Unfortunately, IMO all of these women (with the possible of exception of Sabrina) are impossibly immature and childish and make us big girls look silly and foolish.  

  • Love 2

Actually, it is cleaner to use the sink than a cutting board. You sterilize the sink and the fact that it was stainless that makes it even cleaner. What had me questioning her cooking was the quantity of everything. Geebus, how many people were going to eat? Even with the salad she kept going and going with whatever she was putting on it. The thing with eating healthier is the decrease things like salt, sugar and sauces and increase the fruits and veggies. And water.

She must be from the Auntie Fee school of cooking. The oven bakes all that salmonella into a delightful gravy.



LOL!  Auntie Fee is one of my favorites.  Her cooking instructions are very colorful to say the least.  Love her!!! 


And then the concern over going back on stage...like the 10 people at the bar (and about 6 of them related to her and then Sabrina) haven't seen her since she gained 40 pounds and as if they have such a strong following that a year later, they'd notice her weight gain.



Mar has a large butt/thigh area.  I don't think losing 40 lbs is going to make her look too much different so 40 lbs ago she probably didn't look too much different than she does now.  Maybe her double chin wasn't as prominent, but her body was already plump 40 lbs ago.  Trust!


Sabrina is the only one who looks good to me still!



True, but could someone help her pick out better looking wigs?  The ones she's wearing age her so much.  She can also use some makeup tips that would make her facial features so much softer.  I like her though.

LOL!  Auntie Fee is one of my favorites.  Her cooking instructions are very colorful to say the least.  Love her!!! 



Mar has a large butt/thigh area.  I don't think losing 40 lbs is going to make her look too much different so 40 lbs ago she probably didn't look too much different than she does now.  Maybe her double chin wasn't as prominent, but her body was already plump 40 lbs ago.  Trust!



True, but could someone help her pick out better looking wigs?  The ones she's wearing age her so much.  She can also use some makeup tips that would make her facial features so much softer.  I like her though.


Ha, I meant good as in still seems like a sweet, normal person.  Lookswise, she needs some help.

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 2

Some of Sabrina's looks are a lot better than others, but she is a cute girl and I like that she tries lots of different ways of putting herself together. She also appears to have one of those kinds of personalities where she can get along with anyone, which I think is a plus. More Sabrina and less of the others please! :)

  • Love 5

Some of Sabrina's looks are a lot better than others, but she is a cute girl and I like that she tries lots of different ways of putting herself together. She also appears to have one of those kinds of personalities where she can get along with anyone, which I think is a plus. More Sabrina and less of the others please! :)


Exactly.  She seems very put together.  Sweet, smart, and cute.  But yeah I do think with the write cosmetics and hair, she'd look adorable.

Jessica is ridiculous as usual.


Jessica almost had me feeling for her. After being stood up by her former boyfriend. Then she just has to make a nasty comment about not wanting to be like the pathetic women at the seminar and any sympathy I had for her went out the window. Add delusional to the list  of Jessica's qualities.

  • Love 2

Jenn looks sloppy all the time. She slouches and her clothes do not flatter her. Also her hair looks stringy and greasy. She would look so much better if she just finds the right clothes and change her hair a little bit. 


I understand why Kristi jumps on every guy that pays attention to her, she says that nobody has told she was beautiful since her ex. But, that is no excuse to sex every guy she comes in contact with. She should see a therapist and work through her problems. She would be a better role model to her daughter. 

Edited by Suzy123

OMG just watched the first few minutes of tonight's show, and I can't un-see the horror that is Mar in her double date outfit!

What in the hell is she doing? They had to blur out her crotch in the cab, then she gets out and has to pull that tiny half a dress down, just to barely cover her ass!

Her shoes are worse than the dress, and she can't walk in them anyway, so why????

O.K back to watching and cringing.

Double D's on Double Dates TV-14 D, L

Season 1, Episode 6 - Jenn finally meets a guy she likes...but he won't look her in the eye. Meanwhile, Mar and Sabrina share an awkward double date; Kristi puts on cowboy boots for a date at the rodeo and Jessica almost falls down the stairs during a romantic moment. Check out Big W

Edited by ChaChaSlide

Oh, Kristi....where can I nominate this special gal for Mother of the Year?  Looking at apartments for the SOLE reason of having a place to doink the latest object of her affection.  No mention at all of her precious little girl.  It also felt to me that introducing Leila to whats-his-name was strictly a ploy to further cement them as a couple.  Leila doesn't care, I'm sure, and would be unlikely to benefit from meeting him this early on.  Please Kristi, do the right thing, leave the kid with your Mom, get your own place and ride off into the sunset, getting drunk and humping.  She's so gross.


Jenn's cartoon voice is ridiculous and makes her look like an emotionally stunted baby.  Last night it became sooooo apparent that the voice is a deliberate act when there were the spliced scenes of her talking head (very normal voice) and her talking to her Mom (cartoon voice combined with grating, barely forming words, baby talk). 


Still love Sabrina the most! 

  • Love 4

Oh, Kristi....where can I nominate this special gal for Mother of the Year?  Looking at apartments for the SOLE reason of having a place to doink the latest object of her affection.  No mention at all of her precious little girl.  It also felt to me that introducing Leila to whats-his-name was strictly a ploy to further cement them as a couple.  Leila doesn't care, I'm sure, and would be unlikely to benefit from meeting him this early on.  Please Kristi, do the right thing, leave the kid with your Mom, get your own place and ride off into the sunset, getting drunk and humping.  She's so gross.



And she actually said to him that if she had her own place they could have loud sex!  Hello?  What about her little girl hearing?

Edited by Momof2boyz
  • Love 5

Christy, speaking as a Texan, even when we go to the Stockyards or Rodeo, we don't dress up like Jessy on Toy Story, she's ridiculous.

I'm embarrassed by her desperation, having just met Jefferson she thought it was o.k. to drag him home to have sex with him while her parents and child are just steps away, I guess she thinks she's being a responsible parent now, getting a place of her own, to bring home random bar flies.

Mar, I just can't with her trashy wardrobe and inappropriate behavior, she didn't care that she was making Sabrina uncomfortable as she sucked face with her date, and even had the guy lick food off her leg at the table...damn girl.

Jen, I had to FF through most of her scenes, especially in the paddle boat...eww.

Jessica, I laughed when she almost fell, I know it's mean but that girl needs to come down off her high horse.

They all need to stop referring to themselves as curvy, STAT.

  • Love 5

I really made an effort to try and like these women.  I really did.  But Kristi and her delusions of being a mother of the year because she's looking for a place to have great sex with her new boyfriend, and, oh yeah, for her daughter to live there too just irks me.  Move out and leave your daughter with your mom--believe me, she'll have a much less traumatic childhood if you do.  And Mar, where do I begin?  With her skateboard boyfriend, her skanky way of dressing (that dress! those heels!) and the fact that she has to be drunk to have fun are just disgusting to me.  "Suck face" is a great description for what she and Adam were doing, yuck.  Jenn--Brad Pitt is taken, quit being so picky.  You don't have that much to offer, give this new guy a chance.  If he's willing to keep seeing you with your silly voice, your childish behavior and your dirty car (they have drive thru car washes now, you know), then you should give him a second look.  I'm not even going to say anything about Jessice--she's too far gone for any help--yes, we all know she is a skinny, petite, lovely, beautiful, perfect, etc etc etc girl.  Sabrina should save her reputation and run away from this show as fast as possible and just be patient for the right guy.  He's out there somewhere and she's definitely the best of the bunch.  And for the sake of all that's holy, they all need to please stop using the word "like" 42 times in one sentence.  

  • Love 4

Why don't these women make an effort to lose some weight? J

They eat so much crap. Mostly bar food and fried junk.

Then there is Jessica, who according to her magic mirror is wasting away and we get to hear about it at least 50 times per episode

She is so bitter and bitchy when other people eat, I'd rather she stuff her face and be pleasant, than a hungry, deprived bitch on rails!

  • Love 4

I think they like being obese. Jenn freaks out when anyone calls her fat. She can barely walk with all that fat on her gut. I know they won't be skinny minnies but they could lose 50 lbs and feel better and look better. They are all a big mess and to be honest this show is hard to watch at times. I have more respect for the people on the 600 lb show.

Edited by puppytoes
  • Love 4

Why don't these women make an effort to lose some weight? J

Because its not fair and someone should love them regardless of their weight! (Sarcasm).

While I do believe every person is worthy of love, they have to understand that being too far out of certain parameters dramatically decreases the size of the playing field. As someone who has been all three bowls of porridge (too thick, then too thin, then just right), I've met nice guys at every size, but I met wayyyy more nice guys at just right than at either end of the spectrum. We're designed to be attracted to people who look healthy, well toned, good skin and teeth. Even a little bit "fluffy" is ok, not everyone has time and money to eat well and go to the gym. However, being brutally honest, excessive fat does not look healthy.

While IMO it doesn't translate to laziness or stupidity or anything like that, it does make that person seem like theres something emotionally off. Mar and maybe Kristi are the only ones I would even put in the (maybe) severely obese range; everyone else is morbidly obese (even Sabrina, shes just lucky she carries most of it in her hips and breasts). Getting that big isn't just a couple snacking cheats and missed workouts, thats stress shutting your metabolism down and not caring enough about yourself to stop the freefall.

I'm willing to bet that almost all of these women were obese as children, turning food into a full blown addiction issue for them. It is HARD to turn off what your learned as a child in regards to quantities and portions and quality of food. Its just like cocaine or heroin, except for most of the time cocaine and heroin are started as teens or adults. Imagine starting your addiction at two years old. It takes a lifetime of dedication and even therapy to try and control those cravings. Thats why so many shows like the Biggest Loser, and even weight loss surgery don't often have long term success. The addiction pattern is hardwired into the brain. Thats why healthy eating as a child is SO IMPORTANT for life long success.

They need to accept that being obese limits their dating opportunities, the same way physical impairments like blindness, deafness, dwarfism etc shrinks the pool of willing, eligible suitors. Even race has been shown to lower the dating pool; didn't an OK Cupid poll show that black women were the least likely group of women to garner response to messages? And you can't "fix" race or physical differences, weight you can. They need to either accept the caliber of fish their nets will receive (ESPECIALLY JEN), or they need to fix the nets. There's no two ways about it.

Edited by ChaChaSlide
  • Love 8

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