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Mozart In The Jungle - General Discussion

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Apparently I will have to check out this show since I was surprised as hell it won two GG awards last night!

You should! It's awesome!


Hopefully, this recognition will help us to get a third season. 

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I was upset at the win last night.  It's one of the most overrated shows I've ever seen and that's saying a lot.  I streamed the first season hoping it would get better, it didn't.  


How many TV shows must be about young white women coming to the Big Apple for....whatever, this show felt like "Girls."  


I would have been interested if they case an African American woman as Haley, now THAT would interest me.  But I have a feeling Amazon doesn't realize black women exist.

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I actually felt the show was more about Rodrigo with Hailey (high-ligh) drifting somewhere between a supporting and main role. Or I guess that's how I choose to see it lol. The point is, the show wasn't all about her. 

Edited by JustaPerson
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I haven't made up my mind whether I want Rodrigo and Hailey together in a romantic sense. On one hand their present relationship is pretty fracking perfect and adorable already and I could watch a whole series of just them going on zany adventures together. On the other hand, what romance we've seen between them has been so organic and sweet. Plus, his grandma saw it in the tea leaves. You can't mess with that.

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I was upset at the win last night.  It's one of the most overrated shows I've ever seen and that's saying a lot.  I streamed the first season hoping it would get better, it didn't.  


How many TV shows must be about young white women coming to the Big Apple for....whatever, this show felt like "Girls."  


I would have been interested if they case an African American woman as Haley, now THAT would interest me.  But I have a feeling Amazon doesn't realize black women exist.

Haïïï noooooo!


I won't deny that the show is white for 95% of the cast (mirrorring, sadly, the real classical music world) but I refute vehemently whatever resemblance between Girls and Mozard in the Jungle. 

In my opinion, the women (and I use the term losely) in Girls are 20 something lazy asses who wear their history as an excuse for their shortcomings. I watched two seasons of that show, and I gave up when my hatred of those girls became more violent that my fondness for the writing and the elegance of the stage production.


Haïlaï, the woman whose story we follow in Mozart in the Jungle is a hard working musician, ready to take on any job to make ends meet while perfecting her craft. Most of all, she's humble, willing to learn more and more and work harder and harder to accomplish her dream : being a part of one of the most exclusive and celebrated orchestra in the world. So except for her love life, she has a clear direction in life.

Furthermore, it's not all about her story. It's a show about the family you can choose, the beauty of music, how hard professional musicians work from birth to death if they want to keep their job and except for the stars struggle make a living with their art, the necessary modern transition of this world dying of old age if it wants to survive. 

And also the real hero is Rodrigo, the crazy ass conductor of this orchestra. He's the cutest and most refreshing thing ever. Because he's there, Mozart in the Jungle is a feel good show. Really. You feel good watching it and the feeling stays after.


You're totally entitled to your opinion, of course, I respect it and really, you have a good point about the blatant lack of diversity. This show clearly isn't for you but I would hate for anybody to be turned off by your assessement given how polarizing Girls is when I feel they are nothing alike except for location!

Edited by Pollock
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ITA with everything you just said, Pollock. You said it better than I ever could! And I feel like having Rodrigo, played a POC, as one of the leads (and not a supporting or minor character) is a definite sign of progress. Not as much as people would like but still. I mean they easily could have made him Richard and just tweaked his backstory (and made the mexico city ep a journey through London/Paris/Rome/Moscow or something). His fun, zany, and eccentric personality is universal. Ofc who could replicate GGB's charm and charisma? He's just about the only guy I could actually find attractive with that rat tail.

Edited by JustaPerson
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Why would he be Richard?  Wouldn't he be Roderick? ;)


I'm only one season in and am baffled at how slight it is. Maybe in part because it is done as a gamble and money was tight.  But there is such a thinness to so much of it.  the fund raising party with the horse randomly brought into the house was the first and last time I saw anything that spoke of storytelling nuance.  Otherwise it has a sort of weird flatness.  Like Fraser and Niles Crane got together and wrote this.  It is watchable but nothing that says 'best' of anything.  I might get around to the second season since it won.  But so far I am baffled.  How it even got nominated it felt so middle of the ground network-y.  If the GG were going to pick a new off network cable effort, I would have thought Grace and Frankie much more worthy in a lot of ways.

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Why would he be Richard?  Wouldn't he be Roderick? ;)


I'm only one season in and am baffled at how slight it is. Maybe in part because it is done as a gamble and money was tight.  But there is such a thinness to so much of it.  the fund raising party with the horse randomly brought into the house was the first and last time I saw anything that spoke of storytelling nuance.  Otherwise it has a sort of weird flatness.  Like Fraser and Niles Crane got together and wrote this.  It is watchable but nothing that says 'best' of anything.  I might get around to the second season since it won.  But so far I am baffled.  How it even got nominated it felt so middle of the ground network-y.  If the GG were going to pick a new off network cable effort, I would have thought Grace and Frankie much more worthy in a lot of ways.



Yes, that is my point.  This show is very vanilla, even with Rodrigo, who is awesome.  They can get rid of Hailai though.  My point was that if Hailai were played by a black woman, or any WOC the show would be more interesting for me; right now, it reminds me of a better version of Girls.

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A thread for by far the best character in a series full of wonderful characters. He's super adorable and hilarious and best of all, truly loves music and takes what he does very seriously but doesn't let his ego get in the way. If we could all live our lives with half the zest that he lives his, the world would be a much happier place. Not to mention he's played by GGB, who brings all of these qualities to life and more. Who else could pull off those rat tails?

Edited by JustaPerson
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I'm not as fond of the rat tails I must admit. If I want to squeeze his cheeks because he's too cute, I also want to cut those things real bad!

Anyway, I love how his character evolved without betraying his spirit and his craziness. It's truly bizarre because he's sometimes shallow, selfish to the point of being almost assholish (I would be livid to be his neighbor for example) but I never want to slap some sense into him.

It helps that Gael García Bernal suffers from the same syndrom as Joseph Morgan in the Originals: his chemistry is palpable with every other actor in the room. (such a hard cross to bear! Ha!)

And most of it, the way Rodrigo talks about music, of all kind, resonates with me really much. His phobia of silence, of a World who wouldn't talk to him anymore, the thought of his head just filled with noises not making sense anymore, how frightning is that?

The editor functions don't work today but here's a good summary of his character's awesomeness !


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I really loved this show, and was thrilled to see it clean up at the Golden Globes. The characters all just have so much life and personality, and I love seeing a subculture that you do not see on TV much. As far as Rodrigo and Hailey...I have to admit them as a possible couple grew on me a lot. I just worry that people will assume Hailey slept her way to the top, as certain angry oboists have already implied, if they ever really become a couple. 


Cant wait for season three! Fight the good fight, orchestra. 

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I really just want to mention how well directed this show is. All the "adventures in Mexico City" scenes were so wonderfully filmed. I wish more people watched this show because I want to talk about it more!

I really enjoy this show and its characters.  Wish more people  onhere watched it.  I am currently binge watching it this weekend.  Loved the scenery in Mexico.  

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Had to laugh at grandma's reaction to them kissing.

Loved the grandma not opening the clothes washer/dryer and keeping it outside with the bows on it. 

Did not like the old maestro cursing Rodrigo.  I can't believe he thought he would just give up his career like that.

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It's interesting because the first time I watched this, I was disappointed in the kiss. I'd so enjoyed the relationship and camaraderie between Hailey and Rodrigo, and disliked the idea of it becoming a romance.


However, I just rewatched season one in order to prepare to watch season 2, and I have to say, I did see the chemistry more as a slow build this season, and I did think that the two were so mutually supportive by this point that I didn't mind it this time. It also helps that Rodrigo is a truly kind, sweet and interesting guy, and that he's done as much as he could throughout the season to be supportive of Hailey, even if he's also a mad genius on occasion.


So I'm interested to see what happens in Season 2. I'm not shipping them, but -- I'm more okay with this now.



Union Bob looked pretty handsome with his hair slicked back. What a great guy.

I play violin and it really annoys me that the top players are all actors who don't play when they do close ups of them sawing away. Just substitute another body.

Wow that smooch!

Soooo glad betty congratulated her. I so understand the impulse to get encouragement but that is the downside. Someone can quash you. I've seen people especially women give up when someone didn't jump up and down over their talent (writing, music etc) while guys usually don't.

And the bottom line is teachers are only human. They're just guessing, they can be wrong.


Yay! Another string player! I've played the cello since college, and while I am utterly mediocre, I do love it so much, and love being able to play a little Bach when I want to.


And like you, I so hate bad string-actors! It takes me right out of the scene (and I complained about her elsewhere, but the woman who played Anna Maria was just HORRIBLE. Worse than most, just sawing away and not even attempting to try to sync with the music. Gah!). Some actors really do try, and I always appreciate seeing that -- I think Saffron is pretty good here most of the time with the cello stuff (although occasionally she gets lazy with vibrato), although my favorite actors for this would include Alan Rickman in "Truly Madly Deeply" (SOB! SO UPSET at his loss!) -- they did a very clever thing with his left hand in that for some scenes, Virginia Madsen in "Electric Dreams," and the entire principal cast of "A Late Quartet," among others.


Like you, I was really glad Betty finally reined in her bitchface just a bit. I was so upset for Hailey when Betty told her point-blank she doesn't have what it takes -- it was just unnecessarily nasty and vindictive, especially when so many others whose opinions are worth valuing have told us how good Hailey is (and we've seen it so often as well ourselves).


Besides, it just made Betty that much more human. I absolutely love Debra Monk, and I appreciate the ways she's able to give the character humor and complexity, and that Betty is more than just a bitchy, one-note character. Her moments of sweetness and humanity make her that much more interesting to me.

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No the curse was gone when he hit his head falling. That's why he sang the Mozart tune we know as twinkle twinkle little star. Remember the doctor said what happened to him was usually associated with a head trauma?

So Hailey was going skiing and then going on tour? I'm confused.

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I've only just discovered this series (thank you Golden Globes) but I love it. This episode is my favorite from season one.   I watched it with Bose headphones on, which made this amazing episode all the more special.  So happy to hear there is already a second season on-line (and to have learned that there is a place here to discuss it.)

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I wonder if we'll every hear again about the amazing oboe that the con man gave Hailey.  It has to be stolen, right?  Or he conned it out of someone.  Either way, Hailey is at risk of being accused of receiving stolen goods.  Loose thread that.

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It's interesting because the first time I watched this, I was disappointed in the kiss. I'd so enjoyed the relationship and camaraderie between Hailey and Rodrigo, and disliked the idea of it becoming a romance.

However, I just rewatched season one in order to prepare to watch season 2, and I have to say, I did see the chemistry more as a slow build this season, and I did think that the two were so mutually supportive by this point that I didn't mind it this time.


I screamed at the screen "NO!!!!!  Stop it!  Stop it!  Stop it!"  I have not come around on this topic.  We've seen that sleeping with a Maestro doesn't necessarily end your career -- it worked for the cello player -- but Rodrigo was acting all horn-dog with the annoying Asian assistant in episode one and then he tossed her aside, so I cannot imagine that he would be good for Hailey.


The real question, however, is:  Did Rodrigo have the head oboe player kidnapped to give Hailey a chance to perform? I think it's clear he did -- it was the same driver whose family Rodrigo visited in an earlier episode AND he arranged for the cars -- probably a gift from his own pocket.  The head oboe player is a smart lady -- how did she not figure that out?  I thought her congratulating Hailey on her performance was the oddest moment in the episode.  Did she really not figure out that she had been "played" (pardon the pun.)  Or is she one of those people who thinks revenge is a dish best served cold?


The other outstanding question is:  are we done with seeing Rodrigo's crazy bitch of a "wife"?  She is tiresome.  I hope that arc is done.  He can receive divorce papers in the mail and end that story thread right there as far as I'm concerned.

Edited by WatchrTina
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I kept imaging all the classical music buffs losing their collective minds during this episode over all the cameos.  I had to google all those guys (Lang Lang, Joshua Bell, Emmanuel Ax).  The one name in the credits I don't understand is Andrew Andrew, which is the name (as far as I can tell) of a pair of DJ's who have adopted that collective persona for all public appearances.  Where were they in the episode?  Did they get a credit just for mixing the music over the final credits?  

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The good:  Mexico is much more beautiful than I knew.


The bad:  I really don't think two Lesbians would be openly kissing in a restaurant in Mexico City.  In San Francisco, maybe.  But in Mexico City I find it hard to believe that people would feel safe showing public displays of homosexual affection.


The ugly:  Rodrigo being cursed by his old mentor.  Brutal.

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I want to like Hailey.  But GAWD she is stupid. Do not tell people if you are sleeping with the Maestro, do not tell people if the Maestro kisses you in his childhood bedroom, do not even admit to people that you would LIKE to be kissed by the Maestro.  Oh, and if you pose nude for cell phone photos after fucking a guy you just met -- expect to see that photo on the internet some day.  Idiot.


I still think that Betty believes revenge is a dish best served cold and Hailey just keeps handing her ammo.  


Hailey's ex-boyfriend bugs me.  The faux musicians may not have correct technique but at least the show can play fabulous music over their fake hand movements.  Not so for a dancer.  There is no WAY that guy could dance with the ABT.  I think the STARZ program Flesh and Bone pretty much ruined this guy's credibility for me.  They used real ballet dancers in that show and this guy could not even take class with their cast.


Also, Rodrigo makes his living from music.  His hearing is crucial.  Why wouldn't he go immediately to a doctor if he had ringing in his ears?   That bugged me.


This is all very negative and that's funny because I actually really like this show.  The relationships are all so complex.  I can't wait to see where things go.

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The music in this episode, wow. I don't fall in love with a piece of music normally, but the piece in this one (Danzon No. 2), extraordinary! So for introducing me to new and beautiful music, I will be eternally grateful to this show.

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Poor Rodrigo. Things were going so well too! What did the guy expect from him? He has a major career, he cant just become a teacher all of the sudden! 


Kind of a dick move on Cynthias part, blowing her friend off then taking his reservation to hang out with the lawyer. I dont trust the lawyer at all. 

I thought the old man was unfair. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for someone to expect their child (or protégé) to take over as if they were mini-me's without a life of their own. Rodrigo's life had grown much bigger.


I've never figured out whether I liked Cynthia or not. Each time I move toward liking her, she does something like this. Even though taking the reservation was instigated by the lawyer, she didn't need to lie to Bob, who has been nothing but respectful and gracious to her. 

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I found out about this show thanks to the Golden Globes and just binged my way through both seasons.  That was delightful.  I only watch one other half-hour "comedy" -- the format has lost it's charm for me -- but this was terrifically entertaining.  The 1812 Overture in the empty lot was the highlight for me -- I had to rewind and watch (and listen -- through good headphones) a second time.  I will cheerfully suspend disbelief over all the missing percussion instruments.  (What DO orchestras use in lieu of real cannons when they perform this?)


I find the character of Rodrigo to be a bit uneven but then, he's a volatile personality.  And utterly charming.

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I loved season 1, and also adored season 2, and am so glad the show has continued to be as gentle and mercurial in its second season as in season 1.


I love that Rodrigo and Hailey's relationship stayed pretty dormant and didn't evolve much beyond the affection and friendship we already saw in S1. I love that Thomas, the former Maestro, still adores Rodrigo in spite of himself. That Hailey doesn't pursue him constantly but simply immediately put their moment on the back burner. I love that Betty gave Hailey a break after her unbroken bitchitude, and the moment was even better and funnier than I would have hoped.

I especially love the quietly changing sexual dynamics but that nothing really changes as far as niceness or vindictiveness. Bob doesn't hate Cynthia, Cynthia doesn't hate Thomas, Pavel doesn't hate Gloria. Nobody seems to hate anyone. (Well, except for Biben, but meanwhile hey, nice guns, Brennan Brown! You were pure evil this season, but hubba hubba in your rock-climbing scene...).


What I love about this show is that everyone seems to understand that music comes from life and that life is complicated. And that life is music. I especially adore Cynthia's quiet and constantly elegant freaking kindness. She's just a truly gentle, nice person, and most of the time tries to treat others that way, even if she's, not, say, in love. She is only rude when she must be, and when she told Nina she was fired, I cheered, even given how lovely the two were together as a couple.


I was also honestly grateful that this season pushed Hailey's roomie to a backseat. She's not badly acted, but I can't stand the unconscious privilege of the character and I was honestly relieved that she has been stepped back this season. One of the rare unpleasant plot turns last season for me was spending a whole episode watching her idiotically despair of how to navigate being left ALL THAT MONEY, like it was the worst curse ever. Poor freaking baby. I'm sorry; I grew up dirt poor. I have a small business and an assortment of dirt-poor relatives. Me; I just can't. Honestly, I have hated her and her utterly unconscious privilege ever since.


I play the violin... Youth orchestra survivor and now irish fiddle. So I adore this though the violin faking is painful.

I think it's completely plausible that even philharmonic players who each make six figures which is comfortable in New York teach and take side jobs.

(snipped for space)


Though overall, life in a section sucks and is very dull, a lot of harmony and measure counting, which is why it's a good thing that our protagonist is a woodwind player. In an orchestra wood winds have a very different experience, lots of waiting yes but when they do come in they always matter,


I definitely get this. I was a formally trained singer through my junior year of college, kept singing with an Early Music ensemble, but also took up the cello. I meanwhile kept additionally playing wind instruments like the tenor recorder and crumhorn. You really fall into a groove and the music is a part of you. And the fellow musicians, your friends, your family.


Well, I binge watched Season 2 (just like I did with Season 1) and hearing Rodrigo (GGB) call Hailey- "high-ah-ligh" still makes me laugh every time.

(snipped for space)

As a classical musician myself (I'm a singer and a conductor) I have observed some pretty nutty behavior from orchestras and fellow singers (especially opera). I think that's why I love it so much- while yes, it's exaggerated for the show, in some cases I found myself nodding my head at how real some of it was! Gael as Rodrigo is brilliant casting IMO- warmth, passion for his art, charming. Some of the conducting faking is pretty awful- that would be my only pet peeve. Can we see a downbeat SOMEWHERE people? LOL! But it's great TV. 


I so agree with this. GGB has been amazing as Rodrigo -- he's not just predictably good, as with Bernadette or as with Malcolm -- he brings this lightness and unpredictability, this fire and whimsicality to Rodrigo that make him understandable. For me, even more than Hailey, he is my window into the show.

Also, I would be so sad never to hear "Hi-ah-ligh!" when he needs her again, ever. So wonderful. And this season they truly continued to add texture to Rodrigo that went beyond the annoying ex-wife and instead offered us a rich tapestry of Mexico and South American culture, which I found really lovely and worth exploring, especially how music was a part of life/school there in ways that it is not a part of ours in the U.S.


This show is so much better than the book! (Really has very little to do with the book, aside from the title and having one of the show characters be an attractive young oboist.) I play oboe and read the book after watching the first season and was very disappointed. It's great to see the perspective of the conductor, the other musicians, the board members and fans (Jason Schwartzman's podcaster).


I am a classical musician going back decades but was embarrassed at buying the book after viewing season 1. The book is everything the show is not -- crass, coy, blunt, blundering, over the top... it's too busy trying to shock us to tell a good story. Just not good. The show is way, way better. I could not get through chapter 4 of the freaking book (which annoys me greatly).


I haven't made up my mind whether I want Rodrigo and Hailey together in a romantic sense. On one hand their present relationship is pretty fracking perfect and adorable already and I could watch a whole series of just them going on zany adventures together. On the other hand, what romance we've seen between them has been so organic and sweet. Plus, his grandma saw it in the tea leaves. You can't mess with that.


I feel very much the same way. I don't ship Hailey and Rodrigo, but the relationship is so organic at this point, and so effortless, that I do think they have chemistry, and I can see the two of them, outside of an imbalanced work situation, choosing one another. What I find refreshing and unexpected is that I think Hailey is the one with all the power here (and in fact the whole season) and that Rodrigo is the one waiting for her cues. Which makes me happy on many levels.


The 1812 Overture in the empty lot was the highlight for me -- I had to rewind and watch (and listen -- through good headphones) a second time.


(snipped for space)


I find the character of Rodrigo to be a bit uneven but then, he's a volatile personality.  And utterly charming.


I adore that episode and it remains my single favorite episode of this show to date. 


When I played a symphonic performance of the 1812 Overture on third (well, fourth hee) cello, we used a big mallet that coincided with recorded cannonfire. Some performances use actual cannons, bass drum, or other deep percussion options. Recorded cannonfire is actually cheap, easy and just requires a very careful, attentive  sound person/engineer.

I think the thing that most surprised me this season was Cynthia turning out to be the leader of the whole group (yay -- love her), the unexpected romantic moment between Thomas and Gloria, and the lovely and delightful moment when Rodrigo showed up to lead the orchestra even on lockout. I was also surprised when Hailey left with the bland hedge fund guy but it makes sense to me.


Really looking forward to next season. A lovely, smart and gentle show that shares my adoration of classical music? What more could I ask?

EDITED to fix as always sudden totally missing words and phrases. Really weird.

Edited by paramitch
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I'm sorry, this is PC crap. Why is Hay-lay being white so wrong? This show is based on the book by "Hay-lay", who is white. Classical music scene is mostly white. Why cast a lead to be black JUST for the sake of diversity that DOESNT'T exist in the world that is being portrayed?

Michael Jackson being played by a white guy is a nonsense and a reason for huge controversy, yet a character that is based on a white woman in white profession must be played by a black woman because we have little diversity?

I could understand if you were asking for a black musician to have a somewhat big role: friend, boyfriend... someone more than just a chair on the board that is in and out of the plot... but Hay-lay is white and she should have been white. If it doesn't work for you, well.. it doesn't, move on to the show with a black lead, there are plenty of those.

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Just a quick addition -- the show just got renewed for Season 3! Yay!


Meanwhile, I wanted to add that I love the symmetry of the Season 2 finale ending with an out-of-doors impromptu performance by the whole symphony. This not only calls back to the wonderful "1812" moment in the alley last season, it also actually provides a really resonant and deep echo of this season's exploration of other cultures, and how for instance in South America, so many times, the classical music was accessible to everyone and a part of life, not just closed off and meant only for the rich.


So the fact that our symphony sits down and plays simply for the joy of it for fellow New Yorkers is a wonderful and complex way to end the season for me. I found myself thinking about it even days later.

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Getting a magical curse put on him just seems like something that would happen to Rodrigo.

Very true.  Rodrigo himself is something of a fairy-elven-imp-spirit creature.  I wasn't bothered by that story at all.


I want to like Hailey.  But GAWD she is stupid.

Same.  Season 1 Hailey was fairly charming.  Season 2 Hailey seems vapid and annoying.  I have no idea why so many men would like to be in a relationship with her (for anything other than superficial reasons).

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I really disliked this episode, and was on the verge of ditching the series.  But checking IMDb ratings, I found that this episode was rated significantly lower than the first four, and the next two are rated significantly higher.

This was just too obvious, borderline slapsticky.  It's true the Cynthia/Betty convo was good, but that was only a small portion of the episode.

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i liked this episode a lot, especially the servants (and I am using that term intentionally rather than "servers") having to wear those bunny ears.  Bernadette Peters is just great, as is pretty much everyone else.  What was the point of the horse in the house - just to show the wretched excess unreality of the party?

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I'm ready to give up on this, although I guess I'll watch until the end.  I really liked Season 1, even though Hailey was a bit of a special snowflake she was still down to earth and interesting.  This season she looks different (gained weight?), and is just passive and boring.  The only characters I like any more are Thomas and Gloria, and I think the fact they are excellent actors is not a coincidence.  I no longer like Cynthia (loved her in the first season, she hasn't really done anything in this), Betty C. is too nice, and I have no idea what to even think about Lizzie/Elizabeth and Jason S.  I found the whole Mexico thing boring (I assume there were "promotional considerations," Ana Maria unnecessary, and I couldn't understand why Hailey was so giggly during that dinner.  Yeah, I get she was buttering that guy up (at first), but all I got out of that was that guys will put up with almost anything if they think they're going to get some. 

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I thought this was pretty much the only watchable episode of a pretty bad season. I do hate to say that, because I really liked season 1, but season 2 was just awful.  The whole Mexico thing, the curse, ugh.  The only redeeming factor - Gretchen Mol!   I can't believe how much I dislike Hailey now.   She's such a special snowflake - but why?   I liked the way Gloria pulled a fast one on the Biber, who I have to say, was at least an interesting character.  Not sure I'll watch a season 3, if there is one. 

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On July 16, 2016 at 7:49 PM, mjc570 said:

I thought this was pretty much the only watchable episode of a pretty bad season. I do hate to say that, because I really liked season 1, but season 2 was just awful.  The whole Mexico thing, the curse, ugh.  The only redeeming factor - Gretchen Mol!   I can't believe how much I dislike Hailey now.   She's such a special snowflake - but why?   I liked the way Gloria pulled a fast one on the Biber, who I have to say, was at least an interesting character.  Not sure I'll watch a season 3, if there is one. 

Have to agree that season 2 was a disappointment. I assumed it was a final season and they were phoning it in, but no, it's been renewed for season 3. 

There was too much "wacky". There were a lot of scenes that aimed for wacky and missed. There was a lot of stuff I fast-forwarded through. The hipster roommates getting their own storyline felt shoehorned in--they were better in small doses. I didn't care about the hoarding fight. I don't understand why the dancer ex-boyfriend briefly came back.

Lola Kirke is no Jemima Kirke. I'm sorry to type that and I bet there are people who don't care for either, but yes, Hailey used to be our POV into the world; now she's an anointed magic princess for some reason. And the actress just kind of mumbles her way through all of it. And in the second half of the season she picked up and overused this insipid giggle.

And Hailey suddenly understands Spanish? Yeah, I don't think so.

The sad thing is, they could almost sell the chemistry between her and Rodrigo, but they're mishandling the artificial prolongation stage.

(I do think it's cool that they don't pull any tricks to disguise the fact that she's significantly taller than he is.)

I did like the violin caper in Mexico. I loved the way they kept calling him "Warren Boyd".

Edited by kieyra
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Maestro, after rejecting Sarabelle as his new assistant:  She is NOT nice! She speaks in rising arpeggio!

I swear I'm using that the next time I come across someone who upspeaks.

Edited by Archery
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Still lushly filmed and well acted, but I guess I just don't care about Hailey any more. I finished the first episode and, rare for me, didn't bother clicking through to the second.

Rodrigo on his water bicycle was adorable, though.

Edited by lordonia
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