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That was a thing of beauty.  Unfortunately it was also well above the comprehension level of the campaign to understand what a truly well crafted evisceration it was. Godspeed Citizen Colbert.


I daresay that Jeb!'s Twitter reply to Stephen's scolding strongly suggests that he does not have a clue. You're not in on the joke - you are the joke. I wonder if they even clocked the penis nickname parodies of Woody Johnson.

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I have Waze. I bet this isn't true (that's he's a possible voice), but I'll post again if it IS.




EDIT - Yeah, it seems to be total (hilarious) B.S. I mean obviously most of WHAT was said in the video was clearly ridiculous and done in service of it (EDIT - wrong), but I had to check just to see if there was some reference/tie-in inside the actual App.  And didn't find anything of course.


EDIT 2 - Okay, reading comments allegedly there IS a "Colbert Voice Pack". But it doesn't read the street names or do anything all that complex. Frankly I'm surprised it actually exists (and don't see where inside the program to actually get it--perhaps it's a separate install from the Google Play store).


EDIT 3 - I must have an old version or am just dumb. I can't find the settings to customize the voices, but apparently this has been a "thing" for a while. There are a few current celeb voices, and Arnold Schwarzenegger has been a past one (they age them out and remove the voices eventually).


EDIT 4 - Found it. It's really there. It's called "Navigation Guidance" under the Sound settings. I didn't actually drive anywhere with it, but for example, when setting the route, JUST as we see in the video above, we immediately get Stephen saying  "You ready? I am. Lets goooooooo!"  Which makes me suspect maybe all of what Waze Stephen is saying in that video is real.

Edited by Kromm
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Stephen Colbert’s Spoofs of Podcast Ads for His Late Show Podcast Are Dumb, Brilliant http://www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat/2015/09/04/stephen_colbert_s_podcast_ad_spoofs_for_his_late_show_podcast_are_dumb_brilliant.html


I've been listening to Stephen's podcast, and love his fake ads.   

Edited by ALenore
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I can't see that video of Colbert's response to Jeb re VIP, it says the video is private.


Thanks for the heads up. I fixed the YouTube link. Not sure why it stopped working.


There are so many articles about Colbert out there right now, I had to stop reading them. My mom brought me one from TV Week Canada, and I was like "No, I'm good. Possibly forever."  Can't wait to see how tonight goes!

I got bored of Corden's show a long time ago, but I still had it on tonight after Colbert ended, and they had one big bit with Corden and Colbert on it in a series of fake promos for the CBS Late Night lineup.  It was quite funny (and sorry, Corden, most of that was on Colbert, not you).


Hopefully the LLS will post this on line, and I'll insert it into this post, so people here can see it.

FINALLY found those credits posted online:


Anyone notice the football tossed between those two tall buildings (around 0:11)?  I didn't until now. That may or may not be Stephen throwing it (it's hard to tell).  The little dance of joy/bounce the person does after makes it look like him though.


Also that around 0:25 that definitely IS Stephen himself (and his bandleader) on that top of that building on the right side.  Stephen spinning around like a maniac and Jon playing Piano (of course).

Edited by Kromm

Okay, don't know why I'm so obsessed with it, but I really DO think that's Stephen tossing the football [EDIT - someone down thread make the point that's definitely a BASKETBALL] (and likely Jon catching it).  Zooming doesn't help much, but here it is. It DOES look like man in a blue suit at the very least.  It's probably all digital (in other words didn't really happen).





And here's the later shot with the Piano (where there's no DOUBT it's them--because you can even kind of see their faces):



In line with those appearances all being digital manipulations, I'm betting that's also the Stay Human band members inside the Roosevelt Island Tram in the next shot too.

EDIT - Yup. It's them. You can see it's Jon standing above the letter "T" in Stay Human (and presumably those people around him would be the bandmembers. And while the version of him at the Piano is wearing a jacket, you can see that the guy in shirtsleeves in the Tram over that T is the same person catching the football [EDIT - I mean 'basketball"].  Ergo if its Jon catching that football [basketball], it's definitely going to be Stephen tossing it.  Mystery solved!



Edited by Kromm

Thanks for the detective work, Kromm! I knew it was them on the rooftop but wasn't sure about the football, and definitely didn't recognize the band in the tram. I'm in love with tilt shift photography now.

If there's any doubt about the Tram you can even tell that the guy above the HU is holding a Saxophone.  Ergo it's Jon a few feet over, ergo it's Jon catching that football (because it's definitely the same person in shirtsleeves). Ergo it's Stephen tossing it!

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Sooo... apparently this was cut off during the interview with the CEO of Uber, which is a shame because I would've loved to watch a spontaneous moment like this added to the debut week. Maybe they'll include it as extra footage on Youtube on something, because Colbert was recognized for the way he handled it. 



Edited by The Luvly Junkie

Sooo... apparently this was cut off during the interview with the CEO of Uber, which is a shame because I would've loved to watch a spontaneous moment like this added to the debut week. Maybe they'll include it as extra footage on Youtube on something, because Colbert was recognized for the way he handled it. 




If they showed it, then everybody would come and heckle the guests...it would start a trend.


That's why during sports broadcasts, the cameras try to ignore streakers.

Okay, don't know why I'm so obsessed with it, but I really DO think that's Stephen tossing the football (and likely Jon catching it).  Zooming doesn't help much, but here it is. It DOES look like man in a blue suit at the very least.  It's probably all digital (in other words didn't really happen).





And here's the later shot with the Piano (where there's no DOUBT it's them--because you can even kind of see their faces):



In line with those appearances all being digital manipulations, I'm betting that's also the Stay Human band members inside the Roosevelt Island Tram in the next shot too.

EDIT - Yup. It's them. You can see it's Jon standing above the letter "T" in Stay Human (and presumably those people around him would be the bandmembers. And while the version of him at the Piano is wearing a jacket, you can see that the guy in shirtsleeves in the Tram over that T is the same person catching the football.  Ergo if its Jon catching that football, it's definitely going to be Stephen tossing it.  Mystery solved!



Kromm, I think it's a basketball being tossed. There's a backboard and net right behind who we believe is Jon.  In fact, it appears Stephen either swished the shot or it was an alley-oop with Jon.

Edited by kib
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Typically you wouldn't shoot a basketball one handed like that, but yes, I can see what is probably a backboard now that you say that (which frankly looked like a blurry nothing until you did--but now I can't NOT see it!)


Then again none of it is real. This is definitely them greenscreened doing that on a stage then digitally inserted.  The one hand toss maybe is just because it's probably actually more forceful than two handed (where the second hand is to aim).

Okay, in the comments for the video of the credits I posted upthread I saw someone note another appearance by a mini-Stephen in the credits. They claim he's standing in traffic at 00:17-00:18 waving a red cape and spinning like the cars are bulls and he's a bullfighter. And you know something?  There he is! It's VERY tiny and not very meaningful in a still (vs. motion) but here it is.
In motion (watch it playing the video at quarter speed if you know where to do that on YT) the cars barely miss him while he's spinning (but again, this pretty much confirms that while the background are all real, the Stephens and Jons are digital insertions).
With Stephens in there who are THAT small, I'm SURE there are even more we aren't seeing. Probably on that soccer field for example, or in Grand Central Station, or in another street scene.

And aside from mini-Stephens and Jons, there's also something REALLY peculiar about the figure in the white robe (almost like a Klansman...or... a Ghost) inside the opposite Tram car from the one that Jon and Stay Human are in. It's weird. (EDIT - And neither a robe nor a ghost per a cleaned up picture downthread--it's Jon Batiste in a white suit with his arms raised)

In motion that guy bounces up and down in time to the theme music... so him being there is no coincidence.

Edited by Kromm

And aside from mini-Stephens and Jons, there's also something REALLY peculiar about the figure in the white robe (almost like a Klansman...or... a Ghost) inside the opposite Tram car from the one that Jon and Stay Human are in. It's weird.



In motion that guy bounces up and down in time to the theme music... so him being there is no coincidence.


I think that's Jon Batiste.



The rest of the band is in another Tram car



And I found another Stephen


  • Love 1

Yeah, looking again at it that's probably Jon. I assumed the figure in shirtsleeves in the Stay Human Tram was him, because the guy catching the basketball looked similar (both of these were heavily blurred before your cleanup--especially the heads). But you've managed to unblur that figure in the Batiste Tram too, and in that it's clear he's got a head that looks like Jon (what looked like a white hood in the blurry shot turns into raised arms in the clear shot and the dark area into Jon's head/face). And of course ultimately it makes the most sense that Jon would be standing above his own name. I was thrown by an assumption, I guess, that Batiste would be dressed the same throughout the credits (because Stephen seems to be--at least always wearing a blue suit).

And I agree, that's another Stephen there above Times Square, for sure. Even if the suit didn't give it away, the American Flag (that he's holding and waving INSANELY hard, Colbert Report Style) does.

Is that really Jon catching the basketball by the way? (now that I'm looking at this with eyes that Jon can be dressed different ways, I'm no longer going to either assume OR deny). I can't even see the head for sure in that picture(I probably paused the video in a bad place).


Ah, part of the problem. I just realized my YouTube player was probably playing at 720p and not 1080 when I screencapped these various things. I hadn't realized. The 1080 version is bound to show things better. Heck, if someone out there has a 4K TV or player, and captures it from there, I bet all this stuff will be crystal clear--even being this tiny.

Edited by Kromm

Is that really Jon catching the basketball by the way? (now that I'm looking at this with eyes that Jon can be dressed different ways, I'm no longer going to either assume OR deny). I can't even see the head for sure in that picture(I probably paused the video in a bad place).


I assume it's him, but the figure is just too small to see the face


FOUND: The Grand Central Station Stephen I knew had to be there somewhere (along the middle-right side of the shot).



The still badly represents this, but you know it's him because the figure does the old stunt where someone pulls a tablecloth off a table and leaves the stuff on the table behind.

00:31 is the timecode to pause and look for that, by the way.

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So in total we have:


00:11--00:14 Stephen on top of a building tossing a basketball across to another building.

00:11--00:14 Jon (presumably) across the street catching/guiding that basketball into a hoop.

00:18--00:19 Stephen in the street playing matador with a red cape, with cars as the bulls.

00:24--00:26 Stephen AND Jon on top of a building, Stephen spinning in a circle and Jon playing a Grand Piano.

00:27--00:29 Jon Batiste in the "Jon Batiste" Roosevelt Island Tram car and Stay Human in the "& Stay Human" Tram car.

00:31--00:32 Stephen on the right side balcony level of Grand Central Station doing the classic tablecloth trick.

00:40--00:41 Stephen above Times Square (along the right side) doing his best impression of his previous TV-self ("Stephen Colbert: American") by waving a Stars & Stripes around, like crazy.

00:42--00:43 Just in case people didn't see it, there's a HUGE party atop the Ed Sullivan Theater building.

Edited by Kromm

Thanks everyone for finding these. I had noticed Stephen dancing with Jon Batiste playing the piano the first night, then I replayed the opening and saw the football (or basketball) throw. Those are the only two I saw. I'll have to rewatch again.


(watch it playing the video at quarter speed if you know where to do that on YT)


So how do you do it?

re: varying Youtube playback speed


So how do you do it?

Go approximately to the place in the video where you want to slow down (or speed up, if you want that for some reason).  Hit the pause button.


Then press the gear icon (circled in red on my screencap). 

Then press the piece of the panel which pops up that's labeled "Speed"(boxed in yellow on my screencap).




Some speed choices will come up. quarter speed loses audio (the rest have it, making them sound either like chipmunks or super-deep), but this allows you to go back to the play button and play it at different speeds.


Looks like this title sequence has more Easter Eggs than these guys do in a year

As many as we've found, I wonder if there's still at least one more. That Soccer field (00:15-00:16) is very suspicious, and it also seems unlikely that the first ten seconds of the video have been left completely Stephen-Free (although since it's a lot of sky, I'm a bit stymied where they'd hide him).

I was even looking to see if Stephen was riding outside the subway train at 00:19-00:21, or is somewhere in that Hudson River view 00:22-00:23, but I'm around 95% sure he isn't in either of those (even super-tiny). He's certainly NOT on the Brooklyn Bridge 00:33-00:34 or the "city skyline during Sunset" bit at 00:35--00:39, because those are all impossible long views.

I do think it would have been hilarious to have him standing in FRONT of the Ed Sullivan Theater in the final pull-in (00:44-00:46), but if he's in that I totally can't see it (I even looked in the window of Angelo's Pizza). He could be part of that big rooftop party at 00:42-00:43, but we'd never know (since there are seemingly hundreds of people up there).

If this all seems unlikely, I think the version of him at Grand Central, for example, is SO tiny that you'd never see it if you weren't specifically looking for it, and the one in Times Square with the flag and the one in traffic with the red cape are almost as impossible. Until you KNOW they're there and then bam, suddenly you can't un-see them.

Edited by Kromm
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He could be part of that big rooftop party at 00:42-00:43, but we'd never know (since there are seemingly hundreds of people up there).


Kromm, thanks for doing all that detailed analysis - you've saved me a bunch of time! That was an especially good catch spotting him at Michael Jordan Steakhouse.


The figures are so tiny and indistinct at the roof party. I now suspect Stephen's the blue blur at the back of the party that appears to jump down. We know from the Times that he directed the 200 staffers standing above them with a bull horn and that he was wearing a blue suit.

Edited by halopub

I just checked it out. A few times. OK, many times. Anyway, I think it's Stephen running around the track in the soccer field bit (around 0:17). I also wonder about the segment in the river -- There's a little boat or raft that follows in the wake of the red tugboat (around 0:23). I can't tell who's in the little boat, but it just seems unlikely that it would be so close to the tugboat.


And I think he must be in the Statue of Liberty segment, but I can't find anything.


One can really get obsessed about this.

  • Love 1

I just checked it out. A few times. OK, many times. Anyway, I think it's Stephen running around the track in the soccer field bit (around 0:17). I also wonder about the segment in the river -- There's a little boat or raft that follows in the wake of the red tugboat (around 0:23). I can't tell who's in the little boat, but it just seems unlikely that it would be so close to the tugboat.


And I think he must be in the Statue of Liberty segment, but I can't find anything.


One can really get obsessed about this.

Heh. I'd like to THINK he could be running around that track, but was totally ready to shoot that down. Because the first person I saw doing that was in a white shirt and shorts.  But you are correct.  Around 00:17 some weird person is running around dressed in dark colors, head to toe. No legs exposed.  Seems like it might be in a suit, in other words. 


I also see the little life boat (or maybe even a jetski--neither which makes ANY sense on the Hudson River) at 00:23.  If that's Stephen it certainly IS a way-out way to insert him, but any oddity in this is certainly suspect, and that IS odd.


Besides the Statue of Liberty, the other possible might be that scene right after that, with the Flatiron Building.  For either of those though it would have to be even tinier than the Soccer field (if that's him there).


The airport landing strip is just impossible. There's nothing there. I was holding out hope for the Subway car scene (maybe somewhere on the rooftop next to it or the street behind it, since he's definitely NOT riding the front of the train or hanging out between the cars), but I don't see him anywhere in any of those places. Then again, I didn't see the rowboat/jetski/whatever it is until you mentioned it (I HAD seen the runners on the soccer field but dismissed them because I hadn't processed mentally that one of them might be in a suit). 

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