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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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Why didn't she slap him?! If my husband's evil twin tried to trick me like that, I'd slap!

I think I'm going to just take a break from this show for the rest of the season. Nothing about the Underworld or Oz storyline is getting me excited. Maybe I've just been spoiled by Galavant and other good shows during the hiatus, but I just feel worn out. I'll probably watch the season finale out of curiosity, but honestly...I don't really think I care anymore.

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I think Snow just didn't have time/was not in the mindset to notice the lack of scar. Not realizing the implications of the change of clothes was kinda dim, but then the Neverngers aren't exactly geniuses. 


I'm all kinds of excited about the latest spoiler analysis about the inscription on the temple pedestal.



What's better than a True Love Kiss? A True Love Rite of Passage.

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So the true love inscription--does it mean we'll see true love with everyone, including Regina and Robin? I would rather Emma and Hook's TLK moment not be shared with them. Snow and Charming, fine. Henry and his moms, fine. But Regina and Robin? Blergh.

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Reportedly, Liam Garrigan (King Arthur) has begun filming on set. Sinqua Wales (Lancelot) likely will as well.

One of the fans at the con said that Colin had told them that he had been working with Liam the previous day, but then she realised it was too spoilery and she has deleted the post.


So now you've seen more of Hook than you will in the ep.

At least that way I can skip the episode.

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So the true love inscription--does it mean we'll see true love with everyone, including Regina and Robin? I would rather Emma and Hook's TLK moment not be shared with them. Snow and Charming, fine. Henry and his moms, fine. But Regina and Robin? Blergh.


Supposedly the fans were told the scene at that set was between two people.

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It has to be Hook and Emma. Didn't we all concluded that either the splitting heart doesn't happen or it happens but Emma might need to true love kiss him? I wonder if the nuns left his body in that temple or whatever.

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It's funny, I thought of Castor and Pollux. 


Looking forward to seeing this casting to have an idea what season 6 is going to be about.


If it's Castor and Pollux, then their sisters Helen of Troy and Clytemnestra wouldn't be far behind.

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It has to be Hook and Emma. Didn't we all concluded that either the splitting heart doesn't happen or it happens but Emma might need to true love kiss him? I wonder if the nuns left his body in that temple or whatever.

Ew. I really don't think we're going to see Emma kiss Killian's corpse as the way to save him. I'd say it's more likely this temple is in the underworld. I do wonder if it has something to do with Hercules and Megara and then gets put to use for Captain Swan as well.

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Wasn't this also near the green screen set with the River Styx? I wonder if in order to get in the boat you have to have a true heart to get out of the Underworld. There have been people in mythology who were able to leave the Underworld -- Hercules and Persephone come to mind -- so I wonder if this is how they were able to do it.

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Once Upon A Time returns to the air tonight! And it seems like a good time for a few housekeeping reminders!


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OK, so what I've been thinking about since I saw this episode that I can now finally say. If the point of the Underworld is to help people get the unfinished business finished, and that is represented by thr moving clock, what does that mean for Liam? We know the clock continues to move so more people likely leave the Underworld, and I'm assuming that means people like Liam and Milah. I was really hoping that we could hold on to him longer, but I think based on tonight's episode and the spoilers we have that we can predict his fate.

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Yeah. It looks like the clock keeps ticking with every soul that moves on from the Underworld. Based on filming spoilers, the only denizens of the UW sticking around until the later episodes seem to be Pan and James. And I'm guessing they won't be moving on to the happy place. Does anyone remember if Cora is back in any of the later episodes?  

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Oh good. Because her fate was left hanging this episode. 


That was a good  twist, I thought. Hades giveth and Hades taketh.


Cora is allegedly supposed to have an entire arc coming up. I think it's in one of the articles.

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Someone explained the different rivers on tumblr (which I think we've discussed before on here, but I have a hazy memory). It will be interesting to see if A&E actually utilize some of them. I know we discussed the memory loss one. It still makes me wary.

But knowing our luck, they're there for decoration (besides the one they might use to escape Underbrooke).

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I think the ET article scuttled any possibility of a CS TLK this season. All tables now being reset up to flip again. Sounds like it will be Ruby/Mulan or Hades/Zelena, since Eddy said it would be a new couple before they started walking it back. I know they lie like rugs, but I'd go with what his initial response was, before they realized it was too spoilery.

Edited by Souris
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I didn't take it as a definite no. There is that intimate scene by the True Love pedestal that suggests it is likely to be CS, especially if a TLK between Hook and Emma breaks Hades's hold on the Underworld. A&E did say that Emma role as the "savior" is just beginning. We shall see...

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Then how the hell are they going to be able to save Hook because seeing how he's not in any of the outside pictures seems like Emma's not done getting him back. How else are they going to save Hook if not TLK?

Edited by mjgchick
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I think the ET article scuttled any possibility of a CS TLK this season. All tables now being reset up to flip again. Sounds like it will be Ruby/Mulan or Hades/Zelena, since Eddy said it would be a new couple before they started walking it back. I know they lie like rugs, but I'd go with what his initial response was, before they realized it was too spoilery.

Yeah. I never thought the TLK was going to be them, but that article pretty much confirms it for me. When the spoiler appeared I thought about Hercules and Megara, but Mulan and Ruby is a good guess too.



Then how the hell are they going to be able to save Hook because seeing how he's not in any of the outside pictures seems like Emma's not done getting him back. How else are they going to save Hook if not TLK?

Maybe they are not going to get him back. At this point, I expect anything. Except a good emotional payoff for CS, I don't expect that.

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I am actually disappointed that Firebird is apparently just the name of Henry's new plan, and that the episode called Firebird will probably not feature an actual Firebird. Oh well. Maybe its for the best. They are already probably biting off more than they can chew with their Disney version of Greek mythology, without having to drag other mythologies into this madness too. 

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tennisgirl -- I read your post and thought, "It wouldn't be hard to feature a Firebird. I'm sure the production guys could borrow a Firebird. They have three yellow bugs after all." And then I realized you weren't talking about the car. I am Emma apparently.


Just because we won't get a Captain Swan TLK doesn't mean we won't have a true-love gesture. I'll have to dig through the set visit photos from this weekend, but I believe one of them suggests that in order to get somewhere, only those with true love shall pass. So maybe A&E were walking it back because it's not a TLK technically but still is some sort of true love gesture or confirmation.

Edited by sharky
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I think the ET article scuttled any possibility of a CS TLK this season. All tables now being reset up to flip again. Sounds like it will be Ruby/Mulan or Hades/Zelena, since Eddy said it would be a new couple before they started walking it back. I know they lie like rugs, but I'd go with what his initial response was, before they realized it was too spoilery.


At this point CS not getting a TLK is comical.  How many times have we seen them try?  For everyone else it's no big deal, heck Snowing's had multiple TLK's, even Henry's had multiple TLKs.  If it's not CS's turn, when will it be?  She's literally gone to hell for him, what else does it take?! 


I don't think the article completely ruled it out, I just think they want to be cagey about it.


It does make me nervous that we haven't seen Hook in Storybrooke.

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It does make me nervous that we haven't seen Hook in Storybrooke.


If it helps, Colin mentioned that he was filming stunt scenes with Liam Garrigan until 3 am Saturday. I'm assuming this is for episodes 5x22 or 5x23. 


They've also been filming the last 3 episodes out of order. 


I'm sort of glad to see that they are trying to tie the Camelot arc differently than they were initially going to by just sending them back.

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So in the sneak peek, Hook knows Emma is in the UW.


I'm cranky that there apparently won't be a scene of them together where he realizes she's come for him. -_-


But I loved that he saved Meg.

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First and foremost: Is that supposed to be Meg????? MEG???? Are we sure this isn't an imposter???

Someone Fedex me a table to flip asap! My family's current table is too heavy to flip!!!!

Killy also woke up confused like he just arrived there, but is already bloodied up???? So does he know where he's at or??????

I feel like we're missing a critical piece of info.

My poor bby has probably been getting mauled by Cerberus.. :'(

**nevermind! I totally forgot about half the stuff that happened in the 100th!

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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My first thought was it's all a trick.  Since his final act was self sacrifice, maybe his personal hell is that he tries to sacrifice himself to save someone and he fails over and over again and this isn't the first time he's gone through this moment and that's why he's already bloodied but he doesn't remember it, at least at first.  So maybe it's not that he knows Emma is in the Underworld, maybe he doesn't realize he's in the Underworld.  

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I think he heard her when he was "summoned" at his grave. Maybe he was in and out of consciousness and that's the reason the communication did not hold, or maybe Hades was interfering.


I had assumed he was bloodied like that because of Cerberus, but I was wrong since it does seem that Hook gets to meet the dog after Meg makes a run for it.


There are BTS of MM, Hercules and Megara curled up against the fallen clock tower, where the dog is above ground (because it looks like Hercules and MM are fighting something), I'm guessing the dog takes care of Hook first before it goes after Meg.

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My first thought was it's all a trick.  Since his final act was self sacrifice, maybe his personal hell is that he tries to sacrifice himself to save someone and he fails over and over again and this isn't the first time he's gone through this moment and that's why he's already bloodied but he doesn't remember it, at least at first.  So maybe it's not that he knows Emma is in the Underworld, maybe he doesn't realize he's in the Underworld.  


That's a good theory. I can totally see that.

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Is this considered Hook's and Meg's first meeting? Because it kinda seemed like it, but they've obviously been there a while.

Maybe Hades dips Hook in the memory-loss river everyday?

This scene is confusing me a lot for some reason.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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But I loved that he saved Meg.


Oh frack, that's Meg?!! I guess Megara escapes and finds the Nevengers. That's how Snow seeks out Hercules to help defeat Cerebrus. 


The sight of Hook was like water on parched land. And he's being both strategic and heroic. 

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The clock was at 8:16 in the sneak peek, he could have found out Emma was there. Maybe he did hear and see her but wasn't aware enough to respond with the Dunbroch ale.

My poor baby even in death so brave when suffering and in very real distress...a hero. Should anyone doubt his heroism they must be watching with shipper goggles on.

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I think Hook has been moved to phase 2 of Hades' torture plans. The people get bloodied up, and then are dumped in the dungeons guarded by Cerebrus. I didn't realize he saw Emma. Or maybe Hades informed him of it.

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It would make sense that Emma had a problem with her "connection" to Hook if he was down in that dungeon. I wonder if the water works similar to an iPhone -- if you're in an enclosed concrete area, reception is spotty.


So how likely are these reports of Robin's funeral? Seems to be from one set rat, who seems reliable but just how reliable. Also, I think this confirms that you do NOT want to become friends with Colin O'Donoghue. His friendship is literally the Kiss of Death.

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Hook is my boy.


I don't think I've ever been this excited over a Snow centric in a long ass time.


I am a bit scared for Robin. If they do kill him off you're telling me we'll have Regina taking care of them 2 1/2 boys?

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Finally a sneak peek I can get excited about!

I feel like we're missing a scene before the Hook clip that explains how he knows Emma is there to find him. It seems a bit sloppy and rushed if the writers don't connect the dots for the audience and include a scene that explains how Hook was slightly conscious during his Skype call with Emma, even though Emma thought he couldn't hear or see her. Also, doesn't this contradict what Colin said in his interviews where he was like, "Hook doesn't think anyone will come for him"?

Does anyone else think we're missing a big CGI piece in the sneak peek? Meg seems to trip and fall for no reason, and then gets spooked by something that's not there. And then after like 2 seconds of running, she already gives up and says, "I told you it was useless!" What? You literally ran 20 feet at the furthest, girl. Are they adding something to that scene in post production, or is this yet another poorly staged action scene by the director?


I'm cranky that there apparently won't be a scene of them together where he realizes she's come for him. -_-

Yeah, unfortunately, it's TS;TW. We also got the shaft when it came to Hook's offscreen realization that he had to go save Emma in New York during the Missing Year.

Edited by Curio
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So how likely are these reports of Robin's funeral? Seems to be from one set rat, who seems reliable but just how reliable. Also, I think this confirms that you do NOT want to become friends with Colin O'Donoghue. His friendship is literally the Kiss of Death.


Assuming they are still in the UW at this point.  Robin's death seems like it would be directly tied to Hook being able to leave the UW and setting up Regina going Evil Queen again.

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Robin's death seems like it would be directly tied to Hook being able to leave the UW and setting up Regina going Evil Queen again.


Wasn't there a Lana interview that just came out recently where she ominously said something about Regina possibly reverting back to the Evil Queen?

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Oh dear, I hope Robin doesn't die. Not because I'd miss him so much, but because if he dies because he was in the Underworld rescuing Emma's boyfriend, then the guilt tsunami will be overwhelming. It will be all Emma's fault, and she'll have to grovel to Regina, who'll have something legitimate to suffer about, and then imagine how Hook will feel if two kids are left fatherless because of him. I suppose we could hold out hope that it has nothing to do with the rescue mission but rather is about his fate having been sealed from the Percival thing, which would make it a consequence of Regina's past evil. But I won't hold my breath about that on this show.

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Oh dear lord, if Regina blames Hook and Emma for this after Emma begged her to leave with Henry I'm just going to roll my eyes so hard.


If Robin dies please let it be Regina's fault. I can't take her blaming the Whites for something that's always out of their hands.

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