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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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* MRJ is secretly returning to guest star.

* Snowflake can magically talk.

* "Neal" actually refers to young Baelfire.


I noticed the document saying "TO BE SHOT"... so if MRJ is going to return, he hasn't filmed yet. (Much like Merlin in 5A.) That gives me a little hope. I'm not a Neal fan, but he makes so much sense when dealing with dead characters. There would be a lot of shock value if we saw him in the first scene of the premiere. 

Edited by KingOfHearts

They managed to keep his appearance in the 3b finale a secret, didn't they? I wasn't expecting him to pop up then. Or maybe people did know, I'm not sure if I was following spoilers at that time.

Yay for The Jones Brothers!!!

I was thinking that the "Neal's Warning," underlined part referred to a specific piece of music used in the past, perhaps in one of his previous scenes. But I know nothing about how they document stuff when it comes to music, so maybe it's referring to an actual scene where dead nealfire pops up and gives them a vague warning.

No idea, really.

It got me thinking about the clock tower, and how it seems that time is moving in the Underworld, and whatever plans Hades had, there's now a Savior in town, and she's probably going to interfere with those, which would make Emma Hercules in this story, and Hook her Megara, except that he didn't sell his soul.


I suspect that Regina is going to fulfill any "Savior" role in the UW, since Hades created it as SB because of Zelena's jealousy over her. And because the B arc is always Regina.


I'm very happy about the 5x15 title spoiler! I mean, we knew Liam was in it, but still. I hope it lives up to expectations.


Sod off, Neal. I mean, I figured he'd be in 5B at some point. But I hope his time is minimal because I just can't stand him. Although MRJ is done filming his new show so is apparently free.

Neal's potential unfinished business would be not seeing Henry before he died. So, that could be why he was sticking around in the Underworld. It would be a nice thing for Henry to meet with his dad and get closure. I guess the Nevengers meet Neal, he gives the warning, and then is able to move on. If Neal and Rumple meet, will he know he is the Dark One again? That might be interesting.

Edited by Rumsy4
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Yeah, I'm not a fan of Neal, but I think Henry deserves to say goodbye to him. I just hope that, if he is really back, it's for a short scene and that he doesn't make any rude remark about Emma going to the UW to save Hook or about her taking Henry with her.


About last week's filming, some of the set stalkers seem to think that the scene with Belle and Pistacchio was not in the UW but in regular Storybrooke, which makes way more sense than her taking the baby to hell to escape Zelena.

Neal was killed off because A&E were done playing with him. He was, for lack of a better term, dead weight. Even though I disliked him as a person, he had a lot of potential that could have been utilized. For that reason, I'm happy to see him back if just for a short time.

About last week's filming, some of the set stalkers seem to think that the scene with Belle and Pistacchio was not in the UW but in regular Storybrooke, which makes way more sense than her taking the baby to hell to escape Zelena.

Yeah, but at the same time, taking a baby to the UW is what a member of Team Hero would do. Especially Belle of all people.

Sod off, Neal. I mean, I figured he'd be in 5B at some point. But I hope his time is minimal because I just can't stand him.

Here! Here! Loathed what they evolved the awesome young Bae into. The only reason I'd want him back would be long enough for Emma, Killian, Snow and Charming to beat him down for destroying Emma's life twice......sadly they'll probably just throw themselves at his feet and thank him for bringing some excitement into their lives by restoring the Dark One which gave Emma another chance to show her awesomeness by taking on the Darkness, and resulted in great vacations in Camelot and the UW. "Way to go FuckWitFire....got any other ways to screw up Emma's life? Because we just don't get to see your level of monumental stupidity every day! Oh and Zelena's kid needs a name...we thought Nealena in your honor. Sound good?"

I know. ...let it go......

Edited by PixiePaws1

I don't see how something that happened back in season 3 fits with Neal's warning. Yeah, he did warn him that the curse was coming and to find Emma. (I'm always impressed at how much he was able to fit on that piece of cloth, but did not sign his name to let Hook know the message was coming from him.)


How does Hook receiving the message in season 3 fit with him being in the UW?


I'd think the warning is for Emma, and not Hook. Plus it seems to be the opening scene of 5B. So Neal gives a "warning" cut to the episode card, which I'm assuming is either Hook's tombstone or the fallen clock tower, and then the rest of the episode.


The only thing that I can see is the UW is cursed, and that warning has something to do with that. Emma is technically the Savior, so I'm assuming the same rules to breaking the curse will apply.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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And though our heroes embarked to save Hook, "That impetus is the tip of the iceberg," Horowitz makes clear. "That's just our entry way to another world and a wealth of stories that impact all our characters."

I do give Adam credit for being honest about what this arc is about. It's as if before 5A he said "Dark Swan is only our entry way into Camelot" or before 3B, "The Missing Year is the tip of the iceberg".



the Charmings realize there are "consequences to their headstrong jump to the Underworld, leaving a child behind,"

Well, it's never stopped them before. I figured they'd be used to that by now.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Yeah, you'd think sending their first born to another dimension would make them learn their lesson the first time which is why they brought Baby Graham with them to Camelot right?

I see people are saying Mulan and Ruby are back in 518. Where are they getting that from?

ETA: Emma's role as the savior is just the beginning? WTF does that even mean? Don't tell me she really does have to give the dead their happy endings as well?

Edited by mjgchick


I see people are saying Mulan and Ruby are back in 518. Where are they getting that from?


The TV Line article linked in the spoilers only thread specifies they return in that episode.


As far as Snowing regretting leaving their baby, I have zero sympathy for them. I get they want to support Emma, but there was no need for both of them to go and Emma did not expect them to follow her either. Your helpless infant deserves parents who won't ditch him for adventures. Emma's an adult. Stick with the kid you said you so desperately wanted to share firsts with. It seems like this is a revision on their original plans so they're setting it up for Snow to go home to the baby to cover Ginny's pregnancy and allow her to have a less physical schedule in the latter stages of her pregnancy.


ETA: This comment from Emilie de Ravin about the Underworld is interesting:


"Being in the Underworld is a whole new thing, which is pretty darn cool. It’s kinda like having everyone in Camelot, [but] now everyone is in a black and white world. It brings out a lot of traits in people you didn’t know necessarily [know]. People deal with a lot of fear, which is a big thing in the second half. People dealing with their fears, people coming to [revelations], people moving on, moving forward — or are they stuck? That’s really a big thing."


So no shades of gray and it bringing out new traits? Is that like the new Shattered Sight Curse only less dark and for more than a slapstick episode?

Edited by KAOS Agent

"Being in the Underworld is a whole new thing, which is pretty darn cool. It’s kinda like having everyone in Camelot, [but] now everyone is in a black and white world. It brings out a lot of traits in people you didn’t know necessarily [know]. People deal with a lot of fear, which is a big thing in the second half. People dealing with their fears, people coming to [revelations], people moving on, moving forward — or are they stuck? That’s really a big thing."

This is interesting, but at the same time, there was so much angst and broodyness in 5A it's a bit depressing to think of a whole 'nother half like that. 

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This is interesting, but at the same time, there was so much angst and broodyness in 5A it's a bit depressing to think of a whole 'nother half like that.

Didn't they consider season 3 to be dark and broody, and that's one of the reasons why we got Frozen in 4a--to attempt to lighten the mood a little? Maybe 6a will bring us a lighter tone.

I wonder when we'll see the camelot crew again. If mulan and ruby return to storybrooke, it's going to be weird if they never run into Merida. But then again, I find it weird that the main characters don't run into Mal or Lily or August or Nova or anyone else you'd think they'd cross paths with on a daily basis, so I guess it doesn't matter.

Edited by HoodlumSheep

I have this dread from the remark about a child left behind in Storybrooke that they're going to do the "time passes differently in the Underworld" thing and that will be their excuse to SORAS Snowflake and Pistachio, so that when everyone returns, they'll find the kids have grown old enough to be played by children old enough to actually take direction and learn lines. Snowflake was getting to the age when carrying around a doll wasn't going to work anymore, when he should be starting to sit up and interact instead of just lying there in a blanket, but then you get into the awkward phase where you have to use a real child, but the child is too young to take direction.


And I thought they were already in a black-and-white world where you're either a Hero or a Villain, and if you aren't 100 percent pure (or Regina) you're a Villain, and heroes aren't allowed to kill, even to defend themselves and others, and being angry means you might be filled with darkness.

I do give Adam credit for being honest about what this arc is about. It's as if before 5A he said "Dark Swan is only our entry way into Camelot" or before 3B, "The Missing Year is the tip of the iceberg".


Well, it's never stopped them before. I figured they'd be used to that by now.


Just another abandoned baby, oh and you can add Zelena's baby to the list as well.

Sure, 'consequences'.

I hate that, because Snowing are missing out on Do Over's milestones, and Emma and Hook will hate themselves for it because you know, self-loathing is their strongest game.


Oh crap. If Snowflake is aged up while everyone is in the Underworld, Snow is going to have to start on Do Over part II: Electric Boogaloo.

  • Love 2

And Henry will still be the oldest, tallest 13 year old.


He and Carl Grimes might have to share that title.


I hope they don't go this route other than a few months. I would hate to lose the little guy that plays Roland. Must protect the hobbit...


I hope so, too. I actually hope they go the opposite route and do a "year inside day outside" kind of thing.


Roland is absolutely adorable.

Based on the description for Steveston filming for next Tuesday, it sounds like real Storybrooke. Every other time for filming in SB for 5A, they mentioned restricting traffic to one lane (b/c of the set piece for the clock tower). This one doesn't, which suggests no clock tower in the street. It could be scenes of what's happening in SB while our group is in the UW, or they could return this ep.

Given they filmed in the cemetery today and in apparently normal SB next Tuesday, maybe the cemetery is a portal back….

For a moment there I had a Buffy flashback with her fighting her way out of her own coffin and grave but there was no time to bury Killian....Maybe they all fall out of that sliding drawer cabinet thing they have in the coroner's office. Hmm...Killian's naked corpse would be stored there...that would be an uncomfortable moment if that were the portal exit....!
I hope they don't go this route other than a few months. I would hate to lose the little guy that plays Roland. Must protect the hobbit...


The actor has aged 2.5 years since he got the part while Roland has aged maybe 6 months. So, I'll let them age up baby Snowflake to a 4 year old so that Roland gets re-set to about the right age while giving a bit of buffer for non-aging in the future. The actor has got to be gearing up for a growth spurt pretty soon.


So it looks like Hades wants to make a deal with Zelena. The hand holding suggests romantic undertones. Really, Hades??


I'd ship it.

Sounds like a farewell for Zelena. She might be getting an HEA in the Underworld with her hubby, the lord of the dead.


The only way that will happen is if they make that baby Hades'. The entire reason she's returning from Oz is because of that baby. Robin won't let his child live in the UW, and Zelena won't stay there without her.


Other than that, yes, I can absolutely see Zelena staying behind in the UW. I've been wondering if that's not the 1 for 1 trade we might get for Hook to get out of there.


Is it too much to hope that we will get some downtime with the episodes, where we get to see people interacting, and having normal lives before the shit hits the fan once more?


If they're coming back from the UW at the end of 4x17, that means they still have 5 episodes to fill.


Other than that, yes, I can absolutely see Zelena staying behind in the UW. I've been wondering if that's not the 1 for 1 trade we might get for Hook to get out of there.

So Emma wanting to kill Zelena was foreshadowing?



If they're coming back from the UW at the end of 4x17, that means they still have 5 episodes to fill.

Three if you don't count the two-part season finale. I really have no idea what will be going on, unless Hades is planning on coming to Storybrooke. 

They have six episodes after 5.17. The original planned order for the season was 22 episodes with 10 in the front half and 12 in the back. Then they got the extra order for the Merida episode. I was wondering if maybe Emma & Hook weren't in the cemetery sending Snow back to Storybrooke on her own so that she could get back to Snowflake. Maybe everyone else stays in the Underworld or visits Oz Underworld or something. There is also the possibility that this is Robert Carlyle's last season, so the back six could be Saviour vs Dark One with Zelena/Hades v Outlaw Queen as the other plot.

They have six episodes after 5.17. The original planned order for the season was 22 episodes with 10 in the front half and 12 in the back.

That's what I meant. I can't do math to save my life. Everyone should consider themselves lucky that I did not go into engineering or something like that.

I'm thinking that 5x18 might end up being their episode 5x09. I wouldn't be surprised if we were graced with Merida's (please no!) presence during next week's filming in Steveston.

I was wondering if maybe Emma & Hook weren't in the cemetery sending Snow back to Storybrooke on her own so that she could get back to Snowflake.

I could see it, but at the same time, why are they lingering in the UW when they clearly have found Hook. If it's that easy to go back, then they should already have gone back to Storybrooke.

I could see it, but at the same time, why are they lingering in the UW when they clearly have found Hook. If it's that easy to go back, then they should already have gone back to Storybrooke.

It may be easy for the living who are physically present in the Underworld to go back, but it may be trickier for Hook, who is actually dead, and Emma may not leave without him.

It looks like he still has the hook in the Underworld, which bugs me, as this isn't his physical body. Is his spirit missing a hand, too?

  • Love 3

It looks like he still has the hook in the Underworld, which bugs me, as this isn't his physical body. Is his spirit missing a hand, too?

That hand was apparently so evil that it went straight to hell. Actually, if the hand is still being preserved in Rumple's shop, is it technically still alive? Why don't they just pull a Doctor Who and grow Hook from the hand?

Or maybe Hook just thinks he's so awful that he doesn't even envision himself with a hand in the Underworld.

  • Love 3

If those in the UW remember their lives, then as much as I loathed Neal and did a happy dance when his worthless arse dropped dead, I hope MRJ being in Vancouver means Emma meets older Neal in the UW. It would just be all kinds of disturbing for Emma to meet a young Bae if that version remembered having sex with her....poor woman has been through enough, though..if Neal has to cross paths with Emma at all, but i suppose they won't be able to resist forcing that on her as well.

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